HADEES OF IMAM HUSSAIN (A.S.) | for everyone |
1 - How can a thing the existence of which is dependent on you be taken as a proof for your existence? Is there anything more evident than your "self" disclose you? Are you hidden to need a guide to find you? Surely you are not. Are you far-away to need your footprints to find you? Surely you are not! Blind may the eyes be which do not see you watching and guarding your "self" (Arafa prayer; Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 98 , P. 226)
2 - He who has you , has everything , and he who has deprived himself of you is the poorest in the world. Loser is the one who chooses and be content with anyone or anything other than you. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 98 , P. 228)
3 - Never will be salvaged the people who win the consent of the creature at the cost of the dissatisfaction of the creator. (Maktal Khawarazmi , Vol. 1 , P. 239)
4 - No one will feel secured on the Resurrection Day except those who feared God in this world. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 44 , P. 192)
5 - The Almighty God said : "The believing men and the believing women , they are guardians of each other , enjoin good and forbid evil... "God attaches primary importance to enjoining good and forbidding evil " as a duty for men and women. For he knows that if it were fulfilled all the other duties , easy or hard , will be accomplished. That is because "enjoining good and forbidding evil" is a call for Islam , it regains the rights of the oppressed and opposes tyrants. (Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 237)
6 - O' people , the Messenger of God said : Whoever sees an aggressive tyrant legalizes the forbiddens of God , breeches divine laws , opposes the tradition of the Prophet , oppresses the worshippers of God , but does not concede his opposition to God in word or in deed , surely Allah will place that tyrant ( in the Hell ) where he deserves. (Maktal Khawarazmi , Vol. 1 , P. 234)
7 - People are slaves to the world , and as long as they live favorable and comfortable lives , they are loyal to religious principles. However , at hard times , the times of trials , true religious people are scarce. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 117)
8 - One who pursues a goal through sinful ways , will ironically distance himself from that goal , and will approach what he was afraid of. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 120)
9 - Don't you see that the right is not conveyed and the wrong is not prohibited. Let believers wish to die and righteously meet their God. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 117)
10 - To me , death is nothing but happiness, and living under tyrants nothing but living in a hell. (Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 245)
11 - Your difficulties are worse than others , because you were deprived of the rank of the scholars - considering your legitimacy and merit -(These difficulties are) because administering the affairs of the society and conveying the ( religious ) rules must be done by scholars who truly believe in God and know what is permitted and what is forbidden by God. But you were deprived from this position and rank for you withdrew from (supporting) the truth. You changed the tradition of the prophet ,despite the clear and disclosed proofs. If you had withstood and were patient against the torture and annoyance ( of the tyrants ) for the sake of God , then the divine affairs would have stayed in your hands , and you were the ones to whom would be referred. But you made the tyrants dominant on you and left the divine affairs in their hands, while they shamelessly do the forbidden and notoriously live a licentious life. Your (fear) from death and attachment to this world have encouraged the tyrants to establish dominance over you. (Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 238)
12 - O' God! Surely you know that whatever we did was not a competition to gain worldly positions and not for the worthless physical attractions of the world. But to show the signs of religious ways and to remove corruption from your lands , so that the oppressed feel secured and act according to your traditions and rules. (Tohaf-al- Uqoul, P. 239)
13 - I never revolted in vain, as a rebel or as a tyrant, but I rose seeking reformation for the nation of my grandfather Mohammad. I intend to enjoin good and forbid evil, to act according to the traditions of my grandfather, and my father Ali Ibn Abi-Talib. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 44, P. 329)
14 - If the world is counted valuable; surely the house of God's rewards is higher and more worthy. If bodies were created for death; surely being killed with swords in the way of God is a more honorable death. If the share of daily sustenance, of each creature is provided by the creator, surely it is not decent for man to be greedy for gaining and eating too much. If wealth is amassed for one day to be left. Then why a free man becomes so miser on something he has to leave. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 44, P. 374)
15 - If you don't believe in any religion and don't fear the Resurrection Day, at least be free in this world. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 45, P. 51)
16 - Those who worship God for the hope of gaining , they're not real worshippers ,they're merchants. Those who worship God out of fear ( of punishment ) , they're slaves. And those who worship God to be grateful towards their creator , they are the free people , and their worship is a real one. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 117)
17 - Beware that the need of people to you is among the blessings of God to you. So do not scare away the needy people when they come to you, as the God’s blessings will return and go elsewhere. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 121)
18 - O' people take a lesson from the advice that God gave to His true believers, among which reproaching the Jewish scholars where he said:" Why do Jewish scholars not prohibit their people from saying sinful words? "And also (the Almighty) said:" Those who turned into atheists, from among the descendants of Israel, were cursed”... his Almighty added:" certainly evil was that which they did. "Surely the God criticized them for they turned a blind eye to what they saw of evil and corruption from the tyrants of their time out of greed or fear. The Almighty God says: " Do not fear people, rather, fear me! “The Almighty said: “The believing men and the believing women, they are guardians of each other; they enjoin good and forbid evil.” (Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 237)
19 - Whoever seeks the satisfaction of people through disobedience of God; Then God subjects him to people. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 126)
20 - Avoid oppressing the one who does not have any supporter against you, other than the Almighty God. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 118)
21 - One who reveals your faults to you like a mirror is your true friend, and one who flatters you and covers up your faults is your enemy. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 128)
22 - Wisdom will not be complete except by following the truth. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 127)
23 - Associating with corrupt people makes you subject to suspicion. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 122)
24 - Crying out of fear from God is salvation from the hellfire. (Mustadrak al- Wasael, Vol. 11, P. 245)
25 - A man came to Imam Hussain (Master of the martyrs) and said: I am a sinful man and can't avoid doing sin, please advise me. Imam (as) said: If you can do these five things, then commit sin as much you like. First of all: don’t eat the sustenance of God and commit sin as much you like. Second: go beyond the domain of God and commit sin as much you like. Third: seek a site where God can not observe you and commit sin as much you like. Fourth :if the Angel of death comes to you to take away your soul, expel him away from yourself and commit sin as much you like. Fifth: If the Angel of Hell was about to throw you into the hell-fire, stop him and commit sin as much you like. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 126)
2 - He who has you , has everything , and he who has deprived himself of you is the poorest in the world. Loser is the one who chooses and be content with anyone or anything other than you. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 98 , P. 228)
3 - Never will be salvaged the people who win the consent of the creature at the cost of the dissatisfaction of the creator. (Maktal Khawarazmi , Vol. 1 , P. 239)
4 - No one will feel secured on the Resurrection Day except those who feared God in this world. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 44 , P. 192)
5 - The Almighty God said : "The believing men and the believing women , they are guardians of each other , enjoin good and forbid evil... "God attaches primary importance to enjoining good and forbidding evil " as a duty for men and women. For he knows that if it were fulfilled all the other duties , easy or hard , will be accomplished. That is because "enjoining good and forbidding evil" is a call for Islam , it regains the rights of the oppressed and opposes tyrants. (Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 237)
6 - O' people , the Messenger of God said : Whoever sees an aggressive tyrant legalizes the forbiddens of God , breeches divine laws , opposes the tradition of the Prophet , oppresses the worshippers of God , but does not concede his opposition to God in word or in deed , surely Allah will place that tyrant ( in the Hell ) where he deserves. (Maktal Khawarazmi , Vol. 1 , P. 234)
7 - People are slaves to the world , and as long as they live favorable and comfortable lives , they are loyal to religious principles. However , at hard times , the times of trials , true religious people are scarce. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 117)
8 - One who pursues a goal through sinful ways , will ironically distance himself from that goal , and will approach what he was afraid of. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 120)
9 - Don't you see that the right is not conveyed and the wrong is not prohibited. Let believers wish to die and righteously meet their God. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 117)
10 - To me , death is nothing but happiness, and living under tyrants nothing but living in a hell. (Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 245)
11 - Your difficulties are worse than others , because you were deprived of the rank of the scholars - considering your legitimacy and merit -(These difficulties are) because administering the affairs of the society and conveying the ( religious ) rules must be done by scholars who truly believe in God and know what is permitted and what is forbidden by God. But you were deprived from this position and rank for you withdrew from (supporting) the truth. You changed the tradition of the prophet ,despite the clear and disclosed proofs. If you had withstood and were patient against the torture and annoyance ( of the tyrants ) for the sake of God , then the divine affairs would have stayed in your hands , and you were the ones to whom would be referred. But you made the tyrants dominant on you and left the divine affairs in their hands, while they shamelessly do the forbidden and notoriously live a licentious life. Your (fear) from death and attachment to this world have encouraged the tyrants to establish dominance over you. (Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 238)
12 - O' God! Surely you know that whatever we did was not a competition to gain worldly positions and not for the worthless physical attractions of the world. But to show the signs of religious ways and to remove corruption from your lands , so that the oppressed feel secured and act according to your traditions and rules. (Tohaf-al- Uqoul, P. 239)
13 - I never revolted in vain, as a rebel or as a tyrant, but I rose seeking reformation for the nation of my grandfather Mohammad. I intend to enjoin good and forbid evil, to act according to the traditions of my grandfather, and my father Ali Ibn Abi-Talib. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 44, P. 329)
14 - If the world is counted valuable; surely the house of God's rewards is higher and more worthy. If bodies were created for death; surely being killed with swords in the way of God is a more honorable death. If the share of daily sustenance, of each creature is provided by the creator, surely it is not decent for man to be greedy for gaining and eating too much. If wealth is amassed for one day to be left. Then why a free man becomes so miser on something he has to leave. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 44, P. 374)
15 - If you don't believe in any religion and don't fear the Resurrection Day, at least be free in this world. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 45, P. 51)
16 - Those who worship God for the hope of gaining , they're not real worshippers ,they're merchants. Those who worship God out of fear ( of punishment ) , they're slaves. And those who worship God to be grateful towards their creator , they are the free people , and their worship is a real one. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 117)
17 - Beware that the need of people to you is among the blessings of God to you. So do not scare away the needy people when they come to you, as the God’s blessings will return and go elsewhere. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 121)
18 - O' people take a lesson from the advice that God gave to His true believers, among which reproaching the Jewish scholars where he said:" Why do Jewish scholars not prohibit their people from saying sinful words? "And also (the Almighty) said:" Those who turned into atheists, from among the descendants of Israel, were cursed”... his Almighty added:" certainly evil was that which they did. "Surely the God criticized them for they turned a blind eye to what they saw of evil and corruption from the tyrants of their time out of greed or fear. The Almighty God says: " Do not fear people, rather, fear me! “The Almighty said: “The believing men and the believing women, they are guardians of each other; they enjoin good and forbid evil.” (Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 237)
19 - Whoever seeks the satisfaction of people through disobedience of God; Then God subjects him to people. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 126)
20 - Avoid oppressing the one who does not have any supporter against you, other than the Almighty God. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 118)
21 - One who reveals your faults to you like a mirror is your true friend, and one who flatters you and covers up your faults is your enemy. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 128)
22 - Wisdom will not be complete except by following the truth. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 127)
23 - Associating with corrupt people makes you subject to suspicion. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 122)
24 - Crying out of fear from God is salvation from the hellfire. (Mustadrak al- Wasael, Vol. 11, P. 245)
25 - A man came to Imam Hussain (Master of the martyrs) and said: I am a sinful man and can't avoid doing sin, please advise me. Imam (as) said: If you can do these five things, then commit sin as much you like. First of all: don’t eat the sustenance of God and commit sin as much you like. Second: go beyond the domain of God and commit sin as much you like. Third: seek a site where God can not observe you and commit sin as much you like. Fourth :if the Angel of death comes to you to take away your soul, expel him away from yourself and commit sin as much you like. Fifth: If the Angel of Hell was about to throw you into the hell-fire, stop him and commit sin as much you like. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 126)
Birth and Childhood
Hazrat Ali (a.s.) married Fatimah Bint-e-Huzaam Ibne Khalid (a.s.) in 24 Hijrah. Fatimah gave birth to Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) on the 4th Shabaan, 26th Hijrah. In 27th Hijrah Ja'far was born and in 29th Hijrah Uthmaan was born. Abdullah was born in 32nd Hijrah. Because she had four sons Fatima Binti Huzaam was known as Ummul Baneen (Mother of Sons).
Ummul Baneen, from the very first day she entered Hazrat Ali (a.s.) house, treated the children of Bibi Fatimah(s.a.) with utmost respect. She brought up her own sons to look upon Imam Hasan(a.s.), Imam Hussain(a.s.),Bibi Zainab (s.a) and Bibi Kulthoom (a.s.), not as brothers and sisters but as masters and mistresses.
Imam Hussain (a.s.) was very attached to Hazrat Abbas (a.s.). When Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) was born, Hazrat Ali (a.s.) asked Imam Hussain (a.s.) to recite the adhaan and the iqamah in the ears of the child. When he was on the arms of Imam Hussain (a.s.), the infant smiled and raised his arms. There were tears in Imam Hussein’s (as.) eyes. Was it because he knew that the child was trying to say: "O Mawla I have come and will happily give these my arms and my life for you and Islam"
In early childhood Hazrat Abbas (as.) would follow Imam Hussain (a.s.) like a shadow. If Imam Hussain (a.s.) looked thirsty, Abbas (a.s.) would rush to bring him water. If Imam Hussain (a.s.) seemed hot, Abbas (a.s.) would fan him with the hem of his cloak.
At the battle of Siffeen in the 34th Hijrah, Abbas (a.s.) was only eight years old. Imam Hussain (a.s.) was fighting in the battle field. When Hazrat Abbas(a.s.) saw an enemy soldier approaching Imam Hussain (a.s.) from behind, he took a sword and rushed into the battle field and killed the enemy, at the same time crying out in a loud voice, "How can any one dare attack my Mawla while I am alive." He continued to fight maintaining his position behind Imam Hussain (a.s.). Muawiya saw this and asked, "Who is that boy?" When he was told he was Abbas ibne Ali, he said, "By God! No one can fight like that at that age except a son of Ali!"
His youth
Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) grew up to be a tall and handsome man. He was so tall, that when he sat on a horse his feet touched the ground. He was so handsome that he was known as Qamar-e-Bani Hashim, the Moon of the family of Hashim.
Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) was also a valiant warrior. It was said that Muawiya did not dare invade Madina because of five men who were with Imam Hussain (a.s.) and could, together with their Imam, conquer a whole army. These were Muhammad Hanafia, a brother of Imam Hussain (a.s.), Hazrat Muslim ibn-e-Aqeel (a.s.), Abdullah Ibn-e-Jaffer (a.s.), Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) and Hazrat Ali ibn-al-Hussain (a.s.), our fourth Imam, Zainul 'Abideen (a.s.).
When Imam Hussain (a.s.) decided to leave Madina in the month of Rajab 60 Hijrah, he did not encourage Muhammad Hanafia and Abdullah Ibn-e-Jaffer to accompany him. He wanted to make sure that no one at the time or in the future would suggest that Hussain (a.s.) wanted to fight for the khilafah.
Just before Imam Hussain (a.s.) left Madina, Ummul Baneen (a.s.) summoned all her four sons and said to them, "My sons you must remember that while I love you, Imam Hussain (a.s.) is your Master. If Imam (a.s.) or his sisters or his children get injured or hurt while you are still alive, I will never forgive you."
There were tears in Hazrat Abbas's (a.s.) eyes as he promised his mother that he and his brothers would lay down their lives for Imam Hussain (a.s.) and his children.
Titles of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.)
1-Qamar-e-Banihashem (The Moon Of Banihashem's Progeny)
This was his most famous nickname. The reason behind that was his good looking face which was resembled to the moon.
2-Saqqa' (The One Who Brings Water)
This is his another famous nickname.Since he was dealing with bringing water to Imam Hussein (A.S)'s camps and supplying Imam's thirsty children with water, he was given this nickname.
3-Hamel-ul-Lava' (The One Who Carries the Flags)also Alamdar
This nick name was given to him because he was the one who carried the flag in Imam Hussein (A.S)'s troop.
4-Raees-e-Askar-al-Hussein (the Commander of Imam Hussain(a.s.)'s troops)
This nickname was given to him because he was the commander of Imam Hussain (as.)'s troops.
Hazrat Zainab (SA), Messenger Of the Karbala Revolution | for everyone |
MUHARRAM 1432/2010 (Sayed Ammar Nakshawani) MAJLIS - 3 | for everyone |
WIN TV - LIVE MAJALIS | for everyone |
Once Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) was walking with a companion called Mazahir, he (saw) stopped and sat on the ground. Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) called Mazahir's young son Habib to him and hugged and kissed him. Mazahir asked: "O Prophet! What good deed has my son done to deserve such affection?" With tears in his eyes Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)replied: "O Mazahir! Whilst we were walking I happened to notice at Habib. He was walking behind my grandson Husayn and wherever Husayn stepped he lifted the dust from under Husayn's feet and put it to his eyes in respect." O Mazahir! This Habib will come to my Husayn's aid one day." Habib Ibne Mazahir was about the same age as Imam Husayn (as). They were childhood friends, when Imam Ali (as) moved the capital from Medina to Kufa, Habib also moved to Kufa. He stayed in Kufa and became a prominent citizen. The first letter which Imam Husayn (as) received inviting him to Kufa was signed by none other than his childhood friend Habib Ibne Mazahir. After Hazrat Muslim ibn Aqeel and Hazrat Hani ibn Urwah were martyred by Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad, Kufa was sealed off. No one could get in or out of the city without the Governor Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad's permission. Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad also started spreading the rumour that Imam Husayn (as) had gone to Medina and that he was living there happily under the protection of Yazid ibn Mu'awiyah. Even Imam Husayn's messenger Qays ibn Mushir who tried to take a letter to the citizens of Kufa was arrested outside Kufa. He was tied, gagged and thrown from the roof of the palace to the ground three times. Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad succeeded in spreading terror in Kufa and silencing the people. Habib Ibne Mazahir was heart-broken because he could not join Imam Husayn (as). He did not even know where Imam Husayn (as) was. There were all sorts of rumours but no one knew anything for certain. Since the day Imam Hussayn (a.s.) had reached Karbala, everyday Bibi Zaynab (s.a.) saw soldiers coming to join the camp of Umar ibn Sa'ad, the Commander of Yazid's Army. On 4th Muharram she came to Imam Husayn (as) and said "Ya Akhi (Oh my brother), why are all these soldiers coming?" Imam Husayn (as) replied "My dear sister, they are gathering to kill me." Bibi Zaynab (sa) said, "Brother, you have hardly seventy-two men with you, while they are in thousands." Bibi Zaynab had tears in her eyes as she added, "Do you not have anyone ready to come to your help?" "My sister Zaynab, many wanted to join me during the journey from Medina to Karbala. I politely discouraged them because their intention was not truthful. Many joined and have run away during the journey because they were scared of dying." He continued: "Zaynab! My sister! Falsehood can buy many supporters, but truth has only a few friends. The soldiers on the other side have been bought. They prefer happiness in this world than in the world hereafter. My seventy-two truthful men prefer happiness in the world hereafter and that is why they are with me." In Karbala Imam Husayn (as) called no one for help except his childhood friend Habib Ibne Mazahir. That very same day Imam Husayn (as) wrote a letter to Habib Ibne Mazahir, his childhood friend, telling him how Yazid ibn Mu'awiyah's vultures were gathering to kill him. The letter was carried by a messenger who entered Kufa in the dark by climbing over the city walls. The messenger reached Habib's house as Habib, his wife and his young son were sitting down for breakfast/meal. Habib read the letter, kissed it and tears began to flow down his cheeks. His wife asked him what was wrong. Habib said "Who would ever have thought that people would be so thirsty for the blood of the grandson of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), whose name they utter in every Adhaan and in every Salaah?" Habib's wife said: "Habib! Your childhood friend has called you. Your master needs your help. What are you waiting for? Go Habib, before it is too late!" Habib instructed his servant to take his horse to a farm outside the city and wait for him there. If anyone should ask, the servant should say that he was taking the horse for grazing. At Asr, when most people were in the mosque, Habib slipped out of Kufa to reach the farm where his horse was waiting. He quickly mounted his horse and said to his slave: "Go, my friend, Go! I am freeing you from my services." "Master! You are not being fair. I have served you faithfully for years. Now, I have a chance to serve the son of Fatimah Zahra (sa), and you are asking me to go. Why are you denying me a place in Heaven?" Habib was taken aback by the words of his slave. He was pleased to hear that he had recognized the difference between the truth and the wrongful. He wanted to sacrifice his life for truth. Habib asked his slave to mount his horse. Together they galloped towards Karbala. Habib reached Karbala late in the evening. In Karbala, Imam Husayn (as) was distributing the weapons to all the Mujahids. There was one spear left when someone asked: "O son of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)! Who is the last spear for?" Imam Husayn (as) replied: "This one is for my childhood friend Habib." Just then Habib could be seen walking towards the camp. Imam Husayn (as) ran forward to greet him with great affection. Bibi Zaynab (sa) would ask Bibi Fizza to find out who had arrived when there was the sound of horses. Every time, Bibi Fizza would announce the arrival of more enemy troops. Suddenly, she said to Bibi Zaynab (sa), our guest has arrived." Bibi Zaynab (sa) asked Bibi Fizza to convey her Salaams to Habib. When Habib received the message he began to sob saying, "How fortunate are the companions of Imam Husayn (as) that the daughter of Fatimah Zahra (sa) should honour them with greetings." Days and nights of Moharram passed by and the fateful day of Ashura came. At dawn, Ali Akber (as) gave Adhaan for the last time. Yazid's soldiers blew the trumpets to start the battle. One-by-one, Imam Husayn's companions went to the battlefield and gave their lives for Islam. Between Zohr and Asr time, Habib lbne Mazahir came to Imam Husayn (as). He said: "My Master, Husayn, allow me to go to the battlefield. Let me sacrifice my life for Islam." "Habib, my childhood friend, stay with me. You give comfort to me, my friend." Habib persisted with his request. Eventually Imam Husayn (as) gave his permission. Imam Husayn (as) mounted his friend, Habib, on the horse. Habib Ibne Mazahir rode into the battlefield. He fought bravely but was finally over-powered. He fell to the ground. Imam Husayn (as) rushed towards him. Habib looked at Imam and said "O the grandson of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), please forgive this humble servant for not being able to give more than his unworthy life for you and Islam." Imam Husayn (as) took Habib in his arms and cried, "O my friend! O my friend!" Habib died resting his head on Imam Husayn's shoulder. Later an enemy soldier came over and cut off his head. All the martyrs of Karbala had their heads cut off, but Habib's was the first to be cut off by the enemy. Habib's head was not hung on the spearhead like that of the other martyr's. Habib's head was tied to a horse and pulled along the land of Karbala. |
MUHARRAM 1432/2010 (Sayed Ammar Nakshawani) | for everyone |
MUHARRAM 1432/2010 (Sayed Ammar Nakshawani)
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Hajj Hassanain Rajabali - Lecture 2 (1432) | for everyone |
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Hajj Hassanain Rajabali - Lecture 1 (1432) | for everyone |
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Volume IV, Year 2010 - Issue #48 | ||||
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Imam Hussain (as) in the Holy Quran | for everyone |
Imam Hussain (as) is the example for the self-conscious, uncompromising revolutionary, the one who advocated the rights of the oppressed. He is one of the near relatives of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) whom Almighty God orders us to love:
Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives; and whoever earns good, We give him more of good therein; surely God is Forgiving, Grateful. (42:23)
Imam Hussain (as) was a member of the family of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), whom Almighty God has kept uncleanness away from.
God only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying. (33:33)
Imam Hussain (as) was one of those counted with the Holy Prophet (pbuh) when the contest of prayers with the Christians of Najran was staged:
And whoever disputes with you concerning him (Jesus) after what has come to you of knowledge, then say: Come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves, then let us be earnest in prayer, and pray for the curse of God on the liars. (3:61)
"Is there any one who can come to our rescue? | for everyone |
Imam Hussein shouted, "Is there any one who can come to our rescue? Is there any one who can protect the sanctity of the family of Allah's Apostle?" The screaming and crying of women could be heard as a result of his plea.
One by one the companions of Hussain (A) asked for permission to meet in combat with the enemy bidding him farewell, saying, "Peace be with you Oh Aba Abdillah!"; he answered. "Peace be with you; we will follow", reciting, "...so of them is he who accomplished his vow, and of them is he who yet waits, and they have not changed the least". (33:23)
Then the two Jabiri cousins, Saif bin al-Harith bin Sari' and Malik bin Abid bin Sari' emerged crying and asked for permission to fight. Hussain asked them, "What makes you cry? I am hopeful that you will after a very short time have peace of mind and tranquillity". They answered, "We are not crying for ourselves, but for you. We can see that you are beleaguered, and we have no power to be of any good to you". Hussain thanked them. They fought till death.
Then the two Ghifari brothers, Abdullah and Abdul-Rahman sons of Urwah followed and fought and were killed close to Hussain (A).
A group consisting of Omar bin Khalid as-Saidawi, his servant Sa'ad, Jabir bin Al-Harith as-Salmani, and Majma' bin Abdullah Al-A'aithi came out and raided the enemy, the Kufi'ites; when they went deep into their ranks, they were encircled by the troops and cut off. Hussain sent his brother Al-Abbas in a bid to rescue them, which he did successfully. But due to their severe wounds they were overpowered by the Kufi'ites and were killed in one place.
Al-Hur bin Yazid ar-Riyahi attacked the enemy troops killing over forty of them. When his horse got wounded he fought them on foot and fell to the ground. Hussain stood over him wiping away soil and blood which was oozing from his face, saying, "Congratulations oh you Hur! You are Hur (free) as your mother named you". He passed away.
Wadhih, the Turkish servant of Al-Harth al-Mithiji came forward and asked for permission to fight. He fought until he was severely wounded; he called Hussain by name to come to his rescue. Hussain responded. But it was too late as he was in his final moments of life. Hussain hugged him. He said, "I am so lucky; the son of the Messenger of Allah putting his cheek on mine". He died immediately after that.
Aslam, the servant of Hussain (A) was next. He fought bravely. When he was badly wounded he called on Hussain for help. Hussain came to him and hugged him. He was still alive. He smiled, thanked God for granting him martyrdom and passed away.
Muslim bin Awsajah assaulted the enemy and fought very bravely. Amr bin al-Hajjaj and a band of his companions counter attacked the camp of Hussain from the direction of the Euphrates. When the two belligerent forces clashed and the dust settled, Muslim bin Awsajah was found fallen but still with a spark of life.
Hussain (A) and Habib bin Mudhahir walked towards him. Hussain said to him, "May Allah have mercy on you oh Muslim!" and recited, " ... so of them is he who accomplished his vow, and of them is he who yet waits, and they have not changed the least". (33:23)
Habib bin Mudhahir approached him and said, "God knows how sorry I am that you will die, Oh Muslim! the good news is that you will go to heaven". Muslim replied in a faint voice, "May Allah bring good news to you
Habib added, "If I am not absolutely sure that I will follow in your foot steps I would have asked you to let me know of your will". Muslim answered, "I urge you to take care of this", pointing to Imam Hussain, "You should sacrifice your life protecting him". Habib said to him, "Feel serene and be confident about that". He gave up the ghost to its Creator.
When the followers of Ibn Sa'ad knew of the death of Muslim bin Awsajah they shouted in elation. Shibth bin Rib'ii said to those who were around him, "May your mothers be bereaved. You are killing yourselves with your own hands and bring humiliation to yourselves Do you rejoice at the death of Muslim? He has credit in the service of Muslims. I saw him at the battle of Azerbaijan killing six atheists before the horsemen of the Muslim army had the chance to re-group.
When the troops of Ibn Sa'ad suffered many casualties at the hands of the followers of Hussain (A), Amr bin Al-Hajjaj shouted at his followers, "Do you know who you are fighting? You are fighting clear-sighted knights, bent on killing you; by the Almighty! if you would use only stones against them you would have killed them!." Omar bin Sa'ad retorted, "You are right. Tell the troops not to meet with them in duel, for if you do so you will all perish".
Amr bin AI-Hajjaj attacked the right flank of Hussain's camp. The remaining combatants withstood their ground, falling on their knees, aiming their arrows at the enemy. Thus, forcing the horses of the enemy to refrain from forging ahead. When they resumed their attack they came under a hail of arrows from Imam Hussain's (A) followers causing many casualties among their ranks.
Shimr bin Thil al-Jawshan took on the left flank of Hussain's (A) camp. The combatants proved to be as steadfast as their companions in the right flank. The result was complete failure of the enemy to break through the solid defences of Hussain troops.
Among those who remained alive at this stage of the battle was Wahab bin Abdullah Al-Kalbi who was with his mother and wife. His mother urged him to come out and support the son of the daughter of the Messenger of Allah. He answered, "0 mother! I will do my best". He came out chanting these sonnets.
"You better deny me not as I am the son of Al-Kalbi. You will see me and how fatal my blows are. How my assault and campaign seeking my revenge and that of my companions. I repulse the attack in the wake of the attack. For my struggle in the battlefield is not a playing matter."
Then he attacked the enemy killing some and wounding others, returning to his mother, saying to her, "Are you satisfied with my deed?" She answered. "Never! unless you are killed before Hussain (A)".
His wife intervened asking him, "I put you to oath by the Almighty! Do not bereave me by getting killed". His mother said to him, "Do not pay attention to what she says; go back and carry on fighting in front of the son of the daughter of the Messenger of Allah; you will be worthy of his grandfathers intercession on the Day of Judgement". He resumed combat, killing nineteen horsemen and twelve infantry troopers. He lost both his arms and was killed. May his soul rest in peace.
His wife walked towards his body and sat near his head, wiping away blood and saying. "Congratulations for you are guaranteed a place in heaven; I pray to the Almighty to bestow it on me to make me join you". Shimr was very angry at the spectacle. He dispatched his servant to kill her; he dealt a fatal blow to her head with a truncheon; she died instantly. She was the first women among the companions of Hussain (A) to be killed.
The enemy chopped off Wahab's head hurling it towards the tents of Hussain (A); his mother hugged it and wiped the blood off his face. She then was seen holding a tent pole and heading towards the enemy. Imam Hussain (A) prevented her from engaging in combat saying, "Go back. May Allah have mercy on you. You are relieved of jihad (holy war)". She returned uttering, "Oh Lord! do not frustrate my hope". Hussain said to her, "Allah will not do so".
Shimr attacked the tent of Imam Hussain (A) using his spear threatening to set it ablaze. The ladies inside the tent fled screaming and were in a distraught state. Hussain (A) called on him, "Oh you son of Thil Jawshan! Are you calling for my house to be burned while my family are inside? May Allah burn you in hell fire."
Shibth bin Rib'ii said to Shimr, "You have become a source of fright to women. I have never come across neither a deed nor a stance worse than yours". He felt ashamed and withdrew.
For the followers of the Ahlul Bayt (as), the first two months of the Islamic year are a time for grief and mourning. It was on the 10th of Muharram, 61 A.H/680 C.E that Imam Husayn (as) the grandson of the Holy Prophet (saw) was martyred in Karbala, "Ashura", meaning the tenth day.
The Holy Imam went through great difficulties even after Ashura, and their grief and pain is remembered by their followers for two months. During these two months Shia"s try to avoid all forms of merry making. They are as one bereaved family, giving vent to their grief and sorrow through mourning rituals such as Majalis and Matam. This does not mean however that they make their lives miserable. What they try to do is not indulge in activities that make them oblivious of the great sacrifice of Imam Husayn (as) and his family for Islam.
Why "Azaa"?
Many people wonder why we Shia"s mourn so much. Why all the weeping and beating of the chests/ Do we not believe that the Imam was victorious, that the effect of his death was a victory for Islam? Why then do we mourn for him. To answer this question, think about the following points:
Our deep love for the Ahlul Bayt (a)
It is human nature to feel sorrow at the death of a loved one. When a member of our family or a beloved one goes through tragic difficulties, our love for this person is demonstrated through our sharing of the sorrow. Often the grief at the suffering of a beloved is even more intense than the grief of the sufferer himself, as when a parent grieves for the suffering of a child. To the Shia"s the Ma"sumeen are more beloved of the holy family.
Consoling Bibi Fatema (as)
Human etiquette demands that the bereaved be treated with sympathy. the holy family lost so many beloved members on the fateful day, and received no compassion from the cruel forces of Yazid. Instead their misery continued for long afterwards. Those who love the holy family now take the opportunity every Muharram and Safar, to express the sympathy that should have been given to them.
Upholding Islamic Values
Mourning for Imam Husayn (as) is not confined to rituals of mourning only. It is also remembering the principles he died for and gaining inspiration for the sacrifices of those who died at Karbala. Every Muharram and Safar, Shia"s gain new faith and vigour as they mourn. It is a revival of our determination to keep Islam alive against all odds, a boost to uplift our religious zeal and keep us headed towards the right direction. We owe a great deal to the practice of mourning in Muharram. It has kept our religion alive and enables many of us to become familiar with the lofty deals and goals of Shi"ism.
Not forgetting the Imam of our time
The direct ninth descendant of Imam Husayn (as) is still alive. He is the twelfth and last Imam of the Shias. By participating in "Azaa" rituals we are manifesting our commitment to the Imam of our time. Since he is in occultation, we cannot visit him or offer him our condolences. Instead we gather and mourn the unparalleled tragedy in his family.
Ashura and Today | ||||
Once more Muharram has come, and the hearts of free men incline toward Hussain (PBUH), the son of Ali (PBUH), and their eyes are fixed upon Ashura, the event which took place more than 1300 years ago. Even after such a long passage of time, not only Shiite Muslims are attracted to this event, but all Muslims and other free believers. Why the remembrance of Imam Hussain (PBUH) is tied so much to Muharram? Why hasn't Ashura faded from history after a passage of 13 centuries? Why do Muslims gather every year to mourn for Hussain (PBUH)and his companions? And why hasn't this event faded into history like thousands of other events that have long been forgotten? These are some of the questions that might come up while one is thinking about this event. In this article we want to briefly investigate the concept of the eternal message of Imam Hussain's(PBUH) uprising (Qiam). After 13 centuries, should we maintain the remembrance of Ashura, or was it an event that belonged only to a specific period of history? Is the reviewing and renewal of such an event only a sensational and illogical act?
Since a long passage of time has not caused Ashura to be forgotten, is it possible that this event will be forgotten by the next generations?
The first thing that comes to mind while studying and considering the event of Ashura, is its non-material motive. Hussain the son of Ali (PBUT) was not only aware that he would be defeated, but he had also been informed that he would be martyred and that his family would be captured. Both the Great Prophet(PBUH&HP) and Imam Ali (PBUH), who had a special knowledge of certain future events, had made such predictions. Many people tried to stop him, but he saw it as his divine duty to keep the religion and the Prophet's (PBUH&HP) Sunnah alive. Now is it reasonable to say that the motive of his uprising was to gain a powerful position and governorship? An uprising, which from its beginning coincided with great hardships and eventually resulted in the martyrdom of all its participants?
On the contrary! The divine motive of Imam Hussain (PBUH) and his companions is observed in each moment of the event of Ashura: While each companion tried to precede the other in becoming martyred, while his six-month-old infant son passes away, while Imam Hussain (PBUH) devotes all his existence to Allah (SWT), and while in the last moments of his life he says: "O! My Lord I am content with what You have destined; I have submitted to Your will; There is no one worthy of worship other than You."
Consider these verses of the Holy Quran: "Everyone on it (the earth), is destined to perish – And there remains the Face of your Lord, which is full of glory and honor." (55: 26, 27) These verses are saying that when everything else has been destroyed, Allah (SWT) remains and bestows eternity to the people who join Him. The believers, who all of their aspects of live have connected with Allah (SWT), are considered to be eternal like their unique Creator. It is obvious that such an event would never fade or be forgotten, because in each moment of the event, it has tied and joined with Allah (SWT), Who is the only one who will not perish.
The divine motive of Ashura was the pure motive of obtaining closeness to Allah(SWT). Thus the goals of this uprising were in accordance with and consistent with the unchangeable nature of the human. So it would be impossible for man to one day forget that he wants to be free from every cruelty. It is impossible that one day man would forget to love his Creator. Therefore, we can conclude that man's nature would not let him/her forget this event, even after 13 centuries. Man will remember this event until the end of his life.
The extent of the influences of this uprising is so vast, not only Imam Hussain's(PBUH) followers were influenced by it, but all the free men of the world. As far as the deep and vast influence of such an event exists, the remembrance of Imam Hussain (PBUH) and his companions is alive.
From what was briefly mentioned, we obviously deduce that forgetting such an event is impossible. Now the question is this: Do we really need to study this event today? What can this event mean for the man living in the 21st century? What results would it have for modern-day life?
Since the early days Islam's main objective was to give freedom to mankind from tyranny and oppression. Therefore, those who saw their interests in danger with the rise of Islam, started to oppose Islam in any possible way. However, through the strong leadership of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and his divine assistance, the religion was protected against dangers posed by infidels and polytheists. Because of Islam, Muslims were able to identify the polytheists as the real enemy of their religion and never compromised in defending their religion.
When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) passed away, the enemies changed their technique. They gradually changed the religion and introduced superstitions. Many who were really enemies of Islam professed to be Muslims, but they were really hypocrites. The hypocrisy of enemies worked well for them. They succeeded in reaching key positions in government, but this time they carried religious titles. They were able to do things that they could not do when the Prophet was alive. As time passed, they were able to make more changes to Islam. The situation was getting worse until the fiftieth year after Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH&HP) demise. At that time a character named "Yazid" declared himself as "Amir al-Mu'minin" (Master of the believers) – the successor to the Holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) and to Allah (SWT). After that Yazid took control of the Muslims and demanded that his orders be followed as a part of the religion. In other words, he thought of himself as a God-like man. One of his orders, to fire on the Ka'ba with a catapult, had to be followed without question. At such a period of time, Imam Hussain (PBUH) came to the scene to rejuvenate the true Islam with his clear insight. He came to purge the religion from superstitions and whatever the hypocrites had added to it. This is why it is said: "Imam Hussain's sacrifices kept Islam alive." The Great Prophet of Islam once said of his grandson: "Hussain is of me and I am of Hussain."
However, the uprising of Imam Hussain (PBUH) is not limited to a one day battle between a minority of pious men and a majority of wrong believers and oppressors. This uprising has an everlasting divine message for humanitythat can be used at all times. The utilization of this message leads to freedom for all mankind from oppression and tyranny and eventually getting closer to Allah(SWT).
The enemies of Islam are continuously attacking it in this century as well. They know very well that the only way to defeat Islam is to alter the core principles. Hence, we truly need to understand the message which Imam Hussain's (PBUH)uprising bears with it. The message can help to protect the true Islam which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) brought for the whole world. We need to protect our beliefs from fake concepts and forged information and provide the elements of the "justice-for-all" government of al-Mahdi (PBUH) which is promised to us in Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH&HP) tradition. In fact, the uprising of Imam Hussain(PBUH) draws the border between right and wrong and rejuvenates the spiritual nature of mankind which has died in our era as a result of materialism. Therefore, the need for this message with such results has increased.
Moreover, an Infallible Imam completes the religion of Allah (SWT). Whether he fights or makes peace, accepts or denies an issue, all are done in accordance to the rules of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH&HP). Islam is not just limited to a certain period of time. The concepts of Islam can be found in the Holy Quran, the Prophet's traditions and the teaching and actions of the Imams (PBUH). The concepts of Islam are practical for every Muslim during his lifetime. It is important to understand the true human needs at every period of time and find appropriate solutions by applying religion in our lives. According to the narration of al-Thaqalayn from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP): "Imam and Quran are alike." The Holy Quran contains deep meanings, and the more one thinks about them, the more he can benefit. The character and deeds of the Imam are like verses of the Holy Quran; the more one deliberates, the more he understands.
The event of Ashura also supports this statement. It was a decision of Imam Hussain (PBUH), and he acted upon it. The culture of Ashura has remained a basis and principle for the culture of Shiism. A clear revision of this culture can bear a new message and a new insight. Therefore, if the event of Ashura were not a link in the chain of Islam, this chain would have been broken in two, and its followers would have fallen into a deep hole of ignorance and superstitions prevalent at the time. The rise of Imam Hussain (PBUH) has removed ignorance from Islam during the past and for the future; otherwise, Islam would have been altered many times during history.
As it was mentioned earlier, the uprising of Imam Hussain (PBUH) has not only affected the Shiite Islamic societies, but also people of other faiths.
YA HUSSAIN YA HUSSAIN | for everyone |
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Husayn is from me and I am from Husayn" (Prophet s.a.w)
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