I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave | Dearborn | MI | 48126

WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN | for everyone |
With the recent earthquake in Haiti which has devastated that country, taken an astonishing amount of victims, and left many, many lives in ruin, many people ask the questions: why does God make us suffer so much? Why are there pain, natural disasters, illness, disease and so many hardships in the world? The presence of difficulties has even led some to question the very existence of God. They say that if there was a God, then why does He allow suffering to take place? And if there is a God, then He must be a cruel one.
To question the existence of hardships in the world in order to understand their causes is one thing, but to use that as a cover-up for one's ignorance of God and as an excuse to overlook our own faults is not excusable. Nevertheless, these questions are asked and Islam answers them very convincingly:
Relative Judgment and Limited Understanding
As a general rule, when making a judgment and selecting particularities of a situation, most of us take into consideration the relationship that those matters have with us. For example, if it rains somewhere, we are not worried about its effects over the entire environment. We are only concerned with our living area. If it has a positive effect in relation to us, we say it is a divine blessing, and if it has a negative effect in relation to us, we call it a calamity, even if the entire community receives its positive effects.
At a glance and in a usual judgment, we count the sting of a snake as a problem and evil thing without being aware of the fact that its sting and poison is a means of defense for this animal. We are unaware of the fact that from this very poison, life-giving antidotes can be made which save thousands of lives. Therefore, if we do not want to be caught by mistakes, we should not look to our limited understanding and make judgments based on a matter's relationship with us, but we should take all its dimensions into consideration and make judgments based on all its sides. Placing a finger on a small part of the big picture and making a definite judgment is illogical and far from intellect. What Islam rejects is the creation of pure evil; however, if a thing is good from several aspects and bad from one aspect, and its good aspects outweigh its bad, then there is no objection.
Humans Progress with the Help of Difficulties
Difficult and unpleasant events strengthen our will and increase our power. Just as steel is strengthened in furnaces, we become stronger in the furnaces of unpleasant events.
For instance, war is a bad thing, but at times a long and difficult war blossoms the potentials of a nation, turns division into unity, and makes up for all the nation's slacking. Many sociologists and historians say that all modernization that has taken place in a part of the world throughout history has been after a country was attacked by a great foreign power which awoke and immobilized its hidden powers.
Certainly, every individual and every society does not react in the same way before life's unpleasant events. Some are overtaken by despair, weakness, and bad-sightedness. As a result, they achieve a negative outcome. But those with favorable characteristics jump into action in the face of these motivating events and quickly correct their weaknesses. However, because most people in such circumstances make quick judgments, they only see the difficulties and do not see the positive and constructive effects. The Holy Qur'an states: "It happens often that you dislike something (and deem it to be unpleasant), but God has placed in it a great deal of good." (4:19)
Hardships Can Help Us Turn Back to God
As a result of disobeying God, the human must face discomforts in life so that (s)he becomes aware of the evil results of his/her actions and turns back to God. It is here that we realize a portion of sufferings and unpleasant events are in reality blessings from God. The Qur'an says: "Corruption has appeared in the land and sea because of that which mankind has done, so that they may taste the results of some of their actions, and so they may turn back to God." (30:41)
Unpleasant Events Serve as Warnings
We have all seen people who are surrounded by bounties become captured by arrogance and selfishness, and in such a state they forget many of the important responsibilities as human beings. Also, we have seen ease and perfect comfort in life brings a form of negligence, and carelessness takes over. If this state continues, it leads to a person's destruction. Undoubtedly a portion of life's undesirable events are for getting rid of arrogance and neglect.
Professional and well-experienced drivers complain about roads that are clear, smooth, and without bumps, twists and turns, and ups and downs. They describe such roads as dangerous, because constant driving on these roads makes one sleepy, and this is when the danger begins. That is why bumps and artificial warnings are built on highways in order to decrease the chances of danger.
The path of man's life is also like this in principle. If life was without twists, turns, and bumps, and if at times bad and undesirable events did not take place, the definite results would be neglect, unawareness of God, and an end to human responsibilities.
The Qur'an states: "We have placed them in difficult, painful, and worrying circumstances so that they turn back towards God." (6:42)
Self-Made Sufferings
We bring many hardships upon ourselves. When analyzing the reasons and factors behind unpleasant events, we frequently make the error of confusing the oppression and injustice that is carried out by oppressive people as God's injustice. We also assume the chaos and disorder of humanity as nature's.
For example, at times we object: why do earthquakes inflict little damage to certain countries and place a large number of people under rubble in other places? What kind of justice is this? If afflictions are destined to be in people's lives, then why aren't they spread equally? Why must the sharp edge of harmful occurrences always point towards the weak?
Such comments are negligent of the fact that none of these are linked to the phenomenon of creation or to God's justice. These are all the results of the injustice, exploitation, and abuse of humans by each other.
If certain countries were not deprived and suffered from poverty and a lack of infrastructure because of the injustice and exploitation of other countries, why should natural disasters take so many sacrifices from them and very little from others? However, when their houses are built with nothing more than a handful of mud or rocks and wood, at times simply placed on top of each other without the use of any nails, adhesive or cement, where one strong gust of wind or tremor can bring them tumbling down, then one must not expect anything better than what we are seeing in Haiti right now. What relation does this have with God's work?
One must make such criticism about the unbalanced and ill-organized state of society. One must rise and bring an end to these social injustices. One must fight against poverty and deprivation and give the weak their rights so that such incidents do not come about. The Qur'an states: "God does not do the slightest bit of injustice to mankind, but it is mankind who is unjust to themselves." (10:44)
These were just some reasons why hardships and unpleasant events exist in this world. Certainly there are many more reasons for them. However, never are they without a reason and wisdom.
Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, the noble companion of the Messenger of God, upon whom and whose family be peace and blessings, whose heart overflowed with faith and sincere devotion to God, was troubled after the death of his son by anxiety over his fate and uncertainty whether he had truly joined the ranks of the blessed or been given a place among the damned.
Coming to his son's grave full of this painful anxiety, he placed his hands on the grave and said: "O son, may God embrace you in His infinite mercy! While you were in this world you treated me well, and now that you have left this world, I declare myself well pleased with you. I swear by God that your death has not caused me any grief or distress, for I have no need of any but God. Were it not for the question of the hereafter and an eternal abode, I would be content to be in your place. It is anxiety over your fate for all eternity in the hereafter prevents me from mourning your death. I swear to God that I am weeping not out of sorrow at your death but because of the stages you must now traverse in the hereafter. Would that I knew what you have said and what you have been told after your death!"
He then turned toward God and addressed Him as follows: "O God, I absolve him from whatever obligations to me as his father You placed upon him, so absolve him too from whatever obligations toward Yourself You placed upon him. Such generosity becomes You better than it becomes me." (Furu al-Kafi, Vol. III, p. 250)
Coming to his son's grave full of this painful anxiety, he placed his hands on the grave and said: "O son, may God embrace you in His infinite mercy! While you were in this world you treated me well, and now that you have left this world, I declare myself well pleased with you. I swear by God that your death has not caused me any grief or distress, for I have no need of any but God. Were it not for the question of the hereafter and an eternal abode, I would be content to be in your place. It is anxiety over your fate for all eternity in the hereafter prevents me from mourning your death. I swear to God that I am weeping not out of sorrow at your death but because of the stages you must now traverse in the hereafter. Would that I knew what you have said and what you have been told after your death!"
He then turned toward God and addressed Him as follows: "O God, I absolve him from whatever obligations to me as his father You placed upon him, so absolve him too from whatever obligations toward Yourself You placed upon him. Such generosity becomes You better than it becomes me." (Furu al-Kafi, Vol. III, p. 250)
One of the properties of resurrection is that it brings about the dissolution of all the relationships and mutual influences that mark the present order of the world. All causes and connections will be severed, so that things will no longer effect each other and creatures will no longer be subject to each other's influence. The only relationship that remains will be that of each object or being with its Creator; all other relationships will become utterly void.
This dissolution of ties and relationships will in reality demonstrate the essential nullity of all external causation; it is only the inner truth of all things that will be manifest on that day.
If the same causes and conditions that exist in the phenomenal world were to prevail on the plain of resurrection, the state of all created things would remain exactly the same as it is now and nothing would ever come to an end unless its very essence were transformed. The Qur'an depicts the scene of resurrection as follows: "When the leaders of falsehood seek to dissociate themselves from their followers and behold punishment of God, all causes will be cut off them and no relationship will remain."(2:166).
When the followers of the sinful lords of corruption begin to despair and cannot see even the smallest glimmer of hope for salvation, in their extreme wretchedness they turn for help to those false leaders whom they had followed so trustingly and unconditionally. But they will dissociate themselves from their followers and turn away from them. Then those followers will realize that all causes have ceased to operate and all doors have been closed. They will come to their senses and regret all the precious opportunities they have missed, all the vast possibilities they had for spiritual growth and perfection. They will be utterly dismayed, but regret and sorrow will be of no use. No path will open up before them to expiate past sins, nor will they have any time to engage in good deeds. They are doomed to remain for over in the pit they have dug for themselves, a pit that is now filled with torment and punishment.
Hisham b. Hakam asked Imam al-Sadiq, upon whom be peace: "Will the spirit dissolve after it has quit the bodily frame, or will it remain in existence unchanging?"
The Imam answered: "Yes, the spirit will remain as it is until the trumpet of resurrection is sounded. Then all things will be voided. Neither sense will remain, nor anything to be sensed." (Tabari, Ihtijaj, Vol. II, p. 97) So when all relationships of cause and effect are severed, the inner nature of all things will emerge. The manifest and the unseen realms will unite, and all the veils and obstacles that had hidden things from each other will vanish. The Qur'an says in this connection: "We have lifted from you the veil, so that this day your vision is sharp" (50:22).
On the day of resurrection none but God will have sovereignty or will. The Qur'an declares: "On that day, none will be able to do anything for another; only God's will and command will have an effect" (82:19). "On that day to whom shall belong the absolute ownership of the world? To God, the Unique and All-Powerful" (40:16).
Awesome Torment and Shattering Punishment | for everyone |
The human intellect and powers of perception of man are also incapable of grasping the true nature of punishment in the hereafter; there is no tongue capable of describing the torment that the Creator will inflict. The Qur'an provides the following description of the painful state that will be the lot of the damned in hellfire: "The fire of hell will burn them from within and will then proceed outwards; its first spark will strike the heart" (104:6-7).
How terrible is the furnace which will be fueled with the bodies of the sinners as well as the stones of hell! Let us see what the Qur'an says about it: "Death will confront them on every hand, there is no question of their dying for their torment will be severe and eternal" (14:17).
The Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, said the following in the Du'a Kumayl concerning God's wrathful punishment and the terrifying spectacle of eternal torment: "However great and fearsome be the torments and trials of this world, they are like a game when compared to the torment and punishment of the hereafter. The hardships and pains of this world are slight and of limited duration, but punishment in the hereafter lasts for all eternity. No clemency or commutation will be available to those who have earned that punishment, for the punishment is a fire kindled by God's wrath, anger and vengeance. So grievous is that torment that neither the heavens nor the earth can endure it."
HADEES ON THE HOLY QURAN | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) has said:
"Surely this Quran is the rope of Allah, and a manifest light (noor), and a beneficial cure; therefore busy yourself with the recitation of it, for Allah - the Mighty and the Glorious - gives the reward of ten good deeds to you for every letter that is recited."
vol. 92 page 19
vol. 92 page 19
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said the following about this Chapter: "Whoever reads it and teaches it to his family and those whom his right hand possesses, will be granted security against the torment of the grave." Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) has said that one who reads it quite often will, on the Day of Judgment, be in the neighborhood of the Prophet (pbuh).
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is quoted as saying that one who recites it will be given for each of its verses security on the bridge over hell, and whoever recites it on Friday will be blessed by Allah and His angels all day long till sunset. He (pbuh) is also quoted saying, "Memorize Surat al-Baqarah and Surat Aali' Imran, for they are like two fragrant flowers, and they will shade the one who learns them by heart on the Day of Judgment like two douds..." to shade those who used to recite them quite often from the intense heat of that Day.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said that this Chapter was revealed as a whole escorted by seventy thousand angels praising and glorifying the Almighty in unison; so, whoever recites it will be blessed by those same seventy thousand angels for a full day and night. Imam al-Rida (as) is quoted as saying that those angels will keep blessing him till the Day of Judgment.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said, "One who recites it from its beginning till the verse saying, 'And thus do We make some oppressors befriend others on account of what they earned (6:129),' Allah will assign for him forty thousand angels to write for him (in his book of good deeds) the like of their own adoration till the Day of Resurrection."
According to the author of Al-Af ad wal Gharaib, one who does the same after having performed the fajr prayers, forty angels will descend for him, and it will be recorded for him the like of their adoration.
According to the author of Al-Waseet, if one does so upon waking up, Allah Almighty will assign for him a thousand angels to protect him and to record for him the like of their deeds (of adoration) till the Day of Judgment.
DRAMATIC VIDEO Bahraini security forces attacking peaceful pro-democracy demonstrators FEB. 14 | for everyone |
Start Up Business Grants for Women | for everyone |
Women Business Grant Information - Start Up Business Grants for Women
There is a big difference between a business grant and a small business loan. For those who do not know this, you do not have to repay the financial assistance you get through a grant, but a loan needs to be repaid. When you apply for a loan, the lending organization will check if you are capable of repaying the loan and if you have a good credit rating. If you are applying for start up business grants for women, an organization will have a pre set eligibility criteria which you have to qualify for.
To help you understand better, a grant is financial assistance for a specific purpose or for a pre decided target group. For example some institutions give grant money for starting day care centers, college grants for single moms or, for minority women. People have this misconception that grants are excess funds just lying in the governments coffers waiting to be taken advantage of.
Business Grants for Women
There are two avenues for start up business grants for women, federal government grants and the other private funding organizations. Like any financial assistance program, you are required to fill out an application form, state your purpose and give details about your background, when applying for grants for start up business for women. Most people get discouraged by the application process and don't even try for grants money. It is advisable to go through the application process because the outcome can be rewarding.
When looking for grants for women who are starting a business, you should have a look at the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). They provide grants for women under different categories, they have over 2 thousand assistance programs. The CFDA grants help women from different walks of life and ethnic backgrounds start their own business.
Another resource for start up business loans for women is the US Small Business Administration (SBA). They also offer grant programs, to organizations that render small business management, or technical assistance. The SBA mostly gives grants to non profit organizations, state and local governments.
If you are looking for government grants, you need to apply on the government grants site, once you do this you will get a funding opportunity number (FON). You can then track you grants application online on their site. When you apply, you will be required to furnish information about the project details and your background.
State governments are a good resource to look for start up business grants closer to home. The federal government allocates development funds for each state and the state in turn gives a part of these funds to individuals to start or expand their business. State government give grants to businesses that will benefit the community in the long term. Projects dealing with saving energy, child care and tourism are supported by the state governments.
There are many non profit organizations that provide financial aid to women, to help them support themselves and their families. Non profit organization have cause driven grants and they help women from a target group. For example there are organizations who give grants for single mothers to help them support their children. Women who are victims of domestic violence also find support from not for profit institutions. Some organizations specialize in giving small business grants for minority women.
Start up business grants for women, at times, are difficult to find, but if you put in the effort in researching for the right organization and category that you could apply for, it will bear fruit. Whenever you want to apply for a grant, keep information about your financial background, business plan, marketing plan and market predictions ready, to stand a better chance of getting the grant.
There is a big difference between a business grant and a small business loan. For those who do not know this, you do not have to repay the financial assistance you get through a grant, but a loan needs to be repaid. When you apply for a loan, the lending organization will check if you are capable of repaying the loan and if you have a good credit rating. If you are applying for start up business grants for women, an organization will have a pre set eligibility criteria which you have to qualify for.
To help you understand better, a grant is financial assistance for a specific purpose or for a pre decided target group. For example some institutions give grant money for starting day care centers, college grants for single moms or, for minority women. People have this misconception that grants are excess funds just lying in the governments coffers waiting to be taken advantage of.
Business Grants for Women
There are two avenues for start up business grants for women, federal government grants and the other private funding organizations. Like any financial assistance program, you are required to fill out an application form, state your purpose and give details about your background, when applying for grants for start up business for women. Most people get discouraged by the application process and don't even try for grants money. It is advisable to go through the application process because the outcome can be rewarding.
When looking for grants for women who are starting a business, you should have a look at the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). They provide grants for women under different categories, they have over 2 thousand assistance programs. The CFDA grants help women from different walks of life and ethnic backgrounds start their own business.
Another resource for start up business loans for women is the US Small Business Administration (SBA). They also offer grant programs, to organizations that render small business management, or technical assistance. The SBA mostly gives grants to non profit organizations, state and local governments.
If you are looking for government grants, you need to apply on the government grants site, once you do this you will get a funding opportunity number (FON). You can then track you grants application online on their site. When you apply, you will be required to furnish information about the project details and your background.
State governments are a good resource to look for start up business grants closer to home. The federal government allocates development funds for each state and the state in turn gives a part of these funds to individuals to start or expand their business. State government give grants to businesses that will benefit the community in the long term. Projects dealing with saving energy, child care and tourism are supported by the state governments.
There are many non profit organizations that provide financial aid to women, to help them support themselves and their families. Non profit organization have cause driven grants and they help women from a target group. For example there are organizations who give grants for single mothers to help them support their children. Women who are victims of domestic violence also find support from not for profit institutions. Some organizations specialize in giving small business grants for minority women.
Start up business grants for women, at times, are difficult to find, but if you put in the effort in researching for the right organization and category that you could apply for, it will bear fruit. Whenever you want to apply for a grant, keep information about your financial background, business plan, marketing plan and market predictions ready, to stand a better chance of getting the grant.
Healthy Teeth Linked To Healthy Heart | for everyone |
British researchers studied nearly 12,000 adults in Scotland and found those with poor oral hygiene had a 70 percent extra risk of heart disease compared with those who brushed twice a day and who were less likely to have unhealthy gums.
People with gum disease are more likely to develop heart disease and diabetes because inflammation in the body, including in the mouth and gums, plays a role in the build up of clogged arteries. The 70 percent extra risk compares to a 135 percent extra risk of heart disease in those who smoke.
MUSTARD OIL-HUMOR | for everyone |
Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream 'racism' these days.
A customer asked, "In what aisle could I find the Sarson Da Tel?" ( Mustard
The clerk says "are you a Sikh?"
The guy, clearly offended, says, "Yes I am. But let me ask you something.
If I had asked for Olive Oil, would you ask me if I was Italian?
Or if I had asked for Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German?
Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish?
Or if I had asked for a Taco, would you ask if I was Mexican?
Or if I asked for some Irish whiskey , would you ask if I was Irish?
The clerk says, "No, I probably wouldn't."
The guy says, "Well then, because I asked for Sarson Da Tel, why did you ask if I am a Sikh?"
A customer asked, "In what aisle could I find the Sarson Da Tel?" ( Mustard
The clerk says "are you a Sikh?"
The guy, clearly offended, says, "Yes I am. But let me ask you something.
If I had asked for Olive Oil, would you ask me if I was Italian?
Or if I had asked for Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German?
Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish?
Or if I had asked for a Taco, would you ask if I was Mexican?
Or if I asked for some Irish whiskey , would you ask if I was Irish?
The clerk says, "No, I probably wouldn't."
The guy says, "Well then, because I asked for Sarson Da Tel, why did you ask if I am a Sikh?"
The clerk replied, "Because sardarji, you're in a Liquor Store."
Allah says in the Holy Qur'an, Sura Al-Hujurat, verse 10: "The believers are surely brothers; so make peace among your brothers…" (49:10)
The above ayat tells us that all Muslims are brothers to each others and that they should all care for each other. The Holy Prophet (S) has said that a Muslim is he from whose hands and tongue other Muslims remain safe. The above hadith tells us that if a Muslim hurts another Muslim in anyway, physically with his hands, or emotionally with his tongue, by what he says, then that Muslim is not a Muslim.
The idea of brotherhood was introduced by the Holy Prophet (S) after the Hijrat, when the Makkans had to leave their homes and belongings to move to Madina. The Holy Prophet (S) made one Makkan a brother to one Madinite, so that they may help each other. Islam considers the Holy Prophet (S) as the father of all the Muslims, connected and joined with each other through Islam. The whole of the Muslim community is like one big family and what one person does in that family affects the rest of the people in the family. Once there was a group of people in a boat who were arguing that there was no need for brotherhood (unity) and that each one could do as they pleased without it being the concern of anyone else.
The person who was saying that there was a need for brotherhood went to one corner of the boat and started making a hole in the bottom of the boat. The rest of the people who were saying that there was no need for brotherhood asked the man if he had gone mad, because if he continued they would all drown.
The man replied that they should not worry about what he was doing as they themselves had said that every person could do what he liked without worrying about anyone else. The people then realised that it was true, to live happily with each other you had to care about others and have a form of unity through some sort of brotherhood.
The idea of brotherhood was introduced by the Holy Prophet (S) after the Hijrat, when the Makkans had to leave their homes and belongings to move to Madina. The Holy Prophet (S) made one Makkan a brother to one Madinite, so that they may help each other. Islam considers the Holy Prophet (S) as the father of all the Muslims, connected and joined with each other through Islam. The whole of the Muslim community is like one big family and what one person does in that family affects the rest of the people in the family. Once there was a group of people in a boat who were arguing that there was no need for brotherhood (unity) and that each one could do as they pleased without it being the concern of anyone else.
The person who was saying that there was a need for brotherhood went to one corner of the boat and started making a hole in the bottom of the boat. The rest of the people who were saying that there was no need for brotherhood asked the man if he had gone mad, because if he continued they would all drown.
The man replied that they should not worry about what he was doing as they themselves had said that every person could do what he liked without worrying about anyone else. The people then realised that it was true, to live happily with each other you had to care about others and have a form of unity through some sort of brotherhood.
Remember each and every Muslim has a right over you as a brother, and we are all united together through Islam.
Spread the Word -- Urge Obama to Support UN Action Against Israeli Settlements
Bahrain Human Rights Abuse | for everyone |
The Islamic Education Center of Houston, TX | for everyone |
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 01:47:11 -0500
The Islamic Education Center of Houston, TX
2313 South Voss Road, Houston, TX - 77057 713.787.5000 |
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Allah says in the Holy Qur'an in Sura Al-Hujurat verse 11: "O you who believe, let not (a group of) people laugh at another (to scorn) who may be better than they are…"
Islam teaches us that you should respect other people and not think you are better than them as only Allah can be the judge of that. One day when the Holy Prophet (S) was sitting alone in the mosque. A man approached him. The Holy Prophet (S) immediately moved aside. The man asked the Prophet (S) why he had moved aside when there was so much room for him to seat next to the Prophet (S) as the whole mosque was empty.
The Prophet (S) replied that a Muslim has a right on an other Muslim that when he wants to sit near him the first should move aside as a way of respect.
Next time you are at mosque saving that space for your friend and someone else wants to sit there, remember that that person has a right on you for you to move aside and make space for them.
All human-beings are equal.
No matter what colour you are.
No matter where you are from.
No matter how rich you are (how nice your clothes are).
No matter if you look different (defect in your body).
Each has the right of respect from the other.
The Holy Prophet (S) has said :
" Do not despise and belittle any Muslim, because a Muslim how ever small he may be, is great in the eyes of Allah." (Anecdote from the life of the Holy Prophet (S)).
The Prophet (S) replied that a Muslim has a right on an other Muslim that when he wants to sit near him the first should move aside as a way of respect.
Next time you are at mosque saving that space for your friend and someone else wants to sit there, remember that that person has a right on you for you to move aside and make space for them.
All human-beings are equal.
No matter what colour you are.
No matter where you are from.
No matter how rich you are (how nice your clothes are).
No matter if you look different (defect in your body).
Each has the right of respect from the other.
The Holy Prophet (S) has said :
" Do not despise and belittle any Muslim, because a Muslim how ever small he may be, is great in the eyes of Allah." (Anecdote from the life of the Holy Prophet (S)).
Allah says in the Holy Qur'an, Sura Al-Qiyamah, verse 2: "And I swear by the self-accusing soul." (75:2) In the above ayat we are told that there is a part of our soul which is called the self-accusing soul and that this is such an important part that Allah swears by it.
What is the self-accusing soul ? The self-accusing soul is our conscience, it is the part of us that makes us feel guilty when we do something wrong Self - accounting is to listen to this conscience. If you ignore your conscience enough times then you will no longer hear it and then the next time you do something wrong, you will not feel guilty.
Once our Holy Prophet (S) was travelling with his followers when he stopped at a deserted place where there was nothing growing. The Holy Prophet (S) told his followers to go and collect wood. They replied that they would not be able to find any wood in such a deserted place. The Holy Prophet (S) told them that they should still go and try to find some.
So they went and brought back whatever little they could. In a short while there was a big heap of wood laid before the Holy Prophet (S). The Holy Prophet (S) then told them that their sins could just as easily be searched for and collected. The Holy Prophet (S) was teaching them about self - accounting. In the same way that the wood was collected although it could not be seen before collecting, people's sins are not easily seen or remembered. But when they are looked for and accounted, they make a long list. Is it not better to self - account and find that long list now while you can still ask for forgiveness rather than on the Day of Judgement when it will be too late.
You should get into the habit of self - accounting every day (at night, or after Salaat) where you think of the whole day and everything that you have done in that day. What good thing have you done ? If none then think of something good that you can do the next day. What bad things have you done ? How are you going to put them right (do Taubah).
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