Hazrat Masooma-e-Qum (
The value of making a pilgrimage(the ziarat) to the shrine of Masooma-e-Qum is observed by the words of the holy Imams : 1.Imam Muhammad Baqir(as) has said:”Whoever performs the Ziarat of Masooma-e-Qum will be rewarded by a place in Heaven.” 2. Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (as) has said: “If you want to earn a place in heaven then perform the Ziarat of Masooma-e-Qum.” 3. Imam Ali Raza (A.S.) has said: “Whoever attends the Ziarat of my sister is like he has performed my Ziarat and indeed he/she will be rewarded a place in There are 2 more titles of Hazrat Masooma (S.A.): 1.Sayyeda and 2.Sayyedatun-Nisail-Alameen and these last two titles of her are written in the book:”Hazrat-e-Masooma and Shahr-e-Moqaddesa Qum” where at page 37 these two titles are written to have been stated in the book: “Zabdatu-t-Tasaneef”.These two titles are also found in another script of the Ziarat of Masooma-Qum. Janabe Masooma ( After the death of their holy father now Imam Ali Raza was charged the responsibilities of Imamat but the cruel Abbaside kings like Haroon Rashid and his son (la) were not going to let the Imam(as)live peacefully.After the death of Haroon Rashid his son Mamoon Rashid came to the power. His way of ruling was completely the same as his father’s, and Imam Ali Raza (A.S.) was now forced to leave His whole family in Madina for the journey to Khorasan in For almost a year Hazrat Masooma put up with the separation of her brother but after a year of suffering this separation she couldn’t stand it any longer and decided to leave Madina for the reunion with her brother Imam Ali Raza (A.S.).Hazrat Masooma left Madina for the journey to Marw along with her 5 brothers : Fazl, Jaafar, Hadi, Qasim and Zaid , her nephews and some servants was also with her. Together they went through many difficulties that occured in their way.Very soon they reached Sawa a place where there were many enemies http://mominonline.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/(la).gif of the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) and therefore the caravan of Hazrat Masooma was attacked by these enemies at Sawa and totally 23 men which among them were the brothers and the nephews of Hazrat Masooma were martyred. After this tragedy Hazrat Masooma became very ill and weak. When the leader in Qum was a city where the lovers of the Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) were settled.When Hazrat Masooma's caravan was directed to Qum and when she approached the city, she observed that everyone was dressed in black and black banners were visble everywhere.Observing this sad atmosphere Hazrat Masooma ordered her servant lady to ask someone who could tell them about what had happened. Janabe Masooma thought and was almost sure that maybe a great leader of this city had died. When the caravan of Hazrat Masooma stopped then Moosa Ibne Khazraj himself came to offer the salutation.When the reason behind the blackdressed people and the sadness in the atmosphere was asked , Moosa Ibne Khazraj at first stood quiet with his head bent down but when Hazrat Masooma insisted, then Moosa Ibne Khazraj began to cry at first and then offered his condolences at the death of her brother Imam Ali Raza . On hearing these words Hazrat Masooma slammed her head and cried so much that she became unconscious. All the servant ladies stopped the camels and a partition was arranged by Moosa Ibne-Khazraj so that the doctors could examine her. In between Hazrat Masooma sometimesgained her consciousness and then cried for her brother lamenting:”O’ Gharibul-Watan where are you my brother?” and then she was unconscious again. She was so deeply hurt by this grief that after her arrival in Qum she was only alive for 17 days.At her death the women in Qum committed the ghusl and kafan and the grave were also digged by the women ,and no men were allowed in this funeral. At the time of burying the body suddenly and miraculously two veilcovered horsemen were sighted.They approached the funeral ceremony and one of them carried the holy body of Hazrat Masooma and handed it over to the other who had stepped inside the grave. When the funeral prayers were conducted, the two mysterious horsemen were disappeared.It is reported that these veilcovered holy horsemen were Imam Ali Raza (A.S.) and Imam Muhammad Taqi who miraculously had come to bury the body of Masooma-e-Qum. After the burying of Hazrat Masooma, Moosa Ibne-Khazraj arranged a canvas over the grave of Masooma-e-Qum (sa).Thereafter Zainab binte Imam Muhammad Taqi arranged a tomb of the grave.In 413 A.H this tomb was painted.In 529 A.H a new tomb was made.In 592 A.H the holy tomb was rebuilt . In 1203 A.H the area around the holy shrine of Hazrat Masooma (sa) was renewed.In 1218 A.H the holy tomb was rebuilt and gold-plated with 12.000 golden bars.And in 1275 A.H the holy grave was surrounded with a silvery Zari. Hazrat Masooma was buried in the holy city of Qum and every year this holy shrine is visited by millions and millions of her lovers all around the world.May Allah give all the shia muslims the oppurtunity to make a pilgrimage to Iran to visit these sacred places. Ameen. At last we extend our condolences to Imam-e-Zamana (ajf)on the death anniversary of Hazrat Masooma-e-Qum(sa).
RAWALPINDI, Pakistan: In a special message issued on the occasion of Youm-e-Azmat-e-Niswan (Women Dignity Day), the Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said the pious seerat of Hazrat Masooma-e-Qum (S.A.) is the great example to follow for Dunya-e-Iffat and Taharat and for the whole humanity.
Youm-e-Azmat-e-Niswan is being observed to mark the Wiladat-e-Purnoor of Hazrat Fatima Binte Imam Moosa Kazim (S.A.) on Zeeqa’ad 1 with religious spirit, devotion and respect. Moosavi said whereas invaluable heroes are present amongst the men the world over there are also great women in the world who have got their presence felt. He said Hazrat Fatima Binte Imam Moosa Kazmi Masoom-e-Qum was not born yet when her forefather Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S.) had indicated about her Ma’arfat. He said that pointing towards Eisa Bin Abdullah, Imam (A.S.) had said, Oh, the people of Qum, may Allah shower integrity on you and feed this soil with His Baraan-e-Rehmat, send His Barkaat on them, change their evils with good, they are the people who perform worship, are Faqih, Aleem and wise, they are aware of knowledge, Hadees, and subservience to Allah, the biggest proud of this city is Marqad-e-Munawwarah of Hazrat Fatima Masooma-e-Qum. A person named Saad had stated that once Hazrat Ali Bin Moosa Raza (A.S.) had said, (in Qum) there is personality buried here. He asked my life is showered on you, is that personality Fatima Binte Moosa Kazim (S.A.), he replied in the affirmative and said one who recognises her right and would perform her Ziarat, will get into the heaven. The TNFJ chief said that this honourable woman has performed a great deed for religion and Shariat because of which this city of her is Marja’a-e-Khalaiq and the source of knowledge, wisdom and guidance. The way international colonial powers humiliated women of this world, trampled her honour and dignity it is a black scar for them. On the other, he added, Islam showered great honour and dignity on woman that is non-existent in any other religion because it declared that the heaven that is the greatest honour is placed under her feet and told that woman is that great a personality who creates human beings. That is why, he said, only those people who are brought up by Mominaat, Swalehaat, and Mulimaat women are fighting out terrorism and oppression in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kashmir, Palestine and elsewhere and they vow to continue their struggle until the justice and fair-play is restored, and oppression is rooted out. The Quaid-i-Millat-i-Jafariya Agha Moosavi made it clear that the objective of Ba’asat of Khatmi Martabat (SAAW) has been declared as completion of moral values. He said Khasan-e-Illahi have been decorated with good habit as a part of morality and one needs firmness to decorate oneself with good moral. He said translation of a Quranic Ayah goes: Definitely, those people who have said that our Parwardigar is Allah, and then they remained stuck to it, angels will come to them and would say you people should not fear and become sad, there is news of heaven for you that has been promised to you. Similarly in another Ayah it has been said: This is not Quran but an advice for the worlds for those who were to remain firm on the right path. Everyone living in this universe keeps a desire or a wish and utilises all out efforts to achieve the same. He said patience and firmness is the best path for success and achievement. The Khasan-e-Khuda followed this strategy and always utilised patience and firmness and not dictator could shatter their firmness. This is a great quality which if followed earns one the desired mirage. He expressed his commitment to continue his practical struggle with sincerity of purpose for achievement of the highest goals.
One day, a brilliantly beautiful and fragrant flower with attractive colors met
a pearl that lives far in the bottom of the sea and has none of these characteristics. Both got acquainted with each other. The flower said, "Our family is large; roses and flowers are members of the family and there are many other species that are various and countless. Each has a distinctive scent and appearance." Suddenly, a tinge of distress appeared on the flower. "Nothing accounts for sorrow in your talk; so why are depressed?" The pearl asked. "Human beings deal with us carelessly; they slight us. They don't grow us for our sake but to get pleasure from our fragrance and beautiful appearance. They throw us on the street or in the garbage can after we are dispossessed of the most valuable properties; brilliance and fragrance." The flower sighed and then said to the pearl, "Speak to me about your life! How do you live? How do you feel? You are buried in the bottom of the sea!" The pearl answered, "Although I have none of your distinctive colors and sweet scents, humans think I am precious. They do the impossible to procure me. They go on long journeys, dive deep in the seas searching for me. You might be astounded to know that the further I lay, the more beautiful and brilliant I become. That's what upraises my value in their thought. I live in a thick shell isolated in the dark seas. However, I'm happy and proud to be in a safe zone far from wanton, mischievous hands and still the humans consider me highly valuable." Do you know what the flower and the pearl symbolize? The flower is the unveiled woman (who shows her charms) and the pearl is the veiled woman (who conceals her beauties).
(sent by bro Owais Ladiwala)
The Holy Prophet [s] said: "Fie upon that Muslim who does not allocate (at least) one day a week to the study of the details of his religion and to explore (the affairs) of his religion."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 1, p. 176
The Holy Prophet [s] said: "He who studies the religion of Allah, He is sufficient to remove his grief and provides him with sustenance from whence he could never imagine."
Mahajjat-ul Bayda vol. 1, p.15
Imam Sadiq [a] said: "(Shi'ah youth should have religious instructional programs.) If I see a young one from Shi'ah who does not have this program, I will teach him a lesson."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 1, p. 214
Imam Baqir [a] said: "Inform our followers that they will surely be among the saved on the Resurrection Day if they establish what they are commanded to."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 2, p. 29
The Holy Prophet [s] said: "The one amongst my Ummah who memorizes forty traditions from among those which people need for their religious life (to propagate and instruct), Allah will raise him from the dead as a jurist on the Day of Resurrection."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 2, p. 153
(sent by sis Shabana Albuquere)
“Whoever will solve a single problem of his brother Allah (swt) will ease his problems on the Day of Judgement.”
“The rewards of two things are given (by Allah s.w.t.) very soon:
1. Sil-e-Rahimi (kindness with one’s relatives.
2. Helping the oppressed (mazloom)
The Hell fire shall not touch three parsons:
1. A wife faithful to her husband.
2. A woman having patience on the destitution of her husband.
3. A person doing goodness with his parents.
A person cannot be a Momin unless he/she has faith in four things:
1. Faith in the oneness (Wahdaniyat)
2. Faith in the Prophet hood
3. Faith on the resurrection after death.
4. Faith on Divine Decree
Whosoever will act on any one of the five things,
1. One who provides water for thirsty birds
2. One who causes to wear clothes to a naked skin
3. One who feeds a hungry
4. One who comforts the tired ones
5. One who sets free a poor slave
Imam Jaf’ar as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: “The greatest wealth is that of those who are free from greed.”
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The Holy Prophet [s] told Abu Dharr: "Take advantage of five opportunities before five other things: Your youth before your senescence, your health before your illness, your wealth before your poverty, your leisure before your haste, and your life before your death."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 77, p. 77
Imam Amir ul Mu'mineen Ali [a] said: "There is nothing worthier than gold save what remains of a true believer's life."
Ghurar-ul-Hikam, p. 257
Imam Sadiq [a] said: "When it is the Day of Judgement, a group of people stand and then come to the door of Heaven to knock on it. They will be asked who they are and they will say: 'We are the people of patience.' Then, they will be inquired upon what they were patient about, and they will respond: 'We were patient with the obedience of Allah and were patient with avoiding the sins against Him'. So Allah, Almighty and Glorious, will say they are right and He will let them enter Heaven. This is the word of Allah, Almighty and Glorious, Who says: 'Those who patiently persevere will truly receive a reward without measure!'" (Sura 39. Verse 10)
AI-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 75
Imam Amir ul Mu'mineen Ali [a] said: "Happy is he who has not great expectations and wishes (in his life) and tries to make the most of his remaining life-time."
Ghurar-ul-Hikam, p. 206
IMPORTANCE OF PRAYERS | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet [s] said: "The one who takes prayer light is not of me. No, by Allah such a person will not reach the Haud, Pond of abundant."
Man La Yahduruhul Faqih, vol. 1, p. 206
Imam Sadiq [a] said: "If there be a stream at the house of one of you in which the one washes himself five times a day, will there remain anything from the dirt over his body? Verily, the likeness of prayers is the same as the stream. The person who establishes ritual prayers clears out his sins thereby, except for the sin that takes him out from Faith he believes in."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 82, p. 236
The Holy Prophet [s] said: An obligatory prayer, with Allah, is equivalent to one thousand Hajj pilgrimages and one thousand Umrah performances (voluntary pilgrimages to Ka'ba) which are right and accepted."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 99, p. 14
The Holy Prophet [s] said: "Do not waste your prayers, because, surely, the person who wastes them will be raised with Croesus (Qarun) and Haman so that it is rightfully certain for Allah to put the one in Hell with hypocrites."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 83, p. 14
The Holy Prophet [s] said: "Say each of your prayer as if it were your last prayer."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 69, p. 408
Imam Amir ul Mu'mineen Ali [a] said: "If a praying person knew to what extent he was surrounded by His Mercy, he would never raise his head from (the state of) prostration.
Tasnif-I-Ghurar-ul-Hikam, p. 175
Imam Baqir [a] said: "On the Reckoning Day, the first thing that a servant will be reckoned for is the prayer; therefore, if it is accepted, the rest (good actions) will be accepted, too, (otherwise, his other good deeds will not avail him)."
Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 7, p. 267
SHOWING OFF ? | for everyone |
Why do people Show off
Most of us don’t like showy people because we assume that they are arrogant and because they sometimes remind us of our low achievements.
From the outside showy people appear to be happy, possessing many things that others really want and sometimes superior, But what most people don’t know is that the inside is very much different.
In this article I will take you inside the mind of the showy person, let you understand how he thinks and show you the truth behind showing off. If you want to know why do people show off then read this article.
Showing off is equal to did you notice me?
Some small kids try to do really distracting movements when their parents don’t give them much attention. The child might get involved into actions that appear to be weird and very risky in order to get the parent’s attention.
But why would a child strive for attention? Because he believes that he is not getting enough of it.
If you met the CEO of a large well known corporation he is very less likely to tell you that he earns a lot of money or that he lives in a large house simply because the man knows that you have already guessed that.
If the man became unsure of the impression you formed of him he might then start to show off to improve that image if he cares about your opinion.
Try to put a confident person down or to prove to him that he is worthless and he will reply back by showing off all of his Good qualities and achievements.
In short, the following is the truth about showy people:
- The feel they aren’t noticed or recognized: Showy people believe that they didn’t get the attention they deserve and so they show off to send one clear message
"I am here, please notice me". So actually a showy person is begging you to notice him while you might be begging him to accept you!! - They care about people’s opinion: To some people the opinion of others doesn’t matter that much and doesn’t have a significant impact on their happiness. To showy people it’s the opposite, the opinion of others is the most important thing and if they failed to let others like them they might feel really bad
- Some of them believe that people are underestimating them: because of believing that people are underestimating them showy people do their best to show off their best traits to prove that they are worthy!!
FAILURE ACCEPTANCE | for everyone |
How to accept failure
Learning how to accept failure is not about learning to feel good after failure then doing nothing but its all about learning how to stand up again after failing.
Do you know that 3M, one of the largest US companies now, was previously operating in the mining business and was barely bankrupt before it became today's 3M?
Why did 3M Gave up its mining business and completely changed its structure to manufacture other products like sandpaper?
The management of 3M believed that 3M will become a large company one day and the same for its employees who had to work for free sometimes to keep the company going. After its failure as a mining company 3M didn't stop doing business and instead it started doing something completely different.
The mining business died but the 3M company lived and succeeded later on. People of 3M succeeded because they understood one of the most important success concepts that most people are not aware of which is that products die but companies live.
Accepting failure happens when you understand success
You might be asking yourself what does this story has to do with accepting failure?
Just like companies survive and products die dreams survive and goals die. You don't have to achieve all the goals you have set and you don't have to succeed every time you time.
Just like companies survive and products die dreams survive and goals die. You don't have to achieve all the goals you have set and you don't have to succeed every time you time.
As long as your dreams are still there then you can manage to start all over and find something else to do. One of Johnson and Johnson directors once said, failure is our most important product.
This man understood the fact that if he kept testing different products he will eventually end up with some products that work. He understood that the company will survive even if some of its products failed.
The same goes for you, as long as you have your dreams and as long as you keep trying you shouldn't care about failure because one day you will find the right way to reach your goals even if you had to change everything about your life (just like 3M changed their structure).
How to achieve your dreams
Who doesn't know Kentucky fried chicken? most people know about Kentucky but a few of them know that the founder has tried to sell his secret recipe to many shops who refused to buy it before he opened his first KFC store. The man failed many times but he understood that his dreams are separate from his failures and that dreams are achieved by failing many times until the right method is found. You know the rest about KFC i don't have to say more.
So what about you?
Did you lose hope upon failing once?
Were you laid off or even fired then lost hope in success?
did you start a business then failed to make it successful?
Did you lose hope upon failing once?
Were you laid off or even fired then lost hope in success?
did you start a business then failed to make it successful?
even if you answered all the questions with yes still you will be successful if you understood the concept that this article is trying to deliver. As long as your dreams are intact then failure wont affect you but it will only be a message telling you that you have to try something else until you reach your dreams.
Headaches, Heating Effects, Fatigue
A study brought out that longer the people used mobile phones, the more likely they were to report symptoms such as hot ears, burning skin, headaches and fatigue.
The study did not include a control group (that is people who do not use mobile phones, to make a comparison); therefore the symptoms reported could have been caused by any number of other factors in the mobile phones users' environment, such as working with computers, stress, driving or reading.
There have been various studies into the connection between mobile phones and memory loss. A study looked into the effect of radiofrequency (RF) on the section of rats' brains that is linked with the memory. The results showed that RF could modify signals in the cells in a part of the brain that is responsible for learning and short term memory.
Posture (holding phone between raised shoulder and ear)
Some researchers claim that holding a mobile phone between the raised shoulder and the ear could have a damaging effect on muscles, bones, tendons and discs. These problems would apply equally to a cordless phone or a landline phone as to a mobile phone and are the effect of bad posture.
Mobile Phones and Children
Because of their smaller heads, thinner skulls and higher tissue conductivity, children may absorb more energy from a given phone than adults.
* Cell phones should be used for emergencies, and not for long conversations.
* A small chip-like cell phone microwave radiation protection device is available, which has the ability to absorb electromagnetic energy waves from your mobile phone. It helps in reducing the potential harmful effects of these emissions to the human body.
* Using a mobile headset is a good idea, you don't have to hold phones next to your ears all the time
* Use a hands free mobile car kit while driving, without taking your hands off the steering wheel
THE WHO (World Health Organisation) RULES
* Mobile phone users should limit their exposure to harmful radio frequencies by cutting the length of calls.
* Hands-free devices cut exposure by keeping the instrument away from the head and body.
* Driving cum mobile phone talking should be banned.
* Mobile phones should not be used in Intensive Care Units of hospitals as they can pose a danger to patients by interfering with the working of pacemakers and defibrillators.
* People with hearing aids should not use mobile phones.
* Base stations, which have low powered antennae on their terrace to communicate with cell phones, should not be located near children's schools and playgrounds.
Studies indicate that a lot of car accidents have happened, while the driver was on the phone. This is because while driving, one obviously needs to concentrate, and talking on a phone doesn't help. Some countries like Portugal have banned the use of cell phones, which may not be very practical, as their main use is to be reachable while you are on the move. Thus, it is important to take certain precautions while driving:
* Position your phone within easy reach so that you don't have to take your eyes off the road.
* Get to know the features of your cell phone - speed dial, redial, voice mail, they can be your lifesaver. But don't dial and drive at the same time. Use a hands free kit.
* Avoid using a phone when road conditions are hazardous or traffic is heavy. You can let your voice mail take messages and then call back later.
* Don't engage in stressful conversations that may distract your attention from the road.
* Don't take notes or look up phone numbers whilst driving, wait till you can pull over.
* User abbreviated speed dialing. In fact, voice activated dialing is even better. It leaves both hands free. Frequently called numbers can be programmed.
* Have an answering machine installed that could take messages until you can return the calls. Let your co-passenger handle the calls if you are not travelling alone.
A study brought out that longer the people used mobile phones, the more likely they were to report symptoms such as hot ears, burning skin, headaches and fatigue.
The study did not include a control group (that is people who do not use mobile phones, to make a comparison); therefore the symptoms reported could have been caused by any number of other factors in the mobile phones users' environment, such as working with computers, stress, driving or reading.
There have been various studies into the connection between mobile phones and memory loss. A study looked into the effect of radiofrequency (RF) on the section of rats' brains that is linked with the memory. The results showed that RF could modify signals in the cells in a part of the brain that is responsible for learning and short term memory.
Posture (holding phone between raised shoulder and ear)
Some researchers claim that holding a mobile phone between the raised shoulder and the ear could have a damaging effect on muscles, bones, tendons and discs. These problems would apply equally to a cordless phone or a landline phone as to a mobile phone and are the effect of bad posture.
Mobile Phones and Children
Because of their smaller heads, thinner skulls and higher tissue conductivity, children may absorb more energy from a given phone than adults.
* Cell phones should be used for emergencies, and not for long conversations.
* A small chip-like cell phone microwave radiation protection device is available, which has the ability to absorb electromagnetic energy waves from your mobile phone. It helps in reducing the potential harmful effects of these emissions to the human body.
* Using a mobile headset is a good idea, you don't have to hold phones next to your ears all the time
* Use a hands free mobile car kit while driving, without taking your hands off the steering wheel
THE WHO (World Health Organisation) RULES
* Mobile phone users should limit their exposure to harmful radio frequencies by cutting the length of calls.
* Hands-free devices cut exposure by keeping the instrument away from the head and body.
* Driving cum mobile phone talking should be banned.
* Mobile phones should not be used in Intensive Care Units of hospitals as they can pose a danger to patients by interfering with the working of pacemakers and defibrillators.
* People with hearing aids should not use mobile phones.
* Base stations, which have low powered antennae on their terrace to communicate with cell phones, should not be located near children's schools and playgrounds.
Studies indicate that a lot of car accidents have happened, while the driver was on the phone. This is because while driving, one obviously needs to concentrate, and talking on a phone doesn't help. Some countries like Portugal have banned the use of cell phones, which may not be very practical, as their main use is to be reachable while you are on the move. Thus, it is important to take certain precautions while driving:
* Position your phone within easy reach so that you don't have to take your eyes off the road.
* Get to know the features of your cell phone - speed dial, redial, voice mail, they can be your lifesaver. But don't dial and drive at the same time. Use a hands free kit.
* Avoid using a phone when road conditions are hazardous or traffic is heavy. You can let your voice mail take messages and then call back later.
* Don't engage in stressful conversations that may distract your attention from the road.
* Don't take notes or look up phone numbers whilst driving, wait till you can pull over.
* User abbreviated speed dialing. In fact, voice activated dialing is even better. It leaves both hands free. Frequently called numbers can be programmed.
* Have an answering machine installed that could take messages until you can return the calls. Let your co-passenger handle the calls if you are not travelling alone.
CELL PHONES AND HEALTH | for everyone |
One of the most common sights we see these days, is that of people with their mobile phones next to their ears. A boon for better communication, cell phone usage nonetheless has many health hazards. Various studies indicate that the emissions from a cell phone can be extremely harmful, causing genetic damage, tumors, memory loss, and increased blood pressure and weakening of the immune system. This is alarming information, and one has to take into account all these factors..
Though there is no evidence of cell phones causing cancer or any such illness, but the suspicion, or fear of the same is not baseless either. The electromagnetic radiation from cell phones does have a potential link to cancer. The fact that this radiation is invisible, intangible, and enters and leaves our bodies without our knowledge makes it even more intimidating.
Possible hazards:
* Two minutes of exposure to emissions from mobile phones can disable a safety barrier in blood causing proteins and toxins to leak into the brain, could increase chances of developing Alzheimer's multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's. (Scientists at Sweden's Lund University)
* Scientists say exposure to the phones' low-level radiation causes red blood cells to leak hemoglobin and can lead to heart disease and kidney stones.
* Recent studies suggesting a link between cell-phone use and brain tumors, and the possibility that the microwaves could ignite petroleum fumes at gas stations.
* A cell phone unit, or communications tower, has so many of thee radiation emanating gadgets. This can be a problem for its immediate environment.
Though there is no evidence of cell phones causing cancer or any such illness, but the suspicion, or fear of the same is not baseless either. The electromagnetic radiation from cell phones does have a potential link to cancer. The fact that this radiation is invisible, intangible, and enters and leaves our bodies without our knowledge makes it even more intimidating.
Possible hazards:
* Two minutes of exposure to emissions from mobile phones can disable a safety barrier in blood causing proteins and toxins to leak into the brain, could increase chances of developing Alzheimer's multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's. (Scientists at Sweden's Lund University)
* Scientists say exposure to the phones' low-level radiation causes red blood cells to leak hemoglobin and can lead to heart disease and kidney stones.
* Recent studies suggesting a link between cell-phone use and brain tumors, and the possibility that the microwaves could ignite petroleum fumes at gas stations.
* A cell phone unit, or communications tower, has so many of thee radiation emanating gadgets. This can be a problem for its immediate environment.
A GIFT RETURNED....... | for everyone |
ρίτη, 30 δεκεμβρίου 2008
Theodoros Pangalos, Member of Parliament (Greece), is a big Greek socialist, returned gift and thanked the Ambassador of Israel...

Theodoros Pangalos returned this gift and thanked the Ambassador with the following letter:
Dear Mr. Ambassador,
Thank you for the 3 bottles of wine that you sent me as season’s greetings. I wish to you, your family and everybody in the Embassy a happy new year. Good health and progress to you all.
Unhappily I noticed that the wine you have sent me has been produced in the Golan Heights. I have been taught since I was very young not to steel and not to accept products of theft. So I can not possibly accept this gift and I must return it back to you.
As you know, your country occupies illegally the Golan Heights who belong to Syria, according to the International Law and numerous decisions of the International Community.
I take the opportunity to express my hope that Israel will find security into its internationally recognized borders and the terrorist activities against Israel territory by Hamas or anybody else will be contained and made impossible, but I also hope that your government will cease practicing the policy of collective punishment which was applied on a mass scale by Hitler and his armies.
Actions such as those of these days of the Israel military in Gaza remind the greek people holocausts such as in Kalavrita or Doxato or Distomo and certainly in the ghetto of Warsaw.With these thoughts allow me to express to you my best wishes for you, the Israeli people and all the people of our region of the world.
Thank you for the 3 bottles of wine that you sent me as season’s greetings. I wish to you, your family and everybody in the Embassy a happy new year. Good health and progress to you all.
Unhappily I noticed that the wine you have sent me has been produced in the Golan Heights. I have been taught since I was very young not to steel and not to accept products of theft. So I can not possibly accept this gift and I must return it back to you.
As you know, your country occupies illegally the Golan Heights who belong to Syria, according to the International Law and numerous decisions of the International Community.
I take the opportunity to express my hope that Israel will find security into its internationally recognized borders and the terrorist activities against Israel territory by Hamas or anybody else will be contained and made impossible, but I also hope that your government will cease practicing the policy of collective punishment which was applied on a mass scale by Hitler and his armies.
Actions such as those of these days of the Israel military in Gaza remind the greek people holocausts such as in Kalavrita or Doxato or Distomo and certainly in the ghetto of Warsaw.With these thoughts allow me to express to you my best wishes for you, the Israeli people and all the people of our region of the world.
Athens, 30/12/2008
Theodoros Pangalos, Member of Parliament (Greece)
- Web Site: http://www.pangalos.gr
- E-mail: pangalos@otenet.gr
(sent by Sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
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