Rules of Tayammum | for everyone |
Q 199: In performing tayammum on things upon which tayammum is valid, such as soil, plaster of Paris, stone, and rock, is it all right to do it when they are fixed on a wall, or is it necessary that they be on the ground?
A: It is not a condition for the validity of tayammum that they should be on the ground.
Q 200: One becomes junub (e.g. after ejaculation) and there is no access to the bath and the state of janābah remains for several days. Then, if he prayed with tayammum instead of ghusl and thereafter a wuḍū’ invalidator happened, is he obliged to perform again tayammum instead of ghusl for the later prayers? Or is the first tayammum enough for janābah and it is obligatory to do wuḍū’ or tayammum for the following prayers due to the occurrence of wuḍū’ invalidator?
A: When a junub person performs a valid tayammum as a substitute for the ghusl of janābah and a wuḍū’ invalidator occurs later, then as long as the excuse of performing tayammum instead of ghusl is existing it is of obligatory caution for him to perform tayammum instead of ghusl for every act that requires being in a state of purity and then to do wuḍū’, as well,. If he is excused from wuḍū’, he is to perform another tayammum instead of wuḍū’.
Q 201: Do the rules of ghusl apply to tayammum performed as a substitute for ghusl in the sense that it is permissible to enter a masjid with it?
A: All of the shar‘ī effects of ghusl apply to tayammum performed as a substitute for it, except when it is performed due to shortness of time.
Q 202: Is it permissible for one, suffering from incontinence of urine due to spinal cord injury in the war, to perform tayammum as a substitute for mustaḥabb ghusl like Friday ghusl, and ghusl for visiting the Infallibles’ shrines and so on, as it is somewhat difficult for him to go to bathroom?
A: The correctness of tayammum as a substitute for ghusl — in order to perform those practices for which purity is not a condition — is problematic. However, there is no objection to doing it as a substitute for mustaḥabb ghusls, in cases involving unbearable hardship, in the hope that it is desired by shar‘.
Q 203: One who cannot find water, or one for whom using water is harmful, performs tayammum instead of the ghusl of janābah. Is it permissible for him to enter a masjid and attend congregational prayer? What about reciting the Holy Qur’an?
A: As long as the excuse permitting tayammum is not removed and the tayammum remains valid, he is allowed to perform all the acts for which purity is required.
Q 204: Someone had a discharge during sleep and on waking up he does not remember anything but finds wetness on his clothes. There is no time for him to sit and try to remember, for there is little time remaining to offer the morning prayer. What is one to do in such a state? How is he to make the intent for tayammum as substitution for the ghusl? What is the basic rule?
A: If one knows that there was discharge of semen, he is junub and, thus, ghusl is obligatory for him. If the time is short, he must do tayammum after cleaning his body from najāsah, pray, and do ghusl afterwars. But when there is doubt concerning discharge of semen and janābah, the rule of being in a state of janābah does not apply to him.
Q 205: If a person becomes junub on several successive nights, what is his duty, in view of what has been mentioned in the noble traditions that taking a bath continuously for several days causes weakness?
A: It is obligatory for him to perform ghusl unless using water is harmful for him, in which case his duty is to perform tayammum.
Q 206: I am in an abnormal condition in which I suffer from frequent involuntary emissions of semen, which are not accompanied with sexual pleasure. What is my duty in regard to each prayer?
A: If doing ghusl for every prayer is harmful, or involves unbearable hardship for you, you can offer prayers with tayammum after cleaning your body.
Q 207: Someone abstains from performing ghusl of janābah for the morning prayer and does tayammum believing that he would fall sick if he performs ghusl. What is the rule?
A: If he believes ghusl to be harmful for him, there is no problem in doing tayammum, and the prayer offered therewith is valid.
Q 208: How can we perform tayammum? Is there any difference between the method of tayammum done instead of wuḍū’ and that done instead of ghusl?
A: Tayammum should be done in this order: First, one makes the intention. Then, the palms of the two hands are hit on something on which tayammum is correct and they are rubbed over the entire forehead and both sides of it from the hair line to the eyebrows and the upper part of the nose. Thereafter the left palm is rubbed over the back of the entire right hand and the right palm over the back of the entire left hand. Also, based on obligatory caution, one should hit both palms, again, on the earth and then to wipe the left palm over the back of the entire right hand and the right palm over the back of the entire left hand. This order is the same whether tayammum is to be done instead of wuḍū’ or ghusl.
Q 209: What is the ruling of doing tayammum on gypsum, limestone, their baked pieces and bricks?
A: Doing tayammum on anything that is considered as the earth — like gypsum, limestone, etc. — is valid and it is not remote that doing it over baked gypsum and limestone, and bricks is also correct.
Q 210: You have stated that things on which we can do tayammum should be pure. Is it obligatory for body parts involved in tayammum — i.e. forehead and back of the hands — to be pure as well?
A: It is based on caution that, whenever possible, forehead and the back of the hands should be pure. If one could not purify them, he would perform it without purification, although it is not remote that it is not necessary for them to be pure in any case.
Q 211: If one is not able to perform wuḍū’ and tayammum is not possible either, what is his duty?
A: If he is neither able to perform wuḍū’ for prayer nor tayammum, he should offer his prayer, as per caution, within its specific time without them and make it up in qaḍā’ with wuḍū’ or tayammum later on.
Q 212: I am suffering from a skin disease i.e. the skin dries up whenever I take a bath or even wash my hands or face. Accordingly, I am forced to apply oil to my skin and that creates difficulty when doing wuḍū’, especially when doing it for the morning prayer. Is it permissible for me to do tayammum instead of wuḍū’, for morning prayers?
A: If using water is harmful for you, it is incorrect to do wuḍū’, and you should do tayammum instead. But if doing wuḍū’ is not harmful and the mentioned oil does not prevent water from reaching the skin of the body parts involved in wuḍū’, you should perform wuḍū’. Also, if the oil acts as a barrier between water and skin and you can clean the oil, do wuḍū’, and apply the oil again, tayammum will not be accepted from you.
Q 213: A person prays with tayammum due to shortness of time, and after completing the prayer he comes to know that there was enough time to do wuḍū’. What is the rule concerning his prayer?
A: It is obligatory for him to repeat that prayer.
Q 214: We live in a cold area where there is no bathroom or any place for bathing. At times we wake up in a state of janābah before the morning adhān during the blessed month of Ramadan. As it is shameful for youths to get up at
A: Sole difficulty of an act or that one is embarrassed to do it in front of people’s eyes is not a shar‘ī excuse. Rather, one is obliged to take ghusl in any manner that he can, as long as it does not involve hardship on the mukallaf or harm. In case it is harmful or unbearably difficult, he can perform tayammum instead. If he does tayammum instead of ghusl before the fajr adhān, his fast is valid, and if he does not do tayammum, his fast would be invalid; but it is obligatory for him anyway to refrain from eating and drinking throughout the day.
MAJLIS ON OUR 12TH IMAM (A.T.F.S.) AND MANY MORE | for everyone |
GOOD SITE Safder Razi
Majilis on our 12th Imam and end of time, various topics – very popular reciter
Mariam Remtulla-Jiwa
Qadha Prayers of a Father is Obligatory on the Eldest Son | for everyone |
1399. If a person did not offer some of his obligatory prayers, and did not care to give qadha, in spite of being able to do so, after his death, it is upon his eldest son, as an obligatory precaution to perform those qadha, provided that the father did not leave them as a deliberate act of transgression. If the son cannot do so, he may hire someone to perform them. The qadha prayers of his mother is not obligatory upon him, though it is better if he performs them.
1400. If the eldest son doubts whether or not his father had any qadha on him, he is under no obligation.1401. If the eldest son knows that his father had a certain number of qadha prayers on him, but he is in doubt whether his father offered them or not, he should offer them, as an obligatory precaution.
1402. If it is not known as to who is the eldest son of a person, it is not obligatory on anyone of the sons to offer their father's qadha prayers. However, the Mustahab precaution is that they should divide his qadha between them, or should draw lots for offering them.
1403. If a dying person makes a will that someone should be hired to offer his qadha prayers, and if the hired person performs them correctly, the eldest son will be free from his obligation.
1404. If the eldest son wishes to offer the qadha prayers of his mother, then in the matter of loud or silent recitations in namaz, he will follow the rules which apply to him. So, he should offer the qadha prayers of his mother for Fajr, Maghrib and Isha prayers loudly.
1405. If a person has to offer his own qadha prayers, and he also wishes to offer the qadha prayers of his parents, whichever he offers first will be in order.
1406. * If the eldest son was minor, or insane at the time of his father's death, it will not be obligatory upon him to offer qadha of his father when he attains puberty or becomes sane.
1407. If the eldest son of a person dies before offering the qadha prayers of his father, it will not be obligatory on the second son.
Ayatul-Kursi-so beneficial | for everyone |
Please forward this to all so that they
can be benefited by this message.
It is said that when the angel of death is taking the rooh (soul) out of the body who passes away....
it is a painful experience.
They say that when the dead awakes
on Qayaamat, the effect of the rooh
being taken out will still be there.
Therefore, ALLAH has told us to
recite the Ayatul-Kursi after every Farz salaat and it is stated that whoever recites this, their rooh will be taken out as you would takeout a strand of hair from a pile of flour. How light would that feel, MashaAllah!
May Allah save us from any sort of pain and may He let us die with Imaan in our hearts and save us from the azaab. Aameen.
There is no word as beautiful as Allah.
No example as beautiful as Rasulallah (SAWS).
No lesson as beautiful as Islam
No song as melodious as Azan.
No charity as meaningful as Zakat.
No encyclopaedia as perfect as Al-Quran.
No prayer as perfect as Namaz.
No diet as perfect as fasting.
No journey as perfect as Hajj...
can be benefited by this message.
It is said that when the angel of death is taking the rooh (soul) out of the body who passes away....
it is a painful experience.
They say that when the dead awakes
on Qayaamat, the effect of the rooh
being taken out will still be there.
Therefore, ALLAH has told us to
recite the Ayatul-Kursi after every Farz salaat and it is stated that whoever recites this, their rooh will be taken out as you would takeout a strand of hair from a pile of flour. How light would that feel, MashaAllah!
May Allah save us from any sort of pain and may He let us die with Imaan in our hearts and save us from the azaab. Aameen.
There is no word as beautiful as Allah.
No example as beautiful as Rasulallah (SAWS).
No lesson as beautiful as Islam
No song as melodious as Azan.
No charity as meaningful as Zakat.
No encyclopaedia as perfect as Al-Quran.
No prayer as perfect as Namaz.
No diet as perfect as fasting.
No journey as perfect as Hajj...
Let's realize that Islam is forever beautiful and perfect, please forward this message to get the sawaab of passing on knowledge.
This is most common among us; most of us talk during Azaan... Read this...
The Holy Prophet (SAWS) said, Stop doing everything during the Azaan,
This is most common among us; most of us talk during Azaan... Read this...
The Holy Prophet (SAWS) said, Stop doing everything during the Azaan,
Please pass this message to Muslims...
Allahumma- inni-ala-Zikr-ika-wa Shuk-rika-wa-husni-ibad-atika.
A very powerful Duaa has been sent to you. What do you think you should do with it? Imagine if 1000 people read it just because of you.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
PATHAN HUMOR | for everyone |
Pathan ki flight me tabiyat kharab ho gai to Air hostess ne pocha
R U Sick suffering from fever
No I'm Muslman Suffering from peshawar:
R U Sick suffering from fever
No I'm Muslman Suffering from peshawar:
Pathan To Wife: Mera Yaar Aaya hai Chai to Bana Do.
Wife: Main Nahi Bana Rahi.
Pathan: Bana De, Jab Tera Yaar Aayega to Main Bhi Bana Donga. :-)
Wife: Main Nahi Bana Rahi.
Pathan: Bana De, Jab Tera Yaar Aayega to Main Bhi Bana Donga. :-)
Mujhe Ek Aisa Husband Chahiay Jo Achi Achi Baten Kare.
Hansi Mazaaq Kare
Or Raton Ko Muje Songs Bhi Sunaye.
Baaji! Tum Husband Ko Maro Goli FM Radio Le Lo. :-)
Mujhe Ek Aisa Husband Chahiay Jo Achi Achi Baten Kare.
Hansi Mazaaq Kare
Or Raton Ko Muje Songs Bhi Sunaye.
Baaji! Tum Husband Ko Maro Goli FM Radio Le Lo. :-)
Doctor: Tumhari Sehat Bohat Kharab Hai,
Cigrrete-Noshi Chor Do.
Pathan: Ye Nahi Ho Sakta Kyon k Cigarrete to Chor Donga.
Magar Noshi Meri Biwi Hai.
Pathan: Ye Nahi Ho Sakta Kyon k Cigarrete to Chor Donga.
Magar Noshi Meri Biwi Hai.
Pathan Apne biwi k Saath Ja Raha Tha:
1 Larkay Ne Aankh Maari.
Pathan: Tujhe Sharam Nahi Aati Mujhe Aankh Martay Ho.
Larka: Maine Tujhe Nahi, Teri Biwi Ko Maari Hai.
Pathan: Sorry Yaar! Maine Tujhe Ghalat Samjha. :-)
1 Larkay Ne Aankh Maari.
Pathan: Tujhe Sharam Nahi Aati Mujhe Aankh Martay Ho.
Larka: Maine Tujhe Nahi, Teri Biwi Ko Maari Hai.
Pathan: Sorry Yaar! Maine Tujhe Ghalat Samjha. :-)
Pictures of Changing Ghilaf-e-Ka'aba | for you |
Pictures of Changing Ghilaf-e-Ka'aba صور تغيير كسوة الكعبة

Pictures of Changing Ghilaf-e-Ka'aba | for everyone |
Pictures of Changing Ghilaf-e-Ka'aba صور تغيير كسوة الكعبة

Rules of the Lost Property When Found | for everyone |
2573. * Any lost property other than an animal, which does not bear any sign by means of which it may be possible to locate its owner, irrespective of whether its value is less than a dirham (12.6 chickpeas of coined silver) or not, can be kept for himself by one who finds it, but the recommended precaution is that he gives it away as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, whoever he may be.
2574. * If a person finds a property whose value is less than a dirham, and if its owner is known, and the person who finds it does not know whether or not the owner would be happy about it, he cannot pick it up without his (i.e. the owner's) permission. And if its owner is not known, the person who finds should, as an obligatory precaution, give it away as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, whoever he may be. And when the owner is found, the replacement should be given to him if he does not approve the Sadaqah given on his behalf.
2575. * If a person finds something which bears a sign by means of which its owner can be located, and even if he comes to know that its owner is a non-Muslim whose property must be protected, and if the value of that thing reaches one dirham, he should make an announcement about it at the place of gathering of the people for one year from the day on which he finds that thing.
2576. If a person does not wish to make an announcement himself, he can ask another reliable person to make the announcement, on his behalf.
2577. * If the person who finds such a thing makes announcement for one year, but the owner of the property does not turn up he should act as follows:
(i) If he has found that thing at a place other than the Haram of Makkah, he can retain it on behalf of the owner, so that he may give it to him when he appears, or give it as Sadaqah to the poor on behalf of the owner. As an obligatory precaution, he should not keep it for himself.
(ii) If he has found that thing in the Haram, the obligatory precaution is that he should give it away as Sadaqah.
2578. * If the person makes announcement for one year and the owner of the property does not turn up, and he continues to care for it on behalf of its owner, and in the meantime it is lost, he will not be responsible for the loss if he has not been negligent nor over cautious about it. And if he gave it as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, then the owner will have an option either to approve the Sadaqah or demand its replacement. And the thawab for the Sadaqah will go to him who gave the Sadaqah.
2579. * If a person finds a property, and purposely does not make an announcement according to the rules mentioned above, he commits a sin, and at the same time remains wajib on him to make an announcement if he thinks it can be helpful.
2580. * If an insane person or a child who is not Baligh finds something which bears a sign and is worth one dirham, his guardian can make an announcement. In fact, it is obligatory upon him to announce if he has taken its possession from the child or the insane person. And if the owner is not found even after having announced for a year, he should act as rule no. 2577.
2581. * If during the year in which a person has been making an announcement (about something having been lost and found) he loses all hope of finding the owner, he should give it away as Sadaqah with the permission of the Mujtahid.
2582. * If the property is lost during the year in which he has been making an announcement, and he has been negligent in caring for it, or has been over cautious, he will be responsible to the owner for replacement, and should also continue announcing. But if he has not been negligent nor over cautious, it is not obligatory for him to pay anything.
2583. * If the property which bears a mark, and has value equal to one dirham, is found at a place where it is known that the owner of the property will not be found by means of announcement, he should give it to the poor persons as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner on the very first day with the permission of the Mujtahid, and he should not wait till the year ends.
2584. * If a person finds a thing and possesses it under the impression that it is his own property, but learns later that it is not his property, he should act as outlined in the foregoing rule.
2585. * The announcement for the lost article should be made in such a way that the owner, if he hears it, would be drawn to investigate if the thing is his. And this differs in every situation. For example, at times it may be sufficient to declare that an article has been found, and at times, it is important to define it, like, saying that a piece of gold is found. Further still, it may be necessary to say that an earring of gold has been found, and so on. But in all cases, total description should not be given so that it is not identified fully.
2586. If a person finds something and another person claims that it is his, and also mentions certain marks of identification, the former should give that thing to him only if he is satisfied that it belongs to him. It is not necessary for the latter to mention the marks of which mostly even the owners do not take notice.
2587. If the value of a thing which a person finds is equal to one dirham, and he does not make an announcement about it, but leaves it in the mosque or at places of general assembly, and the thing is lost or somebody picks it up, the person who found the thing will be responsible.
2588. * If a person finds a thing which is perishable, he should keep it for as long as it does not perish, and as an obligatory precaution, announce about it, and if he does not find the owner, as a precaution, he should fix its value with the permission of the Mujatahid or his Wakil and sell it, keeping the money with him. In the meantime, he should continue with the announcement till one year, and if the owner is not found, he will act as explained in rule no. 2577.
2589. * If the thing found by somebody is with him at the time of performing Wudhu and offering prayers, and if he has no intention of returning it to its owner if he is found, his Wudhu and prayers do not become void.
2590. If a pair of shoes of a person is taken away and is replaced by another pair of shoes, and he knows that the pair of shoes which is now with him belongs to a certain person who would not mind if he took his shoes instead of his own, he can take them. Similar rule applies if he knows that he has been unjustly robbed of his shoes; but in this particular case, the value of shoes left behind must not exceed the value of his own shoes, otherwise the difference of the price will be treated as article whose owner is unknown. And in any other situation other than the two mentioned herein, the shoes will be considered as articles of unknown ownership.
2591. * If a man has some property of 'unknown ownership' that is, its owner is not known and if it cannot be classified as lost, he is allowed to use it in a manner that would be agreeable to the owner, provided that he is sure that the owner will have no objection in principle. Otherwise, he must try to find the owner, and continue doing so for as long as he thinks it useful. And when he despairs, he should, with the permission of the Mujtahid, give it away as Sadaqah to the poor. If the owner later on turns up, and if he does not approve the Sadaqah which was given, as a precaution, he must give him a replacement.
2574. * If a person finds a property whose value is less than a dirham, and if its owner is known, and the person who finds it does not know whether or not the owner would be happy about it, he cannot pick it up without his (i.e. the owner's) permission. And if its owner is not known, the person who finds should, as an obligatory precaution, give it away as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, whoever he may be. And when the owner is found, the replacement should be given to him if he does not approve the Sadaqah given on his behalf.
2575. * If a person finds something which bears a sign by means of which its owner can be located, and even if he comes to know that its owner is a non-Muslim whose property must be protected, and if the value of that thing reaches one dirham, he should make an announcement about it at the place of gathering of the people for one year from the day on which he finds that thing.
2576. If a person does not wish to make an announcement himself, he can ask another reliable person to make the announcement, on his behalf.
2577. * If the person who finds such a thing makes announcement for one year, but the owner of the property does not turn up he should act as follows:
(i) If he has found that thing at a place other than the Haram of Makkah, he can retain it on behalf of the owner, so that he may give it to him when he appears, or give it as Sadaqah to the poor on behalf of the owner. As an obligatory precaution, he should not keep it for himself.
(ii) If he has found that thing in the Haram, the obligatory precaution is that he should give it away as Sadaqah.
2578. * If the person makes announcement for one year and the owner of the property does not turn up, and he continues to care for it on behalf of its owner, and in the meantime it is lost, he will not be responsible for the loss if he has not been negligent nor over cautious about it. And if he gave it as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, then the owner will have an option either to approve the Sadaqah or demand its replacement. And the thawab for the Sadaqah will go to him who gave the Sadaqah.
2579. * If a person finds a property, and purposely does not make an announcement according to the rules mentioned above, he commits a sin, and at the same time remains wajib on him to make an announcement if he thinks it can be helpful.
2580. * If an insane person or a child who is not Baligh finds something which bears a sign and is worth one dirham, his guardian can make an announcement. In fact, it is obligatory upon him to announce if he has taken its possession from the child or the insane person. And if the owner is not found even after having announced for a year, he should act as rule no. 2577.
2581. * If during the year in which a person has been making an announcement (about something having been lost and found) he loses all hope of finding the owner, he should give it away as Sadaqah with the permission of the Mujtahid.
2582. * If the property is lost during the year in which he has been making an announcement, and he has been negligent in caring for it, or has been over cautious, he will be responsible to the owner for replacement, and should also continue announcing. But if he has not been negligent nor over cautious, it is not obligatory for him to pay anything.
2583. * If the property which bears a mark, and has value equal to one dirham, is found at a place where it is known that the owner of the property will not be found by means of announcement, he should give it to the poor persons as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner on the very first day with the permission of the Mujtahid, and he should not wait till the year ends.
2584. * If a person finds a thing and possesses it under the impression that it is his own property, but learns later that it is not his property, he should act as outlined in the foregoing rule.
2585. * The announcement for the lost article should be made in such a way that the owner, if he hears it, would be drawn to investigate if the thing is his. And this differs in every situation. For example, at times it may be sufficient to declare that an article has been found, and at times, it is important to define it, like, saying that a piece of gold is found. Further still, it may be necessary to say that an earring of gold has been found, and so on. But in all cases, total description should not be given so that it is not identified fully.
2586. If a person finds something and another person claims that it is his, and also mentions certain marks of identification, the former should give that thing to him only if he is satisfied that it belongs to him. It is not necessary for the latter to mention the marks of which mostly even the owners do not take notice.
2587. If the value of a thing which a person finds is equal to one dirham, and he does not make an announcement about it, but leaves it in the mosque or at places of general assembly, and the thing is lost or somebody picks it up, the person who found the thing will be responsible.
2588. * If a person finds a thing which is perishable, he should keep it for as long as it does not perish, and as an obligatory precaution, announce about it, and if he does not find the owner, as a precaution, he should fix its value with the permission of the Mujatahid or his Wakil and sell it, keeping the money with him. In the meantime, he should continue with the announcement till one year, and if the owner is not found, he will act as explained in rule no. 2577.
2589. * If the thing found by somebody is with him at the time of performing Wudhu and offering prayers, and if he has no intention of returning it to its owner if he is found, his Wudhu and prayers do not become void.
2590. If a pair of shoes of a person is taken away and is replaced by another pair of shoes, and he knows that the pair of shoes which is now with him belongs to a certain person who would not mind if he took his shoes instead of his own, he can take them. Similar rule applies if he knows that he has been unjustly robbed of his shoes; but in this particular case, the value of shoes left behind must not exceed the value of his own shoes, otherwise the difference of the price will be treated as article whose owner is unknown. And in any other situation other than the two mentioned herein, the shoes will be considered as articles of unknown ownership.
2591. * If a man has some property of 'unknown ownership' that is, its owner is not known and if it cannot be classified as lost, he is allowed to use it in a manner that would be agreeable to the owner, provided that he is sure that the owner will have no objection in principle. Otherwise, he must try to find the owner, and continue doing so for as long as he thinks it useful. And when he despairs, he should, with the permission of the Mujtahid, give it away as Sadaqah to the poor. If the owner later on turns up, and if he does not approve the Sadaqah which was given, as a precaution, he must give him a replacement.
the nike company... Jewish company Nike has shoes or wants to sell shoes with Allah written on them:
if you are a real muslim you will have to pass this on...
This is disrespect to our religon. are you going to let the nike company put the name of our lord; ALLAH on their shoes and we are just going on and buying their clothes and shoes. this shouldn't be happening. Please read and forward if you want this to stop send it to to all of the people you know. thankyou and take care.
Jewish company Nike has shoes or wants to sell shoes with Allah written
Allah (Arabic: الله, Allāh, Turkish: Allah, IPA: [ʔalˤːɑːh] (
listen)) is the standard Arabic word for God.[1] While the term is best known in the West for its use by Muslims as a reference to God, it is used by Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, includingChristians and Jews, in reference to "God".[1][2][3] The term was also used by pagan Meccans as a reference to the creator-god, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia.[4]

Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "God".[3] The Christian Arabs of today have no other word for 'God' than 'Allah'.[6] (Even the Arabic-descended Maltese language of Malta, whose population is almost entirelyRoman Catholic, uses Alla for 'God'.) Arab Christians for example use terms Allāh al-ʼab (الله الأب) meaning God the Father, Allāh al-ibn(الله الابن) mean God the Son, and Allāh al-rūḥ al-quds (الله الروح القدس) meaning God the Holy Spirit (See God in Christianity for the Christian concept of God).
Malay and Indonesian language
Christians in Indonesia and Malaysia also use Allah to refer to God in the Malay language and Indonesian Language (both language although different referred to as Bahasa). Mainstream Bible translations in Bahasa use Allah as the translation of Hebrew Elohim (translated in English Bibles as "God").[31] This goes back to early Bahasa translation work by Francis Xavier in the 16th century.[32][33]

BUSINESS START UP | for everyone |
Starting up in business can be an exciting time but also a daunting time too and in the excitement of getting things going, people often overlook the obvious. Profitable sales are the lifeblood of any business and selling is a skill. Without sales there is no business and for most starting a new business there is not the funds to employ a sales person. So that said, where do you start? Accidental Salesman Richard White looks at the journey of ‘Tim’ and how he went from zero confidence in his sales ability to feeling totally in control with the confidence and excitement that he was moving closer to making his dreams a reality.
Tim had always wanted to set up his own business. He felt his IT manager job was going nowhere and when the opportunity for a redundancy package came up he jumped at it. This was his big chance to go it alone. He had been dreaming of setting up an IT support services business. This was his big chance to break free and regain the control over his life and the financial security of his family.
Tim had always wanted to set up his own business. He felt his IT manager job was going nowhere and when the opportunity for a redundancy package came up he jumped at it. This was his big chance to go it alone. He had been dreaming of setting up an IT support services business. This was his big chance to break free and regain the control over his life and the financial security of his family.
For many people the source of their lack of confidence is confusion over what they do. They have something valuable to offer that people need and yet everything they have tried just does not seem to work.
Often, it is simply that they are not being clear enough about who their target market is and the problems that their products and services solve. Finding one or two groups of people with specific unresolved problems that they want to fix is essential. Trying to be all things to all people makes selling incredibly hard. You will rarely see top sales people just selling their products and services to all and sundry and they know who is likely to buy and they consider selling to anyone else a total waste of time. The solution is normally quite simple and can come very quickly, but it requires the business owner to take a step back and take a totally dispassionate view about the business. It’s best to do it with someone who can play devil's advocate and see things from the customer's perspective. Gaining clarity in this area does give a massive boost of confidence, especially when the person tries it out for real and gets a positive response very quickly.
Tim discovered that many of his existing clients lived within a 20 mile radius and they were busy professionals who relied on the internet to do business. They liked the fact that Tim was just down the road and if they needed to drop off the equipment they could or they could pay Tim to come over and fix it. These clients were much smaller in size than Tim had been looking for and yet they were very profitable and there were lots where he lived. He created some specific packages and found his existing clients happy to move to those packages. Tim’s confidence shot up! He knew he was onto something.
Often, it is simply that they are not being clear enough about who their target market is and the problems that their products and services solve. Finding one or two groups of people with specific unresolved problems that they want to fix is essential. Trying to be all things to all people makes selling incredibly hard. You will rarely see top sales people just selling their products and services to all and sundry and they know who is likely to buy and they consider selling to anyone else a total waste of time. The solution is normally quite simple and can come very quickly, but it requires the business owner to take a step back and take a totally dispassionate view about the business. It’s best to do it with someone who can play devil's advocate and see things from the customer's perspective. Gaining clarity in this area does give a massive boost of confidence, especially when the person tries it out for real and gets a positive response very quickly.
Tim discovered that many of his existing clients lived within a 20 mile radius and they were busy professionals who relied on the internet to do business. They liked the fact that Tim was just down the road and if they needed to drop off the equipment they could or they could pay Tim to come over and fix it. These clients were much smaller in size than Tim had been looking for and yet they were very profitable and there were lots where he lived. He created some specific packages and found his existing clients happy to move to those packages. Tim’s confidence shot up! He knew he was onto something.
It seems ridiculous to think that someone would buy a car without first learning to drive. The natural assumption is that you would invest in some lessons. So many people start a business with no background in sales. Tim had tried to read a couple of books that guaranteed that he would 'close that sale!' every time. As he read the pages his heart would get heavier and heavier thinking that the only way to win customers was to manipulate people. He was sure there must be a better way. There was also such a dazzling array of information around on the internet but where should he start?
Tim read one day that finding a mentor might be a good idea – someone who is already succeeding. The suggestion was to take them to lunch and pick their brains! He tried that with a friend who he had always looked up to. His friend suggested the classic books to read and suggested that he should invest in some sales training, especially around generating leads. Rather than try and learn it all at once his friend suggested learning a little bit at a time and then applying it. Treat it like a distance learning course and gradually build the skills. Tim's confidence again was boosted because he felt he was moving in the right direction.
Get Practice
Like learning any new skill, selling is a little uncomfortable at first. Most people can remember learning to drive. At first there is a lot to think about but the more practice you do the more it becomes automatic and you feel in control. The issue with sales is that people who are reluctant to sell shy away and just do not get enough practice. They do not make the mistakes that others make on the road to building up their skill level.
Emboldened by his new improved focus and what he was reading Tim started to speak to a lot more people that were interested in solving their problems. He won some and lost some but with every deal his ability increased and so did his confidence in being able to sell.
Expect Success
One of the books Tim was advised to read was nothing about selling at all. It was to do with the power of the mind and how what we focus on is what we get. Tim realised that previously all he had been thinking about was what would happen if he failed. This was sapping his energy. Now he started to imagine and visualise what success for him would look like. He set some goals and imagined achieving them and how that would feel. He started to do the same thing with every appointment he attended. He would imagine the meeting being successful and he felt emboldened with confidence during the meeting. He did not necessarily win every deal, no one does, but he felt great anyway!
Invest in yourself
This new discovery got Tim thinking that perhaps there were other things he did not know about himself and both his own mind and other people's minds work. He developed a thirst for knowledge and the strange thing is that not only did his sales start improving as he worked on his own personal development he also found that his family life got better too. This turned out to be the best investment he ever made.
Tim took the bold decision of getting a sales coach. He had once used a fitness coach when he needed to get fit but hated to go to the gym. The coach kept him motivated and focused his attention on what he needed to do. The coach also held him accountable and got under his skin when he started shirking off. Tim could see that for him selling was like going to the gym. He wisely selected someone who was used to working with people like him and had a track record of success. He spoke to some of the coach's clients similar to him to get a sense of what the experience was like and whether it was worth it. This was the final piece and Tim now felt like he was definitely going somewhere and he was doing what the real professionals do. It was not cheap but he quickly recovered the money in increased sales.
For many people who start in business for themselves, selling is a very emotive subject and sometimes people can feel totally in the deep end. You do not need to be a 'born salesman' to succeed in developing enough sales in your business and if you approach it in the same way as learning to play the piano or driving a car it becomes much more of an achievable task – only the pay is better!!
MY WISH FOR YOU | for everyone |
-Where there is pain, I wish you peace and mercy.
-Where there is self-doubting, I wish you a renewed confidence in your ability to work through it.
-Where there is tiredness, or exhaustion, I wish you understanding, patience, and renewed strength.
-Where there is fear, I wish you love, and courage.
ART - LEGO WORKS | for everyone |

IDD E ZAHRA (S.A.) MUBARAK TO ALL | for everyone |
Why India is in trouble? | for everyone |
Why India is in trouble?
Population: 100 crore
-9 crore retired
-30 crore in state Government
-17 crore in central Government (both categories don't work)
-1 crore IT professionals (don't work for India)
-25 crore in school
-1 crore are under 5 years
-15 crore unemployed
-1.2 crore u can find anytime in hospitals
Statistics say you find 79,99,998 people anytime in jail.
The balance two are you & me.
You are busy reading my blog! How can I handle India alone?
-9 crore retired
-30 crore in state Government
-17 crore in central Government (both categories don't work)
-1 crore IT professionals (don't work for India)
-25 crore in school
-1 crore are under 5 years
-15 crore unemployed
-1.2 crore u can find anytime in hospitals
Statistics say you find 79,99,998 people anytime in jail.
The balance two are you & me.
You are busy reading my blog! How can I handle India alone?
AIDS SPREAD - ALARMING | for everyone |
A 10 year old boy, had eaten pineapple about 15 days back, and fell sick, from the day he had eaten. Later when he had his Health check done... doctors diagnosed that he had AIDS.
His parents couldn't believe it...Then the entire family under went a checkup... none of them suffered from Aids. So the doctors checked again with the boy if he had eaten out...The boy said "yes". He had pineapple that evening. Immediately a group from Mallya hospital went to the pineapple vendor to check.
They found the pineapple seller had a cut on his finger while cutting the pineapple; his blood had spread into the fruit.
When they had his blood checked...the guy was suffering from AIDS ..... but he himself was NOT aware. Unfortunately the boy is suffering from it now.
Please take care while u eat on the road side (particularly tasty vada pav & Paani Puri) . and pls fwd this mail to your dear one's.
His parents couldn't believe it...Then the entire family under went a checkup... none of them suffered from Aids. So the doctors checked again with the boy if he had eaten out...The boy said "yes". He had pineapple that evening. Immediately a group from Mallya hospital went to the pineapple vendor to check.
They found the pineapple seller had a cut on his finger while cutting the pineapple; his blood had spread into the fruit.
When they had his blood checked...the guy was suffering from AIDS ..... but he himself was NOT aware. Unfortunately the boy is suffering from it now.
Please take care while u eat on the road side (particularly tasty vada pav & Paani Puri) . and pls fwd this mail to your dear one's.
(sent by bro Najmuddin- forwarded msg - not verified)
SUPER DUPER WORLD CLOCK | for everyone |
UNDER WATER - EXCELLENT | for everyone |
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