HIJAB AS YOU UNDERSTAND | for everyone |
Hijab is a state of mind enjoined upon both men and women in Islam. At the heart of its purpose, Hijab is about maintaining or elevating the dignity of every individual regardless of gender and preserving the ability of individuals to feel the natural sense of modesty, the loss of which is a serious spiritual sickness.
There are two overarching principles to Hijab for men and women according to the Qur'an:
1. Lowering your gaze: This means you should avoid looking at, listening to, or otherwise observing anything that damages your natural sense of modesty and shame, as well as anything that causes you to feel temptation to sin or causes attraction toward someone with whom you could not lawfully act on it.
2. Guarding your modesty: This means you should avoid revealing anything about yourself, whether through how you dress, how you speak, what you say or write, or other means, that would cause damage to your natural sense of modesty and shame, or tempt you to sin, or cause you to be attracted to or to attract someone with whom you could not lawfully act on that attraction.
The requirements of Islamic modest dress are based upon these two principles. Dress should be such that it guards your modesty and aids you in lowering your gaze and does not make it unnecessarily difficult for someone else to lower their gaze and guard their own modesty.
The basic requirements for female dress in public are four:
1. Extent: Everything but your hands and face must be covered. Feet should be covered, as should hair, neck, ears, and arms. Make-up and adornment should be covered, even if that means covering parts that would not otherwise have to be covered. Most scholars say that wedding rings and religious rings need not be covered, but in general, jewelry is adornment and should be concealed.
2. Looseness: The garments should be loose enough so that the shape of your body from at least the shoulders to the mid-thighs is not apparent. Even for the legs, clothes should not be skin-tight. If the fabric follows your curves, it is too tight.
3. Thickness: The clothing should be thick enough that the color of your skin and hair underneath cannot be discerned through the fabric.
4. Style: The clothes should not be of a color, style, or decoration so as to serve the purpose of drawing attention, being adornment, or showing off. Thus, clothes with bright colors, fancy decorations, and expensive fabrics should be avoided. Further, clothes that would be considered as belonging to the opposite gender or to followers of another religion are also excluded. Also, it is improper to be a slave to fashion, spending wastefully for the latest trend, judging and being judged based on style, etc. Simplicity is better for your soul, mind and body.
Men's clothing requirements are exactly the same as women’s, except for the extent that needs to be covered. Jurists' rulings differ slightly in this matter, but as a general guideline, men should cover from navel to knees at a minimum, although a greater extent is preferable in the presence of women, since a greater area than this can be attractive to the opposite sex.
All four requirements hold in the presence of non-mahrams (unrelated members of the opposite sex). It should be noted that, in addition to people of the opposite sex who are not related to you, some relatives are no-mahram as well, and thus Hijab should be observed in front of them. For example, you need to observe Hijab in front of cousins of the opposite gender. If you are a woman, you should observe Hijab in front of brothers-in-law and uncles related by marriage rather than blood. And if you are a man, you should observe Hijab in front of sisters-in-law and aunts related by marriage rather than blood.
When in the presence of mahram individuals only, the requirements for Islamic modest dress are different. Except between spouses, who are permitted to see all of each other's bodies, the extent of covering required between mahram individuals is such that all private areas are covered. Looseness and thickness of clothing should also ensure coverage of the private areas. Adornment such as make-up and jewelry are generally permitted, but if the purpose is to attract, it should be reserved to be shared between married couples only. As for style, the requirements about showing off and about wearing clothes of the opposite gender or of another religion hold at all times.
Hijab requirements do not block women and men from doing business or from attending meetings in the same room as long as they are observing Hijab. However, the lowering of the gaze means when in the presence of non-mahrams, one should avoid looking at them in such a way as to be attracted to their bodies, or listening to them in such a way as to be attracted to their voices, etc. And in turn, the guarding of modesty means that one should behave so as not to be trying to attract the opposite sex, or showing off, or discoursing with them in a familiar way or about private topics.
Even the enemies of Islam have recognized that Hijab of men and women gives dignity to humanity and thus empowers those who observe it. This is one of the main reasons that they systematically attack it and try to convince Muslim men and women to abandon true Hijab. Observing Hijab begins and ends with its two over-riding principles – lowering your gaze and guarding your modesty. These two acts are greatly beneficial to you in both this world and the Hereafter – they protect you from hardship, sin, and confusion and they elevate you spiritually – and this is why many people who observe Hijab describe it as being very freeing and something they truly love. Examine your interactions and your wardrobe with these two principles in mind, change anything that is out of line, and you will soon be enjoying the benefits in your own life.
The Coming is Upon Us | for everyone |
Iran Leaders: The Coming is Upon Us – Israel Shall be Destroyed! (Watch the Video)
Written by Reza Kahlili on March 28th, 2011
Several months ago I was informed by my contacts in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard that the Basij had started a project that had the approval of the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The purpose of the project was to inform Muslims across the globe of the immediate coming of the last Islamic messiah. The Iranian leaders, now more than ever, feel that all the stars are aligned for such event.
Ever since the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the Islamic rulers of Iran have declared themselves representatives of God on Earth, believing their mission is to pave the way for the reappearance of the last messiah, the Shiites 12th Imam Mahdi.
Their belief is based on the centuries old Hadith by Prophet Mohammad and his descendants, who have provided clear guidance as to the timing of The Coming.
According to the Hadith in the age of The Coming, a revolution takes place in Iran. This is a key sign indicating that the reappearance is near and serves as the initial preparation in the worldwide movement for The Coming of the last messiah. Based on this belief, the leaders of Iran see it as their duty to prepare the ground for The Coming. One of the most important events to securing the reappearance of the last Messiah, as called for in the Hadith, is the annihilation of Israel and conquering Beitol Moghadas (Jerusalem). They state with conviction that Islam will soon conquer the world and all infidels will be destroyed.
The pursuit of nuclear bombs by the radicals ruling Iran is directly connected to this belief, as war, chaos, and lawlessness must engulf the world to pave the way for Imam Mahdi’s reappearance.
This movie has been produced in Iran by an organization called “Conductors of The Coming” in collaboration with the Iranian president’s office and the Basij (Iranian paramilitary force). Also reports indicate that Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, President Ahmadinejad’s top adviser and chief of staff, was directly involved with this project. The movie was completed a few months ago and recently screened for the high clerics by the Iranian president’s office with one of its high ranking official analyzing it.
Mashaei reflects the Iranian leaders’ belief very clearly:
Therefore let us shout out loud that The Coming is soon and that evil should be fearful. We live with these thoughts every day and our lives are filled with The Coming of the last Imam. That human will reappear and fill the world with justice and establish his promised governance on earth. The very world has witnessed too much bloodshed of the innocent for others to build their palaces. The very world is filled with shouts for justice. The innocent and the oppressed are losing their lives to world powers. It is in this very world where the oppressors rule and this world that Allah will command the last Imam to appear and forever put an end to injustice. At that time the world will belong to the righteous.
Currently this movie is being distributed throughout the Basij and Revolutionary Guards’ bases. The producers are in the middle of translating it into Arabic with the purpose of mass distribution throughout the Middle East. Their intention is to incite further uprisings with the hopes of motivating Arabs to overthrow U.S. backed governments with the final goal of the annihilation of Israel and Allah’s governance of the world!
Also see:
CBN-700 Club:Iranian Video Says Mahdi is ‘Near’
Frontpage Magazine:Iran’s End Times Documentary
The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America | for everyone |
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave. | Dearborn | MI | 48126

THINGS THAT WILL CHANGE...... | for everyone |
1. The Post Office. Get ready to imagine a world without the post office. They are so deeply in financial trouble that there is probably no way to sustain it long term. Email, Fed Ex, and UPS have just about wiped out the minimum revenue needed to keep the post office alive. Most of your mail every day is junk mail and bills.
2. The Check. Britain is already laying the groundwork to do away with checks by 2018. It costs the financial system billions of dollars a year to process checks. Plastic cards and online transactions will lead to the eventual demise of the check. This plays right into the death of the post office. If you never paid your bills by mail and never received them by mail, the post office would absolutely go out of business.
3. The Newspaper The younger generation simply doesn't read the newspaper. They certainly don't subscribe to a daily delivered print edition. That may go the way of the milkman and the laundry man. As for reading the paper online, get ready to pay for it. The rise in mobile Internet devices and e-readers has caused all the newspaper and magazine publishers to form an alliance. They have met with Apple, Amazon, and the major cell phone companies to develop a model for paid subscription services.
4. The Book. You say you will never give up the physical book that you hold in your hand and turn the literal pages. I said the same thing about downloading music fromiTunes. I wanted my hard copy CD. But I quickly changed my mind when I discovered that I could get albums for half the price without ever leaving home to get the latest music. The same thing will happen with books. You can browse a bookstore online and even read a preview chapter before you buy. And the price is less than half that of a real book. And think of the convenience! Once you start flicking your fingers on the screen instead of the book, you find that you are lost in the story, can't wait to see what happens next, and you forget that you're holding a gadget instead of a book.
5. The Land Line Telephone. Unless you have a large family and make a lot of local calls, you don't need it anymore. Most people keep it simply because they've always had it. But you are paying double charges for that extra service. All the cell phone companies will let you call customers using the same cell provider for no charge against your minutes
6. Television. Revenues to the networks are down dramatically. Not just because of the economy. People are watching TV and movies streamed from their computers. And they're playing games and doing lots of other things that take up the time that used to be spent watching TV. Prime timeshows have degenerated down to lower than the lowest common denominator. Cable rates are skyrocketing and commercials run about every 4 minutes and 30 seconds. I say good riddance to most of it. It's time for the cable companies to be put out of our misery.. Let the people choose what they want to watch online and through Netflix.
7. The "Things" That You Own. Many of the very possessions that we used to own are still in our lives, but we may not actually own them in the future. They may simply reside in "the cloud." Today your computer has a hard drive and you store your pictures, music, movies, and documents. Your software is on a CD or DVD, and you can always re-install it if need be. But all of that is changing. Apple, Microsoft, and Google are all finishing up their latest "cloud services." That means that when you turn on a computer, the Internet will be built into the operating system. So, Windows, Google, and the Mac OS will be tied straight into the Internet. If you click an icon, it will open something in the Internet cloud. If you save something, it will be saved to the cloud. And you may pay a monthly subscription fee to the cloud provider. In this virtual world, you can access your music or your books, or your whatever from any laptop or handheld device. That's the good news. But, will you actually own any of this "stuff" or will it all be able to disappear at any moment in a big "Poof?" Will most of the things in our lives be disposable and whimsical? It makes you want to run to the closet and pull out that photo album, grab a book from the shelf, or open up a CD case and pull out the insert.
8. Privacy. If there ever was a concept that we can look back on nostalgically, it would be privacy. That's gone. It's been gone for a long time anyway. There are cameras on the street, in most of the buildings, and even built into your computer and cell phone. But you can be sure that 24/7, "They" know who you are and where you are, right down to the GPS coordinates, and the Google Street View. If you buy something, your habit is put into a zillion profiles, and your ads will change to reflect those habits. And "They" will try to get you to buy something else. Again and again.
All we will have that can't be changed are Memories.
2. The Check. Britain is already laying the groundwork to do away with checks by 2018. It costs the financial system billions of dollars a year to process checks. Plastic cards and online transactions will lead to the eventual demise of the check. This plays right into the death of the post office. If you never paid your bills by mail and never received them by mail, the post office would absolutely go out of business.
3. The Newspaper The younger generation simply doesn't read the newspaper. They certainly don't subscribe to a daily delivered print edition. That may go the way of the milkman and the laundry man. As for reading the paper online, get ready to pay for it. The rise in mobile Internet devices and e-readers has caused all the newspaper and magazine publishers to form an alliance. They have met with Apple, Amazon, and the major cell phone companies to develop a model for paid subscription services.
4. The Book. You say you will never give up the physical book that you hold in your hand and turn the literal pages. I said the same thing about downloading music fromiTunes. I wanted my hard copy CD. But I quickly changed my mind when I discovered that I could get albums for half the price without ever leaving home to get the latest music. The same thing will happen with books. You can browse a bookstore online and even read a preview chapter before you buy. And the price is less than half that of a real book. And think of the convenience! Once you start flicking your fingers on the screen instead of the book, you find that you are lost in the story, can't wait to see what happens next, and you forget that you're holding a gadget instead of a book.
5. The Land Line Telephone. Unless you have a large family and make a lot of local calls, you don't need it anymore. Most people keep it simply because they've always had it. But you are paying double charges for that extra service. All the cell phone companies will let you call customers using the same cell provider for no charge against your minutes
6. Television. Revenues to the networks are down dramatically. Not just because of the economy. People are watching TV and movies streamed from their computers. And they're playing games and doing lots of other things that take up the time that used to be spent watching TV. Prime timeshows have degenerated down to lower than the lowest common denominator. Cable rates are skyrocketing and commercials run about every 4 minutes and 30 seconds. I say good riddance to most of it. It's time for the cable companies to be put out of our misery.. Let the people choose what they want to watch online and through Netflix.
7. The "Things" That You Own. Many of the very possessions that we used to own are still in our lives, but we may not actually own them in the future. They may simply reside in "the cloud." Today your computer has a hard drive and you store your pictures, music, movies, and documents. Your software is on a CD or DVD, and you can always re-install it if need be. But all of that is changing. Apple, Microsoft, and Google are all finishing up their latest "cloud services." That means that when you turn on a computer, the Internet will be built into the operating system. So, Windows, Google, and the Mac OS will be tied straight into the Internet. If you click an icon, it will open something in the Internet cloud. If you save something, it will be saved to the cloud. And you may pay a monthly subscription fee to the cloud provider. In this virtual world, you can access your music or your books, or your whatever from any laptop or handheld device. That's the good news. But, will you actually own any of this "stuff" or will it all be able to disappear at any moment in a big "Poof?" Will most of the things in our lives be disposable and whimsical? It makes you want to run to the closet and pull out that photo album, grab a book from the shelf, or open up a CD case and pull out the insert.
8. Privacy. If there ever was a concept that we can look back on nostalgically, it would be privacy. That's gone. It's been gone for a long time anyway. There are cameras on the street, in most of the buildings, and even built into your computer and cell phone. But you can be sure that 24/7, "They" know who you are and where you are, right down to the GPS coordinates, and the Google Street View. If you buy something, your habit is put into a zillion profiles, and your ads will change to reflect those habits. And "They" will try to get you to buy something else. Again and again.
All we will have that can't be changed are Memories.
PATIENCE AND ITS POWER | for everyone |
The principles of any faith are found in patience and acceptance. However, we have come to believe that patience is simply passively waiting. That definition is mere laziness. Rather, faith is a direction that bears things with resignations, yes, but above all, with steadfast and unrelenting sublime hope. We must learn also to glance realistically at the world around us, begin to accept things as they are, and maintain our conviction in the path we have chosen for ourselves.
While very few of us will contest the above, the line between theory and practice is not always clear. Islam has recognized this discrepancy and subsequently granted a great status to those who patiently persevere. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah says to His servants that we shall all indeed be tested: "And be patient and persevering, for Allah is with those who patiently persevere. (8: 46)
Verse 31 of chapter Muhammad reads: "And We shall try you until We test those among you who strive their utmost and persevere in patience; and We shall try your reported (mettle)."
What is patience (Sabr)? Is it grieving the death of a loved one? Addressing problems at home or at work? Maintaining the Islamic obligations such as Hijab, prayers, and fasting? Being patient doesn't always entail some unfortunate event occurring; simply being a believer requires a great amount of patience. Sabr is not only about enduring a long wait; it is also about enduring insults, provocation, and mistreatment without resentment, anger, or bitterness. The Buddhist faith refers to patience as "the armor that protects the compassionate person" from the verbal tirades of others.
In order to truly become more patient individuals, we must have the impetus to begin with ourselves, then move on to others. Agitation, fear, and complaints can all lead us to become disillusioned with faith and even Islam. In his Forty Hadiths, Imam Khomeini speaks of the direct link between patience and Taqwa (fear of God). With regards to the link between patience and obedience, the book gives us even greater insight, "Sabr in regard to obedience (Ita'at) is the source of intimacy with God and His love. And Sabr in misfortunes is the source of satisfaction (Rida) with Divine destiny and decrees."
Learning to accept minor irritations allows us to prepare to endure major ones. Those who have mastered patience find even the greatest of sufferings tolerable with the help of God. Patience has such a profound effect on our happiness, so how can those who are upset and constantly complain be happy? Those with great endurance are the peacemakers of the world, while those who are impatient are the war makers. Almost all violence stems from anger, and patience often has the power to neutralize it. The patience of man is right and laudable and most certainly worthy of being considered among the greatest virtues.
Our intrapersonal interactions with others can sometimes (okay, let's be honest, most of the time) require a great amount of patience. Patience, therefore, is respect for others. How can we expect others to accept our faults unless we are willing to accept theirs? Through interactions with others, we come to define ourselves also. If we act with kindness and understanding, that is who we become. And when we act with impatience and anger, that's what we are. When we commit to relationships with others, we also commit our patience. Impatience is a divisive plague that ruins marriages, dissolves homes, and breaks hearts. Those with forbearance do not simply throw away people or possessions because they aren't as they imagined. Instead, they work towards a solution.
The most difficult events, such as losing a family member, going through a divorce, or unforeseen financial losses can truly test our faith. Instead of becoming agitated and angry, we must remember what we still have and what Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, has blessed us with. So often we forget to be thankful for our good health, our family, and our faith. In the Holy Qur'an, we are told, "Surely with difficulty is ease. With difficulty is surely ease." Our ability to be patient during calamities reveals our purity and humbleness of heart. We must overcome challenges with faith, logic, and determination. At the same time, we must remember that we are never truly alone in our struggles. "Surely Allah is with the patient." (8:46)
Patience is a virtue which gives and also helps us gain. In Nahjul Balagha, Imam Ali says: "The one who practices Patience will never be deprived of success, even though it may take a long time." And the Holy Qur'an tells us, "Give good news to the patient." (2:155)
SPIRITUAL BUILDUP | for everyone |
We must first emphasize a point which is very important and, if ignored, could (God forbid) lead the worshipper to lose interest in spiritual practices and return once again to being drowned in materialism. Simply put, at the beginning (and at all times), a worshipper must only take on what he or she has the capacity to perform. That is, one who wishes to gain closeness to God should not think that he or she must immediately retire to a cave and live a life of complete asceticism. This approach is contrary to both human nature and teachings of the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them). As Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said, "Faith has ten degrees, like the steps of a ladder which are climbed one by one. If you find anyone below you by one step, pull him up to you gently, and do not burden him with what he cannot bear, or else you will break him." (Al-Kafi)
Similarly, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said, "Surely this religion is firm, so go deep in it with mildness, and do not cause Allah's servants to hate worshipping Him; otherwise, you will be like the one whose mount was too tired to go on, so he neither finished the journey nor preserved the mount." (Ibid.)
Therefore, a worshipper should choose only that which keeps his or her heart attentive and which attracts it to worship. Even if it is just one small dhikr or du'a every day, this will be enough, since Allah looks at the state of one's heart rather than the amount of worship. The Prophet is reported to have said that "two units of prayer in contemplation are better than spending the whole night (in worship) with an inattentive heart." (Bihar al-Anwar) Further, do we not refer to Allah in the famous Supplication of Rajab as "He who recompenses a small deed with a great reward"?
The second point which is absolutely crucial in spiritual development is that one must avoid all sins and fulfill all of one's religious obligations. The late Ayatollah Behjat, who was known for his extremely lofty spiritual states, was once asked how one could reach a state like his. His reply was simply to stop sinning. He has also been quoting as saying, "There is no dhikr (remembrance of Allah) more exalted then the dhikr of action; and there is no dhikr of action higher than abandoning sin in [one's] beliefs and acts of devotion."Therefore, the key to achieving closeness to Allah is not extreme forms of asceticism and abandonment of the world. Closeness to God can be achieved simply through strict adherence to the laws of Shariah.
While (and after) the worshipper is working on perfecting the aforementioned practices, he or she should also focus on numerous other advices which are explained in the narrations of the Ahlul Bayt and the books of spiritual wayfaring. They are too many to name here, so we will postpone them for a later discussion and close with what is, in my opinion, one of the most important practices which has been realized by many thinkers in history, both Muslim and non-Muslim.
It is extremely important that we reflect upon the nature of our actions and what benefit, if any, they have produced in the past. For as we know history is prone to repeat itself, and if something did not satisfy us in the past, it will most likely not satisfy us in the future.
One should specifically focus upon how chasing after worldly desires, or desires pertaining to the five senses, can only bring about temporary satisfaction. On the other hand, spiritual pleasures are such that they not only continue to last but they also increase, assuming that a worshipper (God forbid) does not perform any action which counters their positive effects with ill ones. The narrations of the Ahlul Bayt not only point out that such desires are temporary, but also bring to our attention the fact that they do nothing but lead to more desires. Our Imams have presented this beautifully through the following metaphors:
"The parable of a man greedy of this world is the parable of the silkworm: the more it winds the thread round itself, the farther it becomes from salvation, until it dies of grief." (Ibid.)
"This world is like seawater; the more a thirsty man drinks from it, the thirstier he gets, until it kills him." (Ibid.)
Therefore, if we reflect upon these truths, it will undoubtedly incline our hearts more towards spiritual practices and gaining closeness to Allah. We must reflect upon the state of our souls and take lessons from the past in order to build for the future and not fall into the same errors.
In conclusion, these are a few simple yet essential steps which one must follow and adhere to in order to achieve closeness to God and build upon one's spiritual state. Allah has allowed us to approach Him with ease and without placing a burden upon ourselves. We would be fools then not to take advantage of the unimaginable benefits which await us in such a simple and natural yet infinitely sublime path.
ON SHARKS | for everyone |
01. A shark does not have one bone in its body. Its skeleton is made up of cartilage. Cartilages is a tough material, like the material that shapes your ear. 12 More facts after the break...
02. The Swell Shark, found in New Zealand, barks like a dog.
03. Weird things have been found inside a shark, such as a nail, a bottle of wine, a treasure chest, coats, a suit of armor, a drum and a torpedo.
04. A shark’s skin is covered with denticles, which are small, razor-sharp teeth. Denticles can be removed from a shark’s body. After the small teeth are removed, the remaining skin can be made into very strong leather. A pair of shoes made from shark leather can last up to four times longer than shoes made with cowhide.
05. Sharks have very good senses. Sometimes a shark is called “a swimming nose”, for its great sense of smell. Sharks can easily detect prey that is in the sand, as well as at night. A shark also has a remarkable sensitivity to vibrations in the water. It can feel the movements made by other animals that are hundreds of feet away. They can hear sounds from thousands of feet away. Sharks can tell the direction from where the sound is coming from, too.
06. Sharks cannot eat Puffer Fish, because the Puffer Fish inflates like a balloon and pokes the shark’s mouth with its sharp needles.
07. Most sharks give birth to their babies. Only a few sharks lay eggs. Most sharks have six to twelve babies at a time, but the Hammerhead andTiger Shark can have as many as 40 babies at a time.
08. Most species of sharks can swim up to 20-40 miles per hour. A Mako Shark has been recorded at more than 60 miles per hour.
09. A shark has three types of fins. They have two dorsal fins on their back, one fin beneath their body, called the pectoral fin (not all species have it), and the caudal fin is the tail.
10. The Whale Shark is the biggest fish in the world.
11. A Whale Shark has more than 4,000 teeth, but each is less than 1/8 inch long. A shark may go through 1,000 sets of teeth during its lifetime. When a shark loses a tooth, one replaces it.
12. A Whale Shark weighs about 90,000 pounds. The second largest shark is the Basking Shark. It can be as much as 40 feet long.
13. Question: What is more dangerous to people - a shark or a wasp/bee? Answer: wasp/bee Every year, 100 people die from wasp or bee stings, yet hundreds of millions of people go swimming, and sharks kill only about six people. Only about 25 sharks have been known to actually attack people. Every year, people kill thousands of sharks. They are killed for food, oil, skins and sport.
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
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UMAA Convention 2011
"The Quran, Ahlul Bayt & Modern Society: A Focus on Identity, Citizenship andCollaboration"
The 9th annual UMAA convention will be taking place in Toronto, Canada!
Friday May 27th - Sunday May 29th, 2011 This year's convention will be one of the most exciting, motivating and spiritually uplifting experiences in North America. World renowned speakers from across the globe will speak on issues relevant to the core matters of our existence here in the West. UMAA has uploaded the initial speakers list for this year's convention. View the website to see the exciting and diverse array of speakers that will be speaking at this year's convention.
Click here to visit the UMAA Website for updated information about this year's program!
Stay tuned for details about the First International Shia Basketball Tournament!
Matrimonial Services Details to Come Shortly! Register online today! This year UMAA will be taking place at the Hilton Suites Toronto/Markham Conference Centre. Call now to book a room at the subsidized rate of $99/night. 8500 Warden Avenue, Markham, Ontario, Canada L6G 1A5 Tel: 1-905-470-8500
To book your room at the special UMAA rate click on this link.
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Universal Muslim Association of America
P.O. Box 313 Burtonsville, MD 20866 Tel: (646)-932-UMAA(8622) Fax: (718)-758-9004
Copyright (C) 2011 Universal Muslim Association of America All rights reserved.
FRIENDS | for everyone |
Think about this for a minute....
If you happened
to show up on my door step crying, I would care!
If you called me and asked
If you called me and asked
me to pick you up because something happened, I would come!
If you had one day left to live your life, I would want to be part of
If you had one day left to live your life, I would want to be part of
that last day!
If you needed a shoulder to cry on, I would give you mine!
This is a test to see who your real friends are or if you are just someone
to talk to you when they are bored.
Do you know what the relationship is between your two eyes?
They blink together,
Do you know what the relationship is between your two eyes?
They blink together,
they move together, they cry together,
they see things together,
and they sleep together, but they never see each other;
....that's what friendship is.
It's 'World Best Friends Week'
Send this to all your good friends, even me,
if I am one of them..
See how many you get back
If you get more than 3
See how many you get back
If you get more than 3
then you really are
a lovable person...
Life isn't about how you survived the storm...
it's about how you danced in the rain!
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
Dr.Tarig Al Swaidan discovered some verses in the
Holy Qur'an
That mention one thing is equal to another,
i.e. men are equal to women.
Although this makes sense grammatically,
the astonishing fact is that the number of
times the word man appears in
the Holy Qur'an
is 24 and number of times the word
woman appears is also 24,
therefore not only is this phrase correct in
the grammatical sense but also true mathematically,
i.e. 24 = 24.
Upon further analysis of various verses,
he discovered that this is consistent throughout the whole
Holy Qur'an
where it says one thing is like another.
See below for astonishing result of
the words mentioned number of times in Arabic
Holy Qur'an
Dunia (one name for life) 115.
Aakhirat (one name for the life after this world) 115
Malaika (Angels) 88 . Shayteen (Satan) 88
Life 145 ...... Death 145
Benefit 50 . Corrupt 50
People 50 .. Messengers 50
Eblees (king of devils) 11 . Seek refuge from Eblees 11
Museebah (calamity) 75 . Thanks ! 75
Spending (Sadaqah) 73 . Satisfaction 73
People who are mislead 17 D Dead people 17
Muslimeen 41 .J Jihad 41
Gold 8 .E Easy life 8
Magic 60 .F Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) ! 60
Zakat (Taxes Muslims pay to the poor) 32 .
Barakah (Increasing or blessings of wealth) 32
Mind 49 .N Noor 49
Tongue 25 .S Sermon 25
Desite 8 .F Fear 8
Speaking publicly 18 .P Publicising 18
Hardship 114 .... Patience 114
Muhammed 4 .S Sharee'ah ( Muhammed'steachings) 4
Man 24 . Woman 24
And amazingly enough have a look how many times
the following words appear:
Salat 5 , Month 12 , Day 365 ,
Sea 32 , Land 13
Sea + land = 32 + 13= 45
Sea = 32/45*100q.= 71.11111111%
Land = 13/45*100 = 28.88888889%
Sea + land 100.00%
Modern science has only recently proven that the water covers
71.111% of the
earth, while the land covers 28.889%.
Is this a coincidence? Question is that
Who taught Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) all this?
Reply automatically comes in mind that
taught him.
This as the
Holy Qur'an
also tells us this.
please pass this on to all your friends
Aayah 87 of Suraa (Chapter) Al-Anbia !
para 17 :
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Bahrain Needs Us to Act Now! | for everyone |
If you have Imaan, as from today boycott products of Denmark ….your Imaan is very important and valuable…..
You can live without these things but without Quran there is no life.
Denmark is Losing For Showing Disrespect to Our Holy Quran Mubarak
Please don't let this mail stop in your PC.
Assalaam O Alaikum,
Great News
Hope you all know about the Denmark newspaper who
made fun of our holy Prophet PBUH and till now they
do not regret. Let us make them regret for good.
The Danish Ambassador, Prime Minister and
Denmark National Channel, all are trying to do something
just to stop the boycott by Muslims since last month
through which their losses have reached 4 billion Euro.
If we continue to boycott Denmark products 7 months
more it could reach around 80 billion Euro's loss.
Believers do not let this message stop in your PC.
Please forward this text to as many Muslims as possible.
Can't u spare 5 minutes in order to spread this
message among Muslims.
Any products with bar code no. starting with 57 are
Danish made Products.
Please convince all Muslims to circulate this to
Muslim ummah to ban Danish made products.
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
Sayings of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (S.A) | for everyone |
Sayings of Hadrat Fatima Zahra (S.A)
1. Praise and Eulogy is for Allah for the blessing and bounties which He has bestowed. And thanks to HIM upon what He revelated (to His servants) And Praise is for HIM upon the common boons and blessings which He bestowed upon His servants without their request And upon the comprehensive and complete blessings which He granted to all and sundry and gave it to us, consequetively. Those graces and favours which are uncountable.
And are irredeemable and uncompensatable due to their plentifulness of number. And the imagination of their end is out of the reach of human mind.
He invited the servant to thankfuness for the sake of the consequetive and continous enhanecment of blessings. And opened the door of euloqy and Praise (of Allah) upon them so that He may make his favours and beneficiences great and plentiful for them.
2. I testify that there is no Diety (Lord) except the sole and matchless Allah. And the testification of the singleness of Allah is a word that Allah has declared sincerity (as) it's reality, and made the hearts the centre of it's contact and union. And has made the specifications and research of the oneness of Allah's station obvious and evident in the light of meditation. The Allah Who can not be seen by the eyes and tongues are unable and baffled to describe His virtues and attributes. And the intelligence and apprehension of man is helpless and destitude from the imagination of his howness.
3. Allah made all the beings without previous matter and sample and shape and pattern. And made them wear the dress of life by His main and mights and created them according to His Devine will and Intention short of it that He might have neeeded their creatlon or have wished any benefit for Himself from their shaping and sketching except this that he wanted to give a proof of Hls wisdom and make the people (creations) aware about His obedience and submisslon and invited them to his servitude and worship and make His Invitation grand and ostentatlous.
4. Allah fixed the reward for His obedience and torment for His insubordination and disobedience so that He may restraln His servants from His wrath and fury and lead them to His paradise.
5. And I testify that my father Mohammad (pbuh&hf) is the apostle and the servant of Allah. And Allah selected and chose him before appolnting him at the post of Prophethood. And He named him before choosing and selecting him. And chose him before envoying and delegating him. Then all the creations were hidden and covered in the covers of unseen and were hidden amid the screen and curtain of fear and fright and stayed near the last and final border of non entity (nothingness) for Allah was aware of and knew the end of matters and because of Hls encompassing the incidents of times and ages and His knowledge of the predestinates.
Allah appolnted him (as apostle) so that he may complete and finalise His matter and Implement His order and materialise His decreeds and predestinates.
6. Allah saw nations and groups had various different sects in their religion and scattered and staying on the verge of the fires of differences, busy with the their idol worshipping. They denied God with all the signs and symbols of HIM. (IRFAN) So Allah illuminated the darknesses through my father Mohammad (pbuh&hf) and removed the darknesses from their hearts, removed (cured) the blindness of the eyes.
7. My father (Mohammad (pbuh&hf) ) stood up with (his) guidance among the people. And saved them from perversion and aberration, and turned their blindness into enlightenment and guided them towards the firm religion. And called (invited) them to the straight way.
8. You the servants of Allah, are the ones to maintain His injunctions and prohibitions, and the carriers of His religion, and His relevation, and the trustees of Allah upon your souls, and the propagators of His religion among the other nations.
9. Oh the servants of Allah! (beware) the real leader from Allah, is present among you and the commitment has previously been made to you and the remaining and left over of the prophet hood has been appointed for your guidance.
That is the speaking book of Allah the truthful Quran, and a beaming and gleaming light, in which all the secrets and facts about the completion of man and his prosperity have been exhibited and illuminated. It guides from darkness towards light of guidance. It s followers are the subject of envoy of others.
10. The book of Allah is the guide of it's followers towards the pleasure of Allah. Listening (carefully) to it leads to the salvation. The enlightened and conspicous evidences and proofs of Allah can be obtained through it. And (also the knowledge) of His interpreted intentions and fear invoking constraining prohibitions. His sufficing testimonies and conspicous arguments, and desired virtues and allowed endowments and gifts and obligatory devine laws. (can be obtained from it)
11. Allah made the faith for you as a purity from polytheism (and infedility).
12. And (made) service the cause of your getting distant (purification) from pride (egoism).
13. And rendered alms for the purity of your soul and flourishment and expansion of your sustenence.
14. And rendered fasting for the maintainance and firmness of your sincerity.
15. And Allah set Hajj for the consolidation and reinforcement of the religion.
16. Allah executed and rendered justice for the sake of putting together and harmonization of the hearts.
17. And (Allah set) the subordination and obedience of us (the houshold of the Prophet (PBUH) for the security of society's system and our Immamate as a safety from seggregation and disunity).
18. And (Allah made) Jahad (holy war), the honour and glory for Islam and abjectness and humbleness for the infidels and the hypocrites.
19. And (Allah rendered) patience as a help for getting reward.
20. And (Allah caused) commanding goodness and forbiding to do evil for the amendment and correction of society and the common folks (public).
21. And (Allah made) the kindness to parents as a protectional (shield) to His wrath and displeasure.
22. And Allah made joining and connecting with the kinship and cognition, the cause of lengthening of life.
23.A nd Allah made law of retaliation (revenge for homicide) as the security of blood (from being shed).
24. And Allah executed the vow performing as a medium for forgiveness.
25. And (Allah rendered) the correct use of weights measure (units) a medium for stoping from selling less (than actual).
26. And (Allah rendered) prohibition from drinking wine the cause of taking distance from contaminations (evils).
27. And Allah made the prohibition to accuse someone of adultery a protection (shield) for avoiding (His) curse.
28. And (Allah made) refraining from theft for the sake of positiveness and affirmation for modesty.
29. And Allah prohibited polytheism for the sake of (bringing about) sincerety in (His) adoration and worship.
30. Certainly, an apostle has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solictious respecting you; to the believers (he is) compassionate, merciful.
So if you assay and recognise him you will find he is my father not the father of your women and the brother of my cousin, Ali (a.s.) not that of your men. And how nice a relation I have to him. So he propagated his prophetic (mission). He always used to turn his face from the polytheists.
And fought against them till he beat them up. He would invite people towards Allah by wisdom, and beautiful admonition. He broke the idols and scattered the aggregation of polytheists in a way that they ran away (from the battle fields), so that finally the hidden secret of oneness of Allah became manifested by him.
And he made the logic of religion reach the ears ((of the people) and settled down the foam of the camels of satan and turned the salogan yelling of those devils silent. And downed the agents of hypocrisy and mutual commitments of the infidels got dissolved till such time that, you (people) spoke to a group of enlightened and modest men with the words of oneness of Allah and sincerity.
31. You were on the edge of a fire ditch, and were a cup of drink and the morsal of a greedy one and a firebrand of every hastey one and were being trampled on (by other nations) and drank from the contaminated waters gathered over in ditches and your energy (food) was (secured by) the leaves of trees and desert grass. And for your abjectness and abasement you were always afraid that those arround you might abduct you in the winking of an eye. So, Allah liberated you (of these misfortunes) through my father Mohammed (pbuh&hf). Inspite of it that he (pbuh&hf) was involved and at war against the intrepid and the hungry wolves of Arab and the stubborns refractories of the people of the books (Jews and Christians). Whenever his opponents would lit the fire of war, Allah extinguished it to your benefit.
32. Imam Hassan (A.S) said, 'on the friday night I saw my mother (Fatima S.A) standing in her arch of prayer. She was continuously kneeling and performing prostration till the dawn broke. I would hear her pray for the faithful men and women, but she did not at all pray for herself. I said, 'Oh mother why did you not pray for yourself like you prayed for others?' so she replied, 'Oh my son, first thy neighbour and there after your own house.'
33. The Holy Prophet (pbuh&hf) said to Fatima (S.A) what is the thing which is a blessing for woman?'
She said that, 'she must not see a man (stranger and not intimate) and a man must not see her.'
34. One day a lady came to Fatima (S.A) said 'I have a weak old mother who does not know a few problems about her service (prayers). She has sent me towards you to question you (about them). Thus Fatima (S.A) answered her (questions). And the number of her queries reached to ten and Fatima (S.A) replied to all her questions. Then she (the woman got a shamed because of the high number of her questions. And said, 'Oh daughter of the Prophet (pbuh&hf), 'I do not put you to more inconvinience than this.'
Fatima (S.A) said, 'Ask me what you do not know. Have you ever seen a person who is one day hired to carry a heavy thing to the roof top from ground for an amount (equal to) a thousand dinnars (nearly a hundred thousand miskal (unit of weight) of gold) and he may feel himself tired.'
She said 'No'. Fatima (S.A) said, 'I have been hired by Allah to get a wages which if the space between the earth and sky is filled up with pearls still (That wages) would he more than it for each of the questions I may answer you. Therefore, I deserve it that I must not feel tired exhausted.
35. Oh Allah! belittle me in my eyes and glorify and magnify Your station to me. And inspire me (about) Your obedience and the practice which may cause Your pleasure and the shunning and evading from things (matters) which are the cause of Your wrath, oh the most merciful of all! 36.
36. Oh Allah! content me with the sustenence you have granted me. And till such time that you keep me alive, hide me and make me sound and prosperous. And forgive me and take pity upon me when I die. (During death process). Oh Allah! do not help me in something that you have not predestined for me. And facilitate the achievement of that thing which you have predestined for me.
37. Oh Allah! bestow upon my parents and all those persons who have rights of their blessings and beneficiences upon me, the best of Your rewards. Oh my Allah, spare me the leisure and respite for the object for which You have created me. And do not let me be busy and involved (absolutely) in my commitments. And do not torment me when I ask forgivensess. And do not deprive me of what I yearn and question you for.
38. Underlying are the rhymes which Hazrat Zahra (S.A) recited upon the mourning of Prophet's (pbuh&hf) demise.
The person who smells the sweet fragnance of the grave of the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hf) so what if he does not smell any other fragnance for long times to come?
Agonies and anguishes and griefs poured upon me in such a way that had they poured upon days those would have turned into nights. (bleak, dark and bewildering).
39. The dust of sorrow covered the space of sky and the sun has faded and the bright day turned bleak. The earth has become dark and gooomy after the death of the Prophet (pbuh&hf) Woe! Alas! what the earth will have much of Jolting upon being seperated and parted from him (pbuh&hf).
It is meritorious and befitting that the east and west of the world may weep upon the parting of Prophet (pbuh&hf) and the persons of Muzzir tribe and all of they rest of the Yemen tribes shed tears.
And the great magnificient mountain of the existence and the hidden and covered Kabaah (House of ALLAH) and its pillars should shed tears.
Oh the terminator and finaliser of the (series of) prophets! the light of whome is the source of blessing for the worlds inhabitants, Be the salutation and blessings of Allah the desender of Holy Quran upon you.
40. Following you (Prophet (pbuh&hf)) inequities (intrigues and revolts) took shape and varient voices were raised so that if you were present and supervising (things) all these differences and deviations would not have taken place.
You set off (on the journey of eternity) from among us and now our condition is like the earth which becomes devoid of the beneficial rains. And your nation upset the order and discipline of matters. So be a witness and do not let their matter get out of your sight.
"Fatimah (S.A) has nine names with Allah. They are: Fatimah, as-Siddiqah (the Righteous), al-Mubarakah (the Blessed), at-Tahirah (the Pure), az-Zakiyyah (the Unblemished), arRadiyah (the one content with Allah's pleasure), al-Mardiyyah (the one pleasing to Allah), al-Muhaddathah (the one spoken to by angels) and az-Zahirah (the Luminous).
In the Musnad (collection of transmitted hadiths) of the eighth Imam Reza(A.S), it is reported that the Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) declared: "I named my daughter Fatimah because Allah weaned her.
The Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) also called her al-Batul (pure virgin), and said to `A'ishah: "O Humayra' (a redish white, a well-known epithet of `A'ishah), Fatimah is not like the women of human kind, nor does she suffer the illness you (women) suffer! " This is explained in another prophetic tradition which asserts that she never menstruated. It is likewise reported by Sunni traditionists on the authority of Anas ibn Malik, who heard Umm Salim, the wife of Abu Talhah al-Ansari, say: "Fatimah never experienced the blood of menstruation or parturition, for she was created from the waters of Paradise." This is because when the Messenger of Allah was transported to heaven, he entered Paradise, where he ate of its fruits and drank its water.
Proofs Of Her `Ismah (Sinlessness), Some Of The Signs Proving Her Status With Allah, And Traditions Indicating Her Excellence And Exalted Status
One of the most incontrovertible proofs of Fatimah's sinlessness is Allah's saying: Surely Allah wishes to keep away all abomination from you, O People of the House, and purify you with a great purification [our. 33 : 33 ] . The argument in favour of this, is that the Muslim community has unanimously agreed that the `People of the House' (i.e., Ahlu'l-Bayt), intended in this verse are the People of the Household of the Messenger of Allah. Traditions (ahadith) of both the Shi`i and Sunni communities have asserted that this verse particularly refers to 'Ali(A.S), Fatimah (S.A), Hasan (A.S) and Hussain (A.S.) The Holy Prophet (pbuh&hf), moreover, spread over them all one day a Khaybarite mantle and prayed: "O Allah, these are the People of my Household, keep away all abomination from them and purify them with a great purification!" Umm Salamah said: "I too, O Apostle of Allah, am of the People of your House!" He answered: "Your lot shall be good!"
The Divine Will expressed in this verse must by necessity be either an abstract will not implemented by an action, or a will accompanied by an action. The first option is untenable because it implies no particular applicability to the People of the Prophet's House; such a will is shared by all obligated (mukallafin) human beings. Nor is abstract will by itself cause for praise. The entire community has concurred on the view that this verse proclaims the excellence of the People of the Prophet's House over all others, and that the verse refers to them alone. Thus the second option (that the Divine Will referred to in the verse is a will accompanied by action) is true, and in it is clear proof of the sinlessness of those who were intended in the verse. It implies further that it is impossible for them to commit any evil action. Moreover, any others whom we have not named here are no doubt not held by general consensus as possessing `ismah (protection from error). Thus since the verse necessarily implies sinlessness it must apply to them (the People of the Prophet's House), because it pertains to no other individuals.
'Her Prayer'
One day the Holy Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra(S.A) was shown by her Father, The Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf), a very special kind of Prayer. That he himself was shown earlier by The Trusted Archangel Jibrael(A.S).
This special After-Prayer is to be said after each time, any Prayer of Worship is concluded.
The Holy Lady (S.A) in turn began to teach the short Prayer to so many others. That in the very short time, it became to be known as the 'Prayer of Fatimah Al-Zahra(S.A).
The Prayer
Take any kind of Prayer Bead string, such as shown on the image below. The Prayer String should have a total of 99 beads, with two dividers and ahead called the Sheikh.
The Prayer Bead is taken by the left hand and with the index finger and tumb of the right hand draws each bead seperately one by one and saying the words as described below.
For first set of 33 beads plus counting the first divider. Hence totalling in all 34 beads. For each bead passed say the clearly the words to yourself:
ALLAHO AKBAR For each of the 34 beads seperately. For the next second set of 33 beads. For each bead passed say the clearly the words to yourself:
AL-HAMDU LE ALLAH For each of the 33 beads seperately. For the third set of 33 beads For each bead passed say the clearly the words to yourself:
SUBHANA LE ALLAH For each of the 33 beads separately.
Totalling 100 beads
That concludes the Prayer of the Holy Infallible Lady of all women, in all of the worlds and in all of the Seven Heavens, The Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra(S.A)
Most or if not all of the Mujtahideen express a great Mustahab (preferable) as near to as Wajib (compulsory) to say this Prayer after any Prayer of Worship is concluded.
Many Muslims carry with them at all times the Prayer Bead String so that they can recite this prayer numerously at any time of the day and night. Especially at times when one has nothing to do such as waiting or sitting around lazily.
So think about it! What better way of filling your spare and idle time than to quietly recite this small Prayer to yourself in the rememberance and in thankfulness of Allah your Creator and Master. And in return Allah will reward His untold Thawaab and A'jar(reward)!
Thus it is good to always recite, in One's idle times. For it keeps the mind away from straying into troubled terrain. But to keep it travelling on the true and right track of good and steer away from evil with its untold mischievoius wicked thoughts and ideas etc.
Her Sacred Life
The most predominant view in the traditions transmitted by our traditionists is that Fatimah az-Zahra(S.A) was born in Mecca, on the twentieth of Jumada 'l-Akhir, in the fifth year of the Prophet's apostolic career. It is also asserted that when the Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) died, Fatimah(A.S) was eighteen years and seven months old.
The scholar Abu Said al-Hafiz relates in his book Sharafu'n-Nabiyy that all the children of the Messenger of Allah were born before Islam except Fatimah and Ibrahim, who were born in Islam.
Hadith-E-Kesa (English Translation) | for everyone |
Hadith-E-Kesa (English Translation)
One day, my dear Father, The Holy Prophet of Allah, came to my house and said to me "Peace be upon you, O Fatima," To which I replied: "And upon you be peace." He said "I feel some weakness in my body." I said "May Allah protect you from your weakness, O my Father." He said, " 0 Fatima, please bring me, the Vestment of Yemen and cover me with it." So, I brought my Father, the Vestment of Yemen and covered him with it. Then I looked at him and saw that his face was shining with the glow of a full white moon, and with the moon's full glory and splendour. After a while my son Hasan (A.S) came in and said "Peace be upon you, my mother." I replied: "And upon you be peace, O, the light of my eyes and the happiness of my heart." He then said: "Mother! I smell a fragrance so sweet and pure, as that of my Grandfather, The Prophet of Allah." I replied: "Yes. Indeed your Grandfather is sitting underneath that Vestment." Hasan went near to the Vestment and said: "Peace be upon you my Grandfather, The Prophet of Allah. Will you permit me to enter the Vestment with you?." He replied: "And upon you be peace, my son and the master of my fountain, I grant you permission to enter under the Vestment with me." So Hasan entered and sat under the Vestment with my Father. After a while my son Husain (A.S) came in and said "Peace be upon you, my mother." I replied: "And upon you be peace, O, the light of my eyes and happiness of my heart." He then said: "Mother I smell a fragrance so sweet and pure as that of my Grandfather, The Prophet of Allah." I replied, "Yes. Indeed your Grandfather and your brother are both sitting covered underneath that Vestment." Hussain approached the Vestment and said: "Peace be on you, O my Grandfather, The Chosen of Allah, do you allow me to enter the Vestment with both of you." He replied: "And upon you be peace, my son and intercessor of my followers, I so grant you permission." So Hussain entered and sat under the Vestment with them. After a while Abul Hasan (A.S), came in and said "Peace be on you, O daughter of The Prophet of Allah." I replied: "And upon you be peace, O Abul Hasan, the Commander of the Faithfulls." He then said: "O Fatima I smell a sweet fragrance and so pure which is like of my Brother and my Cousin, The Holy Prophet of Allah." I replied: "Yes. He is sitting covered underneath that Vestment with both of your sons." Ali (A.S) then went near to the Vestment and said: "Peace be upon you, O Prophet of Allah; May I enter the Vestment with You?" He replied: "And upon you be peace, my brother, my legatee, my successor and my standard bearer; I give you permission to enter." So Ali(A.S) entered under the Vestment with them. Then I myself approached the group sitting underneath the Vestment and requested. "Peace be onto you, my Father, O Prophet of Allah; do you permit me also to enter." He replied: "And upon you be peace, my daughter, O part of myself, I give you permission to enter." So I myself entered and sat under the Vestment with them all. When all of us had gathered together covered over and sitting underneath the holy Vestment, my Father, took hold of the two ends of the Vestment and raised his right hand in Prayer towards The Heavens saying, "Allah, these are The People of my Ahlul-Bayt and very specially my Own and my Protectors. They are of my own flesh and of my own blood. Whoever gives them trouble, gives me trouble too; whoever makes them unhappy, makes me unhappy too, I am at war with those who are at war with them, I am at peace with those who are at peace with them. I am the enemy of those who are at enemy with them; I am the friend of those who befriend them. Indeed they are from me, and I am from them. Therefore, send Thy blessings, mercy, forgiveness, and pleasure upon me and upon them. Remove all blemish from them and keep away all kinds of impurity from them." Then Allah The Majestic and The Glorified, spoke to His Angels
Then The Archangel Jibrael, the Trusted One, asked Allah. "O Lord, who are these sitting covered under the Vestment?"
Allah, The Majestic, The Glorified, answered, The Archangel Jibrael then requested, "O Lord, may I go down, and be the Sixth of Them?"
Allah replied The Archangel Jibrael Al-Ameen, decended down to the Earth and said, "Peace be upon you, O Prophet of Allah. The All Highest conveys His peace on you and His salutation, and He has sworn by His Honour and Glory that He has not created, but the erected Sky, the spread Earth, the illuminated Moon, the bright Sun, the rotating Universe, the flowing Seas, and the sailing Ships but for your sake and your love. God has given me permission to enter and sit with all of you underneath the Vestment.. Do you also grant me that permission, O Prophet of Allah?" The Prophet replied, "And upon you be peace, O thou who art the Trusted with The Revelations of Allah; yes I grant you permission to enter." So The Archangel Jibrael entered and sat beneath the Vestment with us all, and said to my Father that indeed Allah has sent this revelation to you;
"Verily Allah desires to keep away all blemish from you, O Ahlul-Bayt, and to purify you with a perfect purification."
Then Ali (A.S) asked my father, "O Prophet of Allah what significance does Allah attach to this Event of our sitting gathered together underneath this Vestment?" The Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) replied, "I swear by Him who appointed me a Prophet and chose me a confident Messenger, that no assembly, wherever this Event is narrated by our followers and devotees, shall remain without the Mercy of Allah decending on them, and encircling Angels as king Allah for the remission of their sins till the assembly has dispersed." Ali(A.S) then exclaimed, "I swear by Allah the Lord of The Kaba, that we have all succeeded and our all followers have succeded too." Again The Holy Prophet(pbuh&hf) said, "I swear by Him who appointed me a Prophet and chose me a confident Messenger that in any of the assemblies on the Earth, in which our followers and friends have gathered, wherever this Event is narrated there shall remain none grieved, but Allah will remove his grief ; there shall be none distressed, but Allah will dispell his distress, and there shall be none who seeks a wish, but Allah will grant his wish." Ali (A.S) then said, "Verily, by Allah, We have succeeded and become happy so also all our followers have succeeded and become happy in this world as well as in the next world by the Lord of The Kaba. O Allah, send Thy Blessings on to Muhammad(pbuh&hf) and The Descendents of Muhammad(pbuh&hf)."
HADEES OF THE HOLY PROPHET (S.A.W.S.) | for everyone |
First Infallible: Mohammad Al-Mustafa (S.A.W.W) Sayings:
- The most honored among people who is pious, and the strongest among people who depends on Allah.
- A man giving in alms one piece of silver in his lifetime is better for him than giving one hundred when about to die.
- To meet friends cheerfully and invite them to a feast are charitable acts.
- To extend consideration towards neighbors and send them presents are charitable acts.
- To acquire knowledge is binding upon all Muslims, whether male or female.
- The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.
- He who travels in the search of knowledge, to him God shows the way of Paradise.
- Acquire knowledge, because he who acquires it, in the way of the Lord, performs an act of piety; who speaks of it praises the Lord; who seeks it, adores God, who dispenses instruction in it, bestows alms; and who imparts it to its fitting objects, performs an act of devotion to God. Knowledge enables its possessor to distinguish what is forbidden from what is not; lights the way to Heaven; it is our friend in the desert, our companion in solitude, our companion, when benefit of friends; it guides us to happiness; it sustains us in misery; it is our ornament in the company of friends; it serves as an armor against our enemies. With knowledge the creatures of Allah rises to the heights of goodness and to noble position, associates with the sovereigns in this world and attains the perfection of happiness in the next.
- Keep yourselves far from envy, because it eats up and takes away good actions, like the fire that eats up and burns wood.
- Whoever suppresses his anger, when he has in his power to show it, God will give him a great reward.
- He is not strong and powerful, who throws people down, but he is strong who withholds himself from anger.
- Deal gently with a people, and be not harsh; cheer them and condemn not.
- Much silence and a good disposition; there are no two works better than these.
- The best of friends is he who is best in behavior and character.
- One who does not practice modesty and does not refrain from shameless deeds is not a Muslim.
- Paradise lies at the feet of thy mother.
- He who wishes to enter Paradise must please his father and mother.
- No one who keeps his mind focused entirely upon himself can grow large, strong and beautiful in character.
- Whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet him.
- The five stated prayers erase the sins which have been committed during the intervals between them if they have not been mortal sins.
- God is not merciful to him who is not so to humankind. He who is not kind to God's creation and to his own children, God will not be kind to him.
- Whosoever visits a sick person, an angel calls from Heaven: "Be happy in the world and happy be your walking; and take your habitation in Paradise."
- The love of the world is the root of all evils.
- Wealth properly employed is a blessing; and a man may lawfully endeavor to increase it by honest means.
- One who listens to the call of a Muslim, and does not respond to it, is NOT a Muslim.
- One, who gets up in the morning and is not concerned about the affairs of other Muslims, is NOT a Muslim.
- Being in need of Allah is a source of pride for me and I take pride in it.
- Honesty brings subsistence. Dishonesty brings poverty.
- I will certainly hear him who greets me near my tomb, and I will surely respond the salaams of him who greets me from any place.
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