The only Muslim in Greenland who fasts for 21 hours | for everyone |
The only Muslim in Greenland who fasts for 21 hours
NUUK: Wassam Azaqeer, a Lebanese, who lives in a country surrounded by icebergs called “Greenland”, is the only Muslim
in this state who is fasting daily for 21 hours with full determination.
Greenland is the largest island in the world; lies between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean;
a self-governing province of Denmark.
According to an Arab TV report, Wassam Azaqeer, who is living in Greenland from the past several years
and has been called “Arab Columbus” as he is the only Arab Muslim
who not only managed to live in Greenland-despite for its long and difficult journey, but also running a
successful business in the capital city of Greenland called Nuuk.
Wassam, is running his own restaurant where he receives 200 customers each day. The month of the Ramdan,this year, came in summer so Wassam has to fast for 21 hours and after
Aftari he only got 2 hours to prepare for Sehri to start next fast.
In these 2 hours Wassam, also has to offer his Maghrib and Isha prayers. Wassam says that he is very
proud Muslim to be living on a state where he is the only one fasting and praying in the name of Allah.
He says he sometimes think about going to Lebanon in this holy month but he stops himself by
thinking that if left Greenland, there wont be anyone to fast and pray on this land.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
The Eid Prayer (Salat al-`«d) consists of two Rak`ahs. | for everyone |
Zakira Shyrose Jaffer Dhalla
The Eid Prayer (Salat al-`«d) consists of two Rak`ahs. In the first Rak`ah, one may recite Surah of al-Fatihah and Surah Al A'ala Mp3(No. 87). After the recitation of these Surahs, one may say the takbeer statement (i.e. allahu-akbar) five times and raise the hands for the Qunut after each takbeer, saying:
اللّهُمّ أَهْلَ الْكِبْرِيَاءِ وَالْعَظَمَةِ،
allahumma ahla alkibriya‘i wal-`azamati
O Allah: You are the Lord of glory and greatness
وَأَهْلَ الْجُودِ وَالْجَبَرُوتِ،
wa ahla aljudi wal-jabaruti
And the Lord of magnanimity and omnipotence
وَأَهْلَ الْعَفْوِ وَالرّحْمَةِ،
wa ahla al-`afwi wal-rrahmati
And the Lord of pardon and mercy,
وَأَهْلَ التّقْوَى وَالْمَغْفِرَةِ،
wa ahla alttaqwa wal-maghfirati
And the worthiest of being feared and the Lord of forgiveness;
أَسْأَلُكَ بِحَقّ هذَا الْيَوْمِ الّذِي جَعَلْتَهُ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ عِيداً،
as’aluka bihaqqi hadha aliyawmi alladhy ja`altahu lilmuslimena `edan
I beseech You in the name of this day, which You have decided to be feast for the Muslims,
وَلِمُحَمّدٍ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِه ذُخْراً وَمَزِيداً
wa limuhammadin salla allahu `alayhi wa alihi dhukhran wa mazedan
And to be safety and increasing honor for Muhammad—peace of Allah be upon him and his Household—
أَنْ تُصَلّيَ عَلَى مُحَمّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمّدٍ
an tusalliya `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin
(I beseech You) that You may send blessings upon Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
وَأَنْ تُدْخِلَنِي فِي كُلّ خَيْرٍ أَدْخَلْتَ فِيهِ مُحَمّداً وَآلَ مُحَمّدٍ،
wa an tudkhilany fe kulli khayrin adkhalta fehi muhammadan wa ala muhammadin
And You may include me with every item of goodness with which You have included Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
وَأَنْ تُخْرِجَنِي مِنْ كُلِّ سُوءٍ أَخْرَجْتَ مِنْهُ مُحَمّداً وَآلَ مُحَمّدٍ
wa an tukhrijany min kulli su‘in akhrajta minhu muhammadan wa ala muhammadin
And that You save me from any item of evil from which You have saved Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
صَلَوَاتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَيْهِمْ.
salawatuka `alayhi wa `alayhim
May Your blessings be upon him and upon them.
اللّهُمّ إِنّي أَسْأَلُكَ خَيْرَ مَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادُكَ الصَّالِحُونَ،
allahumma inne as’aluka khayra ma sa’alaka `ibaduka alssalihuna
O Allah: I pray You for the best of all that for which Your righteous servants have prayed You,
وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِمَّا اسْتَعَاذَ مِنْهُ عِبَادُكَ الصَّالِحُونَ.
wa a`udhu bika mimma ista`adha minhu `ibaduka alssalihuna
And I seek Your protection against all that against which Your righteous servants have asked Your protection.
You may then say the takber for the sixth time, and do the genuflection (ruku`), and prostrate yourself (sujud). When you stand up for the second Rak`ah, recite Surah of al-Fatihah and Surah As Shams Mp3(No. 91) and then say the takbeer four times only raising the hands for the Qunut after each takbeer. After that, say the fifth takbeer and continue the prayer. After accomplishment of the prayer, say the famous Tasbeh al-Zahra' (a.s).
Narrations have mentioned many supplications to be said after the `Eid Prayer; rather the best of them may be the forty-fifth supplication of al-Sahefah al-Kamilah al-Sajjadiyyah.
It is recommended to offer the Eid Prayer outdoors, directly on the ground without putting a carpet or any other thing under the feet, to return from a way other than the one taken in the coming, to pray Almighty Allah for accepting the acts of one’s brethren-in-faith.
Rule 1757 Ayt Sistani law book :-It is mustahab (recommended )to fast From the 4th up to the 9th of the month of Shawwal. see
اللّهُمّ أَهْلَ الْكِبْرِيَاءِ وَالْعَظَمَةِ،
allahumma ahla alkibriya‘i wal-`azamati
O Allah: You are the Lord of glory and greatness
وَأَهْلَ الْجُودِ وَالْجَبَرُوتِ،
wa ahla aljudi wal-jabaruti
And the Lord of magnanimity and omnipotence
وَأَهْلَ الْعَفْوِ وَالرّحْمَةِ،
wa ahla al-`afwi wal-rrahmati
And the Lord of pardon and mercy,
وَأَهْلَ التّقْوَى وَالْمَغْفِرَةِ،
wa ahla alttaqwa wal-maghfirati
And the worthiest of being feared and the Lord of forgiveness;
أَسْأَلُكَ بِحَقّ هذَا الْيَوْمِ الّذِي جَعَلْتَهُ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ عِيداً،
as’aluka bihaqqi hadha aliyawmi alladhy ja`altahu lilmuslimena `edan
I beseech You in the name of this day, which You have decided to be feast for the Muslims,
وَلِمُحَمّدٍ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِه ذُخْراً وَمَزِيداً
wa limuhammadin salla allahu `alayhi wa alihi dhukhran wa mazedan
And to be safety and increasing honor for Muhammad—peace of Allah be upon him and his Household—
أَنْ تُصَلّيَ عَلَى مُحَمّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمّدٍ
an tusalliya `ala muhammadin wa ali muhammadin
(I beseech You) that You may send blessings upon Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
وَأَنْ تُدْخِلَنِي فِي كُلّ خَيْرٍ أَدْخَلْتَ فِيهِ مُحَمّداً وَآلَ مُحَمّدٍ،
wa an tudkhilany fe kulli khayrin adkhalta fehi muhammadan wa ala muhammadin
And You may include me with every item of goodness with which You have included Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
وَأَنْ تُخْرِجَنِي مِنْ كُلِّ سُوءٍ أَخْرَجْتَ مِنْهُ مُحَمّداً وَآلَ مُحَمّدٍ
wa an tukhrijany min kulli su‘in akhrajta minhu muhammadan wa ala muhammadin
And that You save me from any item of evil from which You have saved Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
صَلَوَاتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَيْهِمْ.
salawatuka `alayhi wa `alayhim
May Your blessings be upon him and upon them.
اللّهُمّ إِنّي أَسْأَلُكَ خَيْرَ مَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادُكَ الصَّالِحُونَ،
allahumma inne as’aluka khayra ma sa’alaka `ibaduka alssalihuna
O Allah: I pray You for the best of all that for which Your righteous servants have prayed You,
وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِمَّا اسْتَعَاذَ مِنْهُ عِبَادُكَ الصَّالِحُونَ.
wa a`udhu bika mimma ista`adha minhu `ibaduka alssalihuna
And I seek Your protection against all that against which Your righteous servants have asked Your protection.
You may then say the takber for the sixth time, and do the genuflection (ruku`), and prostrate yourself (sujud). When you stand up for the second Rak`ah, recite Surah of al-Fatihah and Surah As Shams Mp3(No. 91) and then say the takbeer four times only raising the hands for the Qunut after each takbeer. After that, say the fifth takbeer and continue the prayer. After accomplishment of the prayer, say the famous Tasbeh al-Zahra' (a.s).
Narrations have mentioned many supplications to be said after the `Eid Prayer; rather the best of them may be the forty-fifth supplication of al-Sahefah al-Kamilah al-Sajjadiyyah.
It is recommended to offer the Eid Prayer outdoors, directly on the ground without putting a carpet or any other thing under the feet, to return from a way other than the one taken in the coming, to pray Almighty Allah for accepting the acts of one’s brethren-in-faith.
Rule 1757 Ayt Sistani law book :-It is mustahab (recommended )to fast From the 4th up to the 9th of the month of Shawwal. see
D I S C O V E R About us After the Ghaiba (Occultation) of our 12th Imam (AS.), it is Our Ulamaa & Religious Scholars who have kept the bright light of Islam glowing in the face of darkness and jahiliya (ignora...
Balancing Emotion & Logic | for everyone |
Reflections during the last days of Ramadan | for everyone |
A Poem by
Ershad Khan
Ershad Khan
Reflections during the last days of Ramadan
Drifting away
Gently with the tides,
Taking the blessed days and nights
With you, oh precious boat!
Won't you slow down a bit?
I've got so little of your gifts!
Stranded on the ground
Of this transient land,
Caught in the mirage
Nothing but heated sand
I embraced with both hands!
Only to discover
The gem of life,
Is shaped with
Days and nights of sacrifice.
When you make the trip next year
I ponder with tears
Will I still be around?
If this was the final treat,
I only hope I'm haven-bound
Drifting away
Gently with the tides,
Taking the blessed days and nights
With you, oh precious boat!
Won't you slow down a bit?
I've got so little of your gifts!
Stranded on the ground
Of this transient land,
Caught in the mirage
Nothing but heated sand
I embraced with both hands!
Only to discover
The gem of life,
Is shaped with
Days and nights of sacrifice.
When you make the trip next year
I ponder with tears
Will I still be around?
If this was the final treat,
I only hope I'm haven-bound
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Eid Al-Fitr, A Day For Thanksgiving | for everyone |
Eid Al-Fitr, A Day For Thanksgiving
The day immediately following the end of the holy month of Ramadan is called Eid-e-Fitr. In other words, it falls on the first day of Shawwal. It is one of the greatest Islamic festivals.Eid-e-fitr is the Day of Thanksgiving to Allah, forgiving His servants the opportunity to fast and to worship Him in the month of Ramadan. On this Day, Muslims leave their jobs, wear clean clothes, offer special Eid Prayers, and after prayers go to visit one another and take part in festivities. Small children wear beautiful new clothes, and are very busy enjoying the festival. Their angelic faces beam with joy.
Islam wants that all Muslims, whether rich or poor, should enjoy Eid. It has, therefore, commanded all the well-to-do people to pay the 'Zakat-e-Fitr'. This Zakat is paid on the very day of Eid-e-Fitr. It consists of 3 kilograms of one's daily food or its equivalent in cash.
The payment of 'Zakat-e-Fitr' is obligatory upon every person who is adult, sane and free at the time of the sunset on the last day of Ramadan, and is also not dependent upon others for means of subsistence. If the person concerned is the head of a family, it is incumbent upon him to pay his own 'Zakat-e-Fitr' as well.
'Zakat-e-Fitr' is the right of the poor and the needy, and can be spent for those purposes only, for which Zakat, payable on property, is expendable. This includes helping the deserving people and building hospitals, bridges, schools, etc.
Nowadays, Zakat-e-Fitr' is paid without any planning, with the result that the deserving people do not derive any suitable benefit from it. It would be better if the 'Zakat-e-Fitr' paid by all the people, is collected in one place and spent after proper planning, so that the condition of a good number of needy persons may improve.
Eid-ul-Fitr is linked with the Holy month of Ramadan. It signifies the end of the month of fasting. In view of the great significance attached to this day of Eid, numerous traditions consisting of prayers and worship of God on this day, have been quoted from the Holy Prophet and his Ahl-al-Bait. Taking a solemn bath (Ghusl) on the night preceding Eid is highly recommended (Sunnat). This is a night of great sanctity and profound virtues, and should be preferably spent in worship and prayer to God. Imam Zainul Abedin (a.s.) used to spend this whole night in devotion, and has said: "This night is as important as that of Shab-e-Qadr" (that is to say, the odd night towards the latter part of Ramadan when the Holy Qur'an was first revealed to our Holy Prophet [S.A.W.]). It is quoted from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) that "one who offers six Rakat prayers on this night reciting in each Rakat Sura Al-Hamnd once and Sura Qul Howallah five times God will pardon his sins". Haris Aawar narrates that Hazrat Ali (A.S.), on this night, after Maghrib prayers, used to offer two Rakats prayers. In the first one he used to recite Sure 'Al-Hamd' once and Sura 'Qul Huwallah' one hundred times, and in the other both the Suras only once. After completion of the prayers he would bow his head in prostration and recite "Atubo Ellallah" 100 times and then would say, "I swear by one (God)! He has the sole command over my life". Whoever will, in this way, offer two Rakats prayers, the Beneficent will positively fulfill any wish begged from Him. The conception of Eid in Islam is not confined only to celebration extravagance, luxurious feasts, friendly handshakes and embraces. The Muslims should rather devote this day to the worship of God and should beseech Him to approve their virtuous deeds and forgive their sins. This is because the doors of God's pardon are kept open this day and His Blessings are bountiful. Once Imam Hasan (a.s.) noticed some folks in a most jovial mood merry making on the occasion of Eid. He, turning to his companions said. "God has made this month of Ramadan, a course of action for His slaves to render their due homage to their Lord and earn His pleasure. Some of them who have fasted successfully reached their goal, and those who did not fast have lingered behind and have missed a golden opportunity. When reward is assured for fasting, how strange it is on the part of those who do not fast to indulge in idle pastimes. I swear by God, if the curtains of Divination (Ghaib) wore to be lifted today, both the virtuous and the sinful could afford the physical sight of the rewards of their good and evil deeds respectively". |
FAQ ON ZAKAT AL-FITRAH............. | for everyone |
Q. What is Zakatul Fitrah?
A: It is religious tax/alms (zakat) paid on the day when Muslims break the fasting period at the end of the month of Ramadhan. This alms is known as Zakat al-Fitrah.
A: It is religious tax/alms (zakat) paid on the day when Muslims break the fasting period at the end of the month of Ramadhan. This alms is known as Zakat al-Fitrah.
Q. What do the Qur'an and Hadith say about Fitrah?
A: Imams (a) say that the verses: Indeed whosoever purifies himself shall achieve success, and glorifies the Name of his Lord and prays (87:14 & 15) refer to giving of Fitrah and saying prayers on Eid al-Fitr. Imam Ja`far as- Sadiq (a) said: for your fast to be accepted, give zakât.
A: Imams (a) say that the verses: Indeed whosoever purifies himself shall achieve success, and glorifies the Name of his Lord and prays (87:14 & 15) refer to giving of Fitrah and saying prayers on Eid al-Fitr. Imam Ja`far as- Sadiq (a) said: for your fast to be accepted, give zakât.
Q. When does Fitrah become wajib?
A. Payment of Fitrah becomes obligatory after sunset on the eve of Eid al- Fitr. The Fitrah should be kept aside and paid on Eid al-Fitr before Eid prayers or before midday for those who cannot say their Eid prayers. It is necessary to have obligatory intention (niyyah) of giving Fitrah for God's pleasure only.
A. Payment of Fitrah becomes obligatory after sunset on the eve of Eid al- Fitr. The Fitrah should be kept aside and paid on Eid al-Fitr before Eid prayers or before midday for those who cannot say their Eid prayers. It is necessary to have obligatory intention (niyyah) of giving Fitrah for God's pleasure only.
Q. What happens if someone forgets or does not give Fitrah on time?
A. If one does not give out or set aside the Fitrah within the due time, he should give the Fitrah later, on the basis of precaution, without making the niyyah of adaa or qadhaa but only Qurbatan Ilallah.
A. If one does not give out or set aside the Fitrah within the due time, he should give the Fitrah later, on the basis of precaution, without making the niyyah of adaa or qadhaa but only Qurbatan Ilallah.
Q. Can we give Fitrah in advance?
A. Giving Fitrah before the eve of Eid al-Fitr is not permissible. However, if you wish to send Fitrah earlier so that it reaches the needy on time, then you can send it as a temporary loan to the needy and then change your intention from loan to Fitrah on the eve of Eid al-Fitr.
A. Giving Fitrah before the eve of Eid al-Fitr is not permissible. However, if you wish to send Fitrah earlier so that it reaches the needy on time, then you can send it as a temporary loan to the needy and then change your intention from loan to Fitrah on the eve of Eid al-Fitr.
Q. To whom is Fitrah obligatory?
A. Paying Fitrah is obligatory on every Muslim who is mature (baligh), sane, financially able, and conscious on the eve of Eid al-Fitr. Fitrah should also be paid on behalf of all dependents (e.g. wife, children) whom one supports financially.
A. Paying Fitrah is obligatory on every Muslim who is mature (baligh), sane, financially able, and conscious on the eve of Eid al-Fitr. Fitrah should also be paid on behalf of all dependents (e.g. wife, children) whom one supports financially.
Q. When is a host required to pay Fitrah for his guest?
A. If a person invites another person to his house on the eve of Eid al-Fitr and if the guest is present at the host's place at the time of the sunset then it is obligatory for the host to pay Fitrah for his guest.
A. If a person invites another person to his house on the eve of Eid al-Fitr and if the guest is present at the host's place at the time of the sunset then it is obligatory for the host to pay Fitrah for his guest.
Q. What happens if the guest arrives after the sunset on Eid night?
A. In this case the guest will pay his/her own Fitrah and it is not obligatory on the host to pay Fitrah for the guest.
A. In this case the guest will pay his/her own Fitrah and it is not obligatory on the host to pay Fitrah for the guest.
Q. What happens if a guest comes uninvited and is present at the time of the sunset on the eve of Eid al-Fitr?
A. Ayatullah Sayyid As-Sistani says that the host should still pay the Fitrah as an obligatory precaution. However, Marhum Ayatullah Sayyid al-Khui was of the opinion that is recommended for the host to pay Fitrah of an uninvited guest.
A. Ayatullah Sayyid As-Sistani says that the host should still pay the Fitrah as an obligatory precaution. However, Marhum Ayatullah Sayyid al-Khui was of the opinion that is recommended for the host to pay Fitrah of an uninvited guest.
Q. How much should we pay for Fitrah?
A. Fitrah for a person is given on a weight of three kilograms (one sa`a) on any food commodity like wheat, barley, rice, millet, raisins or dates. Ayatullah Seestani is of the opinion that the item that is not a staple food in your town should not be given in Fitrah. Say, for example, if millet is not a staple in Vancouver then Vacouver mumineen should not pay Fitrah on millet.
A. Fitrah for a person is given on a weight of three kilograms (one sa`a) on any food commodity like wheat, barley, rice, millet, raisins or dates. Ayatullah Seestani is of the opinion that the item that is not a staple food in your town should not be given in Fitrah. Say, for example, if millet is not a staple in Vancouver then Vacouver mumineen should not pay Fitrah on millet.
Q. Can we give cash value of any commodity mentioned above?
A. Yes, cash value in lieu of any foodstuff mentioned can be given as Fitrah. Thus, if a kilo of rice costs $2.00, the cash value of Fitrah on rice per person would be $6.00. We recommend, Fitrah on basmati rice to be Canadian Dollars 7.00 for residents of Canada and US Dollars 6.00 for US residents. (Please check prices for other items in your areas.)
A. Yes, cash value in lieu of any foodstuff mentioned can be given as Fitrah. Thus, if a kilo of rice costs $2.00, the cash value of Fitrah on rice per person would be $6.00. We recommend, Fitrah on basmati rice to be Canadian Dollars 7.00 for residents of Canada and US Dollars 6.00 for US residents. (Please check prices for other items in your areas.)
Q. Whom should we give the Fitrah to?
A. It is given to the needy who are unable to meet their own or their dependants annual living expenses, nor do they have the means to do so through earning. Ayatullah As-Seestani says that the needy who is given the fitrah must be a Shi`ah Ithna `Ashari.
A. It is given to the needy who are unable to meet their own or their dependants annual living expenses, nor do they have the means to do so through earning. Ayatullah As-Seestani says that the needy who is given the fitrah must be a Shi`ah Ithna `Ashari.
Q. Who should not be given the Fitrah?
A. A needy who: consumes alcohol, does not say his daily prayers (salat), commits sins openly, or he who is known to use the Fitrah in sinful way.
A. A needy who: consumes alcohol, does not say his daily prayers (salat), commits sins openly, or he who is known to use the Fitrah in sinful way.
Q. Are there any additional rules that we need to be aware of?
A. Following are some important rules: (i) Fitrah should not be sent outside the town one resides in, if there are deserving mumineen in that town. (ii) Fitrah from a non-Sayyid cannot be given to a needy Sayyid; the reverse is permissible. (iii) A needy should be given at least one Fitrah (iv) Amongst the needy, relatives should be preferred over others when giving Fitrah, next in line are neighbors and then the learned.
A. Following are some important rules: (i) Fitrah should not be sent outside the town one resides in, if there are deserving mumineen in that town. (ii) Fitrah from a non-Sayyid cannot be given to a needy Sayyid; the reverse is permissible. (iii) A needy should be given at least one Fitrah (iv) Amongst the needy, relatives should be preferred over others when giving Fitrah, next in line are neighbors and then the learned.
The Gloom of Sins and the Glow of Repentance | for everyone |
e |
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) was explaining the following verse of the Holy Qur'an:
"Allah is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the light."
(Surah Baqarah 2:257)
(Surah Baqarah 2:257)
He said,
"It means Allah takes them away from the darkness of the sins to the light of repentance. Because they were having 'Wilayat' of all the just Imams (all twelve of whom are appointed by Allah). The next portion of the same verse is, "and (as to) those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of the light into the darkness."
The Imam further explained:
"It only means those who followed the light of Islam initially but later started following each an every usurper (leader) not authorised by Allah. They left the light of Islam and entered into the darkness of disbelief (Kufr). Thus Allah ordained upon the disbelievers the fire of Hell.
DOUBTS AND CONFUSION-The best deed in the sight of God is Faith in which there is no doubt. | for everyone |
Doubt and confusion means being unable to extract truth and to reject the untruth and these defects too are considered dangerous for man. But the initial doubt, in the opinion of Martyr Mutahhari (r.a.), is not only not undesirable but is also desirable because it is a means of finding the fact. What has been censured is to continue in doubt, not the doubt itself.
He it is Who created you from clay, then He decreed a term; and there is a term named with Him; still you doubt. And among men is he who serves Allah standing on the verge, so that if good befalls him he is satisfied therewith, but if a trial afflict him he turns back headlong; he loses this world as well as the hereafter; that is a manifest loss. The believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Apostle then they doubt not and struggle hard with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah; they are the truthful ones.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has reportedly said: The best deed in the sight of God is Faith in which there is no doubt. Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s.) has said: Really those who are in doubt and sin are in hell these two are not from us and they do not come toward us. Hazrat Sadiq (a.s.), while explaining the verse In this way the Lord Almighty puts impurity on these who do not believe says here impurity means doubtfulness.
From these verses we conclude that doubtfulness is very condemnable and it is not compatible with Faith is God and in the Hereafter. Of course, doubt is different from Vaswasaa (enticement) which sometimes is created by satan in the heart of man. So we read in a narration; Someone asked Imam Moosa bin Ja’far (a.s.): and in another instance said: A man asked the Imam: I feel big enticements in my heart. The Imam replied: Say: laa ilaaha illallah or laa hula walaa quwwata illa billah.
Remedy for removing doubtfulness and ignorance
The way of removing this dangerous disease is the tearing apart the veils of ignorance and doubts and implanting Faith and certainty in heart. That is why the scholars of Islam have said that certainty is the opposite of compound ignorance and confusion and doubt. For this reason certainty is considered the best of human virtues.
In the Holy Quran also Yaqueen (Certainty) is mentioned as one of the virtues of the Muttaqueen Pious, Mumineen Faithful and Muhsineen Benevolent.
Surah Baqarah: 2, Surah Naml: 3, Luqman: 4.
And we made of them Imams to guide by our command when they were patient, and they were certain of our communications. Nay! if you had known with a certain knowledge, You should most certainly have seen the hell; Then you shall most certainly see it with the eye of certainty.
Surah Baqarah: 2, Surah Naml: 3, Luqman: 4.
And we made of them Imams to guide by our command when they were patient, and they were certain of our communications. Nay! if you had known with a certain knowledge, You should most certainly have seen the hell; Then you shall most certainly see it with the eye of certainty.
Sinister Results of Prejudice- an evil within | for everyone |
If a man shows prejudice or undue love or hatred toward anyone, he does not know the reality, rather, sometimes, he imagines good to be bad and bad to be good. Explaining this attitude in a very fine style, the Holy Quran says: What! Is he whose evil deed is made fair seeming to him so much so that he considers it good? is like the one who is seeking truth?
Wrong prejudices and illogical traditions drag down men to such depths making them blind and deaf that they become lower than animals. An animal has much affection for its offspring in the beginning of life but man’s prejudice crushes his internal instincts to such an extent that child killing appears to him a good deed. Sometimes he enjoys it and shows pride about it. In this respect the Holy Quran says:
And thus their associates have made fair seeming to most of the polytheists the killing of their children… And also Say: Shall We inform you of the greatest losers in their deeds? These are they whose labour is lost in this worlds life and they think that they are well versed in skill of the work of hands.
Finally man, under the effect of prejudices and multiple ignorance, falls in wrong alleys in such a way that he thinks he is doing good but, really does not know that he has ignited a fire and is burning both himself and the society in its flames. Currently the problem of prejudice is clearly observed between groups and parties and institutions: it is probable that we also do what the polytheists and the idol-worshippers do. May Allah save from it.
Here a question arises: is there, in Islam, any prejudice that can be considered as permissible and desirable? In reply we say: no According to Islam one indulges in prejudice when he follows a group unreasonably and when he knows that groups is working on wrong lines. Otherwise, if man follows pious and suitable persons, it is not only no prejudice but rather Islam has encouraged such deed, When somebody asked Ali bin Husain (a.s.) about prejudice he said: Sinful prejudice is when man considers that the evil fellows belonging to his folk are better than the gentlemen of the other folk. But loving ones community is no prejudice. Helping ones community in oppression is part of prejudice.
Wrong prejudices and illogical traditions drag down men to such depths making them blind and deaf that they become lower than animals. An animal has much affection for its offspring in the beginning of life but man’s prejudice crushes his internal instincts to such an extent that child killing appears to him a good deed. Sometimes he enjoys it and shows pride about it. In this respect the Holy Quran says:
And thus their associates have made fair seeming to most of the polytheists the killing of their children… And also Say: Shall We inform you of the greatest losers in their deeds? These are they whose labour is lost in this worlds life and they think that they are well versed in skill of the work of hands.
Finally man, under the effect of prejudices and multiple ignorance, falls in wrong alleys in such a way that he thinks he is doing good but, really does not know that he has ignited a fire and is burning both himself and the society in its flames. Currently the problem of prejudice is clearly observed between groups and parties and institutions: it is probable that we also do what the polytheists and the idol-worshippers do. May Allah save from it.
Here a question arises: is there, in Islam, any prejudice that can be considered as permissible and desirable? In reply we say: no According to Islam one indulges in prejudice when he follows a group unreasonably and when he knows that groups is working on wrong lines. Otherwise, if man follows pious and suitable persons, it is not only no prejudice but rather Islam has encouraged such deed, When somebody asked Ali bin Husain (a.s.) about prejudice he said: Sinful prejudice is when man considers that the evil fellows belonging to his folk are better than the gentlemen of the other folk. But loving ones community is no prejudice. Helping ones community in oppression is part of prejudice.
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has said: The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) used to seek Gods protection daily from six things: Doubt, polytheism, prejudice, Anger, Rebellion and oppression and Jealousy. Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s.) is reported to have said: Verily God punished six groups due to six qualities: Arab for his prejudice, the rich for their pride, Ameers for their oppression, the Faqueehs for their jealousy and the traders for their dishonesty, and the villagers for their ignorance.
SIN & TAWBAH | for everyone |
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Tawbah means return to the soul's initial spirituality after the light of its human nature (fitrah) and its spirit has been covered by the darkness of sins and disobedience. The human soul in its initial state has neither any spiritual virtues nor any vices. It is capable of reaching any station, but in its original state it is pure, sinless and has an intrinsic luminosity.
The perpetration of sins causes obscurity within the heart, and the light of intrinsic nature is extinguished and converted into darkness. However, before total darkness envelops the heart, if a person awakens from the slumber of negligence and makes repentance, the soul gradually returns from the darkness to the light of its original nature and essential spirituality.
This is mentioned in the famous hadith from Imam Baqir (a):“One who repents from sin is like the one who has not sinned..” [Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, kitab al‑'iman wa al‑kufr, babal‑Tawbah, hadith #10]
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Tawbah isnot accepted from one who merely declares, “I repent.” There are a number of conditions that must be fulfilled before the acceptance of Tawbah. These are mentioned below in the following hadith:
It is narrated that someone said: Astaghfirullah (I seek God's forgiveness) before Imam ‘Ali (a). He said to him. "May your mother mourn for you! Do you know whatistighfar is? Verily istighfar is a degree of the 'illiyyun(people of high station) and it is a word that means six things. First is remorse over the past. Second, the resolution not to return to it ever. Third, to return to creatures their (formerly usurped) rights so that you meet God Almighty in a state of purity in which no one has any claim against you. Fourth,that you fulfil every duty that you neglected in order to satisfy your obligation in respect to it.Fifth,that you attend to the flesh of your body that has grown on unlawful nourishment so that it melts away as a result of grief and mourning and your skin adheres to your bones, after which new flesh grows in its place. Sixth,that you make your body taste the pain of obedience in the same way as it earlier tasted the pleasure of sins.When you have done these things then say Astaghfirullah! [Nahj al‑Balagha, saying # 417]
This noble tradition mentions two prerequisites for Tawbah(remorse and resolution), two important conditions for its acceptance (returning the rights of creatures and of the Creator), and finally two points for the perfection of repentance.
Mojiza Fatema Zahra (s.a.) ki dua'on ka yeh hai Jis taraf dekho azadaar nazar aate hai | for everyone |
"Jannat Banay Ga Ghar Tera Khud Azma Kay Dehkh
Farsh e Aza Hussain "a.s" Ka Ghar Mai Bicha Kay Dehkh Khushiyaa Karain Tawaf Na Tera To Baat Kar Ek Baar tu Karbala Ki zyrat kar Kay Dehkh Rukh Jaye Gi Tere Ghar Say Takra Kay Andhiyaa Tuu Apnay Ghar pai Parchum e Abbas "a.s" Laga Kay Dehkh . Mojiza Fatema Zahra (s.a.) ki dua'on ka yeh hai Jis taraf dekho azadaar nazar aate hai |
Oh My ALLAH............... | for everyone |
Yassien Ali | 2:00am Aug 29 |
♥ Oh My ALLAH, Forgive Our All Sins in This Month of Ramadan
♥ Oh My ALLAH, Give Health To ill People
♥ Oh My ALLAH, Give Us Strength to Do Good Deeds
♥ Oh My ALLAH, Save us From The Shadow of Evil/Shaitan
♥ Oh My ALLAH, Help Every Muslims in Troubles
♥ Oh My ALLAH,Give Every Muslim to Chance See Your House
♥ Oh My ALLAH,Open The Doors Of Mercy For Us.
♥ Oh My ALLAH, Give Health To ill People
♥ Oh My ALLAH, Give Us Strength to Do Good Deeds
♥ Oh My ALLAH, Save us From The Shadow of Evil/Shaitan
♥ Oh My ALLAH, Help Every Muslims in Troubles
♥ Oh My ALLAH,Give Every Muslim to Chance See Your House
♥ Oh My ALLAH,Open The Doors Of Mercy For Us.
Among the titles of Imam-e-Zamana (a) is Al-Muntaqim (the Revenger)-Revenge of His Eminence from the Enemies of God | for everyone |
Amirul Momineen (a) to have said:
[2] Biharul Anwar; Allamah Muhammad Taqi Majlisi; Vol. 52/314, Ilalush Sharai; Shaykh Sadooq; Vol. 2/267
The Messenger of Allah (s) said: “When I was taken to the heavens during the ascension (Me’raaj) my Lord revealed to me: O Muhammad, I glanced at the earth and selected you from it, and made you the prophet and named you after My name as I am Mahmood and you are Muhammad. Again I glanced at the earth and chose Ali from it and made him your successor and caliph and the husband of your daughter. I named him also after My name. Thus I am the Ali Aala and he is Ali. And I created Fatima, Hasan and Husain from yourNoor (light/effulgence). At that time I presented their Wilayat (Mastership) to the angels so that whoever may accept it, will gain proximity to My court. O Muhammad, if a servant of Mine worships so much that he becomes tired and his body becomes as brittle as musk but he is a denier in their Wilayat, and he comes to Me, I will not accommodate him in My Paradise and not shade him under My Arsh. O Muhammad, would you like to see them? I said: ‘Yes, my Lord!’ The Almighty Allah said: ‘Raise your head.’ So I raised my head and saw the lights of Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Husain, Ali bin al-Husain, Muhammad bin Ali, Ja’far bin Muhammad, Moosa bin Ja’far, Ali bin Moosa, Muhammad bin Ali, Ali bin Muhammad, Hasan bin Ali and Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Qaim. And among them one shone like a brilliant star. I asked: ‘O Lord, who is that?’ He replied, ‘They are the Imams, and he is the Qaim, who will make My lawful, lawful and My unlawful, unlawful. And through him I shall take revenge from My enemies. And he is the source of comfort for My friends. He is the one who will bestow your Shias and followers, respite from the infidels. And he will bring out Lat and Uzza fresh and burn them up. Indeed the trial and test of the people by him will be much more difficult than the mischief of the Calf and Samari.’”[1]
His Eminence, Abu Ja’far Imam Baqir (a) that he said:
“When the Qaim rises, Humaira will be brought to him (after being raised from the dead), so that he may punish her with lashes to avenge for Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad (s).” I asked why he would punish her with lashes?
He replied, “Due to the false allegation she made against Ibrahim’s mother.” I asked: How is it that the Almighty Allah postponed this matter of (punishment by lashing) till the time of Hazrat Qaim? He said: The Almighty Allah, blessed be He, sent Muhammad (s) as a mercy, but He has created Qaim (a) for punishing and taking revenge.”
His Eminence, Abu Abdillah (a) that he said:
“When our Qaim arises, he will take revenge for Allah, His Messenger and all us the family of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.).
[1] Kamaluddin; Shaykh Sadooq; Vol. 1/252[2] Biharul Anwar; Allamah Muhammad Taqi Majlisi; Vol. 52/314, Ilalush Sharai; Shaykh Sadooq; Vol. 2/267
O our Lord, it is the same person who had prayed for us, so please accept our intercession for him. | for everyone |
It is mentioned in Kafi through His Eminence, Abu Abdillah Sadiq (a) that he said:
“The Messenger of Allah (s) said: No one prays for the benefit of believing men and women except that Allah Almighty gives him the same thing for which he had prayed from each of the believers that have come into being since the beginning of the world or those who shall come till Qiyamat. And on the day of Qiyamata believer shall be condemned to Hell and shall be forcibly taken towards Hell. Then the believing men and women will say: O our Lord, it is the same person who had prayed for us, so please accept our intercession for him. Allah Almighty will accept it and give him salvation.”
Zakat-ul-Fitrah | for everyone |
Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya-Zakat-ul-Fitrah | for everyone |
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Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 835 Mason St. | Dearborn | MI | 48124
Na jane kis neend may me gum tha ankh khola to kbar me majud tha.... | for everyone |
Leader of Angels Gabriel (a.s.) said: | for everyone |
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