“Do you know who is the actual destitute? asked the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) | for everyone |
“One who has no money, property or treasure,” they replied
The Holy Prophet (S) said, “There is no destitute in my Umma except the one who has performed the prayers, kept fasts, paid the Zakat, performed Hajj but on the Day of Judgement a person will come whose property he has usurped, and a person whose blood he had shed and another one whom he had beaten.
Then the good deeds of this man will be transferred to those who have rights upon him. If his good deeds are exhausted before all the rights are fulfilled then the sins of those who have rights upon him will be added to his sins. Then he shall be thrown into Hell
The Holy Prophet (S) said, “There is no destitute in my Umma except the one who has performed the prayers, kept fasts, paid the Zakat, performed Hajj but on the Day of Judgement a person will come whose property he has usurped, and a person whose blood he had shed and another one whom he had beaten.
Then the good deeds of this man will be transferred to those who have rights upon him. If his good deeds are exhausted before all the rights are fulfilled then the sins of those who have rights upon him will be added to his sins. Then he shall be thrown into Hell
HADEES | for everyone |
Perform the obligatory you will be the most pious
To be content is an endless wealth
Humbleness elevates so be humble, and Allah will elevate you
The best faith is to know (surely) that Allah is with you wherever you are
Faith and good deeds are brothers and partners; Allah does not accept any of them without the other
Trustworthiness brings richness and untrustworthiness brings poverty
You will never contain people with your wealth, so contain them with your good morals
Allah dislikes the person who is aware of the worldly things and unaware of the hereafter
Being good to your relatives (silah-e-rehmi) increases your life and drives away poverty from you
A word of wisdom listened to by a believer is better than a year of worshipping
The noblest words are remembering Allah and the head of wisdom is obeying Him
* Whosoever spends his lifetime in seeking worldly things is a looser and going astray
Whosoever fears from (disobeying) Allah, Allah will make everything fear him and whosoever does not fear from (disobeying) Allah, Allah will make him fear everything
When Allah gifts goodness to a person, He increases his knowledge in religion, decreases his attachment to worldly things and makes him aware of his weaknesses.
Sayings of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.) | for everyone |
A man giving in alms one piece of silver in his lifetime is better for him than giving one hundred when about to die.To meet friends cheerfully and invite them to a feast are charitable acts. To extend consideration towards neighbors and send them presents are charitable acts.
To acquire knowledge is binding upon all Muslims, whether male or female.The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr. He who travels in the search of knowledge, to him God shows the way of Paradise. Acquire knowledge, because he who acquires it, in the way of the Lord, performs an act of piety; who speaks of it praises the Lord; who seeks it, adores God, who dispenses instruction in it, bestows alms; and who imparts it to its fitting objects, performs an act of devotion to God. Knowledge enables its possessor to distinguish what is forbidden from what is not; lights the way to Heaven; it is our friend in the desert, our companion in solitude, our companion, when bereft of friends; it guides us to happiness; it sustains us in misery; it is our ornament in the company of friends; it serves as an armor against our enemies. With knowledge the creatures of Allah rises to the heights of goodness and to noble position, associates with the sovereigns in this world and attains the perfection of happiness in the next.
Keep yourselves far from envy, because it eats up and takes away good actions, like the fire that eats up and burns wood.
Supression of Anger
Whoever suppresses his anger, when he has in his power to show it, God will give him a great reward. He is not strong and powerful, who throws people down, but he is strong who withholds himself from anger.
Deal gently with a people, and be not harsh; cheer them and condemn not. Much silence and a good disposition; there are no two works better than these. The best of friends is he who is best in behavior and character. One who does not practice modesity and does not refrain from shameless deeds is not a Muslim.
Parents and Family
Paradise lies at the feet of thy mother. He who wishes to enter Paradise must please his father and mother.
No one who keeps his mind focussed entirely upon himself, can grow large, strong and beautiful in character.
Remembrance of God
Whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet him. The five stated prayers erase the sins which have been committed during the intervals between them if they have not been mortal sins.
God is not merciful to him who is not so to humankind. He who is not kind to God's creation and to his own children, God will not be kind to him.Whosoever visits a sick person, an angel calls from Heaven: "Be happy in the world and happy be your walking; and take your habitation in Paradise."
Worldly Love and Materialism
The love of the world is the root of all evils. Wealth properly employed is a blessing; and a man may lawfully endeavour to increase it by honest means.
Do You Care About How Politics Is "Done" In America?- | for everyone |
American Leadership Initiative for Muslims 2011 | ||||
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Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “The one who recites the Qur’an and the one who listens to it have an equal share in the reward.”
Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “The best of those amongst you is the one who learns the Qur’an and then teaches it to others.” Al-Amali of Shaykh at-Tusi, Volume 1, Page
Imam Ja’far ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said that: “Reciting the Qur’an from the pages of the Qur’an (meaning to look at it and recite it - not from memory) lightens the punishment of one’s mother and father, even if they are both disbelievers.”
. Imam ‘Ali ibne Musa al-Ridha (peace be upon him) has said: “Do not disregard the Words of Allah, and do not seek guidance from other than Him, for then (surely) you willgo astray.” ‘Uyunul Akhbar ar-Ridha, Volume 2, Page 57
Forty Hadiths from Imam Reza (A.S) | for everyone |
1. He who compares & likens Allah to his creations is a polytheist & the one who attributes something which has been forbidden for HIM is an infidel
(WASAIL USH SHIA, Vol 18, P557)
2. Faith is to one grade superior & sublimer to Islam & piety is one degree superior to faith & certitude & certainty is one step superior to faith & nothing more elegent & excellent than certitude has been bestowed upon the sons of Adam (A.S.)
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 338)
3. Faith has four pillars: Trusting & relying upon Allah, & contentment & pleasure with the divine will, & submittance to the ordain & ordinance of Allah, & delegation & turning over (the affairs) to Allah. i-e (total submission & resignment to Allah).
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78,P 338)
4. And faith means performing & discharging the obligatory duties & avoiding the committing of forbidden acts & faith is the recognition & knowing (Allah) through the heart & admitting & confessing through the tongue & practicing through the parts of body (physically).
5. Rayyan says I said to Imam Reza (A.S.) "What do you say about Quran?" So he replied "It is the speech of Allah, do not exceed & move ahead of it & do not seek guidance from other than it, otherwise, you would go astray.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 92, P 117)
6. Had Allah not frightened people by paradise & hell even then it would have been obligatory for them to obey Him & not commit His disobedience because of his favours & kindnesses upon them. And His granting them the beneficiences to start with, whithout any of their rights.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 71, P 174)
7. Do not let the good deeds & Ijtehad & endeavour in worship go, depending & trusting upon the love of the Mohammad"s (P.B.U.H.) house hold.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 347)
8. Be careful of greed & jealousy, since, these (vices) have perished the previous nations. And beware of stinginess because it is a calamity which will not be found in a free man & a faithful.
This (vice) is against & controversial to faith.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 346)
9. Silence is a door among the doors of wisdom. Indeed, silence begets & attracts love it is the proof of all the beneficiences.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 355)
10. Behave with the friend humbly & with the enemy carefully & the general people, with smiling & blooming face.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 355)
11. Allah dislikes futile (useless)talk & squandering the wealth& begging (asking things).
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 335)
12. The miser does not have any comfort&so does the jealous not have any joy & felicity & the (kings) (rulers) do not have faithfulness & trust worthiness & the liar does not have any manlihood (forbearance).
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 345)
13. Do not acquire & adopt the company of drinker & do not salute him.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 66, P 491)
14. Get connected to your kinship even it may be means of a drinking water with them. And the supreme & superb kind of connecting with the kinship as to avoid annoying them.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 338)
15. Give alms although with a small amount of a thing because indeed all that is intended for the sake of Allah; although those may be meagre & small yet becomes great, & magnanimous by virtue of the righteousness & purity of intention.
(WASAIL USH SHIA. Vol 8, P 442)
16. The one who happens to meet a poor Muslim & salutes him against the way he salutes a wealthy person shall meet Allah on the resurrection day in a way that He will be angry with him.
(WASAIL USH SHIA. Vol 8, P 442)
17. Meet & see each other so that you get friendlier with each other.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 347)
18. The one who repents upon the sins is like the one who does not have a sin.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 6, P 21)
19. Cleanliness is from the morality & character of Prophets.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 335)
20. The best wealth is the one by which the honour of man is protected.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 352)
21. The weapon of the Prophets is essential for you. When asked "What is the weapon of Prophets". He said "supplication!".
(USOOL KAFI, Vol 1, P 468)
22. Be the mercy of Allah upon you, know it that Allah has forbidden all (forms of) gambling & ordained the servants to avoid it & named it dirt (Contamination) (in His Book, Quran).
And said, "The dirt (filth) is the activity of satan so avoid it. Such as playing with chess & backgammons & other forms of gambling. And backgammons is worse than chess.
23. The superior most mind is the man"s recognition of his self.
(BIHAR UL ANWAR Vol 78, P 352)
24. The best and most respected virtue of a man is to do good and to fulfill the desires of the needy.
25. He who wishes to be the most needless should put his full trust in Allah.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 364)
26.As soon as the intimacy appears the awe vanishes. Requisition for help is the beginning of misfortune.
27.Gifts cast out hatred from the heart.
28.One who torments his neighbour is not one of us.
29. Giving alms is the most valuable savings.
30.Good temper could be divided into two categories: 1- Intrinsic, 2- Voluntary: The possessor of which is considered to be the better person.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 379)
31. To be patient in the face of hardships is a virtue but to refrain from forbidden deeds is a greater one.
32. Patience and resignation are considered as the worthiest devotions.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 359)
33. The honest man has not betrayed you, but you consider the betrayer as the honest one.
34. You had better avoid the munificence that results in the greater loss to you than the benefits received by your brethren.
35. True faith means: Oral acknowledgement, heart-felt knowledge and the good practice.
36. He who is sure about the divine rewards will be more generous
37. He who adopts someone as a brother in order to provide Allah"s consent will be given a chamber in paradise.
38. True devotion not only means excessive saying of prayers and keeping fasts. One ought to meditate on The Divinity profoundly.
39. I wonder at one who purchases the slaves and releases them. Why doesn"t he try to make the free people indebted by his good conduct?
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 354)
40. It is much better to be uninterested in other"s properties than to be munificent.
(FIQH-UR-REZA (A.S.). P 367)
NIGHT TIPS | for everyone |
Wazu kar ke sona Bister jharna Dahini karwat per sona Sub Namaz aur sehri k lea jagne ki neyat karna Ayat ul kursi padhna Salwat padhna sura e Fateha Sura e ikhlas Astaghfar karna Mujhe aur sub ko maaf kar ke sona Plz mujhe apki dua mein yaad rakhna |
Volume V, Year 2011 - Issue #24 | ||||
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Du’a for entering a graveyard as per our Imams (a.s.) | for everyone |
Du’a for entering a graveyard from the 6th Imam:
اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلىٰ اَهْلِ الدِّيَارِ مِنَ المُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُسْلِمِينَ اَنْتُمْ لَنَا فَرْطٌ وَنَحْنُ اِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ بِكُمْ لاَ حِقُونَ
Du’a for entering a graveyard from Imam Husayn (a):
اَللّٰهُمَّ رَبَّ هذِهِ الْاَرْوَاحِ الْفَانِيَةِ وَالْاَجْسَادِ الْبَالِيَةِ وَالْعِظَامِ النَّخِرَةِ الَّتِي خَرَجَتْ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا وَهِىَ بِكَ مُؤْمِنَةٌ ، اَدْخِلْ عَلَيْهِمْ رَوْحاً مِنْكَ وَسَلاَماً مِنِّي
Ziyarat of those who are buried from Imam Ali (a)
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمـٰنِ الرَّحيمِ ، اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلىٰ اَهْلِ لاَ اِلـٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ، مِنْ اَهْلِ لاَ اِلـٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ، يَا اَهْلَ لاَ اِلـٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ، بِحَقِّ لاَ اِلـٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ ، كَيْفَ وَجَدْتُمْ قَوْلَ لاَ اِلـٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ، مِنْ لاَ اِلـٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ ، يَا لاَ اِلـٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ ، بِحَقِّ لاَ اِلـٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ ، اِغْفِرْ لِمَنْ قَالَ لاَ اِلـٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ ، وَاحْشُرْنَا فِي زُمْرَةِ مَنْ قَالَ لاَ اِلـٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ ، مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ اللهِ عَلِىٌّ وَلِىُّ اللهِ
The time for this is 12 to 15 minutes after Sunset. It is better to offer “Magrib Namaz” and then break one’s fast, preferably with salt, dates, water or milk.
The following Du’a may be recited at the time of breaking one’s fast:
ALLAAHUMMA LAKA S’UMTU WA A’LAA RIZQIKA AFT’ARTU WA A’LAYKA TAWAWKKALTU (O my Allah, for Thee, I fast, and with the food Thou gives me I break the fast, and I rely on Thee).
Imam Ali (pbuh) used to recite the following du’a before Iftar:
Allah, we fast, and with the food Thou gives us we break the fast, an obligation we fulfill, and Thou art Hearer, Knower)
While taking the first mouthful recite:
LEE (In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, O He whose indulgence is boundless, forgive me)
E’tikaf is a form of worship | for everyone |
E’tikaf is a form of worship. It is formed by staying in a Mosque for a certain time.
It is Ehtiyat that one should stay with the intention to worship Allah by praying formal or informal prayers (supplications) although prayer is not a condition therein.
The time for this form of worship could be anytime when one is allowed to fast. The best time is the month of Ramadan, especially, the last ten (10) days.
Conditions for E’tikaf:
1. Intention as in the rest of the worship acts. It is necessary that the intention be made at the beginning of E’tikaf so that the rule, requiring the worship act to be completed with intention, be followed
thoroughly from the beginning to the end. The decision made at the beginning of the night to start.
E’tikaf from the beginning of the following day will be open to objection. However, if one decides to start it from the beginning of the night it is not an offense to do so.
1.One is not allowed to change one’s mind from one E’tikaf to another of the same qualities or different.
2. Belief in Islam.
3. Freedom from mental illness.
4. Fasting; thus the E’tikaf of one who cannot fast for some reason is not valid.
5. Duration; which is three continuous days at least. It could be more but not less than three days. If it is started from the beginning of a day the two nights in between will be part of the duration.
Less than three days is not considered E’tikaf.
That it must take place in one of these Mosques:
(a) The holy Mosque of Makkah
(b) the holy Mosque of the Prophet in Medina
(c) the holy Mosque of Kufa
(d) the holy Mosque of Basrah, and
(e) the Mosque which is assigned for the Friday prayer in any town or city.
It is Ehtiyat, however, to complete it in any of the first four Mosques.
The roof and basement of a Mosque is part of the same and it is valid to complete Etikaf in such places of a Mosque.
Permission of the people whose permission are required such as the master for the slave, husband and parents for the wife and children if this will be against the right of the husband or causes trouble to the parents.
6. Completing it in the Mosque where it was started. Thus, going out of the Mosque without an acceptable reason will invalidate the E’tikaf, regardless, one knows the rule or is ignorant or has
gone out because of forgetfulness, except in the case of an emergency or one being forced or it isislamicoccasions.com presents Holy Ramadan Guide - 20 because of some need such as using wash room or having Taharat.
One is allowed to come out of the Mosque during E’tikaf to take part in the burial of a deceased or to visit an ailing one; Going out of the Mosque for a time long enough to cause the E’tikaf to become
as non-existing will be considered as invalidating the same, even if one has not done it out of one’s own choice.
If one needs to have Ghusl/bath during the E’tikaf and it is possible for him to have it inside the Mosque, and is not allowed to go out unless the reason for Ghusl requires him not to stay inside the
E’tikaf is originally an optional worship act but it may become obligatory because of a vow etc.
Things to avoid during E’tikaf:
1. Having sex and also according to Ehtiyat kissing or playing with one’s wife.
2. According to a necessary Ehtiyat causing a semen discharge.
3. And smelling perfumes for enjoyment; it is not an offense if one cannot enjoy the perfume
because of some defect in his smelling ability.
4. Selling or buying in the form of a business deal, according to a necessary Ehtiyat; there is no
offense to be occupied with allowable activities as sewing or writing etc., although it is a Mustahab
Ehtiyat to avoid them too.
If one needs to buy something for food and there is no one to do the buying for him, it is not an
offence for him to do it.
5. Expressing bitterness in talking about worldly or religious matters in order to prove one’s ability, not the truth which is one of the best worships.
The contracts of buying or selling during E’tikaf invalidate E’tikaf, but such contracts will be valid.
If E’tikaf is invalidated because of having sex even, during the night, expiation will be due; if it is invalidated by other things, there will be no expiation, although it is a Mustahab Ehtiyat in this case
The expiation for invalidating an E’tikaf is to set free a slave or if this is not possible, fast for two consecutive months or if this also is not possible, feed sixty (60) poor people.
The sleep of a fasting person is worship, his silence is glorification (of Allah | for everyone |
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): One who while fasting does not guard his tongue from telling lies and does not refrain from bad deeds, is not respecting his fast. Allah does not approve of mere abstention from food.
He (pbuh), also said: Fast and you shall be healthy.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): When you are fasting, you should not speak ill of anybody, nor should you be rough and noisy. If anybody speaks ill of you or tries to pick a quarrel with you, reply him not, but say to him that you are fasting.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): A person gets the same reward by reciting in this month, one verse of the Holy Qur’an, as others do by reciting the whole of the Qur’an in other months.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): Whoever is prevented from food that he likes, because of his fast, Allah will feed him from the food of Heaven and from its drink.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): If people understood what good there was in Ramadan, they would have liked that it last for a year.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): Unfortunate is the person who is deprived of the forgiveness of Allah during this great month.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): Whoever is not forgiven in the month of Ramadan, and then in which month will he be forgiven?
Imam Ali (pbuh): The sleep of a fasting person is worship, his
silence is glorification (of Allah), his prayers are answered and his actions are multiplied.
Imam Ali (pbuh): Many persons get nothing out of their fasts but hunger and thirst; many more get nothing out of their night prayers but exertions and sleepless nights. Wise and sagacious persons are praiseworthy even if they do not fast and sleep during the nights.
Imam Ali (pbuh): The prayer of a fasting person at the time of Iftar is never rejected.
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (pbuh): O Jabir! Whoever during the month of Ramadan, fasts in its days, stands up for prayers in parts of the night, controls his desires and emotions, puts a rein on his tongue, keeps his eyes down, and does not injure the feelings of others, will become as free of sins as the day he was born.
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (pbuh): Everything has a spring and the spring of the Qur’an is the Holy Month of Ramadan.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (pbuh): The day of your fast should not be like any ordinary day. When you fast, all your senses - eyes, ears, tongue, hands and feet must fast with you.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (pbuh): There are two pleasures for a fasting person; one when he breaks his fast, and one when he meets his Lord.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (pbuh): Fasting is a protection from the fire
Praise be to Allah, who ordained this month, the month of Ramadan, the month of fasting, the month of Islam, the month of purity, the month of purification, and the month of prayers. In this month the Qur’an was made to descend as guidance to mankind and contains clear instructions and distinctions. He gave this month superiority over all other months by giving it abundant honor and dignity. He prohibited in it what He has allowed in other months in order to exalt it, and forbade in it food and drink in order to honor it.
O Lord! Bless Muhammad and his family, and inspire us to know this month’s excellence, and to honor its dignity, and to abstain from whatever You have forbidden in it. Help us to observe its fast, by restraining our limbs from disobeying You, and by employing them in that which would please You, so that we may not lend our ears to any vain speech, and may not direct our eyes, hands and feet towards anything forbidden, and that nothing fills our stomachs except what You have made lawful, and our tongues may not utter anything except what You have allowed.
O Lord! Bless Muhammad and his family, and give us grace to perform timely the five prayers with due regard to their limits which You have enjoined, and the rites which You have prescribed. In this respect, raise us to the rank of those who performed them with success, who duly observed their essential points, who always performed them at proper times, in most perfect and complete humility according to the rules laid down by Your Prophet, may Your blessings be on him and his family.
And our Lord, give us grace in this month, to show favors to our relations, and do good to them, to take care of our neighbors with
kindness and benevolence, to purge our property of obligations, and
purify it by giving charity, and to call back those who have left us and be just to those who were unjust to us, and make pace with those who were hostile to us.
O Lord! Erase our sins with the disappearance of this month’s crescent, and free us from our penalties with the completion of its days, so
that the month may pass from us while You have cleansed us of our
guilt’s, and freed us from our sins.
O Lord! Fill this month with our worship of you alone, and adorn its moments with our service to You, and help us in the daytime to observe the fast, and at night to pray and beseech You, help us to humble ourselves before you and lower ourselves in Your presence
Fast darkens his (Satan’s) face......The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) | for everyone |
Advising the great Sahabi Abu Tharr al-Ghifari, may Allah be pleased with him, regarding the fast being a protection against the fire, he (pbuh) is quoted saying:
“Shall I inform you of a deed which, if you do it, will keep Satan away from you as much as the distance between the east of the earth and the west?” People answered, “O yes, indeed, O Messenger of Allah!”
He (pbuh) said, “Fast darkens his (Satan’s) face; alms break his back; the desire to please Allah and the giving of assistance to do good deeds cut his tail off, and seeking Allah’s forgiveness cuts off his aorta.” Then he added, “For everything there is purification (zakat), and the purification of bodies is the fast.” He (pbuh) is also quoted saying, “One who fasts is considered to adore his Creator even while sleeping on his bed as long as he does not backbite any Muslim.”
He (pbuh) has also said, “There are two merry occasions for anyone who performs the fast: one when he breaks his fast: and one when he meets his Lord, the Exalted, the Almighty. I swear by the One Who controls Muhammad’s life, the excess on the mouth of one who fasts is better in the sight of Allah than the sweet smell of musk.” He (pbuh) has also said that the Exalted and Almighty has said (in a Hadithe-Qudsi) that all good deeds of a descendant of Adam are His (to reward) “except the fast, for it is mine, and I shall reward for it. All good deeds of the son of Adam are rewarded with ten to seven hundred times except perseverance, for it is mine and I reward for it.” So, the knowledge of the rewards of perseverance is with Allah, and “perseverance” means fast.
Regarding the interpretation of His saying (in the Holy Qur’an) “. . and seek aid with perseverance,” meaning the fast, it is reported that the person who fasts enjoys the gardens of Paradise and the angels keep praying for him till he breaks his fast. If a believer stands during a portion of the night to perform additional optional prayers, then he wakes up fasting, no sin will be recorded against him.
Whenever he takes one step, it will be recorded as a good deed for him, and if he dies during daytime, his soul will ascend the heights of heaven. If he lives to break his fast, the Almighty will consider him among those who often return to Him for forgiveness.
In the book titled Thawab alA’mal, relying on the authority of Abu Abdullah who quotes his forefathers, peace be upon all of them, the author, namely Shaikh al-Qummi al-Saduq, quotes one tradition indicating that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said,
“The sleep of someone fasting is like adoration, and his breath praises the Almighty.”
O people! A month has approached you laden with blessing, mercy and forgiveness; it is a month which Allah regards as the best of all months. Its days, in the sight of Allah, are the best of days; its nights are the best of nights; its hours are the best of hours.
It is a month in which you are invited to be the guests of Allah, and you are regarded during it as worthy of enjoying Allah’s Grace. Your breathing in it praises the Almighty, and your sleeping adores Him. Your voluntary acts of worship are accepted, and your pleas are answered.
Ask Allah your Lord, therefore, in sincere intentions and pure hearts to enable you to fast during it and to recite His Book, for only a wretch is the one who is deprived of Allah’s forgiveness during this great month. And let your hunger and thirst during it remind you of the hunger and thirst of the Day of Resurrection. Give alms to the poor and indigent among you; surround your elderly with respect, and be kind to your youngsters. Visit your kin and safeguard your tongues, and do not look at what Allah has prohibited you from seeing, and do not listen to anything your ears are forbidden to hear. Be kind to the orphans of others so that your own orphans will equally receive kindness.
Repent your sins to Allah and raise your hands to Him in supplication during the times of your prayers, for they are the best times during which the Almighty looks with mercy to His servants and answers their pleas when they plead to Him. O people! Your souls are pawned by your deeds; therefore, release them by seeking Allah’s forgiveness. Your backs are over-burdened by the weight of your sins; therefore, lighten their burden by prolonging your prostration. Be informed that the Exalted and Almighty has sworn by His Dignity not to torture those who perform their prayers and prostrate to Him, and not to terrify them by the sight of the fire when people are resurrected for judgment.
O people! Whoever among you provides Iftar to a believer during this month will receive a reward equal to one who sets a slave free, and all his past sins will be forgiven
Mein Kon Hota Hon Tujhey Mashwara Deny Wala | for everyone |
القائم القائم | 5:58pm Aug 11 |
Imam Zain-Ul-Aabedin (A.S)
Aksar Dua Mangnay Say Pehlay Fermatay the,
Aye ALLAH Mein Tujh Say Dua Sirf Is Liye Mangta Hon K, Ye Tera
Hukam Hai.
Warna Mein Kon Hota Hon Tujhey Mashwara Deny Wala K Mery Liye Kiya Behtar Hai...!!
Aksar Dua Mangnay Say Pehlay Fermatay the,
Aye ALLAH Mein Tujh Say Dua Sirf Is Liye Mangta Hon K, Ye Tera
Hukam Hai.
Warna Mein Kon Hota Hon Tujhey Mashwara Deny Wala K Mery Liye Kiya Behtar Hai...!!
Ummat pe KHADIJA_sa tere ehsaan buhat hain | for everyone |
The Mosque of Zaid Bin Sohan | for everyone |
Near Al-Sahla Mosque is the prophet companion Zaid Bin Sohan .
The mosque was reconstructed at ( 1395 A.H.) with humble building.
The mosque covers ( 165 M2) .
Zaid was one of the leaders of Imam Ali ( PBUH ) army and he was martyred at Al-Jamal Battle.
The prophet said about him : ( who pleased him to see some part preceded him to heaven , he looks at Zaid Bin Sohan ) , because his hand was cut at Nahawand Battle.
The mosque of Sa,asa,a Bin Sohan | for everyone |
The Mosque of Sa,asa,a Bin Sohan
There is another mosque near Al-Sahla Mosque for Sa,asa,a Bin Sohan , the brother of Zaid Bin Sohan , and it is in front of the main gate of Al-Sahla Mosque .
The mosque is one of the honored mosques in Kufa.
It was rebuilt at ( 1378 A.H.),and covers ( 160 M2).
Sa,asa,a Bin Sohan was a companion of Imam Ali ( PBUH ).
He was very fluent man. Imam Ali praised Sa,asa,a Bin Sohan of being helpful. Sa,asa,a Bin Sohan attend the ceremony of digging Imam Ali and he eulogized him with very rhetorical speech and he cried upon Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib ( PBUH) too much.
Shrines of Al-sahla Mosque- Picture Gallery | for everyone |
Shrines of Al-Sahla Mosque
Al-sahla Mosque contains seven shrines for prophets and imams (PBUH).
They are ( as visiting principles according to Mafateeh Al-Jenan book):
1- The holly shrine of Imam Ja,afar Bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq ( PBUH ):
It lies in the middle of the mosque near the north side of the it.
The historical references explain that Imam Ja,afar Bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq ( PBUH ) used to pray in this location frequently.
Today , The Group Pray is held in this location.
Today Ayat Allah sayeed Mohmmad Husain Al-Hakeem used to travel in this place.
2- The holly shrine of the prophet Abraham ( PBUH ) :
It lies in the north – west corner of the mosque , and it is said this location was his house and from this location , he dashed to fight Al-Amaliqa ( The Giants ) in Yemen.
3- The holly shrine of the prophet Edrees ( PBUH ) :
It lies in the south – west corner of the mosque.
Some references refer that this location was the house of the
prophet Edrees ( PBUH).
4- The holly shrine of the prophet AL-Kidher ( PBUH ) :
It lies in the corner between the south and the east sides , and it is in the left of the main entrance of the mosque.
5- The holly shrine of AL-Saleheen ( PBUH ) :
It is known as Salih prophet ( PBUH ) shrines.
It lies in the corner of the north and the east sides in thesurrounded wall , and in the right of the main entrance of the mosque.
From this place the prophet David (PBUH) walk to fight Talot.
6- The holly shrine of Imam Zain Al-Abedeen ( Best Worshipers )
Ali Bin Al-Hussein ( PBUH):
It is in the middle of the mosque on the back view of the holly shrine of Imam Ja,afar Bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq ( PBUH ).
7- The holly shrine of Imam AL-Mahdi ( PBUH ) :
It is known also as Sahib Al-Zaman shrine ( the owner of time ).
It is in the middle of the southern side , which faces Kiblah , and it is the largest holly shrines in the mosque.
It was reconstructed at ( 1181 A.H.) by Ayat Allah sayed Mohmmad Mahdi Bahr Al-Olom.
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