Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Feb 4, '11 8:51 AM
for everyone
The Caravan of Pride (Mawkeb-ul Abaa) is an eye-opening movie which skilfully portrays the heart wrenching series of events that unfolded after the martyrdom of Imam Hussain. After the massacre which took place on the plains of Karbala, the remaining members of the Family of the Holy Prophet (saw), who were not killed in the war, were taken captive and paraded in a humiliating and degrading fashion from Kufa (Iraq) to Shaam (Syria).

After the Caravan were paraded through the most difficult of conditions, underwent the most excruciating pain and were afflicted with the greatest of torments, they were finally brought to Yazids Palace in Damascus, Syria. It was here, in the very stronghold of Yazid, that the light of Truth pierced through the dark veils of ignorance Satan had thrown over the eyes of the Muslim masses, it was here, under the eternally damned eyes of the tyrant Yazid, that Syeda Zainab, the daughter of the ever victorious Lion of Allah, Ali ibne abi-Talib, delivered a unparalleled, pivotal and crucial sermon which awoke the people of Damascus from their deep slumber of heedlessness and shook the foundation of the Umayyad Dynasty, sending it crumbling to the ground. It was here, that Imam Zain ul-Abideen, in such magnificent words of eloquence, informed the people of Damascus who exactly it was they were oppressing by telling them the relationship he holds with the Holy Prophet, his great grandfather. Thus was the revolution of Imam Hussain completed, a revolution against injustice, a revolution against tyranny, a revolution seeking honour over humiliation, truth over falsehood, courage over fright, righteousness over immorality, knowledge over ignorance, a revolution whose shockwaves continue to resonate thousands of years later, and a revolution, an eternal stand against corruption, which proves to be the source of inspiration for humanity at whole...

(1) Caravan of Pride Part 1

Feb 4, '11 4:28 AM
for everyone
NASIMCO wishes to inform the community that it has received no confirmed reports of the crescent moon being sighted in North America on the evening of Thursday, February 3rd, 2011. Therefore, after completion of 30 days for Safar, the 1st of Rabi-al-Awwal will be on Saturday, February 5th, 2011 for all North American communities.

Thank you and regards.

Sincerely yours,

Mariam Remtulla-Jiwa

From: NASIMCO []
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 9:15 PM
Subject: Moonsighting Report (Rabi-al-Awwal 1432 AH)

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Moonsighting (Rabi al-Awwal 1432 AH) 

1. Two Rak'ah Salaat:
(In the first rak'ah after Suratul Hamd recite 30 times Surah of Tawheed and in the second rak'ah after al-Hamd recite 30 times Suratul Qadr.)
2. Ask your Hajaats.
3. Give in Charity (sadaqh).
Related Links
Asalaamu Alaykum!  
The declaration for the 1st of the month is made by NASIMCO from sighting reports received from member Jamaats and with guidance from the resident Alim of Toronto Jamaat, Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi.

Moonsighting for 1st of Rabi-al-Awwal 1432 AH

NASIMCO wishes to inform the community that it has received no confirmed reports of the crescent moon being sighted in North America on the evening of Thursday, February 3rd, 2011. Therefore, after completion of 30 days for Safar, the 1st of Rabi-al-Awwal will be on Saturday, February 5th, 2011 for all North American communities.

Important Dates of the Month
4th (8 Feb) - Shahadat of Masuma-e-Qum (AS)
8th (12 Feb) - Shahadat of I. Hassan Al-Askari (AS)
9th (13 Feb) - Eid-e-Zahra
17th (21 Feb) - Milad un Nabi
17th (21 Feb) - Wiladat of I. Jaffer As-Sadiq (AS)

This email was sent to by  
NASIMCO | 300 John Street | P.O. Box 87629 | Thornhill, Ontario | L3T 7R3 | Canada

Muslim Shia Council

In The Name of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful

Announcement Regarding 
The New Crescent for Rabi'e al-Awal1432 AH

Dear Believers in North America,
Asalamu Alaykum,
   The Crescent Moon Committee of the Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America announces there were no sightings reported at sunset on Thursday February 3rd, 2011. Therefore, Friday is considered the completion of the month of Safar and Saturday February 5th, will be the 1st of the Month of Rabi'e al-Awal 1432 AH.

   Based on this: The Birth of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him and his holy household) and the Holy Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) on the 17th of this month will be on Monday February 21st, 2011. We ask the Almighty Allah to make us successful in establishing the rituals to remember them and to hasten the appearance of our Holy Imam (peace be upon him.)

The Crescent Committee
  • Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi, Toronto, Canada.
  • Sheikh Fadhil al-Sahlani, New York.
  • Sheikh Mohammed Ali al-Halabi
  • Sayyid Hassan al-Qazwini, Detroit.
  • Sheikh Sulaiman Abidi, Richmond Hill, Canada.
  • Sayyid Nabi Raza Abedi, San Francisco.
  • Sheikh Ali Kathum, Houston.
  The "Crescent Moon Committee" was established at the 10th Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America in Detroit, October 2010.
Rabi'e al-Awal
This email was sent to by |  
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave. | Dearborn | MI | 48126

Hemmad bin Amr and Anas bin Mohammed related from his father from Ja'far  bin Mohammed from his father from his grandfather from Ali bin Abi Talib (a) that the  Prophet (s) said to him: O Ali, I will convey to you a commandment that you should  retain. You will keep up yourself in goodness as long as you follow my  commandment.  

(1) O Ali, for those who suppress their anger while they are able to punish, Allah will  endow them with security and tasteful faith on the Day of Resurrection.  
O Ali, he who does not provide a proper will in his final hours is suffering a defect in  his personality and will be deprived of the right of Intercession.

2 O Ali, the best of jihad is to begin your day without intending to oppress anybody.  O Ali, he whose utterance is avoided by people will be an inhabitant of Hell.   O Ali, the evilest of my people are those whom people respect for avoiding their evildoings. 

3 O Ali, the evilest people are those who sold their lives to come with their worldly lives.  Those who sold their lives to come with others' worldly lives are eviler than the previous.   O Ali, he who rejects an apology, whether true or false, will be deprived of my  intercession (on the Day of Resurrection).  
O Ali, Allah liked telling lies for the purpose of conciliation and disliked telling truths  for the purpose of antagonism.

O Ali, for those who give up drinking wines for sake of something other than Allah, Allah will serve them with the sealed wine of Paradise.  
Ali (a) wondered: "Even if it is for sake of something other than Allah?"  
The Prophet (s) answered: Yes, it is. Even if he gives it up for saving himself (from its disadvantages). Allah will thank him for so.

 O Ali, the drinker of wines is as same as the idolater.

6  O Ali, for the drinkers of wine, Allah will not accept their prayers for forty days. If they die in this period, they will be regarded as the atheists.  
O Ali, any intoxicating drink is haram -prohibited-. A single dose of a drink whose much amount causes intoxication is haram.  
O Ali, all the sins are situated in a house whose key is drinking wines.  
O Ali, an hour comes upon the drinkers of wines in which they do not acknowledge their Almighty Lord.  
O Ali, the drinker of wines is as same as the idolater.  
O Ali, for the drinkers of wines, Allah will not accept their prayers for forty days. If they die in this period, they will be regarded as the atheists.  
O Ali, to move a mountain from its place is easier than trying to ruin a power in other than its deadline.  
O Ali, it is worthless to sit with him who does not benefit by his religion and his 
worldly life.

You should not respect or honor him who did not respect and honor you.  
O Ali, the (faithful) believer should enjoy eight characters: he should be venerable in shaking situations, steadfast against misfortunes, thankful in luxury, satisfied with what Allah has decided for him, avoid oppressing the enemies, avoid overtaxing the associates, should fatigue his body, and make people feel glad with him.  

O Ali, the prayers of four classes of people are never refuted: the just rulers, fathers when they pray for their sons, people who pray for their brothers secretly, and the oppressed. Allah says: By My glory and majesty I take the oath, I will give triumph to the oppressed even if a long period passes.  
O Ali, eight classes of people should blame no one but themselves if they are 

They are: he who attends a banquet without invitation, he who behaves imperiously upon the owner, he who seeks goodness from his enemies, he who seeks favors from the mean ones, he who intrudes himself in a secret matter of two persons, he who mocks at the rulers, he who sits himself in an improper place, and he who speaks to him who does not listen to him.  
O Ali, for every obscene, indecent, and shameless individual who does not care for his speech or for what is said to him, Allah has banned him from being in Paradise.  O Ali, blessed is he whose age is long and deeds are good.  
O Ali, do not joke lest, you will lose respect, and do not tell untruths; lest, you will lose illumination.  

Beware of two characters: indolence and laziness, for if you are indolent, you will not stand the right and if you are lazy, you will not fulfill the right properly.  
O Ali, every sin can be repented except bad mannerism. Whenever the ill-mannered quits a sin, he enters into another.  

O Ali, four matters are the quickest in punishment: to recompense the favor with mistreatment, to trespass him who does not show hostility, to break the faith of the party who keeps up his faith, and to rupture the relations with the relatives who regard you properly.  O Ali, rest will depart him who is predominated by indolence. 
O Ali, a Muslim should enjoy twelve characters in regard with sitting to the dining tables, four of which are obligatory, four are recommendable, and four are ethical.  

The four obligatory characters are to know what to eat, begin with 
bismillahirrahmanirraheem (In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful), thank, and satisfy (yourself with the food). 

The four recommendable characters are to rely on the left leg, eat with three fingers, eat from only what is before you, and suck the fingers. The four ethical characters are to make the bite as small as possible, chew the food properly, avoid looking in people's faces, and wash the hands.  

O Ali, Allah created Paradise from two adobes: golden and silver. He created the walls from corundum, the ceiling from aquamarine, the pebbles from pearl, and the dust from saffron and odorous musk. Then Allah ordered it to speak; hence, Paradise said: "No god but Allah the Everlasting the Eternal. He who enters me will be surely happy."  

 Allah, the Exalted, then said: "By My glory and majesty I swear, the alcoholic, the talebearers, the pimps, the detectives, the effeminate, the gravediggers, the tithers, the disregarders (of their relatives), and the Qadarites
all these shall not enter Paradise."  (Qadariya, in Islam, are the adherents of the doctrine of free will. ) 
O Ali, ten people of this umma disbelieve in Almighty Allah. They are: the talebearer, the sorcerer, the pimp, he who copulates with a lady annally illegally, he who copulates with an animal, he who copulates with married ladies, the agitator, he who sells weapons to the parties of war, he who refrains from defraying the zakat, and he who dies before he performs the obligatory hajj while he was wealthy enough to do so.  

O Ali, banquets should be served only in five situations: wedding parties, birth of male babies, circumcision, purchase of houses, and arrival from Mecca (after performing the hajj).  

(to be continued)....
Certainly, the most favorable of you to Allah are the best good-doers, the gainers of the best rewards of Allah are the most desirous for gaining what He has in possession, the safest from Allah's punishment are the most fearful of Him, the closest to Allah are the best well-mannered, the most pleased in the sight of Allah are the most generous towards the dependants, and the best of you in the sight of Allah are the most God-fearing.155 (124) 

Al-Hasan bin Mahboub narrated from Sa'd bin Abi Khalaf that Abu al-Hasan Musa bin Ja'far (al-Kadhim) (a) said to one of his sons: O son, let not Allah see you committing an act of disobedience against which He warned you, and let Him not miss you in an act of obedience to Him of which He ordered you. Keep serious and do not convince yourself that you are worshipping and obeying Allah perfectly, because no one can achieve perfection in the fields of worshipping Allah.

Beware of joking because it extinguishes the illumination of your faith and disgraces your personality. Beware of indolence and laziness because they both prevent you from receiving your shares of the pleasures of this world and the world to come.156 (125) Ali bin al-Hakam narrated from Husham bin Salem that Ja'far bin Mohammed as-Sadiq (a) said:

This world is seeking and is sought. He who seeks it will be sought by death, which will take him out of it. He who seeks the world to come will be sought by this world to give him his (decided) shares of sustenance.157

(126) Imam as-Sadiq (a) said: To see the enemy plunge in the acts of disobedience to Allah is a sufficient victory that Allah bestows upon a believer.158

(127) The Prophet (s) said: Take the initiative to the gardens of Paradise.

Beware of joking because it extinguishes the illumination of your faith and disgraces your personality. Beware of indolence and laziness because they both prevent you from receiving your shares of the pleasures of this world and the world to come.156 (125) Ali bin al-Hakam narrated from Husham bin Salem that Ja'far bin Mohammed as-Sadiq (a) said:

This world is seeking and is sought. He who seeks it will be sought by death, which will take him out of it. He who seeks the world to come will be sought by this world to give him his (decided) shares of sustenance.157

(126) Imam as-Sadiq (a) said: To see the enemy plunge in the acts of disobedience to Allah is a sufficient victory that Allah bestows upon a believer.158

(127) The Prophet (s) said: Take the initiative to the gardens of Paradise.
'What are the gardens of Paradise, O Allah's Messenger?' some asked. He (s) answered: The gardens of Paradise are the shaving of the pubes.159 (128) Mohammed bin Ahmed bin Yahya narrated from Mohammed bin Adam from His father that Abu al-Hasan ar-Ridha (a) related on the authority of his fathers that the Prophet (s) said to Ali (a):

O Ali, do not consult the coward, for he shows your exits as narrow. Do not consult the stingy, for he frustrates you against your goal. Do not consult the acquisitive, for he garnishes the evils for you. You should know that cowardice, stinginess, and acquisitiveness are instincts that are contained by mistrust.160
Feb 3, '11 1:20 PM
for everyone
 Imam as-Sadiq (a) said that Allah, Powerful and Majestic is He, revealed to Adam: O Adam, I will gather the good, as a whole, in four words: one is for Me, one is for you, one is between you and Me, and one is between people and you.

The word that is for Me is that you should worship only Me without associating anything (or anyone) with Me. The word that is for you is that I will reward you in your most critical need (for the compensation of your acts). The word that is between you and Me is that you should supplicate to Me and I will answer. The word that is between people and you is that you should accept for yourself whatever you accept for people.147 (117)

 Imam as-Sadiq (a) said: Good health is a secret favor-it is forgotten if it is present, and missed if it is absent.148
The Prophet (s) said: “Abu Tharr, You must be stingy with regard to your lifetime, not with your dirhams and dinars (i.e. money).” ( 10 )
“Exploit four things before the falling of four: exploit your youth before the falling of your old age, exploit your health before the coming of your illness, exploit your richness before the falling of your poverty, and exploit your lifetime before the coming of your death.” ( 11 )
Amir ul-Mu’minin (a) said: “This world is only three days: one passed away with all its insides, the second is that you are living in; therefore, you should seize its opportunities, and the third is a day that you do not know whether you will catch it or not. The day that passed must be regarded as wise educator. The day that you are living in must be regarded as a departing friend. Regarding tomorrow, you have nothing of it except hope.”
“Every new day that comes upon man says to him: I am a new day and I will witness you. Hence, you should say only good wording and do only good deeds so that I will testify for your good on the Day of Resurrection, for you will not see me ever    again.” ( 12 )
Imam as-Sejjad (a) said: “How poor son of Adam is! Everyday, he is inflicted with three misfortunes. Nevertheless, he does learn lessons from any. Had he learnt a lesson, all the misfortunes of this worldly life would have been easy in his sight. The fir st misfortune is that the day which comes upon him decreases his age. If a decrease occurs to his wealth, he will become so depressed, while he can cover the decrease of wealth, but he cannot regain the decrease of his age. The second misfortune is that he takes the sustenance that is decided for him completely. If he gets it in a legal way, he will be interrogated about it, and if he gets it in an illegal way, he will be punished for it. The third misfortune, which is the most calamitous, is that each day that ends takes him a stage closer to the Hereafter, while he does not know whether his fate will be Paradise or Hell.” ( 13 )
“On the day of his birth, man is the oldest.”
Imam al-Baqir (a) said: “Let not people deceive you in matters regarding yourself, because you exclusively will encounter your own matters. Do not spend your days with gossips and nonsense, for there are the angels who accompany you and record all your d eeds. Do righteous deeds, because I have not seen anything better in result and remedying than a new good deed after an old sin.” ( 14 )
Imam as-Sadiq (a) said: “Be tolerant in the acts of obedience to Allah and steadfast against the acts of disobedience to Him. This world is no more than an hour. You will not find the pleasures of what has passed away and you will not be able to recogniz e what is coming. Be patient in that hour and you will attain bliss.” ( 15 )
    A wise man said: “Man is like a traveler who has to pass by six stations. He, however, has already passed by three: the first is the transition from nonexistence to his father’s loins and mother’s ribs. The second is the transition to the mother’s womb. The third is the transition from the mother’s womb to the world. The three stations that man has not passed by yet are the grave, the field of the Resurrection, and Hell or Paradise.”
We are now living in the third station whose distance takes our lifetime. Hence, days of our ages are miles, hours are meters and breaths are steps. Some of us have only few miles, others have only few meters, and others have only few steps.
Pray a 2 rakat Salaat for the 1st of every lunar month, within 3 days & earlier the better. Also give sadaqa & insha-allah you will be safe throughout the month.  This salaat ensures safety and keeps aways all misfortunes.
1.     Make Niyah 
2.    In first Rakat recite after Sura Fatiaah recite Sooratul Ikhlass 30 times
3.    In the second rakat after Sura Fatiaah  recite Sooratul Qadr 30 times
4.    After Salaam Recite the following :-

"Allahumma salle ala Muhammadinw wa aale Muhammed"
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
There is not a moving creature in the earth but the sustenance thereof depends on Allah. He knows its habitation and its repository. All is in the clear (manifest) Book. If Allah touch you with affliction, there is none that can relieve therefrom save He; and if He desires good for your, there is none who can repel His favour. He satiates whom He wills of His bondmen. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. Allah will guarantee, after hardship, ease. That which Allah wills (will come to pass)! There is no power save in Allah! Allah is sufficent for us! Most Excellent is He in whom we trust! I confide my cause unto Allah. Verily Allah is Seer of (His) servants. There is no god save Thee. Be Thou glorified. Verily I have been a wrongdoer. My Lord! Whatever good Thou sends down for me, I am needy, My Lord! Leave me not alone (Childless), though Thou art the Best of inheritors.

Wa maa mindaabbatin' filarz"i Illaa a'lallaahi rizquhaa wa yaa'-lamu mustaqarrahaa wa mustawda-a'haa: Kullun fee kitaabim mubeen Wa in'y Yamsas-kallaahu bi-z"urrin falaa kaashifa lahooo illaa huw: wa in'yyuridka bi-khayrin'falaa raaadda li-faz"lih: yus'eebu bihee man'y yashaaa-u min i'baadih: wa huwal ghafoorur rah'eem Sayaj-a'lullaahu baa'-da u'srin'y yusraa maa shaaa-allaah laa quwwata illaa billaah h'asbunallaahu wa nia'-mal wakeel wa ufawwiz"u amree ilallaah: innallaaha bas'eerum bil i'baad laaa ilaaha illaaa anta subh'aanaka innee kun'tu minaz'z'aalimeen rabbi innee limaa anzaltal ilayya min khayrin' faqeer rabbi laa tad'arnee fardan'wwa an'ta khayrul waaritheen

O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. 
الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ،  فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
*   *“Whenever you recite “Dua”, have this
impression that what you want is at the door.”

(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)

Feb 3, '11 7:22 AM
for everyone
As Salaam Alaikum (May Peace Be Upon You),

We are busy preparing for the 3rd Annual American Leadership Initiative for Muslims (ALIM) Convention. I'm often asked what the ALIM convention is about and why people should come, and to answer that question the Islamic Information Center has developed a commercial trailer for the event that will give you an idea about what the convention entails and what you can gain from it. Click here to check it out:
comment on ALIM Convention and Islam in 60 Seconds: February 3, 2011

Rahat Husain
Executive Director
Islamic Information Center
The West

Coalition urges halt to House hearings on Muslim radicalization

LA Times
A coalition of 51 religious and civil rights groups is calling on congressional leaders to stop upcoming hearings on Muslim extremism in the U.S. or have the investigation refocused to include other hate groups. The coalition, working with the San Francisco-based Muslim Advocates legal organization, said the March hearings led by Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.), chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, would demonize Muslim Americans and persuade many of them not to cooperate with police. "Our first preference is for him to kibosh the whole thing," Farhana Khera, executive director of Muslim Advocates, said Wednesday. "As it is framed now, the hearings are targeting an entire faith community, and that's not a proper exercise of congressional authority." The ranking Democrat on the panel, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson of Mississippi, wrote to King on Tuesdaysuggesting that he broaden the scope of the investigation to look at other violent groups, such as neo-Nazi organizations.
Number of US-Muslim terror suspects down

The number of Muslim Americans involved in terrorist acts dropped by more than half last year compared to 2009, easing fears that the minority group is being radicalized, a study showed Wednesday. Twenty Muslim Americans committed or were arrested for terrorist crimes last year, down sharply from 2009 when the number was 47, found the study by the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security. More non-Muslim Americans were involved in terrorist plots last year than Muslim Americans, according to the study.
And the number of murders committed in the United States was exponentially greater than terror attacks, with the vast majority of murders not involving Muslims.
Middle East

Violence Escalates in Egyption Protests

Al Jazeera
Bursts of heavy gunfire aimed at anti-government demonstrators in Cairo's Tahrir [Liberation] Square, left at least five people dead and several more wounded, according to reports from the Egyptian capital on Thursday. Sustained bursts of automatic weapons fire and powerful single shots began at around around 4am local time (2.00GMT) and was ongoing more than an hour. Pro-democracy protest organiser, Mustafa el-Naggar, who's in Tahrir Square, said the gunfire came from at least three locations in the distance. He said the Egyptian military entered the square with tank squads to try to keep some order, but did not intervene. An Al Jazeera's correspondent in Tahrir Square witnessed doctors attending to two gunshot victims, one who was shot in the head. "There was a puddle of blood on the concrete beneath the man ... but he still had a pulse and might survive," our correspondent said. The gunfire marks an escalation of tensions, which began on Wednesday when supporters of embattled president Hosni Mubarak charged into Tahrir Square - some on horses and some on camels - clashing with pro-democracy demonstrators gathered there. Protesters from both sides fought pitched battles in Tahrir Square, the epicentre of ongoing demonstrations against Hosni Mubarak, which entered their tenth day on Thursday.
Jordan and Yemen grapple with effects of protests
The ripples of protest in the Middle East have led to changes in Jordan and Yemen. Demonstrators in Jordan demanded Wednesday that King Abdullah IIdump his newly appointed prime minster, and Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh agreed not to seek re-election. Hamza Mansour, a leader of the political wing of the opposition Muslim Brotherhood, demanded that Jordanians be allowed to elect a prime minister. The Muslim Brotherhood has also joined the Egyptian protests. The group opposesMarouf al-Bakhit, who was appointed Tuesday in response to protests. Al-Bakhit "doesn't believe in democracy," Mansour said. Political analyst Labib Kamhawi said Abdullah's appointment was not a serious attempt to address demands for free elections. Abdullah told Bakhit to make changes to improve the economy.
(excluding the Middle East)

Suspected separatists kill five in southern Thailand
Five Thai Buddhists in the southern province ofPattani were shot and killed Thursday by suspected separatists while eating their breakfasts at a roadside food stall. The assailants sprayed the popular eatery in Panarae district, about 680 kilometres south of Bangkok, with automatic gunfire, Pattani Deputy Governor Lertkiat Wongpahphan said. The attack left five dead and two injured, he said. More than 4,100 people have fallen victim to an increasingly bloody separatist struggle in Thailand's majority-Muslim provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala provinces over the last seven years. The violence appears to have intensified this year after the government claimed that the situation in the South was improving.

Human Rights Watch Urges India to Prevent Abuses

The New York-based rights group, Human Rights Watch, has urged India to prevent human rights abuses which it says occur during counterterrorism efforts. The report warns that such abuses could be counterproductive in the fight against terror. The report says the majority of the victims were scores of Muslim men. Wednesday's report by Human Rights Watch focuses on the aftermath of a spate of bombings in 2008 which killed more than 150 people in the cities of New Delhi,Jaipur and Ahmedabad. "We found, in this case, people were rounded up in large numbers,” Ganguly said. “They were brought to police stations. Often they were tortured or held without being brought before a magistrate and some of them have said they were coerced to confess, and eventually many have retracted their confession.”

U.S. reexamining its relationship with Muslim Brotherhood opposition group
As it braces for the likelihood of a new ruler inEgypt, the U.S. government is rapidly reassessing its tenuous relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, an opposition movement whose fundamentalist ideology has long been a source of distrust in Washington. U.S. reexamining its relationship with Muslim Brotherhood opposition group. Although the group has played a secondary role in the swelling protests that are threatening to topple President Hosni Mubarak, U.S. officials have acknowledged the political reality that the Muslim Brotherhood is poised to assume at least a share of power should Egypt hold free and fair elections in the coming months.

More Conversion to Islam in Kenya
Conversion to Islam has significantly increased in recent years and the new Muslims of the tribe regard the common points between the religion and their culture as the main reason for them to be attracted to Islam.  Islam was first introduced in this region in 1986 by Mohammad Ilah Sakangeyi a native of Maasai Tribe. Hussein Allah Daruni, head of the Magura Disrict and Abdullah Lilon, former governor of Kisii region are among the eminent figures who have converted to Islam recently.

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Once upon a time there was a painter who had just completed his course under disciplehood of a great painter. This young artist decided to assess his skills so he decided to give his best strokes on the canvass. He took 3 days and painted beautiful scenery.
Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind and he decided to display it on a busy street-square of his small town. He wanted people's opinion about his caliber and painting skills..
He put his creation at a busy street-crossing. And just down below a board which read-"Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. Since I'm new to this profession I might have committed some mistakes in my strokes etc. Please put a cross wherever you see a mistake."
While he came back in the evening to collect his painting he was completely shattered to see that whole canvass was filled with Xs (crosses) and some people had even written their comments on the painting.
Disheartened and broken completely he ran to his masters place and burst into tears. Sobbing and crying inconsolably he told his master about what happened and showed the pathetic state of his creation which was filled with marks everywhere. Such was the state that colors were not visible, only things one could see were crosses and correction remarks.
This young artist was breathing heavily and master heard him saying "I'm useless and if this is what I have learnt to paint I'm not worth becoming a painter. People have rejected me completely.. I feel like dying"
Master smiled and suggested "My Son, I will prove that you are a great artist and have learnt a flawless painting."
Young disciple couldn't believe it and said "I have lost faith in me and I don't think I am good enough.. don't give false hopes.."
"Do as I say without questioning it.. It WILL work." Master interrupted him.
"Just paint exactly similar painting once again for me and give it to me. Will you do that for your master?.." Master instructed.
Young artist reluctantly agreed and two days later early morning he presented a replica of his earlier painting to his master. Master took that gracefully and smiled.

"Come with me." master said.
They reached the same street-square early morning and displayed the same painting exactly at the same place. Now master took out another board which read -"Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. Since I'm new to this profession I might have committed some mistakes in my strokes etc. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. Please do a favor. If you see a mistake, kindly pick up the brush and correct it."
Master and disciple walked back home.
They both visited the place same evening. Young painter was surprised to see that actually there was not a single correction done so far. But master wasn't satisfied as yet and he told his disciple "May be one day was too little a time for people to come up with ideas and take out time out of their busy schedules to correct it so let us keep it here for one more day. Tomorrow is Sunday, so we can expect some corrections coming in."
Next day again they visited and found painting remained untouched..
They say the painting was kept there for a month but no correction came in!

Moral of the Story: It is easier to criticize, but difficult to improve

(sent by bro Najmuddin)

Feb 2, '11 9:45 AM
for everyone
Feb 1, '11 11:53 AM
for everyone
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Salam Alikum Dear Believers,

The Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya would like to send its condolences on the anniversary of the passing of Prophet Muhammad (s).

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) was born in Mecca on 17th Rabi'ul-awwal, 570 AD. Prophet Muhammad (saws) lost both of his parents and his grandfather by the age 10, leaving him in the care of his uncle Abu Talib.

Muhammad, as a young, gentle, inquisitive youth, accompanied the trading caravans of Abu Talib across the deserts, giving him deep insight into nature and the human being. These were the beginning stages of what would become the greatest intellectual, spiritual, social and political movement ever witnessed by mankind.

A quiet lover of nature, constantly worried about human sufferings, Muhammad very often retired to Mount Hira' for meditation. One night, namely that of laylatul-qadr (the Night of Majesty) the Divine voice addressed him, commanding "Recite in the Name of thy Lord." (Surah al-'Alaq 96:1). Thus began the magnificent journey of the Final Messenger (s) to guide humanity towards perfection.

The first years of Islam were extremely difficult for its followers, as the leaders of Mecca used any means of persecution and harassment necessary to keep the Muslims from becoming a threat to their authority. They even offered wealth and power to the Prophet (s), to which he uttered his famous response, "if they place the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left, to force me to renounce my mission, I will not desist until God manifests His cause or I perish in the attempt." Following the example of the Prophet (s), the Muslims remained firm and persevered throughout the struggle, knowing in their hearts that God would soon deliver them from their tribulations and lead them to success.

After the further hardships of losing his beloved wife Khadija and his uncle Abu Talib, the polytheists planned stronger than ever to assassinate the Prophet (s). Because of this, he and the Muslims were forced to migrate to Medina, which is remembered as the event of Hijra.

During the years in Medina, the Muslims were forced to fight many battles, including those of Badr, Uhud, and Khaybar. In all of these battles, the Muslims were forced to fight and did not ever play the role of aggressor. The Treaty of Hudaybiyah, concluded with the non-Muslims of the area of Medina, also highlights the peaceful and humanitarian nature of the Islamic movement in Medina. It was through this nature the Prophet (s) was able to peacefully return to Mecca and establish Islamic rule without any battle or fighting.

Though a Prophet and a King, Muhammad was the man of the common people. He sat and ate with them, shared their joys and sorrows, helped the weak, widows and orphans and sympathized with the distressed. He found the world sunk deep in degrading ignorance, superstition, vice and cruelty. He saw people disunited and engaged in perpetual wars, practising most revolting cruelties; daughters were buried alive and the widows of their fathers were inherited or sold by the eldest son. Among all this chaos, Muhammad (s) established order and inspired in them the belief of One God; prohibited idolatry and made them think, not only of this world, but beyond the grave on a higher, purer and diviner plain, asking them to practise charity, goodness, justice, reasonableness and universal love. The whole mission was achieved in his lifetime.

Source: A Brief History of the Fourteen Infallibles (Ansariyan Publications)

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I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave | Dearborn | MI | 48126
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Jan 31, '11 12:48 PM
for everyone
When the peace between al-Hasan, peace be on him, and Muawiya was concluded in the way we have mentioned, al-Hasan, peace be on him, left for Medina. He resided there, restraining his anger, staying close to his house, and awaiting the command of his Lord, the Mighty and High, until Mu’awiya had completed ten years of his administration. (Then) the latter decided to have the pledge of allegiance given to his son, Yazid, (as his successor). 

He communicated secretly with J’uda, daughter of al-Ashath b.Qays[she was the wife of al-Hasan, peace be on him]to urge her to poison him. He gave an undertaking to her that he would marry her to his son, Yazid, and he sent her a thousand dirhams. J’uda gave him the poison to drink but he lingered on sick for forty days. He passed along his (final) road in the month of Safar in the year 50 A.H. (670). 

At that time, he was forty-eight years of age. His succession (to the Imamate) had been for ten years. His brother and testamentary trustee (wasi), al-Husayn, peace be on him, undertook the washing and shrouding of his body, and buried him with his grandmother, Fatima, daughter of Asad b. Abd Manf, may God be pleased with her, in (the cemetery of) al-Baqi.

Various historians have recorded that when the news of Imam Hasan's passing away arrived in Damascus, Mua'wiyyah said Allah-u-Akbar very loudly and did a sajdah of thanks. 
Imam Hasan had left a last will with his brother Husayn that he should be buried next to his grandmother, Fatima binte Asad. When the funeral procession was on its way to the Baq’ee cemetery where Fatima binte Asad is buried, Imam Husayn had it stopped at the Prophet’s burial place. A’isha, a surviving wife of the Prophet, had been following the procession.
She thought for a minute that they were going to bury Hasan next to the Prophet. She immediately intervened saying that she would not allow it. Suddenly the scene turned ugly. There were words exchanged between A’isha and Muhammad Hanafiyya, another son of Imam Ali. 
A’isha turned to the Umayyad troops commanded by Marwan, who also had been following the funeral procession.
On her instigation, Marwan beckoned to his archers and they began shooting arrows at the procession. Numerous arrows were lodged in the coffin and actually seven of them had pierced the remains of Imam Hasan. The situation was brought back under control when Husayn explained that he was stopping there for blessings only and that he would bury his brother in Baq’ee next to their grandmother. 

It is to commemorate that event that when Imam Hasan’s coffin is taken out by his devotees, even today, one sees a number of arrows lodged in it.
In his book titled `SIR-RUSH- SHAHADATAYN' or the secret of two sacrifices, by the well known Indian scholar Shah Abdul Azeez, also known as Muhaddith-e-Dehlavi has argued that the logical end of the story of Ibraheem and Isma'eel would be that Muhammad the Prophet of Islam would have sacrificed his life in Allah's way. 

Martyrdom, the greatest glory for a Muslim was not achieved by the Prophet of Islam. Why? The Shah then answers that question as follows: A man can die only once and thus he can achieve martyrdom only one way. However, there are two types of martyrdoms: Shahadat-e-Sirri or secret or covert martyrdom, and, Shahdat-e-Jahri or overt or manifest martyrdom. If Allah had given one of those to the Prophet, he would naturally be deprived of the other. 

To give his beloved Prophet the complete martyrdom, Allah gave him two grandsons, Hasan and Husayn. One was martyred by poisoning so he received the Shahdat-e-Sirri or covert martyrdom and the other received the Shahdat-e-Jahri by dying on the battlefield, or manifest martyrdom. In effect, Hasan’s as well as Husayn's martyrdom was Muhammad's martyrdom, which completes the religion Islam, which started with Ibraheem and Isma'eel.
Jan 31, '11 12:39 PM
for everyone

The sacred and sublime soul of the Messenger of Allah ascended the Paradise on Monday the 28th of Safar.[10] A Yemen sheet was spread over his sacred body and it was placed for a short period in a corner of the room. From the wailings of the women and the cries of the near ones of the Prophet the people outside the room knew that he had breathed his last. Soon afterwards the news of his death spread throughout the city.

For reasons which have not become clear so far the Second Caliph shouted outside the house that the Prophet had not died but had gone before Allah like Prophet Musa. He persisted on this very much and it was possible that he might have made some others share his views but in the meantime one of the companions[11] of the Prophet read this verse before Him: Muhammad is but a messenger. The messengers have already passed away before him. Will it be that when he dies or is slain would you then turn back to your pre-Islamic behaviour. (Surah Ale Imran 3:144)

On hearing this verse he abandoned his claim and became tranquil.[12]

Imam Ali bathed the sacred body of the Prophet and shrouded him as the Prophet had directed that his body should be bathed by one who was nearest to him [13]and such a person could be no one except Ali. Then he opened the Prophet's face while he was bitterly weeping said O Prophet of Allah! I love you more than I have loved my parents. Your death put an end to the prophethood, to revelation, and to the messengers from the Lord. While death of other Prophets had not resulted in this way. Your death caused a grief that every other grief was forgotten. The grief of your separation became common sorrow and everybody felt it. 

If you had not ordered us to be patient and not to lament and bemoan loudly, we would have kept weeping and lamenting ceaselessly, though all this lamenting could not have compared with the actual loses of your separation. But death is an inevitable event, nobody can turn death back and nobody can stop it from coming. Please remember us before Allah . (Nahjul Balaghah Sermon No. 23).

The first person who offered prayers for the Prophet was Imam Ali. Thereafter the companions came in groups and offered prayers and these rites continued till Tuesday noon. Thereafter it was decided that the sacred body of the Prophet might be buried in the same house in which he had breathed his last. The grave was prepared by Abu 'Ubaydah bin Jarrah and Zayd bin Sahl and the obsequies were performed by Imam Ali with the assistance of Fadl and Abbas.

It was the most tragic event. That great personality who changed the very fate of humanity by his efforts and sacrifices and opened new pages for human civilization passed away.[14]


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