Tuesday, 27 November 2012

May 31, '10 12:02 PM
for everyone
Causes of Oily Skin

* Diet
* Hormone levels
* Pregnancy
* Birth control pills
* Cosmetics you use
* Humidity and hot weather

Because of the hormonal shifts of adolescence, oily skin is common in teenagers, but it can occur at any age. In general, skin tends to become dryer with age. The flow of sebum or oil increases during adolescence and starts decreasing with age. During pregnancy and menopause, hormonal imbalances can also upset the oil balance and increase the activity of sebaceous glands.

Many people have skin that is oily only in certain areas and dry or normal in others, a condition known as combination skin.
Skin Care for Oily Skin
The great advantage of oily skin is that it ages at a slower rate than other skin types.

Oily skin needs special cleansing with plenty of hot water and soap to prevent the pores from being clogged. Avoid harsh products that strip your skin of oil and encourage flakiness. They can cause a reaction known as reactive seborrhoea, where the oil glands work overtime to compensate for the loss of natural oils.

Avoid skincare products that leave your skin feeling taut and dehydrated. They cause the upper layers of the skin to shrink. This restricts oil flow through the pores leading to blockages and breakouts.

To cleanse oily skin, use oil-based products as they dissolve sebum effectively. Opt for oil-free moisturizers to maintain a shine-free complexion.

Keep your skin very clean. Limit washing your face to two or three times a day. Too much washing will stimulate your skin to produce more oil.

Choose your cleanser with care. Avoid heavy cleansing creams. Avoid the use of harsh soaps or cleansers. Use a pure soap with no artificial additives. Try an antibacterial cleansing lotion or a lightly medicated soap, and use it in combination with a water rich in minerals, not tap water. Do not use cleansers or lotions that contain alcohol. After cleansing, apply a natural oil-free moisturizer to keep the skin supple.

Use hot water when washing your face. Hot water dissolves skin oil better than lukewarm or cold water.

If your skin is extremely oily, three or four daily cleansings may be in order and little or no moisturizing necessary before you are 30 years old. After that point, the skin around your eyes and mouth and on your throat may benefit from a nightly moisturizing, plus a mere touch of moisturizer in the morning.

When cleansing, massage your face well with your fingertips, using an upward and outward motion. Be careful not to rub soap into the skin; it can clog pores.

If your oily skin is scaly, you can often correct the problem by using a deep-cleaning exfoliant on alternate nights, and following the treatment with a light coating of moisturizer.

Try using a clay or mud mask. If you have sensitive skin, use white or rose-colored clays.

Use a light antiseptic night cream from time to time if you wish, and apply a clarifying mask one or two times a week.

Choose cosmetic and facial care products specifically designed for oily skin.

Before applying makeup, use an antiseptic day cream with active ingredients that diminish sebaceous secretions. Look for benzyl peroxide in the list of active ingredients.

Use a light antiseptic night cream from time to time if you wish, and apply a clarifying mask one or two times a week.

Natural Skincare

Half an hour before taking your bath apply on your face half teaspoon each of lime and cucumber juice mixed together.

If your skin is excessively oily, mix in a few drops of eau de cologne. This not only helps keep oiliness away but also helps in refining the pores of the skin by acting as astringent, thereby preventing acne.

To prevent the problem of your makeup becoming patchy either on the forehead, chin or nose due to excessive oiliness in these areas, apply a little cucumber juice on the excessively oily parts of your face, dry thoroughly and then apply your makeup.

If your whole face turns patchy after makeup is applied on it, then apply equal parts of lime juice and witch-hazel. Dry well before putting on your makeup.

Choose an astringent that contains acetone, which is known for dissolving oil. Strong astringents will do more harm than good, stimulating an overproduction of oil.

To clear away excess oil, use a clay or mud mask. Blend together well 1 teaspoon green clay powder and 1 teaspoon raw honey. Apply the mixture to your face, avoiding the eye area. Leave it on for fifteen minutes, then rinse well with lukewarm water. Do this at least three times a week--or more.

Once or twice daily, mix equal parts of lemon juice and water together. Pat mixture on your face and allow it to dry, then rinse with warm water. Follow with a cool-water rinse.
Diet for Oily Skin

Take a diet rich in proteins but restricted in sugar, fluids and salt.

Take plenty of leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits.

Have your blood brought up to par by the suitable administration of necessary vitamins, iron and similar substances.

Even a slight deficiency in vitamin B2 can cause oily skin. Nutritional yeast, wheat germ and organ meats provide both vitamin B5 and vitamin B2. Other good sources of vitamin B2 are whole grains, beans, nuts, and royal jelly. Buckwheat, black beans and whole rice are excellent to supply the body with iron and rejuvenate pate skin.

Drink plenty of quality water to keep the skin hydrated and flush out toxins.

Reduce the amount of fat in your diet. Avoid pork and fried and highly seasoned foods. Consume no animal fats, or heat-processed vegetable oils.

Do not cook with oil. Do not eat any oils that have been subjected to heat, whether in processing or cooking. If a little oil is necessary, such as in salad dressing, use cold-pressed canola or olive oil only.

Do not drink soft drinks or alcoholic beverages. Avoid sugar, chocolate, and junk food.
Essential Oils For Oily Skin

Herbs for Oily Skin

Aloe vera has excellent healing properties. Apply aloe vera gel topically, as needed.

Burdock root, chamomile, horsetail, oat straw, and thyme nourish the skin.

Lavender is very good for oily skin. Mist your skin with lavender water several times daily.

A facial sauna using lemongrass, licorice root, and rosebuds is good for oily skin. Two or three times a week, simmer a total of 2 to 4 tablespoons of dried or fresh herbs in 2 quarts of water. When the pot is steaming, place it on top of a trivet or thick potholder on a table, and sit with your face at a comfortable distance over the steam for fifteen minutes. You can use a towel to trap the steam if you wish. After fifteen minutes, splash your face with cold water and allow your skin to air dry or pat it dry with a towel. After the sauna, you can allow the herbal water to cool and save it for use as a toning lotion to be dabbed on your face with a cot- ton ball after cleansing.


Witch hazel applied to the skin is excellent for absorbing oil.

Homeopathy considers skin problems to be a general bodily imbalance. Hence treatment is constitutional. Consult an experienced homeopath if the condition does not improve.

Take one of the following in the 6c strength every twelve hours for up to one month.

Take Mercurius for an oily face that smells unpleasant, with trembling, sticky perspiration and overproduction of saliva. Oiliness is worse in cold and hot weather.

Natrum mur is useful for a person with an oily, shiny face that is worse on hairy parts, and who is constipated.
Common Sense Recommendations

Do not smoke. Smoking promotes enlargement of the pores and impairs the overall health of the skin.

Rub oily skin areas with apple cider vinegar for a neutralizing effect.

Regularly brushing and massage of the whole body stimulates circulation and rejuvenates the skin.

Evening primrose oil supplements are beneficial for skin. They contain gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid reputed to strengthen skin cells and boost their moisture content.

Get sufficient sleep as the skin's cellular repair activity is at its optimum during this resting phase.
May 31, '10 11:50 AM
for everyone

(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Attachment: 50_Amazingly_Helpful_Kitchen_Tips.pdf
May 30, '10 12:00 PM
for everyone
There are plenty of baked goods that require you to use melted chocolate. Melting chocolate, however, can be difficult since the chocolate will easily burn.

Most recipes will ask you to melt the chocolate in double boilers, since these are gentler because of the action of water vapor. The microwave, however, is more convenient and can be equally safe for melting chocolate chips if you know how.

* Pour in the chips. Start by placing the chocolate chips in a small bowl that is microwavable. These microwavable bowls are usually reusable and are very inexpensive. You can buy these at Wal-Mart in large batches for several batches. Pour the amount of chocolate chips that is needed in the recipe. If you have never used the microwave for melting chocolate chips in the past, you may want to experiment first with smaller quantities.

* Make your own shavings. If you do not have chocolate chips available, however, you can also use chocolate bar shavings. There are cooking chocolate bars that are specifically made to be used as ingredients for pastries. These are usually sold in half kilo and whole kilo bars, and are very large. Use a grater to create small shavings that will easily melt. Or, you can also use a spoon to create chocolate shavings. Do this by pressing the bowl of the spoon onto the top of the chocolate bar and applying some pressure. Afterwards, rotate the spoon in a counter clockwise direction while making sure that the tip of the spoon is in contact with the surface of the chocolate bar. This will create shavings. Make as many as you need.

* Configuring your microwave. Once you have prepared the chocolate, place these in the microwave. You will need to configure your microwave to only half the power. Most microwave machines today have options that will allow you to configure the power or heating settings, which is useful when you are cooking very delicate food materials in the microwave. Simply turn the dial to half the full power, or type in the power settings if your microwave is digital.

* Timing the melting period. Next, turn on the microwave. Make sure that you do this for only forty seconds or less. Forty seconds will work for the chocolate chips, but if you are using chocolate shavings, you should try thirty seconds first, since the shavings are much thinner and more fragile than chocolate chips, and will melt with more ease than the chocolate chips.

* Usage. Once the chocolate has molten, make sure that you remove it quickly from the microwave and place it on the dishes that require the molten chocolate. If you leave the chocolate in the microwave, it can burn, and if you do not use it immediately the chocolate chips can harden and make it unusable for whatever recipes you are working on.

You can create various chocolate topped cakes, cup cakes, cookies and pastries with chocolate chip cookies that are melted in the microwave through these easy steps.
(sent by Madhuri Naik)
May 30, '10 11:49 AM
for everyone
What Is High Blood Pressure?
Blood pressure" is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps out blood. If this pressure rises and stays high over time, it can damage the body in many ways.

About 1 in 3 adults in the United States has HBP. HBP itself usually has no symptoms. You can have it for years without knowing it. During this time, though, it can damage the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and other parts of your body.

This is why knowing your blood pressure numbers is important, even when you're feeling fine. If your blood pressure is normal, you can work with your health care team to keep it that way. If your blood pressure is too high, you need treatment to prevent damage to your body's organs.
Blood Pressure Numbers

Blood pressure numbers include systolic (sis-TOL-ik) and diastolic (di-a-STOL-ik) pressures. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure when the heart beats while pumping blood. Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure when the heart is at rest between beats.

You will most often see blood pressure numbers written with the systolic number above or before the diastolic, such as 120/80 mmHg. (The mmHg is millimeters of mercury—the units used to measure blood pressure.)

The table below shows normal numbers for adults. It also shows which numbers put you at greater risk for health problems. Blood pressure tends to go up and down, even in people who have normal blood pressure. If your numbers stay above normal most of the time, you're at risk.
Categories for Blood Pressure Levels in Adults (in mmHg, or millimeters of mercury)
Category Systolic
(top number) Diastolic
(bottom number)
Normal Less than 120 And Less than 80
Prehypertension 120–139 Or 80–89
High blood pressure
Stage 1 140–159 Or 90–99
Stage 2 160 or higher Or 100 or higher

The ranges in the table apply to most adults (aged 18 and older) who don't have short-term serious illnesses.

All levels above 120/80 mmHg raise your risk, and the risk grows as blood pressure levels rise. "Prehypertension" means you're likely to end up with HBP, unless you take steps to prevent it.

If you're being treated for HBP and have repeat readings in the normal range, your blood pressure is under control. However, you still have the condition. You should see your doctor and stay on treatment to keep you blood pressure under control.

Your systolic and diastolic numbers may not be in the same blood pressure category. In this case, the more severe category is the one you're in. For example, if your systolic number is 160 and your diastolic number is 80, you have stage 2 HBP. If your systolic number is 120 and your diastolic number is 95, you have stage 1 HBP.

If you have diabetes or chronic kidney disease, HBP is defined as 130/80 mmHg or higher. HBP numbers also differ for children and teens.
May 30, '10 11:42 AM
for everyone

1 x 8 + 1 = 9 
12 x 8 + 2 = 98 
123 x 8 + 3 = 987 
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876 
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765 
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654 
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543 
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432 
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321 
1 x 9 + 2 = 11 
12 x 9 + 3 = 111 
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111 
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111 
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111 
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111 
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111 
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111 
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111 
9 x 9 + 7 = 88 
98 x 9 + 6 = 888 
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888 
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888 
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888 
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888 
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888 
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888 
Brilliant, isn't it? 
And look at this symmetry: 
1 x 1 = 1 
11 x 11 = 121 
111 x 111 = 12321 
1111 x 1111 = 1234321 
11111 x 11111 = 123454321 
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321 
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321 
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321 
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321 

Now, take a look at this... 

From a strictly mathematical viewpoint: 

What Equals 100%? 
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? 
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? 
We have all been in situations where someone wants you to 
GIVE OVER 100%. 
How about ACHIEVING 101%? 

What equals 100% in life? 

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help 
answer these questions: 
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
Is represented as: 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. 
H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K 
8+1+18+4+23+ 15+18+11 = 98% 
K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E 
11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96% 
A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E 
1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100% 

THEN, look how far the love of God will take you: 
L-O-V-E-  O-F-  G-O-D 
12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101% 
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that: 
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will 
get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top! 
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
May 30, '10 11:07 AM
for everyone
When the world kicks your feet out from under you 
If you're spiritually alive, you're going to love this! 
If you're spiritually dead, you won't want to read it. If you're spiritually curious, there is still hope! Why Go To 

A mosque goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to mosque every Friday. 'I've gone for 30 years now,' he wrote, 'and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time and the Imaams are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all.' 

This started a real controversy in the 'Letters to the Editor' column, much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher: 
'I've been married for 37 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals, But I do know this... They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to mosque for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!'

 When you are DOWN to nothing.... Allah is UP to something! 
Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible! 

Thank Allah for our physical AND our spiritual nourishment! 
May Allah Give us Hidaya.......AND KEEP US ON RIGHT PATH - AMEEN.....................

May 30, '10 10:57 AM
for everyone
RED BULL - slow death ...
RED BULL - slow death ...
RED BULL - slow death ...

Do NOT drink this drink anymore!!
Pay attention; read it all

As a public health safety, please pass on this email to all the contacts in your address book especially those with teenage children? 

This drink is SOLD in all the supermarkets IN OUR country and our children ARE CONSUMING IT ON A TRIAL BASIS, IT can be mortal.

RED BULL was created to stimulate the brains in people who are subjected to great physical force and in stress coma and never to be consumed like an innocent drink or soda pop.

RED BULL IS the energizer DRINK that is commercialized world-wide with its slogan:'It increases endurance; awakens the concentration capacity and the speed of reaction, offers more energy and improves the mood. All this can be found in a can ofRED BULL , the power drink of the millennium.
France & Denmark have banned it from the country...
(sent by bro Najmuddin - contents not verified)
May 30, '10 10:52 AM
for everyone
1.       Drink plenty of water.
2.       Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3.      Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants..
4.       Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy
5.       Make time to pray.
6.       Play more games
7.       Read more books than you did in 2009 .
8.       Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day
9.       Sleep for 7 hours.
10.    Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, smile.

11.    Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12.    Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13.    Don't overdo. Keep your limits.
14.    Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15.    Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16.    Dream more while you are awake
17.    Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
18.    Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19.    Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20.    Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21.    No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22.    Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
23.    Smile and laugh more.
24.    You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree...

25.    Call your family often.
26.    Each day give something good to others.
27.    Forgive everyone for everything..
28.    Spend time w/ people over the age of 70 & under the age of  6.
29.    Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30.    What other people think of you is none of your business.
31.    Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

32.    Do the right thing!
33.    Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34.    GOD heals everything.
35.    However good or bad a situation is, it will change..
36.    No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37.    The best is yet to come..
38.    When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
39.    Your Inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but rather by the number of breaths we take away!
"Truth is..everyone is going to hurt you..you just have to find the ones worth suffering for..." 
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
May 30, '10 4:39 AM
for everyone
Must experience 

See the black dots in the middle for 10 sec. 
and look the nearest plain wall
& blink your eyes...! JazkaAllah

Attachment: image001 (2).gif
May 30, '10 4:18 AM
for everyone

Attributes of Allah
Praise be to Allah, Creator of people; He has spread the earth. He makes streams to flow and vegetation to grow on high lands. His primality has no beginning, nor has His eternity any end. He is the First and from ever. He is the everlasting without limit. Foreheads bow before Him and lips declare His oneness. He determined the limits of things at the time of His creating them, keeping Himself away from any likeness.
Imagination cannot surmise Him within the limits of movements limbs or senses. It cannot be said about Him: "whence"; and no time limit can be attributed to Him by saying "till". He is apparent, but it cannot be said "from what". He is hidden, but it cannot be said "in what". He is not a body which can die, nor is He veiled so as to be enclosed therein. He is not near to things by way of touch, nor is He remote from them by way of separation.
The gazing of people's eyes is not hidden from Him, nor the repetition of words, nor the glimpse of hillocks, nor the tread of a footstep in the dark night or in the deep gloom, where the shining moon casts its light and the effulgent sun comes in its wake, through its setting and appearing again and again with the rotation of time and periods, by the approach of the advancing night or the passing away of the running day.
He precedes every extremity and limit, and every counting and numbering. He is far above what those whose regard is limited attribute to Him, such as the qualities of measure, having extremities, living in house and dwelling in abodes, because limits are meant for creation and are attributable only to other than Allah.

Allah, the Originator from naught
He did not create things from eternal matter nor after ever-existing examples, but He created whatever He created and then He fixed limits thereto, and He shaped whatever He shaped and gave the best shape thereto. Nothing can disobey Him, but the obedience of something is of no benefit to Him. His knowledge about those who died in the past is the same as His knowledge about the remaining survivors, and His knowledge about whatever there is in the high skies is like His knowledge of whatever there is in the low earth.
May 29, '10 3:17 PM
for you
(sent by Sis Mariam R.Jiwa)
Attachment: attachments_2010_05_29 (1).zip
May 29, '10 3:15 PM
for everyone
(sent by Sis Mariam R.Jiwa)
Attachment: attachments_2010_05_29 (1).zip
Attachment: attachments_2010_05_29 (1).zip
May 29, '10 12:07 PM
for everyone
We love ourselves even after doing many mistakes. Then how can we hate others for their one mistake. Think before you hate someone or hate yourself. 

Swimming along the flow is effortless but swimming against it needs effort. Don't go the way life takes you, but take life the way you wanna go. Dare to be different.

A beautiful saying: If your eyes are positive you would like all the people in the world. But if your tongue is positive all the people in the world like you. 

Life is about the art of drawing without an eraser, so be careful while taking decisions about the most valuable pages of your life. 

A nice thought: I met money and said why everyone runs behind you, you are just a piece of paper. Money smiled and said of-course I am just a piece of paper, but I haven't seen a dustbin yet in my whole life. 

Life is like a coin. Pleasure and Pain are the two sides. Only one side is visible at a time. But remember other side is also waiting for it's turn. 

If you like someone, show it. It will be sweeter then telling. But if you don't like someone. Just tell it. It will be less painful then showing it. 

A very true but strange quote: Love doesn't start in the morning & end in the evening. It starts when you don't need it & ends when you need it most. 

What's greater then mom's love? Which pillow is better then lover's lap? Which company's better then friends? There are some things in life with no substitutes. Love them forever. 

Tragedy of moon: So simple but so attractive. So enlightening but so cool. So moving but so still. So quiet but so popular. So romantic but still single. 

A cute story: A man daily sent a rose to his wife. One day he died, but his wife still received roses. She asked the floweriest. He said, your husband paid advance for your whole life. Moral: Love someone forever 

A boy loved a girl so much. One day he proposed to her. But she refused. Still he was not sad. His friends asked him, didn't you feel bad? He said, why should I feel? I lost the one who never loved me. But she lost the one who really loves her.
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
May 29, '10 11:52 AM
for everyone
Attachment: attachments_2010_05_29.zip
May 29, '10 6:05 AM
for everyone
Tips on Mobile Maintenance
Looking after your mobile helps to ensure it has a long and productive life. There are 8 easy maintenance tips to help you get the best out of your mobile phone. All of the points below should also apply to your battery, charger and any other accessories.


1. Charged: Ensure your battery is fully charged, and then completely run it down before recharging. Recharging too early causes your battery to run out of power more quickly. 
2. Secure: For security reasons, enable the PIN on your SIM Card and Phone-lock on your phone to avoid unauthorized used. These security checks will also be activated when the phone is power cycled. You can check with your carrier or the phone manual for the features and also for information on blocking your SIM card and phone IMEI number if the phone is stolen. For more information please see the Security Tips located on the AMTA Lost and Stolen website. 
3. Protected: Make sure you use a keypad lock to lock your phone. Unplanned calls can cost a fortune and even though your phone may be in a safe place, such as in a bag, your phone will still get knocked around to a surprising degree. Rough treatment can damage electronic circuit boards so avoid dropping or unnecessarily shaking your phone.
Battery: Be safe with your batteries. Use only genuine batteries from your phone manufacturer and only buy from authorized dealers. Going for the cheap option of a counterfeit battery can be dangerous.
5. Clean: Don't use harsh detergents, cleaning solvents or harsh chemicals to clean your phone. Wipe only with a soft cloth.
6. Covered: a protective cover will help repel dust and dirt, and prevent scratches. Make sure the cover you choose is of good quality. Low quality covers with no air pockets can damage you phone by creating humidity inside the cover.
7. Storing your phone: Always store your phone in a dry place. Avoid rain, high humidity and liquids. All of these may contain minerals that could corrode the electronic circuits.
8. At the right temperature: To ensure a long life, keep your phone in a stable temperature. Avoid exposing your phone to liquid and/or exposing your phone to extreme temperature change from hot to cold and vice versa. This might create condensation and damage the phone.

May 29, '10 6:03 AM
for everyone
Lack of sleep cause heart disease
Cutting back on sleep could increase the risk of heart disease, a study published Monday found.

Sleeping less than 7.5 hours a night was associated with a 33 percent higher rate of cardiovascular incidents such as strokes and heart attacks, according to a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association's Archives of Internal Medicine.

Japanese researchers monitored the sleep of 1,255 people with hypertension for an average of 50 months.

They tracked daytime and night time blood pressure, sleep duration and cardiovascular disease events such as stroke, heart attack and sudden cardiac death.

They recorded 99 incidents of cardiovascular disease, and found the rate among those who slept less than 7.5 hours was 2.4 per 100 person-years. Those who got more sleep had an incident rate of 1.8 per 100 person-years.

Subjects whose blood pressure rose at night also were more prone to heart disease, the study found.

"Shorter duration of sleep is a predictor of incident cardiovascular disease in elderly individuals with hypertension," wrote lead author Kazuo Gucci of 
Niche Medical University. Inadequate sleep has also been associated with increased likelihood of obesity, diabetes and several risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including night-time hypertension and sleep-disordered breathing.
May 29, '10 6:02 AM
for everyone
Benefits and Usage of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known for its health benefits since ages. Various scientist and researches have given the confirmation that it is contains some excellent medicinal properties. It is known to be the best skin care remedy in summers. In fact, no cream can beat its magic on the skin. Aloe Vera is beneficial in various sections. It is very good for bringing glow and freshness on skin. You can apply aloe Vera gel mixed with honey on the face and see the difference.

Your skin would glow up to several times and you would notice a natural shine. It has minerals, proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides, etc which are all important for health.

As for the health benefits of aloe Vera, there are many. You can cure ulcers, arthritis, constipation, heartburn, insomnia, hemorrhoids and indigestion from it. These were the External health benefits of this amazing plant. External benefits are cure of sore muscles, sprains, bruises, cold sores, burns, scalds, scrapes, acne and pimple problem, stings, etc. there are so many benefits that it is hard to mention. As you know, there are cosmetic benefits of aloe vera as well. Wide range of skin care products makes use of Aloe Vera as its main ingredient. It is used in lift masks, facial cleansing wash, medicated jelly, moisturizers, medicated cream, body lotion, heat rub, sun block, shampoo and conditioners, etc.

Knowing its health benefits, people have started using Aloe Vera based products and are actually benefited by it. You must also include it in your life. You can eat it in for of vegetable, salad, juice, etc. daily Aloe Vera juice consumption eases the constipation and regularizes the bowel movements. It is available in the form of capsule as well. So you can buy it too.

It is highly nutritious and you are sure to be benefited by it. They are known to aid the lymphatic and blood circulation. Also you must use also Aloe Vera based products. Millions of people have been benefited by this natural remedy and now you must opt for it as well to ensure good health and glowing skin

May 29, '10 6:00 AM
for everyone
Flu Prevention Tips 

Useful tips about the Flu 

*The rewards of eating 5 or more fruits and vegetables daily are worth the effort, proven to be strong weapons to fight the forces of flu and colds.

*Keep tissues handy for coughs and sneezes. Then dispose of tissues in a "no-touch" container. This is a container that is emptied without touching the contents.

*Cough or sneeze into your elbow or arm NOT your hands, and teach children to do the same. Droplets from coughing or sneezing can contain viruses that can cause other people to become sick. If you cough or sneeze into your hands, everything that you touch with your hands may expose others if they come in contact with those same surfaces.

*Clean children's toys frequently to cut down on the number of germs, especially toys that can be put in the mouth.

*If you are sick with a cold or flu, stay home and away from other people if possible. You will prevent the spread of your illness to others and also protect yourself from the more serious side effects of the flu or colds.

*Don't stack coats in the workplace, childcare facilities, or other public areas. Stacking of coats can pass on cold or flu germs as well as ringworm and lice.

*In the workplace, avoid sharing common items such as phones and computer keyboards. If you have to share, then wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

*Enclosed areas should be ventilated periodically to get rid of germs in the air. Consider opening a window in your home in a room that is not occupied to let some fresh air in.

*Wash your hands frequently throughout the day. Always remember to turn off faucets with a paper towel. Teach your children the same healthy habits.

*Caution! Flu germs found lurking under the mistletoe. If you have a cold or the flu, stay away. If you are healthy, consider yourself warned.

*Bring a hand sanitizer to work with you and use it periodically, especially if you have a cold. You may want to apply a hand moisturizer or lotion to combat dryness of your hands.

*Nail biters beware! The flu virus enters the body through the nose, eyes and mouth. This is a good time to break the habit.

*Mark your calendar for October 2005 and look for information on getting the flu vaccine for you and your children.

*Don't worry. Be happy. Recent studies show that stress can weaken resistance to illness in some people.

*Is shaking hands really necessary? Consider a pat on the back or a respectful nod. And a kiss on the cheek? Think about it!

*Have children in diapers? Remember to wash their hands as well as your own after diaper changing.

*Do you know the right way to wash your hands? Wash your hands with soap (bacterial soap is not necessary) and water for about 20 seconds. What is "20 seconds"? Sing the Alphabet Song, or Yankee Doodle, or Happy Birthday. Rinse hands, dry with a paper towel and turn the faucets off using the paper towel. Get your children in this habit while they are young.

*Drink plenty of fluids when you are well and when you are ill. Your body can easily become dehydrated when you have a fever. Extra fluids will keep the mucous more liquid, which can help prevent bacterial complications such as ear infections and bronchitis.

*Be a germ detective. Where are germs hiding in your bathroom? Faucet handles, toilet seats, flush handles on toilets and doorknobs should be cleaned and disinfected regularly.

*Consider using paper towels for drying hands after going to the bathroom. A hand towel that everyone in the family uses is an easy way to spread germs, particularly if someone already has a cold or the flu.

*An apple a day keeps the doctor away…NOT! An apple and 4 or more fruits and vegetables, some protein, and a little fat can help you stay healthy any time of the year.

*Avoid sharing personal items such as blankets, pillows or clothing with someone who has the cold or the flu. Germs can live for a short time on them.

*Anti-viral medication can prevent the flu for some people or shorten the duration of illness for those who already have symptoms. It must be given within 48 hours of exposure or start of symptoms and a doctor must prescribe it. It may be beneficial for those who are at high risk of complications from the flu.

*Did you know that a person can pass the flu germ to other people starting a day before he or she becomes ill? And some people can have the flu but have no symptoms or have very mild symptoms and still spread the flu to other people? Maybe a shopping center isn't the best place to take your new baby.

*Get some fresh air daily. Your lungs will thank you for it.
May 29, '10 5:59 AM
for everyone
Natural Hair Care
By: Brad Jones

Bromelain Enzyme and the natural hair care

Bromelain is one of several compounds known as proteolytic enzymes, all of which aid in the digestion of protein. Bromelain supplements are now included in some of the natural hair care products. The plant enzyme bromelain has yet to get the hair care product recommendations. But there is more to bromelain than hair care.

The natural plant enzyme bromelain obtained from the pineapple is known to provide a number of health benefits as discussed below.

Bromelain Research

By 1891, researchers identified the proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which they found in the fleshy part of the fruit. This enzyme was discovered to break down protein, and as such, is still used to day as a natural meat tenderizer and digestive aid. By 1957, bromelain was widely recognized and research also began into such areas as muscle and tissue inflammation, burn recovery, infection, and even sinus problems.

The most recognized use for bromelain is as a digestive aid. This enzyme is commonly used in cases in which an individualÃ's own digestive enzymes are deficient, frequently resulting from pancreatic disorders. In such cases, bromelain supplements can relieve gastrointestinal symptoms including bloating, gas, pain and cramps from indigestion and diarrhea. Studies show that proteolytic enzymes like bromelain may also indirectly relive food allergies thought to occur from a condition called leaky gut, in which whole protein molecules from foods leak into the blood causing an allergic or immune response. BromelainÃ's digestive properties are particularly enhanced when used along side other enzymes such as amylase that digests starch and lipase, necessary for fat digestion. Some laboratory studies suggest that bromelain may also be useful for reducing bad intestinal bacteria.

Bromelain is so effective at digesting protein that workers who frequently cut the fruit often lose their fingerprints to the active properties of the enzyme. As well as this fruitÃ's amazing digestive qualities, it is also an excellent source of vitamins A and vitamin C, a benefit the Spaniards took advantage of on their many extended trips out to sea.

The fibrous nature of pineapple however, is also known to relieve constipation, as well ancient cultures frequently used pineapples to cure jaundice and kill intestinal parasites. Ripe pineapple juice is well known as a remedy to induce menstruation and relieve painful periods. BromelainÃ's photolytic properties also make this enzyme a natural blood thinner. The digestive substance in the enzyme breaks down the blood clotting protein called fibrin, which inhibits circulation and prevents tissues from effectively draining.

European studies have consistently shown that bromelain is also an excellent treatment for those recovering from sports injuries and in tissue repair necessary after surgery.

Evidence suggests that some supplemental enzymes in particular can be absorbed directly into the circulatory system in their active form where they then exhibit anti-inflammatory and pain relieving actions.

Bromelain has proven especially effective when applied directly to the skin to remove dead tissue resulting from severe burns that have reached all skin layers. These third-degree burns as they are known, are extremely susceptible to infection and swelling. The digestive properties of the bromelain cleanse the areas and remove the excess dead tissue and as well, its anti-inflammatory properties may help to reduce the pain caused by swelling. Countries such as 
Japan and Taiwan and in the state of Hawaii where pineapples are abundant, widely recognize bromelain as a remedy to cleanse wounds. Another interesting use for bromelain may be as a cough suppressant and nasal decongestant

Commercial Bromelain: Dosage

Commercial bromelain products for treating number of human and animal disorders are now available in the market.Health professionals suggest that while choosing a commercial a bromelain product, choose the enzyme supplement that uses a variety of other enzymes. It is best to blend enzymes with activity units at various pH levels to assure maximum effectiveness.

According to experts, in most cases, bromelain should only be taken for between 8 and10 days. There are two recognized drug reactions with bromelain. This enzyme is said to enhance antibiotics. One study shows that amoxicillin blood levels are increased when combined with bromelain. Additional studies show that the antibiotic tetracycline is better absorbed when used in conjunction with bromelain; however researchers say that further investigation is still necessary since studies in this area are conflicting.

If you are taking the herbs gingko, ginger, vitamin C or garlic or medications such as aspirin or warfarin, a common blood thinner, bromelain could potentially increase the risk of bleeding. It is therefore best to avoid this enzyme. In any case, if you are taking any type of prescription medication, it is always best to speak with a health professional prior to adding any herbs or supplements since interactions are often common.

About the Author:

The author is involved with the hair growth research, he is also writing on subjects like the nutrition, and nutritional diet vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements to educate people so that they donÃ't fall an easy prey to the hordes of synthetic nutrient growth supplements advertised on internet. Please visit http://www.hairlosssupplements.com/

May 29, '10 5:57 AM
for everyone
10 Benefits of Lemon Water for Health
Many people often love the tarty flavor of lemon juice in their dishes. But have you ever wondered that you can put this lemon juice to many more good uses than this? Yes! There are enormous benefits of lemon juice and water in your everyday life.

You simply need to arm yourself with relevant knowledge and you would soon start valuing this amalgamation more than ever.

Lemon is an inexpensive, easily available citrus fruit, popular for its culinary and medicinal uses. It is used to prepare a variety of food recipes such as lemon cakes, lemon chicken and beverages like lemonade and lemon-flavored drinks. It is also used for garnishing. Lemon juice consists of about 5% citric acid that gives a tarty taste to lemon. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C. It also contains vitamins like vitamin B, riboflavin and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium as well as proteins and carbohydrates. Lemon is generally consumed in the form of lemon juice or lemon water. Lemon water makes a healthy drink, especially when taken in the morning. Daily consumption of lemon water provides a number of health benefits like:

1 — Good for stomach
Lemon can help relieve many digestion problems when mixed with hot water. These include nausea, heartburn and parasites. Due to the digestive qualities of lemon juice, symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching are relieved. By drinking lemon juice regularly, the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more efficiently. Lemon acts as a blood purifier and as a cleansing agent. The intake of lemon juice can cure constipation. It is even known to help relieve hiccups when consumed as a juice. Lemon juice acts as a liver tonic and helps you digest your food by helping your liver produce more bile. It decreases the amount of phlegm produced by your body. It is also thought to help dissolve gallstones.

2 — Excellent for Skin Care
Lemon, being a natural antiseptic medicine, can participate to cure problems related to skin. Lemon is a vitamin C rich citrus fruit that enhances your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within and thus bringing a glow on your face. Daily consumption of lemon water can make a huge difference in the appearance of your skin. It acts as an anti-aging remedy and can remove wrinkles and blackheads. Lemon water if applied on the areas of burns can fade the scars. As lemon is a cooling agent, it reduces the burning sensation on the skin.

3 — Aids in Dental Care
Lemon water is used in dental care also. If fresh lemon juice is applied on the areas of toothache, it can assist in getting rid of the pain. The massages of lemon juice on gums can stop gum bleeding. It gives relief from bad smell and other problems related to gums.

4 — Cures Throat Infections
Lemon is an excellent fruit that aids in fighting problems related to throat infections, sore throat and tonsillitis as it has an antibacterial property. For sore throat, dilute one-half lemon juice with one-half water and gargle frequently.

5 — Good for Weight Loss
One of the major health benefits of drinking lemon water is that it paves way for losing weight faster, thus acting as a great weight loss remedy. If a person takes lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey, it can reduce the body weight as well.

6 — Controls High Blood Pressure
Lemon water works wonders for people having heart problem, owing to its high potassium content. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea as well as provides relaxation to mind and body. It also reduces mental stress and depression.

7 — Assist in curing Respiratory Disorders
Lemon water assists in curing respiratory problems, along with breathing problems and revive a person suffering from asthma.

8 — Good for treating Rheumatism
Lemon is also diuretic and hence lemon water can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to flush out bacteria and toxins out of the body.

9 — Reduces Fever
Lemon water can treat a person who is suffering from cold, flu or fever. It helps to break fever by increasing perspiration.

10 — Acts as a blood purifier
The diseases like cholera or malaria can be treated with lemon water as it can act as a blood purifier.


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