ONIONS YOUR FRIEND AND ENEMY??? | for everyone |
The Passing Away of Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Ali al-Hakeem
Guiding others through the Holy Quran - Imam Sajjad (a.s.) | for everyone |
‘Ibaad Basri met Imam al-Sajjad (as) on the way to Makkah and said,
“O Ali Ibn al-Husayn! You have left the difficulties of Jihad and have taken up Hajj – an easy course of worship although in the Holy Quran, Allah (SWT) says: “Indeed Allah has bought from the faithful their souls and their possessions for Paradise to be theirs: They fight in the way of Allah, they slay and they are slain. A promise binding upon Him in the Torah and the Evangel and the Quran. And who is truer to his promise than Allah? So rejoice in the bargain you have made with Him, and that is the great success””. (9:111)
Hearing this verse, Imam (as) said, “You must recite the complete verse and not half”. Then the Imam (as) recited the remaining verse: “(The faithful are) penitent, devout, celebrators of Allah’s praise, wayfarers (or those who fast), who bow (and) prostrate (in prayer), bid what is right and forbid what is wrong, and keep Allah’s bounds – and give good news to the faithful”. (9:112)
The Imam (as) then added: “When we find the people with attributes described in the Holy Quran, then performance of Jihad will be better than Hajj”. (Al-Kaafi)
The following are some of the quotations from the sermons and sayings of Imam al-Sajjad (as) in which he (as) has given references to the Holy Quran:
“Beware, O people, of sins and acts of disobedience (to Allah) against which Allah has warned and exhorted in the truthful Book and the articulate rhetoric. When Shaytan urges you to enjoy the transitory passions and pleasures of this world, do not feel secured (in succumbing to him) from the retribution and punishment of Allah. Allah says: ‘When those who are Godwary are touched by insinuation of Satan, they remember (Allah) and, behold, they perceive’. (7:201) Take God-fearing as the slogan of your hearts and always remember that Allah promised you of the good rewarding and warned you against the painful anguish when you will be returned to Him. He, who fears something will certainly beware of it, and he who is beware of something will desert it…” (Tuhaf al-‘Uqool)
“By Allah I swear, examples were cited for you and a variety of evidences is shown to the heedful ones. O Believers! Join yourselves with the heedful ones. All power belongs to Allah. Abstain from the transitory pleasures of this world from which Allah has ordered you to abstain. He, the most truthful says: ‘The parable of the life of this world is that of water, which We send down from the sky. It mingles with the earth’s vegetation from which humans and cattle eat. When the earth puts on its luster and is adorned, and its inhabitants think they have power over it, Our edict comes to it, by night or day, whereat We turn it into a mown field, as if it did not flourish the day before. Thus do We elaborate the signs for a people who reflect’. (10:24)”. (Tuhaf al-‘Uqool)
Abdul-Malik bin Marwan, the oppressive Umayyad ruler came to know that Imam al-Sajjad (as) possessed the sword of the Holy Prophet (saww). He therefore sent some people to fetch it from him but the Imam (as) declined to give. Thereupon Abdul-Malik sent a threat letter to Imam (as) in which he stated: ‘I will deny you your share from the public treasury’. In response to this, Imam al-Sajjad (as) wrote: “Know that Allah has kept an outlet from all problems for those who are wary of Him and He has taken the responsibility of their sustenance. The Holy Quran states: ‘Indeed Allah does not like any ingrate traitor”. (22:38) Now let us wait and see who is who? (Godwary and traitor)”. (Manaqib Aali Abi Talib)
Ayatullah Shaykh Ali Karimi states that:
When the Imam (as) referred to Allah (SWT) keeping an outlet from all problems and providing sustenance to Godwary people, this is stated in the following verse: ‘…And whoever is wary of Allah, He shall make a way out for him, and provide for him from whence he does not reckon’.
(65:2) As for the verse he (as) quoted (to Marwan), the complete verse reads as follows: ‘Allah indeed defends those who have faith. Indeed Allah does not like any ingrate traitor’. (22:38) (Quran-o-‘Itrat)
It is reported that whenever Imam al-Sajjad (as) recited the verse: “If you enumerate Allah’s blessings, you will not be able to count them”. (14:34)
He (as) said, “All praise be to Him who has not enabled anybody to acknowledge all His favours except through the acknowledgement of the failure to acknowledge them properly…”
He (as) also said, “All praise be to Him who has regarded the acknowledgement of His favours as praise. All praise be to Him who has regarded the acknowledgement of the failure to thank Him properly as showing Him gratitude”. (Tuhaf al-‘Uqool)
One day a close relative of Imam al-Sajjad (as) abused him in public. He spoke bad words to him and then left but the Imam (as) did not utter any word against him.
As soon as the man left, Imam (as) turned towards the people who were present there and had witnessed what had just transpired, and said, “Whatever this man said to me, you all heard it. I would now want you to accompany me to him so that you hear what I have to tell him”.
The people thought that Imam al-Sajjad (as) would seek revenge. But as they accompanied him towards the house of the man who had abused him, they heard the Imam (as) reciting the following verse:
“…And those who suppress their anger, and excuse (the faults of) the people and Allah loves the virtuous”. (3:134)
The people instantly realized that the Imam (as) was not in mood of seeking any revenge. When they all reached the house of the man, Imam (as) called him by his name and asked him to come out of his house, which he did. Then the Imam (as) said,
“Brother! Just now you spoke ill of me. If whatever you spoke is true then I seek forgiveness from Allah; and if whatever you spoke is untrue then I pray to Allah to forgive you”.
Hearing this, the man was extremely ashamed. He came forward and kissing the forehead of Imam al-Sajjad (as), said, “Forgive me O Son of the Prophet! Indeed whatever I spoke about you is not true”. (Quran-o-‘Itrat)
Abdullah Wafe’ani has reported that Imam Zaynul-‘Aabideen (as) used to give sugar and almonds in alms and charity. Once somebody asked him the reason for this, and the Imam (as) recited the following verse in reply:
“You will never attain piety until you spend out of what you hold dear…” (3:92)
This shows that the Imam (as) was very fond of the two items, which he (as) gave away in alms.
As soon as the man left, Imam (as) turned towards the people who were present there and had witnessed what had just transpired, and said, “Whatever this man said to me, you all heard it. I would now want you to accompany me to him so that you hear what I have to tell him”.
The people thought that Imam al-Sajjad (as) would seek revenge. But as they accompanied him towards the house of the man who had abused him, they heard the Imam (as) reciting the following verse:
“…And those who suppress their anger, and excuse (the faults of) the people and Allah loves the virtuous”. (3:134)
The people instantly realized that the Imam (as) was not in mood of seeking any revenge. When they all reached the house of the man, Imam (as) called him by his name and asked him to come out of his house, which he did. Then the Imam (as) said,
“Brother! Just now you spoke ill of me. If whatever you spoke is true then I seek forgiveness from Allah; and if whatever you spoke is untrue then I pray to Allah to forgive you”.
Hearing this, the man was extremely ashamed. He came forward and kissing the forehead of Imam al-Sajjad (as), said, “Forgive me O Son of the Prophet! Indeed whatever I spoke about you is not true”. (Quran-o-‘Itrat)
Abdullah Wafe’ani has reported that Imam Zaynul-‘Aabideen (as) used to give sugar and almonds in alms and charity. Once somebody asked him the reason for this, and the Imam (as) recited the following verse in reply:
“You will never attain piety until you spend out of what you hold dear…” (3:92)
This shows that the Imam (as) was very fond of the two items, which he (as) gave away in alms.
IMAM SAJJAD (A.S.)'S AND THE HOLY QURAN | for everyone |
Zayd was one of the sons of Imam al-Sajjad (as). This is the same son who became a great martyr in the cause of Islam. It is narrated that:
[One of the habits of Imam al-Sajjad (as) was that after performing Fajr (morning) prayer till sunrise, he (as) never talked to anyone. One day, after Fajr, Imam (as) was given the good news about the birth of a son in his house.
Imam (as) asked his companions, “What should I name him?” Everyone suggested some names. The Imam (as) then turned towards his servant and asked him to bring the Holy Quran. He (as) opened the Holy Quran and the first verse, which he (as) saw was:
“And Allah has graced those who strive (in His cause) over those who sit back with a great reward”. (4:95)
Imam (as) then closed the Holy Quran and opened it again. This time he (as) saw the following verse:
“Indeed Allah has bought from the faithful their souls and their possessions for Paradise to be theirs: They fight in the way of Allah, they slay and they are slain. A promise binding upon Him in the Torah and the Evangel and the Quran. And who is truer to his promise than Allah? So rejoice in the bargain you have made with Him, and that is the great success”. (9:111)
After seeing these two verses, Imam (as) said, “By Allah! This is Zayd”.
Zayd means ‘great achiever’ and Imam al-Sajjad (as) derived this name from the meanings of the aforementioned two verses.] (Bihar al-Anwaar)
[One of the habits of Imam al-Sajjad (as) was that after performing Fajr (morning) prayer till sunrise, he (as) never talked to anyone. One day, after Fajr, Imam (as) was given the good news about the birth of a son in his house.
Imam (as) asked his companions, “What should I name him?” Everyone suggested some names. The Imam (as) then turned towards his servant and asked him to bring the Holy Quran. He (as) opened the Holy Quran and the first verse, which he (as) saw was:
“And Allah has graced those who strive (in His cause) over those who sit back with a great reward”. (4:95)
Imam (as) then closed the Holy Quran and opened it again. This time he (as) saw the following verse:
“Indeed Allah has bought from the faithful their souls and their possessions for Paradise to be theirs: They fight in the way of Allah, they slay and they are slain. A promise binding upon Him in the Torah and the Evangel and the Quran. And who is truer to his promise than Allah? So rejoice in the bargain you have made with Him, and that is the great success”. (9:111)
After seeing these two verses, Imam (as) said, “By Allah! This is Zayd”.
Zayd means ‘great achiever’ and Imam al-Sajjad (as) derived this name from the meanings of the aforementioned two verses.] (Bihar al-Anwaar)
Fathers should provide legal-gotten foods to their children, and protect them against any food that the Lord has forbidden. The forbidden foods are the usurped, the real filthy things -such as pork-, the external filthy things -such as foods affected by external impurities-, and the like things that are detailed in the theses of the jurists. Fathers should exert all efforts for habituating their children to have legal food only since, as it has been proven through modern clinical surveys, the sources of nutrition leave a great influence on the behavior and maturity.
Islam is terribly sensitive to any matter that may delay the children’s growth and personal prosperity. Ill-gotten foods have internal aftereffects on the mental constituents. They may cause the hindrance of the behavioral activities in a way permitting the composition of evil tendencies, such as severity and extreme assaults. As Islam has cared for these aspects, it issued the obligation of keeping the children clear of the ill-gotten foods. It is related that as the Prophet (s) noticed that Imam al-Hassan -when was a child- put a fruit of date palms in the mouth, he disciplined, “Throw it out! Have you not known that we –the Prophet and his household- do not have from foods given as alms?”
After the calamitous incident of Kerbala, Imam al-Hussein’s harems were taken to Kufa as captives. As some people noticed that the accompanying children were starving, they gave them some fruits of date palm as alms. Ummu-Kulthoum, the Prophet’s granddaughter, reproached the children and informed that it was forbidden for the Prophet’s household to receive alms. Immediately, the children took the fruits out of their mouths. As the Prophet’s household kept up this illuminative behavior in the educational fields, they produced those unprecedented and unparalleled young men and women who formed the greatest exemplars in veracity, chastity, and decency.
Islam is terribly sensitive to any matter that may delay the children’s growth and personal prosperity. Ill-gotten foods have internal aftereffects on the mental constituents. They may cause the hindrance of the behavioral activities in a way permitting the composition of evil tendencies, such as severity and extreme assaults. As Islam has cared for these aspects, it issued the obligation of keeping the children clear of the ill-gotten foods. It is related that as the Prophet (s) noticed that Imam al-Hassan -when was a child- put a fruit of date palms in the mouth, he disciplined, “Throw it out! Have you not known that we –the Prophet and his household- do not have from foods given as alms?”
After the calamitous incident of Kerbala, Imam al-Hussein’s harems were taken to Kufa as captives. As some people noticed that the accompanying children were starving, they gave them some fruits of date palm as alms. Ummu-Kulthoum, the Prophet’s granddaughter, reproached the children and informed that it was forbidden for the Prophet’s household to receive alms. Immediately, the children took the fruits out of their mouths. As the Prophet’s household kept up this illuminative behavior in the educational fields, they produced those unprecedented and unparalleled young men and women who formed the greatest exemplars in veracity, chastity, and decency.
The Seven Rights of a Believer: | for everyone |
In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "There are
seven rights for any believer that are incumbent upon other believers to honor. All
seven are obligatory. If you do not honor any of these rights, you have left the
domain of divine friendship and God's servitude."
He was asked what these seven rights were. He replied:
"The simplest right is that you should like for them what you
like for yourself, and dislike for them what you dislike for yourself.
The second right is that you must assist them in fulfilling their needs and please them
and not act against their words.
The third right is that you must use your property, wealth, tongue, hands and feet to assist them.
The fourth right is that you must be like their eyes, their guide, their mirror, and their clothing.
The sixth right is that if you have a wife and a servant, and your (believing) brother does not,
you must send your maid to his house to wash his clothes, prepare his food and make ready his bed.
These are all established duties between you and him.
The seventh right is that you must accept his oath, go to visit him if he gets ill, and make all efforts to fulfill his needs. You should not let him beg you for help, but immediately fulfill his needs.
Once you do this, you tie his friendship and yours together, and tie your friendship to God's friendship."
O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ، فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله

Imam Sadiq (AS) said: "God grants seven hours to repent to any believer who commits a sin. If he repents in that period, nothing will be recorded in his scroll of deeds, but if he does not, then the sin will be recorded."
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Just in case you don't know..... | for everyone |
Just in case you don't know.....
This year (2011) July has
5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays.
This happens once every 823 years.
This is called money bags.
POOR BOY ........(REALLY TOUCHING) | for everyone |
One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry.
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water! . She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and then asked, How much do I owe you?" You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness." He said ... "Then I thank you from my heart." As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit. Many year's later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to her case. After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge, and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words ... "Paid in full with one glass of milk" (Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly. Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You, God, that Your love has spread broad through human hearts and hands." There's a saying which goes something like this: Bread cast on the water comes back to you. The good deed you do today may benefit you or someone you love at the least expected time. If you never see the deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't that what life is all about? Now you have two choices. 1. You can send this on and spread a positive message. 2. Or ignore it and pretend it never touched your heart. The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which -- To burn
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
A TO Z MAOULA ALI (A.S.) KE FAZAIL | for everyone |
A to Z tak MOULA ALI ke Fazail:
A Abu Turab hay Ali
B Bab-e-Ilm hay Ali
C Chahat-e-Rasul hay Ali
D Deen-e-Haq hay Ali
E Elm ka Darwaza hay Ali
F Fakhr-e-Khuda hay Ali
G Gul-e-Chaman hay Ali
H Haider-e-Karar hay Ali
I Islam ki Baqa hay Ali
J Jam-e-Kausar hay Ali
K Kaaba ki Pehchan hay Ali
L Lehja-e-Khuda hay Ali
M Molud-e-Kaba hay Ali
N Nehrwan ka malik hay Ali
O Olad-e-Abu Talib hay Ali
P Parde Zenab hay Ali
Q Quwaid-e-Islam hay Ali
R Rahbar-e-Tashaio hay Ali
S Shauhar-e-Batul hay Ali
T Tilka-e-Rasul hay Ali
U Un-Waliuallah hay Ali
V Vird-e-Nabi hay Ali
W Waris-e-Din hay Ali
Y Yaqin-e-Batul hay Ali
Z Zuban-e-Quran hay Ali
A Abu Turab hay Ali
B Bab-e-Ilm hay Ali
C Chahat-e-Rasul hay Ali
D Deen-e-Haq hay Ali
E Elm ka Darwaza hay Ali
F Fakhr-e-Khuda hay Ali
G Gul-e-Chaman hay Ali
H Haider-e-Karar hay Ali
I Islam ki Baqa hay Ali
J Jam-e-Kausar hay Ali
K Kaaba ki Pehchan hay Ali
L Lehja-e-Khuda hay Ali
M Molud-e-Kaba hay Ali
N Nehrwan ka malik hay Ali
O Olad-e-Abu Talib hay Ali
P Parde Zenab hay Ali
Q Quwaid-e-Islam hay Ali
R Rahbar-e-Tashaio hay Ali
S Shauhar-e-Batul hay Ali
T Tilka-e-Rasul hay Ali
U Un-Waliuallah hay Ali
V Vird-e-Nabi hay Ali
W Waris-e-Din hay Ali
Y Yaqin-e-Batul hay Ali
Z Zuban-e-Quran hay Ali
♥♦♥♦♥♦YA ALI MADAD ♦♥♦♥♦♥(Sent by bro Najmuddin)
Politics, Media, and Interfaith Since 2002 | ||||
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AWARENESS OF THE IMAMS (A.S.) | for everyone |
What Has Been and Will Be
Imam Ali(A.S.): Had there not been a verse in the Book of Allah, I would have informed you about what has existed and will exist until the Day of Resurrection; and that noble verse is as follow: "Allah doth blot out or confirm what He pleaseth; with Him is the Mother of the Book" (13:39).
Sayf al-Tammar: Together with a group of the Shias, we were in the company of al-Imam al-Sadiq (A.S.) in Hijr. His Holiness (A.S.) said: I swear to the Lord of Kabah and the House of Allah-repeating it three times-that if I were with Moses and Khidr, I would tell that I was more learned than them, and would inform them of the things they did not have access to, since Moses and Khidr had been given awareness of the past and not of the present and the future up to the Resurrection Day; whereas we have inherited such awareness from the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) in a perfect manner.
Imam al-Reza (A.S.): Is it not true that Allah says: "He (alone) knows the unseen, nor does He make anyone acquainted with His mysteries, except a Messenger whom He has chosen" (72: 26,27) and the Holy Messenger(S.A.W.) is Allah's chosen one and we are inheritors of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) whom Allah lets know of whatever of His mysteries that He wishes, and he has taught us of what ever that has been and will be until the Resurrection Day?
Mortalities and Calamities
Imam Ali (A.S.): We from a family whose members are taught awareness of mortalities, calamities and genealogies: I swear by Allah if one of us stands at a bridge and this nation parade before him he will tell them their names and lineage.
Imam al-Reza (A.S.)- in a letter to Abd Allah ibn Jundab-: And then, Muhammad (S.A.W.) was Allah's trustee among the people and when he passed away we, the Ahl al-Bayt, became his inheritors and now we are Allah's trustees on the earth and are aware of mortalities and calamities and the genealogies of Arabs and the birthplace of Islam is with us.
What is in the Heavens and on the Earth
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.): No bird's wings will flap in the air of which we are not aware.
Abu Hamzah: I heard al-Imam al-Baqir(A.S.) say: Nay, I swear by Allah, it is never likely that a scholar be ignorant, having knowledge on something and being ignorant on another. Then he said: Allah is too Great, Noble, and Honorable to ordain as obligatory the obedience of a servant [the Imam] who is not aware of the heavens and the earth. Then he added: These are not hidden to him [the Imam].
What Allah Creates at Night and Daytime
Salama ibn Muhriz: I heard al-Imam al-Baqir (A.S.) say: Among the sciences that are granted to us are the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an and its ordinances, the science of changes of time, and its adversities. Whenever Allah wills goodness for a folk He makes them hear it and if someone fails to hear he turns his face away as if he has not heard at all. The Imam(A.S.) remained silent for a while and then said: If we found a confidant [of our secrets] or a trusted person we would certainly tell him (the truths), and it is Allah that all are seeking assistance from.
Humran ibn A'yan: I said to al-Imam al-Sadiq (A.S.): Are Torah and Bible and Psalm and whatever existed in the early Scriptures, namely, those of Ibrahim and Musa with you? The Imam (A.S.) said: Yes. I asked: Is it the very Great knowledge (al-Ilm al-Akbar)? He replied: O Humran, yes if it were restricted to this, but our knowledge to what Allah brings up at night and in daytime is greater.
Imam Ali(A.S.): Had there not been a verse in the Book of Allah, I would have informed you about what has existed and will exist until the Day of Resurrection; and that noble verse is as follow: "Allah doth blot out or confirm what He pleaseth; with Him is the Mother of the Book" (13:39).
Sayf al-Tammar: Together with a group of the Shias, we were in the company of al-Imam al-Sadiq (A.S.) in Hijr. His Holiness (A.S.) said: I swear to the Lord of Kabah and the House of Allah-repeating it three times-that if I were with Moses and Khidr, I would tell that I was more learned than them, and would inform them of the things they did not have access to, since Moses and Khidr had been given awareness of the past and not of the present and the future up to the Resurrection Day; whereas we have inherited such awareness from the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) in a perfect manner.
Imam al-Reza (A.S.): Is it not true that Allah says: "He (alone) knows the unseen, nor does He make anyone acquainted with His mysteries, except a Messenger whom He has chosen" (72: 26,27) and the Holy Messenger(S.A.W.) is Allah's chosen one and we are inheritors of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) whom Allah lets know of whatever of His mysteries that He wishes, and he has taught us of what ever that has been and will be until the Resurrection Day?
Mortalities and Calamities
Imam Ali (A.S.): We from a family whose members are taught awareness of mortalities, calamities and genealogies: I swear by Allah if one of us stands at a bridge and this nation parade before him he will tell them their names and lineage.
Imam al-Reza (A.S.)- in a letter to Abd Allah ibn Jundab-: And then, Muhammad (S.A.W.) was Allah's trustee among the people and when he passed away we, the Ahl al-Bayt, became his inheritors and now we are Allah's trustees on the earth and are aware of mortalities and calamities and the genealogies of Arabs and the birthplace of Islam is with us.
What is in the Heavens and on the Earth
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.): No bird's wings will flap in the air of which we are not aware.
Abu Hamzah: I heard al-Imam al-Baqir(A.S.) say: Nay, I swear by Allah, it is never likely that a scholar be ignorant, having knowledge on something and being ignorant on another. Then he said: Allah is too Great, Noble, and Honorable to ordain as obligatory the obedience of a servant [the Imam] who is not aware of the heavens and the earth. Then he added: These are not hidden to him [the Imam].
What Allah Creates at Night and Daytime
Salama ibn Muhriz: I heard al-Imam al-Baqir (A.S.) say: Among the sciences that are granted to us are the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an and its ordinances, the science of changes of time, and its adversities. Whenever Allah wills goodness for a folk He makes them hear it and if someone fails to hear he turns his face away as if he has not heard at all. The Imam(A.S.) remained silent for a while and then said: If we found a confidant [of our secrets] or a trusted person we would certainly tell him (the truths), and it is Allah that all are seeking assistance from.
Humran ibn A'yan: I said to al-Imam al-Sadiq (A.S.): Are Torah and Bible and Psalm and whatever existed in the early Scriptures, namely, those of Ibrahim and Musa with you? The Imam (A.S.) said: Yes. I asked: Is it the very Great knowledge (al-Ilm al-Akbar)? He replied: O Humran, yes if it were restricted to this, but our knowledge to what Allah brings up at night and in daytime is greater.
Abu Baser: I said to Imam Kazim (A.S.): I may be sacrificed to you, how is an Imam recognized? He replied: By certain characteristics.
The first of them is that there has already been a reference to him by his father, so that this may be a proof to people. He is asked and he replies and if they are silent in a certain instance he proceeds to talk (and gives the answer to the question they have had in mind) and he foretells about future and speaks to people in any language necessary. Then he said to me: O Aba Muhammad! Before you stand up I let you know of a sign. Shortly afterwards, a man from Khurasan entered upon us. He talked to the Imam in Arabic, and the Imam answered him in Persian. The man from Khorasan said to the Imam: I may be sacrificed to you, by Allah what impede me from talking to you in Persian was that I supposed you do not speak it well enough.
The Imams (A.S.) said: Glory be to Allah! If I could not answer you all right, then what would my superiority be over you? Then he said to me: O Aba Muhammad! None of the people's speech nor that of any bird or animal or every living thing is hidden to the Imams. Anyone who does not have these characteristics is not an Imam.
Abu Hamza Nasir, the retainer of the Imam: I frequently heard al-Imam al-Askari (A.S.) speak to his retainers in their own languages, including Turkish, Roman, and Slavic. I got bewildered and asked: This man has been in Madinah and was not shown up until the demise of Abul Hasan(A.S.); nor has anybody seen him, how is this possible? I was talking to myself when his Holiness (A.S.) came toward me and said: The Exalted and Almighty Allah has distinguished His hujjah from His other creatures in every aspect and has bestowed on him the familiarity with various languages and genealogy and death moments and other happenings, otherwise there would have been no difference between the hujjah and those over whom the hujjah is appointed and incumbent.
Familiarity with the Language of the Birds and Any other Animal Imam Ali (A.S.): Like Solomon, the son of David, we too are acquainted with the language of the birds and any sea and land animal. Imam Ali (A.S.): We have become familiar with the language of the birds and enjoyed everything which is in itself a great virtue.
Abu Hamza Nasir, the retainer of the Imam: I frequently heard al-Imam al-Askari (A.S.) speak to his retainers in their own languages, including Turkish, Roman, and Slavic. I got bewildered and asked: This man has been in Madinah and was not shown up until the demise of Abul Hasan(A.S.); nor has anybody seen him, how is this possible? I was talking to myself when his Holiness (A.S.) came toward me and said: The Exalted and Almighty Allah has distinguished His hujjah from His other creatures in every aspect and has bestowed on him the familiarity with various languages and genealogy and death moments and other happenings, otherwise there would have been no difference between the hujjah and those over whom the hujjah is appointed and incumbent.
Familiarity with the Language of the Birds and Any other Animal Imam Ali (A.S.): Like Solomon, the son of David, we too are acquainted with the language of the birds and any sea and land animal. Imam Ali (A.S.): We have become familiar with the language of the birds and enjoyed everything which is in itself a great virtue.
Ta'wil of the Holy Qur'an | for everyone |
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.): After me [after my demise] Ali will teach people the ta'wil of what they do not know of the Holy Qur'an.
Imam Ali (A.S.): Ask me about the Book of Allah, the Almighty, that by Allah there has not been revealed a verse of it at night or in the daytime, on the way or somewhere, except that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) taught me reading it as well as its Ta'wil.
Ibn al-Kawwa' asked: O Amir al-Mu'minin! What do you say about the verses revealed to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) when you were not present? The Imam(A.S.) replied: When I was not present, the Holy Prophet used to memorize the verses revealed to him so that when I took audience with him the Prophet would teach me its reading and would say: O Ali(A.S.)! After you left, Allah revealed these verses to me and their Ta'wil is so and so. Thus he would teach me on their Revelation (Tanzil) and Ta'wil. Imam al-Baqir (A.S.): Nobody but successors can claim that he knows the Holy Qur'an completely, neither the exterior nor the interior.
Abu al-Sabbah: I swear by Allah, al-Imam Jafar al-Sadiq(A.S.) told me: Allah taught the Revelation and Ta'wil to His Holy messenger(S.A.W.) and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) taught it to Ali(A.S.) and he, I swear by Allah, taught it to us.
Abu al-Sabbah: I swear by Allah, al-Imam Jafar al-Sadiq(A.S.) told me: Allah taught the Revelation and Ta'wil to His Holy messenger(S.A.W.) and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) taught it to Ali(A.S.) and he, I swear by Allah, taught it to us.
Business Information - How to Start a Restaurant Business | for everyone |
The presence of business sense and acumen is essential while starting a business and becoming a successful businessman, whatever may be the kind of business. The restaurant business too, is no exception to this rule. Consistency and quality are the two most essential things which you should inculcate in yourself, in order to become a successful restaurateur. Your initial days in this business might be very tough or hard, and you may have to face heavy financial losses. The main reason behind this is that you would have to compete with the established and famous restaurants in your locality, with very few resources, employees and capital. Reputation is of prime importance in this business as people prefer to go to only those restaurants which offer quality food and a fair deal for the money spent. Mentioned below are some tips on how to start a restaurant business.
Initial capital is necessary for restaurant business, as this can be used to set up the basic infrastructure of the restaurant. You can apply for a loan from a bank that has a low rate of interest, which will make your initial journey easy. You can buy useful items like chairs, tables, grocery, kitchen equipment, eatables by using the cash credit facility. Choose a good location for your dream restaurant, which will help to increase your business turnover substantially after a few years. The selected location should be ideally in the heart of the city which will be good for you from the business point of view. It is mandatory to secure the essential permissions and licenses in advance for implementing your restaurant business plan from the concerned government authorities.
Sometimes, starting a restaurant on your own is very tough both - financially and physically. In this case, you can look for a good business partner and have a legal agreement with him which will have details regarding the sharing of the profits and ownership rights of the restaurant. You can also indulge in franchise buying of a reputed restaurant chain. The advantage of franchise buying is that you get guidance from the company and also the established brand name of the company will help you in creating a large customer base for yourself. You can take some useful suggestions from your friends who have their restaurants about how to start a restaurant business.
Designing and Recruiting Staff
Be very particular when it comes to designing the interiors of your restaurant. Have good finishing for the walls and quality flooring such as Italian marble flooring for your tiles. If your budget is high, you can have POP's and artistic paintings for the walls. The plates in which food will be served should be colorful, nice and attractive. You can have a unique lighting system with round lamps fitted in the ceiling. Have a good menu card and try to make available all those food items which people in the nearby locality like to increase your business. While recruiting employees, be very careful because hospitality and good reception is the key to success in the restaurant business. Train your employees in all the aspects related to the smooth functioning of the restaurant like cooking, serving, receiving guests. You should yourself take keen interest in the designing of your restaurant. Make sure that you are not compromising on the quality of your food as this can drive away your customers permanently. Also, you should avoid looting your customers.
Advertising about your restaurant is very essential, at least in the initial stages of your business. People should be aware of what you can offer them and at what prices. All the above mentioned things are vital, if you want to survive in the tough competition in this field. As you see an improvement in your business, change the business strategy and wait for the returns.
You will definitely understand how to start a restaurant business after reading this article. Refer to other sources to collect more information about this very profitable business.
The Key ABC's To Success In Trading The Stock Market | for everyone |
Your success in trading the stock market has little to do with what you have done before you started trading. It has little to do with knowledge, although knowledge is important and of course, skill needs to follow on from knowledge.
It's about far more basic fundamental principles that determine your success or failure at anything you do in life.
They are your trading ABC's: Attitude, Belief and Consistency.
Attitude is hugely important but useless on its own. It's no good having the best attitude in the world if you're not "out there" trading the stock market. So what is attitude apart from how one feels about oneself and others? It is how you see things, how you let events, situations and circumstances affect you. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to be successful in the stock market or will you sit around lamenting the fact that you have lost money and it's all too hard?
You need an absolute and genuine belief in yourself and your trading. You need to know any beliefs, hidden or obvious, that may be limiting you and your results. What you believe about yourself can have a huge impact and you will want to get rid of those that are limiting and replace them with empowering beliefs. Your beliefs around money will also need to be addressed. Maybe you unconsciously believe that money is the root of all evil? If so, then this belief is really directly opposing to your success in the stock market.
We get up every morning, brush our teeth, wash, get dressed have breakfast. We're consistent in our actions. We do it every day. We need to do the same in being consistent with our tasks associated with our trading. Every day we trade we need to carry out positive actions: practice or back test, learn something new about the markets, practice our charting etc. Do it consistently. Concentrate on the actions not on the result.
So when you get up in the morning, get into your trading ABC's. When you go about your trading of the, keep a good attitude.Work out what your beliefs are around yourself, your success and around money. Do what you can about replacing any of those that do not serve you. Keep working on your trading, be consistent in what you do, when you do it and how you do it.
What is Confidence? | for everyone |
What is Confidence?
This can be difficult to answer. The word comes from the Latin to mean 'to put one's trust in someone' - that someone being ourselves.
The confidence checklist
How then is confidence - real confidence - demonstrated? Here's the iVillage 10-point checklist:
1. People who believe in themselves take charge of their actions.
2. They act assertively, speak calmly and listen properly.
3. They're flexible towards people, circumstances and all things new.
4. They're able to give genuine praise and to accept constructive criticism.
5. They evaluate themselves realistically.
6. They appreciate their achievements.
7. They learn from their mistakes.
8. They aren't run by 'shoulds', 'musts' and 'ought tos'.
9. When an opportunity comes up they say 'Why not?' rather than 'Why?'
10. They feel they can influence situations and outcomes.
The confidence withinWhere exactly does all this come from? Are we born with it? Are we socialised into it? "Yes, and yes," says psychologist Gary Fitzgibbons.
"Confidence is within all of us, but whether it shines through or whether it remains hidden can depend on how we are treated as children and young adults.
This can be difficult to answer. The word comes from the Latin to mean 'to put one's trust in someone' - that someone being ourselves.
The confidence checklist
How then is confidence - real confidence - demonstrated? Here's the iVillage 10-point checklist:
1. People who believe in themselves take charge of their actions.
2. They act assertively, speak calmly and listen properly.
3. They're flexible towards people, circumstances and all things new.
4. They're able to give genuine praise and to accept constructive criticism.
5. They evaluate themselves realistically.
6. They appreciate their achievements.
7. They learn from their mistakes.
8. They aren't run by 'shoulds', 'musts' and 'ought tos'.
9. When an opportunity comes up they say 'Why not?' rather than 'Why?'
10. They feel they can influence situations and outcomes.
The confidence withinWhere exactly does all this come from? Are we born with it? Are we socialised into it? "Yes, and yes," says psychologist Gary Fitzgibbons.
"Confidence is within all of us, but whether it shines through or whether it remains hidden can depend on how we are treated as children and young adults.
Plz recite and forward | for everyone |
Plz recite and forward
We have started Aayat-e-Karima 25, 000 times.(LAA ILAHA ILLAA ANTAA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTO MINAZ ZALIMEEN)
for the peace everywhere..... Just read ONCE and forward it and please DONT stop.(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Share with you the information from British Ministry of Health | for everyone |
Warning!...from the British Ministry of Health
....Regarding Energy Saving bulbs ....Very Important |
Warning from the British Ministry of health about Energy Saving bulbs These type of bulbs which are called Energy Saving or low Energy bulbs, if it is broken it causes serious danger! As much that everybody will have to leave the room for at least 15 minutes. Because it contains Mercury (poisonous) which cause migraine, disorientation, imbalances and different other health problems when inhaled. And many people with allergies, causes them severe skin condition and other diseases just by touching this substance or inhaling it. Also the ministry warned by NOT cleaning the debris of the broken bulb with the vacuum cleaner, because it would spread the contamination to other rooms in the house while using the vacuum cleaner again. It must be cleaned through normal broom or brush and be kept in a sealed bag and thrown right away from the house in the bin for hazardous materials. Notice: Mercury is dangerous, more poisonous than lead or arsenic!!!! |
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave | Dearborn | MI | 48126

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