During the last moments of man's life, angles arrive and stand on his right side. Likewise the Satans (devils) also approach him and stand on the left side of the deathbed . The job of Satans is to deceive and betray, particularly at the time of death so that, if that person has any faith, it could be destroyed. The scale of man's luck or misfortune is his last word and deed. The way in which he passes his life is the same manner and the state in which he has died, will be his state when he will be made to rise in Qiyamat. His wish at the time of his death will be what it was during his life and so he will die with the same ambitions.
If in your heart there was an aspiration to see the charm of Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s.) you will be able to observe that beauty at the last moment. But if, God forbid your wish throughout your life was only the fulfilment of desire and passion then that lust of yours will become more intense at the time of death. But the one who had perfect faith is promised by God that He will protect him and Satan will not be able to gain control over him.
Allah confirms those who believe with the sure word in this world's life and in the hereafter ... (14:27)
When Abu Zakaria Razi was about to die, those sitting around him asked him to recite, Laa Ilaaha Illallaah (There is no God except Allah). He replied, "I will not recite it." Then he became unconscious. When he gained sense he said, "Just now a man had come to me who said, 'If you wish to be lucky and fortunate then say: Isa is the son of God. I said, 'I will not say.' After a number of requests and denials that fellow said, 'Okay then say: There is no God but Allah.' Yet I said, 'Since you are asking me to say so I will not.' Suddenly there appeared a weapon, which killed that fellow. Now I am conscious and am reciting the Kalimah (formula of faith)." Then he recited the two formula (Shahaadatain) and passed away from this world.
Verily, how Satan can subdue a man who had the belief that there is only one God at the time of his death? Of course the man who had been the follower of devil throughout his life will be a companion of devil on his deathbed also.
Allah confirms those who believe with the sure word in this world's life and in the hereafter ... (14:27)
When Abu Zakaria Razi was about to die, those sitting around him asked him to recite, Laa Ilaaha Illallaah (There is no God except Allah). He replied, "I will not recite it." Then he became unconscious. When he gained sense he said, "Just now a man had come to me who said, 'If you wish to be lucky and fortunate then say: Isa is the son of God. I said, 'I will not say.' After a number of requests and denials that fellow said, 'Okay then say: There is no God but Allah.' Yet I said, 'Since you are asking me to say so I will not.' Suddenly there appeared a weapon, which killed that fellow. Now I am conscious and am reciting the Kalimah (formula of faith)." Then he recited the two formula (Shahaadatain) and passed away from this world.
Verily, how Satan can subdue a man who had the belief that there is only one God at the time of his death? Of course the man who had been the follower of devil throughout his life will be a companion of devil on his deathbed also.
Only God who takes away life at the time of death. | for everyone |
It is agreed that it is only God who takes away life at the time of death. But you should also remember that God has made this world a world of causes. He has created causes for death also like falling from roof, becoming ill or being murdered etc.
Surely all these events become causes of death but the same is not absolutely essential because it can be also be seen that some people were seriously ill but they did not die of that illness. Of course when their lifespan comes to end even a light and ordinary thing can also become the reason of death and the Lord of the universe takes away his life. It is also seen that some people die without even the slightest illness.
Who takes away the soul? It is God or Izra'eel or the angels? | for everyone |
Here comes up a question: Who takes away the soul? It is God or Izra'eel or the angels? There are three verses about this in the Holy Quran. At one place it says: God causes Death. At another place it is mentioned that: The angel of death takes away the soul. (Surah Sajdah 32:11) .
On yet another occasion it is mentioned: Angels collect the souls. (Surah Nisa 4:97) . The fact is that all these statements are true because, the angel of death and his subordinate angels collect souls as commanded by God Almighty. Doubtlessly it is just like this: A king, through his army and its chiefs, conquers a country. It is correct to say that such and such army won such and such territory. Similarly, it is also correct to mention that such and such commander captured such and such country. But in both the statements the fact remains that the country has been conquered by
1 Say: The angel of death who is given charge of you shall cause you to die, then to your Lord you shall be brought back.
2 Surely (as for) those whom the angels cause to die while they are unjust to their souls, they shall say: In what state were you? They shall say: We were weak in the earth. They shall say: Was not Allah's earth spacious, so that you should have migrated therein? So these it is whose abode is hell, and it is an evil resort the king who owns, manages and directs the affairs of his state through officers and personnel under his command. This example also is only for making the matter understandable. Otherwise such examples cannot fully describe and explain the power of the Almighty.
1 Say: The angel of death who is given charge of you shall cause you to die, then to your Lord you shall be brought back.
2 Surely (as for) those whom the angels cause to die while they are unjust to their souls, they shall say: In what state were you? They shall say: We were weak in the earth. They shall say: Was not Allah's earth spacious, so that you should have migrated therein? So these it is whose abode is hell, and it is an evil resort the king who owns, manages and directs the affairs of his state through officers and personnel under his command. This example also is only for making the matter understandable. Otherwise such examples cannot fully describe and explain the power of the Almighty.
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Just click on an ailment & get a Video explanation!
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- Tests and Diagnostic Procedures
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Surgery and Treatment Procedures
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UMAA Convention 2011
"The Quran, Ahlul Bayt & Modern Society: A Focus on Identity, Citizenship and Collaboration"
The 9th annual UMAA convention will be taking place in Toronto, Canada!
Friday May 27th - Sunday May 29th, 2011 This year's registration rate for the upcoming convention has been the fastest and highest total in the 9 years since the convention has been taking place. Register today to join the rapidly growing number of momineen attending this year's convention! Convention Program 2011
Click here to to see the full UMAA Matrimonial Program! UMAA has uploaded this year's Convention program!
Click here to visit the 9th annual UMAA convention program!
UMAA's International Shia Basketball Tournament!
The Basketball tournament will be taking place on Friday May 27th, 2011 from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm at the Jaffari Community Centre open for brothers of all ages. Click here to view information on how to signup for the first ever International Shia Basketball Tournament
UMAA Annual Scholarship
The Jafri B. Rizvi Memorial Academic Scholarship is still accepting applications. Click on the link below to read more detailed information on how High School seniors in US and Canada are eligible to receive this great award. Click here to read more information Register for the convention by clicking here! This year UMAA will be taking place at the Hilton Suites Toronto/Markham Conference Centre. Call now to book a room at the subsidized rate of $99/night. 8500 Warden Avenue, Markham, Ontario, Canada L6G 1A5 Tel: 1-905-470-8500
To book your room at the special UMAA rate click on this link.
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Avoid showing humility and being humble before the proud ones. | for everyone |
Avoid showing humility and being humble before the proud ones. This is because showing humility to such kind of people firstly, brings self-humiliation and disgrace and secondly, it will encourage the proud ones to continue with pride and disregard the rights of others. Moreover, by not showing humility to a proud one, there are chances that he might acknowledge his grave mistake.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said : "If you notice the humble ones in my nation, then show humility towards them and if you see the proud ones, then show (your) pride over them for verily for them in that is humiliation and lowliness." (Jami’us saadaat)
Finally, we pray to the Almighty Allah (s.w.t.) to guide us and save us from Kibr of all kinds.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) has said : "If you notice the humble ones in my nation, then show humility towards them and if you see the proud ones, then show (your) pride over them for verily for them in that is humiliation and lowliness." (Jami’us saadaat)
Finally, we pray to the Almighty Allah (s.w.t.) to guide us and save us from Kibr of all kinds.
The Holy Qur’an and the narration have both strongly protested against showing humility towards rich people their wealth. Almighty Allah says : "And do not stretch your eyes after that with which we have provided different classes of them (of) the splendour of this world’s life that we may therefore try them."(Taha/131)
Imam Ali (a.s.) has said : "Whoever comes to a rich person and expresses humility for his wealth, Allah snatches two thirds of his religion."
Ayatlullah Dasti Ghayb explains the above hadith beautifully in his book ‘Adh-Dhunooh al Kabeera’ (The major Sins). He writes that Imaam is made up of three things.
a) Conviction at heart;
b) Admission by tongue: and
c) Action by parts of the body.
Since showing humility to the rich for their wealth is expressed by the first two i.e. the heart and tongue, therefore two thirds of one’s faith goes away.
Imam Ali (a.s.) has said : "Whoever comes to a rich person and expresses humility for his wealth, Allah snatches two thirds of his religion."
Ayatlullah Dasti Ghayb explains the above hadith beautifully in his book ‘Adh-Dhunooh al Kabeera’ (The major Sins). He writes that Imaam is made up of three things.
a) Conviction at heart;
b) Admission by tongue: and
c) Action by parts of the body.
Since showing humility to the rich for their wealth is expressed by the first two i.e. the heart and tongue, therefore two thirds of one’s faith goes away.
There is no doubt that a believer irrespective of his colour, caste or status is better than a disbeliever or a sinful person.
Allah (s.w.t.) says : "Is he then who is a believer like him who is a transgressor? They at not equal."(Sajdah/18)
In another place the Almighty Allah says : "And do not marry the idolatrous until they believe, and certainly a believing maid is better than an idolatous woman even though she may allure you." (Al-Baqarah/221)
So one cannot compare a believer with any disbeliever or even with a transgressor. A believer has an exceptional dignity bestowed upon him by Allah (s.w.t.). He achieved this dignity because of his belief in Allah (s.w.t.) and therefore showing humbleness and humility to a disbeliever is belittling Imaan (Belief) before Kufr (Disbelief) thus disgracing the Imaan.
Allah (s.w.t.) says : "Is he then who is a believer like him who is a transgressor? They at not equal."(Sajdah/18)
In another place the Almighty Allah says : "And do not marry the idolatrous until they believe, and certainly a believing maid is better than an idolatous woman even though she may allure you." (Al-Baqarah/221)
So one cannot compare a believer with any disbeliever or even with a transgressor. A believer has an exceptional dignity bestowed upon him by Allah (s.w.t.). He achieved this dignity because of his belief in Allah (s.w.t.) and therefore showing humbleness and humility to a disbeliever is belittling Imaan (Belief) before Kufr (Disbelief) thus disgracing the Imaan.
"Yes ! Verily, the respect of a believer is more dear to Allah than the sanctity of the Kaaba." | for everyone |
It is important to note that man is the best of all creatures. After his creation, Allah (s.w.t.) gave him the honour and respect which He did not give to any other creature. And in order to preserve and secure man’s dignity, Allah (s.w.t.) sent His Sharia (the divine law) to which He bound the entire mankind. People who deviated from these laws lost their honour and dignity. The following verse discusses the honour and dignity bestowed upon man : "And surely we have honored the children of Adam, And We carry them in land and the sea, and We have given them of the good things, and We have made them to excel by an appropriate excellence over the most of those whom We have created." (Bani Israel/70)
Once Imam Jaffer as-Sadiq (a.s.) along with his companions was performing a mustahab Tawaf of the Holy Kaaba when an outsider came and called for one of the companions. Since they were all in Tawaf, the companion who had been called ignored the caller and continued with Tawaf. Imam (a.s.) had observed the situation, and he went and asked his companion why he was ignoring the caller?
The companion asked : "Should I break my Tawaf and respond to him."
The Imam (a.s.) said : "Yes ! Verily, the respect of a believer is more dear to Allah than the sanctity of the Kaaba."
Therefore, man who is so much exalted and bestowed with such great honour and dignity deserves to be respected and not to be disregarded or considered inferior. Imam Muhammad al Baqir (a.s.) once came near the Holy Kaaba and said : "By Allah, the sanctity of a believer is greater than yours.'
There are various narration through which the experts in the science to ethics "IImul Akhlaq" prove that pride is a kind oppression "Dhulm ". The proud one is a snatcher of rights from others as he demands their humiliation before himself.
Once Imam Jaffer as-Sadiq (a.s.) along with his companions was performing a mustahab Tawaf of the Holy Kaaba when an outsider came and called for one of the companions. Since they were all in Tawaf, the companion who had been called ignored the caller and continued with Tawaf. Imam (a.s.) had observed the situation, and he went and asked his companion why he was ignoring the caller?
The companion asked : "Should I break my Tawaf and respond to him."
The Imam (a.s.) said : "Yes ! Verily, the respect of a believer is more dear to Allah than the sanctity of the Kaaba."
Therefore, man who is so much exalted and bestowed with such great honour and dignity deserves to be respected and not to be disregarded or considered inferior. Imam Muhammad al Baqir (a.s.) once came near the Holy Kaaba and said : "By Allah, the sanctity of a believer is greater than yours.'
There are various narration through which the experts in the science to ethics "IImul Akhlaq" prove that pride is a kind oppression "Dhulm ". The proud one is a snatcher of rights from others as he demands their humiliation before himself.
Showing humbleness towards the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) | for everyone |
Showing humbleness towards the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and; (a s.) is as good as showing humbleness and humility towards Allah (s.w.t.). This is because the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and the Imams (a.s.) are the greatest signs of Allah (s.w.t.) and His representatives to us on this earth. We have show humbleness towards them by :
- undermining their status and position amongst us.
- Not touching their respected names without Taharat.
- Mentioning their names with great respect and sending praises and greetings over them whenever we remember them.
It is said that some great people had the habit of mentioning the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), and the Imams (a.s.) only in the state of Taharat. It is also reported that whenever Imam Jafar as Sadiq (a.s.) used to mention the name of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), he used to bow down in respect and send praises and salaams. And amongst the other ways of showing humbleness towards Prophet (s.a.w.) and the Imams (a.s.) is to show humbleness towards the Ulema (religious scholars and authorities) and the sadaat (children of the Holy Prophet’s progeny).
- undermining their status and position amongst us.
- Not touching their respected names without Taharat.
- Mentioning their names with great respect and sending praises and greetings over them whenever we remember them.
It is said that some great people had the habit of mentioning the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), and the Imams (a.s.) only in the state of Taharat. It is also reported that whenever Imam Jafar as Sadiq (a.s.) used to mention the name of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), he used to bow down in respect and send praises and salaams. And amongst the other ways of showing humbleness towards Prophet (s.a.w.) and the Imams (a.s.) is to show humbleness towards the Ulema (religious scholars and authorities) and the sadaat (children of the Holy Prophet’s progeny).
You and we should make every effort to change our present state. Those who achieved success in their struggle against the unbelievers, never worried as to how many people were with them.
After all it was he who said that even if all the Arabs were combined against him, he would not give up. As he was doing the duty assigned to him by Allah, there was no question of failure in it, what to say of being repulsed. Then there is another question. Suppose you retreat, but where will you go to? Those who advanced in the jihâds, went forward without caring for their lives or their personal interests. They fought against their lower self to the utmost degree. The struggle of those who occupied a higher spiritual position was proportionately more intense. In fact man can achieve nothing unless he fights against his lower self.
It is this world in the above mentioned sense that deprives man from gaining proximity to Allah. May Allah grant us success in getting out of the deep dungeon of egoism. It is the friends of Allah who have gained success in being delivered from the catastrophe of egoism.
He cannot go forward unless he ignores his desires and keeps clear of this world, which is another name of base desires. The desires of every body are his world. It is this world which has been denounced, not the physical world.
This world is within you. When you pay attention to your lower self, you yourself become this world. Thus this world of everybody is within him. It is this world which has been condemned, not the sun, the moon or any other natural object. All the natural objects, being the signs and manifestations of Allah, have been praised.
It is this world in the above mentioned sense that deprives man from gaining proximity to Allah. May Allah grant us success in getting out of the deep dungeon of egoism. It is the friends of Allah who have gained success in being delivered from the catastrophe of egoism.
The father wants to explain the sunlight to his child, but on account of child's blindness he is unable to do so | for everyone |
This knot was causing a great deal of worry and inconvenience to the Holy Prophet who wondered to whom he should explain the Qur'an which was revealed to his heart. Perhaps there were a good number of things which could not be told to anybody except the person who was occupying the position of absolute Wilayat.
It is said that knowledge is a great hurdle. It prevents people from undertaking gnostic journey and instead involves them into intellectual questions and scientific theories. For the Holy men knowledge is the greatest barrier and veil. The more the knowledge, the bigger hurdle it will prove.
The Holy Prophet is reported to have said: 'No Prophet has been tortured so much as I have been.' If this report is correct, it might have implied among other things that the Holy Prophet was unable to convey to others what he wanted to convey. His position in this respect was that of a father keen to show the sun to his blind child. His frustration can easily be imagined. The father wants to explain the sunlight to his child, but on account of child's blindness he is unable to do so. He does not find suitable words to convey what he wants to convey.
It is said that knowledge is a great hurdle. It prevents people from undertaking gnostic journey and instead involves them into intellectual questions and scientific theories. For the Holy men knowledge is the greatest barrier and veil. The more the knowledge, the bigger hurdle it will prove.
Man being egoistic and self-centered, feels elated by his limited knowledge and thinks that there is nothing beyond what he knows. Only a few persons guided by the help of Allah refrain from such false notion and silly thinking.
Love of Ahlebait a.s | for everyone |
Love of Ahlebait (a.s)
The Prophet a.s said, O people! Be advised ! One who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will die a shaheed!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will die pardoned!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will die repentanat!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will die a momin with complete faith!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will be given the tiding of the heaven by theangel of death!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will be taken to the heaven in the same manner as a new bride enter her husband's house!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s the doors of the heaven will be opened in his grave!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s his grave will be place visisted by angels
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will die on sunnat e Rasool a.s and in the group of muslims!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will die pardoned!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will die repentanat!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will die a momin with complete faith!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will be given the tiding of the heaven by theangel of death!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will be taken to the heaven in the same manner as a new bride enter her husband's house!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s the doors of the heaven will be opened in his grave!
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s his grave will be place visisted by angels
Be advised! one who dies loving the Aal e Mohammad a.s will die on sunnat e Rasool a.s and in the group of muslims!
(sent by bro Amir Hasan)
The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America | for everyone |
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave. | Dearborn | MI | 48126

THE RIGHT OF ....................... IN ISLAM | for everyone |
Then the right of your master who has favored you is that you should know that he has spent his property for you and has brought you out of the abasement of slavery and its desolation, and has brought you into the honor of freedom and its sociability. And he has freed you from the captivity of his own possession and has released the bonds of his slavery from you. And he has led you to smell the scent of honor, and has brought you out of the prison of subjugation, and has repelled hardship from you, and has extended to you the tongue of fairness, and has liberated you to freely move about in the whole world, and has given you ownership of yourself, and has freed you from captivity, and has given you the freedom to worship your Lord.
And for this he has suffered a decrease in his fortune. Then you should know that he is the closest creature to you after your relations of kin, in your life and after your death, and that he is the most meritorious creature to receive your assistance and support, and your help for God's sake. Therefore do not prefer yourself to him regarding any of his needs.
Then the right of your master who has favored you is that you should know that he has spent his property for you and has brought you out of the abasement of slavery and its desolation, and has brought you into the honor of freedom and its sociability. And he has freed you from the captivity of his own possession and has released the bonds of his slavery from you. And he has led you to smell the scent of honor, and has brought you out of the prison of subjugation, and has repelled hardship from you, and has extended to you the tongue of fairness, and has liberated you to freely move about in the whole world, and has given you ownership of yourself, and has freed you from captivity, and has given you the freedom to worship your Lord.
And for this he has suffered a decrease in his fortune. Then you should know that he is the closest creature to you after your relations of kin, in your life and after your death, and that he is the most meritorious creature to receive your assistance and support, and your help for God's sake. Therefore do not prefer yourself to him regarding any of his needs.
And the right of the slave whom you have favored is that you should know that God has established you as his supporter, and shelter and assistant, and refuge, and He has established him for you as the means and as a mediator between you and Him. Then by freeing him, he will protect you from the Fire . And this is the reward you get from him in the future. And your immediate reward is to inherit from him if he does not have any relations of kin. There is a compensation for the property you have spent for him, and respecting his rights after you spent your property. Then if you do not respect his rights, there is the fear upon you that his inheritance would not be purified for you. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of him who treats you kindly is that you should thank him and acknowledge his kindness; and spread the good word around about him, and sincerely pray for him between you and God the Praised One. Then if you do that, you have thanked him both in private and in public. Then if you are able to practically recompense him, Do recompense him. Otherwise you should be determined to do so later.
And the right of your caller to prayer is that you should know that he is the one reminding you of your Lord, and is calling you to your good fortune, and is your greatest helper in fulfilling an obligation that God has made incumbent upon you. Therefore thank him for that just as you thank one who does some good to you. And if you are upset with him at home due to this, you should not accuse him for this since his act is for God. And you should know that he is one of the Blessings of God to you. There is no doubt about it. Then you should kindly treat God's Blessing, by praising God for him under all circumstances. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of the slave whom you have favored is that you should know that God has established you as his supporter, and shelter and assistant, and refuge, and He has established him for you as the means and as a mediator between you and Him. Then by freeing him, he will protect you from the Fire . And this is the reward you get from him in the future. And your immediate reward is to inherit from him if he does not have any relations of kin. There is a compensation for the property you have spent for him, and respecting his rights after you spent your property. Then if you do not respect his rights, there is the fear upon you that his inheritance would not be purified for you. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of him who treats you kindly is that you should thank him and acknowledge his kindness; and spread the good word around about him, and sincerely pray for him between you and God the Praised One. Then if you do that, you have thanked him both in private and in public. Then if you are able to practically recompense him, Do recompense him. Otherwise you should be determined to do so later.
And the right of your caller to prayer is that you should know that he is the one reminding you of your Lord, and is calling you to your good fortune, and is your greatest helper in fulfilling an obligation that God has made incumbent upon you. Therefore thank him for that just as you thank one who does some good to you. And if you are upset with him at home due to this, you should not accuse him for this since his act is for God. And you should know that he is one of the Blessings of God to you. There is no doubt about it. Then you should kindly treat God's Blessing, by praising God for him under all circumstances. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of your leader in your ritual prayer is that you should know that he has taken on the role of a mediator between you and God and appeared in the presence of your Lord on your behalf. And he speaks for you, but you do not speak for him; and he supplicates for you, but you do not supplicate for him; and he has beseeched for you and you do not beseech for him. And he has spared you the anxiety of standing before God and the question of interrogation for your prayer, but you do not spare him that. Should he perform the prayer imperfectly, he is held responsible for that not you; and if he makes a mistake during the prayer, you will not be his partner in it, and there is no superiority in this for him over you. Then he protected you through himself, And he protected your prayer through his prayer. Therefore thank him for this. And there is no power nor any strength but in God.
And the right of your sitting companion is that you should treat him gently, and warmly welcome him, and be fair while talking with him, and do not take your eyes off of him when you are looking at him, and pronounce your words clearly to help him understand what you say. And if you are the first one to go and sit with him, you can leave him when you wish. However, if he is the first one to come and sit with you, he can leave you when he wishes to. And you should not leave him without his permission. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of your neighbor is that you should be as a guardian for him when he is absent, and you should honor him when he is present, and you should assist and support him in both situations. You should not pursue any of his imperfections, and you should not seek any of his faults. But if you should discover any of his faults unintentionally, you should take the role of -regarding what you know- a fortified stronghold and a veiling screen. You should guard them in such a way that none of his defects can be discovered even if they are thoroughly inspected through spears. And you should not eavesdrop on him, and you should not forsake him during times of hardship. And you should not envy him when he receives a blessing.
Pardon his deviation and forgive his mistakes. And do not lose your temper when he behaves out of ignorance with you. And do not stop to be his supporter, and answer those who scold him. And divulge for him the deception of those who counsel him, and associate with him in an honorable manner. And there is no power nor any strength but in God.
And the right of the companion is that you should act as his companion with nobility as much as you can. You should at least treat him with fairness and honor him as he honors you, and guard him as he guards you, and do not let him be the first one to deal with the other one with honor. And if he does so, you should do something for him in return. And you should not neglect the friendship that he deserves in the least bit. You should commit yourself to advise him, care for him, and help him perform the acts of obedience to his Lord, and help him restrain himself from any act of disobedience of his Lord that he might attempt. Then be like a mercy upon him, and not as a chastisement. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of the partner is that you should take care of his affairs in his absence. And you should treat him equally when he is present. And you should not make any decisions on your own without considering his opinion. And you should not act according to your own opinion before discussing it with him. You should safeguard his property, and advise him against cheating whether there is honor or disdain in it, since it has been transmitted to us: "God's hand is with partners as long as they do not cheat." And there is no power but in God.
And the right of your property is that you should not attain it except by legitimate means and you should only spend it for legitimate causes. You should not spend it improperly, you should not use it wrongfully, and you should not use what is from God in ways other than in His way and make it as a means to approach God. And you should not prefer to use it for one who does not show gratitude instead of using it for yourself. It is better that you do not leave it for others as inheritance who might use it not to obey your Lord, and then your wealth may be considered to be as an assistance for them in so doing. Or you may bequeath your property to one who spends it in the way of obedience to God in ways better than you do. Then he will gain the benefits, and you will be left with the sins, and the regret, and blame yourself for the ill consequence. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of him to whom you owe is that you should pay him back if you have the means to do so. You should meet his need, make him rich, and avoid putting him off and procrastinating. The Prophet, may God's peace be upon him and his household, said: "Procrastination is oppression for the rich." But if you are in hardship you should satisfy him by using good words. You should gently ask him and send him away with gentleness. You should not take his property and mistreat him too. That will surely be mean. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of the associate is that you should not mislead, or cheat him, lie to him or fool him, and you should not trick him. And you should not treat him as an enemy does -who alienates all his friends. If he trusts you, you should be very careful of yourself for his sake, and realize that cheating the intimate ones is like usury. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of your leader in your ritual prayer is that you should know that he has taken on the role of a mediator between you and God and appeared in the presence of your Lord on your behalf. And he speaks for you, but you do not speak for him; and he supplicates for you, but you do not supplicate for him; and he has beseeched for you and you do not beseech for him. And he has spared you the anxiety of standing before God and the question of interrogation for your prayer, but you do not spare him that. Should he perform the prayer imperfectly, he is held responsible for that not you; and if he makes a mistake during the prayer, you will not be his partner in it, and there is no superiority in this for him over you. Then he protected you through himself, And he protected your prayer through his prayer. Therefore thank him for this. And there is no power nor any strength but in God.
And the right of your sitting companion is that you should treat him gently, and warmly welcome him, and be fair while talking with him, and do not take your eyes off of him when you are looking at him, and pronounce your words clearly to help him understand what you say. And if you are the first one to go and sit with him, you can leave him when you wish. However, if he is the first one to come and sit with you, he can leave you when he wishes to. And you should not leave him without his permission. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of your neighbor is that you should be as a guardian for him when he is absent, and you should honor him when he is present, and you should assist and support him in both situations. You should not pursue any of his imperfections, and you should not seek any of his faults. But if you should discover any of his faults unintentionally, you should take the role of -regarding what you know- a fortified stronghold and a veiling screen. You should guard them in such a way that none of his defects can be discovered even if they are thoroughly inspected through spears. And you should not eavesdrop on him, and you should not forsake him during times of hardship. And you should not envy him when he receives a blessing.
Pardon his deviation and forgive his mistakes. And do not lose your temper when he behaves out of ignorance with you. And do not stop to be his supporter, and answer those who scold him. And divulge for him the deception of those who counsel him, and associate with him in an honorable manner. And there is no power nor any strength but in God.
And the right of the companion is that you should act as his companion with nobility as much as you can. You should at least treat him with fairness and honor him as he honors you, and guard him as he guards you, and do not let him be the first one to deal with the other one with honor. And if he does so, you should do something for him in return. And you should not neglect the friendship that he deserves in the least bit. You should commit yourself to advise him, care for him, and help him perform the acts of obedience to his Lord, and help him restrain himself from any act of disobedience of his Lord that he might attempt. Then be like a mercy upon him, and not as a chastisement. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of the partner is that you should take care of his affairs in his absence. And you should treat him equally when he is present. And you should not make any decisions on your own without considering his opinion. And you should not act according to your own opinion before discussing it with him. You should safeguard his property, and advise him against cheating whether there is honor or disdain in it, since it has been transmitted to us: "God's hand is with partners as long as they do not cheat." And there is no power but in God.
And the right of your property is that you should not attain it except by legitimate means and you should only spend it for legitimate causes. You should not spend it improperly, you should not use it wrongfully, and you should not use what is from God in ways other than in His way and make it as a means to approach God. And you should not prefer to use it for one who does not show gratitude instead of using it for yourself. It is better that you do not leave it for others as inheritance who might use it not to obey your Lord, and then your wealth may be considered to be as an assistance for them in so doing. Or you may bequeath your property to one who spends it in the way of obedience to God in ways better than you do. Then he will gain the benefits, and you will be left with the sins, and the regret, and blame yourself for the ill consequence. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of him to whom you owe is that you should pay him back if you have the means to do so. You should meet his need, make him rich, and avoid putting him off and procrastinating. The Prophet, may God's peace be upon him and his household, said: "Procrastination is oppression for the rich." But if you are in hardship you should satisfy him by using good words. You should gently ask him and send him away with gentleness. You should not take his property and mistreat him too. That will surely be mean. And there is no power but in God.
And the right of the associate is that you should not mislead, or cheat him, lie to him or fool him, and you should not trick him. And you should not treat him as an enemy does -who alienates all his friends. If he trusts you, you should be very careful of yourself for his sake, and realize that cheating the intimate ones is like usury. And there is no power but in God.
Once upon a time there was a man in the jungle enjoying a nice day
watching the equatorial lush green foliage and the exotic animal life.
Suddenly, the man heard the movement of a lion behind him and so
ran for his life. But the man couldn’t escape and came face to face with the lion.
As he was thinking quickly of another way to escape, he saw a deep well to his right. His options were narrowed between drowning in the well and being chewed by the hungry lion.
The man decided to jump into the well hoisting himself with a rope tied to the top of the well for drawing water. As he reached the bottom of the well, the man saw a huge man-eating snake taking a nap at the bottom; the man pulled himself up in the middle of the well, suspended between a hungry lion on the top and a sleeping snake at the bottom.
Meanwhile the man noticed that two mice, one black and one white were chewing the rope he was hanging on, making it thinner and thinner. The man began to swing with the rope hitting the sides of the walls of the well periodically.
Suddenly he felt something sticky on his shoulder, as he examined what it was, he found that it was honey. Upon looking around the well he noticed a bee colony on the wall of the well.
The man forgot the dangerous situation he was involved in and started licking the honey to his satisfaction.
He suddenly remembered where he was and jumped out of bed.
The man was dreaming all along. The man went to a Sheikh
to interpret his dream. The Sheikh laughed and asked him:
“You do not understand this dream?" The man replied "Yes sir, I do not."
The Sheikh said "The lion that was chasing you is the Angel of Death.
The well which housed the snake is your grave. The rope in the well that you were hanging on is your lifetime ticking away. The Rodents chewing your rope, the black and the white mice are the day and the night.
The man asks "The honey, Sir, What is the honey?"
The Sheikh replied “The honey is the life of this world and its temptations which made you forget that there was death behind you and a grave ahead of you.
You end up in the grave while savoring the taste of the honey until you find yourself standing trial for your deeds in a Court of Law of the most Just kind.
The above narration was just intended to remind us that we are also
busy licking the honey (lost in the temptations of this world) while our life time is ticking away. Some day (sooner or later) we will also face the angel of death and will be carried to our grave!
Say: "Verily, the death from which you flee will surely meet you,
then you will be sent back to (Allah), the All-Knower of the unseen
and the seen, and He will tell you what you used to do."
{Surat Al-Jumu`ah, Verse 8}
Think and Reflect
watching the equatorial lush green foliage and the exotic animal life.
Suddenly, the man heard the movement of a lion behind him and so
ran for his life. But the man couldn’t escape and came face to face with the lion.
As he was thinking quickly of another way to escape, he saw a deep well to his right. His options were narrowed between drowning in the well and being chewed by the hungry lion.
The man decided to jump into the well hoisting himself with a rope tied to the top of the well for drawing water. As he reached the bottom of the well, the man saw a huge man-eating snake taking a nap at the bottom; the man pulled himself up in the middle of the well, suspended between a hungry lion on the top and a sleeping snake at the bottom.
Meanwhile the man noticed that two mice, one black and one white were chewing the rope he was hanging on, making it thinner and thinner. The man began to swing with the rope hitting the sides of the walls of the well periodically.
Suddenly he felt something sticky on his shoulder, as he examined what it was, he found that it was honey. Upon looking around the well he noticed a bee colony on the wall of the well.
The man forgot the dangerous situation he was involved in and started licking the honey to his satisfaction.
He suddenly remembered where he was and jumped out of bed.
The man was dreaming all along. The man went to a Sheikh
to interpret his dream. The Sheikh laughed and asked him:
“You do not understand this dream?" The man replied "Yes sir, I do not."
The Sheikh said "The lion that was chasing you is the Angel of Death.
The well which housed the snake is your grave. The rope in the well that you were hanging on is your lifetime ticking away. The Rodents chewing your rope, the black and the white mice are the day and the night.
The man asks "The honey, Sir, What is the honey?"
The Sheikh replied “The honey is the life of this world and its temptations which made you forget that there was death behind you and a grave ahead of you.
You end up in the grave while savoring the taste of the honey until you find yourself standing trial for your deeds in a Court of Law of the most Just kind.
The above narration was just intended to remind us that we are also
busy licking the honey (lost in the temptations of this world) while our life time is ticking away. Some day (sooner or later) we will also face the angel of death and will be carried to our grave!
Say: "Verily, the death from which you flee will surely meet you,
then you will be sent back to (Allah), the All-Knower of the unseen
and the seen, and He will tell you what you used to do."
{Surat Al-Jumu`ah, Verse 8}
Think and Reflect
“… and the Qur’an was distorted, and the house where revelation used to descend was burnt… | for everyone |
Narration from Imam Askari (as) regarding the persecutions upon Hazrat Zahra (sa)
“… and the Qur’an was distorted, and the house where revelation used to descend was burnt… and the face of the Lady of Virtue was slapped…”
Sayyid Ibn Tawas, in his work titled Zawa’id al-Fawa’id, citing Kitab al-Mukhtasar by Shaikh Hasan ibn Sulayman, a copy handwritten by Ali ibn Muzahir al-Wasiti, through a continuous chain of isnad that ends with Muhammed ibn al-`Ala’ al-Hamadani al-Wasiti. Then he cites it from Kitab al-Mukhtasar at the conclusion of which he says that he copied it from an edition handwritten by Muhammed ibn Ali ibn Tay. In it, it is stated that Ibn Abul-`Ala’ al-Hamadani and Yahya ibn Muhammed ibn Haweej disputed with each other regarding `Omer ibn al-Khattab, so they sought the arbitration of Ahmed ibn Ishaq al-Qummi, a friend of Imam al-Hasan al-`Askari (A.S.).
He narrated to them from what he had learned from Imam al-`Askari (A.S.) who cites his father (A.S.) saying that Huthayfah narrated a lengthy tradition about the Prophet (A.S.) wherein he (A.S.) informed Huthayfan ibn al-Yaman a number of events that would take place after his demise. Huthayfah, seeing how what he had heard came true, said, “… and the Qur’an was distorted, and the house where revelation used to descend was burnt… and the face of the Lady of Virtue was slapped…”[1]
“… and the Qur’an was distorted, and the house where revelation used to descend was burnt… and the face of the Lady of Virtue was slapped…”
Sayyid Ibn Tawas, in his work titled Zawa’id al-Fawa’id, citing Kitab al-Mukhtasar by Shaikh Hasan ibn Sulayman, a copy handwritten by Ali ibn Muzahir al-Wasiti, through a continuous chain of isnad that ends with Muhammed ibn al-`Ala’ al-Hamadani al-Wasiti. Then he cites it from Kitab al-Mukhtasar at the conclusion of which he says that he copied it from an edition handwritten by Muhammed ibn Ali ibn Tay. In it, it is stated that Ibn Abul-`Ala’ al-Hamadani and Yahya ibn Muhammed ibn Haweej disputed with each other regarding `Omer ibn al-Khattab, so they sought the arbitration of Ahmed ibn Ishaq al-Qummi, a friend of Imam al-Hasan al-`Askari (A.S.).
He narrated to them from what he had learned from Imam al-`Askari (A.S.) who cites his father (A.S.) saying that Huthayfah narrated a lengthy tradition about the Prophet (A.S.) wherein he (A.S.) informed Huthayfan ibn al-Yaman a number of events that would take place after his demise. Huthayfah, seeing how what he had heard came true, said, “… and the Qur’an was distorted, and the house where revelation used to descend was burnt… and the face of the Lady of Virtue was slapped…”[1]
Osama bin Laden corpse photo is fake [ 77337 ] - | for everyone |
Osama bin Laden corpse photo is fake [ 77337 ] -
![]() |
Image of bloodied man picked up by British newspapers has been circulating online for two years
The bloodied image of a man with matted hair and a blank, half-opened eye has been circulating on the internet for the past two years. It was used on the front pages of the Mail, Times, Telegraph, Sun and Mirror websites, though swiftly removed after the fake was exposed on Twitter.May 2, 2011 An image apparently showing a dead Osama bin Laden broadcast on Pakistani television and picked up by British newspaper websites is a fake. It appears the fake picture was initially published by the Middle East online newspaper on 29 April 2009, with a warning from the editor that it was "unable to ascertain whether the photo is genuine or not". ![]() The Daily Mail was one of the newspaper websites to publish the fake picture of Osama bin Laden's body. Since then, however, the image has been claimed as genuine on a number of conspiracy forums and used to substantiate claims that the terrorist responsible for the 9/11 bombings had been killed. The Guardian was one of the few sites to hold back from using the manipulated image on its front page, reporting the picture's existence in its live blog but questioning its legitimacy. The image is based on a genuine photograph of Bin Laden taken in 1998 and used by the Reuters news agency. On Twitter, a composite including the other photograph used to make the image was posted by @HannahMarbina and other users showed how easy it was to find the image already online with a simple search. |
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Bahraini forces attacked the house of Hussein Ibrahim Marzooq and arrested him | for everyone |
Bahraini forces attacked the house of Hussein Ibrahim Marzooq and arrested him

8 police cars and and more than 20 Bahrain policemen came to arrest him from his house in bani jamra.
After breaking the doors, raided and insulted women. They stole somethings including his computer.
See these photos how they destroyed doors and furnitures in the house:

End item/ 129
0 Beloved Mother of Hassan! 0 Beloved Mother of Hosseyn | for everyone |
Some say that Bibi (s.a.) was only eighteen, and some say that she was twenty eight years old when she died.
Hassan and Hosseyn, ran hopelessly and sorrowfully to touch once again the dead body of their young mother ... Gone so soon. They wanted to remain at her side and fee] her presence near them. Minutes passed by, with only the sound of a tragic crying in the room, they talked lovingly and desperately to their mother, and verily, their sorrow was so deep that none can ever describe it.
They said: "0 Beloved Mother of Hassan! 0 Beloved Mother of Hosseyn! We shall feel your absence more deeply by each passing day, and also the absence of our our beloved Grandfather, Mohammad Mostafa [ Peace be upon Him! ]. When you reach the realm in which he lives now, please send our love to Him ...! Tell him that we are left all alone in this whole world ...!"
And then, Fatemeh's body was taken outside, and with the help of Hassan and Hosseyn, Ammar, Yasser, Meghdad, Zobeyr, Abouzar, Salman, and some of the Bani Hashem tribe, they left town to take Fatemeh's body to the graveyard.
Ali, most painfully and desperately, laid down his beloved and innocent wife on the ground, and with indescribable sorrow, bid her farwell ...
After finishing what was expected of him, he threw with utter desperation and love, some dust on his wife's grave, and then looked sadly at the Prophet's grave.
He then approached his grave and began a long confidence with him, which lasted a long time ...
Hassan and Hosseyn, ran hopelessly and sorrowfully to touch once again the dead body of their young mother ... Gone so soon. They wanted to remain at her side and fee] her presence near them. Minutes passed by, with only the sound of a tragic crying in the room, they talked lovingly and desperately to their mother, and verily, their sorrow was so deep that none can ever describe it.
They said: "0 Beloved Mother of Hassan! 0 Beloved Mother of Hosseyn! We shall feel your absence more deeply by each passing day, and also the absence of our our beloved Grandfather, Mohammad Mostafa [ Peace be upon Him! ]. When you reach the realm in which he lives now, please send our love to Him ...! Tell him that we are left all alone in this whole world ...!"
And then, Fatemeh's body was taken outside, and with the help of Hassan and Hosseyn, Ammar, Yasser, Meghdad, Zobeyr, Abouzar, Salman, and some of the Bani Hashem tribe, they left town to take Fatemeh's body to the graveyard.
Ali, most painfully and desperately, laid down his beloved and innocent wife on the ground, and with indescribable sorrow, bid her farwell ...
After finishing what was expected of him, he threw with utter desperation and love, some dust on his wife's grave, and then looked sadly at the Prophet's grave.
He then approached his grave and began a long confidence with him, which lasted a long time ...
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