Sunday, 18 November 2012

Feb 23, '10 4:26 AM
for everyone
Feb 22, '10 2:28 PM
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A pious person would always invite his partner to goodness, just as a corrupt person would tempt his partner towards corruption. It is then reasonable that, in Islam men and women, who want to get married, are advised to regard the piety and good manners of their future partners, as essential conditions. 
Feb 22, '10 2:28 PM
for everyone
A pious person would always invite his partner to goodness, just as a corrupt person would tempt his partner towards corruption. It is then reasonable that, in Islam men and women, who want to get married, are advised to regard the piety and good manners of their future partners, as essential conditions. 
Feb 22, '10 2:16 PM
for everyone
"Imam Ali (AS) was thinking the same when he spoke of Hadrat Zahra (AS). He stated that she was the best help for worshipping the Almighty Allah. History tells us that the Prophet (SA), one day after the wedding of Imam Ali (AS) and Hadrat Zahra (AS), went to congratulate them in their house and know about their welfare. He asked Imam Ali (AS): 'How do you find your spouse?' The Imam replied: 'I found Zahra as the best help in worshipping the Almighty Allah.' The Prophet (SA) then asked the same of Zahra (AS), and she replied: 'He is the best husband'."[9] 
Feb 22, '10 2:13 PM
for everyone
"The Prophet (SA) stated: 'If I were to bestow all the good of both worlds upon a Muslim person, I would endow him with a humble heart, a tongue which continuously utters his praises, a body patient enough to withstand all calamities; and I would give him a pious spouse who, when she sees him, becomes happy ,and protects his property and her own honour in his absence'."
Feb 22, '10 2:09 PM
for everyone
"One person went to the Prophet (SA) and said: 'I have a wife who always welcomes me when I come home, and escorts me to the door when I leave. When she finds me sad and unhappy, she then, by consoling me says: 'If you are thinking of sustenance, then do not despair, because Allah provides sustenance; and if you are thinking about the next life, then may Allah increase your intellect and efforts. Then the Prophet (SA) stated: ' Allah surely has functionaries and agents in this world and your wife is one of those. Such a woman would be rewarded half as much as a martyr'."
Feb 22, '10 1:45 PM
for everyone
Quran 004.001
O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you.

It is He Who has created man from water: then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power (over all things).

033.006 Quran
The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers. Blood-relations among each other have closer personal ties, in the Decree of Allah. Than (the Brotherhood of) Believers and Muhajirs: nevertheless do ye what is just to your closest friends: such is the writing in the Decree (of Allah). 
Feb 22, '10 12:24 PM
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Feb 22, '10 10:36 AM
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Imam Hasan Askari

Imam Hasan al-Askari, the eleventh was born in Medina in 846. His real name was Hasan ibn Ali ibn Muhammad. Hasan al Askari was the direct descendent of Prophet Muhammad. His father was Imam Ali Naqi a.k.a. al-Hadi.

The Abbasid Caliphs always felt the popularity of the members of the Prophet’s family as a direct threat to their rule. As a result of their insecurity, when he was four, his father was arrested by the Caliph and they were sent to Samara. He spent his entire life in either house arrest or in prison. His title Askari is derived from the Arabic word askar meaning Soldier, because of his house arrest was in the military garrison of Samarra, Iraq. The capital was moved from Baghdad to Samarra when the Assassins were targeting high officials in Baghdad. Samarra was a garrison town about 60 miles north of Baghdad. The weather is also nicer in Samarra compared to Baghdad.

He was very knowledgeable and despite being confined to house arrest for most of his life, was able to teach others about Islam, and even compiled a commentary on the Quran that would be used by later scholars.

Imam Hasan al-Askari died at the young age of 28 in 874 allegedly by poison. Hasan's funeral was attended by many people, including the Abbasid caliph Al-Mutamid who is believed to be the one behind his poisoning.

Imam Hasan al-Askari is buried next to his father in Samarra, their shrine is known as Askarayn.
Feb 22, '10 10:25 AM
for everyone

Birth and family life

Imam Hasan al-Askari, whose ancestor was the Islamic Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), was born in Medina to Ali al-Hadi and Saleel. His title al-Askari derives from the Arabic word Asker which means Army. Hasan's title was reflective of his living most of his life in a garrison town. He married a Byzantine princess who was the granddaughter of a Byzantine, named Nargis.
 His name was Hasan and his surname was Abu Mohammad, and the well-known titles were Zaki and Askari.

House arrest

Hasan al-Askari lived almost his entire life under house arrest in Samaraa and under supervision of Abassid caliphs. Despite his confinement as a prisoner, he was occasionally allowed to go to Baghdad, although it was under guard.


He was very knowledgeable and despite being confined to house arrest for almost his entire life, Hasan al-Askari was able to teach others about Islam and even compiled a commentary on the Holy Qur’an that would be used by later scholars.
Hasan al-Askari was like a roaring river of wisdom, which quenched the thirst of those thirsty for it. As per Khawarzami's statement, eighteen thousand men, thirsty for knowledge, benefited from Hasan al-Askari assembly. The first one out of Al-Mu’tazz’s (Abbasid caliph) court, who took an oath of allegiance for him was the famous Iranian genius and talented person named Mohammad ibn Masood Shirazi.
It is narrated that such was Hasan al-Askari's wisdom that even Kindi the teacher of Abu Nasr Farabi, was defeated and failed in discussion with him, and burnt down his book which he had written against Islam.

Hasan Al-Askari's morality

Hasan al-Askari was a gracious personality and an unmatched knowledge of the Quran More than a hundred well-known wise men remained continuously present in his assembly. During a period of sixteen years, when he lived in Iraq the territories from Syria up to Medina, particularly Iranwas under his influence. Hasan al-Askari's spiritual and knowledge's influence went to the extent that it overwhelmed the court of Al-Mu’tazz and all the wise men busy in his government missionary got enamored enticed, and fascinated by Hasan al-Askari. When Hasan al-Askari traveled to Iran and crossed over the Lawasan via Qum and Rai, the people captivated and fascinated by the school of Ahaly Bayt gathered all around him and expressed their warm feelings and sentiments for him. He made a speech before the people of Lawasan and ordered them to build a mosque and declare it as their base.
This command of Hasan al-Askari proved so effective that they got busy in building seventy mosques on a single day. One of the courtiers of Abbasid government named Ahmed bin Khaqan, who was an enemy of the Ahl al-Bayt, and one day said, "I have not seen anybody in Samarra, among the Bani Hashim family, more pious, virtuous and chaste than Hasan al-Askari. If the caliphate goes out of the Bani Abbasid's hands then no one except Hasan al-Askari will be capable and fit for it. Then he said, "one day I was present with my father when Hasan al-Askari arrived there, although he was the enemy of the Ahl al-Bayt, yet he got up from his place, kissed his hand and made him seated upon his own place and sat before him like a pupil in front of a teacher and lent ears to his words.


He had one son, Muhammad al-Mahdi, who was six at the time of Hasan al-Askari's death and disappeared.
 Twelver Shi’ahs believe him to be the Mahdi(atfs); a very important figure in Islamic teaching who is believed will reappear at the end of time to fill the world with justice, peace and to establish Islam as the global religion.
Hasan al-Askari was four years old, when he was exiled to Samarra along with his father. He was placed under the caliph's observation at a point, which was the center of the armed forces.
Following the death of his father, Al-Mu'tamid (Abbasid caliph) imprisoned him. The piety and chastity of Hasan al-Askari attracted the attention of all the prisoners towards him, and made them all enticed and enchanted. The officials and agents of the caliph daily reported to the caliph as to his condition. Eventually, Hasan al-Askari was killed on the 8th Rabi’al-awwal 260 
After his death, his brother Ja'far ibn Ali, who was counted as one of the helpers of the caliph, in order to keep the Imam safe from caliph, stood up to offer the funeral prayer upon the body of Hasan al-Askari. But as he was about to start the prayers, the son of Hasan al-Askari, who was a minor, came forward and said to his uncle to step aside because only an Imam can lead the funeral prayer of another Imam. After the funeral prayer Muhammed Al-Mahdi went into the house and disappeared] This was the beginning of the Minor Occultatio (ghaybat-e-sughra).
Hasan al-Askari died at the age of 28 by poison. Hasan al-Askari's funeral was attended by many people, including the Abbasid caliph Al Mu’tamid who is accused of being secretly responsible for the poisoning of Hasan al-Askari.
After the death of Hasan al-Askari, there was a sect of his followers who believed, as a result of shock and bewilderment that he did not die, but had instead entered occultation and that he was the Mahdi. According to this sect, their beliefs were based upon the impossibility of the death of the Imam without an apparent known issue (this sect did not believe in the imamate or even existence of Muhammed al-Mahdi) since the earth can never be without an Imam according to their doctrine. This sect later separated into several other groups. Among them were those who admitted the death of Imam Hasan al-Askari, but added that he returned to life after a little while, in accordance with a tradition on the meaning of the word Qa’im, i.e. one who returns to life after his death. Also among them were those who claimed that he did die and did not return to life, but that he will return to life in the future. These groups incorporated some traditions (into their thought) from some early Waqifite Shhite movements.
Hasan al-Askari is buried in the mausoleum containing the remains of his father, Ali-alHadi- The Al-Askari Mosque in SamarraIraq. The site is considered a holy shrine for the Shia’s though a bomb blast on 22 February 2006 destroyed much of the structure, and another bomb blasrt on 13 June 2007 destroyed the two remaining minarets of the Al-Askariya Mosque.

Preceded byAli al-Hadi
11th Imam of Twelver Shi'a Islam
868 – 874
Succeeded byMuhammad al-Mahdi
Feb 22, '10 4:14 AM
for everyone
Hadith 1

Imam as-Sadiq (AS) has said:
"The reward of every good action that a person with true faith performs has been mentioned in the Quran, except for Salatul Layl, since due to the importance (and high status) of it, Allah (SWT) has not explicitly mentioned it and has only said the following (in regards to it):
((Those who forsake their beds to cry unto their Lord in fear and hope, and spend out of that which We have bestowed upon them.))                                
Surah as-Sajdah (32:16
Hadith 2
Purification of the Soul by Salatul Layl
Allah (SWT) in explaining Salatul Layl and those who stay up during the night (doing Ibadaat) has said:
((Surely the rising by night is the firmest way to tread and the best corrective of speech.  Surely you have in the day time a long occupation.))                     Surah Muzzammil (73:6-7)
Hadith 4
The Worship of the Sincere Ones
Allah (SWT) says:
((And they who pass the night prostrating themselves before their Lord and standing.))                 
Surah Furqaan (25:64)
Hadith 5
Explaining the Pious Ones (Muttaqeen)
Allah (SWT) says:
((They used to sleep but little in the night.  And in the morning they asked for forgiveness.))
Surah Zariyat (51:17-18)
Hadith 6
Seeking Forgiveness at the Time of Sahr
Allah (SWT) says:
((The patient, and the truthful, and the obedient, and those who  spend (benevolently) and those who ask forgiveness in the morning times.)) 
Surah Ale Imran (3:17
Hadith 7
 Salatul Layl Having Been Waajib (Obligatory) for the Prophet of Allah (SWT)
Allah (SWT) says:
((And during a part of the night, pray Tahajjud beyond what is incumbent on you; maybe your Lord will raise you to a position of great glory.))  
Surah Bani Israeel (17:79)
Hadith 8
Wake up for Salatul Layl 
Allah (SWT) says:
((O you who have wrapped up in your garments!  Rise to pray in the night except a little.))
Surah Muzzammil (73:1-2)
Hadith 9
Wake up for Salatul Layl 
((Rise to pray in the night except a little, Half of it, or lessen it a little, Or add to it, and recite the Quran as it ought to be recited.))                      
Surah Muzzammil (73:2-4)
Hadith 10
Those Who Prostrate 
Allah (SWT) says:
((And rely on the Mighty, the Merciful.  Who sees you when you stand up.  And your turning over and over among those who prostrate themselves before Allah.))                            Surah Shuara (26:217-219)
Hadith 11
Describing Those Who Stay Up in the Night 
Allah (SWT) says:
"(Can he who passes his night in sajdah (adoration), standing up or on his knees, who dreads the terrors of the life to come and hopes to earn the mercy of his Lord, (be compared to the unbeliever?"
Surah Zumar (39:9)
Hadith 12
Pleasure of Allah (SWT)
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (AS) has said:
"The pleasure of Allah (SWT) lies in Salatul-Layl."
Hadith 13
Pleasure of Allah (SWT)
Sign of True Faith in Allah (SWT) and Belief in the Day of  Judgement
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir(AS) has said:
"One who has true faith in Allah (SWT) and the last day, will not allow the night to pass into the day without performing Salatul-Witr."
Hadith 14
Pleasure of Allah (SWT)
The Greatness of a Believer 
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (AS) has said:
"The greatness of a believer is his Salat in the night and his dignity lies in not asking others for his needs."
Hadith 15
Pleasure of Allah (SWT)
Beauty of the Next Life  
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (AS) has said:
"Allah (SWT) - the Noble and the Great has said that the wealth and children are a beautification of this world and surely the 8 Rakat (of Salatul Layl) that a servant performs at the end of the night is a beautification for the next life."
Feb 22, '10 3:09 AM
for everyone

There have been many examples in history of where Imam (AS) has guided and helped his followers:
There once lived a great Mujtahid named Allama Majlisi. Once this Mujtahid was asked what to do with the body of a pregnant woman who had died. Should the dead woman be buried as she was or should she be cut open and the child removed, then the woman buried?
ImamAllama decided that the woman should be buried as she was, with the child.
When the people were carrying the coffin to the grave, a horseman appeared and said that Allama had decided that the baby should be removed, this was done.
A few years later Allama Majlisi was visited by a man with a small child. The man told Allama that this was the same child that had been cut from his mother after Allama had sent the horseman telling the people that he had changed his instructions.
Allama immediately realized that the horseman must have been Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (AS) who had come to his help, preventing him making a grave mistake.
From that day Allama stayed in his house refusing to give anymore advice to the people, in case he made another mistake. In a few days he received a letter from Imam (AS) telling him that he should not worry and should continue to guide the people. If by any chance he made a mistake Imam (AS) would come to help him rectify it.
The duties of each and every Muslim in the time of Ghaybat-e-kubra is:
  1. To be the caretakers of Islam.
  2. To pray for the safety of Imam (AS) and give sadaqa for his safety.
  3. Ask Allah to make Imam (AS) appearance soon, so that he may come and fill the world with truth and peace.
  4. Whenever the name of the 12th Imam is said, you should stand, placing your right hand on your head and bow your head. You should also recite Salawaat after his name.
Conclusion: The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said that if someone dies without knowing the Imam (AS) of his time, his death is that of an unbeliever. We must therefore carry out our duties to our 12th Imam who is still alive and in Ghaybat (concealment).
There was a pious man called Syed Muhammad Jabal Amili who was traveling through the desert with a caravan of people, when he got lost.
Syed Amili searched and searched for the caravan but could not find them. It became dark as night set in. He was all alone in the hot desert, tired, hungry and frightened.
He was about to give up and prepare himself for death when he suddenly saw some water. He went to the water drank some and then did wudhu/ablution and offered his Salaat/prayer.
After his Salaat he did not have any more strength and lay there waiting for death.
All of a sudden he saw a person riding a horse getting closer and closer to him.
When the horse rider reached Syed Amili he said Salaam to him and asked him what the matter was. Syed Amili explained that he had lost his caravan and was hungry.
The rider asked him why then did he not eat the melons that were lying beside him. Syed Amili asked the rider not to make fun of him as he had searched all over for food.
The rider said he was not joking, and to look behind him. Syed Amili looked and there were three melons.
CaravanThe rider then told him to eat one of them and to take the other two with him and pointed out the direction he was to go in. He also told Syed Amili that at about sunset he would reach a tent and from there he would be guided to his caravan.
Then the rider disappeared. Syed Amili says that was when he realized that it was our 12th Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (AS).
Syed Amili did as he was told and sure enough the next day at sunset he reached the tent and was directed to his caravan.
Conclusion: Although we cannot see our 12th Imam (AS) he can see us and knows when we are in need of his help and comes to help us.
KaabaThe little ten-years-old girl was accompanying her mother to visit the House of Allah, The Holy Ka'aba. All the people had white seamless rips on.
Suddenly she found that she had lost her mother. She looked every where but couldn't see her so she cried: "O' mum! O' dear mother..."
The people were circumambulating the Holy Ka'aba and were shouting "Here I am." So no one could hear her cries.
So she said to herself: "O' my God! What should I do now"? I can neither go back, nor do I know how to circumambulate the Holy Ka'aba.
Once again she went here and there and looked for her mother hopping that she would be able to find her but it was useless, there were no sign of her at all. She suddenly remembered her aunt who while biding her farewell had told her: "When you reached Holy Ka'aba, extend my greetings to my Master!"
She raised her little hands to the sky and cried out sorrowfully "O' Mahdi, rescue me. O' you, the Expected Imam helps me out."
Suddenly she heard a voice which was calling her by her name.
She raised her head and saw a handsome man in Ihram who was standing before her.
KaabaThe stranger said: "little girl rise and circumambulate the Holy Ka'aba."
The little girl said: "But I do not know how to Circumambulate. Moreover, I can not circumambulate the Holy of Ka'aba alone among this crowd."
The stranger said: "Come with me and act just as I do." Thus she rose and circumambulated the Holy Ka'aba along with the lmam. When they circumambulated the Holy Ka'aba for the seventh time the stranger told the girl, "Dear little girl! Your mother and friends are there. So hurry up and join them."
She looked that way. Yes, he was right. Her mother was among the women standing there in with dresses, she recognized her mother at first sight so she turned to the stranger to thank him, but had disappeared.
She looked every where, but she could not find him and thus she ran to her mother, embraced her and kissed her face. Her mother said: "Where were you, O' my daughter? I was so anxious about you that I was about to give up my ghost."
KaabaThe little girl quite happily explained whatever had happened to her for her mother. When she finished speaking, her mother took her in her arms and began to cry. She then said: "O' my dear daughter! You called your Hazrat Mahdi (May God hasten his glad advent) and the Imam helped you. You really met the Expected Imam. O' my daughter!"
"You mean I have circumambulated the Holy Ka'aba along with Hazrat! I do not believe it!"
She suddenly remembered that she had to extend her aunt's greetings to the Imam. Thus she turned to the people who were circumambulating the Holy Ka'aba and shouted. "O' my Master! I beg your pardon! I nearly forgot, my aunt has extended her greetings to you."
DesertThe heat of the sun burned the surface of the desert and made it actually impossible for any living thing to carry on. He missed his caravan and didn't know the way. Wherever he turned, he saw the endless desert.
He lost his patience because of the great thirst and felt himself somehow on the verge of death. He thought for a while and said to himself: "I must die. Those vultures flying over my head and these ants are all after my dead body. There is no way out and death is irresistible.
Suddenly, he came to himself by the neigh of a horse. Then he gathered all his power to open up his eyes and look at the horizon. Suddenly he saw a hand some young horseman who was coming toward him. He said to himself: "Is it an illusion? Am I dreaming? Is he really coming to help me?"
The horseman approached and gave him a bowl of water. He drank it up and said "What fine water! How cold and sweet it is! Who are you, O man?!"
DesertYou actually rescued me!
The stranger answered: "It is me who shall fill the world with justice. This is me, God's true reason and proof for His servants. I am God's Remainder."
All at once the man began to tremble. He felt himself as a drop before an ocean of firmness and generosity. The Imam then told him: "Close your eyes!" He closed his eyes and when he opened them upon the Imam's command, he found himself in front of his missing Caravan. The moment he really came to and looked around to thank Imam Mahdi (AS), he found that the Imam (May God hasten his glad advent) was gone and disappeared.

Feb 21, '10 12:24 PM
for everyone
Talking about the importance of motherhood in Islam, the Religious Authority, Grand Ayatullah Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah, showed that Islam calls for appreciating mothers for their sacrifices.. ......... ......... ......... .......
The Paradise is under mothers' feet
Right from the beginning, and in both the Holy Quran and the Prophet’s actions and sayings, Islam has given the mother a status higher than the father, as to loving or treating her with love and kindness. For mothers suffer a lot before the child is born.
Moreover, if she is sick before getting pregnant, she tends to get worse during pregnancy. Then her life will be threatened when she gives birth. She also has to nurse and take care of the child, which restricts her freedom of movement.
That is why Allah talked about the suffering of the mother which is not shared by the father: 
“And We have enjoined on man doing of good to his parents; with trouble did his mother bear him and with trouble did she bring him forth; and the bearing of him and the weaning of him was thirty months” {46:15} . 
On the other hand, the father has a duty in providing for his children and in raising and educating them.
That is why Allah equated between them when it comes to treating them kindly… Allah repeated the word “parents” several times in the Holy Quran:
And your Lord has commanded that you shall not serve (any) but Him, and goodness to your parents. If either or both of them reach old age with you, say not to them (so much as) "Ugh" nor chide them, and speak to them a generous word, while preserving precedence for the mother since she is the one who has suffers more.
This is why the Messenger (p.) said: “Heaven is under the feet of mothers”.
Meaning that Heaven is the reward of her endurance and patience… Certain traditions have it that if the mother dies while giving birth she is considered a martyr.
Imam Zein Al-Abidein says: “It is also said that once a man came to the Messenger (p.) and asked: “I feed my parents, carry them on my back and clean them, have I fulfilled my duty towards them? The Prophet (p.)
answered: No, because, you are serving them in anticipation for their death while they served you wishing you a long life”.
Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that the Prophet (p.) was asked once by a Muslim:
Whom should I be kind to?” The Prophet said your mother. He repeated it three times, and he then said your father.
A man called Ibrahim bin Mohazzam narrated the following story: I once quarreled with my mother and I was cruel to her. The following day Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) said to me: How could you that? Don’t you know that her womb is a house that you had lived in… and that her breast is a bowl that you drank from? Do not do that again.
The Quran prohibited any harm to the parents even if by words, but lower to them the wing of humility " And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: My Lord! Bestow on them thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood". This kind of humility, does not lower man but elevates him, since it is out of kindness.
A man came to Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) saying that he has embraced Islam while his mother did not, and asked him about what he should do.
The Imam said: “See how you used to take care of her when you and her were embracing the same religion and multiply it”.
When he did so, the mother noticed and asked him why. He told her: “I was ordered to do so by the leader of this religion”. The mother asked: “Is he a prophet?”; “No he is a son of the prophet” the man answered. The women ended up in adopting such a religion whose morals are that high and spiritual.
Thus, the issue of motherhood is very fundamental in the Islamic view of the family. What we have said so far about it implies two responsibilities: the responsibility of children towards their parents and that of the husband.
The problem with some husbands is that they under-appreciate motherhood.. .
But they would act as thugs, threatening all the time to divorce women.
The second point: man has to be very careful when he chooses a mother for his children.
He has to choose a woman who is well educated and well raised.
Beauty and money will not last. Moreover you do not live with a check book or a painting... You live with a spiritual and social companion. That is why the prophet advised us to marry those who are pious in their religion.
Then when a man chooses a wife he has to appreciate all the efforts she makes in bringing up the children. Women too have to appreciate man’s struggle to provide for the family… Thus, theirs is a relationship of complementing one another. And if both husband and wife are good to one another and to their children, Allah, the most Exalted, will bring them together in paradise as He has promised in the QURAN.
Feb 21, '10 12:14 PM
for everyone
1. Your thumb is nearest to you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. To pray for our loved ones is, as C.S. Lewis once said, a "sweet duty".

2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. Keep them in your prayers.

3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, leaders in business and industry, and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God's guidance.

4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising to many is fact that this is our weakest finger; as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them.

5. And lastly comes our little finger the smallest finger of all. Which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, "the least shall be the greatest among you." Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and you will be able to pray for yourself more effectively.

Women have been identified in the Qur'an as a "zeenah" i.e. adornment and beauty for all mankind.
"Adorned for the people are the worldly pleasures, such as the women, having children, piles upon piles of gold and silver, trained horses, livestock, and crops. These are the materials of this world. 
A far better abode is reserved with Allah." (3:14)
Since women are termed an adornment or attraction (
zeenah), they are required to cover certain parts of their bodies. Note that a woman being an adornment for mankind is quite evident all over the world in all societies. The media is one example were she is quite abundantly promoted and made as an attraction in place of men. Now since women are an open attraction to mankind because of their bodily features, she is required to cover some parts of herself in public. But before we see what are the physical ingredients of her dress, let us see what Qur'an identifies as the best dress.


"O Children of Adam ! Surely We have sent down to you a garment that would cover your shame and be a good vesture. And the garment of Piety <taqwa> that is the best. That is from the Ayat (Signs) of Allah that they may take reminder." (7:26)
Above verse says that the best dress is the garment of 
"taqwa" or piety. Before wearing any physical garment we should adorn ourselves with the garment of "taqwa" as without it we become prone to the vile intentions of satanic people. (see 7:27)


The areas of body which are to be covered by women in public, are mentioned in 24:31. Allah informs us through His messenger: 
"Wa qul lilmumina_ti yagdudna min absa_rihin na wa yahfazna furu_jahun na wa la_ yubdina zinatahun na il la_ ma_ zahara minha_ wal yadribna bikhumurihin na ala_ juyu_bihin na wa la_ yubdina zinatahun na ila_ libuu_latihin na au a_ba_ ihin na au a_ba_i buu_latihin na au abna_ ihin na au abna_i buu_latihin na au ikhwa_nihin na au bani ihwa_nihin na au bani ahwa_tihin na au nisa_ ihin na au ma_ malakat aima_nuhun na awit ta_ bi ina ghairil ulil irbati minar rija_li awit tiflil lazina lamyaz haru_ ala_ aura_tin nisa_i wala_ yadrib na biarjulihin na liyulama ma_ yukhfina min zinatihin na wa tu_bu_ ilal la_hi jamian ay yuhal muminu_na la'al lakum tuflihu_" 
"And say to the Believing Women,to lower their gaze and guard their private parts. And they should not display their adornment <zinatahunne> save what is apparent therefrom. And they should place their covers <khummerehenne> over their bossoms. And they should not display their adornment except to their husbands or their fathers or the fathers of their husbands or their sons or the sons of their husbands or their brothers or their brother's sons or sister's sons` or their women or those whom their right hands posses or Those under their authority other than skillfull men or small children who are not aware of women's nakedness. And they should not strike their feet so as to make known what they hide of their adornment. O Believers turn you all together to Allah so that you may be successful."(24:31)
From the above verse the following points are derived: 1. Women have two types of 
"zeenah" i.e. beauty and adornment. (a) "ma zahara minha" What is already apparent from their adornment and beauty. (b) "ma yukhfaina min zinata hunne" That which is hidden from their adornment. 2. She is to cover her whole self publicly except those areas which are apparent from her adornment. <ma zahara minha> These areas are the exposed areas which if covered will restrict daily work and have to be uncovered for performing ablution. (see 5:6). The other type of <zeenah> or adornment of a woman identified in the above verse is that which has been called as "ma yukhfaina min zinata hunne" That which is hidden from their adornment. This type of adornment is the one which becomes apparent when a woman strikes her feet or walks. Allah has ordered that this type of adornment be covered at all times. Thus the dress should be loose enough so as not to reveal the shape and features of the body which get obvious when the woman strikes her feet or walks.
3. They are to place their covers or shrouds over their bosoms.
<wa le yazribanne be khummureheene a'laa jyuub'ehenne> In Sura 33:59 they are also ordered to bring over them their over garments <jalabeeb> while going in public:
"O Nabi! Say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they bring their over-garments nearer to themselves (while in public); this will be more proper, that they may be recognised, and thus they will not be given trouble; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." (33:59)
In public she is to take 
"Jilbaab" or over garment over herself according to above verse.
4. With her bosoms covered well, and dress loose enough so as not to reveal her hidden adornment, she is to maintain this type of dress in public in front of all relations. The only exceptions are: (1) Husband 
(2) Fathers (Includes Grandparents as well). (3) The Fathers of their husbands. (4) Their sons. (5) The sons of their husbands. (6) Their brothers. (7) Their brother's sons. (8) Their sister's sons`. (9) Their women. (10) Those whom their right hands posses. (11) Those under their authority other than skillfull men. (12) Small children who are not aware of women's nakedness. 
Feb 21, '10 11:52 AM
for everyone

It is natural for us to look for mistakes and faults in others in order to make ourselves feel better and powerful. Many people may not realize that backbiting is a sin. It is related that the Prophet said:

“Backbiting means that you say about your brother something which pains him.”

Before speaking ill of others ask yourselves these two questions:

“Would I want someone revealing my faults?” and

“Would I be saying these things if that person were here in front of me?”

Remember the old proverb that we have read and heard many times: “Do not unto others what you do not want others to do unto you.” Treat others how you want to be treated. According to the Holy Koran, when you backbite it is as if you are eating the flesh of your dead brother. (Koran 9:12)

There are many causes for committing backbiting, and because of this a man commits it sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. When one wants to belittle a person from whom it is feared that he will expose some fault of one’s. Rather than involving yourself with others, who are committing backbiting, spend that time thanking God that you are not a part of the group.

God did not put us on this earth to judge others, but to be judged by him. There are certain instances where you may speak about someone and it is not considered as backbiting. Few examples would be

To relate the dishonesty committed by someone with a view to saving a Muslim from sin, would not be backbiting.

If the life, property, or honour of someone can be protected only by informing of a fault it would not be backbiting.

If for some reason you need to share a story with a friend about someone else do not mention any names. That story you are sharing may help your friend from committing the same sin.

So let us not forget the above proverb and treat others how we would like t
o be treated.
Feb 21, '10 11:49 AM
for everyone
This means to spread rumours, and tell lies about people, with the niyyat (intention) of damaging their reputation. It is like backbiting, except that the rumours are totally unjustified and untrue.Another word for fitna and fasaad is slander (spoil someone's name)
Imam Hassan (A) has said:
"If a person comes to you and speaks ill of someone else, you should know that he is actually speaking ill of you. It is worth while to regard such a person as your enemy, and not to trust him, for lying, backbiting, trickery, deceit, jealousy, hypocrisy, duplicity and creating dissension go hand in hand with slander"
Imam Ali (A) has said:
"The worst of you are those who slander and create discord among friends. They will find fault with the innocent."
Slandering is such a bad deed, that the Holy Prophet (S) said that:
"A slanderer will not enter paradise."
Slandering is haraam because it damages someone's reputation, it is unfair on the one who is being slandered because people will think he has done things which he has not.
Slandering breaks the community, and cause enmity and hatred. It is one of the worst sins, and goes hand in hand with gheebat and other social crimes.
The only people who slander are cowards, if they see someone with whom people are good, they become jealous and want to tarnish his reputation. They do not have the courage insult face to face, and so go around like snakes slithering and whispering rumours in the dark

Feb 21, '10 11:43 AM
for everyone
1. Hell is so deep that if a stone were to be thrown into, it would travel for 70 years to reaching at the bottom.

 2. The breadth of each of the four walls around Hell is equivalent to a distance covered by a walking journey of 40 years.

 3 . Hell has 7 gates.

 4. Hell had been lit for one thousand years until its flames became red. Again it was heated for another thousand years till its colour became white. Still again it was burnt for further thousand years and its white color flames turned pitch black.

 5. Even the most fierce fire of this world is 70 fold cooler than the fire of Hell.

 6. The lightest punishment in Hell would be the wearing of " Fiery shoes" which would cause one's brain to boil.

 7. Hell in infested with venomous donkeys and if they were to bite a person then he or she will suffer pain for 40 years.

 8. For food, the dweller of Hell would be given Zaqqum which is a prickly tree, so bitter, that even if a single molecule of it were to spill onto this earth it would make all the foodstuff of the world bitter and unpalatable.

 9. For drinking, the denizen of Hell would be provided with hot, boiling pus mixed with blood, matter, urine and tears etc. of the dwellers of Hell. If a bucket of this foul liquid were to be splashed over this earth, the entire world would be upset and disrupted by its most foul stink.

 10. Boiling water would be poured over Jahannami's head and this will cause their internal organs to melt and leak out through their feet.

 11.The inmates of Hell would be lashed with heavy clubs of iron. If one such club was to be placed upon this earth, the combined strength of all the human beings, as well as all the Jinns, would fail to lift it; and if a mountain is struck with one of these clubs it would cause the whole mountain to disintegrate.

 12. The dwellers of Hell would be burnt daily for 70 thousand times. Every time, after the skin and flesh is burnt, they would be restored to life so that they can continuously taste this punishment.

 13. A drunkard will be given blood, pus, sweat, filth, etc. to drink in hell.

 14. All the haughty people will be gathered in the Hereafter and driven towards Hell but their bodies would be reduced to the size of ants and they will be given to consume the excretions of the dwellers of Hell.

 15. Some sinners would be made to climb " SAUD " which is a mountain of fire in Hell, and then dropped from its peak and this process would continue forever and ever.

 16. The dwellers of Hell would be pound in chains which would be greater in length than the distance between the sky and the earth.

 17. The clothes of sinners in Hell would be highly inflammable.

 18. Beside physical torture, the dwellers of Hell would also be subjected to mental harassment through the taunting by the guardian of Hell who will remind them of their misdeed on earth and remarks "Now taste the fire" etc.

 19. The sinners and disbelievers would be humiliated to such an extent that besides their revolting ugliness and pitch black faces, their upper lips would be touching their foreheads and the lower lip dangling around the navel.

 20. The dwellers of Hell would weep so much and shed so much of tears and blood that furrows would be formed on their cheeks.

 21. The tongues of Hell-inmates would be so long and protruding from there mouths that others would trample and step on them.

 22. Shayateen will also rebuke the denizens of Hell.

 23. The dwellers of Hell would display their rage and fury on those who led them astray.

 24. The inhabitants of Hell would appeal to the guardians of Jahannam to intercede on their behalf in the court of Allah but their pleas would reject. They would make direct supplication to Allah but their prayers would not be granted.

 25. They will then abide forever in Hell, continuously lamenting and braying like asses (jungle animals).

Feb 21, '10 11:36 AM
for everyone
Questioning in the Grave by Munkir and Nakeer.
One of the principal factors of Shi'aism, belief in which is obligatory (wajib), is the questioning in the grave by Munkir and Nakeer. Allamah Majlisi relates in 'Biharul Anwar' and `Haqqul Yaqeen' that it is a proven fact from reliable traditions that the questioning and the squeezing in the grave is for the physical body, as also for the spirit. In the grave one is questioned regarding one's beliefs (Aqaid) and deeds (A'maal). The questions are put to every believer as well as a non-believer.
Only infants, the mentally retarded, and the people of lesser intellect are exempted from it. The period of `Barzakh' offers them neither reward nor retribution. One is questioned about the Prayers (Namaz), Fasting (Siyam), the Pilgrimage (Haj), Zakat, Khums, love of Ahlulbait (A.S.), and also about how he spent his entire life and wealth. Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (A.S.) says that after the questioning about the beliefs of Islam, a person is questioned about how he spent his life, and also about the way he earned his wealth and spent it.
There are many whose tongues would cease to answer the questions put forth to them, and would not be able to answer, or would reply wrongly. It also happens that in reply to the question "Who is your Lord?", the person will reply to the Angels that they (i.e the Angels) are his lord. The person who is well acquainted in his life time with the beliefs and principals (of Islam) will be able to answer without trouble. And if he does so, his grave will be broadened to the length his sight reaches. The period of `Barzakh' passes away easily with Allah's blessings, and the Angels proclaim to him, :
"Sleep thou like a newly wedded bride". (Usoole Kafi) If the dead man is a non believer or a hypocrite, and cannot answer the questions put forth to him, one of the doors of hell is opened in his grave, and the entire grave is filled with the raging-fire. As Allah says in the Qu'ran: "And if he be of those who have belied, gone astray, He shall have an entertainment of a boiling water, And the boiling in the hell -fire" (surah -al Waqe'ah: 92-94).
Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) says that, "A person who denies the following, is not one of our Shi'ahs: (1) Ascension (Me'raj of the Holy Prophet), (2) Questioning in the grave, and (3) Our Intercession (Shafa'at).
It is related that two Angels having a fearful countenance enter the grave for the questioning, their voices are like thunder, and their eyes like lightening. They put forth the following questions:
(1) Who is your Lord?
(2) Who is your Prophet?
(3) What is your Religion?
(4) Who is your Imam?
The dead man feels uneasy in answering these questions because of the fearful environment and needs help at that moment, hence Talqeen is recited at the following two places so that he is reminded of his beliefs (Aqaid). (1) When the body is laid in the grave. It is better to place one's right hand on the right shoulder of the dead body, and the left hand on the left shoulder, and shake slightly when the name of the dead man is recited in the `Talqeen'.
(2) When the grave Is closed. It is recommended (sunnat) that a near relative of the dead man should sit near the head of the grave after people leave, and should recite the `Talqeen' in a loud voice. It is better to place one's palms on the grave and take one's face near the grave while reciting. There is no problem of another person other than the relatives is deputed for it. It is related that when the `Talqeen' is recited, and the Angels (Munkir & Nakeer) hear it, Munkir tell Nakeer, "Come let us leave, for the Talqeen is a proof of his beliefs, and there remains no ground for further questioning".
A person may ask the question as to what is the benefit of reciting the 'Talqeen', when the spirit has already left the body. The answer to this question is that (as related in traditions), the spirit (Rooh) of the dead man remains present at that moment, and hears and observes more clearly than us. It also understands all languages whether Arabic, Persian, or any other. Because limitation is the outcome of this aterialistic world.
In `Man La Yahzaruhul Faqeeh' it is narrated, that when Abu Zarr Ghaffari's Son Zarr died' Abu Zarr buried him. Then he sat near the head of the grave and put his hand on it and said,
"Oh Zarr! May Allah bless you. Verily you were more virtuous than me, and accomplished all responsibilities due to a son. And now when you have been seperated from me, I bear witness that I am pleased with you. By Allah! I do not grieve on account of your death, and do not wish anything from anyone except Allah. If I would not fear the after effects of death, I would surely have accepted death instead of you. But I wish to remain alive for some more time so as to ask forgiveness for my sins, and prepare myself for the last journey.
Surely I have performed such acts on your behalf which may be useful for you in your journey, and have not confined myself to just weeping and wailing for you, and hence this has kept me away from drooping myself in your separation. By Allah! I do not grieve on account of your death, nor because of your separation, but I lament thinking about what might have befallen you after your death, and wonder in what state you are. I wish I knew what you said and what was said unto you. 0 my Lord! I excuse all my rights due upon him, and I request You to forgive all your rights due upon him, for You are more liable than me to forgive and pardon".
Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) says, that when a believer is laid to rest in his grave, Prayers (Namaz, which he offered) remains on his right side, Zakat on his left side, and acts of goodness & kindness (towards others) gives shelter on his head, and patience (shown at the time of distress) remains near him. When 'Munkir & Nakeer' come to question him, patience requests Namaz, Zakat, and goodness to surround him from all sides and give him refuge, and says that whenever troubles and calamities befell this man, I was always there with him (i.e he bore it patiently).
Allamah Majlisi in his `Mahasin' quotes Imam Mohammad-al-Baqir (A .S.) and Imam Ja'far- as-Sadiq (A.S.) as saying that when a believer (mo'min) dies, six faces enter his grave along with him. Out of these, one is more illuminated, chaste and more scented than others. One stands on the right side, the second on the left, third in front, the fourth near the head, fifth near the legs, and the one more illuminated shelters on the head.
From whichever side the wrath of Allah comes, the face on that side defends the dead body. The one who is more illuminated asks these other faces: May Allah bless you all, who are you"?
The one on the right side says "I am the Prayers (Namaz) which he recited in his life time".
The one on the left side says "I am the Zakat which he gave while alive" The one standing in the front says "I am his fasts". The one near the head says "I am the Haj & Umrah which he performed in his life". While the one standing near the legs says "I am the kindness (Ehsan) which he performed with his brother believer". Then all these faces turn towards the more illuminated one and ask him as to who he is. It replies "I am the Love of Ahlulbait".
Shaikh Sadooq in the chapter on the importance of fasting in the month of Sha'ban says that whoever fasts for nine days in this month, `Munkir and Nakeer' will deal with him gently and courteously during questioning. Many benefits have been narrated by Imam Mohammad-al-Baqir (A.S.) for a person who remains awake on the night of 23rd of the month of Ramazan and offers one hundred units (Rak'at) Namaz. One of these benefits is that Allah removes fear from his heart
during the questioning by `Munkir and Nakeer' and a light shines forth from his grave, which illuminates the whole world. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) says, that applying dye has four benefits, one of them is that Munkir & Nakeer' shy away from him in the grave. And as stated earlier that a person who is buried in Najaf, is exempted from the questioning in the grave.
Allamah Majlisi quotes in his `Tohfatuz Zaereen' from `Irshadul Quloob' and `Farhatul Uzza' that a virtuous man from Kufa relates that, "Once on a rainy night I was seated in the Masjid of Kufa when some people entered the Mosque from the door near the shrine of Muslim bin Aqeel carrying a bier with them. They kept the bier on a mound. One of the persons accompanying the funeral felt asleep. He dreamt that two persons came near the bier, and one said to the other that "I will settle his account fast before he is taken to Najaf, because then I will not be able to go near him". The person got up from his dream and narrated it to others who understood the whole situation (that the two men were Munkir and Nakeer who had to question the dead man), and lifted the bier and proceeded towards Najaf to save the dead man from chastisement and the questioning".
Allamah Behbahani says that once I saw Imam Husain (A.S.) in a dream and asked him, "O my Master ! Will the one buried near your grave also be questioned"? Imam Husain (A.S.) replied, "Which one of the Angels have got the nerve to question him who is buried near my grave".
Feb 21, '10 11:32 AM
for everyone

Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. O' believers, do bless him and pray him peace! (Holy Quran)

*Imam Ali Raza (a.s) said: Anyone who is unable to get rid of his sins should say plenty of salawat for Mohammed (sawaw) and Aley Mohammed because it erases and destroys sins.

*RasulAllah (s.a.w.a.w) proclaimed: If anyone says salawat for me 3 times every day and thrice each evening, due to the love and respect he has for me, the Almighty Allah will forgive all the sins he has committed during that day or night.

*He also said: If a person writes salawat for me in a book, angels would say astaghfar for him as long as my name remains in that book.

The Holy Prophet (sawaw) relates that on the night of "Meraj" (ascension): I saw an angel who had a thousand hands and in every hand, a thousand fingers. He was busy calculating. I asked Gabriel: Who is this angel and what is he calculating? Gabriel answered: This angel has been appointed to count drops of rain descending on earth.

I addressed that angel and asked him whether he knew the amount of drops that had descended on earth since Allah created the world? He answered: O' Prophet of Allah, I swear by Allah who sent you to reveal the truth to his creation, I not only know the amount of drops that have fallen on earth since its creation, I also know the exact amount of drops that have ascended both in the sea and on land. The Holy Prophet (sawaw) says: I was surprised at his sharp memory and precise calculations. The angel said: Despite my memory and calculation, there is one thing that I simply cannot calculate! The Holy Prophet (sawaw) questioned: What is that? The angel replied: I cannot calculate the reward for the people who hear your name and recite salawat each time they hear it. salawat each time they hear i

(By: Roohul Amin Syed)


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