Fellow Muslims-Rights | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet [PBUH] said: "He who enjoins right and prohibits wrong is the vicegerent of both Allah and His Messenger on the earth."
Mustadrak-ul-Wasa'il, vol. 12, p. 179
The Holy Prophet [PBUH] said: " Whensoever my Ummah undertake to enjoin right and prohibit evil and associate in establishing benevolence, they live happily and prosperously; but when they stop doing so, the blessings will be taken off from them."
At-Tahthib, vol. 6, p. 181
Imam Amir ul Mu'mineen Ali [A.S] said: "Enjoining good is the most excellent deed of people."
Mustadrak-ul-Wasa'il, vol. 12, p.185
Imam Sadiq [A.S] said: "All good deeds totally, including even the struggle in the Holy War in the way of Allah, comparing with enjoining right and forbidding wrong, is like a small amount of saliva compared with a deep ocean.
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 100, p. 89
Imam Baqir, the fifth Imam, [A.S] said: " Allah, Almighty and Glorious, revealed to Prophet Jethro (Shu'ayb) [a]: 'I will punish one hundred thousand people of your folk. Forty thousand people are from their vicious ones but sixty thousand of them are from their good-doers. Jethro [a] inquired: 'These are the vicious (who deserve punishment), but what about the good-doers?' Then, Allah, Almighty and Glorious, revealed to him: 'They (the good-doers) associated with the sinners and did not become angry because of My wrath."
Al-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 56
Imam Amir-uI-Mu'mineen Ali [A.S] said: "Ask others to do good and forbid evil and do know that 'enjoining right and forbidding wrong' never draws death near nor ceases sustenance."
Wasa'il-ush-Shi'ah, vol. 16, p. 120
Imam Sadiq [A.S] said: "Woe to the people who do not support the religion of Allah by enjoining good and forbidding evil."
Mustadrak Al-Wasa'il-ush-Shi'ah, vol. 12, p. 181
A TRUE FREIND | for everyone |
A true friend sees the good in
everything, and brings out the best in the worst of things.”
THE SIGNS OF AKHIRAT-3 | for everyone |
"Oh Salman, at that time they will decorate the mosques as they do to the temples of the Christians and the Jews, and will decorate the Qur'an (without acting accordingly). The Minarets will be long and the people praying will be a lot, but in their hearts they are enemies and the tongues will differ.
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the males of my ummah will be wearing gold and silk clothing and will make clothes out of leopard/cheetah skin."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who has hold of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time adultery will be performed openly, trading will be performed with backbiting and bribe, and people will put religion down and think only of worldly affairs."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life" "Oh Salman, at that time divorce will be common and punishment will not be according to Allah's will in Islamic laws. But they must know that they are the ones who suffer, not Allah."
Salman asked, "is this possible oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the singer women, music instrument, and playing music will appear, and the wicked of my ummah will go for them (will follow them)."
Salman asked. "is this possible oh prophet of Allah? He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds my life."
"Oh Salman, at that time the wealthy people in my ummah will go to hajj for pleasure, the middle class people in my ummah will go to hajj for trading, and the poor in my ummah will go to hajj for show off. At that time there will be people who learn the Quran not for Allah's sake. They treat that like playing instrument. There will be people who learn the religious knowledge not for Allah's sake. And the number of illegitimate children will increase. And people recite Quran in a musical way. People will race each other over the worldly material."
Salman asked, "does this happen oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, this will happen when the veil of venerate will be torn apart (honors will be defiled), sins will be common, the bad will take authority over the good, lies will be plentiful, obstinacy(disputes) will be open, the number of poor will increase, and people will pride oneself because of clothing. There will be unseasonable rain, the instruments of music and gamble will be considered interesting, and will dislike amr-e-bil ma’roof (enjoining the good) and nahie-anil monkar (forbidding the evil) so much as that the true Momin (believer) at this time will be considered at the lowest degree of all amongst the ummah, the Quran reciter will backbite one another. Those are the people who will be called unclean and filthy in the kingdom of heavens."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time, the rich will not be afraid (of anything) except to the poor so much so that a beggar will continue begging between two Fridays and will not find anyone putting anything in his hands."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time will talk ‘Ruuwaibidhah’."
Salman asked: "And what is Ruwaibidhah? O Messenger of Allah, my father and mother be sacrificed for you." Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. said, "Such persons will talk about public affairs who had not talked in such matter before. Then in a short time, chaos will appear upon the earth, and every nation will think that chaos was only in their land (but it will cover the whole world)." "They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain. Then the Earth will throw out the pieces of its heart - gold, silver, and other minerals - (then the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. pointed towards the pillars, and said), "like these in size, but on that day neither gold nor silver will be of any benefit to anyone. And this is the meaning of the words of Allah ‘So surely did come its (i.e. Qiyamat’s) SIGNS’."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the males of my ummah will be wearing gold and silk clothing and will make clothes out of leopard/cheetah skin."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who has hold of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time adultery will be performed openly, trading will be performed with backbiting and bribe, and people will put religion down and think only of worldly affairs."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life" "Oh Salman, at that time divorce will be common and punishment will not be according to Allah's will in Islamic laws. But they must know that they are the ones who suffer, not Allah."
Salman asked, "is this possible oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the singer women, music instrument, and playing music will appear, and the wicked of my ummah will go for them (will follow them)."
Salman asked. "is this possible oh prophet of Allah? He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds my life."
"Oh Salman, at that time the wealthy people in my ummah will go to hajj for pleasure, the middle class people in my ummah will go to hajj for trading, and the poor in my ummah will go to hajj for show off. At that time there will be people who learn the Quran not for Allah's sake. They treat that like playing instrument. There will be people who learn the religious knowledge not for Allah's sake. And the number of illegitimate children will increase. And people recite Quran in a musical way. People will race each other over the worldly material."
Salman asked, "does this happen oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, this will happen when the veil of venerate will be torn apart (honors will be defiled), sins will be common, the bad will take authority over the good, lies will be plentiful, obstinacy(disputes) will be open, the number of poor will increase, and people will pride oneself because of clothing. There will be unseasonable rain, the instruments of music and gamble will be considered interesting, and will dislike amr-e-bil ma’roof (enjoining the good) and nahie-anil monkar (forbidding the evil) so much as that the true Momin (believer) at this time will be considered at the lowest degree of all amongst the ummah, the Quran reciter will backbite one another. Those are the people who will be called unclean and filthy in the kingdom of heavens."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time, the rich will not be afraid (of anything) except to the poor so much so that a beggar will continue begging between two Fridays and will not find anyone putting anything in his hands."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time will talk ‘Ruuwaibidhah’."
Salman asked: "And what is Ruwaibidhah? O Messenger of Allah, my father and mother be sacrificed for you." Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. said, "Such persons will talk about public affairs who had not talked in such matter before. Then in a short time, chaos will appear upon the earth, and every nation will think that chaos was only in their land (but it will cover the whole world)." "They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain. Then the Earth will throw out the pieces of its heart - gold, silver, and other minerals - (then the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. pointed towards the pillars, and said), "like these in size, but on that day neither gold nor silver will be of any benefit to anyone. And this is the meaning of the words of Allah ‘So surely did come its (i.e. Qiyamat’s) SIGNS’."
(Bihar-ul-Anwar, Vol. III).
THE SIGNS OF AKHIRAT | for everyone |
It will happen that heir rulers will be such people that if they talked, they would kill them. And if they remained silent, they would confiscate their wealth, would put their honour under their feet and would shed their blood - and the people’s hearts will be full with fear, and you will not find anyone but that he would be afraid, fearful, awed and in terror."
"Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, verily at that time some things will be brought from the East and some things from the West, and my Ummat (Muslims) will be dyed in them. The woe be unto the weaker people of my Ummat from them, and woe be unto those from Allah. They will not have mercy upon the little ones, and will not respect the old ones. The bodies will be human beings, and their heats will be full of Satans."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time men are contented with men, and women with women, and will challenge over the boys as they have for the girls in their family! Men make themselves look like women and women like men; women will ride on the saddle and will show off, and Allah will send his curse upon them."
"Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, verily at that time some things will be brought from the East and some things from the West, and my Ummat (Muslims) will be dyed in them. The woe be unto the weaker people of my Ummat from them, and woe be unto those from Allah. They will not have mercy upon the little ones, and will not respect the old ones. The bodies will be human beings, and their heats will be full of Satans."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time men are contented with men, and women with women, and will challenge over the boys as they have for the girls in their family! Men make themselves look like women and women like men; women will ride on the saddle and will show off, and Allah will send his curse upon them."
SIGNS OF THE AKHIRAT | for everyone |
"Oh Salman, at that time women will be rulers and the concubines will be consulted, and the children will sit upon the pulpit ‘mimber’ (could mean disrespect for the mimber or such people will ascend the pulpit who will not deserve such honour), and the lie will be considered cleverness, and zakat (charity) will be disliked as fines, and the booty of war will be squandered as personal property (or in present days’ context, public property will be squandered as personal property), and man will be tyrant to this parents and will be generous to his friend, and at that time comets will appear."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the woman will become a partner of her husband in trade, and the rain will be very hot (Climate Change?), and virtuous people will remain sorrowful, and the poor person will be dishonored, and that time, the markets will come nearer (telephones/Internet), then they will say, ‘I did not sell anything’ and they will say, ‘ did not get any profit.’(greed and discontent?) Thus, you will see none who is not complaining against Allah."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the woman will become a partner of her husband in trade, and the rain will be very hot (Climate Change?), and virtuous people will remain sorrowful, and the poor person will be dishonored, and that time, the markets will come nearer (telephones/Internet), then they will say, ‘I did not sell anything’ and they will say, ‘ did not get any profit.’(greed and discontent?) Thus, you will see none who is not complaining against Allah."
SIGNS OF THE HOUR | for everyone |
"Verily, amongst the Signs of the Hour is that people will neglect prayer, and will follow their own views (and desires will supersede the commandments of Allah S.W.T., they will follow only those rules which will appeal to them, and will leave other rules), and will incline towards their preferences, and will respect the wealth people (forgetting the Islamic criterion of honour, i.e. piety), and will sell the religion for worldly benefits, at that time the heart and the soul of the believer will melt (from grief) as salt melts in water, because he will see the unlawful things and will not be able to change them."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, at that time the rulers will be tyrants, the ministers transgressors, and the trustees embezzlers." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, verily at that time the evil will become virtue and the virtue will become evil, the embezzlers will be trusted, and the trustworthy people will be thought untrustworthy, and the liars will be vouchsafed, and the truthful one will be considered a liar."
Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, at that time the rulers will be tyrants, the ministers transgressors, and the trustees embezzlers." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life."
"Oh Salman, verily at that time the evil will become virtue and the virtue will become evil, the embezzlers will be trusted, and the trustworthy people will be thought untrustworthy, and the liars will be vouchsafed, and the truthful one will be considered a liar."
The Obedient Wife' | for everyone |
There was a man, who had worked all his life, had saved all of his money,
And was a real miser when it came to his money.
Just before he died, he said to his wife...'When I die, I want you to take all my money and put it in the casket with me.
I want to take my money to the afterlife with me.'
And so he got his wife to promise him, with all of her heart, that when he died, she would put all of the money into the casket with him.
Well, he died.
He was stretched out in the casket, his wife was sitting there - dressed in black, and her friend was sitting next to her. When they finished the ceremony, and just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said,
'Wait just a moment!'
She had a small metal box with her; she came over with the box and put it in the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket down and they rolled it away.
So her friend said,
'Girl, I know you were not foolish enough to put all that money in there with your husband.'
The loyal wife replied,
'Listen, I'm a Christian;
I cannot go back on my word. I promised him that I was going to put that money into the casket with him.'
You mean to tell me you put that money in the casket with him!?!?!?'
'I sure did,' said the wife.
'I got it all together, put it into my account, and wrote him a cheque.....
If he can cash it, then he can spend it.
Send this to every clever female you know, and
to every man who thinks they are smarter than women!!!
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
Tips for Removing Hair Dye From Skin | for everyone |
Tips for Removing Hair Dye From Skin
If you color your hair at home remember that hair dye can touch your skin. By wearing gloves and applying dye carefully around the forehead, you can avoid hair dye from your skin. You should also apply a little quantity of petroleum jelly or hair conditioning around the base of your hair because dye has a hard time gluing to oily surface. If you have applied all these still end up with stains then there is a need to be removed. Some home remedies are given below.
Tips for Removing Hair Dye from Skin:
Soap: Soap will work safely on your skin. Select the soap that does not create difficulty for you. Froth the soap with the help of the tiny skin brushes or nail brushes on the stained area and start washing the stain off with a towel. For good results, replicate the process two to three times.
Scrub: You can use body scrubs to remove the hair dye from your skin. If you don’t want to waste your expensive body scrubs then prepare a tiny batch of your own. Take two tablespoons of sugar or ground oatmeal and crush it with a water to make it thick. Scrub away.
Try Toothpaste: Toothpaste is used for clean up the number of surfaces other than teeth. Many people have experienced that toothpaste acts well to remove dye from the hands, ears, neck, and face. It may not work for everyone, but it’s worth a try as it is economical and readily available.
Baking Soda and Dish-washing Liquid: Baking Soda acts well for the some people. It should be combined with dish-washing liquid because it contains lemon. Apply this combination to a clammy washcloth, and rinse off the baking soda and dish-washing liquid along with the dye.
Nail Polish Remover: If you have nail polish remover, with the help of cotton wool and rub on the skin where the hair dye is observed. It takes some time to remove.
Vaseline: Some people swear by using Vaseline to remove hair dye. Vaseline works as a great barrier prior to dying the hair, where it defends the skin from receiving discolored.
Hydrogen peroxide: massage it on the stained part until removing hair dye from skin.
Milk: marinate a cotton ball with milk and massage it on the stain.
Baby oil: massage the baby oil on the stain and leave it overnight. It will work well.
Alcohol: with the help of cotton ball, put a few drops of alcohol on skin and rubbing then wash the dye away. If required, rub it a few more times to make sure the stain is entirely gone.
Cigarette ash and shampoo: To instantly remove the dye stains from skin, combine the Cigarette ash with shampoo and rubbed on the skin stained. Wash your skin with warm water.
Vinegar: it has acidic property that is good for sloughing off dead skin cells and stains on it.
Other tips
* Ajax
* Goop – a substance that removes glue and other sticky stuff
* Bleach
* Bathroom cleaners
* Beauty salons products
How to Keep Dye Off of Your Skin?
* Following options are available to keep away from getting dye directly on your skin.
* Read the mixing directions and don’t insert additional liquids for making the dye paste. If the consistency of mixture is too thin then it can cause to drip onto your skin easier.
* Before you start to dye your hair, pull all of your hair up off of your neck and pile it on top of your head. Apply Vaseline to your ears, neck, forehead and anyplace that you think your hair may contact during the dying process.
* When you finish the dying process, put an old shower cap on it. It may not cover all hair dyes but it will avert you from fortuitously touching your head.
* When you wash your hair, start with a tub not with the shower. A tub rinse means that you kneel over and clean your hair under the bathtub faucet.
Scrub: You can use body scrubs to remove the hair dye from your skin. If you don’t want to waste your expensive body scrubs then prepare a tiny batch of your own. Take two tablespoons of sugar or ground oatmeal and crush it with a water to make it thick. Scrub away.
Try Toothpaste: Toothpaste is used for clean up the number of surfaces other than teeth. Many people have experienced that toothpaste acts well to remove dye from the hands, ears, neck, and face. It may not work for everyone, but it’s worth a try as it is economical and readily available.
Baking Soda and Dish-washing Liquid: Baking Soda acts well for the some people. It should be combined with dish-washing liquid because it contains lemon. Apply this combination to a clammy washcloth, and rinse off the baking soda and dish-washing liquid along with the dye.
Nail Polish Remover: If you have nail polish remover, with the help of cotton wool and rub on the skin where the hair dye is observed. It takes some time to remove.
Vaseline: Some people swear by using Vaseline to remove hair dye. Vaseline works as a great barrier prior to dying the hair, where it defends the skin from receiving discolored.
Hydrogen peroxide: massage it on the stained part until removing hair dye from skin.
Milk: marinate a cotton ball with milk and massage it on the stain.
Baby oil: massage the baby oil on the stain and leave it overnight. It will work well.
Alcohol: with the help of cotton ball, put a few drops of alcohol on skin and rubbing then wash the dye away. If required, rub it a few more times to make sure the stain is entirely gone.
Cigarette ash and shampoo: To instantly remove the dye stains from skin, combine the Cigarette ash with shampoo and rubbed on the skin stained. Wash your skin with warm water.
Vinegar: it has acidic property that is good for sloughing off dead skin cells and stains on it.
Other tips
* Ajax
* Goop – a substance that removes glue and other sticky stuff
* Bleach
* Bathroom cleaners
* Beauty salons products
How to Keep Dye Off of Your Skin?
* Following options are available to keep away from getting dye directly on your skin.
* Read the mixing directions and don’t insert additional liquids for making the dye paste. If the consistency of mixture is too thin then it can cause to drip onto your skin easier.
* Before you start to dye your hair, pull all of your hair up off of your neck and pile it on top of your head. Apply Vaseline to your ears, neck, forehead and anyplace that you think your hair may contact during the dying process.
* When you finish the dying process, put an old shower cap on it. It may not cover all hair dyes but it will avert you from fortuitously touching your head.
* When you wash your hair, start with a tub not with the shower. A tub rinse means that you kneel over and clean your hair under the bathtub faucet.
High Diastolic Blood Pressure Causes | for everyone |
High Diastolic Blood Pressure Causes
The blood circulating inside our body exerts pressure on the walls of the blood vessels and this pressure is known as blood pressure. Blood pressure fluctuates between the systolic and diastolic beat. Diastolic pressure is the measurement of the heart beat when blood flows into the heart. The typical blood pressure ratio (e.g 140/90) denotes the systole (numerator) and the diastole (denominator). Thus, the minimum value stands for diastole and the maximum for systole. In this article we shall mainly deal with the reasons behind increase in the value of diastolic pressure. The instrument used to measure blood pressure is known as sphygmomanometer. When the readings go beyond normal (80-90 mm/Hg), a person is known to be suffering from high blood pressure. High diastolic blood pressure causes are mostly associated with unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits. The following content will elaborate in this matter.
High Diastolic Blood Pressure: Causes
Our blood pressure fluctuates in between muscle contractions. Abnormal blood pressure readings are indications of underlying heart disorders. The causes of high diastolic blood pressure readings are illustrated in the text written below.
One of the main reasons for high blood pressure is diabetes (both type 1 and type 2). Presence of high levels of sugar inside the body gives rise to further complications associated with kidney and liver. Chances of heat attack is also high for diabetic people.
The fats deposited inside the body of overweight people put additional tension on the arterial system of their body. This directly increases the rate of flow of blood, stepping up the blood pressure reading all of a sudden. People suffering from diabetes and obesity simultaneously show high reading of blood pressure that carrying greater risks of coronary diseases, like thrombosis.
Kidney Disease
Kidney disease is one of the primary reason behind secondary hypertension, affecting mostly old people. It causes renal artery stenosis. Atherosclerosis causes narrowing of renal arteries that causes high readings of blood pressure. Other types of kidney diseases that raises diastolic blood pressure are renal parenchymal disease and polycystic kidney disease.
How is your diet related with high diastolic blood pressure? Here's the explanation. High diastolic blood pressure causes associated with unhealthy diet is becoming more rampant among all age groups. Consumption of excessive carbohydrates not only increases the sugar level but also uplifts blood pressure. Trans fatty acids and saturated fatty acids cause deposition of cholesterol in the arteries. This leads to stiffening of arteries and increasing the levels of blood pressure.
Smoking and drinking are the worst addictions for human beings. Deposition of nicotine enhances the pace of heart beat while alcohol directly affects the nervous system of human beings. Smoking and drinking habits also grow to overcome diastolic hypertension. Finally it takes toll on the health.
People who are dependent on medications tend to have high diastolic blood pressure. Administration of corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, oral contraceptives, decongestants increase the blood pressure at some point of time. Excessive intake of hypertension pills also have a reverse effect on body in the long run.
Disease History
People who have suffered heart attack earlier more often have a high readings of blood pressure. Thyroid disorders, adrenal tumors and Cushing syndrome show peak value of blood pressure readings. Coarctation of aorta is another disease responsible for high diastolic blood pressure. Thus presence of underlying disease can be detected from the values of readings.
High diastolic blood pressure symptoms at the initial stage can be detected by certain changes in the state of the body. A person will experience low energy, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, restlessness, headaches and confusion. The signs and symptoms of high blood pressure become evident with respiratory troubles, left arm pain, chest pain and frequent urination. With this, chances of getting heart attacks, coronary heart diseases, aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and pericardial diseases also increase. The dangers of high blood pressure can be controlled with proper treatment on immediate detection of the underlying disorders.
Now the question is how to lower diastolic blood pressure? High diastolic blood pressure treatment mainly deals with intake of appropriate medication of to bring down the readings. The treatments of high blood pressure determined by doctors must be followed regularly to avoid aggravation of symptoms. The causes associated with obesity, diet and diabetes are easily controlled with medications for a certain time period. Apart from the medications, one needs to chalk out a proper diet plan that will completely exclude tobacco and alcohol. In this context read about the high blood pressure diet plan. To lead a healthy life one must exercise regularly and lead a normal lifestyle devoid of unhealthy elements.
I CAN FIX THAT | for everyone |

A Brilliant Teacher !!! | for everyone |
A Brilliant Teacher !!!
TEACHERS........WOW !!! and how VERY TRUE.
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education.
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education.
He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher ?"
To stress his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Barbara. Be honest. What do you make ?"
Barbara, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make ? She paused for a second, and then began...
"Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a C+ student feel like he is the Congressional Medal of Honor winner.
I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents CAN'T make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental.
You want to know what I make ? She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table.
I make kids wonder.
I make them ASK questions.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them ASK questions.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.
I teach them to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding ISN'T EVERYTHING.
I teach them to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding ISN'T EVERYTHING.
I make them read, read, read and read.
I make them show all their work in maths. They use their God given brain, not the man-made calculator.
I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know about English, while preserving their unique cultural identity.
I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.
Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life.
I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.
Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life.
Barbara paused one last time and then continued - Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant.
You want to know what I make ?
HEAVENLY DRESS...... | for everyone |
A priest dies and is waiting in line at thePearly Gates. Ahead of him is a
guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt,leather jacket, jeans and cowboy boots. Saint Peter addresses this cool guy, 'Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven ?
'The guy replies, 'I'm Jack, retired Continental Airlines Pilot from Houston '.
Saint Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the pilot, 'Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom.' The pilot goes into Heaven with his robe and staff.
Next, it's the priest's turn. He stands erect and booms out, 'I am Father Bob Hailey, pastor of Saint Mary's in Pasadena for the last 43 years.' Saint Peter consults his list. He says to the priest, 'Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom.
'Just a minute,' says the good father. 'That man was a pilot and he gets a silken robe and golden staff and I get only cotton and wood. How can this be?
'Up here - we go by results,' says Saint Peter. 'When you preached - people slept. When he flew, people prayed.'
Saint Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the pilot, 'Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom.' The pilot goes into Heaven with his robe and staff.
Next, it's the priest's turn. He stands erect and booms out, 'I am Father Bob Hailey, pastor of Saint Mary's in Pasadena for the last 43 years.' Saint Peter consults his list. He says to the priest, 'Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom.
'Just a minute,' says the good father. 'That man was a pilot and he gets a silken robe and golden staff and I get only cotton and wood. How can this be?
'Up here - we go by results,' says Saint Peter. 'When you preached - people slept. When he flew, people prayed.'
Best Four Small Online Business Ideas For Home Workers | for everyone |
Best Four Small Online Business Ideas For Home Workers
1. Join a network marketing company. There are thousands of people making money with this small business idea.
It is also known as multilevel marketing or having your own MLM business. Today making money in this business model is easier thanks to the Internet.
It's easier to sell products online because you do not have to collect the money or deliver products to your customers directly. It's also easier to sponsor people into your downline because you can use the Internet to automate much of the prospecting and sponsoring process.
You can literally build a worldwide operation if you're in the right type of MLM program. Programs that have products that do not require shipping allow you to enroll people in virtually every country of the world.
As your business grows you will have thousands of people in your group you are making money on. This gives you the benefit of having a small online business without needing to hire employees to grow.
2. Sell affiliate merchant products as an affiliate marketer. There are millions of affiliate programs you can join right now for free.
This is an excellent small business idea because the products are provided for you, and you get marketing materials to promote them with. This is a hands off way to make money because you do not have to ship the products to get paid.
Examples of how you get paid include pay per click, pay per lead, and pay per sale programs. You can do one or more of these to make very good money and you can do it on your computer at home.
3. Start a service business taking care of other Internet marketers needs. There are plenty of Internet businesses that will pay you to do things they do not have time to do. Examples of this include blog writing, graphic design, blog set up, and becoming a virtual assistant.
4. Flip domain names. This can be a lot of fun and very profitable as well. You purchase domain names that you think have value to them. This could be an existing domain name or one you think of yourself.
You then turn around and promote these on the Internet. People will pay good money for a domain name that they need for their own Internet business. This has low overhead and your main expense is your time.
This is a handful of small online business ideas for home entrepreneurs. Every one of these can be run with nothing more than an Internet connection on your computer.
Nails Care | for everyone |
Nails Care
Nail Growth :
For your nails to be healthy your diet should include a lot of fruits and raw vegetables so that they get the required vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Eat food that is rich in silicon like broccoli, fish and onions. Eat foods rich in biotins like whole grains. Drink plenty of water and other fruit juices. Food rich in zinc and vitamin B will strengthen your nails. Fresh carrot juice rich in calcium and phosphorous is perfect for strengthening nails.
Nail Polish Tips :
To put on the nail polish..first paint the left side of your nail..then the right side..then the middle. let it dry and then do another coat. then put a clear polish on once its all dry to make it last longer..Try not to do too many strokes - that makes it look thick & gloppy. Try just doing three; left side, middle, right side If you're using a dark color, put a clear top coat on the nail before applying the color; this will help to not stain nail & it will be easier to get off.Always apply a top coat - it makes the color look more shiny & makes it last longer.
Nail Polish Remove:
Nail polish may be impossible to remove. Try nail polish remover but do not use on acetate or triacetate fabrics. Place stain facedown on clean paper towels. Apply nail polish remover to back of stain. Replace paper towels frequently. Repeat until stain disappears, if it does. Rinse and launder try nail polish remover or surgical spirit or there is a product in the shops called stain devil there are various ones for various type of stains there is one for nail polish you could try that.
Nails and Dishwashing :
Try to get into the habit of using gloves and as an extra benefit, rub on a little handcream first. The heat from the hot water helps in the absorption process
Saving The Nails :
Go to a nail salon and like get a treatment or whatever. i suggest not doing anything to your nails for awhile and letting the crappy parts grow out. then just grow your nails long and get them done & shaped and get a pretty french manicure, taht way its your real nail, not an icky fake one. my gramma got fake ones and got fungus.rub vegetable oil or corn oil on your nails before you go to sleep and when you wake up in the morning. it makes your nails harder and makes them grow faster.
Shaping The Nail :
Do not file the sides of the nail - this will weaken the structure and make them more breakable. File only the top.Make sure your file is not to abrasive or it will cause fraying at the tip and will also be more breakable. I recommend a 240 grit for natural nails
Common Nail Tips :
Nail fungus also occurs to people who have a weak immune system. Therefore, eating a healthy diet would help in treating nail fungus. The healthier your immune system is, the bigger the chance that it can fight off the fungus. Your daily diet must always include fresh vegetables and fruits.
Best 10 Print Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses | for everyone |
Best 10 Print Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses
If you are running a small business, every marketing campaign that you do should really stand out. However, budget will certainly be a great concern. You do not expect to compete with large corporations with millions of dollars in their marketing and advertising pockets. But you can turn to good old print marketing for great promotional ideas.
Your marketing campaign need not be in a grand scale. Just a few printed materials should be enough to get the word out about your business or any promo that you are trying to announce. Here are 10 wonderful print marketing ideas that should kick start your small business.
1. Posters
No business should be without any posters. Traditional promotional marketing calls for this type of collateral. You can design an eye-catching poster, put it up in the places where your target customers frequent, and it will keep on announcing your marketing message for as long as it is there.
2. Flyers
If your customers will not go to you, then go to your customers. Let one or two of your employees go outside of your shop and start handing out flyers. Again, location is key. Go to the train station. Go to the mall. Go to the park. Anywhere your customers might be, you should be there too giving them your flyers.
3. Stationery
Office stationery should not be dull and ordinary. Get your business logo, address and contact details printed on each of your stationery pieces. You will never know where a piece of it might turn up.
4. Brochures
Get a bunch of brochures printed and hand them out to any customer who would walk in or to any person for that matter. Brochures quickly change hands especially if they are beautifully designed and unique.
5. Postcards
Do you have a mailing list? Make good use of it by sending everyone in your list a postcard and maybe a little souvenir just to get their attention. Print a little message on the postcard together with your business name, contact details and any promo you may want to inform them.
6. Books
While book printing may not be for any business, it is actually a good idea to commemorate a milestone. Are you celebrating your 10th anniversary in business? That is a feat by itself. Celebrate it by having a book published about your company's history or a coffee table book filled with pictures. This will make a good giveaway especially to your loyal customers.
7. Banners
There is nothing like announcing to the world in a big way. And banners are just the right print marketing tool for that. You can place one in front of your shop or at another location. Anywhere that your customers would be walking by and take notice of it.
8. Displays
Where is the best place to promote your business? In your own shop of course. Create some printed display materials and place these prominently in your shop or office. A standee right by the entrance is a great way to tell your customers about your new offers.
9. Keyrings and Keytags
People will always have keys and they will always need something to keep them safe. Keyrings and keytags are perennial company gifts and novelty items. They are cheap and easy to give away to your customers. These are also great for your branding.
10. T-shirts
Make your customers your very own walking billboards. Create an astounding t-shirt design, and do not forget about your business logo, and have as many t-shirts printed as you possibly can. Then hand them out as giveaways or as contest prizes and your business will be promoted anywhere your customers would wear your t-shirts.
Nose Bleeds and High Blood Pressure | for everyone |
Nose Bleeds and High Blood Pressure
What Causes Nose Bleeds?
The nose has large number of blood vessels located at vulnerable points. Thus its very easy for the nose to get hurt and start bleeding. The most common nose bleeding causes are dry weather conditions. Dry conditions can be caused by extreme winters or summers. The dryness in the air dries up the nasal membranes, which causes the nose to bleed. This kind of bleeding is more of a nuisance than a medical condition but when nose bleed is associated with high blood pressure, it can be a serious problem.
Nose Bleeds and High Blood Pressure
There are two types of nose bleeding, namely, anterior and posterior. One of the reasons for posterior bleeding of nose is high blood pressure. High blood pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by the blood on the arteries. Hence, high blood pressure nose bleeds are a result of blood pressure exceeding the normal level of 120/80.
Chronic Nose Bleeds
Chronic nose bleeds can be dangerous and require immediate treatment. As mentioned earlier, there are two types of nose bleeds. The anterior nose bleeds occur from the front and hence are not very dangerous. The posterior nose bleeds occur from the top, which is what makes them frightening. Generally, older people are more prone to posterior nose bleeds. Medical help should be sought immediately in case of chronic nose bleeding. Chronic nose bleeds can create panic as they are excessive and look gruesome. The person can suffer from weakness due to blood loss. In worse conditions, it may even lead to anemia. Nose bleeds and high blood pressure is a chronic case, which should be medically treated.
How to Stop a Nose Bleed
It is very important to stop a nose bleed as soon as possible. Every person a technique to do so. Here are a few tips to equip you better to stop a nose bleed.
Sit Straight and lean forward to reduce the pressure on the veins of your nose. Leaning forward will also prevent you from swallowing the blood, which often causes panic and irritation.
Pinch Your Nose with your index finger and thumb. Lean forward and breathe through your nose. This will stop the blood flow from the septum, if done for five to 10 minutes.
Lie Down on Your Back with your head straight. Pour some cold water on your head if the bleeding is caused due to hot and dry conditions. Once the head in cooled down, the bleeding will stop in a while. As far as possible, keep your mouth open while sneezing as it de-stresses your nostrils from the pressure built up on the inside.
Preventing High Blood Pressure Nose Bleeds
Nose bleeds and high blood pressure are an effect of abnormal blood pressure. Thus lowering high blood pressure is important to stop / prevent nose bleeds. Following a healthy eating pattern, avoiding smoking and alcohol, adequate sleep, time management, avoiding tensions and maintaining a healthy weight with exercises are some of the ways to prevent high blood pressure. Read on for more on high blood pressure diet.
Causes of nose bleeding are many. However, nose bleeds and high blood pressure is a dangerous combination. Consult an ENT doctor immediately if it's a case of chronic nose bleeds that keep recurring.
How to Help Yourself If you Are Depressed | for everyone |
How to Help Yourself If you Are Depressed
Depressive disorders make one feel exhausted, worthless, helpless, and hopeless. Such negative thoughts and feelings make some people feel like giving up. It is important to realize that these negative views are part of the depression and typically do not accurately reflect the actual circumstances. Negative thinking fades as treatment begins to take effect. In the meantime:
* Set realistic goals in light of the depression and assume a reasonable amount of responsibility.
* Break large tasks into small ones, set some priorities, and do what you can as you can.
* Try to be with other people and to confide in someone; it is usually better than being alone and secretive.
* Participate in activities that may make you feel better.
* Mild exercise, going to a movie, a ballgame, or participating in religious, social, or other activities may help.
* Expect your mood to improve gradually, not immediately. Feeling better takes time.
* It is advisable to postpone important decisions until the depression has lifted. Before deciding to make a significant transition-change jobs, get married or divorced-discuss it with others who know you well and have a more objective view of your situation.
* People rarely "snap out of" a depression. But they can feel a little better day-by-day.
* Remember, positive thinking will replace the negative thinking that is part of the depression and will disappear as your depression responds to treatment.
* Let your family and friends help you.
Best Idea For College Students to Make Money Online | for everyone |
Best Idea For College Students to Make Money Online
College students always need money for paying their fees and buying books. Of course they need money to hang out with their girl or boy friend. If you are a student and the money you get from your parents is less and looking for some extra money, you can continue to read this article. This article would give an idea to make money in your spare time.
Many students get very little money from their parents. Parents do not want to give more and spoil their kids. But the need of money is increasing every day to students. It is true that they are keen to do some job in spare time. I have seen many guys and girls washing cars and delivering pizza for little money. They may get little money with hard word. What if I could show you a cool job that pays you nice income?
Yes, I am talking about online surveys. Big companies conduct surveys to collect information about products and improve their products. This gives great opportunity for college students to make some extra money in their spare time.
This work does not need any hard work. No special skill is needed. You do not need to go to any office or work under any boss. These surveys are sent via email and you can take paid surveys at the comfort of your home. You can do it even in intervals of classes.
Students can attend many surveys at any time they want. College students use many electronics such as laptops, desktops, cell phones, iPods, games console and many more. This gives them good chance for sharing their opinion with many companies. Not only these electronics, many products like cool drinks, fast foods, shoes, shirts, cosmetics need surveys to improve their quality and face competition with other products. Therefore, online surveys are conducted and focused towards college students or school students.
I will explain how to take these surveys. You have to join many online surveys companies. You have to sign up with some basic details such as name, country, and gender and email id. They will send surveys through email to you. After receiving these, you have to answer some simple questions about a product or service. No need to worry, these are objective type questions, all you have to do is either check boxes or say yes or no. This may take from 10 minutes to 30 minutes depends on the product and the number of questions. After completing these surveys, you have to click and submit them. Your account will be credited with money or any reward they offer for that particular survey.
This is ideal for students who are looking for some extra money to pay off their exam or book fees. You can hang out with your girl or boy friend and have a nice time in weekends. If you join as many survey companies as possible, you can get more surveys and make money in spare time. To join many companies, first of all you should join a survey website which provides you a good list of these companies. There are many websites which provide such database with a little fee.
Politics, Media, and Interfaith Since 2002 | ||
True, but can be done. | for everyone |
True, but can be done.
Smile,enjoy and have fun --life is too short to be stressed out.
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