Piety is to keep distance from the world...... | for everyone |
Piety is to keep distance from the world in the context of the meaning of world-worship. Explaining piety, Allamah Majlisi quotes a tradition of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) that he said, “I asked the meaning of piety from Jibraeel who replied, ‘A pious one likes everything which his Creator has liked and abhors everything which his Lord hates. He avoids permissible things in this world while he does not even look at the prohibited things. This is because he will have to account for using the permissible things whereas he will have to suffer chastisement for using a forbidden thing. He loves all Muslims just as he loves himself. He avoids saying things, which are useless just as he abhors the nauseating meat of a dead animal. Similarly he avoids overeating. He does not like worldly means and ornaments because they will turn into burning embers in the Hereafter. His ambitions are short because death is always before his eyes.’”[454]
Imam Ja’far as Sadiq has said, “We Muslims, prefer the world for us whereas it is better if it is not given to us. No man has ever been given anything in this world without diminishing his share in the Hereafter.” A man said, “By Allah, we prefer this world for us.” The Imam said, “What will you do with it?” He replied, “I will spend it on my family members and myself. I will give charity from it. I will do good deeds and perform Hajj.” Imam said, “This is not the love for the world. It is love for the Hereafter.”[452]
What will you do with such a big house in this world ? | for everyone |
Alaa bin Ziyad Harithi was one of the companions of Amirul Momineen (a.s.). He lived in Basra where he had constructed a very big and spacious house to live in. When he fell ill the Holy Imam went to see him. Seeing his house the Imam said, “O Alaa! What will you do with such a big house in this world when you need it in the Hereafter? Yes, if you want such a grand house in the Hereafter, host guests in this house. Provide assistance to near and dear ones in this house and observe its religious rights (requirements). If you are able to do so, this house will become a means to your Hereafter.”
Alaa said, “O Amirul Momineen (a.s.)! I have a complain against my brother, Asim bin Ziyad.” The Imam asked what was the matter. He replied, “He wears coarse cloth and has secluded himself from the society.” The Imam said, “Bring him to me.” When he arrived the Imam said, “O enemy of your own self! The devil has deceived you and made you mad after him. Do you not have any feeling of kindness for your wife and children? Do you think that Allah does not want you to benefit from even those things, which He has made lawful for you?”
Asim replied, “O Amirul Momineen (a.s.)! You always wear such coarse clothes and eat very simple food while you are our leader. I intended to imitate your highness.”
Alaa said, “O Amirul Momineen (a.s.)! I have a complain against my brother, Asim bin Ziyad.” The Imam asked what was the matter. He replied, “He wears coarse cloth and has secluded himself from the society.” The Imam said, “Bring him to me.” When he arrived the Imam said, “O enemy of your own self! The devil has deceived you and made you mad after him. Do you not have any feeling of kindness for your wife and children? Do you think that Allah does not want you to benefit from even those things, which He has made lawful for you?”
Asim replied, “O Amirul Momineen (a.s.)! You always wear such coarse clothes and eat very simple food while you are our leader. I intended to imitate your highness.”
The Imam said, “Woe unto you. I am not the same as you because Allah has commanded the leader and the true guide of people to lead a life of the poor and needy so that they may not consider their lives unbearably difficult.”[451]
EPISODE 14 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |

The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
Once Amirul Momineen (a.s.) entered the Kufa market. Looking around he found that everyone was busy in buying and selling. He wept profusely and said, “O slaves of the world! O those who work only for it! You spend your day in trade and business and your night in sleep. You neglect the Hereafter due to your business and sleep. When will you get time to gather provisions for the Hereafter? When will you think over your Hereafter?”
A man said, “O Amirul Momineen (a.s.)! We are obliged to earn money for our living. What else can we do?” The Amir replied, “Seeking livelihood through permissible means does not come in the way of the Hereafter. But if you say that we are obliged to gather money, then you have no excuse.” That man began to weep and ran away.
A man said, “O Amirul Momineen (a.s.)! We are obliged to earn money for our living. What else can we do?” The Amir replied, “Seeking livelihood through permissible means does not come in the way of the Hereafter. But if you say that we are obliged to gather money, then you have no excuse.” That man began to weep and ran away.
The Amir said, “Come back so that I may explain the matter further.” When he returned the Amir said, “O Slave of God! Be aware that one who works for Hereafter in this world will surely get its reward in the Hereafter and one who works in this world only for this world will get its reward in the form of Hellfire.” Then he recited this verse.
So one who prefers only this world for himself will have his abode in hell.[450]
So one who prefers only this world for himself will have his abode in hell.[450]
Which Islamic sect advocates Yazid’s Caliphate | for everyone |
It is now time to address the more meaningful question – in the realm of Islam which sect considers Yazid’s Caliphate legitimate? As far as the Shias are concerned, they do not accord any worth to Yazid and his Caliphate; let alone Yazid, others far senior to him are not considered worthy of the caliphate that they assumed for themselves. Right from the first link in the chain of caliphate, the Shias have voiced their dissent making it abundantly evident that they have nothing to do with the Caliphs and their actions.
This fact has been adequately highlighted by the esteemed Ahle Sunnah historian – Hafiz Jalaluddin Suyuti in Tarikh al-Khulafa. At the beginning, he states clearly the reasons for compiling the book:
‘In this historical work I have recorded the biographies of those Caliphs who were known as Ameerul Momineen (Commander of the believers) and who were the Caliphs over the Muslims right from the era of Abu Bakr Siddiq (upto now).’
It is apparent from Hafiz Jalaaluddin’s comments that he considered the Caliphate of these individuals as legitimate and the title of Ameeerul Momineen (which they had sought for themselves although it was exclusively for Hazrat Ali (a.s.)) appropriate for them. Surprisingly, in his work, he does not list down the Egyptian Caliphs of Bani Fatimah (Fatimids), because he considers their Caliphate illegitimate:
‘Because their Caliphate was not legitimate for the following reasons.’
He enumerates the main reasons
behind omitting their names from the list of legitimate Caliphs:
behind omitting their names from the list of legitimate Caliphs:
a)They were not Quraishi
b)Many among them were inclined towards apostates, oppressors and atheists i.e. they were not Muslims.
c)Some of them considered alcohol as permissible.
d)Even if they were sinless, they commanded the people to abuse the companions.
When such persons assume the mantle of Caliphate, paying allegiance to them cannot be considered correct and their leadership is without any basis.
By exposing his reasons and criteria for rejecting the Caliphs of Bani Fatimid, Hafiz Jalaaluddin Suyuti has opened the proverbial Pandora’s Box. His criteria must now stand scrutiny while enumerating the Caliphs of Bani Umayyah and Bani Abbas. Were these Caliphs not guilty of perpetrating some of the crimes that Hafiz Jalaaluddin Suyuti has listed above?
a)Did their rule not mark the advent of apostasy, oppression and atheism, thanks to their implicit and often explicit support?
b)Were alcohol, and even worse homosexuality, not a part of their lifestyles?
c)Didn’t they consider maligning the companions and even killing them (as in the incident of Harra) as perfectly legitimate?
Nonetheless, it is evident from Hafiz Jalaaluddin Suyuti’s rationale that all the Caliphs enumerated in his book are legitimate in the eyes of the Ahle Sunnah as it corresponds with their teachings and beliefs.
In addition to this, on the 9th page of his book, he records the famous prophetic saying:
‘This religion shall subsist till there exist 12 Caliphs.’
In his exegesis of this tradition, he asserts
‘The Muslims coincided in their view on Abu Bakr (i.e. there was a consensus), then Umar, then Usman, then Ali (a.s.). They then reached a consensus on Muawiya but only after the treaty with Hasan (a.s.), then they agreed upon his son – Yazid…’
As recorded in Sahih-e-Bukhaari, Ibn Hajar-e-Asqaalani has also advanced a similar exegesis of the Holy Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) tradition. It is apparent from the support that Yazid’s caliphate has received from all quarters in the Ahle Sunnah, that he was a legitimate caliph who had the consensus of the Muslims of his period.
This very Yazid was responsible for killing the beloved grandson of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) – Imam Husain (a.s.) – because he failed to submit to the ‘legitimate’ caliph of his time – Yazid. In other words, those who set out against Imam Husain (a.s.) and killed him and deemed this act to be legitimate are the same people who believed that Yazid was the rightful caliph of the Muslims since he met all the criteria of their religion. It is clear that the teachings of their religion not only raised Yazid to the position of Caliphate, but also brought about Imam Husain’s (a.s.) murder, both of which in their eyes are valid. As we have already reiterated,the Shias have nothing to do with both these events (Yazid’s caliphate and Imam Husain’s (a.s.) killing) and deem both acts to be heinous crimes.
Killers of Imam Husain (a.s.): A Historical Perspective- umar ibn sa'd LANATI # 3 | for everyone |
The third person who is directly responsible for the murder of Imam Husain (a.s.) is Umar ibn Sa’d. In fact, in Umar’s case, the association with this crime is most evident and the responsibility lies largely with him. His faith and religion are exposed with these couplets that he recited when Ibne Ziyaad short-listed him with the task of murdering Imam Husain (a.s.).
‘Should I let the opportunity to govern Ray (Suburb of Teheran, Iran ) slip by, while it is my most ardent desire?
Or should I become accursed forever for killing Husain (a.s.)?’
‘The world is but a house of goodness and wealth.
‘Then the intelligent one never trades the wealth for debt.’
He then recites some more couplets,the essence of which is:
‘The people claim that Allah has created something called Paradise and likewise He has also created the Fire and Chastisement. If these people are true in their claims, then there is no problem. I intend to repent for my sin (of killing Imam Husain) within two years. However, if these people are proved wrong and there is no Paradise and Hell,then there is no absolutely no problem, for in that case we will have amassed a kingdom in this world whose bounties shall remain forever.’
These couplets clearly highlight the ridicule that Umar ibn Sa’d had for well-established Islamic beliefs regarding Paradise and Hell. If this the condition of the governors and chiefs, then it is anyone’s guess as to the commonality perceived Paradise and Hell! After all, the masses were deeply influenced by the views of the rulers. Calling theses governors as Muslims is akin to insulting to Islam. These are facts of history and there is no denying them.
There is no question of debating whether these personalities were Sunnis Shiites because a discussion on that can happen only after these personalities accept the fundamental Islamic principles of Paradise and Hell.
There is no question of debating whether these personalities were Sunnis Shiites because a discussion on that can happen only after these personalities accept the fundamental Islamic principles of Paradise and Hell.
To which sect of Islam did the killers of Imam Husain (a.s.) belong to?
But the question remains that even if for argument’s sake we consider them as Muslims to which Islamic sect did the killers of Imam Husain (a.s.) belong to? To answer this question it is important to address the following queries:
a)What was the basis of Imam Husain’s (a.s.) murder?
b)The principles and teachings of which Islamic sect did the killers of Imam Husain (a.s.) embrace?
Once we answer these two questions, it should be fairly evident with which Islamic sect the murderers of Imam Husain (a.s.) were associated.
It is an undisputed fact of history that the only cause of Imam Husain’s (a.s.) assassination was the Emir of Syria, Yazid Ibn Muawiyah, demanding Imam’s (a.s.) explicit allegiance. Imam (a.s.) refused to give in to his demands and rejected his Caliphate and in the process endured the most telling hardships at the hands of Yazid and his cronies.
Ibne Hajar-e-Makki chronicles, “The Emir of Syria, Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan, was blinded by the love for his son, Yazid. In order to appoint his son as the Emir after him, he undertook a huge campaign to extract the allegiance of all Muslims for his son. He employed all the wealth of Syria and Iraq and resorted to the dirtiest of tricks to buy the allegiance of Muslims. However, five persons remained firm in their commitment not to pay allegiance to Yazid. The foremost in this group was Husain Ibn Ali (a.s.) and the other four took a cue from him and also withdrew from paying allegiance.”
(Tatheerul Jinaan, A Commentary on
the al-Sawaaeq al-Muhreqah, Old Egyptian Edition, p. 50)
the al-Sawaaeq al-Muhreqah, Old Egyptian Edition, p. 50)
Muawiyah died at the age of 75-80 years, in Rajab 60 A.H. Yazid ascended the throne. The Syrians paid their allegiance to him and accepted him as their Emir. He had all the comforts and luxuries of the world at his disposal. Apparently, this was not enough to satisfy his gluttonous appetite. One thought persistently irked him, ‘Why did Husain ibn Ali (a.s.) reject his allegiance?’ He dispatched a stern letter addressed to his governor in Madinah – Walid ibn Utbah ibn Abi Sufyan. He informed Walid about Muawiyah’s death and then ordered him:
‘Compel Husain (a.s.), Abdullah ibn
Umar and Abdullah ibn Zubair to pay allegiance to me and be very exacting and forceful with them in this regard. Bear in mind that the only way out for them to pay allegiance to me. Peace be upon you.’
Umar and Abdullah ibn Zubair to pay allegiance to me and be very exacting and forceful with them in this regard. Bear in mind that the only way out for them to pay allegiance to me. Peace be upon you.’
Walid was chicken-hearted and indecisive. He was not sure how Yazid’s explicit command could be obeyed in a manner without raising a controversy.
In this moment of uncertainty, Marwan ibn Hakam, the sworn enemy of the AhleBait (a.s.), who had been described by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as ‘the accursed son of the accursed (father)’ (Hayaat-al-Haywaan Damiri vol. 1, p. 55 from Mustadrakul Hakim) had some typical words of advice. He counseled Walid that he must extract the pledge of allegiance from Imam Husain (a.s.) and if he refused, he must behead him and dispatch his head to Yazid.
Walid summoned Imam Husain (a.s.) to inform him about the developments in Syria. Imam (a.s.) was quick to perceive the repercussions of Yazid’s letter; he quickly vacated Madinah so as not to make it a theatre of assault and bloodshed.
(Tarikh-e-Tabari, vol. 6, p.
Imam Husain (a.s.) embarked for Mecca . He instructed his cousin – Hazrat Muslim ibn Aqeel (a.s.) to proceed to Kufa to assess the situation there. Yazid was advised by his counselors that if he wished to secure Kufa, he would have to appoint an authoritarian governor.
For this task, Yazid aptly chose the vicious Ibne Yazid and commanded him to head for Kufa immediately with the clear mandate to apprehend Muslim ibn Aqeel (a.s.).
(Tarikh-e-Tabari, vol. 6, p.
Imam Husain (a.s.) arrived at Karbala on 2nd Muharram 61 A.H. Thereafter Umar ibn Sa’d also reached Karbala with clear instructions from Ibne Ziyaad to kill Imam Husain (a.s.). He surrounded Imam (a.s.) from all sides, but sensed no evil or danger from him (a.s.). He wrote to Ibne Ziyaad that he did not find anything sinister in Imam Husain’s (a.s.) motives and therefore wished to return to Kufa. Ibne Ziyaad would have nothing of this – he ordered Umar ibn Sa’d to stay put in Karbala and extract the allegiance for Yazid from Imam Husain (a.s.). Umar replied that Imam Husain (a.s.) would never give his allegiance. Ibne Ziyaad replied that he would not have it any other way except that he puts Imam Husain (a.s.) and his small army to sword.
(Tarikh-e-Tabari, vol. 6, p. 234)
At long last, the world witnessed Imam Husain’s (a.s.) mettle and his steely resolve in the face of hardships and the most inhuman pressure tactics ever employed on a battlefield. He along with his family members and companions were massacred in the most barbaric manner by the evening of Ashoora.
By now the motives behind Imam Husain’s (a.s.) murder must be crystal clear. Yazid’s ascension to the throne of Syria and his unnecessary pursuit of Imam’s allegiance were the chief circumstances responsible for this tragedy.
Killers of Imam Husain (a.s.): A Historical Perspective- ubaydillah ibn ziyad LANATI # 2 | for everyone |
Another criminal who ranks high in the list of Imam Husain’s (a.s.) murderers is Ubaydillah ibn Ziyaad. He shares the position and status with Yazid in the perpetration of this heinous crime. He is the very person who Yazid has spoken of highly, as his treasured friend, helper, confidante and ardent supporter in the battlefield.
Ubaydillah’s disbelief, apostasy, infidelity and complete disregard for divine laws and edicts were not a secret. All and sundry in Kufa were aware of his disposition towards evil and falsehood. That is why Haani Ibn Urwah (r.a) tells Muslim ibn Aqeel (a.s.) ruefully (when the latter refused to kill Ubaydillah in a surprise attack):
‘By Allah, (you must know) that if you had killed him, (you would not have killed a Muslim), (rather) you would
have killed a sinner, transgressor, apostate and rebel’.
have killed a sinner, transgressor, apostate and rebel’.
(Tarikh-e-Tabari vol. 6, p. 204)
Killers of Imam Husain (a.s.): A Historical Perspective- yazid LANATI # 1 | for everyone |
Without doubt, the biggest contributor to the shedding of Imam Husain’s (a.s.) blood and its main proponent was Yazid ibn Muawiyah. And that is not exactly surprising when we consider that Yazid is the one who inherited apostasy, tyranny and blasphemy from his father. He was the grandson of Abu Sufyan and the son of Muawiyah.
The vicissitudes of time and his father’s political machinations played important roles in pivoting an unlikely Yazid to the highest religious position in the Islamic world. Yazid’s actions and words were unbecoming of a human being, let alone a Caliph of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). His actions were so deplorable that they repelled everyone associated with him. Waaqedi narrates on the authority of Abdullah ibn Hanzalah – who enjoyed the epithet of Ghaseel al-Malaaekah
(the one given the ritual bath by the angels) – page 11,
‘I swear by Allah, there came a time
when we feared that stones would soon rain down upon us in Yazid’s reign. He was a man who did not even spare his own mother, daughters and sisters from his lecherous disposition. He drank wine freely and neglected praying (Namaz).’
when we feared that stones would soon rain down upon us in Yazid’s reign. He was a man who did not even spare his own mother, daughters and sisters from his lecherous disposition. He drank wine freely and neglected praying (Namaz).’
(al-Sawaaeq al-Muhreqah by Ibn Hajar
Makki p. 125, Egyptian edition)
Makki p. 125, Egyptian edition)
Imam Husain’s (a.s.) will to Muhammad Ibne Hanafiyya | for everyone |
In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful This is a will from Husain Ibne Ali (a.s.) written to his brother Muhammad Ibne Hanafiyya. I bear witness that Allah is One, there is no associate for him and that Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) is His messenger. Whatever he (s.a.w.a.) has conveyed is the truth. (I bear witness) paradise and hell are certain and the Day of Judgment is a certainly. Allah, the High, will surely raise the dead from the graves. I am Husain (a.s.). I am not leaving Medina with the aim of perpetrating tyranny and corruption. I do not have any ambition (for power) nor do I wish to abandon the truth. I am only leaving Medina for the rectification of the nation of my grandfather, the messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.). I only wish to fulfill my duty of exhorting goodness and prohibiting evil. I have heard from Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.a.) that Husain will be a victim of killing.’
On hearing this will, Abdullah Ibne Abbas advised Imam Husain (a.s.), ‘Swear allegiance to Yazid and be patient on his tyranny and oppression like you were patient with Muawiya before that, until circumstances favor you.’ Astonished at this advice, Imam (a.s.) said,
‘What are you saying? A person like me can never swear allegiance to Yazid and obey his commands. What the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) has said about him and his father is evident for me.’
Ibne Abbas replied, ‘You are right. I myself have heard the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) declare – O Yazid what have you done? May Allah never bless Yazid, for surely he will kill my son, who is the son of my daughter – Husain Ibne Ali (a.s.)! By Allah! None shall kill my son, except Yazid. None shall assist Yazid in this, as Allah shall infuse differences amongst them.’
Then Abdullah Ibne Abbas declared, ‘O Husain! Currently I don’t find anyone else to be the son of the Prophet’s daughter (s.a.), besides you. And the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) help and assistance on this nation is a duty, without which Allah shall never accept the prayers and zakat of the believers.’
Imam Husain (a.s.) replied, ‘O Ibne Abbas! What do you have to say about this nation, which drives away the son of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) from his house and his birthplace, they force him to vacate the shrine of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and deprive him of his visitation (ziarat), they intimidate him so much that he cannot take shelter in any village or town and finally conspire to kill him while he is sinless and innocent’
Finally, Imam (a.s.) handed over the will to Muhammad Ibne Hanafiyya, bid him farewell, and Medina to go to Mecca in the dead of the night accompanied by his progeny, friends and companions.
HADEES | for everyone |
Holy Prophet (saws), Happiness is for the one who will attend the Qaim of my Ahlul Bayt and will follow him before his rise. This person will love his (Qaim's) lovers and hate his enemies, and will accept the leadership of the Imams from before his advent. These ones are my friends, and are the most sincere members of my Ummah whom I honour very much
Behaarul Anwar, vol. 52, p. 129
Behaarul Anwar, vol. 52, p. 129
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), Janabe Fatema binte Mohammad (s.a.) calls upon the one who visits Imam Husain’s (a.s.) shrine. She seeks forgiveness for his sins and his sins are forgiven.
Kaamil al-Ziaaraat pg. 118
Kaamil al-Ziaaraat pg. 118
Ameerul Mo'mineen, Imam Ali b. Abi Talib (a.s.), One who no longer shows his loathing and detest for evil by his heart, his hands or his tongue, he is like a corpse amongst the living ones.
Tehzeeb vol. 6, pg. 181, tradition 374
Tehzeeb vol. 6, pg. 181, tradition 374
Aale Ziyad, we have enumerated his lineage. Ziyad was the son of a loose and immoral woman, Somayya. Abdullah Ibne Ziyad was also illegitimate like his father. Ziyad is the one who killed the followers of Ameerul Momeneen (a.s.). He blinded some of them by piercing hot iron rods in their eyes. The limbs of Shias were amputated. Ziyad ordered the abusing of Ameerul Momeneen (a.s.) from the pulpit of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). He killed several Shias in prison. When he was the governor of Basra , he made the lives of the Shias very miserable. After Ziyad, Abdullah became the governor of Basra . He followed in the footsteps of his father. When he came to Kufa as Yazid’s governor, he perpetrated the
tragedy of Karbala . Such a battle between truth and evil will never be found in history till the Day of Judgment. It was a brutal battle in which falsehood was demolished and disgraced.
tragedy of Karbala . Such a battle between truth and evil will never be found in history till the Day of Judgment. It was a brutal battle in which falsehood was demolished and disgraced.
DO GOOD AND IT COMES BACK | for everyone |
His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. dropped his and ran to the bog.
There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.
The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.
'I want to repay you,' said the nobleman... 'You saved my son's life.'
'No, I can't accept payment for what I did,' the Scottish farmer replied waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel.
'Is that your son?' the nobleman asked.
'Yes,' the farmer replied proudly.
'I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy If the lad is anything like his father, he'll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of.' And that he did.
Farmer Fleming's son attended the very best schools and in time, graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.
Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia.
What saved his life this time? Penicillin.
The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill .. His son's name?
Sir Winston Churchill.
Someone once said: What goes around comes around.
Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.
The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.
'I want to repay you,' said the nobleman... 'You saved my son's life.'
'No, I can't accept payment for what I did,' the Scottish farmer replied waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel.
'Is that your son?' the nobleman asked.
'Yes,' the farmer replied proudly.
'I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy If the lad is anything like his father, he'll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of.' And that he did.
Farmer Fleming's son attended the very best schools and in time, graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.
Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia.
What saved his life this time? Penicillin.
The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill .. His son's name?
Sir Winston Churchill.
Someone once said: What goes around comes around.
Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
Live like it's Heaven on Earth.
It's National Friendship Week. Send this to everyone you consider A FRIEND.
Live like it's Heaven on Earth.
It's National Friendship Week. Send this to everyone you consider A FRIEND.
May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer and may you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows your'e dead.
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer and may you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows your'e dead.
OK, this is what you have to do.... Send this to all of your friends.
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
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"Bismillah ir rahman ir rahim. It has been witnessed that some pilgrims who
visited Ayatullah Sistani, have attributed many statements to him which were
totally against the reality or were out of context. Therefore it is
requested from all brothers and sisters that they do not trust anything
addressing grand ayatollah except from his office or his website, otherwise
it's not to be trusted."
[A statement form Ayatollah Sistani's office, 2nd of Muharram, 1432 AH]
Source: http://sistani.org/images/display/statements/far-152.jpg
"Bismillah ir rahman ir rahim. It has been witnessed that some pilgrims who
visited Ayatullah Sistani, have attributed many statements to him which were
totally against the reality or were out of context. Therefore it is
requested from all brothers and sisters that they do not trust anything
addressing grand ayatollah except from his office or his website, otherwise
it's not to be trusted."
[A statement form Ayatollah Sistani's office, 2nd of Muharram, 1432 AH]
Source: http://sistani.org/images/display/statements/far-152.jpg
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Prophecies of Imam Husain (a.s.)’s martyrdom-HAZRAT MUSTAFA (S.A.W.S.) | for everyone |
Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.a.)
Great scholars of Ahle Sunnah and Shias have narrated prophecies of Imam Husain (a.s.)’s martyrdom from the Messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.a.). Renowned books like As-Sawaaiqul Mohreqah, Zakhairul Uqba, Tazkeratul Khawaas, Kanzul Ummal, Maqtal-e-Khaarazmi, Talkhees of Luftullah-e-Saafi by the name of Azmat-e-Husain, etc. For the sake of brevity, we shall discuss only four traditions in this article.
It is cited from Khwarazmi that Abu Ali Salaami Bayhaqi in his Taarikh quotes that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said to Imam Husain a.s.):
“Certainly there is a position in paradise for you which cannot be attained except through martyrdom.”
Sibte ibne Jawzi narrates, “When Imam Husain (a.s.) arrived at Karbala, he picked up the soil of Karbala. After smelling it he enquired the name of the place. His companions replied that it is famous as Karbala and locally is known as Nainawah. On this, he (a.s.) uttered, ‘Karb’ and ‘Balaa’.
Later, he added that his Ummul Momineen, Umme Salma (r.a.) had informed him, ‘One day Janabe Jibraeel (a.s.) was in the presence of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). And you (Imam Husain (a.s.)) were sitting with me. At that moment Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) asked for you, “Send my son to me “. You went in the presence of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). He (s.a.w.a.)took you under his cloak. Janabe Jibraeel (a.s.) asked the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) whether he (s.a.w.a.)loved you. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) replied in the affirmative. Jibraeel (a.s.) said, “Your nation will kill him and if you wish I can show you the place. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) gave him the permission and Jibraeel (a.s.) showed him (s.a.w.a.)the place…”
Later, he added that his Ummul Momineen, Umme Salma (r.a.) had informed him, ‘One day Janabe Jibraeel (a.s.) was in the presence of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). And you (Imam Husain (a.s.)) were sitting with me. At that moment Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) asked for you, “Send my son to me “. You went in the presence of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). He (s.a.w.a.)took you under his cloak. Janabe Jibraeel (a.s.) asked the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) whether he (s.a.w.a.)loved you. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) replied in the affirmative. Jibraeel (a.s.) said, “Your nation will kill him and if you wish I can show you the place. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) gave him the permission and Jibraeel (a.s.) showed him (s.a.w.a.)the place…”
After smelling the earth, Imam Husain (a.s.) remarked, “This is the same place about which Jibraeel (a.s.) had spoken and shown to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.). That is why the odour of this mud is the same as I had smelted before.”
Ibn Athir has narrated from Gurfa-e-Yazdi (who was from Ahle Saffa): One day I was with Hazrat Ali (a.s.) when some doubts had risen in my heart regarding him. We reached at a particular place when he stopped me and said: “This is the place where his horses and camels will be tied and his blood spilt. May my father be sacrificed for him; there will be no helper for him in the earth or the sky except Allah.”
Gurfa states, “When Imam Husain (a.s.) was martyred, I came to Karbala and noticed that Husain, his companions and helpers were killed were there. And this was the same place of which Ameerul Momineen Ali (a.s.) had foretold. I asked forgiveness from Allah about all the doubts concerning Ali (a.s.) which had already vanished.
Suwaid bin Gafala narrates that once I was in the presence of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) when a person came to him saying: “O Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)! When I was passing by the valley of Qura, I saw that Khalid bin Arfata was lying dead and asked forgiveness for him.”
Hazrat Ali (a.s.) retorted, “He will not die until he joins the army of the deviated ones and the flag-bearer of that army will be Habib bin Hammar. ” From that gathering, one person stood up and said: “O Ameerul Momineen, I am your friend and my name is Habib ibn Hammar.”
Ali (a.s.) remarked, “Yes, you will be the flag bearerof that army.”
Ultimately Ibne Ziyad sent Umar Ibne Saad to Kufa to confront Imam Husain (a.s.). He appointed Khalid bin Arfata to lead the army and it’s flag-bearer was Habib ibn Hammar. Yaqoobi says that the first person to mourn the martyrdom of Imam Husain (a.s.) in Medina was Ummul Momineen Umme Salma (r.a.). Finally, itis necessary to draw the attention of the readers towards Zohair Ibn Qayn Bajali.He respected Imam (a.s.) so much that he even hesitated to put up his tent next to that of his Imam. When Imam Husain (a.s.) sent his son, Hazrat Ali Akbar to Zohair Ibne Qayn, he was having his food and his wife Daylam, (who incidentally was the daughter of Umar) was sitting near him. He had not put the morsel in his mouth when his wife said “It is strange! The son of Fatema (s.a.) is beckoning and you are vacillating.” While leaving, he turned towards his friends and said, “I am going with Imam Husain (a.s.) and will be martyred with him.” Then he turned to his wife and said, “You are free”. She: asked him whether he will intercede for her with Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) on the day of Judgment. He promised her that he would certainly do.(In some narrations, it is said that she also went with him). Later, Zohair offered his martyrdom to Imam Husain (a.s.) in the following words, “I remember, once I had gone with an army to Balanjar, an area of Turkistan for Jihad. We were successful in our campaign and a huge quantity of war booty came in our hands. I was very happy with it. Salmaan-e-Farsi was with me. He said, “When you are with the youth of Hazrat Muhammad’s (s.a.) progeny, you will be much happier. A holy war in their company will bring you more joy than this war booty.”
Prophecies of Imam Husain (a.s.)’s martyrdom-HAZRAT SULAIMAN (A.S.) | for everyone |
Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.)
Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) was sitting on his special mat when he ordered the wind to fly him. On receiving the order, the wind carried the mat on her shoulders and started flying. On reaching the plains of Karbala, the wind brought the mat slowly on the earth. Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) reprimanded the wind for this sudden landing. Explaining her action, she said, “This is the place where Hazrat Husain (a.s.) will be martyred. Hence, I am unable to move”. Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) enquired, “Who is Husain?” The wind replied “Grandson of Ahmad-e-Mukhtar and son of Hyder-e-Karraar. His killer will be Yazid.” At this Hazrat Sulaiman along with all men and jinn cursed Yazid. With its (curse) blessings, the wind started blowing and the mat of Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) recommenced it’s flight. (Ibid)
Prophecies of Imam Husain (a.s.)’s martyrdom-HAZRAT MOOSA (A.S.) AND HAZRAT ISA (A.S.0 | for everyone |
Hazrat Moosa (a.s.)
Once Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) was passing through Karbala when the straps of his sandals broke and thorns pricked his feet due to which they were badly injured. He implored, “O Allah why am I punished thus?” Allah revealed, “This is not a punishment. This is the place where the blood of Muhammad Mustafa’s (s.a.w.a.) grandson will be shed. His killer shall be Yazid (l.a.). The jinn, men, animals and birds will curse Yazid. I wish that your blood also mixes with his purified blood.” Hearing this Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) also cursed Yazid (l.a.).
Hazrat Isa (a.s.)
Traditions record that once during a journey along with his companions, Hazrat Isa (a.s.) reached Karbala. A tiger blocked their path. Hazrat Isa (a.s.) questioned the tiger the reason for it’s action. Allah, the Almighty gave speech to the tiger and it replied, “O Prophet of Allah, this is the place where the grandson of the unlettered (Ummi) Prophet (s.a.w.a.) will be martyred. Until you curse his killers, I will not allow you to go further.” Finally Hazrat Isa (a.s.) cursed the killer of Imam Husain (a.s.) and the tiger went on his way.
Prophecies of Imam Husain (a.s.)’s martyrdom-HAZRAT IBRAHIM (A.S.) AND HAZRAT ISMAIL (A.S.) | for everyone |
Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.)
It is narrated that once Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) was riding through the plains of Karbala when his horse tripped and fell along with its rider.
The friend (Khalil) of Allah [Ibrahim] remembered his Lord and extended his hands in prayer, “Did I commit some mistake that I am punished thus?” Immediately, the trustworthy Jibraeel (a.s.) descended and informed him, “O Prophet of Allah, you have not committed any sin. But this is the area where the descendant of Ismail (a.s.), the grandson of Mohammad (s.a.w.a.) and the beloved son of AH (a.s.) will be martyred. His name is Husain (a.s.).” On hearing the name of Husain (a.s.), Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) began to weep incessantly. Wailingly, he enquired about the assassinator. Jibraeel (a.s.) responded, “The most evil man, Yazid. When the Qalam (pen) was ordered to inscribe upon the Lauh (tablet) the name of Yazid (l.a.), it also inscribed a curse after Yazid’s name without being ordered to do so.” The Almighty Allah was pleased by this act of Qalam and said, “You have done very well.” Hence Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) began to curse Yazid relentlessly. Resultantly, his horse was endowed with the power of speech and it said, “Aameen” after every curse. Then the horse said, “O Friend of Allah when you fell off my back, I was very ashamed. But now I have realized that my fall was due to the omen of this evil (Yazid (l.a.)).” (Ibid)
Hazrat Ismail (a.s.)
History chronicles that the sheep of Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) grazed at the banks of the Euphrates river. One day, Ismail’s (a.s.) shepherd informed him that the animals had been refusing to drink water since the last few days. Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) came to the sheep and enquired the reason for their action. They responded in eloquent Arabic, “We were informed that your descendant and the grandson of the last Prophet [s.a.] will be martyred here after being deprived of water for three days. We too desire to experience his thirst.” “Who will be his killer?” asked Ismail (a.s.). “Yazid who is cursed by the inhabitants of the earth as well as the skies.”
Hazrat Ismail (a.s.) too prayed to the Almighty Allah to curse Yazid (La.).
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