Saudi Wahhabis Call to Demolish Birthplace of the Prophet and Islamic Sacred Sites | for everyone |
Saudi Wahhabis Call to Demolish Birthplace of the Prophet and Islamic Sacred Sites

Most prominent Wahhabi clerics support this call alleging that the visit of graves and other holly shrines and sites , is a kind of atheism (Shirk) .
The (CPVPV) calls to :
1- Demolish the Birthplace of the Prophet .
2- Demolish the grave of Amina bint Wahb, the Prophet’s mother
2- Enclose the holy mountain Jabal Al Rahma, (the mountain of mercy) , in the plain of Arafat outside Mecca. The pilgrims go to Mount Arafat for the culmination of the hajj, symbolizing the final judgment at the scene of Muhammad's last sermon 14 centuries ago
3- Enclose Jabal-al-noor (the mountain of light) where the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation from God on this mountain.
4- Put ban on entrance to the graveyard al-Mu'alla in Mecca which includes the grave of Sayyida Khadija bint Khuwailid, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad .
5- Put ban on entrance to the graveyard of Maimoona which includes the grave of (Maimoona), the last wife of the Prophet Muhammad .
6- Change the name of the Graveyard of Eve
7- Demolish the Mosque of bai'a in Mecca .
2- Demolish the grave of Amina bint Wahb, the Prophet’s mother
2- Enclose the holy mountain Jabal Al Rahma, (the mountain of mercy) , in the plain of Arafat outside Mecca. The pilgrims go to Mount Arafat for the culmination of the hajj, symbolizing the final judgment at the scene of Muhammad's last sermon 14 centuries ago
3- Enclose Jabal-al-noor (the mountain of light) where the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation from God on this mountain.
4- Put ban on entrance to the graveyard al-Mu'alla in Mecca which includes the grave of Sayyida Khadija bint Khuwailid, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad .
5- Put ban on entrance to the graveyard of Maimoona which includes the grave of (Maimoona), the last wife of the Prophet Muhammad .
6- Change the name of the Graveyard of Eve
7- Demolish the Mosque of bai'a in Mecca .
Standing Behind Shia Elites for Prayering is Permissible | for everyone |
Al-Azhar Sunni Grand Imam: Standing Behind Shia Elites for Prayering is Permissible

E-tayeb, the holder of Islamic philosophy PhD said “he was prepared to stand behind the Shia elites to perform his prayer and said as “rumored, they [the Shia] have no other Qur’an.
“None of the Sunni commentators talked about the Shia following another version of the holy Qur’an,” the statement which stipulates Shia-Sunni unity.
El-Tayeb said he will go to visit Nejaf, the sacred Shia city and the shrine of Imam Ali (AS), the first Shia leader when he visits Iraq after the formation of the country’s new government.
220 Ceremonies to Be Held to Mark Imam Reza’s (AS) Birth Anniversary | for everyone |
220 Ceremonies to Be Held to Mark Imam Reza’s (AS) Birth Anniversary
This is according to Ebadollah Ramezani director general of Tehran Municipality’s cultural department.
He predicted that Tehranis would well receive the programs to be organized by the department on the auspicious occasion.
“A calligraphy exhibition titled ‘A Piece from Heaven’ is also underway in Tehran,” he said. Organized by the cultural department, it features calligraphy works with themes related to Hadiths by Imam Reza (AS).
Holding cultural and sports competitions and organizing tours to Tehran’s pilgrimage sites have been among other programs held this week on the occasion.
Tuesday, October 19, marks the birth anniversary of Imam Reza (AS), the 8th Imam of Shia Muslims.
“A calligraphy exhibition titled ‘A Piece from Heaven’ is also underway in Tehran,” he said. Organized by the cultural department, it features calligraphy works with themes related to Hadiths by Imam Reza (AS).
Holding cultural and sports competitions and organizing tours to Tehran’s pilgrimage sites have been among other programs held this week on the occasion.
Tuesday, October 19, marks the birth anniversary of Imam Reza (AS), the 8th Imam of Shia Muslims.
HADEES | for everyone |
A man asked him once about the meaning of the verse, "Whoever relies on God, He suffices him." He said: "Reliance on God is in various degrees one of which is that you rely on Him in everything related to you, and when He does something to you which you know will not bring you anything good, you rely on His wisdom in doing it, so you nevertheless put your trust in Him willingly. Another is to believe in the Unseen regarding God of which you have no knowledge, so you relied on Him and on His custodians, trusting in Him in their regard, and in others."
He was asked once about the extent of such reliance. He said, "It is that you fear none save God." What the Imam here means is that you submit to the Will of God and accept His decree. Ahmed ibn Najm asked him about the pride which spoils one's deeds. He said: "Pride is degrees; among them is that one sees his bad deed as good, so he likes it and feels proud of it; another is that one believes in God and feels he is doing Him a favour by believing in Him, whereas He is the One who enabled that person to believe in Him."
He, peace be upon him, said once, "If one lacks five attributes, do not expect to gain anything good out of him for your life in this world or in the life to come: if his lineage is known to be untrustworthy, if his nature lacks generosity, if his temper lacks balance, if he lacks a noble conduct, and if he lacks fear of his Lord."
He, peace be upon him, said once, "If one lacks five attributes, do not expect to gain anything good out of him for your life in this world or in the life to come: if his lineage is known to be untrustworthy, if his nature lacks generosity, if his temper lacks balance, if he lacks a noble conduct, and if he lacks fear of his Lord."
HADEES- IMAM AL REZA (A.S.) | for everyone |
1. He who compares & likens Allah to his creations is a polytheist & the one who attributes something which has been forbidden for HIM is an infidel
(WASAIL USH SHIA, Vol 18, P557)
(WASAIL USH SHIA, Vol 18, P557)
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(WASAIL USH SHIA, Vol 18, P557)
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2. Faith is to one grade superior & sublimer to Islam & piety is one degree superior to faith & certitude & certainty is one step superior to faith & nothing more elegent & excellent than certitude has been bestowed upon the sons of Adam (A.S.)
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 338)
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3. Faith has four pillars: Trusting & relying upon Allah, & contentment & pleasure with the divine will, & submittance to the ordain & ordinance of Allah, & delegation & turning over (the affairs) to Allah. i-e (total submission & resignment to Allah).
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78,P 338)
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4. And faith means performing & discharging the obligatory duties & avoiding the committing of forbidden acts & faith is the recognition & knowing (Allah) through the heart & admitting & confessing through the tongue & practicing through the parts of body (physically).
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5. One day Imam Reza (A.S.) mentioned Quran & so he described the magnanimity & glory of it's authority & it's miracles saying, "That is the firm cable of Allah & firmest handhold & the ideal & model path, it guides & leads toward paradise & is the saviour from the fire (of Hell). It does not corrode & wear out by the passage & flow of time. More over, it's continuous repetition & recitation through the tongue does not devalue & depreciate it, since, it is not made to exist for a certain age & period apart from other ages & periods. Instead, it has been made a proof & logic for all human beings. Falsehood does neither find passage in the front & afore of it nor from it's back side.
It has been descended (revealed) by Allah, the All wise, All praise worthy.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 92, P 14)
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6. Rayyan says I said to Imam Reza (A.S.) "What do you say about Quran?" So he replied "It is the speech of Allah, do not exceed & move ahead of it & do not seek guidance from other than it, otherwise, you would go astray.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 92, P 117)
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7. "Indeed Imamate is the rein of religion & the system of Muslims & the righteousness & welfare of the world & the honour & glory of faithfuls, Verily, Imamate is the growing & ongoing root of Islam & it's elevated & sublime branch.
Services, alms, fasting, Hajj & Jehad (the holy war) attain completion & perfection & the Allah's bounds, sanctions, & ordinaces get executed, & the frontiers & boundaries (of Islamic lands) get safe & secure, through Imam.
(USOOL KAFI, Vol 1, P 200)
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8. About the workers & officials of sultan (king, ruler). Becoming part of the officials of them & providing of help & assistance to them & putting in endeavour to fulfill their needs & requirments is the equivalent to infidelity. And looking intentionally & purposely at them is one of the great sins which deems one fit to deserve the hell fire.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 75, P 374)
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9. Allah may take pity & be mericiful to the servant who resurrects & revives our affair so I said "And how is it that your affair gets revived?" He responded", By learning our knowledge & teaching them to the people.
(WASAIL USH SHIA, Vol 18, P 102)
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10 - A faithful will not become (real) faithful till such time he acquires three qualities: A way of Allah's treatment, the Prophet's rule & a rule of his Wali. However, the Allah's treatment is the concealing of his secret. Allah said "The Knower of the unseen!So He does not reveal His secret to any. Except to him whom He chooses as an apostle.
More over, the Sunnah & rule of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) is conciliation with the people. So Allah commanded the Prophet (P.B.U.H) to conciliate with the masses saying.
"Take to forgiveness & enjoin good."
Nevertheless, the rule of his Wali is "Excersicing patience & endurance in (the times of) adversities, poverty & apprehensions."
(USOOL KAFI, Vol 2, P 241)
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11. The intellect of a Muslim man does not mature & complete till he has ten qualities:
1) Benevolence & benefaction be expected & hoped from him.
2) And people be secure & peaceful from his evil doing.
3) He considers the small amount of benefaction from others as abundant & plentiful.
4) And takes plenty of his own benevolence & goodness to be a meagre amount of it.
5) He does not get tired & exhausted by the demands & requirement asked to be fulfilled.
6) He does not get fatigued & restless from seeking knowledge for all the length of his life.
7) He loves poverty more than the plentifulness & affluence, on the course of Allah.
8) And he loves disgrace &abjectness of the way of Allah more than the honour on the course of His enemy.
9) And anonymity is more liked by him than fame.
Then he (A.S) said. "The tenth one & what is the tenth?
The person asked him (A.S.) "What is that?" Imam (A.S.) reflected, "He does not see a person but that he says "He is better & more pious than myself."
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 336)
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12. He who takes himself to account gets benefitted & the one who gets negligent & careless about himself bears loss. And the one who fears (Allah) becomes peaceful. And that one who takes lesson becomes most clear sighted & discerning. And he who become most clear sighted understands & he who understands & comprehencds becomes knowledgeable & informed.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 352)
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13. A person asked Imam Reza (A.S.) "Who are the best of servants?
So he responded "Those men that when they perform good deed they become glad & when they perform a bad deed they ask the forgiveness (of Allah) & when they are granted they thank (for it). And while they get afflicted & grieved they exercise patience. And when they get enraged & angry they forgive. (overlook other faults).
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14. And avoiding the cardinal & grave sins & these are murdering & killing the soul that Allah has forbidden...
And committing adultery, & stealing & drinking (wine) & opposing (annoying) the parents, & running away fleeeing the battle front (in Jehad). & misappropriating & eating the wealth of orphans oppressively & eating the carrion (flesh of dead creature) & drinking blood & taking meat of pig (pork) & eating the meat of animals which are slaughtered without Allah's name being taken at the time of slaughtering them.
And eating (taking) interest after the clear cut ordain & the illicit & forbidden (wealth), & the arrow shuffling & gambling, & diminishing reducing in measures & weights & accusing the chaste (virtuous) women & sodomy & giving of false witness & disappointment with the commiseration of Allah & considering oneself safe from the plan of Allah. (fearlessness from Allah's plan) & dismay from the blessing & commiseraton of Allah & helping & assisting the aggressors & tyrants & reliance & trust upon them. And taking false oath & retention of rights without being hard up & telling lie. And pride & arrogancy & spending lavishly & wasting & squandering (of resources) & dishonesty & depreciating & belittling Hajj & combating & standing up against the representatives of Allah. And involvement & libidinous pleasures) And insisting upon committing sins.
(AOYUN AKHBAR UR . REZA(A.S.), Vol 2, P 127)
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15. There are some grades of self conceit. One among them is that the evil acts of a servant gets decorated to him & he takes them for good deeds & boasts & glutts about them & considers them as nice acts performed by him. And one of them is that a servant acquires faith & belief upon Allah & then boasts of a favour conferred upon Allah, where as, Allah has done him a favour in it.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 336)
16. Had Allah not frightened people by paradise & hell even then it would have been obligatory for them to obey Him & not commit His disobedience because of his favours & kindnesses upon them. And His granting them the beneficiences to start with, whithout any of their rights.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 71, P 174)
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17. If it is asked why people were ordered to fast? It would be answered so that they may know the trouble of hunger & thirst & thus get the idea about the poverty (hunger & thirst) of the Hereafter. And the fast keeper may get humbled, belittled, humiliated, destitute, indigent (more over) they may get the reward of Allah & be patient & forebearing in the wake of the (trouble) they face from hunger & thirst with knowing of Allah & sincerity. So fasting will be the cause of their getting reward. More over, this will bring about the control of lustful desires and become the admonitioner in this world.
And make them submit to the performance & offering of what has been made obligatory for them & guides them to (the affairs of) Hereafter.
Nonetheless, they by keeping fast understand & comprehend the severeness & extemity & the amount of hardships & miseries that the poor & afflicted ones have to bear in this world. So they give away the obligatory amounts which Allah has made obligation for them to pay out of their wealths.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 96, P 370)
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18. The Jamaat prayers (the collective & assembly prayers) have only been made so that the sincerity, oneness of Allah & the adoring & worshipping of Allah gets obvious, known, apparent & common. Because the show of it will complete the proof of the oneness of Allah to the people of East & West. And will make the hypocrite & the one who has disrespecting attitude, humble & respectful to something which is the cause of admitting & acknowledging the apparent of Islam & the submission to it.
And to the effect that the witnesses of people upon the Islam (being Muslim) of each other becomes lawful & possible.
Moreover, it becomes the (cause of) cooperation & co- working of them upon good acts & piety & their taking distance from plenty number of evil acts forbidden by Allah.
(AOYUN AKHBAR AR REZA, Vol 2, P 109; AL-HAYAT Vol 1, P 233)
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19. Indeed Allah has commanded three things (in Quran) which are proximated with three others. He ordered the prayers & alms. So the one who offers prayer & does not pay alms, his service is not accepted from him.
And He ordered His thanks giving with that of the parents. So the one who does not thank his parent has not thanked Allah. And He commanded fear of Allah & connecting with the kinship. So the one who does not connect with the blood relations is not afraid of Allah.
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20. Do not let the good deeds & Ijtehad & endeavour in worship go, depending & trusting upon the love of the Mohammad's (P.B.U.H.) house hold.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 347)
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21. Be careful of greed & jealousy, since, these (vices) have perished the previous nations. And beware of stinginess because it is a calamity which will not be found in a free man & a faithful.
This (vice) is against & controversial to faith.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 346)
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22. Silence is a door among the doors of wisdom. Indeed, silence begets & attracts love it is the proof of all the beneficiences.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 355)
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23. Behave with the friend humbly & with the enemy carefully & the general people, with smiling & blooming face.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 355)
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24. Allah dislikes futile (useless)talk & squandering the wealth& begging (asking things).
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 335)
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25. The miser does not have any comfort&so does the jealous not have any joy & felicity & the (kings) (rulers) do not have faithfulness & trust worthiness & the liar does not have any manlihood (forbearance).
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 345)
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26. The secret & cause of services (prayers) is that prayer is the confession of the lordship of Allah & negating all kinds of partners & plurality for him. And standing before the omnipotent, with humility, humbleness, & the confession (of sins) & begging forgiveness of the previous sins. And placing the face of dust five times a day as (sign of) honouring & confession of His greatness. And services (prayers) is the cause of remembering Him & taking distance from the arrogance & neglectfulness. Prayers become the cause of humility, submisiveness & humbleness (toward Allah) & the eagerness, keenfulness & enthusiasm regarding the desire of enhancement of material & spiritual progress (both in the world & hereafter). Moreover, prayers makes a man engaged constantly in the remembrance of Allah both day & night so that he must not forget his Lord, Master, Administrator & Creator, since, forgetfulness will become the cause of rebelion. Man while offering prayer stays in the presence of his Lord & in the state of His remembrance & this very condition constrains & stops him from sins and constrains & refrains him from many kinds of corruptions.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 82, P 261)
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27. And parsimony & avarice makes the honour (of man) spotted (dishonours & disgraces him) & the love of (worldly materials) causes griefs & involvements in problems. And the best & most valuable of virtues is doing good (to others) & providing shelter & refuge to those afflicted & fulfilling the hope of the person having hope from you.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 375)
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28. Do not acquire & adopt the company of drinker & do not salute him.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 66, P 491)
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29. Allah forbade the drinking of wine, since, it causes corruption, disturbance, & intoxication of the
minds of it's drinker & this becomes the cause ot his refusing & denying of Allah& uttering abnoxious language about Him&His Prophets.And becomes the cause of all the sins including murdering & accusing falsely chaste woman of adultery & committing adultery & lessening of abstinece & refraining from forbidden deeds (sins). So this is the reason of it that all the drinks which intoxicate are prohibited & forbidden. Since these drinks too have the same negative results which the wine has got.
(WASAIL USH SHIA, Vol 17, P 22)
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30. Seven things short of seven other things are making (as if) a mockery. The one who repents through his tongue but he is not ashamed at his heart, has cut a joke with himself. And the one who asks Allah succour & does not put in effort has mocked himself. And the person who asks for foresightedness & does not be careful so he has made a mockery with himself. And the one who asks paradise from Allah & does not be patient over the hardships & calamities has made a fun of himself. And the one who exercises remembrance of Allah & does not get prepared & set his foot ahead towards meeting HIM has cut a joke with himself.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 356)
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31. Get connected to your kinship even it may be means of a drinking water with them. And the supreme & superb kind of connecting with the kinship as to avoid annoying them.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 338)
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32. Give alms although with a small amount of a thing because indeed all that is intended for the sake of Allah; although those may be meagre & small yet becomes great, & magnanimous by virtue of the righteousness & purity of intention.
(WASAIL USH SHIA. Vol 8, P 442)
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33. The one who happens to meet a poor Muslim & salutes him against the way he salutes a wealthy person shall meet Allah on the resurrection day in a way that He will be angry with him.
(WASAIL USH SHIA. Vol 8, P 442)
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34. Meet & see each other so that you get friendlier with each other.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 347)
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35. The one who repents upon the sins is like the one who does not have a sin.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 6, P 21)
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36. Cleanliness is from the morality & character of Prophets.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 335)
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37. The best wealth is the one by which the honour of man is protected.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 352)
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38. The weapon of the Prophets is essential for you. When asked "What is the weapon of Prophets". He said "supplication!".
(USOOL KAFI, Vol 1, P 468)
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39. Be the mercy of Allah upon you, know it that Allah has forbidden all (forms of) gambling & ordained the servants to avoid it & named it dirt (Contamination) (in His Book, Quran).
And said, "The dirt (filth) is the activity of satan so avoid it. Such as playing with chess & backgammons & other forms of gambling. And backgammons is worse than chess.
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40. The superior most mind is the man's recognition of his self.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 352)
41. The best and most respected virtue of a man is to do good and to fulfill the desires of the needy.
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42. He who wishes to be the most needless should put his full trust in Allah.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 364)
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43.As soon as the intimacy appears the awe vanishes. Requisition for help is the beginning of misfortune.
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44.Gifts cast out hatred from the heart.
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45.One who torments his neighbour is not one of us.
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46. Giving alms is the most valuable savings.
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47.Good temper could be divided into two categories: 1- Intrinsic, 2- Voluntary: The possessor of which is considered to be the better person.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 379)
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48. To be patient in the face of hardships is a virtue but to refrain from forbidden deeds is a greater one.
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49. Patience and resignation are considered as the worthiest devotions.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 359)
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50. The honest man has not betrayed you, but you consider the betrayer as the honest one.
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51. You had better avoid the munificence that results in the greater loss to you than the benefits received by your brethren.
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52. True faith means: Oral acknowledgement, heart-felt knowledge and the good practice.
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53. He who is sure about the divine rewards will be more generous
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54. He who adopts someone as a brother in order to provide Allah's consent will be given a chamber in paradise.
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55. True devotion not only means excessive saying of prayers and keeping fasts. One ought to meditate on The Divinity profoundly.
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56. I wonder at one who purchases the slaves and releases them. Why doesn't he try to make the free people indebted by his good conduct?
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 354)
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57. It is much better to be uninterested in other's properties than to be munificent.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 367)
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58. He who shows patience in providing Allah's consent will no doubt get more than what he has lost.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 368)
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59. He who desires to postpone the time of his decease and wishes to have his sustenace increased should observe ties of kinship.
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60. God will make happy on the Day of Judgement, the person who has removed the grief from the heart of a believer.
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61. To help the disabled is much better than to give alms.
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62. There is no better milk for the baby's nourishment than its mother's.
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63. He who exposes himself to an open accusation should not blame those who may suspect him.
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64. The oppressors will finally be punished.
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65. Be good companions of blessings because they are fleeting: once gone away, will not return.
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66. To use scent is a manner of the Holy Prophets (A.S.). Cleanliness is the characteristic of the Holy Prophets (A.S.)
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67. One who breaks his promise will not be left safe and sound in the unpleasant events.
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68. Nothing is more worthy than good temper.
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69. You who can not satisfy people with your riches had better try to make them happy with a smiling face and good manners.
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70. Silence is one of the gates to wisdom.
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71. Man's intellect is his friend and ignorance, his foe.
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72. If the men of knowledge present their knowledge to the ignorant people, they have spoiled it.
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73. Do not get angry when you are informed of the truth.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 338)
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74. One ought to see his guests off to the gate.
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75. He who causes Allah's wrath in order to provide a king's consent is an apostate.
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76. Almightiness is reserved for Allah the One. He who claims the possession of this status will be perished by Allah.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 372)
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77. If a person holds a malthought towards another believer, then Allah will not accept his religious deeds.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 369)
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78. One ought to be open-handed towards his household, lest they wish for his death.
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79. The generous are the masters of the people in this world, while the pious are their chiefs on doomsday.
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80. Be patient in the face of truth bitter though it might taste to thee.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 368)
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81. Your mouth is one of the channels through which you make contact with Allah. You had then better keep it clean by brushing your teeth.
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82. He who does not offer his thanks to his benefactor has not actually praised Allah the Great and the Glorious.
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83. A generous man will eat other's food so that they might partake of his food. A miser refuses to eat the food of others in order to deprive them of his own food.
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84. He who blames time should spend a long time blaming.
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85. Pure piety is not but avoidance of mortal sins and abstinence from persecuting the faithful.
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86. He who acts with no insight looks like a pedestrian who travels on a wrong path. The faster he walks, the deviated he becomes out the straight path.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 381)
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87. Allah liketh not the person who has not defended his assailed house.
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88. Reflections is the mirror into which you can look and see your virtues and your evils.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 380)
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89. Magnanimity is unstable. Trust in Allah will give it stability.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 357)
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90. Humbleness means treating others the same way as you expect them to treat you.
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91. He who tries to keep himself immaculate for forty days, Allah will let the waves of wisdom flow from his heart to his tongue.
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92. The forgiving warriors will enjoy divine victory in the battlefields.
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93. He who wishes to be the most dear to the people must be virtuous both in public and in secret.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 381)
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94. Human intellect is a divine blessing but politeness is acquired through endeavouring.
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95.Prudence keeps repentance away.
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96. Giving alms repels certain catastrophe.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 347)
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97. He who wishes to be the strongest of all should rely on Allah.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 358)
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98. The believer who is endowed with a good temper will have the strongest faith.
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99. Perfection in intellect is primarily to have faith in Allah and secondly to behave well towards others.
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100. The believer's fury will not deviate him from the right path.
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101. He who begins his day without being concerned about improving the Muslim's affairs should not be called a Muslim.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 369)
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102. The true Muslim never teases others with his hand or tongue.
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103. He who recognizes his merit will not easily perish.
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104. Penalty for ingratitude occurs instantly.
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105. Remission is good when not accompanied by blame.
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106. Treasures of beneficence include concealment of your good deeds, tolerance in hardships and reticence in disasters.
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107. A faithful Muslim never exceeds his legitimate right when he is in power.
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108. He who is ambitious will perish. Presidency must be owned by those who are worthy of it.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 384)
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109. He who chooses his path properly will not slip down. He will never confront a deadlock in case he falls.
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110. A generous man is close to Allah, close to paradise, and close to every one.
* * *
111. Keeping others' secrets, patience in hardships and tolerance towards others are all signs of faith.
* * *
112. A Muslim should not frighten his brethren.
* * *
113. He who reveals his poverty before others will disgrace himself.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 367)
* * *
114. To be in the company of villians will result in suspecting the good.
* * *
115. Resignation, beneficence and certitude are the most precious blessings descended by Heaven.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 353)
* * *
116. Tolerance, knowledge and silence are the signs found in a jurisprudent.
* * *
117. To bear enmity towards the people is the worst provision for the journey to the Hereafter.
* * *
118. He who betrays his brethren, causes them losses and deceives them, is not one of us.
* * *
119. To be friendly with others denotes one half of wisdom.
* * *
120. Never become angry with others and do not ask anything from them. Wish for the people whatever you wish for yourself.
* * *
121. Wine and other intoxicating beverages are strictly prohibited by the religious legislation. One sip of such drinks is as illegitimate as a whole barrel is.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 280)
* * *
122. A wealthy person ought to be generous to his family.
* * *
123. Some women are blessings for their husbands who express their love and affection.
* * *
124. The Midnight Prayers (Namaz-e- Shab) is recommended (Sunnat) for you. So if a person gets up in the last part of the night and recites Namaz-e-Shab, Allah will save him from the squeeze (fishar) in the grave and grant him immunity from the fire of hell, and will increase his age and sustenance.
* * *
125. Whoever goes to the grave of a believer brother, places his hand on it and recites Surah al-Qadr seven times, Allah will keep him away from the troubles of Qayamat.
* * *
126. If a person does not have the means to lessen the stock of his bad deeds, he should send Salawat and Salaam on the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) and His progeny abundantly, doing so will decrease (the weight of) his sins.
* * *
127. When someone is choosen by Allah to administer the affairs of men, Allah expands his breast for him, places the wellsprings of wisdom in his heart, and inspires him with knowledge, so that he will be able to solve any problem that arises. He will know well the straight path of the truth. Such a one is none other than the Immaculate Imam, who enjoys the aid and support of his Lord and who lies beyond the reach of all errors and sins.
(USOOL KAFI, VOL 1, P 202)
* * *
128. The Imam is completely free of sin and pure of all fault. He is celebrated for his knowledge and his forebearance. His existence is a source of pride to the Muslims, of anger to the hypocrites, of perdition to the unbelievers. The Imam is unique in his age, in the sense that no one can attain his rank. No scholar can come within range of his knowledge, and he is unequalled in all his qualities. He possesses all virtues and worthy attributes without any striving on his part, and he is adorned with all lofty characteristics. This is a great gift bestowed on him by Allah in His generosity.
(USOOL KAFI, VOL 1, P 200)
2. Faith is to one grade superior & sublimer to Islam & piety is one degree superior to faith & certitude & certainty is one step superior to faith & nothing more elegent & excellent than certitude has been bestowed upon the sons of Adam (A.S.)
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 338)
* * *
3. Faith has four pillars: Trusting & relying upon Allah, & contentment & pleasure with the divine will, & submittance to the ordain & ordinance of Allah, & delegation & turning over (the affairs) to Allah. i-e (total submission & resignment to Allah).
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78,P 338)
* * *
4. And faith means performing & discharging the obligatory duties & avoiding the committing of forbidden acts & faith is the recognition & knowing (Allah) through the heart & admitting & confessing through the tongue & practicing through the parts of body (physically).
* * *
5. One day Imam Reza (A.S.) mentioned Quran & so he described the magnanimity & glory of it's authority & it's miracles saying, "That is the firm cable of Allah & firmest handhold & the ideal & model path, it guides & leads toward paradise & is the saviour from the fire (of Hell). It does not corrode & wear out by the passage & flow of time. More over, it's continuous repetition & recitation through the tongue does not devalue & depreciate it, since, it is not made to exist for a certain age & period apart from other ages & periods. Instead, it has been made a proof & logic for all human beings. Falsehood does neither find passage in the front & afore of it nor from it's back side.
It has been descended (revealed) by Allah, the All wise, All praise worthy.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 92, P 14)
* * *
6. Rayyan says I said to Imam Reza (A.S.) "What do you say about Quran?" So he replied "It is the speech of Allah, do not exceed & move ahead of it & do not seek guidance from other than it, otherwise, you would go astray.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 92, P 117)
* * *
7. "Indeed Imamate is the rein of religion & the system of Muslims & the righteousness & welfare of the world & the honour & glory of faithfuls, Verily, Imamate is the growing & ongoing root of Islam & it's elevated & sublime branch.
Services, alms, fasting, Hajj & Jehad (the holy war) attain completion & perfection & the Allah's bounds, sanctions, & ordinaces get executed, & the frontiers & boundaries (of Islamic lands) get safe & secure, through Imam.
(USOOL KAFI, Vol 1, P 200)
* * *
8. About the workers & officials of sultan (king, ruler). Becoming part of the officials of them & providing of help & assistance to them & putting in endeavour to fulfill their needs & requirments is the equivalent to infidelity. And looking intentionally & purposely at them is one of the great sins which deems one fit to deserve the hell fire.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 75, P 374)
* * *
9. Allah may take pity & be mericiful to the servant who resurrects & revives our affair so I said "And how is it that your affair gets revived?" He responded", By learning our knowledge & teaching them to the people.
(WASAIL USH SHIA, Vol 18, P 102)
* * *
10 - A faithful will not become (real) faithful till such time he acquires three qualities: A way of Allah's treatment, the Prophet's rule & a rule of his Wali. However, the Allah's treatment is the concealing of his secret. Allah said "The Knower of the unseen!So He does not reveal His secret to any. Except to him whom He chooses as an apostle.
More over, the Sunnah & rule of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) is conciliation with the people. So Allah commanded the Prophet (P.B.U.H) to conciliate with the masses saying.
"Take to forgiveness & enjoin good."
Nevertheless, the rule of his Wali is "Excersicing patience & endurance in (the times of) adversities, poverty & apprehensions."
(USOOL KAFI, Vol 2, P 241)
* * *
11. The intellect of a Muslim man does not mature & complete till he has ten qualities:
1) Benevolence & benefaction be expected & hoped from him.
2) And people be secure & peaceful from his evil doing.
3) He considers the small amount of benefaction from others as abundant & plentiful.
4) And takes plenty of his own benevolence & goodness to be a meagre amount of it.
5) He does not get tired & exhausted by the demands & requirement asked to be fulfilled.
6) He does not get fatigued & restless from seeking knowledge for all the length of his life.
7) He loves poverty more than the plentifulness & affluence, on the course of Allah.
8) And he loves disgrace &abjectness of the way of Allah more than the honour on the course of His enemy.
9) And anonymity is more liked by him than fame.
Then he (A.S) said. "The tenth one & what is the tenth?
The person asked him (A.S.) "What is that?" Imam (A.S.) reflected, "He does not see a person but that he says "He is better & more pious than myself."
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 336)
* * *
12. He who takes himself to account gets benefitted & the one who gets negligent & careless about himself bears loss. And the one who fears (Allah) becomes peaceful. And that one who takes lesson becomes most clear sighted & discerning. And he who become most clear sighted understands & he who understands & comprehencds becomes knowledgeable & informed.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 352)
* * *
13. A person asked Imam Reza (A.S.) "Who are the best of servants?
So he responded "Those men that when they perform good deed they become glad & when they perform a bad deed they ask the forgiveness (of Allah) & when they are granted they thank (for it). And while they get afflicted & grieved they exercise patience. And when they get enraged & angry they forgive. (overlook other faults).
* * *
14. And avoiding the cardinal & grave sins & these are murdering & killing the soul that Allah has forbidden...
And committing adultery, & stealing & drinking (wine) & opposing (annoying) the parents, & running away fleeeing the battle front (in Jehad). & misappropriating & eating the wealth of orphans oppressively & eating the carrion (flesh of dead creature) & drinking blood & taking meat of pig (pork) & eating the meat of animals which are slaughtered without Allah's name being taken at the time of slaughtering them.
And eating (taking) interest after the clear cut ordain & the illicit & forbidden (wealth), & the arrow shuffling & gambling, & diminishing reducing in measures & weights & accusing the chaste (virtuous) women & sodomy & giving of false witness & disappointment with the commiseration of Allah & considering oneself safe from the plan of Allah. (fearlessness from Allah's plan) & dismay from the blessing & commiseraton of Allah & helping & assisting the aggressors & tyrants & reliance & trust upon them. And taking false oath & retention of rights without being hard up & telling lie. And pride & arrogancy & spending lavishly & wasting & squandering (of resources) & dishonesty & depreciating & belittling Hajj & combating & standing up against the representatives of Allah. And involvement & libidinous pleasures) And insisting upon committing sins.
(AOYUN AKHBAR UR . REZA(A.S.), Vol 2, P 127)
* * *
15. There are some grades of self conceit. One among them is that the evil acts of a servant gets decorated to him & he takes them for good deeds & boasts & glutts about them & considers them as nice acts performed by him. And one of them is that a servant acquires faith & belief upon Allah & then boasts of a favour conferred upon Allah, where as, Allah has done him a favour in it.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 336)
16. Had Allah not frightened people by paradise & hell even then it would have been obligatory for them to obey Him & not commit His disobedience because of his favours & kindnesses upon them. And His granting them the beneficiences to start with, whithout any of their rights.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 71, P 174)
* * *
17. If it is asked why people were ordered to fast? It would be answered so that they may know the trouble of hunger & thirst & thus get the idea about the poverty (hunger & thirst) of the Hereafter. And the fast keeper may get humbled, belittled, humiliated, destitute, indigent (more over) they may get the reward of Allah & be patient & forebearing in the wake of the (trouble) they face from hunger & thirst with knowing of Allah & sincerity. So fasting will be the cause of their getting reward. More over, this will bring about the control of lustful desires and become the admonitioner in this world.
And make them submit to the performance & offering of what has been made obligatory for them & guides them to (the affairs of) Hereafter.
Nonetheless, they by keeping fast understand & comprehend the severeness & extemity & the amount of hardships & miseries that the poor & afflicted ones have to bear in this world. So they give away the obligatory amounts which Allah has made obligation for them to pay out of their wealths.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 96, P 370)
* * *
18. The Jamaat prayers (the collective & assembly prayers) have only been made so that the sincerity, oneness of Allah & the adoring & worshipping of Allah gets obvious, known, apparent & common. Because the show of it will complete the proof of the oneness of Allah to the people of East & West. And will make the hypocrite & the one who has disrespecting attitude, humble & respectful to something which is the cause of admitting & acknowledging the apparent of Islam & the submission to it.
And to the effect that the witnesses of people upon the Islam (being Muslim) of each other becomes lawful & possible.
Moreover, it becomes the (cause of) cooperation & co- working of them upon good acts & piety & their taking distance from plenty number of evil acts forbidden by Allah.
(AOYUN AKHBAR AR REZA, Vol 2, P 109; AL-HAYAT Vol 1, P 233)
* * *
19. Indeed Allah has commanded three things (in Quran) which are proximated with three others. He ordered the prayers & alms. So the one who offers prayer & does not pay alms, his service is not accepted from him.
And He ordered His thanks giving with that of the parents. So the one who does not thank his parent has not thanked Allah. And He commanded fear of Allah & connecting with the kinship. So the one who does not connect with the blood relations is not afraid of Allah.
* * *
20. Do not let the good deeds & Ijtehad & endeavour in worship go, depending & trusting upon the love of the Mohammad's (P.B.U.H.) house hold.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 347)
* * *
21. Be careful of greed & jealousy, since, these (vices) have perished the previous nations. And beware of stinginess because it is a calamity which will not be found in a free man & a faithful.
This (vice) is against & controversial to faith.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 346)
* * *
22. Silence is a door among the doors of wisdom. Indeed, silence begets & attracts love it is the proof of all the beneficiences.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 355)
* * *
23. Behave with the friend humbly & with the enemy carefully & the general people, with smiling & blooming face.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 355)
* * *
24. Allah dislikes futile (useless)talk & squandering the wealth& begging (asking things).
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 335)
* * *
25. The miser does not have any comfort&so does the jealous not have any joy & felicity & the (kings) (rulers) do not have faithfulness & trust worthiness & the liar does not have any manlihood (forbearance).
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 345)
* * *
26. The secret & cause of services (prayers) is that prayer is the confession of the lordship of Allah & negating all kinds of partners & plurality for him. And standing before the omnipotent, with humility, humbleness, & the confession (of sins) & begging forgiveness of the previous sins. And placing the face of dust five times a day as (sign of) honouring & confession of His greatness. And services (prayers) is the cause of remembering Him & taking distance from the arrogance & neglectfulness. Prayers become the cause of humility, submisiveness & humbleness (toward Allah) & the eagerness, keenfulness & enthusiasm regarding the desire of enhancement of material & spiritual progress (both in the world & hereafter). Moreover, prayers makes a man engaged constantly in the remembrance of Allah both day & night so that he must not forget his Lord, Master, Administrator & Creator, since, forgetfulness will become the cause of rebelion. Man while offering prayer stays in the presence of his Lord & in the state of His remembrance & this very condition constrains & stops him from sins and constrains & refrains him from many kinds of corruptions.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 82, P 261)
* * *
27. And parsimony & avarice makes the honour (of man) spotted (dishonours & disgraces him) & the love of (worldly materials) causes griefs & involvements in problems. And the best & most valuable of virtues is doing good (to others) & providing shelter & refuge to those afflicted & fulfilling the hope of the person having hope from you.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 375)
* * *
28. Do not acquire & adopt the company of drinker & do not salute him.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 66, P 491)
* * *
29. Allah forbade the drinking of wine, since, it causes corruption, disturbance, & intoxication of the
minds of it's drinker & this becomes the cause ot his refusing & denying of Allah& uttering abnoxious language about Him&His Prophets.And becomes the cause of all the sins including murdering & accusing falsely chaste woman of adultery & committing adultery & lessening of abstinece & refraining from forbidden deeds (sins). So this is the reason of it that all the drinks which intoxicate are prohibited & forbidden. Since these drinks too have the same negative results which the wine has got.
(WASAIL USH SHIA, Vol 17, P 22)
* * *
30. Seven things short of seven other things are making (as if) a mockery. The one who repents through his tongue but he is not ashamed at his heart, has cut a joke with himself. And the one who asks Allah succour & does not put in effort has mocked himself. And the person who asks for foresightedness & does not be careful so he has made a mockery with himself. And the one who asks paradise from Allah & does not be patient over the hardships & calamities has made a fun of himself. And the one who exercises remembrance of Allah & does not get prepared & set his foot ahead towards meeting HIM has cut a joke with himself.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 356)
* * *
31. Get connected to your kinship even it may be means of a drinking water with them. And the supreme & superb kind of connecting with the kinship as to avoid annoying them.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 338)
* * *
32. Give alms although with a small amount of a thing because indeed all that is intended for the sake of Allah; although those may be meagre & small yet becomes great, & magnanimous by virtue of the righteousness & purity of intention.
(WASAIL USH SHIA. Vol 8, P 442)
* * *
33. The one who happens to meet a poor Muslim & salutes him against the way he salutes a wealthy person shall meet Allah on the resurrection day in a way that He will be angry with him.
(WASAIL USH SHIA. Vol 8, P 442)
* * *
34. Meet & see each other so that you get friendlier with each other.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 347)
* * *
35. The one who repents upon the sins is like the one who does not have a sin.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 6, P 21)
* * *
36. Cleanliness is from the morality & character of Prophets.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 335)
* * *
37. The best wealth is the one by which the honour of man is protected.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 352)
* * *
38. The weapon of the Prophets is essential for you. When asked "What is the weapon of Prophets". He said "supplication!".
(USOOL KAFI, Vol 1, P 468)
* * *
39. Be the mercy of Allah upon you, know it that Allah has forbidden all (forms of) gambling & ordained the servants to avoid it & named it dirt (Contamination) (in His Book, Quran).
And said, "The dirt (filth) is the activity of satan so avoid it. Such as playing with chess & backgammons & other forms of gambling. And backgammons is worse than chess.
* * *
40. The superior most mind is the man's recognition of his self.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 352)
41. The best and most respected virtue of a man is to do good and to fulfill the desires of the needy.
* * *
42. He who wishes to be the most needless should put his full trust in Allah.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 364)
* * *
43.As soon as the intimacy appears the awe vanishes. Requisition for help is the beginning of misfortune.
* * *
44.Gifts cast out hatred from the heart.
* * *
45.One who torments his neighbour is not one of us.
* * *
46. Giving alms is the most valuable savings.
* * *
47.Good temper could be divided into two categories: 1- Intrinsic, 2- Voluntary: The possessor of which is considered to be the better person.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 379)
* * *
48. To be patient in the face of hardships is a virtue but to refrain from forbidden deeds is a greater one.
* * *
49. Patience and resignation are considered as the worthiest devotions.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 359)
* * *
50. The honest man has not betrayed you, but you consider the betrayer as the honest one.
* * *
51. You had better avoid the munificence that results in the greater loss to you than the benefits received by your brethren.
* * *
52. True faith means: Oral acknowledgement, heart-felt knowledge and the good practice.
* * *
53. He who is sure about the divine rewards will be more generous
* * *
54. He who adopts someone as a brother in order to provide Allah's consent will be given a chamber in paradise.
* * *
55. True devotion not only means excessive saying of prayers and keeping fasts. One ought to meditate on The Divinity profoundly.
* * *
56. I wonder at one who purchases the slaves and releases them. Why doesn't he try to make the free people indebted by his good conduct?
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 354)
* * *
57. It is much better to be uninterested in other's properties than to be munificent.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 367)
* * *
58. He who shows patience in providing Allah's consent will no doubt get more than what he has lost.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 368)
* * *
59. He who desires to postpone the time of his decease and wishes to have his sustenace increased should observe ties of kinship.
* * *
60. God will make happy on the Day of Judgement, the person who has removed the grief from the heart of a believer.
* * *
61. To help the disabled is much better than to give alms.
* * *
62. There is no better milk for the baby's nourishment than its mother's.
* * *
63. He who exposes himself to an open accusation should not blame those who may suspect him.
* * *
64. The oppressors will finally be punished.
* * *
65. Be good companions of blessings because they are fleeting: once gone away, will not return.
* * *
66. To use scent is a manner of the Holy Prophets (A.S.). Cleanliness is the characteristic of the Holy Prophets (A.S.)
* * *
67. One who breaks his promise will not be left safe and sound in the unpleasant events.
* * *
68. Nothing is more worthy than good temper.
* * *
69. You who can not satisfy people with your riches had better try to make them happy with a smiling face and good manners.
* * *
70. Silence is one of the gates to wisdom.
* * *
71. Man's intellect is his friend and ignorance, his foe.
* * *
72. If the men of knowledge present their knowledge to the ignorant people, they have spoiled it.
* * *
73. Do not get angry when you are informed of the truth.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 338)
* * *
74. One ought to see his guests off to the gate.
* * *
75. He who causes Allah's wrath in order to provide a king's consent is an apostate.
* * *
76. Almightiness is reserved for Allah the One. He who claims the possession of this status will be perished by Allah.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 372)
* * *
77. If a person holds a malthought towards another believer, then Allah will not accept his religious deeds.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 369)
* * *
78. One ought to be open-handed towards his household, lest they wish for his death.
* * *
79. The generous are the masters of the people in this world, while the pious are their chiefs on doomsday.
* * *
80. Be patient in the face of truth bitter though it might taste to thee.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 368)
* * *
81. Your mouth is one of the channels through which you make contact with Allah. You had then better keep it clean by brushing your teeth.
* * *
82. He who does not offer his thanks to his benefactor has not actually praised Allah the Great and the Glorious.
* * *
83. A generous man will eat other's food so that they might partake of his food. A miser refuses to eat the food of others in order to deprive them of his own food.
* * *
84. He who blames time should spend a long time blaming.
* * *
85. Pure piety is not but avoidance of mortal sins and abstinence from persecuting the faithful.
* * *
86. He who acts with no insight looks like a pedestrian who travels on a wrong path. The faster he walks, the deviated he becomes out the straight path.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 381)
* * *
87. Allah liketh not the person who has not defended his assailed house.
* * *
88. Reflections is the mirror into which you can look and see your virtues and your evils.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 380)
* * *
89. Magnanimity is unstable. Trust in Allah will give it stability.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 357)
* * *
90. Humbleness means treating others the same way as you expect them to treat you.
* * *
91. He who tries to keep himself immaculate for forty days, Allah will let the waves of wisdom flow from his heart to his tongue.
* * *
92. The forgiving warriors will enjoy divine victory in the battlefields.
* * *
93. He who wishes to be the most dear to the people must be virtuous both in public and in secret.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 381)
* * *
94. Human intellect is a divine blessing but politeness is acquired through endeavouring.
* * *
95.Prudence keeps repentance away.
* * *
96. Giving alms repels certain catastrophe.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 347)
* * *
97. He who wishes to be the strongest of all should rely on Allah.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 358)
* * *
98. The believer who is endowed with a good temper will have the strongest faith.
* * *
99. Perfection in intellect is primarily to have faith in Allah and secondly to behave well towards others.
* * *
100. The believer's fury will not deviate him from the right path.
* * *
101. He who begins his day without being concerned about improving the Muslim's affairs should not be called a Muslim.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 369)
* * *
102. The true Muslim never teases others with his hand or tongue.
* * *
103. He who recognizes his merit will not easily perish.
* * *
104. Penalty for ingratitude occurs instantly.
* * *
105. Remission is good when not accompanied by blame.
* * *
106. Treasures of beneficence include concealment of your good deeds, tolerance in hardships and reticence in disasters.
* * *
107. A faithful Muslim never exceeds his legitimate right when he is in power.
* * *
108. He who is ambitious will perish. Presidency must be owned by those who are worthy of it.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 384)
* * *
109. He who chooses his path properly will not slip down. He will never confront a deadlock in case he falls.
* * *
110. A generous man is close to Allah, close to paradise, and close to every one.
* * *
111. Keeping others' secrets, patience in hardships and tolerance towards others are all signs of faith.
* * *
112. A Muslim should not frighten his brethren.
* * *
113. He who reveals his poverty before others will disgrace himself.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 367)
* * *
114. To be in the company of villians will result in suspecting the good.
* * *
115. Resignation, beneficence and certitude are the most precious blessings descended by Heaven.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 353)
* * *
116. Tolerance, knowledge and silence are the signs found in a jurisprudent.
* * *
117. To bear enmity towards the people is the worst provision for the journey to the Hereafter.
* * *
118. He who betrays his brethren, causes them losses and deceives them, is not one of us.
* * *
119. To be friendly with others denotes one half of wisdom.
* * *
120. Never become angry with others and do not ask anything from them. Wish for the people whatever you wish for yourself.
* * *
121. Wine and other intoxicating beverages are strictly prohibited by the religious legislation. One sip of such drinks is as illegitimate as a whole barrel is.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 280)
* * *
122. A wealthy person ought to be generous to his family.
* * *
123. Some women are blessings for their husbands who express their love and affection.
* * *
124. The Midnight Prayers (Namaz-e- Shab) is recommended (Sunnat) for you. So if a person gets up in the last part of the night and recites Namaz-e-Shab, Allah will save him from the squeeze (fishar) in the grave and grant him immunity from the fire of hell, and will increase his age and sustenance.
* * *
125. Whoever goes to the grave of a believer brother, places his hand on it and recites Surah al-Qadr seven times, Allah will keep him away from the troubles of Qayamat.
* * *
126. If a person does not have the means to lessen the stock of his bad deeds, he should send Salawat and Salaam on the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) and His progeny abundantly, doing so will decrease (the weight of) his sins.
* * *
127. When someone is choosen by Allah to administer the affairs of men, Allah expands his breast for him, places the wellsprings of wisdom in his heart, and inspires him with knowledge, so that he will be able to solve any problem that arises. He will know well the straight path of the truth. Such a one is none other than the Immaculate Imam, who enjoys the aid and support of his Lord and who lies beyond the reach of all errors and sins.
(USOOL KAFI, VOL 1, P 202)
* * *
128. The Imam is completely free of sin and pure of all fault. He is celebrated for his knowledge and his forebearance. His existence is a source of pride to the Muslims, of anger to the hypocrites, of perdition to the unbelievers. The Imam is unique in his age, in the sense that no one can attain his rank. No scholar can come within range of his knowledge, and he is unequalled in all his qualities. He possesses all virtues and worthy attributes without any striving on his part, and he is adorned with all lofty characteristics. This is a great gift bestowed on him by Allah in His generosity.
(USOOL KAFI, VOL 1, P 200)
Maxims of Imam Reza (AS) I | for everyone |
Maxims of Imam Reza (AS)
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The character of faith is achieved only when the believer enjoys three qualities from his Lord, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family), and the leader –the Imam- (peace be upon him). The quality that he should learn from his Lord is the concealment of secrets, the quality that he should learn from the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) is the courteous behavior, and the quality that he should learn from the leader (peace be upon him) is steadfastness against poverty and distress.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
It is obligatory upon the wealthy to improve the standard of living of his family.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Praying and fasting is not the true worship. The true worship is the pondering over God.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Cleanness is one of the prophets’ customs.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Perfuming, hairstyling, and polygamy—these three matters are within the customs of the apostles of God.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The honest has not betrayed you, but you have trusted the betrayal.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
When God wants to do an action, He seizes the minds of the servants and does that action perfectly. Then, He gives them their minds back. Therefore, they wonder how and when such an action occurred.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Silence is one of the doors of wisdom. It yields amicability and leads to every goodness.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Every unnecessary act requires surplusage.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The elder brother is as same as the father.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said when he was asked about the lowly ones:
The lowly are those who possess things that engage them from God.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) used to dust the letters and say:This is unproblematic. When he wanted to list his affairs for memorization, he (peace be upon him) used to begin with ‘In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. I will remember, inshallah.’
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
When you want to mention a present person, you should use his surname, but when you refer to an absent person, you should use his name.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The friend of any individual is his mind and his enemy is his ignorance.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Endearment to people is half of intelligence.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
God surely hates gossips, squandering, and asking -for financial help- from the enemies.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
A Muslim’s mind is imperfect before he enjoys ten characters—good is expected from him, evil is far away from him, he regards others’ little good deed as great favor and regards his great favor as little, he is not disturbed by people who ask him to settle their needs, he does not feel tired of seeking knowledge all his lifetime, he prefers poverty for God’s sake to richness, prefers humility with God to honor with His enemies, and prefers obscurity to fame. The tenth character! Do you know what is it?
They asked, ‘What is it?’
It is to regard anyone as better and more pious than him. He classifies people into two kinds; either better and more pious than him or eviler and lowlier than him. If he meets one of those who are eviler and lowlier than him, he wishes the good of that man might be hidden, and this will be better for him, while his own evil is apparent, and this will be worse for him. When he meets one of those who are better and more pious than him, he behaves modestly so that he may join him. If he does so, his glory will be lofty, good deeds will be acceptable, and his reputation will be good. Besides, he will be the master of people.
As a man asked him about the exegesis of God’s saying: “God is Sufficient for the needs of whoever trusts in Him,” Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Trusting in God is of various grades, one of which is to trust in whatever He does to you totally. You should satisfy yourself with whatever occurs to you, since you believe that God will not fail to bestow upon you with His good and custody and believe that everything is subject to His estimation; therefore, you should trust in Him by charging with Him whatever befalls you. Another grade of trusting in God is to believe in the unseen acts of God that you cannot comprehend, entrust their comprehension to Him as well as His custodians on them, and rely on him in such acts as well as others.
Ahmed bin Najm asked Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) about the self-conceit that invalidates one’s actions. The Imam answered:
Self-conceit is of various grades, one of which is that when the evil deeds seem to be attractive and virtuous; hence, the doer becomes self-conceited because he thinks he is doing well. Another grade of self-conceit is to believe that God owes you a great deal because you believed in Him. In fact, you owe God a great deal because He guided you to believe in Him.
Al-Fadhl related: I told Abul-Hasan Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) that Younus bin Abdurrahman claimed that knowledge is an acquired thing. The Imam (peace be upon him) answered:
No, it is not. This is inaccurate. God gives knowledge (or faith) to whomever He wishes. He fixes it with a group and deposits with others. God will never seize it from those with whom it is fixed, but he will seize it from those with whom it is deposited.
Safwan bin Yahya said: I asked Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) whether knowledge is given to the servants out of efforts that they themselves exert. He answered negatively. I also whether they will receive any reward due to their knowledge. The Imam (peace be upon him) answered:
God has given them knowledge out of His grace and will reward them for it out of his grace, too.
Al-Fudhail bin Yasar said: I asked Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) whether the acts of the servants (of God) are created or not. He answered:
By God, the acts are created (the planning for the acts, not their bringing into being).
The Imam (peace be upon him) then added:
Faith precedes Islam in one degree and God-fearing precedes faith in one degree. Conviction is the ever-best thing that has been given to sons of Adam –human beings-.
In his indication to the best servants, Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The best servants (of God) are those who feel delighted whenever they do a good deed, seek God’s forgiveness whenever they commit an evildoing, thank God whenever they obtain something, behave steadfastly whenever a misfortune befalls them, and pardon whenever they are enraged.
As he was asked about the limit of trusting in God, Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) answered:
The limit of trusting in God in to fear nobody except Him.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The banquet of wedding ceremony is a recommendable tradition.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Faith stands on four supports—trusting in God, satisfaction with His acts, submission to His commandments, and entrusting Him with all the affairs. The virtuous servant said (as the Quran relates):
I entrust God with my affairs. God is Well Aware of His servants. God protected him against their evil plans.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Regard your relatives even by (providing them) a mouthful of water. The best form of regarding your relatives is to save them from your evil. God says:
Do not make your charities fruitless by reproachfully reminding the recipient of your favor or making them feel insulted.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Forbearance and knowledge are within the signs of understanding. Silence is one of the doors of wisdom. It yields amicability and leads to every goodness.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The reward of the one who seeks earnings just for meeting the needs of his dependants is greater than the reward of the fighter for God’s sake.
Someone said to Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him): “How is your morning?” He answered:
I begin my day with a descending lifetime and recorded deeds. Death is inevitable for us, Hell is behind us, and we do not know what will happen to us.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
You should not have any hope, whether for a worldly or a religious affair, in those who lack five characters: original lineage, generous quality, sedate manner, noble personality, and God-fearing.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Victory is always the confederate of the more forgiving party.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The generous call people’s invitations to meals so that they will call his invitations, while the stingy does not call their invitations so as to save himself from inviting them.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
We, the Prophet’s family, consider our promises as debts that we must defray. This is the way of the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his family).
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
People will live an age in which good health will be divided into ten divisions, nine of which will lie in seclusion and one in silence.
Muammar bin Khellad said to Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him): God advance your relief. The Imam commented:
O Muammar, that is surely your relief. Mine is no more than a knapsack of a sealed handful of flour.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
To help the weak is the best almsgiving.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The servants (of God) will not attain the reality of faith before they enjoy three characters—knowledge of the religious affairs, moderation in livelihood, and patience in misfortunes.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said to Abu Hashim Dawud bin Al-Qasim Al-Ja’fari:
O Dawud, we have rights that are imposed upon you through the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his family), and you have rights that are imposed upon us. We regard the rights of those who acknowledge our rights, while we have nothing to do with those who do not acknowledge our rights.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) was someday attendant in the session of Al-Ma’mun when people, including Al-Fadhl bin Sahl Thurriyasatain, were discussing whether night preceded day in creation or not. Al-Fadhl addressed the question at Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him). “Do you want me to extract the answer from God’s Book or the astronomical estimations?” “I like you to mention the astronomical estimations first,” said Al-Fadhl. The Imam (peace be upon him) spoke:
You claim that the world began with Cancer and the stars were in its prospect. On that account, Saturn was in Libra, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Capricorn, Venus in Pisces, the moon in Taurus, and the sun in Aries in the middle of the sky. This occurs only in daylight.
“What about the Book of God?” asked Al-Fadhl.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) answered:
The answer is in God’s saying:
The sun is not supposed to catch-up with the moon, nor is the night to precede the day.
This means that day preceded night.
Ali bin Shuaib said: I, once, visited Abul-Hasan Ar-Reza (peace be upon him). He asked, “O Ali, do you know who is the best earner of livelihood among people?” I answered, “You, my master, is more knowledgeable than me.” He (peace be upon him) said:
The best earner of livelihood among people is that who improves others’ livelihoods out of his livelihood.
Imam Ar-Reza, peace be upon him, asked Ali bin Shuaib, “O Ali, do you know who is the worst earner of livelihood among people?” “You are more knowledgeable?” answered Ali. The Imam (peace be upon him) said:
The worst earner of livelihood is that who deprives others of improving their livelihoods through his earnings.
O Ali, use good neighborhood with the graces, for they are wild—they will not return if they leave.
O Ali, the evilest of people is that who deprives others of his aid, eats alone, and lashes his slave.
In the Eid ul-Fitr, a man told Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) that he had broken his fast with dates and dust of the tomb. The Imam answered:
You have joined the prophetic tradition to the blessing.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said to Abu Hashim Al-Ja’fari:
O Abu Hashim, intelligence is the gift of God while the ethics are obtained through exertion of efforts. Thus, he whoever exerts efforts for obtaining ethics will surely obtain them while those who exert efforts for obtaining intelligence will not obtain anything except increasing ignorance.
Ahmed bin Omar and Al-Husain bin Yazid related: We visited Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) and complained against the living changes that we encountered after we had lived in luxury and comfort, and asked him to supplicate to God to return our past luxury and comfort to us. The Imam spoke:
Which extent do you want to attain exactly? Do you want to be kings? Are you pleased to have the same royalty of Tahir and Harthama while your current beliefs are seized from you?
“No,” we answered, “We will never be pleased to have gold and silver as much as this world with all its contents if this causes us to change our current beliefs.”
He (peace be upon him) then added:
God says:
Give thanks, O family of David, And very few of My servants are grateful.
Anticipate good from God, for God will treat those who anticipate good from Him according to their anticipations. God will accept the few deeds of those who satisfy themselves with the little sustenance. He who satisfies himself with the few legal gotten sustenance will have light burdens, his family will be living in comfort, and God will show him the maladies and the remedies of this world and will cause him to leave this world peacefully to move to the Abode of Peace.
Ibn As-Sikkeet asked Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) about God’s current argument against people. The Imam answered:
God’s current argument against people is the mind. It is the means by which the honest with God and the liar are recognized.
“This is by God the most accurate answer,” confessed Ibn As-Sikkeet.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
You should not kiss the hand of anyone, because kissing somebody’s hand is as same as praying to him.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The mother is kissed on the mouth, the daughter on the cheek, and the Imam between the eyes.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The stingy do not enjoy comfort, the envious cannot enjoy pleasure, the enslaved cannot be loyal, and the liars do not have personality.
It is obligatory upon the wealthy to improve the standard of living of his family.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Praying and fasting is not the true worship. The true worship is the pondering over God.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Cleanness is one of the prophets’ customs.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Perfuming, hairstyling, and polygamy—these three matters are within the customs of the apostles of God.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The honest has not betrayed you, but you have trusted the betrayal.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
When God wants to do an action, He seizes the minds of the servants and does that action perfectly. Then, He gives them their minds back. Therefore, they wonder how and when such an action occurred.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Silence is one of the doors of wisdom. It yields amicability and leads to every goodness.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Every unnecessary act requires surplusage.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The elder brother is as same as the father.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said when he was asked about the lowly ones:
The lowly are those who possess things that engage them from God.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) used to dust the letters and say:This is unproblematic. When he wanted to list his affairs for memorization, he (peace be upon him) used to begin with ‘In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. I will remember, inshallah.’
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
When you want to mention a present person, you should use his surname, but when you refer to an absent person, you should use his name.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The friend of any individual is his mind and his enemy is his ignorance.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Endearment to people is half of intelligence.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
God surely hates gossips, squandering, and asking -for financial help- from the enemies.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
A Muslim’s mind is imperfect before he enjoys ten characters—good is expected from him, evil is far away from him, he regards others’ little good deed as great favor and regards his great favor as little, he is not disturbed by people who ask him to settle their needs, he does not feel tired of seeking knowledge all his lifetime, he prefers poverty for God’s sake to richness, prefers humility with God to honor with His enemies, and prefers obscurity to fame. The tenth character! Do you know what is it?
They asked, ‘What is it?’
It is to regard anyone as better and more pious than him. He classifies people into two kinds; either better and more pious than him or eviler and lowlier than him. If he meets one of those who are eviler and lowlier than him, he wishes the good of that man might be hidden, and this will be better for him, while his own evil is apparent, and this will be worse for him. When he meets one of those who are better and more pious than him, he behaves modestly so that he may join him. If he does so, his glory will be lofty, good deeds will be acceptable, and his reputation will be good. Besides, he will be the master of people.
As a man asked him about the exegesis of God’s saying: “God is Sufficient for the needs of whoever trusts in Him,” Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Trusting in God is of various grades, one of which is to trust in whatever He does to you totally. You should satisfy yourself with whatever occurs to you, since you believe that God will not fail to bestow upon you with His good and custody and believe that everything is subject to His estimation; therefore, you should trust in Him by charging with Him whatever befalls you. Another grade of trusting in God is to believe in the unseen acts of God that you cannot comprehend, entrust their comprehension to Him as well as His custodians on them, and rely on him in such acts as well as others.
Ahmed bin Najm asked Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) about the self-conceit that invalidates one’s actions. The Imam answered:
Self-conceit is of various grades, one of which is that when the evil deeds seem to be attractive and virtuous; hence, the doer becomes self-conceited because he thinks he is doing well. Another grade of self-conceit is to believe that God owes you a great deal because you believed in Him. In fact, you owe God a great deal because He guided you to believe in Him.
Al-Fadhl related: I told Abul-Hasan Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) that Younus bin Abdurrahman claimed that knowledge is an acquired thing. The Imam (peace be upon him) answered:
No, it is not. This is inaccurate. God gives knowledge (or faith) to whomever He wishes. He fixes it with a group and deposits with others. God will never seize it from those with whom it is fixed, but he will seize it from those with whom it is deposited.
Safwan bin Yahya said: I asked Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) whether knowledge is given to the servants out of efforts that they themselves exert. He answered negatively. I also whether they will receive any reward due to their knowledge. The Imam (peace be upon him) answered:
God has given them knowledge out of His grace and will reward them for it out of his grace, too.
Al-Fudhail bin Yasar said: I asked Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) whether the acts of the servants (of God) are created or not. He answered:
By God, the acts are created (the planning for the acts, not their bringing into being).
The Imam (peace be upon him) then added:
Faith precedes Islam in one degree and God-fearing precedes faith in one degree. Conviction is the ever-best thing that has been given to sons of Adam –human beings-.
In his indication to the best servants, Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The best servants (of God) are those who feel delighted whenever they do a good deed, seek God’s forgiveness whenever they commit an evildoing, thank God whenever they obtain something, behave steadfastly whenever a misfortune befalls them, and pardon whenever they are enraged.
As he was asked about the limit of trusting in God, Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) answered:
The limit of trusting in God in to fear nobody except Him.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The banquet of wedding ceremony is a recommendable tradition.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Faith stands on four supports—trusting in God, satisfaction with His acts, submission to His commandments, and entrusting Him with all the affairs. The virtuous servant said (as the Quran relates):
I entrust God with my affairs. God is Well Aware of His servants. God protected him against their evil plans.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Regard your relatives even by (providing them) a mouthful of water. The best form of regarding your relatives is to save them from your evil. God says:
Do not make your charities fruitless by reproachfully reminding the recipient of your favor or making them feel insulted.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Forbearance and knowledge are within the signs of understanding. Silence is one of the doors of wisdom. It yields amicability and leads to every goodness.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The reward of the one who seeks earnings just for meeting the needs of his dependants is greater than the reward of the fighter for God’s sake.
Someone said to Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him): “How is your morning?” He answered:
I begin my day with a descending lifetime and recorded deeds. Death is inevitable for us, Hell is behind us, and we do not know what will happen to us.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
You should not have any hope, whether for a worldly or a religious affair, in those who lack five characters: original lineage, generous quality, sedate manner, noble personality, and God-fearing.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
Victory is always the confederate of the more forgiving party.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The generous call people’s invitations to meals so that they will call his invitations, while the stingy does not call their invitations so as to save himself from inviting them.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
We, the Prophet’s family, consider our promises as debts that we must defray. This is the way of the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his family).
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
People will live an age in which good health will be divided into ten divisions, nine of which will lie in seclusion and one in silence.
Muammar bin Khellad said to Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him): God advance your relief. The Imam commented:
O Muammar, that is surely your relief. Mine is no more than a knapsack of a sealed handful of flour.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
To help the weak is the best almsgiving.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The servants (of God) will not attain the reality of faith before they enjoy three characters—knowledge of the religious affairs, moderation in livelihood, and patience in misfortunes.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said to Abu Hashim Dawud bin Al-Qasim Al-Ja’fari:
O Dawud, we have rights that are imposed upon you through the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his family), and you have rights that are imposed upon us. We regard the rights of those who acknowledge our rights, while we have nothing to do with those who do not acknowledge our rights.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) was someday attendant in the session of Al-Ma’mun when people, including Al-Fadhl bin Sahl Thurriyasatain, were discussing whether night preceded day in creation or not. Al-Fadhl addressed the question at Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him). “Do you want me to extract the answer from God’s Book or the astronomical estimations?” “I like you to mention the astronomical estimations first,” said Al-Fadhl. The Imam (peace be upon him) spoke:
You claim that the world began with Cancer and the stars were in its prospect. On that account, Saturn was in Libra, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Capricorn, Venus in Pisces, the moon in Taurus, and the sun in Aries in the middle of the sky. This occurs only in daylight.
“What about the Book of God?” asked Al-Fadhl.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) answered:
The answer is in God’s saying:
The sun is not supposed to catch-up with the moon, nor is the night to precede the day.
This means that day preceded night.
Ali bin Shuaib said: I, once, visited Abul-Hasan Ar-Reza (peace be upon him). He asked, “O Ali, do you know who is the best earner of livelihood among people?” I answered, “You, my master, is more knowledgeable than me.” He (peace be upon him) said:
The best earner of livelihood among people is that who improves others’ livelihoods out of his livelihood.
Imam Ar-Reza, peace be upon him, asked Ali bin Shuaib, “O Ali, do you know who is the worst earner of livelihood among people?” “You are more knowledgeable?” answered Ali. The Imam (peace be upon him) said:
The worst earner of livelihood is that who deprives others of improving their livelihoods through his earnings.
O Ali, use good neighborhood with the graces, for they are wild—they will not return if they leave.
O Ali, the evilest of people is that who deprives others of his aid, eats alone, and lashes his slave.
In the Eid ul-Fitr, a man told Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) that he had broken his fast with dates and dust of the tomb. The Imam answered:
You have joined the prophetic tradition to the blessing.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said to Abu Hashim Al-Ja’fari:
O Abu Hashim, intelligence is the gift of God while the ethics are obtained through exertion of efforts. Thus, he whoever exerts efforts for obtaining ethics will surely obtain them while those who exert efforts for obtaining intelligence will not obtain anything except increasing ignorance.
Ahmed bin Omar and Al-Husain bin Yazid related: We visited Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) and complained against the living changes that we encountered after we had lived in luxury and comfort, and asked him to supplicate to God to return our past luxury and comfort to us. The Imam spoke:
Which extent do you want to attain exactly? Do you want to be kings? Are you pleased to have the same royalty of Tahir and Harthama while your current beliefs are seized from you?
“No,” we answered, “We will never be pleased to have gold and silver as much as this world with all its contents if this causes us to change our current beliefs.”
He (peace be upon him) then added:
God says:
Give thanks, O family of David, And very few of My servants are grateful.
Anticipate good from God, for God will treat those who anticipate good from Him according to their anticipations. God will accept the few deeds of those who satisfy themselves with the little sustenance. He who satisfies himself with the few legal gotten sustenance will have light burdens, his family will be living in comfort, and God will show him the maladies and the remedies of this world and will cause him to leave this world peacefully to move to the Abode of Peace.
Ibn As-Sikkeet asked Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) about God’s current argument against people. The Imam answered:
God’s current argument against people is the mind. It is the means by which the honest with God and the liar are recognized.
“This is by God the most accurate answer,” confessed Ibn As-Sikkeet.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
You should not kiss the hand of anyone, because kissing somebody’s hand is as same as praying to him.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The mother is kissed on the mouth, the daughter on the cheek, and the Imam between the eyes.
Imam Ar-Reza (peace be upon him) said:
The stingy do not enjoy comfort, the envious cannot enjoy pleasure, the enslaved cannot be loyal, and the liars do not have personality.
The Hadith of Imam Reza (a.s.) | for everyone |
There is no God but Allah, the One is My stronghold in which the reciter of this holy verse can enter and then he will dwell there safely, and will not suffer My wrath"
The people who had assembled round the Imam's litter thought that His Holiness' talk was over, but to their amazement the Holy Imam (AS) appeared from behind the litter curtain again and added the following words to what he had previously stated:
"But all this depends on some conditions, and I am considered to be one of those conditions".
This historical and the most famous Hadith Qudsi is called "SILSILATUL DHAHAB". Imam Reza (AS) confirms that worshipping God will be counted as a perfect procedure when it is based on the obedience of the immaculate Holy Imams (AS). This historical statement of Imam Reza (AS) implied the presentation and assertion of the Imamate of His Holiness.
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Because the calorie-content of water is zero, drinking water instead of milk, fruit juices or regular sodas helps to lower the calorie content of your diet and thus helps weight reduction. That said, water contains no nutrition either. By comparison, soft drinks like milk and fruit juice have significant nutritional content. Milk is a good source of calcium and protein, while citrus fruit juice (like orange or grapefruit juice) is an excellent source of vitamin C. In fact, one glass of citrus fruit juice can meet all your daily vitamin C needs.
Water Can Fill You Up
Some dieters find it helpful to drink a glass of water when they feel hungry between meals, or just before a meal. However, I do not recommend this as a regular appetite-reduction tactic. Firstly, because hunger is an important indicator of low blood sugar, which water can do nothing to correct. And if blood sugar falls too low, it can lead to irresistible urges to eat junk food. Secondly, drinking water purely to fill up your stomach is merely an artificial short-term measure which does nothing to help create the sort of eating habits that are essential for long term weight control.
Nutritional Alternatives to Water
If you wish to increase your fluid intake, a good option is to eat more fruit, like any citrus fruit. As stated above, as well as being rich in water, these foods are highly nutritious and rich in fiber. They help to fill up your stomach, satisfy your sweet tooth and boost your intake of vitamin C.
Eating fruit is definitely a great eating habit to increase your chances of losing weight without regain.
Low Sodium Diets Reduce Water Retention
The body maintains a healthy fluid balance by a complex cell mechanism involving sodium, potassium and other electrolytes. In simple terms, if you eat too much salt (sodium) you will retain more water, leading to weight gain. Anyone who suffers from fluid retention and accompanying swelling (edema), especially women who experience premenstrual symptoms (PMS) or obese men with high blood pressure, is advised by dietitians to follow a low sodium diet (eg. the DASH diet). Ideally, limit your intake to 1000 milligrams of sodium per day, until the water retention eases.
Low Carb Diets Reduce Water Retention
Very low carb weight loss plans also reduce fluid retention, but not in a healthy way. In simple terms, because carbohydrate binds with water in the body, the fewer carbs you eat the less 'water weight' you carry. To many dieters this sounds a very effective way of reducing weight. Unfortunately, as soon as you return to eating a normal diet, the water weight returns. Meantime, by not eating healthy carbohydrate, most low carb dieters run an increased risk of nutritional deficiency. And an unhealthy body frequently leads to an inefficient metabolism and slower weight reduction.
Best Way To Reduce Excess Fluid Retention
Here are three tips to reduce unnecessary water retention.
- Reduce your sodium intake, (to 1000-3500 mg per day).
- Raise your calcium intake, (to 1200-1350 mg per day).
- Drink plenty of fluids, (8-10 glasses of water per day).
- Eat plenty of diuretic fruit and vegetables.
- The healthier your daily diet, the less water retention you'll have
TYPES OF HEADACHES | for everyone |
Headache is one of the most common ailments that a human body experiences. There are varied causes of headaches, which can occur to anyone, anytime. However, you need to know that no headache is caused without a specific reason. If headaches become a regular phenomenon, there is enough cause to worry about and visit a doctor, who would not only enlighten you about the types of headaches that can occur as well as suggest you proper remedies that would cure you of the pain.
The few common causes of headaches comprise of the factors such as tension, migraine, head injury and sinusitis.
The new age discovery of advanced medications and non-drug therapies has made enormous progress in combating headaches. This article deals with the different types of headaches, which can affect people of every age from time to time.
Different Kinds of Headaches
Tension-Type Headache
This is the most commonly experienced form of headache. This seemingly “no cause of worry” form of headache may have causes and symptoms which are complicated and also unique in its kind. There are two categories of tension-type headaches. Episodic headache occurs randomly and results from temporary stress, anxiety, fatigue or anger, and can be cured within 1-2 hours of time by taking an over-the-counter medication. You experience an intense pain in your temples, a deep pulling feeling, and contracting sensation of the head as well as neck muscles. Your forehead, temples and the back of your head and neck are the main areas of ache. If you happen to take analgesics quite too often in a month, it is advisable to consult a physician, since this might be the symptom of chronic tension-type headache. A chronic headache occurs almost every other day and goes on for several months at a stretch. This type of headache seldom finds much relief through over-the-counter medications and the pain is usually constant.
Migraine Headache
The basic cause behind this form of headache is yet to be traced. While few scientists consider it to be genetical, others consider it to be an inherited malfunctioning of the pain-generating system of the brain. It is usually seen that migraine occurs three times more often among women than men and generally hits people in their twenties or thirties.
The term migraine has been derived from the word “hemicrania”, which means “half of the head”. The name itself explains one of the basic characteristics of migraine, wherein the headache usually occurs on one side.
It is said to be a vascular headache since during its occurrence, the size of arteries inside and outside the brain is found to change. The migraine occurs due to the trigger of a chain of biochemical reactions in the brain. When the level of a chemical called serotonin changes in the brain, the blood flows through shunts and then to the veins, instead of its usual path of capillaries, thus contributing to a migraine attack.
Cluster Headache
This is said to be the most intense form of headache and the attacks arrive in groups. Occurring for 30-35 minutes at one go usually, there are chances of reoccurrence later in the day. In general, a person experiences one to four bouts of headaches in a single day. The headache usually occurs early in the morning or late at night. Lasting for weeks or months, it can disappear for months or even years. Since this form of headache mainly occurs during spring or autumn, it is associated with allergies. Unfortunately, some experience chronic cluster headaches all through the year. More commonly seen among men than women, a person encounters cluster headache between the ages of 20 and 45.
Hormonal Headache
This type of a headache is mainly caused due to the functioning of the hormones. The sufferer is likely to feel the pain induced by the hormones in the form of a headache. Though only women are said to suffer from hormonal headache, some men can also suffer from this type of a headache. There are several types of hormonal headaches. Pre-menstrual migraine occurs before the menstruation begins in a female and is often accompanied by fatigue, acne, joint pain, decreased urination and constipation. Menstrual migraines are caused by the hormone called estrogen, which regulates the menstrual cycle in a female body. The pain is quite similar to a migraine as it even causes a one-sided pain in the forehead, accompanied with a nauseating sensation and sensitivity to extreme light and sound. Although pregnancy is said to protect women against migraines because of the constant inflow of hormones like estrogen and progesterone, studies show that 19 percent of women are seen to suffer from pregnancy migraine as well. This mainly occurs due to individual differences in a woman’s estrogen receptors.
Fast Diet System, Includes Implementing Simple Modifications | for everyone |
Fast Diet System, Includes Implementing Simple Modifications
Close to eighty percent of just what folks take part in every day will be routine. Therefore, implementing adjustments possibly will feel uncomfortable. However, an ideal fast weight loss plan will in no way recommend these adjustments unless they are useful. An overweight individual is not able to continue with her or his current everyday activities when she or he wishes to lose pounds. Modifications concerning diet as well as daily routines have to be incorporated in order for the extra weight to drop off.
Although, the diet plus daily routines changes do not need to be drastic. Minimal modifications lead to significant results. A few modifications a person could look into consist of reducing consumption of salt, limiting sweets and thinking positive. With these minor changes in addition to the best diet program, weight can be removed plus appropriate weight will be maintained.
People, no matter if following a great losing weight plan, ought to discover tactics to lower how much sodium they are ingesting. Ideally sodium intake ought to be restricted to approximately 1,500 mg every day and absolutely not more than two thousand three hundred milligrams each day. Unfortunately, lots of people eat lots over this amount. There consist of a lot of techniques to decrease sodium consumption.
An ideal change folks can do to minimize salt intake is filling up on food items having low salt. An excellent weight reduction system includes consuming a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and beans.
Most salt Americans eat is obtained in highly processed packaged and canned foods, such as cured meats, boxed meals, salty chips and canned soups. As a result, such food products must be consumed less frequently. Moreover, an awesome diet program suggests entirely getting rid of those food products from each day snacks and meals.
A common tactic to discover the quantity of sodium available in a food item will be evaluating the label. Each and every nutrition fact label will list this ingredient. Also, check out the food ingredient list. Remember sodium is available in different kinds. Those kinds are salt, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrate, and sodium ascorbate. A great weight reduction program includes checking out plus interpreting labels on foods.
An additional modification is controlling sweet treats. A straightforward technique to control sweet snacks will be never to purchase those treats. When sweets are not available a person is less likely to desire them. But, a fast weight loss plan suggests not entirely taking out favorite sweets. Everybody requires treats now and then to keep her or his sanity. Basically remember to control portions when enjoying the sweet snack.
Yet another technique to control sweets is by swapping foods eaten for dessert. Rather than cookies, brownies, cake and cupcakes supply a fruit salad or baked apples. It will be easy to substitute healthful foods in place of unwholesome food products when utilizing an awesome weight loss plan.
Finally, one more change will be to think positive regarding weight loss. When following a wonderful losing weight plan a person must believe they will slim down.
Best Foods for Healthy Skin | for everyone |
Best Foods for Healthy Skin
All of us would love to have glowing, blemish free skin that stands out from the crowd. Unfortunately, not many people are satisfied with their skin. While some struggle to fight acne condition; others are fed up of dry, flaky and dull looking skin. An easy way to avoid all these skin problems is incorporating the best foods for healthy skin. Yes, it is true, the foods we eat have a lot to do with the way our skin look. So, consume a balanced diet with the best foods for skin, and make your skin look young and vibrant.
What are the Best Foods for Healthy Skin?
As we all are aware, healthy foods are the base for smooth running of our body system. Likewise, they provide the essential nutrients required for maintaining good skin health. The skin is like an image for inner health, and there is something wrong with a person who has dry, itchy or peeling skin. So, what are some foods good for skin? And which are the best foods for healthy skin? The answers for these questions are plant-based food items in their natural forms, without processing. The following is a list of top foods for healthy skin, which you should include in the daily diet plan.
Antioxidants Rich Foods
Antioxidants help in fighting the damaging effects of free oxygen to the skin cells, thus slowing down the skin aging process. Mention some of the fruits rich in antioxidants and you will find them in the list of best foods for clear skin. As per your preferred taste, you can add blueberries, blackberries, acai berries and other dark colored berries in the diet, as a part of natural skin care approaches.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
When we say fats, most of us assume them to be unhealthy for our body, which is not true. There are also good fats like the omega-3 essential fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. They help in rejuvenating the skin, giving a younger look. Foods rich in omega -3 fatty acids are walnut, canola oil, flaxseed oil, salmon, tuna and some white fish.
Low Fat Milk Products
Vitamin A is one of the nutrients essential for good skin health and eyes. Considering this, the foods for healthy complexion include dairy products that are low in calories and fat content. They contain high percentage of active vitamin A. You can enjoy plain yogurt with fresh seasonal fruits to reap the skin benefits of both food items.
Healthy Oils for Skin
The use of healthy oils for skin has been known for many years. An example of good oil for skin is extra virgin olive oil. It is loaded with antioxidant and vitamin E, which aid in skin repair, skin lubrication and reducing skin damage. No wonder, olive oil is used in many of the moisturizing lotions, creams and other skin care products.
Mild Cheese for Skin
Cottage cheese is low in fats and carbohydrates, while it contains high amounts of calcium, selenium, vitamin D and proteins. Adding non-flavored cottage cheese not only improves the skin health, but it also helps in treating bone problems. To make it more healthy and tasty, you can have cottage cheese with fruits.
Selenium Rich Foods
Selenium is a trace mineral, which plays a main role in maintaining healthy skin, hair and eyes. The selenium present in foods (Brazil nut, wheat germ, organ meat, salmon) along with vitamin E helps in combating cell damage and reducing aging signs. This trace mineral is found to be effective in treating skin cancer and fungal related skin infections.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables are ideal sources proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Healthy fruits for skin include pomegranate, avocado, grapes, mangoes, grapefruit, etc. Vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, beans, mushrooms, spinach and potatoes are good for skin. On a general note, colorful (or pigmented) fruits and veggies provide skin protection from harmful sun rays.
In addition to the best foods for skin, you should drink ample amount of water to keep the skin hydrated. Water also help in flushing out the unwanted substances from body, which are prime causes of skin symptoms. It is to be borne in mind that skin disorders do not happen overnight. But, they occur gradually, after starving the skin of its required nutrients. So, make sure that you add best foods for healthy skin in the daily diet and appreciate the improvement signs.
Water-Effectiveness To The Human Body | for everyone |
Water-Effectiveness To The Human Body
The Correct Timing To Drink Water Will Maximize Its Effectiveness to the Human Body..
1- Two (2) Glass Of Water 30 Minutes Before Any Meal, Will Help Digestion..
2- One (1) Glass Of Water You Wake Up, Help Activate Internal Organs..
3- One (1) Glass Of Water Before You Sleep, Will Help Avoid Stroke Or Heart Attack At Midnight...
4- One (1) Glass Of Water After Taking Bath, Helps Lower Blood Pressure..
5- Always Drink The Water In Sitting Position...after dusk and standing during the day (as per our Hadees)
Pass On To The People, You Care About..
Weight Loss Secrets They Don't Want You To Know | for everyone |
Weight Loss Secrets They Don't Want You To Know
Of all the weight loss secrets you should discover one is more sneaky and more important to know than the others. The fat reduction industry is not on your side. There are certain weight loss secrets that they plan to do anything to keep from you. They get that your goal is getting rid of stomach fat, and they pretend they intend to solve the problem.
They only intend to separate you from your money and to continue getting away with that for a long time! The point is that burning tummy weight is achievable fairly quickly and easily with the right approach. Their products may cause more damage than benefit and may fail at long-term weight reduction.
The plain truth is none of these solutions are needed in the first place! The real fact is that it is physically impossible for these to work in any case!
Just maybe you are among those who have fallen prey to the untrue statements? They always have some excuse why they failed to work for you that time. Of course you need to spend more to hope for the best. The slick sales campaigns are designed to convince you the next fad is the one for you. It is never them who failed. They work to keep you signed up!
The trick to dealing with tummy weight is to tackle all of the surplus body fat you are dealing with. Belly fat is the most resistant fat and it will not get addressed until the rest of the fat is tackled also. Even trying to by-pass that fact is a waste of your time! It is not possible for this to have acceptable or long-term results!
The products you are considering may lower weight short-term and they normally do so by causing water loss. As a result of that, they are really not good for you and causing dehydration. Dehydration can trigger unpleasant illnesses and be responsible for grave impairment to your organs! The only thing these approaches help you to lose is body water. There is no real fat loss. Of course that is not what the advertisement claimed. That is their dirty secret! The miracle solution is no solution at all!
You are only creating more money for them. Why would they have any desire to provide you with a solution? Then you wouldn't need to give them any more cash. They cleverly mess with your emotions to convince you to continue charging the charge card! The last thing they care about is for you to achieve results at shedding abdominal fat. That would impact their profits. Yet they con lots of individuals like you that they want to assist their clients - lies!
We haven't yet begun to talk about the worthless machines.
Just toning belly muscle is not a useful approach for burning tummy fat. Doesn't work! That is simply not the way the body operates. So that strategy cannot be a success. It is a poor use of your money and time!
You only have to think of two issues. These represent the complete elements to getting rid of tummy fat. Very key is what you eat. And there is no onerous diet involved. If you want to get rid of belly fat you have to give your body with the weapons to do so. This involves an effective diet! You may be surprised at what you actually get to feed yourself! Plus you need a whole body exercise program. Not a program which solely focuses on your belly! These plans are effective on the tummy of course but indirectly. This turns you into a fat burning machine. This is the only plan to truly work your tummy fat and get the stomach you desire!
It's not hard - you only have to follow the appropriate approach. And you should not use weight loss products or silly stomach machines for losing belly fat! Tell these weight loss secrets to everybody you can. Don't keep this a secret anymore!
Start With Internet Business Help for Beginners | for everyone |
Start With Internet Business Help for Beginners
Internet business help for beginners is made to encourage people, especially young ones who wish to earn money without the need of acquiring more money for capital. It will encourage business aspirants to engage themselves to online marketing and start making money. You will have ideas on how the internet business works, how you will get benefit from it, how you would succeed, things that you need to do, as well as things that you have to avoid. These will serve you as your guide and reference; like a step by step procedure to success.
Internet business help for beginners might also serve as a trigger to your talents and abilities. This will enhance the ideas that you have and give you more of a chance to promote it in the proper ways and procedures. It could help you think of better ways to sell your products and promote services, as well as options on how to improve what you already have. It will help you come up with a good business strategy and target.
You may find a lot of internet businesses who have succeeded and achieved their target. You could also find some businesses which were not able to stand the marketing battle. Those who succeed have an edge against beginners, but remember that they also started as a newbie. They did what you are supposed to do. Most of them might have gone through internet business help for beginners as a guide. And you could do that too. You have the online access, and you have your products or services. The only difference is your knowledge about business strategies. Challenge yourself to come up with the best strategy and make.
3 Best Profitable Online Income Opportunities | for everyone |
3 Best Profitable Online Income Opportunities
However, your role may differ from mine, but we are all selling. If you are glad about selling, making money online won't be hard. Read below to discover the 3 best online income opportunities you can start now and earn extra money monthly.
1). Google AdSense
Google AdSense is the easiest way to start making money online without any investment. You need a website or blog to start this online business. Google will display relevant advertising programs on your website. When people visit your site, click on those Google Ads, you get paid instantly to your account. I'm sure you have been seeing these types of ads, but you may not know they are money makers. Some of the resource sites are already running Google Ads on their site. Your earnings will be sent to you every single month when you earn $100, you will be paid. To achieve success with Google AdSense program, you need targeted traffic to your site.
2). Content Writing
Content writing is another best online income opportunities that is really profitable. If you have a writing skill, a lot of people are willing to pay for your services. The easiest content you can write is article. What you're reading right now is an article. Internet marketers always need articles to promote their online businesses; the demand for quality content never ends. This means that your income will continuously be on the rise. You can charge to write article of 300 - 500 words for $5 - $10. The more articles you write, the more money you will make.
3). Virtual Customer Care
Virtual customer care service is often neglected, but it's among the best online income opportunities you can do from home. Your duty as a virtual customer care includes: reading emails, replying emails, answering phone calls, posting on classified sites, researching keywords for clients, survey taking, research etc. a lot of opportunities exist in this business model and the competition is little. A lot of people are actually not taking advantage of this online job.
Self Motivation Techniques for Students | for everyone |
Self Motivation Techniques for Students
Are you looking for the best self motivation techniques for students? This article has some tips and techniques on self motivation for students. Read on...Teachers find it difficult to deal with students who seem to have no interest whatsoever in any thing that they do; related to academics, extra curriculum, etc. It's a difficult task to get them into action. On the part of the students, there may be a phase in life where personal or any other problems may affect your work or studies and you may simply find it hard to concentrate or undertake any activity. In such cases, you may show the classical signs of being demotivated like lack of interest or energy, constant feeling of boredom and procrastination.
At this phase, you need inspiration or motivation to gear up things and get going. So, why look for external motivation, when self motivation is one of the best and effective techniques known today. You must be wondering what are the self motivation techniques for students? Know how to motivate yourself from the following paragraphs.
Techniques on Self Motivation for Students
There are a few simple steps that will help students in motivating themselves to win. The following are the self motivation tips that you need to follow.
It is essential to have a dream goal or a dream target set before you start working towards it. You should set a target that is difficult but not impossible. However, you should dream big, as only then you will have a challenge to fulfill. Only when you have a clear idea on what you want to achieve, you can make plans to to reach that goal.
Once you have set a goal, write it down or have it carved on your mind until you reach it. One of the best self motivation techniques for students is to chalk out two plans which you think will help you reach the goal (if one fails, you always have the other option). But you should try and make your plans as foolproof as possible.
You dream, you set a goal, you draw a plan and so comes execution of the plan. You have no time to waste and please do not procrastinate! Start immediately with your plan from day one! It is fine even if you begin with a small thing. This is one of the most important technique on either self motivation to lose weight or start studies.
One of the best self motivation techniques for students is to optimize. Now in one way, you need to optimize your resources to their best use. Get along with people who have similar goals, make the best use of knowledge, put all the things that you have to best use. Secondly, have an optimistic attitude as only that is going to take you half way to success.
Who does not like a fete or a praise for the works and hard work that has been undertaken all the while. In your self motivation techniques, you need to reward yourself for every small achievement, for reaching every small goal that you had planned. Reward is still considered as one of the best and most effective motivation techniques known to man. You can indulge in your hobby for longer time, go for a party or take a small break as a celebration of your small success.
Apart from these major self motivation techniques for students, you can also look for inspirational books and biographies of successful people in the world. Secondly, you can write inspirational quotes on the chart and paste it in your room and read it for motivation. Lastly, one of the most important self motivation techniques that you should know is to never give up, no matter how difficult or hard! Because perseverance leads to success! Good luck!
12 Most Secret Benefits of Business Group Travel | for everyone |
12 Most Secret Benefits of Business Group Travel
Business group travel offers many benefits not only to the company but also to the group itself. Nowadays, group travel companies offer remarkable services for group travel and relieve your company of the stress and strain of planning such a trip.
Here are some secret benefits of using business group travel companies to handle your next group trip!
Social Opportunity
Although most of the participants work for the same company, there is a great possibility that they may not know each other very well. Group travel is a wonderful way for participants to get to know each other well and expand their networking.
Builds Camaraderie
The shared experience of traveling together builds stronger camaraderie in each participant and greatly benefits a harmonious working relationship.
Experiencing New Places
Since group travel offers high discount rates and lessens overall expenditures, you can now take your group to a different venue to explore and experience new places.
Distributed Expenditures
Business group travel usually falls under one total line item in the budget. When spent on group travel, it can bring more benefits to the group by leveraging the power of group buying into more travel experiences for the same cost.
More Discounts
Group travel also seems to encourage businesses to give additional discounts to the group, such as discounts to popular attractions and tours among other things. Depending on the number of participants, many places offer great discounts according to their regulations and will accommodate your group as much as possible.
Great Bonuses
The group can receive great bonuses from hotels – these may include newspapers, free shuttle pick-up from airports, a complimentary drink and more. So the next time you book in a hotel, don’t forget to inquire for bonuses that they are offering for your group.
Difference in Costs
Depending on the number of participants you have in your business group travel, the costs for tours, dinners and other events are a little bit less when compared with individual travel costs.
Upgrades for Accommodations
Another benefit that you could find when booking as a group is that some hotels offers upgrades for their accommodations and participants may enjoy getting bigger rooms or suites that may include more amenities.
Best Prices on Airfare
Most airlines offer good prices on airfare for group travel – your business will find great savings on airfare when reserving and paying the whole cost as compared to each participant as an individual on each flight.
Rates and Reservations
Most hotels and airlines offer lower rates for group travels. Since this allows the hotels and airlines to know in advance the numbers they will deal with, they are in a position to offer better rates and accommodations for a group, especially when it is a business group.
Great Service
Since your business is bringing more people to hotels and airlines, thus giving them more business, they will go above and beyond their expected service to ensure that you will continue business with them.
Less Cost for Travel Protection
If you are getting services from one of the reputable group travel companies for your business group travel, you can purchase a travel protection plan at a lower cost. Travel protection covers your participants in case of lost baggage, misplaced travel tickets or passports, and even protection when a participant gets injured or sick during the travel.
The benefit of business group travel may have become lost in the prevalent economic concerns. The truth is that group travel by businesses is still something that is very affordable when it is properly handled. This will certainly be accomplished when the business planners utilize group travel companies to take the headache and hassle out of planning a group trip. You can save money and yet encourage your business ‘team’ through these hard economic times. It can be nothing but a positive outcome to both your company and your team when you experience successful business group travel!
Teaching Your Partner About Household Finances | for everyone |
1. Make a list of everything and where it's located.
While you may be able to finish each other's sentences, don't assume your significant other possesses the intuition to know where you keep sensitive information. You may think your filing system couldn't be any more organized and that your financial records are in a pretty obvious location, but your partner might not. While you probably have printed documents related to some of your financial affairs, there's a good chance some of your information is stored solely in your memory bank, as you probably manage some of your finances online.
Without access to your email to receive monthly statement reminders, your partner probably doesn't know how to find all of your online accounts, and may not even know which banks and brokerage companies you use, not to mention all the bills you pay. A list of all of your accounts makes it easy for your partner to see everything that needs to be addressed.
While you may be able to finish each other's sentences, don't assume your significant other possesses the intuition to know where you keep sensitive information. You may think your filing system couldn't be any more organized and that your financial records are in a pretty obvious location, but your partner might not. While you probably have printed documents related to some of your financial affairs, there's a good chance some of your information is stored solely in your memory bank, as you probably manage some of your finances online.
Without access to your email to receive monthly statement reminders, your partner probably doesn't know how to find all of your online accounts, and may not even know which banks and brokerage companies you use, not to mention all the bills you pay. A list of all of your accounts makes it easy for your partner to see everything that needs to be addressed.
2. Make sure your partner has access to everything.
Just knowing that these accounts exist won't be enough. If you want your partner to be able to take charge, you'll have to give him or her full access. Get your partner a set of keys to any safety deposit boxes, divulge the code to your safe and point out which tree in the backyard is beside where you buried the money. Make sure your partner is a named account holder or the primary beneficiary on all major accounts, life insurance policies and any property you own. Also, make sure he or she knows how to access any important computer files and online accounts.
If you're worried about writing your sensitive information down because of the possibility that the wrong person might find it, you're not alone. Here are some options for making your information available to the right person while keeping it safe from criminals (or ill-intentioned relatives).
- Put your list in a safe deposit box at the bank. Make sure your significant other has a key and is listed with the bank as being allowed to access the box. Obviously, this is best for emergency situations, not daily use.
- Make your list electronic and store it as an encrypted, password-protected file. Make sure your partner knows how to locate and access the file and that you have at least one backup copy in a separate location in case the first file is lost or corrupted.
- Encrypt your list the old-fashioned way. Create logins and passwords that have meaning only to you and your partner. This way, your written list can consist of prompts or reminders to your logins and passwords instead of the complete codes. If one of your passwords was the name of the restaurant where you went on your first date plus the date you acquired your dog, the password prompt you wrote down could be "marcos07xxxx" or "first date restaurant+dogbday".
3. Explain what everything is and why it's important.
People tend to complete tasks more successfully when they understand the purpose of what they are doing. Just telling your partner that "this account is where we put our savings," isn't as good as explaining why you choose to put your savings there ("we get the best interest rate at this bank"). Likewise, saying "we have to pay x dollars a month for y," isn't as helpful as explaining why you make the payment.
4. Maintain a household budget.
Maybe you're not the type who needs to write everything down to successfully manage your money, but a budget is an excellent way to give your partner a big-picture idea of all the money in play - the income, the debts, the recurring expenses, the investments and so on. It can also help your partner pick up where you left off in managing the household's finances if you die or become incapacitated.
5. Have your partner watch you handle the finances.
Explaining things is helpful, and written instructions/checklists/spreadsheets are even better, but nothing beats sitting down with your partner and talking through actually managing the finances. Let your partner observe the process while you explain it, and then have him or her practice it with your help and guidance.
6. Gradually give your partner some financial responsibility.
If your partner currently doesn't handle the money at all, start off with a small, manageable task - preferably one with low stakes. For example, make your partner responsible for paying one small bill each month - something with a generous grace period on the payment due date, like the electric bill. As he or she become more adept, give additional tasks to manage. Eventually, have your partner handle all the finances for one month (with your supervision, of course). Then, try switching off months, with your partner handling the finances every other month until you both feel completely comfortable.
7. Discuss contingency plans.
Make sure your partner knows what you would do in an emergency or unplanned financial event. Don't just be conceptual - discuss actual, concrete strategies to handle unplanned events. If you received a windfall, which debts would you want to pay off? What are your savings priorities? Is there any charity to which you would donate a significant sum? On the other end of the spectrum, if there was a sudden loss of income, which bills would need to be prioritized, and which expenses could be reduced or dropped altogether?
8. Encourage your partner's ongoing education.
Your partner may be loathe to pick up a personal finance book on a Saturday afternoon, but reading the occasional article will get your partner learning about money at a manageable pace.
To teach your partner how to handle the household finances, take the time to provide him or her with a complete picture of your household's financial situation and provide access to all important accounts. Then, gradually teach your partner enough to ease your financial management burden or get by in an emergency. These may not be the most entertaining activities, but they are key to taking the best possible care of one of the most important people in your life.
Habits That Will Make You Broke
It's still a week until payday, but your checking account is almost empty already. Where did all your money go? We all have our black holes, those money pits that seem to magically make our cash disappear. Here are six bad habits that will make you broke, and how to break them:
1. Window Shopping
It can be fun to browse the aisles and see what's out there. We all have our weak spots, like home goods, electronics or clothes -- even if you don't like to go to the mall. You don't even have to leave the house to window shop anymore; those catalogs, the internet and commercials advertising the latest sale can be just as tempting.
Window shopping is a bad financial habit that takes some discipline to break. Staying away from stores and not requesting catalogs or email updates from your favorite stores is a good place to start. Before buying that latest item you pine for, ask yourself two questions: Do I need it and can I pay cash for it? If your answer is no, walk away.
2. Carrying Lots of Cash
You know that paying with plastic is bad, but carrying lots of cash can be just as bad a habit. Cash can give you the feeling of having extra -- fun money that's just sitting there.
Only carry enough cash for what you need, and leave the rest at home. Avoiding plastic is great, but budgeting is just as important when choosing to pay cash. If you like the green, try budgeting your cash with envelopes: one for groceries, one for entertainment, etc.
3. Saving Your Info With Vendors
Those online shopping sites are so considerate to save your address and credit card information -- some even have one-click ordering buttons, so you can buy something in just a second. It's very easy, but also very dangerous. Not only does this easy shopping make you broke if you're prone to impulse shopping, it also eliminates the feeling of spending money, since all you do is click.
Don't allow vendors to store your credit card information. Avoid signing up for emails and catalogs if those tempt you to shop when you really shouldn't. It can be great to know about a sale, but if you didn't need anything, it's just another temptation.
4. Clipping Unneeded Coupons
We all feel the pinch in this tougher economy, especially when buying groceries. Clipping coupons is downright trendy today -- but is it really such a good habit? Sure, getting 50 cents off that package of cookies or that brand-name detergent is a discount, but you may be surprised to find that your grocery bill isn't really going down despite all your coupon clipping. The truth is that buying generic brands that are just as tasty is often cheaper; coupons can make us buy things even we didn't plan for.
Start with a grocery list for the week, and then look at your clipped coupons. If you can use one, great, but try supermarket brands too for the best bottom line.
5. Shopping With Your Emotions
It was a rough week, or a good one, or you want to reward yourself for losing a few pounds, so you go shopping. You earned that new dress, that new gadget, that big pie -- it was on sale, too. Letting your mood dictate your buying decisions is the quickest way to go broke.
It was a rough week, or a good one, or you want to reward yourself for losing a few pounds, so you go shopping. You earned that new dress, that new gadget, that big pie -- it was on sale, too. Letting your mood dictate your buying decisions is the quickest way to go broke.
Sober up before shopping. Do you need these items, and can you afford them? Be honest with yourself. Reward yourself by doing something that doesn't cost, like taking a nice bath, or spending time with your loved ones.
6. Not Planning Ahead
It's Tuesday, you're tired, and have no idea what you'll make for dinner. A great night for takeout, right? Using data from the BLS, it's estimated that the average family of four spends over $4,000 on eating out -- a very expensive habit that will make you broke in a hurry.
When you make your grocery list, make a menu for the week at the same time, so you always have ingredients for a meal. If your week is hectic, try cooking on Sunday and freezing meals for the week. Plan for lunches the same way; not only will you save money, you'll eat healthier by avoiding fatty restaurant food.
The Bottom Line
It takes some discipline to break these bad habits. With some planning, discipline and avoiding tempting situations, you can break these habits -- and maybe even find you'll have a little extra cash at the end of the month.
Priest and His Baby | for everyone |
Priest and His Baby
A woman starts dating a doctor. Before too long, she becomes pregnant and they don't know what to do. About nine months later, just about the time she is going to give birth, a priest goes into the hospital for a prostate gland infection. The doctor says to the woman,
"I know what we'll do. After I've operated on the priest, I'll give the baby to him and tell him it was a miracle."
"Do you think it will work?" she asks.
"It's worth a try." he says. So, the doctor delivers the baby and then operates on the priest.
After the operation he goes in to the priest and says, "Father, you're not going to believe this.".
"What?" asks the priest, "what happened?".
"You gave birth to a child!".
"But that's impossible!" says the priest.
"I just did the operation," insists the doctor, "it's a miracle! Here's your baby."
About fifteen years go by, and the priest realises he must tell his son the truth. One day, he sits the boy down and says,
"Son, I have something to tell you. I'm not your father." The son says,
"What do you mean, you're not my father?" The priest replies,
"I am your mother. The archbishop is your father.".
"I know what we'll do. After I've operated on the priest, I'll give the baby to him and tell him it was a miracle."
"Do you think it will work?" she asks.
"It's worth a try." he says. So, the doctor delivers the baby and then operates on the priest.
After the operation he goes in to the priest and says, "Father, you're not going to believe this.".
"What?" asks the priest, "what happened?".
"You gave birth to a child!".
"But that's impossible!" says the priest.
"I just did the operation," insists the doctor, "it's a miracle! Here's your baby."
About fifteen years go by, and the priest realises he must tell his son the truth. One day, he sits the boy down and says,
"Son, I have something to tell you. I'm not your father." The son says,
"What do you mean, you're not my father?" The priest replies,
"I am your mother. The archbishop is your father.".
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