he whole world is scared of China made "black hearted goods"
Can you differentiate which one is made in Taiwan or China ? Let me tell! U the first 3 digits of barcode 690.691..692 is made in CHINA . Do not ever buy it for your own health. 471 is Made in Taiwan This is a human right to know, but the government and related department never educate the public, therefore we have to rescue ourselves. Remember.
With more and more milk products from China and Taiwan having problem. We really got to check where the things are produced. Here is a way to differentiate Taiwan made products and China made products : by looking at first three digits of its Bar Code. If the 1st 3 digits are 690, 691 or 692 - China made If the 1st 3 digits are 471 Taiwan made ![]()
So please spread the words to everyone.... ..
Nowadays, China businessmen know the consumers do not prefer products "made in China ", so they won't show made from which country. However, you may now refer to the barcodes, if the first 3 digits is 690-692 then it is made in China .
1. The love of this world and the next cannot come together in the heart of a believer, like water and fire in a single vessel." - Jesus (
2. Children of
3. Work like the man who imagines that he will never die; and be cautious like him who knows he is going to die tomorrow. - Holy Prophet (saws)
4. Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company. Imam Ali (as) (Nahjulbalagha
(sent by bro Anwar Merchant)
Video on the Hadith-e-Kisaa
salamun Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Request for Namaz-e-Wahshat Please perform Namaz-e-Wahshat today, February 6, 2010, for the soul of all the Shuhada that were shaheed in the bombings during the Shuhada-e-Kerbala Chehlum juloos in Karachi, Pakistan (February 5, 2010). Please specially include the following names who were the close family members of Brother Muhammad Abid (Noha-Khawan):
1. Chacha Zameer hussain (Soz-Khawan)
2. Tauqeer hussain son of Zameer Hussain
3. Salman Hussain son of Tauqeer Hussain
4. Kazim Hussain son of Abid Ali
5. Muhammad Ali so of Ashfaq Hussain
6. Anjum Hussain son of Muhammad Hussain
7. Anwar Abbas son of Ghulam Ali
8. Shahid Ali son of Rajab Ali
9. Babar Ali son Zahid Ali
10. Hasnain son of Zahid Ali
11. Hussain son of Aamir
12. Zain son of Suhrab
13. Shahansha Hussain Son Samee-uz- Zaman
14. Ahmad Ali son Muhammad Taqi
Markazi Tanzeem-e Imamia
(sent by Sis Maraiam R. Jiwa)
Subject: Please read this carefully!
Subject: Please read this carefully!
Consequences of Aggressive Consumer Banking......................
This should be posted in all schools and work places.....
Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the head with this! Bill Gates gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.. Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it! Rule 2 : The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself. Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both. Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity. Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them. Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room. Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer.. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life. Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.. Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs. Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.... ! ! ! !_,___
STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters... S.T..R ...
My friend sent this to me and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks. STROKE IDENTIFICATION: During a party, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. (they offered to call ambulance) They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at She had suffered a stroke at the party. Had they known how to identify thesigns of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this... STROKE IDENTIFICATION: A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. RECOGNIZING A STROKE Remember the '3' steps, STR. Read and Learn! Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions: S * Ask the individual to SMILE. T * = TALK. Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (eg 'It is sunny out today') R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS. If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call the ambulance and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is 1. Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue. 2. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke. A prominent cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved. And it could be your own. PASS THIS ONE.
One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't 'anymore'. No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more 'just one minute.' Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say 'I love you.'
So while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick. This is true for marriage ... And old cars .. And children with bad report cards, and dogs with bad hips, and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a sister-in-law after divorce. There are just some things that make e us happy, no matter what. Life is important, like people we know who are special. And so, we keep them close! I received this from someone who thought I was a 'keeper'! Then I sent it to the people I think of in the same way. Now it's your turn to send this to all those people who are 'keepers' in your life, including the person who sent it if you feel that way. Suppose one morning you never wake up, do all your friends know you love them? I was thinking...I could die today, tomorrow or next week, and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships that needed rekindling or three words needing to be said. Let every one of your friends know you love them. Even if you think they don't love you back, you would be amazed at what those three little words and a smile can do. And just in case GOD calls me home . I LOVE YA!!!
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) said :
i-e on the Day of Judgement every individual will be called along with his Imam. The Holy Quran further says that there are two kinds of Imam. One who will take you towards Heaven and the other towards Hell. Now its our responsibility that we follow that Imam who will take us to Heaven. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) said:
So to prevent ; dieing a Kafir it is: our responsibility to acquire inspiration from IMAM-E-ZAMANA (A.S). The name of Imam-e-Zamana is the same as our Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) but since we don't call Him by His name during Ghaibat therefore He is addressed by His titles. His titles are Mehdi , Quaim Aal-e-Mohammad , Sahib-al-Asr-e-Waz-Zaman, Al-Baqi e.t.c. His father is our 11th Imam Hazrat Hassan Askari (A.S) and His mother Nargis Khatoon was the grand daughter of the Emperor of Rome. He was born on 15th Shaban 256 Hijri at Samrah . The night of 15th Shaban is of great bounties and benefits.
Imam al-Husain ibn `Ali ibn Abu Talib is quoted narrating the following incident: "We were making our tawaf around the Ka`ba when we heard someone reciting these verses of poetry: O You Who answers the distressed and those who in the depth of the darkness utter their supplication, O You Who removes the causes of the trials, the pain, together with the tribulation, Around Your Sacred House are Your guests who have come from everywhere, Supplicating while the eyes of Allah never sleep, always aware, I plead to You to grant me Your Forgiveness for the sins I have committed, by Your Grace, Your creation knows You, Lord, to be Most Gracious, so I plead to You by the Light of Your Face! If Your pardon never reaches a sinner nor bless, Who is to be gracious unto those who transgress? "My father `Ali ibn Abu Talib," the Imam continues, "said, `O Husain! Don't you hear someone grieving about his sin, complaining to his Lord? Go and bring him here.' So I hurried till I was able to reach him. I found him to be a handsome man, his body looked free of deformity, his clothes seemed to be very clean, and I could smell the fragrance he was wearing. I also noticed that his right side was paralyzed. I approached him and ordered him to present himself before the Commander of the Faithful. He came and the Commander of the Faithful asked him, `Who are you, and what is your story?' The man said, `O Commander of the Faithful! What is the case of a man who opted to do what is punishable while not performing what he is enjoined to perform?' The Imam asked him again, `What is your name?' The man answered, `Munzzil son of Lahiq.' He asked him, `What is your story?' He said, `I used to be quite famous among the Arabs for merry-making and sinning in my youth, without waking from my slumber. Now if I repent, my repentance will not be accepted from me, and if I try to amend my steps, I will not be able to do that either. So I prolong my transgression during the [sacred] months of Rajab and Sha'ban. My father used to be quite affectionate and compassionate towards me. He used to warn me against the outcome of my ignorance and the terrible end awaiting the transgressors. He used to say, `O son! Allah sometimes manifests His might when He expresses His Wrath; so, do not tread the avenues of those who will be penalized with the Fire, for how often people have complained about you, and so have the sacred angels, and the sacred months, the nights, and the days?' Yet whenever he persisted in admonishing and reprimanding me, I persisted in beating him. One day, when my conduct pressured him too much, he said, `By Allah I am going to fast and will not break my fast, and I shall offer prayers and will not sleep...' He fasted for one week, then he rode a lean camel and went to O One to Whom pilgrims come from far and wide, Those who come walking, and those who ride, Hoping to win he Grace of the One, the Dignified, The One who Sustains, from Whom none can hide, This Munazil never seems to cease, though I chide, So effect retribution; Your Judgment none can override, And do inflict pain on him and do paralyze his side, You were never born, nor bears, but is always sanctified! "I swear by the One Who raised the heavens and caused the water to form springs, he hardly finished his statement when my right side was completely paralyzed, and I remained like a piece of wood lying somewhere in the precincts of the Sacred House. People used to come and go and say about me, `This is a man the plea of whose father Allah has answered.'" Imam `Ali asked him, "What did your father do?" He said, "O Commander of the Faithful! I requested him to invoke Allah on my behalf in the same way he invoked Him against me, now since he reconciled and was pleased with me. I placed him on a she-camel and we rushed till we reached the Lord! I plead to You, O One Who knows what is hidden! O One by Whose Might the heavens is erected, and the earth is spread out, and the sun and the moon through the Light of Whose Greatness illuminate and shine! O One Who approaches every believing and pure soul! O One Who removes the fear of those who are in awe of Him, those who are righteous! O One Who takes care of all the needs of His creation, Who has saved Yousuf from the bondage of slavery, Who has no doorman to be approached, nor does He have a supporter to be defeated, nor does He have a vizier to be bribed, nor is there any other god besides Him so he would be called upon, nor does He increase, despite His giving, except in giving and in open-handedness..., and surely Allah has blessed Muhammed and his progeny! Whereupon I implore You, Lord, to grant me my quest, for You can do anything at all. "So I woke up and I was healed." `Ali said, "Uphold this supplication, for it is one of the treasures of |
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