Marriage Sayings | for everyone |
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "(Mostly) the doers of good of my Ummah are the married ones, while the vicious of them are unmarried."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "The person who marries gains half of his Faith, then he must fear of Allah (swt) for the next remaining half."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "A two rak'at prayer that a married person establishes is worthier than when a bachelor keeps up prayers at nights and fasts during the days."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "The sleep of a married person is better with Allah (swt) than an unmarried one who fasts during the day and keeps vigil at night, establishing prayers."
Imam Ali (as) said: "In any condition conciliate the wives, and talk with them warmly and through kind words, thereby, they may change their actions into good ones."
Imam Baqir (as) said: "He who takes a woman (marries) should certainly respect her, because the wife of anyone of you is a means of your pleasure, so the one who marries a woman should not spoil or disgrace her (by disregarding her respectable rights)."
Deprived of Divine Rewards (Sawaab) | for everyone |
He who commits a minor sin is deprived of the Sawaab, he would have deserved, had he abstained from it. Also every sinful act has some evil repercussion or the other; so it happens that one who repeatedly commits minor sins slowly becomes susceptible to the Greater ones. On the other hand, he who refrains from such acts becomes the recipient of Allah's blessings.
Besides he who avoids Greater Sins has his minor sins spontaneously forgiven. Thus one who persists in minor sins will be doubly unfortunate. He will not derive the Sawaab that is reserved for avoiding these sins -and secondly he will be disqualified from Allah's forgiveness for these sins.
This idea has been presented in the following tradition from the Masoom (a.s.):
"May Allah forgive the sins of the sinners. These people have surely been deprived of the sawab of good deeds."
To Persist in Lesser Sins is Equivalent to Committing a Greater Sin | for everyone |
It is an established fact that if one repeatedly commits a lesser sin he eventually becomes liable for a Greater punishment.
By not specifying the number of Greater Sins the Almighty Allah has bestowed a favour upon the people. Had such a number been fixed, the people would have the tendency to abstain mainly from these sins. They would be inclined to regard other sins lightly and indulge in them, underestimating their seriousness. Such indulgence over a period of time makes an individual bold enough to perform other types of misdeeds. It is for this reason that Allah has commanded His creatures to avoid all types of sins, because, being unmindful of minor sins will gradually attract them towards Greater ones. It is indeed Allah's Grace that by encouraging us to abstain from all types of sins, He keeps us safe from the most dreadful ones.
Another important and subtle point that should be stressed is the fact that considering a minor sin to be minor is itself a Greater sin. No sin is to be considered insignificant and trivial.
A Difficult Problem and its Solution | for everyone |
Some people raise the following objections regarding the subject of Greater Sins: -
1. Why does the Quran not explain in detail such an important subject as the Greater Sins?
1. Why does the Quran not explain in detail such an important subject as the Greater Sins?
2. Why are there conflicting reports from Masomeen (a.s.) with regard to the Greater Sins? Some traditions mention that the Greater Sins are five, some give the figure as seven, nine, twenty one and thirty one. One of the traditions reported from Ibne Abbas says that the total number of Greater Sins are seven hundred and seven. Let us now consider these objections so that appropriate replies can be provided.
Reply to the First Objection
It is Allah's grace that He has not mentioned the total number of Greater Sins in the Holy Quran. There is hidden wisdom in this. Let us suppose that the fixed number of Greater Sins had been given in the Quran. Then the people would have abstained only from these sins. They would have freely committed other sins thinking that they are not doing anything against the Holy Book. In this way they would, be emboldened to perform all other types of misdeeds. Thus Allah has prohibited his creatures to avoid even the lesser sins. This is because if one becomes unmindful of the lesser sins, he will slowly be attracted to the Greater Sins too.
The Gloom of Sins and the Glow of Repentance | for everyone |
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) was explaining the following verse of the Holy Qur'an:
"Allah is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the light."
(Surah Baqarah 2:257)
(Surah Baqarah 2:257)
He said,
"It means Allah takes them away from the darkness of the sins to the light of repentance. Because they were having 'Wilayat' of all the just Imams (all twelve of whom are appointed by Allah). The next portion of the same verse is, "and (as to) those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of the light into the darkness."
"It means Allah takes them away from the darkness of the sins to the light of repentance. Because they were having 'Wilayat' of all the just Imams (all twelve of whom are appointed by Allah). The next portion of the same verse is, "and (as to) those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of the light into the darkness."
The Imam further explained:
"It only means those who followed the light of Islam initially but later started following each an every usurper (leader) not authorised by Allah. They left the light of Islam and entered into the darkness of disbelief (Kufr). Thus Allah ordained upon the disbelievers the fire of Hell.
Do Not Use the Bounties for Committing Sins | for everyone |
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) wrote a letter to certain friends of his:
If you wish that your life and the hereafter be accomplished with the best of the deeds and that your soul be captured (death occurs) in this condition, then acknowledge the supremacy of Allah.
Do not misuse the bounties and gifts granted to you by Allah in committing acts that are forbidden by Him and become disobedient to Him. Respect all those who remember us, Ahle Bayt (a.s.), and claim to love us. It is immaterial (for you) whether he is truthful or not. For you will be rewarded according to your intention and they (the liars) will be punished for their sins.
(Behaarul Anwaar)
(Behaarul Anwaar)
Types of Taqwa According to Allama Majlisi | for everyone |
According to Allama Majlisi (r.a.) there are four types of 'Taqwa'
1. 'Wara-e-Ta'beeri- which means to abstain from the prohibited things.
2. 'Wara-e-Saleheen'- To abstain from doubtful things so that one may not commit a Haraam act.
3. 'Wara-e-Muttaqeen'- To abstain from permissible things so that one is absolutely protected from 'Haraam'.
4. 'Wara-e-Sadeqeen'- To avoid everything that is not religious so that one may not waste precious time in useless acts, even though there may not be any risk of committing a sin.
3. 'Wara-e-Muttaqeen'- To abstain from permissible things so that one is absolutely protected from 'Haraam'.
4. 'Wara-e-Sadeqeen'- To avoid everything that is not religious so that one may not waste precious time in useless acts, even though there may not be any risk of committing a sin.
Conversation of Ali (a.s.) With Some Shias | for everyone |
Conversation of Ali (a.s.) With Some Shias
On a certain evening Ali (a.s.) was departing from the mosque. The surroundings were bright due to the moonlight. He saw behind him a group of people walking towards him. He enquired as to who they were? They said: "We are your Shias." Ali (a.s.) looked at their faces carefully and said.
"Why is it that your faces do not exhibit any sign of you being a Shia?".
"Master, what are the signs of a Shia?"
"Their faces are pale due to excessive worship and the fear of Allah, their backs are bent due to prolonged prayers, too much fasting causes their abdomen to touch their backbones, their lips become dry be repeating endless invocations, and their hearts are filled with the fear of Allah."
(Behaarul Anwaar, Al-Irshad).
(Behaarul Anwaar, Al-Irshad).
While leaving house for special work/object/purposes | for everyone |
While leaving house for special work/object/purposes
A reliable tradition from Hazrat Ali (a.s) states that when a person enters his house he should offer salutation and if his house is not present he should say:
May there be peace on us from our God.
When one has to go out for some special work then one should go on Thursday morning and recite those verses from Aale Imran which are given below, also recite Ayatal Kursi, Inna Anzalna and surae Alhmad. Those verses are:
Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alteration of the night and the day, there are signs for men who possess wisdom.
Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and reclining on their sides and think (Seriously) in the creation of the heaven and the earth saying ‘O’ Our Lord! Thou hast not created (all) this in vain! Glory be to Thee! Save us then from the torment of the (Hell) fire’.
O’ our lord! whomsoever Thou causeth to enter the (hell) fire, surely Thou hast put him to disgrace; there is not, for the unjust, any of the helpers.
O’ Our Lord! We have indeed heard the voice of a Crier (Messenger), calling (us) unto faith, saying, “Believe ye in your Lord!” therefore “Forgive us then our sins and remove away from us our evil deeds and cause us to die with the virtuous ones”.
O’ Our Lord! and give us what Thou didst promise us through Thy Prophets, and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection; Verily, Thou breakest not Thy Promise”. (Quran 3: 190-194).
PRAYERS | for everyone |
-- Imam Ali (AS)
In his deathbed, placed a great emphasis on worshipping God, the Almighty saying, "Prayers, prayers, prayers."
--The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran says: "Man always needs to worship God especially when in danger."
-- A scholar of Qom Seminary
says: "One night I was invited to the house of Hajj Mustafa Khomeini [son of Imam Khomeini (R.A.)] who lived with his father. In the middle of the night someone moaning awakened me. I woke Hajj Mustafa up and asked him what the moaning could be. He listened for a moment and then said: `It is Imam Khomeini communing with his Lord.'"
--The Prophet (SAW)said: "On the night of Ascension I saw 70,000 cities like those of yours wherein angels had been worshipping God saying: `May God, the Almighty send His blessings unto those who attend the Friday prayers."
-- Prayers are the most comprehensive forms of worshipping.
--Imam Mahdi (AS) said to Zuhri twice: "Those who delay the performance of morning prayers until the setting of stars and of the evening prayers until the appearance of stars -- are out of Allah's blessings."
-- The Prophet (SAW)
said: "After their death, those who have not performed their prayers would beseech God to allow them to return to this world to make up for what they have neglected. (But) God, the Almighty will not do so because He knows well that they will not stand by their words."
--The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) says that there are secrets about paying Zakat (poor-rate) which also exist in prayers:
a) Zakat is a financial gift to the poor and in prayers one pray for the poor as well as the Muslim Ummah.
b) By paying Zakat, one's wealth becomes pure and by worshipping God, one's heart is cleansed of sins.
c) Zakat means thanking Allah and by the performance of prayers one thanks Him in his heart for his mental and physical health.
d) Zakat is the destroyer of financial meanness and prayer is the destroyer of one's arrogance.
e) Zakat protects one's wealth and worship protects one's deeds against evil-doings. Zakat is a stock for the poor and prayers are a stock for the pious.
f) He who pays Zakat wishes abundance in his wealth and he who worships wishes to be rewarded.
-- As long as one is praying, angels pray for him saying, "O Lord! Send your blessings unto him."
--Anas Ibn Malik said that the Prophet (SAW) never allowed his prayers to be delayed, even when he was traveling.
-- One dayAbdullah Ibn Masoudattended the congregation prayer led by the Holy Prophet (SAW), but he was late. He freed a slave to compensate for having lost the virtue of attending the congregation in time.
He asked the Prophet (SAW) if Allah had forgiven him.The Prophet (SAW)said that if he would spent all his wealth, he will never be given back the spiritual reward he had missed.
-- The Prayers of the followings are not accepted:
1- Those who are indifferent to others.
Imam Sadiq (AS) says: "The prayers of those who are indifferent to the destitute and the homeless will not be accepted."
2- Usurers
The Prophet (SAW) says: "The prayers of usurers are like building a house on sandy ground."
3- Irresponsible People
The Prophet (SAW) says: "The prayers of those women who benefit from their husbands' income, but do not show a sense of responsibility to do their duties - are not accepted by God."
4- Those who evade paying Zakat
The Qur'an places great emphasis on the observance of prayers as well as paying Zakat. God does not accept the prayers of those who do not pay Zakat.
Pomegranate fights breast cancer | for everyone |
Pomegranate fights breast cancer
Enzyme-blocking chemicals in pomegranate may protect individuals againstbreast cancers, a new study finds.
Previous studies had reported various health benefits for pomegranate. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, the fruit can help prevent cancer, heart problems and Alzheimer's disease.
According to the study published in Cancer Prevention Research, a group of phytochemicals known as ellagitannins, found in abundance in pomegranate, can block aromatase, inhibiting the growth of estrogen-responsive breast cancers.
Phytochemicals suppress estrogen production that prevents the proliferation of breast cancer cells and the growth of estrogen-responsive tumors, said lead researcher Shiuan Chen.
Aromatase, an enzyme that converts androgen to estrogen, is the main target in the majority of drugs used to fight estrogen-fueled breast cancers.
We do not recommend people start taking this as a replacement for the aromatase inhibitors, said Chen, stressing that the compounds found in pomegranate are not as potent as the actual drugs.
The health benefits of grapes | for everyone |
The health benefits of grapes include its ability to treat constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders, macular degeneration and prevention of cataract. Grapes, one of the most delicious fruits, are rich sources of vitamins A, C, B6 and folate in addition to essential minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. Grapes contain flavonoids that are very powerful antioxidants, which can reduce the damage caused by free radicals and slacken ageing.
Grapes, owing to their high nutrient content, play an important role in ensuring a healthy and robust life.
Benefits: Some of the health benefits of grapes include the following:
• Asthma: Due to its eminent therapeutic value, grapes can be used for cure of asthma. In addition to it, the assimilatory power of grapes is also higher. It increases the moisture present in lungs.
• Heart diseases: Grapes increase the nitric oxide levels in the blood, which prevents blood clots thereby reducing the chances of heart attacks. In addition the antioxidant present in grapes prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which blocks the blood vessels.
• Migraine: Ripe grape juice is an important home remedy for curing migraine. It should be taken early in the morning, without mixing additional water.
• Constipation: Grapes are very effective in overcoming constipation. They are considered as a laxative food, as they contain organic acid, sugar and cellulose. They also relieve chronic constipation by toning up intestine and stomach.
• Indigestion: Grapes play an important role in dyspepsia. They relive heat and cure indigestion and irritation of the stomach. They are also preferred as they constitute a light food.
• Fatigue: Light and white grape juice replenishes the iron content present in the body and prevents fatigue. Though, the dark grape juice might not give an iron boost and on the other hand, decrease the iron levels. Drinking grape juice also provides you with instant energy. The anti-oxidants present in grapes also provide the needed boost to your immune system.
• Kidney disorders: Grapes can substantially reduce the acidity of the uric acid and helps in the elimination of the acid from the system, thereby reducing the work pressure of kidneys.
• Breast cancer: Through a latest study, it has been discovered that purple colored Concord grape juice helps in preventing breast cancer. Significant reduction in mammary tumor mass of laboratory rats was seen after they were fed the grape juice on the experimental basis.
• Alzheimer’s disease: Resveratrol, a beneficial polyphenol present in grapes reduces the levels of amyloidal-beta peptides in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Studies suggest that grapes can enhance brain health and stall the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.
• Macular degeneration: Grapes can prevent the age related loss of vision or macular degeneration. Three servings of grapes a day can reduce the risks of macular degeneration by over 36 %.
• Prevents cataract: Flavonoids present in grapes have antioxidants, which can reduce and fight the damage caused by free radicals such as cataract apart from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and age related problems.
• Blood cholesterol: Grapes contain a compound called pterostilbene, which has the capacity to bring down cholesterol level. Saponins present in grape skin can also prevent the absorption of cholesterol by binding with it.
• Antibacterial activity: Red grapes have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties and can protect you from infections. They have a strong antiviral property against poliovirus and herpes simplex virus.
• Anticancer properties: Grapes are found to have strong anti cancer properties due to the anti-inflammatory effect of resveratrol present in grapes. It is particularly effective in colorectal cancer and breast cancer. Anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins present in grapes have properties of an anti-proliferate and can inhibit the growth of cancer causing agents. Grape juice not just prevents the risk of cancer but also suppresses the growth and propagation of cancer cells. The pigments contained in grapes enhance the overall immunity of the body.
Thus, grapes play a pivotal role in preventing innumerable health disorders and can be used as home based remedies for several ailments.
Dried grapes, known as raisins, are extremely nutritious and help in many disorders including constipation, acidosis, anemia, fever, sexual weakness and help in gaining weight and eye care.
FIGS | for everyone |
Figs are seasonal fruits that are found in the western parts of Asia. However, dried figs are always available. The figs tree is a member of mulberry family.
Health benefits of figs can be attributed to the presence of minerals and vitamins in them. Figs contain vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, potassium and chlorine.
A few of its health benefits include:
• Prevent constipation: There are 5 grams of fiber per three-fig serving. So, it helps in healthy bowel function and prevents constipation.
• Helps to reduce weight: The fiber in figs also helps to reduce weight and is recommended for obese people.
• Lower cholesterol: Figs contain Pectin, a soluble fiber. When fiber goes through the digestive system, it mops up globes of cholesterol and carries them out of body.
• Prevent coronary heart disease: Dried figs contain phenol, Omega-3 and Omega-6. These fatty acids reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
• Prevent colon cancer: The presence of fiber helps to mop up and usher out cancer causing substances.
• Protection against post-menopausal breast cancer: Fiber content in figs give protection against breast cancer.
• Good for diabetic patients: The American Diabetes Association recommends figs for a high fiber treat. Fig leaves reduce the amount of insulin needed by diabetic patients who have to take insulin injection. Fig is rich in Potassium. Potassium helps to control blood sugar. Fig leaves have anti-diabetic properties
• Prevention of hypertension: People used to take more sodium in the form of salt. Low potassium and high sodium level may lead to hypertension. Figs are high in potassium but low in sodium. So, it helps to avoid hypertension.
• Strengthens bones: Figs are rich in Calcium. Calcium helps to strengthen bones. People having high calcium diet may be affected by increased urinary calcium loss. Potassium content in figs helps to avoid that.
• Prevent macular degeneration: Vision loss in older people is due to macular degeneration. Fruits and figs generally are good for avoiding this condition.
• Relief for throat: The high mucilage content in figs helps to heal and protect sore throats.
Figs are quite useful in various respiratory disorders including whooping cough and asthma. Since they are also good for digestion, they help in treating constipation, indigestion, stomach ache, etc. Fig is also good for fever, earache, boils, abscesses, venereal diseases and is excellent for the liver. Fig is a highly alkaline food, therefore helps to regulate the pH of the body. Figs are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols. These are antioxidants, which prevent the damage caused by free radicals. Fig is known for its soothing and laxative properties. Figs are low in fat and sugar.
Figs are sweet and soft and their paste is used as a replacement for sugar. Processed figs are used to make pies, pudding, cakes, other bakery products, jam, jellies and preserves.
Precaution: Taking too much fig can cause diarrhea. Dried figs are high in sugar and might cause tooth decay.
Thyroid cancer | for everyone |
Thyroid cancer is a cancerous growth of the thyroid gland.
Alternative Names
Tumor - thyroid; Cancer - thyroid
Thyroid cancer can occur in all age groups.
People who have had radiation therapy to the neck are at higher risk. Radiation therapy was commonly used in the 1950s to treat enlarged thymus glands, adenoids and tonsils, and skin disorders. People who received radiation therapy as children are at increased risk for developing thyroid cancer.Other risk factors are a family history of thyroid cancer and chronic goiter.
There are several types of thyroid cancer:
• Anaplastic carcinoma (also called giant and spindle cell cancer) is the most dangerous form of thyroid cancer. It is rare, and does not respond to radioiodine therapy. Anaplastic carcinoma spreads quickly and invades nearby structures such as the windpipe (trachea), causing breathing difficulties.
• Follicular carcinoma accounts for about 10% of all cases and is more likely to come back and spread.
• Medullary carcinoma is a cancer of nonthyroid cells that are normally present in the thyroid gland. This form of the thyroid cancer tends to occur in families. It requires different treatment than other types of thyroid cancer.
• Papillary carcinoma is the most common type, and usually affects women of childbearing age. It spreads slowly and is the least dangerous type of thyroid cancer.
• Cough
• Difficulty swallowing
• Enlargement of the thyroid gland
• Hoarseness or changing voice
• Neck swelling
• Thyroid lump (nodule)
Note: Symptoms may vary depending on the type of thyroid cancer
There is no known prevention. Awareness of risk (such as previous radiation therapy to the neck) can allow earlier diagnosis and treatment.
HEALTH CENTER | for everyone |
HADEES OF THE HOLY PROPHET (S.A.W.S.) | for everyone |
1 - Hypocrites are characterized by three features: telling lies, reneging on promises, breaching of trust.
2 - The most hateful thing to Allah among those lawful ones is divorce.
3 - Oh, Adam’s descendant! If you have a healthy body and a peaceful mind, and can afford your livelihood for one day , don’t worry about anything else!
4 - Oh, Adam’s descendant! You have within your reach whatever meets your needs, whereas you are seeking things that develop disobedience in you, you do not choose contentment, and nothing, however abundant, can satisfy you.
5 - Avoid the curse of the opressed, since they seek adjudication from Allah and He will never let them down & deny them their rights.
6 - Refrain from using unlawfully obtained construction materials in your building, for they will ruin it.
8 - He who grants a respite to his debtor or cancels his debt will be in heaven on the Day of Judgement.
9 - Fear the curse of the oppressed for it spreads up as the flames of fire.
10 - God punishes man for two sins in this world: injustice and ungratefulness towards parents.
11 - Whoever from among you is more valiant to take solemn oath is nearer to the Hell.
7 - Fear the believer’s insight, for in seeing things, he is assisted by the light of Allah.
12 - Be moderately wordly minded; since everybody shall receive whatever is apportioned to him by fate.
13 - To God, the best act is timely prayer, then right conduct towards parents, then struggle in the way of God.
14 - To God, the most popular servants are unknown pious ones.
15 - To God. The best act is the one which is more lasting, however scanty that might be.
The Holy Prophet [PBUH] said: "Man is influenced by the faith of his friends. Therefore, be careful of whom you associate with."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 74, p. 192
Imam Sadiq [A.S] said: "Be the friend of he who may grace you, not of one whom you are better than." (- viz. make friends with ones who are higher than you so that you progress.)
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 76, p. 267
Imam Sadiq [A.S] said: "My most beloved brother is he who (makes me aware of) my faults."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 74, p. 282
Imam Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Ali [A.S] said: "Verily, there are three (types of) friends for a Muslim:
1.The friend who says: 'I am with you whether you are alive or dead', and this is his deed. 2.The friend who says: ' I am with you unto the threshold of your grave and then I will 3.The friend who says: 'I will be with you until when you die', and this is his wealth which will belong to the inheritors when he dies."
Imam Sadiq [A.S] said: "Be careful to have truthful friends and try to obtain them, for they are your support when you are in welfare, and your advocator when you have misfortune'.
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 74, p. 187
Imam Sajjad [A.S] said: "The meeting of the righteous invites you to goodness."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 78, p.141
Imam Sajjad [A.S] said: "Beware of the companionship of the sinful, and helping of the unjust."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 78, p.151
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