Pencil: I'm sorry....
Eraser : For what? You didn't do anything wrong.
Pencil: I'm sorry cos you get hurt bcos of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.
Eraser: That's true. But I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad. :)
I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very inspirational. Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the pencil. They're always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way... they get hurt, and become smaller (older, and eventually pass on). Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parents are still happy with what they do for their children, and will always hate seeing their parents worrying, or sad.
This is for all parents out there.....
Pencil: I'm sorry cos you get hurt bcos of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.
Eraser: That's true. But I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad. :)
I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very inspirational. Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the pencil. They're always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way... they get hurt, and become smaller (older, and eventually pass on). Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parents are still happy with what they do for their children, and will always hate seeing their parents worrying, or sad.
This is for all parents out there.....
As a King and Queen were sitting in their palace one day, a fisherman who was selling fresh fish was brought in front of them. The King decided to buy a fish and gave the fisherman 4000 dirham for it.
The fisherman was overjoyed. He thanked King and left.
The Queen turned to her husband in anger and scolded him for paying so much for a fish. The King let her have her say but said that the fish was purchased and that there was nothing that could be done about it.
However, the Queen was adamant and insisted that the fisherman be brought back.
“We will ask the fisherman about the gender of the fish,” she said. “If he answers that it is female, we will say that we wanted a male fish and if his response is that it is male, we will say that we wanted a female fish! Either way, we will be able to return the fish and have our money back.”
So the poor fisherman was called back and was asked the question.
Fortunately, he was clever enough not to be caught out.
He replied, “The fish is neither male or female. It is eunuch (neutral).”
The King was so impressed by the ingenuity of the man that he ordered a further 4000 dirham to be paid to him. The fisherman thanked the King again but as he was about to leave with the heavy bag of money, one of the coins fell onto the floor. The fisherman immediately bent down to look for the coin. The Queen was already upset that the fisherman had been given 8000 dirham.
“Look how miserly this man is!” the Queen exclaimed. “One coin has fallen out of his bag full of money and he searches for it instead of leaving it for some other poor servant to find.”
The man heard this remark and said, “O Queen, it is not out of miserliness that I search for the coin but rather because it had the picture of generous the King on it. I would not tolerate anyone to cause dishonour to the King by treading on the coin.”
The king was so happy with this response that he immediately called for another 4000 dirham to be given to the fisherman. When Queen saw all this, she thought it was better to hold her tongue and let the man go with the 12000 dirham before the King decided to increase the amount again.
( Lessons from Life)
Speech is an Art. If one knows what, when and how to talk then such a person will be successful in life.“The beauty of man/Woman is in the clarity of his tongue”.“Your tongue is the translator of your intellect”.In other words, a person’s intellect and wisdom is recognized through his speech.
Three Men and A Castle | for everyone |
Finally his curiosity drove him to one workman at the edge of the site, whom he asked "What are you doing, my good man?" The workman looked up briefly and went back to his work "I'm working" he said curtly.
Not satisfied with the answer, the sage approached a second workman to ask him the same question. "You can see I'm breaking stones" he replied.
The sage was made of stern stuff and he wasn't leaving without an answer, so he walked over to a third workman with the question. "I'm building a castle" replied this workman smilingly.
The incident opened the sage's eyes, because all three of them were
breaking boulders into smaller stones, but in their minds they were not doing the same jobs.
The third workman was working for a cause much larger than himself and it showed in his approach to work.
You can just do a day's work, or build a career, a team, an organization, or a nation. An individual's overpowering ambition can be the glue that holds together and powers forward a team, an army or a country.
This has been proven time and again by various leaders from history.
Alexander The Great, and Gandhi are just two names from the past.
If we look at corporates today, examples abound of ambitious leaders who built great institutions. Narayana Murthy of Infosys enjoys creating millionaires in his organization. When he could have focused on making himself a billionaire and then a trillionaire.
Today, that seems to be the only way to build a lasting institution.
Grow people at a rate that keeps them from striking out on their own.
Expand your ambition and your horizon. Grow the small pictures that others see, so your big picture gets progressively even bigger. You can choose your perspective and your role in life. Be the one who builds the castle!!!
Truly powerful ambition, in an individual, carries others along with him.
Ambition comes from a unique perspective on life. In some, it is
limited in horizon. While some others can have a large-hearted, all-inclusive ambition.
What is your type?
You are my perfect angel..... | for everyone |
If you ever look at yourself and feel that you don't measureup, read this
and your outlook will change before you finish reading it!This is good to
keep, not just to read from time to time, but to alsokeep stored in your
heart! Enjoy and remember who you are.... a blessingfrom our dear Lord !!!
A Letter from God to Women ......
When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being. When I
created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils. But you,
woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your
nostrils are too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I
could patiently and perfectly fashion you. Man was put to sleep so that he
could not interfere with the creativity.
From one bone, I fashioned you. I chose the bone that protects man's life.
I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs andsupports him, as you
are meant to do. Around this one bone, I shaped you.... I modelled you. I
created you perfectly and beautifully. Your characteristics are the rib,
strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most
delicate organ in man, his heart. His heart is the center of his being; his
lungs hold the breath of life. The rib cage will allow itself to be broken
before it will allow damage to the heart. Support man as the rib cage
supports the body.
You were not taken from his feet, to be under him, nor were you taken from
his head, to be above him.
You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his
You are my perfect angel.....You are my beautiful little girl.You have grown
to be a splendid woman of excellence and my eyes fill when I see the virtues
in your heart. Your eyes......don't change them. Your lips - how lovely when
they part in prayer. Your nose, so perfect inform. Your hands so gentle to
I've caressed your face in your deepest sleep. I've held your heart close to
Of all that lives and breathes, you are most like me. Adam walked with me in
the cool of the day, yet he was lonely. He could not see me or touch me. He
could only feel me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with
me, I fashioned in you....my holiness, my strength, my purity, my love, my
protection and support. You are special because you are an extension of me.
Man represents my image, woman my emotions.Together, you represent the
totality of God.
and your outlook will change before you finish reading it!This is good to
keep, not just to read from time to time, but to alsokeep stored in your
heart! Enjoy and remember who you are.... a blessingfrom our dear Lord !!!
A Letter from God to Women ......
When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being. When I
created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils. But you,
woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your
nostrils are too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I
could patiently and perfectly fashion you. Man was put to sleep so that he
could not interfere with the creativity.
From one bone, I fashioned you. I chose the bone that protects man's life.
I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs andsupports him, as you
are meant to do. Around this one bone, I shaped you.... I modelled you. I
created you perfectly and beautifully. Your characteristics are the rib,
strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most
delicate organ in man, his heart. His heart is the center of his being; his
lungs hold the breath of life. The rib cage will allow itself to be broken
before it will allow damage to the heart. Support man as the rib cage
supports the body.
You were not taken from his feet, to be under him, nor were you taken from
his head, to be above him.
You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his
You are my perfect angel.....You are my beautiful little girl.You have grown
to be a splendid woman of excellence and my eyes fill when I see the virtues
in your heart. Your eyes......don't change them. Your lips - how lovely when
they part in prayer. Your nose, so perfect inform. Your hands so gentle to
I've caressed your face in your deepest sleep. I've held your heart close to
Of all that lives and breathes, you are most like me. Adam walked with me in
the cool of the day, yet he was lonely. He could not see me or touch me. He
could only feel me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with
me, I fashioned in you....my holiness, my strength, my purity, my love, my
protection and support. You are special because you are an extension of me.
Man represents my image, woman my emotions.Together, you represent the
totality of God.
So men......treat women well. Love her, respect her, for
she is fragile but yet strong at the same time.
Send this to all of the wonderful women you know to bless their day. This is
for all the women in your lives. Your sisters, your mother,your wives, your
daughters, and the ladies you work with everyday, even your online female
friends. Send it to men too; they need to hear it as well.
Author unknown*
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
she is fragile but yet strong at the same time.
Send this to all of the wonderful women you know to bless their day. This is
for all the women in your lives. Your sisters, your mother,your wives, your
daughters, and the ladies you work with everyday, even your online female
friends. Send it to men too; they need to hear it as well.
Author unknown*
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The New Crescent for Rabi'e al-Thani 1432 AH | for everyone |
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave. | Dearborn | MI | 48126

For any community to survive and go forward in this world, the people of that community have to have knowledge. Islam has made it Wajib to gain knowledge. To gain knowledge is not only to learn like a parrot, but to understand and act upon what you have learnt. Then to teach it to others, so they may benefit from it as well.
The Holy Prophet (S) has said that it is wajib for every Muslim, man and woman to acquire knowledge. Once when the Holy Prophet (S) entered the Mosque there were two groups of people sitting there. One of the groups was busy praying while the other group were discussing religious topics.
The Holy Prophet (S) was very pleased and said that both the groups were doing something good but he preferred the group which was busy discussing. Saying that he went and joined that group.
The above incident does not mean that prayer is not important, as the Holy Prophet (S) was pleased with both groups. The group that were praying, were doing Sunnat prayers not Wajib. The knowledge that we are to acquire is in all matters, religious and academic. It is possible to do both, as Allah has made us He knows what we are capable of.
If your knowledge in religion increases you will became closer to Allah because you will understand a lot more of what you are doing and why. We are told that if two people are offering the same prayer, one with understanding and the other without; then the one with understanding will get more thawaab.
Islam is the only religion that tells you to ask questions and find out about everything, including Islam, and not to just follow blindly. On the day of Qiyamat if you are questioned about something wrong that you had done in your life, you will not be able to say you did not know! You have no excuse.
The Holy Prophet (S) was very pleased and said that both the groups were doing something good but he preferred the group which was busy discussing. Saying that he went and joined that group.
The above incident does not mean that prayer is not important, as the Holy Prophet (S) was pleased with both groups. The group that were praying, were doing Sunnat prayers not Wajib. The knowledge that we are to acquire is in all matters, religious and academic. It is possible to do both, as Allah has made us He knows what we are capable of.
If your knowledge in religion increases you will became closer to Allah because you will understand a lot more of what you are doing and why. We are told that if two people are offering the same prayer, one with understanding and the other without; then the one with understanding will get more thawaab.
Islam is the only religion that tells you to ask questions and find out about everything, including Islam, and not to just follow blindly. On the day of Qiyamat if you are questioned about something wrong that you had done in your life, you will not be able to say you did not know! You have no excuse.
There are so many books you can read, so many people you can ask. Therefore, if there is anything that you are unsure about, especially in your Wajib acts please ask now as you may not live till tomorrow.
HOW GOOD IS YOUR FRIENDSHIP??? | for everyone |
Everyone needs friends, but friends are only worth having if they are true friends. Two travellers were on the road together, when a robber suddenly appeared. One man ran for a tree and climbed up and hid in the branches. The other was not as fast so threw himself onto the ground pretending to be dead. The robber came to the man on the floor, whispered something in his ear and went away.
When the robber had gone the man in the tree climbed down and asked his friend what the robber had whispered in his ear. His friend replied that the robber had told him to find a better friend who would not leave him at the first sign of danger.
When the robber had gone the man in the tree climbed down and asked his friend what the robber had whispered in his ear. His friend replied that the robber had told him to find a better friend who would not leave him at the first sign of danger.
Friends influence each other in the matter of conduct, thoughts and belief. As the Holy Prophet (S) has said:
"The conduct of everyone will be according to the belief and principles of his friend." Even if you think your friend will not influence you, but you will influence them, (very unlikely). People will judge you according to the friends you have.
"The conduct of everyone will be according to the belief and principles of his friend." Even if you think your friend will not influence you, but you will influence them, (very unlikely). People will judge you according to the friends you have.
As Prophet Sulayman (A) has said:
"Do not form an opinion about a person being good or bad unless you have seen his friends, because everyone is known by the company he keeps and is thus identified by his friends and associates."
"Do not form an opinion about a person being good or bad unless you have seen his friends, because everyone is known by the company he keeps and is thus identified by his friends and associates."
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (A) was walking in the market with his friend, who had brought his servant with him. Imam's (A) friend turned to tell his servant something, but he had been left behind talking to someone. When the servant finally appeared, Imam's (A) friend was very angry and shouted abuse at the servant. He also said abusive things about the servant's mother.
On hearing what his friend had said Imam (A) got very angry and told him that he should not have said such abusive things, especially about the servant's mother. The friend replied that the mother was not a Muslim. To which Imam (A) answered that it made no difference.Imam (A) then told his friend that their friendship was no more, and walked away from him.
On hearing what his friend had said Imam (A) got very angry and told him that he should not have said such abusive things, especially about the servant's mother. The friend replied that the mother was not a Muslim. To which Imam (A) answered that it made no difference.Imam (A) then told his friend that their friendship was no more, and walked away from him.
Our 4th Imam, Imam Ali Zainul Abideen (A) has said that you should not make friends with people who are in the following five groups: Liars, because with their lies they deceive you from the right path. Sinners because their friendship is not dependable.
Stingy people because at the time of need and difficulty these people will not be your friends. Foolish people because they may try to do you good but will cause you harm due to their ignorance. Those people who have broken relationships with their family because these people have been cursed by Allah. It should not be forgotten that making friends is not enough, but it is also important to keep the friendship. This is only possible if we treat our friends like we would want them to treat us.
Imam Ali (A) has said: "A man who has no friends is poor, but poorer than him, is he who can not keep the friendship and loses his friend.
Stingy people because at the time of need and difficulty these people will not be your friends. Foolish people because they may try to do you good but will cause you harm due to their ignorance. Those people who have broken relationships with their family because these people have been cursed by Allah. It should not be forgotten that making friends is not enough, but it is also important to keep the friendship. This is only possible if we treat our friends like we would want them to treat us.
Imam Ali (A) has said: "A man who has no friends is poor, but poorer than him, is he who can not keep the friendship and loses his friend.
Allah says In the Holy Qur'an, Sura An-Najm verses 39-41 "And that there is nothing for man except what he tried, And that his efforts shall soon be seen, Then shall he be rewarded to the fullest measure" (53:39-41)
The above ayat tells us that we will not get anything unless we try to get it. Constant effort is the key to success. If at first you do not succeed then try and try again until you do. You should never give up. And if for some reason you do not succeed even after trying again and again remember you will have earned the thawaab for all your effort - as Allah has promised in the Holy Qur'an in the verse written above.
Amir Timur was a great Mongolian king, who was well known for his bravery. He had conquered nearly half of the world known at that time. He said his success was all due to an ant, who had taught him never to give up.
Once long ago before he had become such a great warrior he was fighting a battle and was losing. He decided to run away and hide himself in the mountains. Here he sat quietly, when he noticed an ant working. The ant was carrying a grain of rice much bigger than itself. With this grain the ant was trying to climb a wall. The grain fell, and the ant came down for the grain once again.
Again the grain fell and again the ant went down to get it. The ant tried and tried again never giving up. The King counted that the ant tried 33 times until it finally succeeded in taking the grain up the wall. Seeing the effort that the ant put into getting what it wanted the king went about collecting his run-away soldiers and rebuilt his army. After this event with the ant the king never gave up in any battle and became a great warrior.
Amir Timur was a great Mongolian king, who was well known for his bravery. He had conquered nearly half of the world known at that time. He said his success was all due to an ant, who had taught him never to give up.
Once long ago before he had become such a great warrior he was fighting a battle and was losing. He decided to run away and hide himself in the mountains. Here he sat quietly, when he noticed an ant working. The ant was carrying a grain of rice much bigger than itself. With this grain the ant was trying to climb a wall. The grain fell, and the ant came down for the grain once again.
Again the grain fell and again the ant went down to get it. The ant tried and tried again never giving up. The King counted that the ant tried 33 times until it finally succeeded in taking the grain up the wall. Seeing the effort that the ant put into getting what it wanted the king went about collecting his run-away soldiers and rebuilt his army. After this event with the ant the king never gave up in any battle and became a great warrior.
Moral: To succeed in anything you have to try and try again.
LEARN TO RESPECT OTHERS | for everyone |
Allah says in the Holy Qur'an in Sura Al-Hujurat verse 11: "O you who believe, let not (a group of) people laugh at another (to scorn) who may be better than they are…"
The Holy Prophet (S) has said :
" Do not despise and belittle any Muslim, because a Muslim how ever small he may be, is great in the eyes of Allah." (Anecdote from the life of the Holy Prophet (S)).
Islam teaches us that you should respect other people and not think you are better than them as only Allah can be the judge of that. One day when the Holy Prophet (S) was sitting alone in the mosque. A man approached him. The Holy Prophet (S) immediately moved aside. The man asked the Prophet (S) why he had moved aside when there was so much room for him to seat next to the Prophet (S) as the whole mosque was empty.
The Prophet (S) replied that a Muslim has a right on an other Muslim that when he wants to sit near him the first should move aside as a way of respect.
Next time you are at mosque saving that space for your friend and someone else wants to sit there, remember that that person has a right on you for you to move aside and make space for them.
All human-beings are equal.
No matter what colour you are.
No matter where you are from.
No matter how rich you are (how nice your clothes are).
No matter if you look different (defect in your body).
Each has the right of respect from the other.
The Prophet (S) replied that a Muslim has a right on an other Muslim that when he wants to sit near him the first should move aside as a way of respect.
Next time you are at mosque saving that space for your friend and someone else wants to sit there, remember that that person has a right on you for you to move aside and make space for them.
All human-beings are equal.
No matter what colour you are.
No matter where you are from.
No matter how rich you are (how nice your clothes are).
No matter if you look different (defect in your body).
Each has the right of respect from the other.
The Holy Prophet (S) has said :
" Do not despise and belittle any Muslim, because a Muslim how ever small he may be, is great in the eyes of Allah." (Anecdote from the life of the Holy Prophet (S)).
ALLAH (S.T.) IS THE ONLY JUDGE...... | for everyone |
Allah is the only judge as He sees everything and is aware of everything. We have no right to judge other people whether these people are Muslims or not.
Imam Zainul 'Abideen (A) said: You should think more of a person younger than you as he has had less time to do bad deeds.
You should think more of a person older than you as he has had more time to do good deeds.
You should think more of a person the same age as you because you do not know what he has done but you know exactly what good and bad you have done. The above saying teaches us that we should always think the best of others. Prophet Ibrahim (A) was very fond of guests. He knew how much thawaab one gets for looking after a guest. He liked to invite travellers to his house for food and a bed to sleep in.
Every morning Prophet Ibrahim (A) stood by the main road near his house and waited for travellers to pass so that he could invite them to his house. Once it so happened that no traveller passed on that road for three days. This made Prophet Ibrahim (A) very sad indeed. Then on the fourth day an old man passed along that road. Prophet Ibrahim (A) was very happy and invited the man to come to his house for some food. The old man agreed.
When they sat down to eat, Prophet Ibrahim (A) said "Bismillah" before starting to eat but the old man did not say anything. Prophet Ibrahim (A) asked the old man why he did not begin in the name of Allah, as it was Allah who had provided this food for them. The old man replied that he did not believe in Allah, instead he worshipped fire. Prophet Ibrahim (A) was very angry and asked the old man to leave his house at once. As soon as the old man had gone the angel Jibrael came to Prophet Ibrahim (A) from Allah and told him that Allah had been feeding this unbelieving old man for 70 years.
Could Prophet Ibrahim (A) not tolerate him for just one meal? Prophet Ibrahim (A) was very sorry and ran after the old man and persuaded him to return to his house so that they may eat together. Moral:
Do not judge anyone - only Allah can do that. Everyone has rights whether they be Muslims or non Muslims Allah loves for you to take care of guests.
You should think more of a person older than you as he has had more time to do good deeds.
You should think more of a person the same age as you because you do not know what he has done but you know exactly what good and bad you have done. The above saying teaches us that we should always think the best of others. Prophet Ibrahim (A) was very fond of guests. He knew how much thawaab one gets for looking after a guest. He liked to invite travellers to his house for food and a bed to sleep in.
Every morning Prophet Ibrahim (A) stood by the main road near his house and waited for travellers to pass so that he could invite them to his house. Once it so happened that no traveller passed on that road for three days. This made Prophet Ibrahim (A) very sad indeed. Then on the fourth day an old man passed along that road. Prophet Ibrahim (A) was very happy and invited the man to come to his house for some food. The old man agreed.
When they sat down to eat, Prophet Ibrahim (A) said "Bismillah" before starting to eat but the old man did not say anything. Prophet Ibrahim (A) asked the old man why he did not begin in the name of Allah, as it was Allah who had provided this food for them. The old man replied that he did not believe in Allah, instead he worshipped fire. Prophet Ibrahim (A) was very angry and asked the old man to leave his house at once. As soon as the old man had gone the angel Jibrael came to Prophet Ibrahim (A) from Allah and told him that Allah had been feeding this unbelieving old man for 70 years.
Could Prophet Ibrahim (A) not tolerate him for just one meal? Prophet Ibrahim (A) was very sorry and ran after the old man and persuaded him to return to his house so that they may eat together. Moral:
Do not judge anyone - only Allah can do that. Everyone has rights whether they be Muslims or non Muslims Allah loves for you to take care of guests.
Your actions should be for the sake of Allah only. Only then will you get the result you deserve.
In the time of Prophet Musa (A) there lived a pious man, who used to remember Allah day and night. One day this man heard about a tree which was being worshipped by some people. This news made him so angry that he went to find the tree and chop it down.
As the man reached the tree Shaitan appeared in front of the man disguised as an old man. Shaitan asked the old man what he was going to do. The old man said that this tree was being worshipped by some people, so he was going to chop it down. Shaitan asked the old man that if Allah wanted the tree to be chopped, would He not have sent a Prophet to do it. The pious man did not listen.
They began to argue and shout at each other until finally they began fighting. The pious man managed to knock Shaitan down on to the floor and sat on him. Shaitan begged him to let him go and told him that he had thought of a solution which would help the man in this world and the next. The man listened.
Shaitan continued that he would pay the man 2 Dinars everyday, of which the man could partly spend on himself and partly on the poor. In exchange the man should leave the tree uncut till Allah commanded whether it was right or wrong to cut it. The pious man was misled by Shaitan. He thought the suggestion was a good one and agreed.
The next day when the pious man woke up he found 2 Dinars under his pillow. He was delighted and spent some on himself and some on the poor. But the following day there was no money to be found. This made him very angry, so he again took his axe and went to cut the tree. On reaching the tree he again met Shaytan disguised as an old man, who asked him what he had come to do. The pious man replied that he had come to chop down the tree. To which Shaitan answered that he had no power to do this and it was better for him to go back home.
They again fought but this time Shaitan succeeded in overpowering the pious man and knocked him down. The pious man was very surprised and asked Shaitan why it was that last time they fought he managed to overpower him but this time he could not. Shaitan replied that it was because the first time they fought the man had come for the sake of Allah only, but the second time the man had come for the sake of money.
As the man reached the tree Shaitan appeared in front of the man disguised as an old man. Shaitan asked the old man what he was going to do. The old man said that this tree was being worshipped by some people, so he was going to chop it down. Shaitan asked the old man that if Allah wanted the tree to be chopped, would He not have sent a Prophet to do it. The pious man did not listen.
They began to argue and shout at each other until finally they began fighting. The pious man managed to knock Shaitan down on to the floor and sat on him. Shaitan begged him to let him go and told him that he had thought of a solution which would help the man in this world and the next. The man listened.
Shaitan continued that he would pay the man 2 Dinars everyday, of which the man could partly spend on himself and partly on the poor. In exchange the man should leave the tree uncut till Allah commanded whether it was right or wrong to cut it. The pious man was misled by Shaitan. He thought the suggestion was a good one and agreed.
The next day when the pious man woke up he found 2 Dinars under his pillow. He was delighted and spent some on himself and some on the poor. But the following day there was no money to be found. This made him very angry, so he again took his axe and went to cut the tree. On reaching the tree he again met Shaytan disguised as an old man, who asked him what he had come to do. The pious man replied that he had come to chop down the tree. To which Shaitan answered that he had no power to do this and it was better for him to go back home.
They again fought but this time Shaitan succeeded in overpowering the pious man and knocked him down. The pious man was very surprised and asked Shaitan why it was that last time they fought he managed to overpower him but this time he could not. Shaitan replied that it was because the first time they fought the man had come for the sake of Allah only, but the second time the man had come for the sake of money.
Moral: If you do something for the sake of Allah only, then Allah will give you special strength to carry it out. (Anecdote from the life of Imam Ali (A))
The first impression of a book is by it's cover, then the person reads it and makes his final and lasting impression of the book. In this same way people's first impression of you will be on your appearance but their final and lasting impression about you will be on what you say. Prophet Isa (A) has said that you should think of your words like gold and find the right time to say what need be, as you would find the right thing to spend your gold on.
So think before you open your mouth and do not let the words pour out uselessly leaving a bad and lasting impression of yourself. Imam Husain (A) has said that you should never begin a conversation without first saying Salaam to the person. After Salaam speak what is useful, what is truthful and what is not harmful to anyone. Do not slander or back-bite anyone, do not even listen to others doing it. Do not hurt anyone's feelings even jokingly.
Never use bad language. Think before you speak, that if our 12th Imam (A) was standing next to you, would you still say what you are going to say. If you are not sure whether you should say what you are about to say, then better you do not.
So think before you open your mouth and do not let the words pour out uselessly leaving a bad and lasting impression of yourself. Imam Husain (A) has said that you should never begin a conversation without first saying Salaam to the person. After Salaam speak what is useful, what is truthful and what is not harmful to anyone. Do not slander or back-bite anyone, do not even listen to others doing it. Do not hurt anyone's feelings even jokingly.
Never use bad language. Think before you speak, that if our 12th Imam (A) was standing next to you, would you still say what you are going to say. If you are not sure whether you should say what you are about to say, then better you do not.
WHEN DRINKING WATER..... | for everyone |
When drinking do not gulp it down at once, but sip it in three parts, starting the drinking with: and stopping the drinking with : Say 'Bismillah' drink, stop, say 'Alhamdulillah', Say 'Bismillah' drink, stop, say 'Alhamdulillah', Say 'Bismillah' drink, stop, say 'Alhamdulillah'.
When drinking water remember Imam Husain (A) and his family, and their thirst in Kerbala. When you finished drinking, ask Allah to send His blessings on Imam Husain (A), his family and companions, and curse on his murderers and enemies.
Try not to drink from a glass that has a crack. If you do, do not drink from the side that has the crack, nor should you drink from the handle side. During the day drink standing up and at night drink sitting down. Do not drink too much.
Nothing is better to drink than water. All creatures of Allah drink water to survive. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an in Sura Al-Anbiya, verse 30: "We made every living thing from water."
Nothing is better to drink than water. All creatures of Allah drink water to survive. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an in Sura Al-Anbiya, verse 30: "We made every living thing from water."
ON HAVING GOOD AKHLAQ | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet (S) has said:
"I have been sent by Allah to teach people good manners" The above hadith shows us how important good Akhlaq (manners) is considered in Islam. A person once came to the Holy Prophet (S) and said that there was a woman who observed fast during daytime and spent her nights in prayers, but she was ill-mannered and hurt her neighbours with her tongue.
The Holy Prophet (S) said that the old woman was worthless and that she would be one of the inmates of hell The above incident tells us that your good deeds do not count for much if your Akhlaq is bad.
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (A) has said that someone with good Akhlaq gets the same thawaab as someone who fast during daytime and pray at night. The Holy Prophet (S) and our Holy Imams (A) managed to convert a lot of people to Muslims through their good Akhlaq.
"I have been sent by Allah to teach people good manners" The above hadith shows us how important good Akhlaq (manners) is considered in Islam. A person once came to the Holy Prophet (S) and said that there was a woman who observed fast during daytime and spent her nights in prayers, but she was ill-mannered and hurt her neighbours with her tongue.
The Holy Prophet (S) said that the old woman was worthless and that she would be one of the inmates of hell The above incident tells us that your good deeds do not count for much if your Akhlaq is bad.
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (A) has said that someone with good Akhlaq gets the same thawaab as someone who fast during daytime and pray at night. The Holy Prophet (S) and our Holy Imams (A) managed to convert a lot of people to Muslims through their good Akhlaq.
Remember that when you are behaving badly out in public, people will not say look at that boy/girl behaving badly. People will say look at that Muslim behaving badly. You are therefore not only letting yourself and your parents down but also Islam. Our 12th Imam has left all of us as the caretakers of Islam!
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave. | Dearborn | MI | 48126

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Imam Baqir (a.s) quoted on the authority of the Prophet (a.s): "I am amazed by a believer. God the Almighty does not destine anything for him unless there is some benefit in it for him. He should be patient if he is suffering from a calamity, and he should be grateful if he is granted something."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) was asked: "Who is the dearest creature to God?" He replied: "Whoever is patient whenever a calamity befalls him, and is grateful whenever he is granted something."
Imam Baqir (a.s) quoted on the authority of God's Prophet (a.s): "God the Almighty said: "The dearest one to me is one who lives a simple life (is not attached to worldly life); benefits from prayers and worships God in private lives among the people (and is not famous); is patient with a low amount of divinely-destined daily bread; and dies with few inheritors, and a few people to cry over his death."
Imam Baqir (a.s) said: Whoever is patient when a calamity befalls him and declares that there is no return except to God, and is content with divine orders, will receive divine rewards. Whoever does not do so will also be subject to divine orders, but he is blameworthy and God will cancel his reward."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) was asked: "Who is the dearest creature to God?" He replied: "Whoever is patient whenever a calamity befalls him, and is grateful whenever he is granted something."
Imam Baqir (a.s) quoted on the authority of God's Prophet (a.s): "God the Almighty said: "The dearest one to me is one who lives a simple life (is not attached to worldly life); benefits from prayers and worships God in private lives among the people (and is not famous); is patient with a low amount of divinely-destined daily bread; and dies with few inheritors, and a few people to cry over his death."
Imam Baqir (a.s) said: Whoever is patient when a calamity befalls him and declares that there is no return except to God, and is content with divine orders, will receive divine rewards. Whoever does not do so will also be subject to divine orders, but he is blameworthy and God will cancel his reward."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "A believer's nature is to be patient in the face of hardships."
Jabir narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "The Prophet (a.s) did not let Khadijeh cry over the death of their son Tahir.
Khadijed agreed, but said that she cried because she had milk. The Prophet (a.s) said: "Don't you want to see him standing at the gate of Heaven, waiting to take your hand when he sees you, and take you to the last spot in the Heaven? "She replied positively. Then the Prophet (a.s) said: "God is nobler and more honorable than to punish someone if He has taken away a loved one and he/she has been patient praising God."
Jabir narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "The Prophet (a.s) did not let Khadijeh cry over the death of their son Tahir.
Khadijed agreed, but said that she cried because she had milk. The Prophet (a.s) said: "Don't you want to see him standing at the gate of Heaven, waiting to take your hand when he sees you, and take you to the last spot in the Heaven? "She replied positively. Then the Prophet (a.s) said: "God is nobler and more honorable than to punish someone if He has taken away a loved one and he/she has been patient praising God."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "A child given in the way of God is better than seventy children who remain after one's death who all riding on their horses and going to participate in a holy war."
Al-Halabi narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God revealed to David (a.s) that his partner in Heaven will be Khaladeh, the daughter of Aus. He ordered him to go to her and tell her that she would be his spouse in the Hereafter. The Blessed David (a.s) went to her house, knocked at the door, and Khaladeh came to the door. He asked her if she was Khaladeh, the daughter of Aus. She said: "O, Prophet of God! I am not the friend you are looking for." Then David asked her if she was Khaladeh, the daughter of Aus again. She replied positively. Then he told her that she was the right person. She said: "O' Prophet of God! There may be some similarity in name."
The Blessed David said: "No, I am not a liar, and have been told the truth. You are the same person that I have been informed about." She said: "O' Prophet of God! I am not saying that you lie, but by God I do not see in myself what you are describing me as." Then the Prophet David (a.s) asked her to tell him about her good characteristics. She said: "Now I will tell you about myself. I am patient with whatever happens to me, be it hunger, illness or whatever other calamity.
I have never asked God to remove hardship from me until He himself returns my health, and removes my hardships, and I have never asked for anything in return, and I have always praised God." Then the Prophet David (a.s) said: "It is due to these characteristics that you have reached this position."" Imam Sadiq (a.s) then continued: "By God this religion is the one that God has established for His chosen servants."
In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Be patient with (the jealous people) who are envious of what God has bestowed upon you, since you cannot punish those who, due to their jealousy, have disobeyed God. It is better that you obey God (and be patient with the jealous ones)."
Al-Halabi narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God revealed to David (a.s) that his partner in Heaven will be Khaladeh, the daughter of Aus. He ordered him to go to her and tell her that she would be his spouse in the Hereafter. The Blessed David (a.s) went to her house, knocked at the door, and Khaladeh came to the door. He asked her if she was Khaladeh, the daughter of Aus. She said: "O, Prophet of God! I am not the friend you are looking for." Then David asked her if she was Khaladeh, the daughter of Aus again. She replied positively. Then he told her that she was the right person. She said: "O' Prophet of God! There may be some similarity in name."
The Blessed David said: "No, I am not a liar, and have been told the truth. You are the same person that I have been informed about." She said: "O' Prophet of God! I am not saying that you lie, but by God I do not see in myself what you are describing me as." Then the Prophet David (a.s) asked her to tell him about her good characteristics. She said: "Now I will tell you about myself. I am patient with whatever happens to me, be it hunger, illness or whatever other calamity.
I have never asked God to remove hardship from me until He himself returns my health, and removes my hardships, and I have never asked for anything in return, and I have always praised God." Then the Prophet David (a.s) said: "It is due to these characteristics that you have reached this position."" Imam Sadiq (a.s) then continued: "By God this religion is the one that God has established for His chosen servants."
In Rauzat al-Vaezeen it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "Be patient with (the jealous people) who are envious of what God has bestowed upon you, since you cannot punish those who, due to their jealousy, have disobeyed God. It is better that you obey God (and be patient with the jealous ones)."
Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "There are two forms of patience: patience with what you dislike, and patience with what you like. The relationship between patience and faith is similar to that of the head and the body - that is a body is no good without a head, and faith is no good without patience."
Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "There are three forms of patience: being patient when obeying God; being patient during times of calamities, and being patient when faced with sin."
Imam Baqir (a.s) quoted on the authority of God's Prophet (a.s): "When God the Almighty sent Adam (a.s) from Heaven down to Earth, He ordered him to cultivate the Earth and eat the products of his manual labour. Adam (a.s) was wandering around and cried for two hundred years for being thrown out of Heaven.
Then he prostrated to God, and stayed in prostration for three days and nights. Then he said: "O' God! Did You not create me with your own hands?" God replied: "Yes, but were you grateful and patient?" Adam said: "There is no God but You. I oppressed myself. Forgive me since You are the Merciful, the Benevolent." God the Almighty had mercy upon him for crying and accepted his repentance and forgave him. God is kind and accepts repentance."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "People were instructed to do two things, but they ignored both things and thus they lost everything. These two things were having patience and being faithful in keeping secrets."
Hafs ibn Ghyas narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) told him: "O' Hafs! Whoever is patient, will be patient for a little while, and whoever is impatient is impatient for a little while (implying that both are transient)."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "I instruct you to be patient. God the Almighty appointed Muhammad (a.s), and ordered him to be patient. He said: "And have patience with what they said, and leave them with noble (dignity). And leave Me (alone to deal) with those in possession of the good things of life" (The Holy Quran: Muzzammil 73:10-11)
God the Almighty also said:
"Repel (Evil) with what is better: then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate! And no one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint, none but persons of the greatest good fortune." (The Holy Quran: Fussilat 41:34-35)
God's Prophet (a.s) was patient even though they made great accusations1 against himed him of being a magician, being mad or being a liar. Then God the Almighty revealed the following verse:
"We do indeed know how thy heart is distressed at what they say. But celebrate the praises of thy Lord, and be of those who prostrate themselves in adoration." (The Holy Quran: Hijr 15:97-98)
Then they rejected the Prophet (a.s) and he got sad. Thus God revealed the following verse:
"We know indeed the grief which their words do cause thee; it is not thee they reject; it is the signs of God, which the wicked contemn. Rejected were the Apostles before thee: with patience and constancy they bore their rejection and their wrongs, until Our aid did reach them." (The Holy Quran: Anam 6:33-34)
Again the Prophet (a.s) was patient, but they did not stop there. And when he mentioned God's name they rejected God, too. The Prophet (a.s) said: "I was patient with them when they rejected me and my family, but I cannot withstand their rejection of my Lord. Then God revealed the following verse: "We created the heavens and the earth and all between them in Six days, nor did any sense of weariness touch us. Bear, then with patience, all that they say." (The Holy Quran: Qaf 50:38-39)
Then the Prophet (a.s) was patient in all situations. And he was informed about the Prophets being patient. God the Almighty said: "And We appointed from among them, Leaders, giving guidance under Our command, so long as they persevered with patience and continued to have faith in Our signs."
(The Holy Quran: Sajdah 32:24) Then the Prophet (a.s) said: "The relationship between patience and faith is similar to that of the head and the body." God admired him and sent the following: "The fair promise of thy Lord was fulfilled for the children of Israel, because they had patience and constancy, and we leveled to the ground the great works and fine buildings which Pharaoh and his people erected (with such pride)." (The Holy Quran: A'raf 7:137) Then he said this is an admonition and a reward. Then God revealed the following verse and allowed slaying the Pagans:
"Then fight, and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them. And seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them." (The Holy Quran: Tauba 9:5) Then God damned them via the Prophet (a.s) and his friends, and set this as a divine reward for his patience in addition to his heavenly reward. Thus whoever is patient and asks God to get near to Him will not die before he gets pleased by seeing what happens to his enemies. And he will also receive rewards in the Hereafter."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "When a believer is placed in his grave, his prayers enter from the right side, his alms enter from the left side and his good deeds make a shadow over him. His patience enters and asks his prayers, his alms and his good deeds to help the believer when the angel comes to ask questions, and says it will also help when needed."
Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "There are two types of patience: patience in the face of calamities which is good, and patience in abstaining from what is forbidden, which is the best form of patience."
Jabir narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "It is more manly to be patient during times of poverty, need, abstinence, and affluence than to give charity."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: 'Be patient at times of calamities' regarding God's statement: "O' ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy." (The Holy Quran: Al-i-Imran 3:200).
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God the Almighty granted some blessings to a nation. That nation did not thank God for these blessings. The blessings turned into trouble for them. God brought some calamities upon another nation. They were patient, therefore those calamities were converted into blessings for them."
Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "There are three forms of patience: being patient when obeying God; being patient during times of calamities, and being patient when faced with sin."
Imam Baqir (a.s) quoted on the authority of God's Prophet (a.s): "When God the Almighty sent Adam (a.s) from Heaven down to Earth, He ordered him to cultivate the Earth and eat the products of his manual labour. Adam (a.s) was wandering around and cried for two hundred years for being thrown out of Heaven.
Then he prostrated to God, and stayed in prostration for three days and nights. Then he said: "O' God! Did You not create me with your own hands?" God replied: "Yes, but were you grateful and patient?" Adam said: "There is no God but You. I oppressed myself. Forgive me since You are the Merciful, the Benevolent." God the Almighty had mercy upon him for crying and accepted his repentance and forgave him. God is kind and accepts repentance."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "People were instructed to do two things, but they ignored both things and thus they lost everything. These two things were having patience and being faithful in keeping secrets."
Hafs ibn Ghyas narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) told him: "O' Hafs! Whoever is patient, will be patient for a little while, and whoever is impatient is impatient for a little while (implying that both are transient)."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "I instruct you to be patient. God the Almighty appointed Muhammad (a.s), and ordered him to be patient. He said: "And have patience with what they said, and leave them with noble (dignity). And leave Me (alone to deal) with those in possession of the good things of life" (The Holy Quran: Muzzammil 73:10-11)
God the Almighty also said:
"Repel (Evil) with what is better: then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate! And no one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint, none but persons of the greatest good fortune." (The Holy Quran: Fussilat 41:34-35)
God's Prophet (a.s) was patient even though they made great accusations1 against himed him of being a magician, being mad or being a liar. Then God the Almighty revealed the following verse:
"We do indeed know how thy heart is distressed at what they say. But celebrate the praises of thy Lord, and be of those who prostrate themselves in adoration." (The Holy Quran: Hijr 15:97-98)
Then they rejected the Prophet (a.s) and he got sad. Thus God revealed the following verse:
"We know indeed the grief which their words do cause thee; it is not thee they reject; it is the signs of God, which the wicked contemn. Rejected were the Apostles before thee: with patience and constancy they bore their rejection and their wrongs, until Our aid did reach them." (The Holy Quran: Anam 6:33-34)
Again the Prophet (a.s) was patient, but they did not stop there. And when he mentioned God's name they rejected God, too. The Prophet (a.s) said: "I was patient with them when they rejected me and my family, but I cannot withstand their rejection of my Lord. Then God revealed the following verse: "We created the heavens and the earth and all between them in Six days, nor did any sense of weariness touch us. Bear, then with patience, all that they say." (The Holy Quran: Qaf 50:38-39)
Then the Prophet (a.s) was patient in all situations. And he was informed about the Prophets being patient. God the Almighty said: "And We appointed from among them, Leaders, giving guidance under Our command, so long as they persevered with patience and continued to have faith in Our signs."
(The Holy Quran: Sajdah 32:24) Then the Prophet (a.s) said: "The relationship between patience and faith is similar to that of the head and the body." God admired him and sent the following: "The fair promise of thy Lord was fulfilled for the children of Israel, because they had patience and constancy, and we leveled to the ground the great works and fine buildings which Pharaoh and his people erected (with such pride)." (The Holy Quran: A'raf 7:137) Then he said this is an admonition and a reward. Then God revealed the following verse and allowed slaying the Pagans:
"Then fight, and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them. And seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them." (The Holy Quran: Tauba 9:5) Then God damned them via the Prophet (a.s) and his friends, and set this as a divine reward for his patience in addition to his heavenly reward. Thus whoever is patient and asks God to get near to Him will not die before he gets pleased by seeing what happens to his enemies. And he will also receive rewards in the Hereafter."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "When a believer is placed in his grave, his prayers enter from the right side, his alms enter from the left side and his good deeds make a shadow over him. His patience enters and asks his prayers, his alms and his good deeds to help the believer when the angel comes to ask questions, and says it will also help when needed."
Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "There are two types of patience: patience in the face of calamities which is good, and patience in abstaining from what is forbidden, which is the best form of patience."
Jabir narrated that Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "It is more manly to be patient during times of poverty, need, abstinence, and affluence than to give charity."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: 'Be patient at times of calamities' regarding God's statement: "O' ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy." (The Holy Quran: Al-i-Imran 3:200).
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "God the Almighty granted some blessings to a nation. That nation did not thank God for these blessings. The blessings turned into trouble for them. God brought some calamities upon another nation. They were patient, therefore those calamities were converted into blessings for them."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "There is a rank in heaven which a believer cannot reach unless he suffers some physical calamities."
Abu Basir said that he told Imam Sadiq (a.s): "I have been told that God will not take away anyone's eyesight unless He grants him a reward in Heaven." Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "There is some thing there (in Heaven) that is even better." Abu Basir asked: "What is it?" The Imam (a.s) replied: "It is seeing God's face."
From : Mishkat ul-Anwar fi Ghurar al-Akhbar
If people try to help you get what God has not destined for you, they will not succeed in doing so. If you can be patient and have certitude, then do so. If not, just be patient, as there is much benefit in being patient regarding what is very difficult for you. Know that victory is associated with patience, and relief is associated with suffering hardships. There always comes relief after suffering hardships.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Patience is the upper-most part of faith.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Patience is the upper-most part of faith.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “The relationship between patience and faith is similar to that of head and body. If there is no head, there cannot be any body. So if there is no patience, there cannot be any faith.”
Hafs ibn Ghyas narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “O' Hafs! Whoever is patient has been patient for a little bit, and whoever is impatient has been impatient for a little bit.
Then he added: "Make sure that you are patient in all affairs, since when God appointed Muhammad to Prophethood, He ordered him to be patient, and said: "And have patience with what they say, and leave them with noble (dignity). And leave Me (alone to deal with) those in possession of the good things of life who (yet) deny the Truth." (The Holy Quran: Muzzammil 73:10-11)
And God the Almighty the High said: "Repel (Evil) with what is better: then will he, between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate! And no one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint, none but persons of the greatest good fortune." (The Holy Quran: Ha-Mim 41:34-35) The Prophet (a.s) was patient even though they made great accusations against him (such as being mad, a magician, a liar)."
Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "Daily bread is threatened by foolishness, deprivation is cured by intelligence, and calamities require certitude and patience."
Mehran said that he wrote a letter to Imam Kazim (a.s) and complained about having a lot of doubts and being in a bad state of affairs. The Imam (a.s) replied: "Be patient until you are rewarded by God, since if you are not patient, you will not get any divine rewards and cannot prevent divine destiny either."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "A free man remains free under all circumstances. He will be patient if he suffers from a calamity. He will not break down if he is stormed with catastrophes, even if he is captured in war, or is hurt and his comfort turns into hardship. An example is the Prophet Joseph (a.s), who was deported, imprisoned and hurt, but his freedom was not affected in the least bit.
Hafs ibn Ghyas narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “O' Hafs! Whoever is patient has been patient for a little bit, and whoever is impatient has been impatient for a little bit.
Then he added: "Make sure that you are patient in all affairs, since when God appointed Muhammad to Prophethood, He ordered him to be patient, and said: "And have patience with what they say, and leave them with noble (dignity). And leave Me (alone to deal with) those in possession of the good things of life who (yet) deny the Truth." (The Holy Quran: Muzzammil 73:10-11)
And God the Almighty the High said: "Repel (Evil) with what is better: then will he, between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate! And no one will be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint, none but persons of the greatest good fortune." (The Holy Quran: Ha-Mim 41:34-35) The Prophet (a.s) was patient even though they made great accusations against him (such as being mad, a magician, a liar)."
Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "Daily bread is threatened by foolishness, deprivation is cured by intelligence, and calamities require certitude and patience."
Mehran said that he wrote a letter to Imam Kazim (a.s) and complained about having a lot of doubts and being in a bad state of affairs. The Imam (a.s) replied: "Be patient until you are rewarded by God, since if you are not patient, you will not get any divine rewards and cannot prevent divine destiny either."
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: "A free man remains free under all circumstances. He will be patient if he suffers from a calamity. He will not break down if he is stormed with catastrophes, even if he is captured in war, or is hurt and his comfort turns into hardship. An example is the Prophet Joseph (a.s), who was deported, imprisoned and hurt, but his freedom was not affected in the least bit.
The darkness of the well (in which he was left by his brothers), and whatever else that happened to him did not hurt him at all. Then God honored him and turned the tables around. He made the oppressor who ruled over him his servant. He appointed Joseph to be His Prophet, and brought His Mercy upon a nation through him. This is an example of practicing the art of patience well. You should be patient, too. You will be victorious. Remain patient until you get divine rewards."
Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "There are two types of patience. Patience with calamities is good, but patience with what God has forbidden is even better."
Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "When the time came for my father to pass away, he hugged me and said: "O' my dear son! I advise you to do what my father advised me to do at the time of his death and what his father had advised likewise. My son! Be patient with the truth, even if it is bitter."
Ameer al-Momineen (a.s) said: "There are two types of patience. Patience with calamities is good, but patience with what God has forbidden is even better."
Imam Baqir (a.s) said: "When the time came for my father to pass away, he hugged me and said: "O' my dear son! I advise you to do what my father advised me to do at the time of his death and what his father had advised likewise. My son! Be patient with the truth, even if it is bitter."
HADEES OF IMAM JA'FAR-as-SADIQ (A.S.) | for everyone |
Imam Sadiq (a.s) quoted on the authority of the Prophet of God (a.s): “There shall come a time when people cannot get into power except by being jealous and seizure of people's property; cannot become popular except by abandoning religion and following their selfish desires. God will reward anyone who lives in that time; and is patient with poverty although he can acquire wealth; and is patient with baseness although he can attain glory. His reward will be equal to the reward of fifty believers who have acknowledged Me.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “God the Almighty sent a Prophet to a nation and asked him to fight with them. The Prophet complained to God about being weak. God the Almighty said: “Either choose to fight, or go to hell with them.” That Prophet (a.s) said: “O' my Lord! I cannot withstand the Fire.” Then God revealed to him that he would become victorious during that same year.
Then that Prophet told his followers that God had ordered them to go to war, and he has said they are weak. But God has said either to fight or go to Hell. He told his followers to choose between fighting and going to Hell. They said that they could not withstand the Fire. Then he told them that God had revealed to him that they would be victorious during that same year.
They said they would do whatever he ordered them to do.” Then Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “God appointed another Prophet and ordered him to go fight a nation. He complained of his weakness, and God the Almighty revealed to him that they would be victorious after fifteen years. When he told his followers about this, they said: “There is no strength nor power but in, or by means of, God the High, the Great.”
He then told them that God has revealed to him that they will be victorious after fifteen years. They said: “Whatever God decides. There is no strength nor power but in, or by means of, God the High, the Great.” Since they entrusted their affairs to God, God made them victorious that same year.”
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “God the Almighty sent a Prophet to a nation and asked him to fight with them. The Prophet complained to God about being weak. God the Almighty said: “Either choose to fight, or go to hell with them.” That Prophet (a.s) said: “O' my Lord! I cannot withstand the Fire.” Then God revealed to him that he would become victorious during that same year.
Then that Prophet told his followers that God had ordered them to go to war, and he has said they are weak. But God has said either to fight or go to Hell. He told his followers to choose between fighting and going to Hell. They said that they could not withstand the Fire. Then he told them that God had revealed to him that they would be victorious during that same year.
They said they would do whatever he ordered them to do.” Then Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “God appointed another Prophet and ordered him to go fight a nation. He complained of his weakness, and God the Almighty revealed to him that they would be victorious after fifteen years. When he told his followers about this, they said: “There is no strength nor power but in, or by means of, God the High, the Great.”
He then told them that God has revealed to him that they will be victorious after fifteen years. They said: “Whatever God decides. There is no strength nor power but in, or by means of, God the High, the Great.” Since they entrusted their affairs to God, God made them victorious that same year.”
Imam Reza (a.s) quoted upon the authority of his noble father: “My father, Imam Sadiq (a.s), ordered me to go to Mafzal ibn-i-Amr, and express condolences upon the death of Ismail. He said: “Send my greetings to Mafzal and tell him that we were patient with Ismail, so you should be patient as we were. Indeed whenever we will something and God wills otherwise, we submit to God's will.
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “One of the signs of reliance is not to fear anyone but God.”
In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Patience is due to certitude.”
Abdullah ibn-i-Abbas said: “God's Prophet rode on a mule that either Qaisar or Kasra I had donated to him. He grabbed its hair and helped me ride behind him and said: “Young fellow, remember God, so that He protects you. Remember God so that you will always see Him. Remember God whenever you are about to err so that He helps you during times of hardship.
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “One of the signs of reliance is not to fear anyone but God.”
In Al-Mahasin it is narrated that Imam Sadiq (a.s) said: “Patience is due to certitude.”
Abdullah ibn-i-Abbas said: “God's Prophet rode on a mule that either Qaisar or Kasra I had donated to him. He grabbed its hair and helped me ride behind him and said: “Young fellow, remember God, so that He protects you. Remember God so that you will always see Him. Remember God whenever you are about to err so that He helps you during times of hardship.
Whenever you want to ask a question, ask it from God. Whenever you need help, ask God for help. Destiny has already specified what must take place.
Al-Imam Musa b. Jafar Al-Kazem (s) narrated from his respected father from their respect worthy grandfather Ali b. Al-Husayn (s) from his respected father that one day while Amir al-Mo’menin Al-Imam Ali b. Abi Talib (s) was sitting in the mosque with some of his companions, Zaid b. Sohaan Abdi asked Imam Ali (s), who according to a saying of Holy Prophet (s) is Bab Madinatul Ilm (Gate of City of Knowledge), some question.
He asked: ‘O Amir al-Mo’menin (s)! Which king is strongest among all?
Amir al-Mo’menin (s) replied: Death.
Zaid asked: What is the most abject act?
He Replied: Gathering wealth greedily.
Zaid asked: Which poverty is hardest?
He Replied: Atheism after belief.
Zaid asked: Which invitation is most misleading?
He Replied: One who calls people to what he does not have himself.
Zaid asked: What is the best deed?
He Replied: Piety.
Zaid asked: Which deed is best for salvation?
He Replied: Requesting what is with Allah.
Zaid asked: Who is the worst friend?
He Replied: One who presents sins as beautiful acts.
Zaid asked: Who is the most wretched among people?
He Replied: One who sells his religion in return for the materialistic world of others.
Zaid asked: Who is the strongest among people?
He Replied: One whose patience is more.
Zaid asked: Who is the most miserly?
He Replied: One who earns money from an unlawful way.
Zaid asked: Who is the wisest among all?
He Replied: One who can find the path to guidance among all other paths and moves towards the right path.
Zaid asked: Who is best to be the judge among people?
He Replied: One who does not get angry.
Zaid asked: Who is most consistent on his word?
He Replied: One who is not deceived by other people because of himself and by the world by its wealth.
Zaid asked: Who is the most stupid?
He Replied: One who is deceived by this world while he notices the unstableness of this world.
Zaid asked: Who is the most regretful?
He Replied: One who banned everything for himself in this world and in the hereafter; indeed this is the biggest regret.
Zaid asked: Who is blind?
He Replied: One who has done nothing for Allah, but expects rewards.
Zaid asked: Which satisfaction is best?
He Replied: One who is satisfied with whatever Allah has given him.
Zaid asked: Which tragedy is hardest?
He Replied: Tragedy in religious matters.
Zaid asked: Which deed is the most preferred by Allah?
He Replied: Awaiting relief (Faraj).
Zaid asked: Who has a better status in the view of Allah?
He Replied: One who fears Him most and is most pious and ascetic.
Zaid asked: In the view of Allah, which word is the best?
He Replied: Remembrance of Allah and entreating from Him by prayer.
Zaid asked: Which word is the truest?
He Replied: Testifying that Allah is the only God.
Zaid asked: Which deed is greatest in the view of Allah?
He Replied: Submitting to him, piety, and fear of Allah.
Zaid asked: Who is the most truthful among people?
He Replied: One who tells the truth in the battlefield.
(Taken from the book “Mann La Yah-dor-hoo al-Faqih, vol. 4, p. 381)
He asked: ‘O Amir al-Mo’menin (s)! Which king is strongest among all?
Amir al-Mo’menin (s) replied: Death.
Zaid asked: What is the most abject act?
He Replied: Gathering wealth greedily.
Zaid asked: Which poverty is hardest?
He Replied: Atheism after belief.
Zaid asked: Which invitation is most misleading?
He Replied: One who calls people to what he does not have himself.
Zaid asked: What is the best deed?
He Replied: Piety.
Zaid asked: Which deed is best for salvation?
He Replied: Requesting what is with Allah.
Zaid asked: Who is the worst friend?
He Replied: One who presents sins as beautiful acts.
Zaid asked: Who is the most wretched among people?
He Replied: One who sells his religion in return for the materialistic world of others.
Zaid asked: Who is the strongest among people?
He Replied: One whose patience is more.
Zaid asked: Who is the most miserly?
He Replied: One who earns money from an unlawful way.
Zaid asked: Who is the wisest among all?
He Replied: One who can find the path to guidance among all other paths and moves towards the right path.
Zaid asked: Who is best to be the judge among people?
He Replied: One who does not get angry.
Zaid asked: Who is most consistent on his word?
He Replied: One who is not deceived by other people because of himself and by the world by its wealth.
Zaid asked: Who is the most stupid?
He Replied: One who is deceived by this world while he notices the unstableness of this world.
Zaid asked: Who is the most regretful?
He Replied: One who banned everything for himself in this world and in the hereafter; indeed this is the biggest regret.
Zaid asked: Who is blind?
He Replied: One who has done nothing for Allah, but expects rewards.
Zaid asked: Which satisfaction is best?
He Replied: One who is satisfied with whatever Allah has given him.
Zaid asked: Which tragedy is hardest?
He Replied: Tragedy in religious matters.
Zaid asked: Which deed is the most preferred by Allah?
He Replied: Awaiting relief (Faraj).
Zaid asked: Who has a better status in the view of Allah?
He Replied: One who fears Him most and is most pious and ascetic.
Zaid asked: In the view of Allah, which word is the best?
He Replied: Remembrance of Allah and entreating from Him by prayer.
Zaid asked: Which word is the truest?
He Replied: Testifying that Allah is the only God.
Zaid asked: Which deed is greatest in the view of Allah?
He Replied: Submitting to him, piety, and fear of Allah.
Zaid asked: Who is the most truthful among people?
He Replied: One who tells the truth in the battlefield.
(Taken from the book “Mann La Yah-dor-hoo al-Faqih, vol. 4, p. 381)
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