Iranian girl attacked in UK over hijab | for everyone |
Iranian girl attacked in UK over hijab

Iranian student Zahra Kazemi Saleh is attacked in London after she refused to remove her hijab, April 13, 2011.
An Iranian Muslim girl has reportedly come under attack in Britain after refusing to remove her hijab amid a new wave of Islamophobia in Western countries.
The incident occurred on Wednesday when London resident Zahra Kazemi Saleh was attacked by four young British women as she was going home from school, Tabnak reported on Thursday.
The Iranian member of the Muslim Student Council was attacked in broad daylight by the girls who did not like Zahra's refusal to take off her hijab.
Zahra sustained facial injuries in the encounter, which is not the first act of violence against a Muslim in Europe.
London's Muslim Student Council condemned the attack, and blamed the British government for supporting the spread of Islamophobic opinions in the country.
The anti-hijab campaign in Europe is not limited to the UK, where Muslims account for three million of the country's 60 million-strong population.
France has also put into effect a new ban on Islamic hijab, enforcing a fine worth EUR 150 (USD 216) on Muslim women who appear in public places wearing a burqa or niqab.
There is a similar ban in Belgium and lawmakers in the Netherlands are also working on a bill to forbid women from covering their faces in schools and government institutions.
Iran tests anti-aircraft missile system | for everyone |
Iran tests anti-aircraft missile system

The Sayyad-1 missile defense system
The Islamic Republic of Iran has successfully tested the country's latest anti-aircraft missile system dubbed Sayyad-2 (Hunter II).
The system has been tested recently and will be unveiled in the near future, Fars News Agency reported Saturday.
The Sayyad-2 is an upgraded version of the Sayyad-1 system with higher precision, range and defensive power.
The Sayyad-1 missile defense system is comprised of two-stage missiles that can target all kinds of aircraft, including bombers, at medium and high altitudes.
It is also equipped with a 200-kilogram warhead and has a speed of 1,200 meters per second.
The Sayyad-1 anti-aircraft missile system can be used in electronic warfare and against low radar cross-section (RCS) systems.
In recent years, Iran has made major breakthroughs in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in important military equipment and systems.
In January, the Iranian Defense Ministry delivered new naval cruise missile systems to the Navy in yet another move to boost the nation's defense capabilities.
Iran also unveiled its first domestically-manufactured long-range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in 2010.
The Karrar UAV is capable of carrying a military payload of rockets to carry out bombing missions against ground targets. It is also capable of flying long distances at high speeds.
Iran also inaugurated the production line of two other domestically-built UAVs with bombing and reconnaissance capabilities.
Iran has repeatedly assured that its military might poses no threat to other countries, saying the country's defense doctrine is based on deterrence.
Regardless of whether a movement is at a communal, social, or national level, it eventually comes to a crossroad at which either it will move forward to see the changes it seeks, or come to an abrupt end. Islam began as a grassroots movement that saw the persecution and death of its followers. The pagan system was looking for any chance to destroy Islam, which was a severe threat to their establishment. The Meccans deeply regretted the fact that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) was able to escape Mecca to Medina without being silenced, and now they were looking for any opportunity to destroy Islam.
At the wells of Badr on the 17th of Ramadan, 2 AH, the Meccans tried to charge the Muslims and break their ranks. The Meccans tried multiple times but to no avail, as Hamza and Imam Ali (peace be upon them) kept the Muslim ranks firm. After multiple retreats by the Meccans and the death of Abu Jahl, the Meccans were unable to re-group, and the Battle of Badr had become a rout. The Muslims who were outmanned 3 to 1 and had an unbelievable disadvantage in the armor and weaponry category still managed to pull off a miraculous victory. There are four lessons we have to take from the Muslim victory in the Battle of Badr.
Firstly, the Muslims were completely outnumbered in every category, but had Allah on their side. This clearly shows that when a group of sincere believers struggle in the way of Allah with pure intentions, regardless of how bleak a situation may look, Allah will always make the believers victorious. Within the past thirty years in the Middle East, certain movements went against all odds and became successful because they put their trust in Allah. This is a lesson for us today when we are trying to make a difference in our communities: change may seem impossible, but with the correct vision in the way of Allah and with a desire to attain Allah's nearness, anything can be accomplished.
Number two, it is very obvious that the West is trying to assassinate the character of the Holy Prophet by accusing him of being "bloodthirsty" and a man who spread Islam by the sword. Ironically enough, the actions of the Muslims and the Holy Prophet proceeding up to the Battle of Badr and after prove these accusations wrong. The Holy Prophet fought his first battle thirteen years after he first proclaimed Islam. Within those thirteen years, the Muslims were tortured, socially and economically boycotted, and publicly humiliated. Yet after all of this, the Muslims never retaliated back. Even after the Battle of Badr, there were dozens of Meccan prisoners captured. If the Holy Prophet was truly a bloodthirsty and vengeful man of war, he would have had all the prisoners of war killed or severely punished. But instead, the prisoners were allowed to go free if they could teach ten Muslim children to read. Are these the actions of a man of terror or the actions of a man who was sent as a "Mercy to Creation"?
Thirdly, the Muslims only had 313 warriors defending Islam, compared to the 1000 pagans. Today, the number 313 is widely discussed as we fervently anticipate the near advent of the Twelfth Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance). The number 313 represents the number of core believers that the Holy Imam will have on his side to bring about the global justice that is promised. There is a concept behind the number 313 that needs to be grasped. The Holy Imam only needs a core group of 313 believers in order to reappear. There are over 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, and this has not yet happened. We must ask ourselves: are we preparing for the Reappearance? Are we willing to sacrifice for the cause of Imam Mahdi? Are we willing to obey all commands from Imam Mahdi without any hesitation?
Lastly, it is of the utmost importance to study Islamic history, which is something Muslims tend to neglect. By studying Islamic history, we as Shias can bring an academic approach to our brothers in faith about who the true leaders after the Holy Prophet really were and which ones consistently disobeyed the commands of the Holy Prophet after his death. After all, certain alleged leaders after the Holy Prophet exposed themselves via their own actions, and these actions are mentioned in books on both sides. And in addition to the valuable lessons we will learn, we must always keep in mind that those who neglect history are doomed to repeat it.
MAXIMS OF BIBI FATIMA-az-ZAHRA (S.A.) | for everyone |
1. Praise and Eulogy is for Allah for the blessing and bounties, which He has bestowed. And thanks to Him upon what He revealed (to His servants) And Praise is for Him upon the common boons and blessings which He bestowed upon His servants without their request And upon the comprehensive and complete blessings which He granted to all and sundry and gave it to us, consecutively. Those graces and favours which are uncountable.
And are irredeemable and uncompensable due to their plentifulness of number. And the imagination of their end is out of the reach of human mind.
He invited the servant to thankfulness for the sake of the consecutive and continuous enhancement of blessings. And opened the door of eulogy and Praise (of Allah) upon them so that He may make his favours and beneficences great and plentiful for them.
2. I testify that there is no Diety (Lord) except the sole and matchless Allah. And the testification of the singleness of Allah is a word that Allah has declared sincerity (as) it's reality, and made the hearts the centre of it's contact and union. And has made the specifications and research of the oneness of Allah's station obvious and evident in the light of meditation. The Allah Who cannot be seen by the eyes and tongues are unable and baffled to describe His virtues and attributes.
3. Allah made all the beings without previous matter and sample and shape and pattern. And made them wear the dress of life by His main and might and created them according to His Devine will and Intention short of it that He might have needed their creation or have wished any benefit for Himself from their shaping and sketching except this that he wanted to give a proof of His wisdom and make the people (creations) aware about His obedience and submission and invited them to his servitude and worship and make His Invitation grand.
4. Allah fixed the reward for His obedience and torment for His insubordination and disobedience so that He may restrain His servants from His wrath and fury and lead them to His paradise.
5. And I testify that my father Mohammad (SAW) is the apostle and the servant of Allah. And Allah selected and chose him before appointing him at the post of Prophethood. And He named him before choosing and selecting him. And chose him before and delegating him. Then all the creations were hidden and covered in the covers of unseen and were hidden amid the screen and curtain of fear and fright and stayed near the last and final border of non entity (nothingness) for Allah was aware of and knew the end of matters and because of His encompassing the incidents of times and ages and His knowledge of the predestinates.
Allah appointed him (as apostle) so that he may complete and finalize His matter and implement His order and materialize His decree and predestinates.
6. Allah saw nations and groups had various different sects in their religion and scattered and staying on the verge of the fires of differences, busy with the their idol worshipping. They denied God with all the signs and symbols of Him (IRFAN) So Allah illuminated the darknesses through my father Mohammad (SAW) and removed the darknesses from their hearts, removed (cured) the blindness of the eyes.
7. My father (Muhammad (SAW) stood up with (his) guidance among the people. And saved them from perversion and aberration, and turned their blindness into enlightenment and guided them towards the firm religion. And called (invited) them to the straight way.
8. You the servants of Allah, are the ones to maintain His injunctions and prohibitions, and the carriers of His religion, and His revelation, and the trustees of Allah upon your souls, and the propagators of His religion among the other nations.
9. Oh the servants of Allah! (beware) the real leader from Allah, is present among you and the commitment has previously been made to you and the remaining and left over of the prophet hood has been appointed for your guidance.
That is the speaking book of Allah the truthful Quran, and a beaming and gleaming light, in which all the secrets and facts about the completion of man and his prosperity have been exhibited and illuminated. It guides from darkness towards light of guidance. It s followers are the subject of envoy of others.
10. The book of Allah is the guide of it's followers towards the pleasure of Allah. Listening (carefully) to it leads to the salvation. The enlightened and conspicuous evidences and proofs of Allah can be obtained through it. And (also the knowledge) of His interpreted intentions and fear invoking constraining prohibitions. His sufficing testimonies and conspicuous arguments, and desired virtues and allowed endowments and gifts and obligatory divine laws. (can be obtained from it)
11. Allah made the faith for you as a purity from polytheism (and infidelity).
12. And (made) service the cause of your getting distant (purification) from pride (egoism).
13. And rendered alms for the purity of your soul and flourishment and expansion of your sustenance.
14. And rendered fasting for the maintenance and firmness of your sincerity.
15. And Allah set Hajj for the consolidation and reinforcement of the religion.
16. Allah executed and rendered justice for the sake of putting together and harmonization of the hearts.
17. And (Allah set) the subordination and obedience of us (the household of the Prophet (SAW)) for the security of society's system and our Imamat as a safety from segregation and disunity).
18. And (Allah made) Jihad (holy war), the honour and glory for Islam and abjectness and humbleness for the infidels and the hypocrites.
19. And (Allah rendered) patience as a help for getting reward.
20. And (Allah caused) commanding goodness and forbidding to do evil for the amendment and correction of society and the common folks (public).
21. And (Allah made) the kindness to parents as a protectional (shield) to His wrath and displeasure.
22. And Allah made joining and connecting with the kinship and cognation, the cause of lengthening of life.
23. And Allah made law of retaliation (revenge for homicide) as the security of blood (from being shed).
24. And Allah executed the vow performing as a medium for forgiveness.
25. And (Allah rendered) the correct use of weights measure (units) a medium for stopping from selling less (than actual).
26.And (Allah rendered) prohibition from drinking wine the cause of taking distance from contaminations (evils).
27. And Allah made the prohibition to accuse someone of adultery a protection (shield) for avoiding (His) curse.
28. And (Allah made) refraining from theft for the sake of positiveness and affirmation for modesty.
29.And Allah prohibited polytheism for the sake of (bringing about) sincerity in (His) adoration and worship.
30.Certainly, an apostle has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous respecting you; to the believers (he is) compassionate, merciful.
So if you assay and recognize him you will find he is my father not the father of your women and the brother of my cousin, [Ali (a.s)] not that of your men. And how nice a relation I have to him. So he propagated his prophetic (mission). He always used to turn his face from the polytheists.
And fought against them till he beat them up. He would invite people towards Allah by wisdom, and beautiful admonition. He broke the idols and scattered the aggregation of polytheists in a way that they ran away (from the battlefields), so that finally the hidden secret of oneness of Allah became manifested by him.
And he made the logic of religion reach the ears ((of the people) and settled down the foam of the camels of Satan and turned the slogan yelling of those devils silent. And downed the agents of hypocrisy and mutual commitments of the infidels got dissolved till such time that, you (people) spoke to a group of enlightened and modest men with the words of oneness of Allah and sincerity.
31.You were on the edge of a fire ditch, and were a cup of drink and the morsel of a greedy one and a firebrand of every hasty one and were being trampled on (by other nations) and drank from the contaminated waters gathered over in ditches and your energy (food) was (secured by) the leaves of trees and desert grass. And for your abjectness and abasement you were always afraid that those around you might abduct you in the winking of an eye. So, Allah liberated you (of these misfortunes) through my father Mohammed (SAW). In spite of it that he (SAW) was involved and at war against the intrepid and the hungry wolves of Arab and the stubborn refractory of the people of the books (Jews and Christians). Whenever his opponents would lit the fire of war, Allah extinguished it to your benefit.
32.Imam Hasan (AS) said, 'on the Friday night I saw my mother (Fatima (as)) standing in her arch of prayer. She was continuously kneeling and performing prostration till the dawn broke. I would hear her pray for the faithful men and women, but she did not at all pray for herself. I said, 'Oh mother why did you not pray for yourself like you prayed for others?' so she replied, 'Oh my son, first thy neighbour and there after your own house.'
33.The Prophet (SAW) said to Fatima (AS) what is the thing which is a blessing for woman?'
She said that, 'she must not see a man (stranger and not intimate) and a man must not see her.'
34.One day a lady came to Fatima (AS) said 'I have a weak old mother who does not know a few problems about her service (prayers). She has sent me towards you to question you (about them). Thus Fatima answered her (questions). And the number of her queries reached to ten and Fatima (AS) replied to all her questions. Then she (the woman got a shamed because of the high number of her questions. And said, 'Oh daughter of the Prophet (SAW), 'I do not put you to more inconvenience than this.'
Fatima (AS) said, 'Ask me what you do not know. Have you ever seen a person who is one day hired to carry a heavy thing to the roof top from ground for an amount (equal to) a thousand dinars (nearly a hundred thousand misqal (unit of weight) of gold) and he may feel himself tired.'
She said 'No'. Fatima (AS) said, 'I have been hired by Allah to get a wages which if the space between the earth and sky is filled up with pearls still (That wages) would he more than it for each of the questions I may answer you. Therefore, I deserve it that I must not feel tired exhausted.'
35.Oh Allah! belittle me in my eyes and glorify and magnify Your station to me. And inspire me (about) Your obedience and the practice which may cause Your pleasure and the shunning and evading from things (matters) which are the cause of Your wrath, oh the most merciful of all! 36.Oh Allah! content me with the sustenance you have granted me. And till such time that you keep me alive, hide me and make me sound and prosperous. And forgive me and take pity upon me when I die. (During death process). Oh Allah! do not help me in something that you have not predestined for me. And facilitate the achievement of that thing which you have predestined for me.
37.Oh Allah! bestow upon my parents and all those persons who have rights of their blessings and beneficences upon me, the best of Your rewards. Oh my Allah, spare me the leisure and respite for the object for which You have created me. And do not let me be busy and involved (absolutely) in my commitments. And do not torment me when I ask forgiveness. And do not deprive me of what I yearn and question you for.
38.Underlying are the rhymes which Hazrat Zahra (AS) recited upon the mourning of Prophet's (SAW) demise.
The person who smells the sweet fragrance of the grave of the Prophet (SAW) so what if he does not smell any other fragrance for long times to come?
Agonies and anguishes and grief poured upon me in such a way that had they poured upon days those would have turned into nights.
39.The dust of sorrow covered the space of sky and the sun has faded and the bright day turned bleak. The earth has become dark and gloomy after the death of the Prophet (SAW) Woe! Alas! What the earth will have much of Jolting upon being separated and parted from him (SAW).
It is meritorious and befitting that the east and west of the world may weep upon the parting of Prophet (SAW) and the persons of Muzzir tribe and all of they rest of the Yemen tribes shed tears.
And the great magnificent mountain of the existence and the hidden and covered Kabaah (House of ALLAH) and its pillars should shed tears.
Oh the terminator and finaliser of the (series of) prophets! The light of whom is the source of blessing for the worlds inhabitants, Be the salutation and blessings of Allah the descender of Holy Quran upon you.
40.Following you [Prophet (SAW)] inequities (intrigues and revolts) took shape and variant voices were raised so that if you were present and supervising (things) all these differences and deviations would not have taken place.
You set off (on the journey of eternity) from among us and now our condition is like the earth, which becomes devoid of the beneficial rains. And your nation upset the order and discipline of matters. Therefore, be a witness and do not let their matter get out of your sight.
And are irredeemable and uncompensable due to their plentifulness of number. And the imagination of their end is out of the reach of human mind.
He invited the servant to thankfulness for the sake of the consecutive and continuous enhancement of blessings. And opened the door of eulogy and Praise (of Allah) upon them so that He may make his favours and beneficences great and plentiful for them.
2. I testify that there is no Diety (Lord) except the sole and matchless Allah. And the testification of the singleness of Allah is a word that Allah has declared sincerity (as) it's reality, and made the hearts the centre of it's contact and union. And has made the specifications and research of the oneness of Allah's station obvious and evident in the light of meditation. The Allah Who cannot be seen by the eyes and tongues are unable and baffled to describe His virtues and attributes.
3. Allah made all the beings without previous matter and sample and shape and pattern. And made them wear the dress of life by His main and might and created them according to His Devine will and Intention short of it that He might have needed their creation or have wished any benefit for Himself from their shaping and sketching except this that he wanted to give a proof of His wisdom and make the people (creations) aware about His obedience and submission and invited them to his servitude and worship and make His Invitation grand.
4. Allah fixed the reward for His obedience and torment for His insubordination and disobedience so that He may restrain His servants from His wrath and fury and lead them to His paradise.
5. And I testify that my father Mohammad (SAW) is the apostle and the servant of Allah. And Allah selected and chose him before appointing him at the post of Prophethood. And He named him before choosing and selecting him. And chose him before and delegating him. Then all the creations were hidden and covered in the covers of unseen and were hidden amid the screen and curtain of fear and fright and stayed near the last and final border of non entity (nothingness) for Allah was aware of and knew the end of matters and because of His encompassing the incidents of times and ages and His knowledge of the predestinates.
Allah appointed him (as apostle) so that he may complete and finalize His matter and implement His order and materialize His decree and predestinates.
6. Allah saw nations and groups had various different sects in their religion and scattered and staying on the verge of the fires of differences, busy with the their idol worshipping. They denied God with all the signs and symbols of Him (IRFAN) So Allah illuminated the darknesses through my father Mohammad (SAW) and removed the darknesses from their hearts, removed (cured) the blindness of the eyes.
7. My father (Muhammad (SAW) stood up with (his) guidance among the people. And saved them from perversion and aberration, and turned their blindness into enlightenment and guided them towards the firm religion. And called (invited) them to the straight way.
8. You the servants of Allah, are the ones to maintain His injunctions and prohibitions, and the carriers of His religion, and His revelation, and the trustees of Allah upon your souls, and the propagators of His religion among the other nations.
9. Oh the servants of Allah! (beware) the real leader from Allah, is present among you and the commitment has previously been made to you and the remaining and left over of the prophet hood has been appointed for your guidance.
That is the speaking book of Allah the truthful Quran, and a beaming and gleaming light, in which all the secrets and facts about the completion of man and his prosperity have been exhibited and illuminated. It guides from darkness towards light of guidance. It s followers are the subject of envoy of others.
10. The book of Allah is the guide of it's followers towards the pleasure of Allah. Listening (carefully) to it leads to the salvation. The enlightened and conspicuous evidences and proofs of Allah can be obtained through it. And (also the knowledge) of His interpreted intentions and fear invoking constraining prohibitions. His sufficing testimonies and conspicuous arguments, and desired virtues and allowed endowments and gifts and obligatory divine laws. (can be obtained from it)
11. Allah made the faith for you as a purity from polytheism (and infidelity).
12. And (made) service the cause of your getting distant (purification) from pride (egoism).
13. And rendered alms for the purity of your soul and flourishment and expansion of your sustenance.
14. And rendered fasting for the maintenance and firmness of your sincerity.
15. And Allah set Hajj for the consolidation and reinforcement of the religion.
16. Allah executed and rendered justice for the sake of putting together and harmonization of the hearts.
17. And (Allah set) the subordination and obedience of us (the household of the Prophet (SAW)) for the security of society's system and our Imamat as a safety from segregation and disunity).
18. And (Allah made) Jihad (holy war), the honour and glory for Islam and abjectness and humbleness for the infidels and the hypocrites.
19. And (Allah rendered) patience as a help for getting reward.
20. And (Allah caused) commanding goodness and forbidding to do evil for the amendment and correction of society and the common folks (public).
21. And (Allah made) the kindness to parents as a protectional (shield) to His wrath and displeasure.
22. And Allah made joining and connecting with the kinship and cognation, the cause of lengthening of life.
23. And Allah made law of retaliation (revenge for homicide) as the security of blood (from being shed).
24. And Allah executed the vow performing as a medium for forgiveness.
25. And (Allah rendered) the correct use of weights measure (units) a medium for stopping from selling less (than actual).
26.And (Allah rendered) prohibition from drinking wine the cause of taking distance from contaminations (evils).
27. And Allah made the prohibition to accuse someone of adultery a protection (shield) for avoiding (His) curse.
28. And (Allah made) refraining from theft for the sake of positiveness and affirmation for modesty.
29.And Allah prohibited polytheism for the sake of (bringing about) sincerity in (His) adoration and worship.
30.Certainly, an apostle has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous respecting you; to the believers (he is) compassionate, merciful.
So if you assay and recognize him you will find he is my father not the father of your women and the brother of my cousin, [Ali (a.s)] not that of your men. And how nice a relation I have to him. So he propagated his prophetic (mission). He always used to turn his face from the polytheists.
And fought against them till he beat them up. He would invite people towards Allah by wisdom, and beautiful admonition. He broke the idols and scattered the aggregation of polytheists in a way that they ran away (from the battlefields), so that finally the hidden secret of oneness of Allah became manifested by him.
And he made the logic of religion reach the ears ((of the people) and settled down the foam of the camels of Satan and turned the slogan yelling of those devils silent. And downed the agents of hypocrisy and mutual commitments of the infidels got dissolved till such time that, you (people) spoke to a group of enlightened and modest men with the words of oneness of Allah and sincerity.
31.You were on the edge of a fire ditch, and were a cup of drink and the morsel of a greedy one and a firebrand of every hasty one and were being trampled on (by other nations) and drank from the contaminated waters gathered over in ditches and your energy (food) was (secured by) the leaves of trees and desert grass. And for your abjectness and abasement you were always afraid that those around you might abduct you in the winking of an eye. So, Allah liberated you (of these misfortunes) through my father Mohammed (SAW). In spite of it that he (SAW) was involved and at war against the intrepid and the hungry wolves of Arab and the stubborn refractory of the people of the books (Jews and Christians). Whenever his opponents would lit the fire of war, Allah extinguished it to your benefit.
32.Imam Hasan (AS) said, 'on the Friday night I saw my mother (Fatima (as)) standing in her arch of prayer. She was continuously kneeling and performing prostration till the dawn broke. I would hear her pray for the faithful men and women, but she did not at all pray for herself. I said, 'Oh mother why did you not pray for yourself like you prayed for others?' so she replied, 'Oh my son, first thy neighbour and there after your own house.'
33.The Prophet (SAW) said to Fatima (AS) what is the thing which is a blessing for woman?'
She said that, 'she must not see a man (stranger and not intimate) and a man must not see her.'
34.One day a lady came to Fatima (AS) said 'I have a weak old mother who does not know a few problems about her service (prayers). She has sent me towards you to question you (about them). Thus Fatima answered her (questions). And the number of her queries reached to ten and Fatima (AS) replied to all her questions. Then she (the woman got a shamed because of the high number of her questions. And said, 'Oh daughter of the Prophet (SAW), 'I do not put you to more inconvenience than this.'
Fatima (AS) said, 'Ask me what you do not know. Have you ever seen a person who is one day hired to carry a heavy thing to the roof top from ground for an amount (equal to) a thousand dinars (nearly a hundred thousand misqal (unit of weight) of gold) and he may feel himself tired.'
She said 'No'. Fatima (AS) said, 'I have been hired by Allah to get a wages which if the space between the earth and sky is filled up with pearls still (That wages) would he more than it for each of the questions I may answer you. Therefore, I deserve it that I must not feel tired exhausted.'
35.Oh Allah! belittle me in my eyes and glorify and magnify Your station to me. And inspire me (about) Your obedience and the practice which may cause Your pleasure and the shunning and evading from things (matters) which are the cause of Your wrath, oh the most merciful of all! 36.Oh Allah! content me with the sustenance you have granted me. And till such time that you keep me alive, hide me and make me sound and prosperous. And forgive me and take pity upon me when I die. (During death process). Oh Allah! do not help me in something that you have not predestined for me. And facilitate the achievement of that thing which you have predestined for me.
37.Oh Allah! bestow upon my parents and all those persons who have rights of their blessings and beneficences upon me, the best of Your rewards. Oh my Allah, spare me the leisure and respite for the object for which You have created me. And do not let me be busy and involved (absolutely) in my commitments. And do not torment me when I ask forgiveness. And do not deprive me of what I yearn and question you for.
38.Underlying are the rhymes which Hazrat Zahra (AS) recited upon the mourning of Prophet's (SAW) demise.
The person who smells the sweet fragrance of the grave of the Prophet (SAW) so what if he does not smell any other fragrance for long times to come?
Agonies and anguishes and grief poured upon me in such a way that had they poured upon days those would have turned into nights.
39.The dust of sorrow covered the space of sky and the sun has faded and the bright day turned bleak. The earth has become dark and gloomy after the death of the Prophet (SAW) Woe! Alas! What the earth will have much of Jolting upon being separated and parted from him (SAW).
It is meritorious and befitting that the east and west of the world may weep upon the parting of Prophet (SAW) and the persons of Muzzir tribe and all of they rest of the Yemen tribes shed tears.
And the great magnificent mountain of the existence and the hidden and covered Kabaah (House of ALLAH) and its pillars should shed tears.
Oh the terminator and finaliser of the (series of) prophets! The light of whom is the source of blessing for the worlds inhabitants, Be the salutation and blessings of Allah the descender of Holy Quran upon you.
40.Following you [Prophet (SAW)] inequities (intrigues and revolts) took shape and variant voices were raised so that if you were present and supervising (things) all these differences and deviations would not have taken place.
You set off (on the journey of eternity) from among us and now our condition is like the earth, which becomes devoid of the beneficial rains. And your nation upset the order and discipline of matters. Therefore, be a witness and do not let their matter get out of your sight.
Often it is thought that taqwa means piety and abstinence and so implies a negative attitude. In other words, it is maintained that the greater the amount of abstinence, withdrawal, and self-denial, the more perfect is one's taqwa. According to this interpretation, taqwa is a concept divorced from active life; secondly it is a negative attitude; thirdly, it means that the more severely this negative attitude is exercised, the greater one's taqwa would be. The meaning of taqwa in the Nahj al-Balaghah, however, is not synonymous with that of 'abstinence', even in its logically accepted sense discussed above. Taqwa, on the other hand, according to the Nahj al-Balaghah, is described as a spiritual condition which results in control and command over one's self. It explains that the result of subjugation to desires and lusts and being devoid of taqwa degrades one's personality making it vulnerable to the cravings of the carnal self. In such a state, man is like a helpless rider without any power and control, whom his mount takes wherever it desires. The essence of taqwa lies in possessing a spiritual personality endowed with will-power, and possessing mastery over the domain of one's self.
Aasiyah, the daughter of Muzahim and the wife of Firo’un (the cruel ruler during the time of Moses) is regarded as one of the four best women who will enter the Paradise before everyone else. The other three are:
Maryam (Mary, the mother of Jesus), Khadeejah (the wife of the Holy Prophet) and Fatima (the one and only beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet) – Peace be upon them all.
Although Aasiyah was the wife of Firo’un, a tyrant ruler who claimed to be god, she was a Mumina ‘a believer’. It is narrated that:
In the days of Firo’un, there lived a very pious man called Hizqeel. Firo’un murdered him because of his faith in Moses (a.s.) and One God. Hizqeel had a wife who was a hairdresser and two sons. They too, were the followers of Moses (a.s.). One day, as Hizqeel’s wife was combing the hair of Firo’un’s daughter, her comb fell and she picked it up saying Bismillah meaning ‘in the Name of Allah’. Firo’un’s daughter was surprised by this utterance, so she asked, “The Allah, whose name you have just uttered, is he my father or somebody else?”Hizqeel’s wife replied, “I have remembered Allah Who has created you, your father and me”.
Firo’un’s daughter reported the matter to her father who was extremely annoyed and furious with such remarks. He summoned Hizqeel’s wife with her two sons and asked, “Who is your creator?” She courageously replied, “Your God and my God is the creator of this world”. Firo’un became even more upset and ordered his soldiers to burn Hizqeel’s wife together with her two sons alive.
Soon after their torturous death, Firo’un proudly came up to his wife Aasiyah and informed her about the incident thinking that she would be happy to know what he had done. Instead, she was furious and clearly expressed her disgust towards him. Firo’un realized that his own wife had also become a believer of Moses (a.s.) and therefore tortured her too, to her death. He used a very violent method to eliminate her. He made her lie down on the earth and nailed her hands and legs. However, Aasiyah remained steadfast in the path of Allah (SWT). Mentioning her with praise in the Quran, Allah (SWT) says:
“And Allah has given an example to the believers, of Firo’un’s wife. When she said: O Lord! Build me a house in the garden, and deliver me from Firo’un and his deeds, and deliver me from the unjust people”. (66:16)
We must always remain steadfast on the path of Allah (SWT) whatever the difficulties. This indeed is the lesson we learn from the above episode. Aasiyah was the beloved wife of Firo’un. She was a queen and had everything one would desire for in this life. However, when she believed in Moses (a.s.), she realized that the rewards of the Hereafter were much better. What could the short-life of this world have to offer?
“…and be steadfast (in your faith) as you are commanded, and do not follow their vain desires…” (42:15)
Imam Ali (a.s.) has said, “The best happiness (is achieved through) steadfastness of faith (religion)”. (Ghurar al-Hikam)
He (a.s.) has also said, “Action! Action! Then (look at) the end; the end, and (remain) steadfast; steadfast……..Allah, the Sublime says: ‘Verily the angels descend on those who say: ‘Allah is our Lord’ and then remain steadfast, saying: Do not fear, nor grieve. Receive the glad tidings of the garden which was promised to you’ (41:30) You have said: ‘Our Lord is Allah’. Then keep steadfast to His Book, to the way of His command and to the virtuous course of His worship…” (Nahjul-Balaghah/Sermon 176)
(courtesy : Mulla Mujhaeedali Sheriff)
Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. O' believers, do bless him and pray him peace! (Holy Quran)
*Imam Ali Raza (a.s) said: Anyone who is unable to get rid of his sins should say plenty of salawat for Mohammed (sawaw) and Aley Mohammed because it erases and destroys sins.
*RasulAllah (s.a.w.a.w) proclaimed: If anyone says salawat for me 3 times every day and thrice each evening, due to the love and respect he has for me, the Almighty Allah will forgive all the sins he has committed during that day or night.
*He also said: If a person writes salawat for me in a book, angels would say astaghfar for him as long as my name remains in that book.
The Holy Prophet (sawaw) relates that on the night of "Meraj" (ascension): I saw an angel who had a thousand hands and in every hand, a thousand fingers. He was busy calculating. I asked Gabriel: Who is this angel and what is he calculating? Gabriel answered: This angel has been appointed to count drops of rain descending on earth.
I addressed that angel and asked him whether he knew the amount of drops that had descended on earth since Allah created the world? He answered: O' Prophet of Allah, I swear by Allah who sent you to reveal the truth to his creation, I not only know the amount of drops that have fallen on earth since its creation, I also know the exact amount of drops that have ascended both in the sea and on land. The Holy Prophet (sawaw) says: I was surprised at his sharp memory and precise calculations. The angel said: Despite my memory and calculation, there is one thing that I simply cannot calculate! The Holy Prophet (sawaw) questioned: What is that? The angel replied: I cannot calculate the reward for the people who hear your name and recite salawat each time they hear it.
*Imam Ali Raza (a.s) said: Anyone who is unable to get rid of his sins should say plenty of salawat for Mohammed (sawaw) and Aley Mohammed because it erases and destroys sins.
*RasulAllah (s.a.w.a.w) proclaimed: If anyone says salawat for me 3 times every day and thrice each evening, due to the love and respect he has for me, the Almighty Allah will forgive all the sins he has committed during that day or night.
*He also said: If a person writes salawat for me in a book, angels would say astaghfar for him as long as my name remains in that book.
The Holy Prophet (sawaw) relates that on the night of "Meraj" (ascension): I saw an angel who had a thousand hands and in every hand, a thousand fingers. He was busy calculating. I asked Gabriel: Who is this angel and what is he calculating? Gabriel answered: This angel has been appointed to count drops of rain descending on earth.
I addressed that angel and asked him whether he knew the amount of drops that had descended on earth since Allah created the world? He answered: O' Prophet of Allah, I swear by Allah who sent you to reveal the truth to his creation, I not only know the amount of drops that have fallen on earth since its creation, I also know the exact amount of drops that have ascended both in the sea and on land. The Holy Prophet (sawaw) says: I was surprised at his sharp memory and precise calculations. The angel said: Despite my memory and calculation, there is one thing that I simply cannot calculate! The Holy Prophet (sawaw) questioned: What is that? The angel replied: I cannot calculate the reward for the people who hear your name and recite salawat each time they hear it.
SALAM- THE WORD OF KINDNESS | for everyone |
Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was sitting one day with his Companions and they were talking together. A person came in without asking permission and didn’t even Offer his salam.
“Why didn’t you say salam?” questioned the Prophet. “Why didn’t you ask permission to come in?!” “Go back. Ask our permission and greet us with your salam before you come in, he instructed.
Regarding salams, the Holy Prophet has told us:
“O Muslims! you will not enter Paradise unless you are kind to each other, unless you warmly say salam to each other whenever you meet.
“Always say salam in a loud voice and reply in the same way, God loves most the person who says salam first and gives him better rewards and blessings.”
“First give your salam, then say whatever you have to say.”
IMPORTANCE OF PRAYERS | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet [s] said: "The one who takes prayer light is not of me. No, by Allah such a person will not reach the Haud, Pond of abundant."
Man La Yahduruhul Faqih, vol. 1, p. 206
Imam Sadiq [a] said: "If there be a stream at the house of one of you in which the one washes himself five times a day, will there remain anything from the dirt over his body? Verily, the likeness of prayers is the same as the stream. The person who establishes ritual prayers clears out his sins thereby, except for the sin that takes him out from Faith he believes in."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 82, p. 236
The Holy Prophet [s] said: An obligatory prayer, with Allah, is equivalent to one thousand Hajj pilgrimages and one thousand Umrah performances (voluntary pilgrimages to Ka'ba) which are right and accepted."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 99, p. 14
The Holy Prophet [s] said: "Do not waste your prayers, because, surely, the person who wastes them will be raised with Croesus (Qarun) and Haman so that it is rightfully certain for Allah to put the one in Hell with hypocrites."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 83, p. 14
The Holy Prophet [s] said: "Say each of your prayer as if it were your last prayer."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 69, p. 408
Imam Amir ul Mu'mineen Ali [a] said: "If a praying person knew to what extent he was surrounded by His Mercy, he would never raise his head from (the state of) prostration.
Tasnif-I-Ghurar-ul-Hikam, p. 175
Imam Baqir [a] said: "On the Reckoning Day, the first thing that a servant will be reckoned for is the prayer; therefore, if it is accepted, the rest (good actions) will be accepted, too, (otherwise, his other good deeds will not avail him)."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 7, p. 267
I ASKED ALLAH...... | for everyone |
I asked Allah why I wasn't rich.
He showed me a man with the wealth of a thousand kings,
Who was lonely, and had no one to share it with.
I asked Allah why I wasn't beautiful.
He showed me a woman more beautiful than any other,
Who was ugly because of her vanity?
I asked Allah why He'd allowed me to become old.
He showed me a boy of 16, who lay dead at the scene of a car accident.
I asked Allah why I didn't have a bigger house.
He showed me a family of six,
who had just been evicted from their tiny shack,
And were forced, to live on the street.
He showed me a man with the wealth of a thousand kings,
Who was lonely, and had no one to share it with.
I asked Allah why I wasn't beautiful.
He showed me a woman more beautiful than any other,
Who was ugly because of her vanity?
I asked Allah why He'd allowed me to become old.
He showed me a boy of 16, who lay dead at the scene of a car accident.
I asked Allah why I didn't have a bigger house.
He showed me a family of six,
who had just been evicted from their tiny shack,
And were forced, to live on the street.
I asked Allah why I had to work.
He showed me a man, who couldn't find a decent job,
Because he'd never learned to read.
I asked Allah why I wasn't more popular.
He showed me a socialite with a thousand friends,
Who all left the moment the money and parties were no longer there.
I asked Allah why I wasn't smarter.
He showed me a natural born genius,
Serving life in prison for making ill use of his knowledge.
I asked Allah why He put up with a thankless sinner like me.
He showed me a man, who couldn't find a decent job,
Because he'd never learned to read.
I asked Allah why I wasn't more popular.
He showed me a socialite with a thousand friends,
Who all left the moment the money and parties were no longer there.
I asked Allah why I wasn't smarter.
He showed me a natural born genius,
Serving life in prison for making ill use of his knowledge.
I asked Allah why He put up with a thankless sinner like me.
Have a WONDERFUL day!
Then brighten someone else's day, in any way you care to.
Then brighten someone else's day, in any way you care to.
Remember, a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
Just reach out and touch someone's life and brighten up his or her day
Just reach out and touch someone's life and brighten up his or her day
I've Been Through The Storm, But Look At Me I'm Still Standing, and I’m Still Here.........
If it doesn't kill you... it will make you stronger.
If it doesn't kill you... it will make you stronger.
What's eating you today?
Are your problems weighing heavy on your heart?
Know, then, that you are loved.
Are your problems weighing heavy on your heart?
Know, then, that you are loved.
SHUNNING GREED | for everyone |
Sayyada Fatema(as)’s Hadith about the Prophet (pbuh) | for everyone |

Allah appointed him (as apostle) so that he may complete and finalize His matter and implement His order and materialize His decrees and predestinates.
Allah saw nations and groups had various different sects in their religion and scattered and staying on the verge of the fires of differences, busy with their idol worshipping. They denied God with all the signs and symbols of Him. So Allah illuminated the darkness through my father Mohammad (SAW) and removed the darkness from their hearts, removed (cured) the blindness of the eyes.
My father stood up with (his) guidance among the people. And saved them from perversion and aberration, and turned their blindness into enlightenment and guided them towards the firm religion, and called them to the straight path.
You, the servants of Allah, are the ones to maintain His injunctions and prohibitions, and the carriers of His religion, and His revelation, and the trustees of Allah upon your souls, and the propagators of His religion among the other nations.
HOW TO TYPE [ ♫ ꜘ ♪ ♫ ♯ ⱡ Ɫ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ Ŧ ﷲ ۞ and so on...]SYMBOLS
- Click on the Start (Windows Icon) menu in the lower left, then select All Programs.
Start Menu icon for Windows 7 - Select Programs » Accessories » System Tools » Character Map.
TIP: If you use the Character Map a lot, you may want to make a Shortcut (alias) to it on your Desktop or add it to yourStart menu. - A window should open which displays a series of characters in a grid as in the image below.
Windows 7/Vista Character Map
Windows XP Character Map
In the Character Map
- Make sure that the Font from the dropdown list matches that of the document you are creating. If you doing some other function, such as filling out a Web form, select Times New Roman as the Font.
- Look in the grid for the symbol you want. If necessary, use the scroll bars on the right to view more characters.
NOTE: Many Windows fonts include Cyrillic and Greek letters by default. For other scripts, use Arial Unicode or some other appropriate font. - If the character you want is not in the grid, change the font to Arial Unicode MS, Tahoma, Times New Roman, or some other appropriate font.
- To narrow selection by Unicode block, check the Advanced View at the bottom to reveal additional menus. In the Group By menu, select a Unicode Subrange to open a pop-up. Click the block to see available characters in that font.
- Double-click on any character you wish to insert then click the Select button to make it appear in the Characters to Copyfield. You can Select more than one character at this time.
- Highlight one or more of the characters in the Characters to Copy you wish to insert then click the Copy button.

Pasting Symbol in Document
- Minimize from the Character Map window, and open or switch to the application window in which you wish to insert the character.
- Position your cursor in the location you wish to insert the character.
- Under the Edit Menu, choose Paste (or use the keyboard shortcut Control+V). The character should appear.
- If necessary, change the font of the inserted character to the one selected in the Character Map.
Hi Everybody,
Just received this e-mail and thought I would send it out to you just in case you would like to try it out.
ALLAH (S.T.) THE HELPER | for everyone |
One day Rasool Allah (pbuh) was on a journey and very tired, so he sat down under a tree to rest. A bad man seeing that Rasool Allah (pbuh) was alone thought it was a good time to kill him quickly and quietly. He went towards Rasool Allah (pbuh) with his sword out in front of him.
He asked Rasool Allah (pbuh): "Tell me who can help you now?"
"Allah," answered Rasool Allah (pbuh) calmly.
When the bad man saw how calm and sure Rasool Allah (pbuh) was that Allah would help him, he became frightened and the sword fell off his hand.
Rasool Allah (pbuh) picked up the sword and asked: "Now you tell me who is there to save you?"
"No-one" answered the man.
"No, you are wrong, the same Allah will help you also,"
said Rasool Allah (pbuh) and then he let the man go.
When the man heard this he became a Muslim.
ALLAH (S.T.) AND THE SINNER | for everyone |
It was narrated that in the days that Prophet Moses (pbuh) wandered with Bani Israel (Children of Israel) in the desert, an intense drought befell them. Together, they raised their hands towards the heavens praying for the blessed rain to come. Then, to the astonishment of Prophet Moses (pbuh) and all those watching, the few scattered clouds that were in the sky vanished, the heat poured down, and the drought intensified.
It was revealed to Prophet Moses (pbuh) that there was a sinner amongst the tribe of Bani Israel (Children of Israel) who had disobeyed Allah (SWT) for more than forty years of his life.
Let him separate himself from the congregation,’ Allah (SWT) told Prophet Moses (pbuh). ‘Only then shall I shower you all with rain.’
Prophet Moses (pbuh) then called out to the throngs of humanity, ‘There is a person amongst us who has disobeyed Allah(SWT) for forty years. Let him separate himself from the congregation and only then shall we be rescued from the drought.’
That man waited, looking left and right, hoping that someone else would step forward, but no one did. Sweat poured forth from his brow and he knew that he was the one. The man knew that if he stayed amongst the congregation all would die of thirst and that if he stepped forward he would be humiliated for all eternity.
He raised his hands with a sincerity he had never known before, with humility he had never tasted, and as tears poured down on both cheeks he said, ‘O Allah, have mercy on me! O Allah, hide my sins! O Allah, forgive me!’
As Prophet Moses (pbuh) and the people of Bani Israel (Children of Israel) waited for the sinner to step forward, the clouds hugged the sky and the rain poured. Prophet Moses (pbuh) asked Allah (SWT), ‘O Allah, you blessed us with rain even though the sinner did not come forward.’
And Allah (SWT) replied, ‘O Moses, it is for the repentance of that very person that I blessed all of Bani Israel (Children of Israel) with water.’
Prophet Moses (pbuh), wanting to know who this blessed man was, asked, ‘Show him to me O Allah!’
Allah (SWT) replied, ‘O Moses, I hid his sins for forty years, do you think that after his repentance I shall expose him?’
This Namaaz is prayed to seek fulfillment if legitimate desires. It can be prayed any time, or any day, but Friday is strongly recommended.
Pray this namaaz exactly like 2 Raka't Fajr Namaaz (SALAT), with the following adjustments.
(a) In the first Raka't after Sooratul Faatih'ah recite Sooratul Qadr 100 times.
(b) In the second Raka't after recitation of Sooratul Faatih'ah, recite Sooratul Ikhlaas 100 times.
(c) After Salaam recite "S'alaawaat", (O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Mohammad),
"Bismillaahir-Rah'maanir-Rah'eem", and Tasbih of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA), then recite the following Dua'a:
English Translation :
(For Arabic Text please see "Mafateehul Jinaan")
O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the progeny of Mohammad.
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
Glory be to the Lord of Honor, and Sublime Authority;
Glory be to the Lord of Majesty and Exalted Greatness;
Glory be to the Lord of eternal Pride.
Glory be to He Who is Splendor and Beauty;
Glory be to He Who is Light and Dignity;
Glory be to He Who makes out the footprints of the ant on the stone;
Glory be to He Who knows (the exact time and place) the bird dips down through the air;
Glory be to He Who is like this and no one (other than Him) is like this.
O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the progeny of Mohammad.
(d) Go into Sajdah and beseech Allah for obtaining fulfillment of your legitimate desires.
(e) And recite the following Dua'a:
O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the progeny of Mohammad.
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
O He, besides Whom, there is no lord, to be invoked;
O He, above Whom, there is no god to be feared;
O He, except Whom, there is no master, to be obeyed;
O He, Who has no counselor to be approached
O He, Who has no attendant to be bribed;
O He, Who has no door keeper, to be fooled;
O He, Who gives not but generously and liberally, (No matter) how many are the demands, and (deals not)with numerous sins but mercifully and kindly;
Send blessings on Muhammad and His progeny.
(mention your desires).
Verily in cattle there is a lesson for you.- Surah an-Nahl | for everyone |
In the Holy Quran, when Allah recounts His blessings to man, he mentions the cow.
Verily in cattle there is a lesson for you.
We give you to drink of what is inside their bodies, coming from between the intestines and the blood, a milk pure and pleasant for those who drink it. (an-Nahl, 16:66)
The food that is eaten by the cow is digested in its intestines. From here the blood carries the nourishment to the rest of the body, including the mammary glands where the milk is produced.
Modern science tells us that the processes responsible for the production of milk begin when the contents of the intestine are brought together with the blood. And indeed, this is how the Holy Quran has explained it too.
THE TIDINGS- SURAH AL 'NABA' | for everyone |
This Surah, The Tidings, was revealed in Mecca and has 40 verses. The word "Naba" means"tiding" or "the great news". This Surah takes its name from its second verse.
What is the news?
The Holy Prophet, may peace be upon him and his descendants, was appointed prophet at the time when people had abandoned worshiping The One God, and had taken to worshiping lifeless idols. They had even turned the Kaba, the God’s House, into an idol-house. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) invited people to theism and asked them to leave off worshiping totems and idols and to only worship the One God-the God. Who everyone’s return is to Him, and all people are to be present at His court in the Day of Resurrection. On the Judgment Day, everyone having done good deeds will be rewarded, and whoever having done wrong shall receive punishment. The Prophet’s words were interesting and amazing to the people. They uttered various questions about the One God and the Resurrection Day. Most of them did not believe that the dead will rise again, and a great deal of talk and argument was raised by them, and there was much argument among them over this matter.
The Kind God says in Qur’an:
In the name of Allah,The Beneficent, The Merciful
What are they questioning one another about? About the great tidings over which they are all in disagreement? (It is not as they say) And soon they shall find out. Verily, they shall soon Know. (Verses 1-5)
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