The Apple Tree | for everyone |
One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad. "Come and play with me" the tree asked the boy. "I am no longer a kid, I do not play around trees any
more" the boy replied.
"I want toys. I need money to buy them." "Sorry, but I do not have money... but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money." The boy was so excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.
One day, the boy who now turned into a man returned and the tree was excited "Come and play with me" the tree said. "I do not have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?" "Sorry, but I do not have any house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house." So the man cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the man never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.
One hot summer day, the man returned and the tree was delighted. "Come and play with me!" the tree said. "I am getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself.
Can you give me a boat?" said the man. "Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy." So the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.
Finally, the man returned after many years. "Sorry, my boy. But I do not have anything for you anymore. No more apples for you ..." the tree said. "No problem, I do not have any teeth to bite" the man replied. "No more trunk for you to climb on" "I am too old for that now" the man said. "I really cannot give you anything... the only thing left is my dying roots" the tree said with tears. "I do not need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years" the man replied. "Good! Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest, Come, come sit down with me and rest." The man sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears...
This is a story of everyone.
The tree is like our parents
When we were young, we loved to play with our Mum and Dad...
When we grow up, we leave them...only come to them when we need something or when we are in trouble.
No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they could just to make us happy.
We may think the boy is cruel to the tree, but that is how we treat our parents.
We take them for granted we don't appreciate all they do for us, UNTIL it's too late.
Let us make our parents - apple of our eyes.
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
Cataract_information | for everyone |
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
GIFT TO MOM BY HER FOUR SONS | for everyone |
Four brothers left home for college, and they became successful doctors and lawyers and prospered. Some years later, they chatted after having dinner together. They discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly mother who lived far away in another city.
The first said, "I had a big house built for Mama."
The second said, "I had a hundred thousand dollar theater built in the house."
The third said "I had my Mercedes dealer deliver an SL600 to her."
The fourth said, "You know how Mama loved reading the Bible and you knowshe can't read anymore because she can't see very well. I met this preacher whotold me about a parrot that can recite the entire Bible. It took twenty preachers 12 years to teach him. I had to pledge to contribute $100,000 a year for twenty years to the church, but it was worth it. Mama just has to name the chapter and verse and the parrot will recite it."
The other brothers were impressed. After the holidays Mom sent out her thank you notes. "She wrote:" Milton , the house you built is so huge. I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house. Thanks anyway."
"Marvin, I am too old to travel. I stay home, I have my groceries delivered, so I never use the Mercedes. The thought was good. Thanks."
"Michael, you gave me an expensive theater with Dolby sound, it could hold 50 people, but all my friends are dead, I've lost my hearing and I'm nearly blind. I'll never use it. Thank you for the gesture just the same."
"Dearest Melvin, you were the only son to have the good sense togive little thought to your gift. The chicken was delicious. Thank you."
The first said, "I had a big house built for Mama."
The second said, "I had a hundred thousand dollar theater built in the house."
The third said "I had my Mercedes dealer deliver an SL600 to her."
The fourth said, "You know how Mama loved reading the Bible and you knowshe can't read anymore because she can't see very well. I met this preacher whotold me about a parrot that can recite the entire Bible. It took twenty preachers 12 years to teach him. I had to pledge to contribute $100,000 a year for twenty years to the church, but it was worth it. Mama just has to name the chapter and verse and the parrot will recite it."
The other brothers were impressed. After the holidays Mom sent out her thank you notes. "She wrote:" Milton , the house you built is so huge. I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house. Thanks anyway."
"Marvin, I am too old to travel. I stay home, I have my groceries delivered, so I never use the Mercedes. The thought was good. Thanks."
"Michael, you gave me an expensive theater with Dolby sound, it could hold 50 people, but all my friends are dead, I've lost my hearing and I'm nearly blind. I'll never use it. Thank you for the gesture just the same."
"Dearest Melvin, you were the only son to have the good sense togive little thought to your gift. The chicken was delicious. Thank you."
Forty Traditions from Imam Mahdi (A.S.) | for everyone |
1. "I am the Mahdi. I am the Qaem of the time" (Bihar V.52 p.2) 2. "I am the one who will fill it (the earth with justice as it would be full of tyranny". (Bihar, V.52, P.2). 3. "I am the reminder of Allah in His earth". (Bihar, V.52, p 24) 4. "I am the avenger from His enemies". (Bihar, v.52, p.24) 5. "I am the seal of successors". (Bihar, V.52, p.30) 6. And through me shall Allah, the Mighty and Glorious, drive away the calamities from my progeny and my Shia’s". (Bihar, V,52, P.30) 7. "Surely, I am indeed the (cause of) security for the inhabitant of the earth". (Bihar, V 53 p181). 8. "When Allah permits us to speak, truth will prevail and falsehood will vanish". (Bihar, V.53, p 196). 9. "And as for those who fix the time (of re-appearance) they are Iiars". (Bihar, V,53 p.181). 10. "Invoke more for the hastening of the re-appearance, for surely this is your safety". (Bihar). 11. "There were none of my fore fathers except that the allegiance of the oppressive rulers of their times was in their necks". (i.e. the previous Imams were forced to pay allegiance). 12. "As for deriving benefit from me in my occultation is like deriving benefit from the sun when it hides behind the clouds". (Bihar, V.53, p 181). 13. "And surely on my re-appearance, whenever I reappear, there will be no allegiance in my neck of any of the oppressive tyrants". (Bihar. V,53, p 181) 14. "If any incident occurs (now) then refer for it to the narrators of our traditions. For surely, they are my proof on you and I am the proof of Allah upon them". (Bihar, V. 53, p 181). 15. "For surely our knowledge encompasses information about you and none of your news is concealed from us". (Bihar, V. 53, p 175) 16. "Surely, we do not neglect your conditions nor are we forgetful of your remembrance". (Bihar, V. 53, p 175). 17. "Then each one of you should do those deeds which bring you closer to our love". (Bihar, V. 53, p 176). 18. "And you must refrain from (all such acts) which make you nearer to our displeasure and our anger". (Bihar 53/176). 19. "Then nothing keeps us away from them except that they attach to us what we dislike". (Bihar. 53/177). 20. "As for your wealth, we shall not accept it except that it should be purified (halaal). Then whoever wants, he can associate (with us) and whoever wants, he can sever". (Bihar, V 53 p 180). 21. "Whoever eats from our wealth (i.e. Khums) even an iota then he is taking fire in his abdomen and soon shall he be castled in it". (Bihar V.53, p 183). 22. "Allah’s, the Mighty and the Glorious, Destinies are not overpowered, and His intentions are not rejected, and His Grace is not left behind". (Bihar 53/191). 23. "Seeking knowledge through any other means than us Ahle’Bait, tantamount to denial (in our mastership)". (Kitab Deen-o-Fitrat: Vol – 1)". 24. "Surely Allah the Almighty, did not create the creatures in vain and did not provide them freedom without reason". (Bihar V 53/194). 25. "(Allah) sent Mohammad (s.a.w.s) as a mercy unto the worlds and completed his bounties. Through him". (Bihar ,53/194). 26. "And He sealed through him (Mohammad S.A) His prophets and sent him to the whole of mankind". (Bihar 53/194). 27. "Surely, the earth can never be void of a divine proof, whether, he is seen or hidden". (Bihar 53/91). 28. "Allah, Mighty and Glorious be He, has denied the truth any thing except perfection and falsehood except destruction". (Bihar, 53/193). 29. "Certainly there is no (physical) relationship between Allah, Mighty and Glorious be He and any body else". (Bihar 53/180) 30. "Nothing is better than namaz to make shaitan bite the dust, then perform namaz and make Shaitan bite the dust". (Bihar 53/182). 31. "The thanks giving prostration is amongst the most necessary and obligatory Sunnah". (Bihar 53 – 161). 32. "I seek refuge in Allah from blindness after vision". (Bihar 53/191). 33. "And from staying off after guidance". (53/191). 34. "And from the destructive acts and demolishing instigations". (Bihar 53/191) 35. "If you seek guidance you will be guided and if you search, you will find (the path)". (Kamaluddin Vol 2. P 502). 36. "Then do not ask questions which do not hold any meaning for you". (Bihar,V53 p181). 37. "And do not put yourself into (unnecessary) trouble in gaining knowledge in which you have sufficed yourself". (Bihar 53/181). 38. "Surely the truth is with us and in us and non can say like this except us. And if any one says then he is a liar a deceiver. None claims thus other than us except a strayed and lost one. 39. "Our hearts are the vessels of Allah’s intentions". Then whenever He is pleased, We are pleased". (Bihar V. 52/ p 51). 40. "If our Shias (May Allah give them opportunity of obedience) would be firm on their promises wholeheartedly, our meeting would not be delayed". IMAM (A.S)’S ADDRESS TO HIS SHIAS : "Then everyone of you shall act in a manner which makes him nearer to our love and refrain from those acts which makes him proximate to our dislike and our anger. For surely, our affair (re-appearance) will be sudden and unexpected when neither repentance shall benefit him nor shall remorse from sins save him from our chastisement". "Nothing shall keep us away from the (Shias) except their news to us of those things which we dislike and do not expect from them. And Allah is the Helper. |
On Concealing Faith | for everyone |
In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Muala ibn Khunays narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) told him: "O' Muala! Conceal our secrets, and do not divulge them since God will honor those who conceal our secrets in this world, and will provide him with a guiding light directing him to Heaven in the Hereafter. O' Muala! God will abase whoever divulges our secrets in this world, and will darken his path in the Hereafter leading him to Hell. O' Muala! Concealing faith is a part of my religion, and the religion of my forefathers. Whoever does not practice it, is not religious. God likes to be worshipped in secret the same way that He likes to be worshipped publicly. O' Muala! Whoever divulges our secrets is like one who denies them."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Whoever divulges our secrets is like one who has deliberately killed us, not by mistake."
Bashir narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) reported on the authority of his father (a.s): "I swear by God that there is nothing on the Earth dearer to me than concealing faith, my darling. God will raise the status of whomever practices concealing faith, and God will abase whoever does not. O' my darling son! The people are in peace. If the decree to the holy Jihad is issued by the Imam (a.s), then the followers do not have to conceal their faith anymore."
Regarding God's statement: "Twice will they be given their reward, for that they have persevered, that they avert evil with good" [The Holy Quran: Qasas 28:54], Imam Sadiq (a.s) commented: "This means by their perseverance in concealing faith they will receive a double reward. And here good means concealing faith and evil means divulging our secrets."
Abi Basir said that he once asked Imam Sadiq (a.s): "Why do you not inform us about secrets in the same way that (Imam) Ali (a.s) informed his companions?" Imam Sadiq (a.s) replied: "By God you are right. But can you tell me of even one case when I told you a tradition about something and you kept it as a secret?" Then Abi Basir said: "By God I cannot even remember one tradition which I kept a secret."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Concealing faith is for times when it is necessary to do so, and the person who conceals his faith knows best when to do it."
Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "Concealing faith is for protecting lives and preventing bloodshed. There is no reason to conceal faith if there is bloodshed."
Abi Basir said that once he asked Imam Sadiq (a.s) about traditions. Then Imam Sadiq (a.s) asked him if he had kept any of the ones he had been told a secret so that he could be told new ones. When Imam Sadiq (a.s) noticed that Abi Basir was upset he said: "Do not worry about the ones that you told your friends. Divulging traditions means telling them to people other than your companions."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Subduing one's anger during times when the enemies are in power is considered to be a form of concealing faith. It protects the one who conceals his faith, and keeps him safe from trouble in life." 181- Ibn Miskan said that Imam Sadiq (a.s) told him: "I think if someone insults Imam Ali (a.s) in front of you, you will chop off his nose if you can." Ibn Miskan replied:
"May I be your devoted servant! Yes, my family and I are all this way." Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Do not do this. I swear by God that there were many occasions when I heard someone insult Imam Ali (a.s) while there was only a small pillar between the man who insulted Imam Ali (a.s) and me.
I hid behind that pillar and when I finished my prayer I walked by, greeted him and shook hands with him."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said the following regarding God's statement: "And slew the Prophets in defiance of right" [The Holy Quran: Al-i-Imran 3:112], "I swear by God that they did not kill them with their swords, but caused them to be killed by divulging their secrets."
In Sifat ul-Shi'ia it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Whoever does not believe in the practice of concealing faith is not a follower (or Shiite) of Imam Ali (a.s)."
In Taqieh Lil-Ayashi it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Whoever does not believe in the practice of concealing faith is not religious. And indeed the practice of concealing faith is more extensive than whatever exists between the Heavens and the Earth."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Whoever believes in God and the Resurrection Day and lives under an unjust government will only talk in order to conceal his faith."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said that God admonished a tribe for not concealing faith and said: "When there comes to them some matter touching (public) safety or fear, they divulge it." [The Holy Quran: Nisaa 4:83] 187- Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "There is no good in one who does not believe in the practice of concealing faith. And one who does not practice concealing faith does not have faith."
In Al-Kifayat Fin-Nosus it is narrated that Imam Reza (a.s) said: "One who is not pious is not religious, and one who does not practice concealing faith does not have faith. The dearest one from among you near God is the one who practices concealing of faith the most." Then the people asked the Prophet's descendent (a.s): "Until when should we continue to practice concealing of faith?" He replied: "Until a predetermined day, the day on which our Riser will rise. Whoever abandons concealing of faith before that day does not belong to our nation."
Then they asked: "O' descendent of the Prophet! From what family is your Riser?" He replied: "He is from my fourth generation, the son of the Lady of the Maids. Through him God will eliminate all oppression from the Earth."
This tradition has been narrated by Seyed al-Saeed Jalal al-Din Abu-Ali ibn Hamzeh al-Mousavi in his book on the authority of his teachers, on the authority of a trustworthy person, on the authority of the Prophet (a.s) and the Imams (a.s).
In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said that his father used to always tell him: "Nothing is more pleasing for your father than concealing faith. Indeed concealing faith is a believer's armor."
Abi Basir narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Concealing faith is a part of God's religion." He was asked: "Is it a part of God's religion?" He replied: "Yes, I swear by God that when Joseph said: "Behold! Ye are thieves, without doubt!" [The Holy Quran: Yusuf 12:70], they had not really stolen anything. And also when Abraham said he was ill and would not attend the party, "I am indeed sick (at heart)!" [The Holy Quran: Saffat 37:89], by God he was not ill.)
Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "Concealing faith is necessary in all issues."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "As the time of the appearance of Imam Mehdi (a.s) approaches, practicing concealing of faith becomes more difficult."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God will make whoever divulges our secrets- the Household of the Prophet- feel the blazing Fire of Hell."
In Elal al-Sharayeh it is narrated that Davood al-Raq'qi narrated that the Shiites came to Imam Sadiq (a.s) to ask about wearing black suits. He said that he saw the Imam (a.s) was sitting and had put on a black robe, hat and shoes. The Imam (a.s) even opened a part of his shoe lining and said that it was also black. However he said: "Cleanse your souls, and wear whatever you wish."
Abi Basir narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Concealing faith is a part of God's religion." He was asked: "Is it a part of God's religion?" He replied: "Yes, I swear by God that when Joseph said: "Behold! Ye are thieves, without doubt!" [The Holy Quran: Yusuf 12:70], they had not really stolen anything. And also when Abraham said he was ill and would not attend the party, "I am indeed sick (at heart)!" [The Holy Quran: Saffat 37:89], by God he was not ill.)
Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "Concealing faith is necessary in all issues."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "As the time of the appearance of Imam Mehdi (a.s) approaches, practicing concealing of faith becomes more difficult."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God will make whoever divulges our secrets- the Household of the Prophet- feel the blazing Fire of Hell."
In Elal al-Sharayeh it is narrated that Davood al-Raq'qi narrated that the Shiites came to Imam Sadiq (a.s) to ask about wearing black suits. He said that he saw the Imam (a.s) was sitting and had put on a black robe, hat and shoes. The Imam (a.s) even opened a part of his shoe lining and said that it was also black. However he said: "Cleanse your souls, and wear whatever you wish."
On Faith and Islam | for everyone |
In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “A man went to the Prophet of God (a.s) and said that he had come to swear allegiance to Islam. God's Prophet (a.s) said: “So that you kill your father?” The man withdrew his hand and changed his mind. Later he returned and said he had come to swear allegiance to Islam. God's Prophet (a.s) said: “So that you kill your father?” The man said: “Yes.” The Prophet (a.s) said: “A believer sees his faith in his actions and an unbeliever sees his disbelief in his actions. I swear by Him who has control over my life! They do not realize their own position and learn a lesson from the evil deeds of the hypocrites and the infidels which are due to the disbelief.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s) quoted the following on the authority of Ameer al-Momineen (a.s): “There are certain signs by which religious people can be recognized. These are truthfulness, trustworthiness, fulfilling one's promise, observing the relations of kin, being kind with the weak ones, and the subordinates, minimal sexual intercourse with women, doing good deeds, being good-tempered, using knowledge, and doing whatever helps man approach God. Blessed be such people. They shall prosper, and have a good place to return to.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s) quoted the following on the authority of Ameer al-Momineen (a.s): “There are certain signs by which religious people can be recognized. These are truthfulness, trustworthiness, fulfilling one's promise, observing the relations of kin, being kind with the weak ones, and the subordinates, minimal sexual intercourse with women, doing good deeds, being good-tempered, using knowledge, and doing whatever helps man approach God. Blessed be such people. They shall prosper, and have a good place to return to.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s) reported the following on the authority of Ameer al-Momineen (a.s): “No one shall experience real faith unless he realizes that he shall suffer from whatever he is to suffer, and he shall be safe from whatever he should be saved from. Indeed it is God who brings forth loss or gain.”
Imam Baqir (a.s) narrated that when Imam Ali (a.s) was questioned about faith, he said: "God has established faith on four pillars: perseverance, certitude, justice and Jihad."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God will grant material goods to both His friends and His enemies. But He will only grant faith to those whom He loves."
Imam Baqir (a.s) narrated that when Imam Ali (a.s) was questioned about faith, he said: "God has established faith on four pillars: perseverance, certitude, justice and Jihad."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God will grant material goods to both His friends and His enemies. But He will only grant faith to those whom He loves."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) reported on the authority of his grandfather that Imam Ali (a.s) said that God's Prophet (a.s) said: "Whoever performs ablution and prays properly, pays the alms tax, overcomes his anger, controls his tongue, seeks God's forgiveness for his sins, and guides his family members has indeed completed the real aspects of faith and the gates of Heaven are open to him."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "One day when the Prophet of God (a.s) saw Harith ibn Malik ibn al-Naemane al-Ansarie, he asked him:
"O' Harith! How did you spent the night until the morning?" Harith replied: "O' Prophet of God! I spent the night until the morning as a true believer." The Prophet (a.s) said: "There is a certain truth to all faith. What is the truth of your faith?" He replied: "I abstained from worldly affairs, stayed up all night long, and fasted all day. Then when I looked up to my Lord's heavens, it was as if the Judgment Day had approached, and I joined the residents of Heaven while they were going to visit each other, and the residents of Hell were being tortured." God's Prophet (a.s) said: "You are a believer. God has enlightened your heart with faith. Then remain steadfast, and may God make you steadfast." Then Harith said: "O' Prophet of God! I fear none of my parts (to sin) but my eyes." So the Prophet of God (a.s) prayed for him and he lost his sight."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said the following regarding God's statement: "And most of them believe not in God without associating (others as partners) with Him: [The Holy Quran: Yusuf 12:106] They follow Satan in the same way that they attribute partners to God."
Abdul-Mumin al-Ansari narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "God has granted three things to believers:
Nobility in the world and his religion, prosperity in the Hereafter, and dignity in the hearts of the people of the world."
Imam Baqir (a.s) reported the following on the authority of the Prophet of God (a.s): "Do you want me to tell you who a believer is? A believer is one with whom the believers trust their lives and property. Do you want me to tell you who a Muslim is? A Muslim is one from whose hands and tongue other Muslims are safe. And an emigrant is one who abstains from doing evil deeds and does not do whatever God has forbidden him to do."
The Prophet (a.s) was asked whose faith is superior to other people's faith. He replied: "The one who is more generous." 170- In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that the Prophet of God (a.s) said: "A believer's house is simple, his food is little, his hair is not styled, his clothes are simple, but he is humble and does not exchange his health with anything."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "One day when the Prophet of God (a.s) saw Harith ibn Malik ibn al-Naemane al-Ansarie, he asked him:
"O' Harith! How did you spent the night until the morning?" Harith replied: "O' Prophet of God! I spent the night until the morning as a true believer." The Prophet (a.s) said: "There is a certain truth to all faith. What is the truth of your faith?" He replied: "I abstained from worldly affairs, stayed up all night long, and fasted all day. Then when I looked up to my Lord's heavens, it was as if the Judgment Day had approached, and I joined the residents of Heaven while they were going to visit each other, and the residents of Hell were being tortured." God's Prophet (a.s) said: "You are a believer. God has enlightened your heart with faith. Then remain steadfast, and may God make you steadfast." Then Harith said: "O' Prophet of God! I fear none of my parts (to sin) but my eyes." So the Prophet of God (a.s) prayed for him and he lost his sight."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said the following regarding God's statement: "And most of them believe not in God without associating (others as partners) with Him: [The Holy Quran: Yusuf 12:106] They follow Satan in the same way that they attribute partners to God."
Abdul-Mumin al-Ansari narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "God has granted three things to believers:
Nobility in the world and his religion, prosperity in the Hereafter, and dignity in the hearts of the people of the world."
Imam Baqir (a.s) reported the following on the authority of the Prophet of God (a.s): "Do you want me to tell you who a believer is? A believer is one with whom the believers trust their lives and property. Do you want me to tell you who a Muslim is? A Muslim is one from whose hands and tongue other Muslims are safe. And an emigrant is one who abstains from doing evil deeds and does not do whatever God has forbidden him to do."
The Prophet (a.s) was asked whose faith is superior to other people's faith. He replied: "The one who is more generous." 170- In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that the Prophet of God (a.s) said: "A believer's house is simple, his food is little, his hair is not styled, his clothes are simple, but he is humble and does not exchange his health with anything."
Imam Reza (a.s) quoted the Prophet of God (a.s) on the authority of his father (a.s) on the authority of his grandfather (a.s): "Faith has seventy gates and a few more. The biggest one is witnessing that there is only one God, and there are no partners for Him, and the smallest one is cleaning up the walkways."
Having a Good Opinion About God | for everyone |
In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: “We find in (Imam) Ali ibn Abitalib's (a.s) book that God's Prophet (a.s) used to say the following when he gave a sermon on the mosque pulpit: “I swear by God who has no partners that no good of this world or the Hereafter has been granted to any believer, except due to his good opinion about God, his good behavior, and his avoidance of gossiping and slandering. And I swear by God who has no partners that God will not punish anyone after repentance and seeking forgiveness except due to his bad opinion about God, insufficient hope in God, bad behavior, and gossiping about believers. I swear by God who has no partners that there are no believers who have a good opinion about God and receive anything less than they expect from Him. This is so since God is Benevolent and has authority over all that is good, and is ashamed of one of his servants having a good opinion about Him and He acting otherwise. Therefore have a good opinion about God and be inclined to Him.”
Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: “God is present in the mind of whoever has a good opinion about Him. It is God who said: “But this thought of yours which ye did entertain concerning your Lord, hath brought you to destruction, and (now) have ye become of those utterly lost!.” [The Holy Quran: Fussilat 41:23]
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Jesus the son of Mary once sent two of his companions out to work. One returned thin like a dried stick and the other one returned and was chubby. Jesus asked the first one why he was thin. He said it was due to his fear of God. Then Jesus asked the one who was chubby for the reason he was chubby. He said it was due to his having a good opinion about God.” 152- Imam Sadiq (a.s) quoted the following from Prophet David (a.s): “O' God! One who does not have a good opinion about You has no faith in You even if he has gotten to know you.”
In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that the Prophet of God (a.s) said: “Do not die and depart from this world until you have formed a good opinion about God, since this is the price for Heaven.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Two men who were imprisoned were freed during the time of the Prophet Moses (a.s). One of them was large and chubby, and the other one was very thin. Moses asked the chubby man the reason for his being fat. He replied: “From having a good opinion about God.” Then he asked the other man the reason for being so skinny. He replied: “From fearing God.” Then Moses (a.s) raised his hands towards the sky and asked God to inform him which of the two were nobler. God revealed to him that the one who had a good opinion about God was nobler.
Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: “God is present in the mind of whoever has a good opinion about Him. It is God who said: “But this thought of yours which ye did entertain concerning your Lord, hath brought you to destruction, and (now) have ye become of those utterly lost!.” [The Holy Quran: Fussilat 41:23]
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Jesus the son of Mary once sent two of his companions out to work. One returned thin like a dried stick and the other one returned and was chubby. Jesus asked the first one why he was thin. He said it was due to his fear of God. Then Jesus asked the one who was chubby for the reason he was chubby. He said it was due to his having a good opinion about God.” 152- Imam Sadiq (a.s) quoted the following from Prophet David (a.s): “O' God! One who does not have a good opinion about You has no faith in You even if he has gotten to know you.”
In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that the Prophet of God (a.s) said: “Do not die and depart from this world until you have formed a good opinion about God, since this is the price for Heaven.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Two men who were imprisoned were freed during the time of the Prophet Moses (a.s). One of them was large and chubby, and the other one was very thin. Moses asked the chubby man the reason for his being fat. He replied: “From having a good opinion about God.” Then he asked the other man the reason for being so skinny. He replied: “From fearing God.” Then Moses (a.s) raised his hands towards the sky and asked God to inform him which of the two were nobler. God revealed to him that the one who had a good opinion about God was nobler.
Love and Affection | for everyone |
At another instance, the Holy Prophet (SAWAW), has so directed: "You should frequently kiss your children, because the number of times you kiss, for each kiss you would receive in return a grade in Paradise."81 It is obvious from these topics of stimulation and inducement, that religion of monotheism demands that we should not make our children "passive", but should "actively" habituate them with lively feelings, so that the glittering sincerity and warmth of dynamic intellect, should remain enlightened in the world. Another tradition, of the same class, has been transmitted by the elderly scholar of Islamic Ummah, Abdullah ibne Abb'as! It states:- The Holy Prophet has said: The person who gratify (overjoy) his daughter, his character would be considered like the person who managed the release of the sons of Isma'iI from the bonds of slavery, and whosoever would bring relief for his son, would be considered amongst those who sheds his tears in the fear of Allah.82 Well, Muhammad Ibne lsmaiI Bukhari writes:- According to Haj'jaj Ibne Minha'l and Sha'ba, Ad'di has stated that he has heard Bar'ra lbne Aazib as saying that, we ourselves saw that the Prophet of Allah was carrying Hasan Ibne Ali on his shoulders, and was reciting this supplication: "Oh AlIah! I love him and You should also love him."83 This sentence is further added in Sahi'h Muslim: It must be borne in mind that, if in the family there are more than one child, then equal treatment be given to all of them so that from the very beginning, they may develop a just and equitable attitude, and should not be biased at any instant. And especially, there should not be any consideration of in-equality in "love and affection". Children are extremely sensitive. If a child slightly perceives and witnesses that, "there is affection to one, while displeasure to the other", then all the time in his heart he feels the pinch of this attitude, and then this dissatisfaction would find place in his mind, as a result of which, when he would grow old, he would face severe difficulty in finding the right course for a satisfied life! That is why, the Islamic legislation (Sha'raih-e-Muqad'dass) has insisted that for our children, at no instant should we maintain double standards. Should never have differences in our attitudes. Therefore regarding this issue, the True Guide (SAWAW), has profounded this judicious tradition:- The Holy Prophet (SAWAW) saw a person kissing one of his two children, while not heeding to the other! On observing this, He warned: "Oh you servant of Allah! You did not show, justice in affection to both of your sons. " Any way! without love and affection, we would neither get decent children, nor the society would have balanced sons, and the world would remain vacant from men of confidence! But, putting "love and affection" in practice, needs moderation. The elders should neither make it so boring, dreary, and monotonous that the innocent souls start hating themselves, and nor should they "bear with the whims and airs" of their children, and accept their pretention to such an extent, that they go astray, and get lost in the be-wilderness! Well, excess and deficiency in any sphere of human life, is dangerous. Children are also, no exception to this rule! When the undue "love and affection" to the dear ones reach it's apex, the beloved's go astray. The children who have gained maturity but are still extremely naughty, stubborn, perverse, wilful, boastful, arrogant, ill mannered, libelous, ruddy, and abusive, one could rightly guess. that all this is the result of undue favouritism of their parents, and an extremely evil omen for the future! Due to this fact, Baqar-ul-Uloom, Hazrat lmam Muhammad Baqar has said:- The worst parents are those, who exceed their limits in loving their children, making them feel happy, and In pleasing them. |
YOU CAN PONDER...... | for everyone |
1] Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout
2] Do you know why a Car's WINDSHIELD is so large & the Rearview Mirror is so small? Because our PAST is not as important as ur FUTURE. Look Ahead and Move on
3] Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write
4] All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either.
5] Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold!
6] Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!
7] When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.
8] A blind person asked Swami Vivekanand: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!"
9] When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes,when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.
10] WORRYING does not take away tomorrows' TROUBLES, it takes away today’s PEACE
2] Do you know why a Car's WINDSHIELD is so large & the Rearview Mirror is so small? Because our PAST is not as important as ur FUTURE. Look Ahead and Move on
3] Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write
4] All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either.
5] Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold!
6] Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!
7] When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.
8] A blind person asked Swami Vivekanand: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!"
9] When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes,when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.
10] WORRYING does not take away tomorrows' TROUBLES, it takes away today’s PEACE
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
Benefits of different Dua'a | for everyone |
DU-A'A AL MASHLOOL This du-a'a known as "supplication of the youth stricken for his sin," is quoted from the work of Kaf-ami and from Muhaj al Da-wat by Sayyid ibn tawus. Through Imam hussain it is reported that one day he and his father, after performing Hajj, caught sight of a paralysed young man crying his eyes out in repentance. They went near to console him and find out the reason of his sorry plight. He was a habitual sinner, always teased his father, disobeyed him and treated him with contempt. One day, disgusted, the father invoked curse upon him. So he was affected with paralysis. Then and there Ali ibna Talib wrote his dua'a and gave it to him with instruction to recite after Isha salat. Next day fully cured, as fit as a fiddle, he came to Imam Ali and said that he had recited the dua'a as told and went to sleep. He saw the Holy prophet in the dream. The holy prophet, gently touched his body with his hand and asked him to remember this dua'a as it contain ismi azam (the great name of Allah). Recite this dua'a after Isha salat. It brings countless blessings. All your legitimate desires will be fulfilled. It drives away poverty and sickness. Sins are for given. Debts are cleared. Enemies become friends. Domestic affairs are set aright. Disputes are settled in your favour. Prisoners are set free mental worries disappear. Prosperity, sound mind and healthy body stand by you at all times. Mercy and forgiveness of sins are the main advantages the almighty Allah makes available if this dua'a is recited regularly. Recite it on Fridays. DU-A'A AL KUMAYL Imam Ali ibni Talib taught this dua'a to his very close companion, Kumayl ibni Ziyad. Allamah Majlisi says that this dua'a reached Imam Ali through prophet Khizr. It should be recited during the night of the middle of Sha'-ban and every Thursday night. If not possible recite once a month on any Thursday night, or once in a lifetime. To seek fulfillment of legitimate desires recite it after obligatory prayers till your desires are fulfilled. It keeps safe from the intrigues of enemies, multiply means of livelihood, and sins are for given. DU-A'A AL TAWASSUL Shaykh Tusi says, in his book Misbah, that imam Hassan bin Ali Al Askari wrote this dua'a for Abu Muhammad who requested him to teach him the proper way of reciting salawat. Allama Majlisi has mentioned this dua'a on the authority of Ibn babawayh who confidently says that there is no difficulty or problem that this dua'a does not solve. The merciful Allah is beseeched in the name of and for the sake of the Holy prophet and his Ahl ul Bayt. It is known as "quick-fulfillment-of-all-legitimate-desires" dua'a. DU-A'A A'DEELAH This dua'a contains the articles of faith. Every faithful must recite this dua'a regularly to drive away Shaytan, and to remain firm in the true faith. A dying faithful, in the last moments of life, should recite this dua'a, or , if it is not possible, ask someone else to read it aloud for him or her, so as not to be misled by doubts which may come into the mind, or not to be depressed emotionally, because these forces together with the misleading suggestions of Shaytan, more often than not, in the last hour of life, make man die a death of an infidel or hypocrite. DU-A'A AL SAMAAT Shaykh Tusi, Sayyid ibna Tawus and Kafami report that this dua'a, according to Muhammad ibn Uthman Umri, a reliable represetative of Imam Sahibuz Zaman, was taught by Imam Muhammad bin Ali Al Baqir and Imam Jafar bin Muhammad Al Sadiq. Allama Majlisi says that all the pious religious scholars used to recite this dua'a. Shaykh Kafami says that this dua'a contains izmi azam (the great name of Allah). Imam Muhammad bin Ali Al Baqir advised the faithfuls to recite this dua'a as it brings the downfall of the enemies of Ahl ul Bayt. Imam Jafar bin Muhammad Al Sadiq said that Allah taught this dua'a to prophet Musa to overcome his enemies. Recite this dua'a daily. This dua'a is particularly recited after Isha salat of Friday night and after Asr salat of Friday. It should be recited every Thursday night. It is the most reliable safeguard against enemies. To seek fulfillment of legitimate desires this dua'a dua'a is very useful.
Ibna tawus in his book Muhaj al Dawat and Kafami in his book Misbah narrate this dua'a on the authority of Imam Ali ibna abi Talib who learned it from the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet advised him to recite this dua'a regularly, whether in prosperity or poverty, till death, because it unveils the secretes of creation and divine strategy. Words can not describe its merits. Intelligent can not describe its meanings. No sooner someone begins to recite it, Almighty Allah send blessings, and his mercy surrounds him, peace and tranquillity descend upon him. The sound of this dua'a moves to and from around the arsh, its direct destination. All his desired are fulfilled. His needs are taken care of. He gets freedom from wants and is kept safe from hardships and misfortunes. His mind opens up new dimensions of contemplation. On the day of judgement he will be received by Allah with respect and honour. It cures insanity if recited before a mad man. It relives pain of childbirth if recited before the expectant mother. It recited on forty Fridays consecutively all sins are forgiven. It cures sickness and disperses sorrows. For him who recites it before going to sleep Allah appoints one thousand angels to pray for him till morning. He who recites it and dies within 24 hours it treated like a martyr.
It is a small but very compact dua'a. As its meaning tell us the reciter asks for every thing he needs in this world, and will be in need of on the day of judgement. All pious religious scholars recite this dua'a at the time of tawaf of Ka-bah. DU-A'A A'Z'MUL BALAA Kafami says in his book Baladul Amin that if a wrongfully confined prisoner recite this dua'a he will soon be set free. If a person find himself surrounded by misfortunes or intrigues he must recite this dua'a to come through tight situations, deadlock and crises. This dua'a is attributed to the living Imam Sahibuz zaman. It brings immediate help from our living imam. DU'A'A T'ALABIL H'AWAA-IJ Imam Ali bin husayn zayn al Abidin is the author of this dua'a. It is recited on Fridays. To seek fulfillment of the legitimate desires recite this dua'aat the time of sunset. DU-A'A A'AFIYAT Imam Ali bin husayn zayn al Abidin is the author of this dua'a. It is recited to thank and praise Allah whenever one receives His bounties and favour. Recite this dua'a after Fajr salat. It will keep you safe from all evils and misfortunes till next morning. DU-A'A H'IFZ'I EEMAAN It is our faith in one concise short dua'a Make your children learn it by heart as soon as they are able to pronounce bismillaahir rah'maanir rah'eem. Recite this dua'a daily because it is a declaration of our faith, what we believe and whom we follow. It brings countless blessings for us in this world; and on the day of judgement will serve us as PASSPORT TO PARADISE. DU-A'A MI'-RAAJ Allama Kafmi has written this dua'a in his book Misbah, on the authority of Imam Ali ibna abi Talib who learned it from the Holy Prophet. The Holy Prophet said: "Allah will have mercy on him who keeps this dua'a as a tawid, and recites it a great deal. He will forgive his sins and the sins of parents and his children, bestow on him countless blessings, keep him safe from misfortunes, multiply his earnings, and cure his ailments." Top improve and develop memory write the (Arabic) text of this dua'a on a clean piece of paper with saffron, wash it with pure water and drink it. Hang the written (Arabic) text of this dua'a (like a tawid) around the neck of children to keep them safe from wild and poisonous animals, and the evil of witchcraft and jinn. It is reported that at the time of mi-raj the Holy Prophet saw this dua'a written at the last post, qaaba qawsayn aw adnaa. The almighty Allah informed him that whoso recites this heavenly dua'a or keeps it written version on his person, will get countless blessings. DU-A'A ILAAHEE KAYFA AD-O'OKA Imam Ali bin Husayn Zayn al abidin is the author of this dua'a. To get immediate acceptance of your supplication, in less time than the flash of an eye, recite this dua'a 100 times, preferably on Thursday, after praying 2 rakat salat, and 15 durood (salawat) before and at the end of this dua'a, and beseech the almighty Allah to fulfill your legitimate desires, wants and needs. DU-A'A NOOR It is reported in Muhaj al Dawat by sayyid bin Tawus that bibi Fatimah Zahrah taught this dua'a to Salman. The Holy Prophet had given this dua'a to his daughter with instruction that whoso recites it daily, in the morning and evening, remains safe from fever. DU-A'A NAADI ALI It is reported through reliable sources that when all the notable companions of the Holy Prophet failed to make headway at Khaybar, Jibrail came with the text of Naadi Ali and asked the Holy Prophet to call Ali through this. The Holy Prophet accordingly recited this divine revelation, and Mawla Ali who was staying at home because of an eye infection, came and conquered the fort of Khaybar. Naadi Ali, both large and small, are very affective for all purposes, particularly to overcome enemy, to come through tight situations, to withstand crises, to avoid accidents, and to have freedom from danger. It is also recited from sufficient means of livelihood, for prosperity and overall welfare. In the battlefield warriors recite Naadi Ali to get better of the attacking opponents. To bring an important and urgent task to successful completion recite it 7 times. Recite 18 times over a glass of water and drink it to cure any type of disease. Before going to meet a person or a group of persons who hold the key to your problem recite it three times, insallah, the outcome will be in your favour. Recite it 20 times if you want your debts to repaid within reasonable time. Recite it 10 times daily if you are childless and desire to have a child. Keep a glass of water in front of you. Recite 5 times and make the expectant mother drink the water. The delivery will be easy and painless. A sure protection against enemies and misfortunes if it is written on paper and put on the right arm.
Here the Holy Prophet (SAW) said to Gabriel: What is the virtue of these words? Gabriel said: Far away! Far away! It is something impossible, for if the angels of seven heavens and seven earths gather to describe its virtues till the Day of Judgment, they are not able to describe a single part of it.” “Therefore when a man says: O You who reveal the beauty and conceal the ugly, God covers up his defects and has mercy on him and makes him look beautiful on the Day of Judgment and covers his defects with a thousand veils in the world and the hereafter.” “And when he says: O You who do not take the wrongdoer to task and do not tear the veil, God will not take him to task on the Day of Judgment and on the day all veils are torn, God will not tear his veil.” “And when he says: O You who are Great Forgiver, God will forgive his sins even if they are as much as the sea foam.” “And when he says: O You are of great forbearance, God will forgive him such sins as theft, drinking wine, and other sins.” “And when he says: O You who have pardon abounding, God will open seventy gates of Mercy to him in a way that he will be overwhelmed by God’s Mercy till he dies.” “And when he says: O You who have opened Your hands for mercy, God opens His hands of Mercy to him.” “And when he says: O Hearer of all whisperings, O You to whom all complaints are made, God will give him rewards as many as given to every afflicted and unaffiliated, every losing and sick as well as destitute and every one affected by calamity till the Day of Judgment.” “And when he says: O Possessor of great favor, God will make him noble as prophets.” “And when he says: O You who give blessings to Your servants when they do not deserve it, God will grant him rewards as many as the number of those who have thanked His blessings.” “And when he says: O our Master, O our Lord, God will say: My angels! Be witness that I forgave him and I will give him rewards as many as those being in paradise and Hell, the seven heavens and the earths, the sun, the moon, the stars, drops of rain, sands mountains, dews and throne.” “And when he says: O our Guardian, God will make his heart replete with faith.” “And when he says: O the Goal of our desires, God will give him the love of all creatures on the Day of Judgment.” “And when he says: I beseech You O God not to make my being ugly with Fire, God will say: My servant has asked Me to free him from Fire. O My angels! Be witness that I set him, his parents, his brothers, his household, his children and his neighbors free from the Fire and accepted his intercession for a thousand others who deserved the punishment by fire and saved them from it.” “O Muhammad! Teach this Dua only to men of piety. Do not even teach it to hypocrites, for it is a Dua which God will answer. This is the Dua recited by the men of Beite Ma’moor (an edifice in the fourth or seventh heaven as sacred as Ka’aba) when they circumambulate it.”
Three QuestiOns | for everyone |
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SHEDDING OF SINS | for everyone |
Abu Usman says: I was sitting along with Salman-e-Farsi under a tree.
He took a dried branch of that tree and shook it, all the dried leaves dropped down.
Then Salman said to me: "You don't ask me why I have done like this?"
I said: "Why you did this?"
He answered: "Once I was sitting under a tree with the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh). Hadhrat caught hold of a dried branch of that tree and shook it, all the dried leaves fell on the ground."
Then he (pbuh) said: "Salman! You did not ask me why I have done this action?"
I said: "Why you have done this O Messenger of Allah?"
He replied: "When a Muslim performs his Wudhu properly and then
attends to his Salaat five times a day, his sins shed in the same
manner as the dried leaves of this tree."
(Biharul Anwaar)
__._,_.___He took a dried branch of that tree and shook it, all the dried leaves dropped down.
Then Salman said to me: "You don't ask me why I have done like this?"
I said: "Why you did this?"
He answered: "Once I was sitting under a tree with the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh). Hadhrat caught hold of a dried branch of that tree and shook it, all the dried leaves fell on the ground."
Then he (pbuh) said: "Salman! You did not ask me why I have done this action?"
I said: "Why you have done this O Messenger of Allah?"
He replied: "When a Muslim performs his Wudhu properly and then
attends to his Salaat five times a day, his sins shed in the same
manner as the dried leaves of this tree."
(Biharul Anwaar)
HADEES | for everyone |
Imam ar-Reza (a) said:
He who follows the enemies of Allah will certainly antagonize the disciples of Allah, and whoever antagonizes the disciples of Allah will antagonize Allah Who will incumbently put him in the fire of Hell.
Some of those who claim the affection for us the Prophets household- are more dangerous for our Shia than the ordeal of the Dajjal.
I asked: How do such people become dangerous?
The Imam (a) answered: They support our enemies and antagonize our followers. When this occurs, the right will be confused with the wrong and the whole matter will be perplexed. Then, there will be no distinction between the believers and the hypocrites.
He who follows the enemies of Allah will certainly antagonize the disciples of Allah, and whoever antagonizes the disciples of Allah will antagonize Allah Who will incumbently put him in the fire of Hell.
Some of those who claim the affection for us the Prophets household- are more dangerous for our Shia than the ordeal of the Dajjal.
I asked: How do such people become dangerous?
The Imam (a) answered: They support our enemies and antagonize our followers. When this occurs, the right will be confused with the wrong and the whole matter will be perplexed. Then, there will be no distinction between the believers and the hypocrites.
The believer has characters from his Lord, Prophet, and Imam | for everyone |
Abu al-Hasan Reza (a) said:
A servant will not be a faithful believer before he learns three characters: one from the Lord, one from His Messenger, and one from the Imam. The character that he should learn from Allah is the concealment of secrets. Allah the Glorified says: He knows the unseen and He does not allow anyone to know His secrets… (72:28)
The character that he should learn from the Prophet (s) is that he should treat people courteously. Allah says: Take the surplus, preach the truth, and keep away from the ignorant ones. (7:199)
The character that he should learn from the Imam (a) is to be steadfast against situations of misfortune and crises. Allah says: and those who exercise patience in poverty and in distress. (2:177)
THE SIGNS OF THE LAST DAYS | for everyone |
Abdullah bin Abbas said that after completing the last pilgrimage (in the 10th year of Hijrah), the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. stood before the door of the Kaaba, keeping the latch of the door in his hand, and said to his companions: "Should I not tell you of the sings of the Day of Resurrection?" Salman-e-Farsi was the nearest of all there and he replied: "Surely, O Messenger of Allah." The Holy Prophet said:
"Verily, amongst the Signs of the Hour is that people will neglect prayer, and will follow their own views (and desires will supersede the commandments of Allah S.W.T., they will follow only those rules which will appeal to them, and will leave other rules), and will incline towards their preferences, and will respect the wealth people (forgetting the Islamic criterion of honour, i.e. piety), and will sell the religion for worldly benefits, at that time the heart and the soul of the believer will melt (from grief) as salt melts in water, because he will see the unlawful things and will not be able to change them."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, at that time the rulers will be tyrants, the ministers transgressors, and the trustees embezzlers." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, verily at that time the evil will become virtue and the virtue will become evil, the embezzlers will be trusted, and the trustworthy people will be thought untrustworthy, and the liars will be vouchsafed, and the truthful one will be considered a liar."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time women will be rulers and the concubines will be consulted, and the children will sit upon the pulpit ‘mimber’ (could mean disrespect for the mimber or such people will ascend the pulpit who will not deserve such honour), and the lie will be considered cleverness, and zakat (charity) will be disliked as fines, and the booty of war will be squandered as personal property (or in present days’ context, public property will be squandered as personal property), and man will be tyrant to this parents and will be generous to his friend, and at that time comets will appear."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the woman will become a partner of her husband in trade, and the rain will be very hot (Climate Change?), and virtuous people will remain sorrowful, and the poor person will be dishonored, and that time, the markets will come nearer (telephones/Internet), then they will say, ‘I did not sell anything’ and they will say, ‘ did not get any profit.’(greed and discontent?) Thus, you will see none who is not complaining against Allah."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life.
"Oh Salman, and then it will happen that heir rulers will be such people that if they talked, they would kill them. And if they remained silent, they would confiscate their wealth, would put their honour under their feet and would shed their blood - and the people’s hearts will be full with fear, and you will not find anyone but that he would be afraid, fearful, awed and in terror."
"Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, verily at that time some things will be brought from the East and some things from the West, and my Ummat (Muslims) will be dyed in them. The woe be unto the weaker people of my Ummat from them, and woe be unto those from Allah. They will not have mercy upon the little ones, and will not respect the old ones. The bodies will be human beings, and their heats will be full of Satans."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time men are contented with men, and women with women, and will challenge over the boys as they have for the girls in their family! Men make themselves look like women and women like men; women will ride on the saddle and will show off, and Allah will send his curse upon them."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time they will decorate the mosques as they do to the temples of the Christians and the Jews, and will decorate the Qur'an (without acting accordingly). The Minarets will be long and the people praying will be a lot, but in their hearts they are enemies and the tongues will differ.
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the males of my ummah will be wearing gold and silk clothing and will make clothes out of leopard/cheetah skin."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who has hold of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time adultery will be performed openly, trading will be performed with backbiting and bribe, and people will put religion down and think only of worldly affairs."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life" "Oh Salman, at that time divorce will be common and punishment will not be according to Allah's will in Islamic laws. But they must know that they are the ones who suffer, not Allah."
Salman asked, "is this possible oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the singer women, music instrument, and playing music will appear, and the wicked of my ummah will go for them (will follow them)."
Salman asked. "is this possible oh prophet of Allah? He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds my life."
"Oh Salman, at that time the wealthy people in my ummah will go to hajj for pleasure, the middle class people in my ummah will go to hajj for trading, and the poor in my ummah will go to hajj for show off. At that time there will be people who learn the Quran not for Allah's sake. They treat that like playing instrument. There will be people who learn the religious knowledge not for Allah's sake. And the number of illegitimate children will increase. And people recite Quran in a musical way. People will race each other over the worldly material."
Salman asked, "does this happen oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, this will happen when the veil of venerate will be torn apart (honors will be defiled), sins will be common, the bad will take authority over the good, lies will be plentiful, obstinacy(disputes) will be open, the number of poor will increase, and people will pride oneself because of clothing. There will be unseasonable rain, the instruments of music and gamble will be considered interesting, and will dislike amr-e-bil ma’roof (enjoining the good) and nahie-anil monkar (forbidding the evil) so much as that the true Momin (believer) at this time will be considered at the lowest degree of all amongst the ummah, the Quran reciter will backbite one another. Those are the people who will be called unclean and filthy in the kingdom of heavens."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time, the rich will not be afraid (of anything) except to the poor so much so that a beggar will continue begging between two Fridays and will not find anyone putting anything in his hands."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time will talk ‘Ruuwaibidhah’."
Salman asked: "And what is Ruwaibidhah? O Messenger of Allah, my father and mother be sacrificed for you." Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. said, "Such persons will talk about public affairs who had not talked in such matter before. Then in a short time, chaos will appear upon the earth, and every nation will think that chaos was only in their land (but it will cover the whole world)." "They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain. Then the Earth will throw out the pieces of its heart - gold, silver, and other minerals - (then the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. pointed towards the pillars, and said), "like these in size, but on that day neither gold nor silver will be of any benefit to anyone. And this is the meaning of the words of Allah ‘So surely did come its (i.e. Qiyamat’s) SIGNS’."
"Verily, amongst the Signs of the Hour is that people will neglect prayer, and will follow their own views (and desires will supersede the commandments of Allah S.W.T., they will follow only those rules which will appeal to them, and will leave other rules), and will incline towards their preferences, and will respect the wealth people (forgetting the Islamic criterion of honour, i.e. piety), and will sell the religion for worldly benefits, at that time the heart and the soul of the believer will melt (from grief) as salt melts in water, because he will see the unlawful things and will not be able to change them."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, at that time the rulers will be tyrants, the ministers transgressors, and the trustees embezzlers." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, verily at that time the evil will become virtue and the virtue will become evil, the embezzlers will be trusted, and the trustworthy people will be thought untrustworthy, and the liars will be vouchsafed, and the truthful one will be considered a liar."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time women will be rulers and the concubines will be consulted, and the children will sit upon the pulpit ‘mimber’ (could mean disrespect for the mimber or such people will ascend the pulpit who will not deserve such honour), and the lie will be considered cleverness, and zakat (charity) will be disliked as fines, and the booty of war will be squandered as personal property (or in present days’ context, public property will be squandered as personal property), and man will be tyrant to this parents and will be generous to his friend, and at that time comets will appear."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the woman will become a partner of her husband in trade, and the rain will be very hot (Climate Change?), and virtuous people will remain sorrowful, and the poor person will be dishonored, and that time, the markets will come nearer (telephones/Internet), then they will say, ‘I did not sell anything’ and they will say, ‘ did not get any profit.’(greed and discontent?) Thus, you will see none who is not complaining against Allah."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life.
"Oh Salman, and then it will happen that heir rulers will be such people that if they talked, they would kill them. And if they remained silent, they would confiscate their wealth, would put their honour under their feet and would shed their blood - and the people’s hearts will be full with fear, and you will not find anyone but that he would be afraid, fearful, awed and in terror."
"Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, verily at that time some things will be brought from the East and some things from the West, and my Ummat (Muslims) will be dyed in them. The woe be unto the weaker people of my Ummat from them, and woe be unto those from Allah. They will not have mercy upon the little ones, and will not respect the old ones. The bodies will be human beings, and their heats will be full of Satans."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time men are contented with men, and women with women, and will challenge over the boys as they have for the girls in their family! Men make themselves look like women and women like men; women will ride on the saddle and will show off, and Allah will send his curse upon them."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time they will decorate the mosques as they do to the temples of the Christians and the Jews, and will decorate the Qur'an (without acting accordingly). The Minarets will be long and the people praying will be a lot, but in their hearts they are enemies and the tongues will differ.
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the males of my ummah will be wearing gold and silk clothing and will make clothes out of leopard/cheetah skin."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who has hold of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time adultery will be performed openly, trading will be performed with backbiting and bribe, and people will put religion down and think only of worldly affairs."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life" "Oh Salman, at that time divorce will be common and punishment will not be according to Allah's will in Islamic laws. But they must know that they are the ones who suffer, not Allah."
Salman asked, "is this possible oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the singer women, music instrument, and playing music will appear, and the wicked of my ummah will go for them (will follow them)."
Salman asked. "is this possible oh prophet of Allah? He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds my life."
"Oh Salman, at that time the wealthy people in my ummah will go to hajj for pleasure, the middle class people in my ummah will go to hajj for trading, and the poor in my ummah will go to hajj for show off. At that time there will be people who learn the Quran not for Allah's sake. They treat that like playing instrument. There will be people who learn the religious knowledge not for Allah's sake. And the number of illegitimate children will increase. And people recite Quran in a musical way. People will race each other over the worldly material."
Salman asked, "does this happen oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, this will happen when the veil of venerate will be torn apart (honors will be defiled), sins will be common, the bad will take authority over the good, lies will be plentiful, obstinacy(disputes) will be open, the number of poor will increase, and people will pride oneself because of clothing. There will be unseasonable rain, the instruments of music and gamble will be considered interesting, and will dislike amr-e-bil ma’roof (enjoining the good) and nahie-anil monkar (forbidding the evil) so much as that the true Momin (believer) at this time will be considered at the lowest degree of all amongst the ummah, the Quran reciter will backbite one another. Those are the people who will be called unclean and filthy in the kingdom of heavens."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time, the rich will not be afraid (of anything) except to the poor so much so that a beggar will continue begging between two Fridays and will not find anyone putting anything in his hands."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time will talk ‘Ruuwaibidhah’."
Salman asked: "And what is Ruwaibidhah? O Messenger of Allah, my father and mother be sacrificed for you." Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. said, "Such persons will talk about public affairs who had not talked in such matter before. Then in a short time, chaos will appear upon the earth, and every nation will think that chaos was only in their land (but it will cover the whole world)." "They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain. Then the Earth will throw out the pieces of its heart - gold, silver, and other minerals - (then the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. pointed towards the pillars, and said), "like these in size, but on that day neither gold nor silver will be of any benefit to anyone. And this is the meaning of the words of Allah ‘So surely did come its (i.e. Qiyamat’s) SIGNS’."
(Bihar-ul-Anwar, Vol. III).
Roza Masooma-e-Qom (S.A | for everyone |
Tribute-Hazrat Masooma-e-Qum (S.A.) 5th RABI-ul-AWWAL | for everyone |
Hazrat Masooma-e-Qum (S.A. ) was born on the first of Zilqaad, 173 A.H, in Madina-e-Munawwara. Her real name was Fatema-e-Kubra because she was the eldest among her (4) sisters and her other sisters were also named Fatema.Her famous title of all her titles is Masooma , because she was a very pious lady and this title was gifted to her by her holy brother Imam Ali Raza (A.S.)
The value of making a pilgrimage(the ziarat) to the shrine of Masooma-e-Qum is observed by the words of the holy Imams :
1.Imam Muhammad Baqir(as) has said:”Whoever performs the Ziarat of Masooma-e-Qum will be rewarded by a place in Heaven.”
2. Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (as) has said: “If you want to earn a place in heaven then perform the Ziarat of Masooma-e-Qum.”
3. Imam Ali Raza (A.S.) has said: “Whoever attends the Ziarat of my sister is like he has performed my Ziarat and indeed he/she will be rewarded a place inParadise ”.
There are 2 more titles of Hazrat Masooma (S.A.): 1.Sayyeda and 2.Sayyedatun-Nisail-Alameen and these last two titles of her are written in the book:”Hazrat-e-Masooma and Shahr-e-Moqaddesa Qum” where at page 37 these two titles are written to have been stated in the book: “Zabdatu-t-Tasaneef”.These two titles are also found in another script of the Ziarat of Masooma-Qum.
Janabe Masooma (S.A. ) was only 10 years old when her Holy father Imam Moosa-e-Kazim was martyred in the prison of Baghdad . Now she had only her holy brother to look up to, this major grief made her very weak and she carried the strength to be alive only for her brother sake.Imam Ali Raza and Masooma-e-Qum were born from the same mother and that was why the bond between them were so strong.
After the death of their holy father now Imam Ali Raza was charged the responsibilities of Imamat but the cruel Abbaside kings like Haroon Rashid and his son (la) were not going to let the Imam(as)live peacefully.After the death of Haroon Rashid his son Mamoon Rashid came to the power. His way of ruling was completely the same as his father’s, and Imam Ali Raza (A.S.) was now forced to leave His whole family in Madina for the journey to Khorasan inIran .
For almost a year Hazrat Masooma put up with the separation of her brother but after a year of suffering this separation she couldn’t stand it any longer and decided to leave Madina for the reunion with her brother Imam Ali Raza (A.S.).Hazrat Masooma left Madina for the journey to Marw along with her 5 brothers : Fazl, Jaafar, Hadi, Qasim and Zaid , her nephews and some servants was also with her.
Together they went through many difficulties that occured in their way.Very soon they reached Sawa a place where there were many enemies of the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) and therefore the caravan of Hazrat Masooma was attacked by these enemies at Sawa and totally 23 men which among them were the brothers and the nephews of Hazrat Masooma were martyred. After this tragedy Hazrat Masooma became very ill and weak.
When the leader inQum , Moosa Ibn-e-Khazraj(ra) who was a shia and a goodhearted man, heard about this tragedy,he immediately sent his men to bring Hazrat Masooma (S.A. ) to Qum .
Qum was a city where the lovers of the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) were settled.When Hazrat Masooma's caravan was directed to Qum and when she approached the city, she observed that everyone was dressed in black and black banners were visble everywhere.Observing this sad atmosphere Hazrat Masooma ordered her servant lady to ask someone who could tell them about what had happened. Janabe Masooma thought and was almost sure that maybe a great leader of this city had died.
When the caravan of Hazrat Masooma stopped then Moosa Ibne Khazraj himself came to offer the salutation.When the reason behind the blackdressed people and the sadness in the atmosphere was asked , Moosa Ibne Khazraj at first stood quiet with his head bent down but when Hazrat Masooma insisted, then Moosa Ibne Khazraj began to cry at first and then offered his condolences at the death of her brother Imam Ali Raza .
On hearing these words Hazrat Masooma slammed her head and cried so much that she became unconscious. All the servant ladies stopped the camels and a partition was arranged by Moosa Ibne-Khazraj so that the doctors could examine her. In between Hazrat Masooma sometimes gained her consciousness and then cried for her brother lamenting:”O’ Gharibul-Watan where are you my brother?” and then she was unconscious again.
She was so deeply hurt by this grief that after her arrival in Qum she was only alive for 17 days.At her death the women in Qum committed the ghusl and kafan and the grave were also digged by the women ,and no men were allowed in this funeral.
At the time of burying the body suddenly and miraculously two veilcovered horsemen were sighted.They approached the funeral ceremony and one of them carried the holy body of Hazrat Masooma and handed it over to the other who had stepped inside the grave. When the funeral prayers were conducted, the two mysterious horsemen were disappeared.It is reported that these veilcovered holy horsemen were Imam Ali Raza (A.S.) and Imam Muhammad Taqi who miraculously had come to bury the body of Masooma-e-Qum.
After the burying of Hazrat Masooma, Moosa Ibne-Khazraj arranged a canvas over the grave of Masooma-e-Qum (sa).Thereafter Zainab binte Imam Muhammad Taqi arranged a tomb of the grave.In 413 A.H this tomb was painted.In 529 A.H a new tomb was made.In 592 A.H the holy tomb was rebuilt . In 1203 A.H the area around the holy shrine of Hazrat Masooma (sa) was renewed.In 1218 A.H the holy tomb was rebuilt and gold-plated with 12.000 golden bars.And in 1275 A.H the holy grave was surrounded with a silvery Zari.
Hazrat Masooma was buried in the holy city of Qum and every year this holy shrine is visited by millions and millions of her lovers all around the world.May Allah give all the shia muslims the oppurtunity to make a pilgrimage to Iran to visit these sacred places. Ameen. At last we extend our condolences to Imam-e-Zamana (ajf)on the death anniversary of Hazrat Masooma-e-Qum(sa).
The value of making a pilgrimage(the ziarat) to the shrine of Masooma-e-Qum is observed by the words of the holy Imams :
1.Imam Muhammad Baqir(as) has said:”Whoever performs the Ziarat of Masooma-e-Qum will be rewarded by a place in Heaven.”
2. Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (as) has said: “If you want to earn a place in heaven then perform the Ziarat of Masooma-e-Qum.”
3. Imam Ali Raza (A.S.) has said: “Whoever attends the Ziarat of my sister is like he has performed my Ziarat and indeed he/she will be rewarded a place in
There are 2 more titles of Hazrat Masooma (S.A.): 1.Sayyeda and 2.Sayyedatun-Nisail-Alameen and these last two titles of her are written in the book:”Hazrat-e-Masooma and Shahr-e-Moqaddesa Qum” where at page 37 these two titles are written to have been stated in the book: “Zabdatu-t-Tasaneef”.These two titles are also found in another script of the Ziarat of Masooma-Qum.
Janabe Masooma (
After the death of their holy father now Imam Ali Raza was charged the responsibilities of Imamat but the cruel Abbaside kings like Haroon Rashid and his son (la) were not going to let the Imam(as)live peacefully.After the death of Haroon Rashid his son Mamoon Rashid came to the power. His way of ruling was completely the same as his father’s, and Imam Ali Raza (A.S.) was now forced to leave His whole family in Madina for the journey to Khorasan in
For almost a year Hazrat Masooma put up with the separation of her brother but after a year of suffering this separation she couldn’t stand it any longer and decided to leave Madina for the reunion with her brother Imam Ali Raza (A.S.).Hazrat Masooma left Madina for the journey to Marw along with her 5 brothers : Fazl, Jaafar, Hadi, Qasim and Zaid , her nephews and some servants was also with her.
Together they went through many difficulties that occured in their way.Very soon they reached Sawa a place where there were many enemies of the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) and therefore the caravan of Hazrat Masooma was attacked by these enemies at Sawa and totally 23 men which among them were the brothers and the nephews of Hazrat Masooma were martyred. After this tragedy Hazrat Masooma became very ill and weak.
When the leader in
Qum was a city where the lovers of the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) were settled.When Hazrat Masooma's caravan was directed to Qum and when she approached the city, she observed that everyone was dressed in black and black banners were visble everywhere.Observing this sad atmosphere Hazrat Masooma ordered her servant lady to ask someone who could tell them about what had happened. Janabe Masooma thought and was almost sure that maybe a great leader of this city had died.
When the caravan of Hazrat Masooma stopped then Moosa Ibne Khazraj himself came to offer the salutation.When the reason behind the blackdressed people and the sadness in the atmosphere was asked , Moosa Ibne Khazraj at first stood quiet with his head bent down but when Hazrat Masooma insisted, then Moosa Ibne Khazraj began to cry at first and then offered his condolences at the death of her brother Imam Ali Raza .
On hearing these words Hazrat Masooma slammed her head and cried so much that she became unconscious. All the servant ladies stopped the camels and a partition was arranged by Moosa Ibne-Khazraj so that the doctors could examine her. In between Hazrat Masooma sometimes gained her consciousness and then cried for her brother lamenting:”O’ Gharibul-Watan where are you my brother?” and then she was unconscious again.
She was so deeply hurt by this grief that after her arrival in Qum she was only alive for 17 days.At her death the women in Qum committed the ghusl and kafan and the grave were also digged by the women ,and no men were allowed in this funeral.
At the time of burying the body suddenly and miraculously two veilcovered horsemen were sighted.They approached the funeral ceremony and one of them carried the holy body of Hazrat Masooma and handed it over to the other who had stepped inside the grave. When the funeral prayers were conducted, the two mysterious horsemen were disappeared.It is reported that these veilcovered holy horsemen were Imam Ali Raza (A.S.) and Imam Muhammad Taqi who miraculously had come to bury the body of Masooma-e-Qum.
After the burying of Hazrat Masooma, Moosa Ibne-Khazraj arranged a canvas over the grave of Masooma-e-Qum (sa).Thereafter Zainab binte Imam Muhammad Taqi arranged a tomb of the grave.In 413 A.H this tomb was painted.In 529 A.H a new tomb was made.In 592 A.H the holy tomb was rebuilt . In 1203 A.H the area around the holy shrine of Hazrat Masooma (sa) was renewed.In 1218 A.H the holy tomb was rebuilt and gold-plated with 12.000 golden bars.And in 1275 A.H the holy grave was surrounded with a silvery Zari.
Hazrat Masooma was buried in the holy city of Qum and every year this holy shrine is visited by millions and millions of her lovers all around the world.May Allah give all the shia muslims the oppurtunity to make a pilgrimage to Iran to visit these sacred places. Ameen. At last we extend our condolences to Imam-e-Zamana (ajf)on the death anniversary of Hazrat Masooma-e-Qum(sa).
I said O Messenger of Allah, I owe John, the Jew about seven Mesghal (35 grams) of gold and he is keeping watch at my door.
I was afraid of being caught by him. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “Would you like God to repay your debt?”
I said: Yes O Messenger of Allah! The Holy Prophet said: recite:

“O Allah, Master of the kingdom! You give the kingdom to whomsoever You please and take away the kingdom from
whomsoever You please, and You exalt whom you please and abase whom You please; in Your hand is the good; surely,
you have power over all things. You make the night to pass into the day and You make the day pass into the night,
and You bring forth the living from the dead and You bring forth the dead from the living. and You give sustenance
to whom You please without measure, O Merciful in the world and Hereafter. You bestow these two Mercies upon
whomever You wish and withhold it from whomsoever you wish, O God send greetings upon Mohammad and his household
and have my debt repaid, O Generous One.”
Then the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: “If your debt in gold is as much as the whole earth, God will repay it on your behalf.”
O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ، فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
*“Whenever you recite “Dua”, have this

impression that what you want is at the door.”
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
First Tradition
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said,
"To refrain from eating a single morsel of Haraam is, near Allah, more valued than the performance of two thousand rakats of recommended prayer."
Second Tradition
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said,
"To forgo a single dirham of prohibited money, is equal near Allah, to seventy accepted Hajjs."
Third Tradition
He continued:
"Strive more to perform good deeds. However if you cannot perform a good act (at least) do not disobey (the commands of Allah). Because if one lays the foundation of a building and does not spoil it, then, even if the progress is slow, the building will definitely rise. (Conversely) The person who lays the foundation and at the same time spoils it, then it is sure that the walls of this building will never be raised."
(Iddatud-Dai, page 235)
Fourth Tradition
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
"For the person who recites 'Subhanallah', Allah plants a tree in Paradise."
On hearing this a man from Quraish stood up and said, "If it is this way, then there must be many trees for us in the Paradise?" The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) replied,
"Yes, but you must beware that you don't set fire from here to burn them all down."
(Iddatud-Dai page 235)
Fifth Tradition
"Jealousy devours belief, like fire devours wood."
Ill-Gotten Wealth Burns Down The Acts of Worship
Sixth Tradition
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
"On the Day of Judgement there would be people whose good deeds will be as heavy as the mountains of Tahama. Inspite of this it would be ordered that they be tossed into the fire of Hell."
Upon this someone said, "O! the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.), were these people performing salaat (prayers)?",
"Yes, they used to pray, and fast, and also spend a part of the night in worship. But, whenever they chanced upon something which gave them pleasure, they used to rush to it without thinking whether it was right or wrong."
Not Giving the Rights of the People
A Barrier for the Acceptance of Good Deeds
Seventh Tradition
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
"I have been commanded by Allah to warn my people and say, 'Do not go from one mosque to another while someones rights are upon you. If such a person stands up for prayers in that condition, I send my curses upon him till he restores the rights to its owner." (Iddatud-Dai page 236)
Eighth Tradition
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said,
"There is an angel of Allah who raises the call every night from 'Baitul Muqaddas': "Whoever partakes of the prohibited things, Allah does not accept any of his deeds be they obligatory or recommended."
Good Deeds are Accepted Only if Accompanied by Piety.
(Abstinence From the Prohibited Things)
Ninth Tradition
"Even if you stand for prayers like a tent peg planted on the ground and keep fasting till you resemble a dried stick and stoop like a bow, Allah will not accept any of your deeds till you have the piety to guard against the evil deeds."
Sin is a Barrier to the Acceptance of Invocation (Dua)
Tenth Tradition
Hazrat Musa (a.s.) passed by a person from his followers who was in prostration. After completing his chore Musa (a.s.) returned to find him still in prostration. He said, "If I had the power to grant your wish I would surely have granted it." Allah revealed to Musa (a.s.) that, "Even if this man prostrates for Me till his head gets detached from his neck, I will not accept his deeds, till he abstains from that which I dislike and does that which pleases Me. Otherwise sin hinders the supplications from acceptance."
(pg. 125 ibid)
Refraining From Sins is Genuine Worship
Eleventh Tradition
"Abstaining from sins is the basis of religion. Hence, refrain from sins in order to become the most pious worshipper. Adorn yourself with piety. Do not perform a single good deed without piety. Surely that deed is most acceptable by Allah which is accompanied by piety, even though it may be trifle. As Allah says, "Allah accepts the good deeds only from the pious people."
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