ALLAH (S.T.) SAID:Whoever desires nearness to Me is one who remains awake during Lailatul-Qadr (worshipping Me)" | for everyone |
The Almighty Allah (s.t.) said : " Whoever desires nearness to Me is one who remains awake during Lailatul-Qadr (worshipping Me)". He said , " Lord I wish to earn your Mercy ". The Almighty said : " My mercy is granted to anyone who is merciful to the indigent during Lailatul-Qadr." He said, "Lord ! I wish to pass on the right path. " He said, " This is granted to to anyone who spends alms during Lailatul-Qadr. ".He said " Lord ! I wish to enjoy the trees and fruits of Paradise ". The Almighty said: This is granted to anyone who praises Me during Lailatul-Qadr. " He said: "Lord I wish to achieve salvation from the fire ! " He said : " This is granted to anyone who seeks forgiveness during Lailatul-Qadr." He said: " Lord I wish to achieve Your Pleasure " ! The Almighty said : " I shall be pleased with anyone who prays two (optional) rak-ats during Lailatul-Qadr ".
When the Chapter of Qadr was mentioned....Immam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.), said.... | for everyone |
" When the Chapter of Qadr was mentioned in the presence of Abu Abdullah Immam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.), he was asked about its merits over the other chapters, and he said " It was revealed with reference to the Wilayat of the Commander of the Faithful (Immam Ali) (a.s.), and it is the night in which the heavens and the earth were determined,and the Wilayat of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) was decreed. "
Lailatul-Qadr it was so named because a Book of Allah, which enjoys greatness of status, was revealed to Prophet who also enjoys a great honour and prestige. The Almighty Allah has addressed His servant and Messenger, our master, Mohammed Mustafa (s.a.w.s.) saying :
" And what will make you comprehend what Lailatul-Qadr is ? Lailatul-Qadr is better than a thousand months, " i.e." How would you know the the greatness, significance, and sanctity of this night which I decreed to be better than a thousand months ?"
There are indications that the Holy Quran was revealed as a whole to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.). In the Holy Quran, we read : " Haa, Meem, By the Book that makes (the truth) manifest, surely We revealed it on a blessed night " (H.Q.44:1-3). "Surely We revealed it on Lailatul-Qadr (H.Q. 98-1)
O Ali ! Do you know the implication of Lailut-Qadr ? | for everyone |
Immam Ali (a.s.) said: " Once the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) asked me once " O Ali ! Do you know the implication of Lailut-Qadr ? " Allah, the Praised One, the Most Glorified, decreed in it what will take place till the Day of Judgment, and among what He, the most Exalted, the Most Great, decreed was your own Imamate and Wilayat and the Imamate and Wilayat of your offspring till the Day of Resurrection."
Du' Al Iftitah | for everyone |
Taught : BY IMAM-E-ASR (A.S.) It is reported from authentic Sources that Imam-e-Asr (A.S.) wrote to his Shias to recite this Du? in this month, as angels listen to this Doa recited in this month and seek forgiveness for the reciter. This Excellent Du'a is as under: Translation of the above Du'a O Allah, I begin the glorification with praise of Thee; Thou, from Thy bounties, gives out freely the truth and salvation; I know for certain that Thou art the most merciful in disposition of forgiveness and mercy, [but] very exacting at the time of giving exemplary punishment and chastisement to wrongdoers, the Omnipotent in the domain of absolute power and might. O Allah, Thou has given me permission to invoke Thee and beseech Thee, so listen, O Hearer, to my words of praise, and give a favourable reply to my supplication, and minimize my falling into misery, O the often-forgiving. O my Allah, many a trouble Thou hath removed; many a sorrow hath Thou dispelled; many a misery hath Thou mitigated; and at all times Thou spreadeth out mercy, and cutteth short the tightening circles of misfortunes. All praise be to Allah, Who has not taken unto Himself a wife, nor a son, and Who has no partner in sovereignty, nor any protecting friend through dependence. Magnify Him with all magnificence. All praise be to Allah, with full gratitude for all his bounties. All praise be to Allah, Who has no opposition to His rule, nor any challenge to His commands. All praise be to Allah, Who has no counsel to meddle with His operation of creation, nor is there anything similar to Him in His greatness. All praise be to Allah, Whose commandments operate in Creation; His glory is evident through love and kindness. His distinct overflowing generosity is freely available through His unlimited bestowals which do not exhaust His resources, and He does not swell the numerous benefits except because of generosity and kindness. Verily He is mighty, generous. O Allah, I ask for some from much, in the midst of my very many needs for which I entirely depend on Thee, and, since eternity, Thou art able to do without it but for me it is a titanic effort and for Thee is very easy and simple. O Allah, truly, when Thou pardon my sins, overlook my mistakes, take a lenient view of my disorderly conduct, cover up my foul actions, show consideration in spite of my many transgressions committed willfully or negligently, I am tempted to ask for that which I do not deserve, from Thee Who, through Thy mercy, gives me the daily bread provides me with that which is suitable for me, through Thy control; and distinguishes me with a favourable reply to my requests. So I persist in calling out, believing in Thee, and I invoke Thee, talking familiarly, not afraid, nor shy, but assured of Thy love and kindness whenever I turn to Thee A temporary setback, and I, out of ignorance, begin to despair, although perhaps slowing down may be a blessing in disguise. because Thou alone knows [all] the consequences. I know no generous master who is more accommodating to dissatisfied servants that Thou art to me. O Lord, Thou giveth an invitation but I turn it down. Thou becometh familiar with me but I do not care for Thee. Thou loveth me but I do not correspond to Thee as if Thou are overreaching me. Yet Thou doth not abstain from bestowing favours and blessings on me from Thy mercy and generosity so have mercy on Thy ignorant servant Verily Thou art generous and kind. Praise be To Allah the owner of sovereignty, Who sets the course of the skies and the stars controls the winds, causes the daybreak, and administers authority, the Lord of the worlds. Praise be to Allah for His indulgence in the wake of His all-awareness. Praise be to Allah for His amnesty ensuing from His omnipotence. Praise be To Allah for the respite He allows In spite of provocation. He is able to do what He wills. Praise be to Allah, the creator of all the created beings, Who makes sustenance freely available, starts the day, the owner of glory, might, favours, and bounties, Who is far away, invisible, and nearest, so near that He is fully aware of the whispered secrets, the Blessed, the Praised. Praise be to Allah, Who has no equal to challenge Him, nor is there an image comparable to Him, nor a helper to assist Him. He tames the powerful by His force, and disgraced are the terrible before His greatness; so He, through His power, fulfils that which He wills. Praise be to Allah, Who gives answer to me whenever I call Him; covers up my shortcomings yet I disobey Him; gives me the largest part of the bounties yet I want more. Many favours He has sanctioned; many terrible dangers He has averted; and many blossoming joys he has made available for me. Therefore, I sing His praises and recite His glorifications. Praise be to Allah. None can disclose anything hidden by Him; none can shut the doors kept open by Him; no one who makes a request is sent away disappointed by Him; and no one who looks long and attentively is deluded in his hopes. Praise be to Allah, Who gives protection to the frightened; comes to the help of the upright; promotes the cause of the weak and the enslaved; annihilates the autocrats; destroys rulers and appoints the 'awaited savours' in their place. Praise be to Allah, Who breaks everything belonging to the oppressors; puts an end to the tyrants; watches over the fugitives; brings assistance to those who cry out for help; meets and clears up the demands of the needy beseechers; supports the faithful. Praise be to Allah. In his awe-inspiring fear the heavens and its dwellers tremble and shiver; the earth and its inhabitants shake and quiver; the oceans and all that floats and swims in its waters flow together in excitement and tumult. Praise be to Allah, Who has guided us to this. We could not truly have been led aright if Allah had not guided us. Praise be to Allah, Who creates but is not created; gives subsistence but needs no provisions; gives food to eat but takes no nourishment; makes the living dead and brings the dead to life; and He is the everliving, there is no death for Him; in His hands is all the good. And He is able to do all things. O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad, Thy servant, Messenger, confidant, friend, beloved intimate, mercy unto all the created beings, bearer of Thy sacraments, quotient of Thy messengers, the most superior, the exquisite, the most handsome, the most perfect, the upright, the more prospering, the more pleasant, the thoroughly purified, the sublime; who has more and better blessings, advantages, mercies, affections and salutations than Thou made available to any one of Thy servants, prophets, messengers, friends, and those honoured by Thee from among Thy created being. O Allah send blessings on 'Ali the Leader of the Faithful, the successor to the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, Thy servant, Thy beloved representative, brother of Thy Messenger, Thy decisive argument over mankind, Thy most important sign, the great news from Thee. O Allah, send blessings on the truthful pure Fatima, the chosen leader of the women of the worlds. O Allah, send blessings on the sons of 'the mercy unto the worlds', the leaders and guides, the Imams al-Hasan and al-Husayn, the leaders of the dwellers of Paradise. O Allah, send blessings on the Leaders of the Muslims, 'Ali ibn al-Husayn, Muhammad ibn 'Ali, Jafar ibn Muhammad, Musa ibn Jafar, 'Ali ibn Musa, Muhammad ibn'Ali, 'Ali ibn Muhammad, al-Hasan ibn'Ali, and his son, the rightly guided Guide, Thy decisive argument over Thy servants, Thy trustworthy confidant on Thy earth; blessings, numerous, and for ever. O Allah, send blessings on the Custodian of thy commandments, the vigilant Guardian, the reliable Patron, the awaited Justice, surrounded by Thy favourite angels, assisted by the Holy Spirit. O Lord of the worlds. O Allah, send him to call the people unto Thy Book for establishing Thy religion, and make him succeed in the earth, as Thou caused those who were before him to succeed, and establish for him his faith which Thou has approved for him, and give him in exchange safety after fear. He serves Thee. He ascribes nothing as partner unto Thee. O Allah, give him power and authority, and through him strengthen the people. Give him the necessary assistance, and through him support the people, and make him prevail over allya final decisive victory, and delegate him Thy controlling authority. O Allah, give currency to Thy religion, and the way of life of Thy Prophet, through him till nothing which is just and genuine is kept concealed from any human being. O Allah, we ardently desire that in [his] kind, just, and fair era, Thou should reactivate Islam and stimulate its followers, and humble and humiliate the imposters and their double-dealing, and include us among those who invite people unto Thy obedience, and lead them to Thy approved path, and give us the good of this world and the world to come. O Allah, let us bear out and hold up that which Thou maketh known to us as the truth, and let us be fully aware of that which we fall short of doing. O Allah, through him, set in order our disorder; gather and unite our flock; stitch together our sundered separation; turn our want and poverty into sufficiency; lift us up from our degradation; free us from our misery; pull us out from our debts; help us to get out from the ditch of cares and sorrows; fill the gap created by confusion among us; let our difficulties be easy to deal with; refine our substance and style; untie our ropes and straps; let our efforts succeed well and secure success; make us fulfill our promises; give answers to our prayers; listen to our requests; cause us to obtain the good of this world and the hereafter; give us much and more than our expectations, O the best of givers and bestowers; and cleanse our hearts, unburden our emotions from hate and anger, and, in the event of dispute in the matter of truth, show us the right path. Verily, Thou guides whoever Thou will to the right path. Let us, through him, get the better of Thy enemies and our opponents, O True God. Be it so. O Allah, we feel uneasy about and are disturbed by the departure of our Prophet, Thy blessings be on him and on his family, the absence of our guardian-friend, too many enemies, our numerical scarcity, widespread disorder, and the vicissitudes of time. So send blessings on Muhammad and on his family, and help us to overcome this state of affairs at once. Disperse the ominous clouds hanging over our heads; lend a helping hand to achieve success; bring in the rule of justice and fair play; make us bright, free from grief; and take care of us. Through Thy mercy, O most Merciful. |
Dua'a for 23rd Ramadhan | for everyone |
O Lord of Laylatul Qadr (night of power), who has made it better than a thousand months. O Lord of the night and the day, of the mountains and the seas, of darkness and light, and the earth and the sky. O the Originator, the Designer, The Affectionate, the Gracious. O Allah, the Beneficent, O Allah, the Everlasting, O Allah, O (the) Maker, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, You have the most beautiful names, the highest examples, the grandeur, the bounties.
I beseech You to, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, and place my name, in this night, among the fortunate, and my soul among the martyrs, let my good deeds be (written) in the 'Illiyyin (Book of the virtuous),and my evil deeds be forgiven. (And I beseech You to ) grant me a certainty which gives joy to my heart, and a faith which drives doubt away from me, and make me pleased with what You have granted me. (And I beseech You to) Give us good in this world,
and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of the burning fire. (HQ 2:201) (And I beseech You to) grant me in it (Laylatul Qadr) Your rememberance, and Your gratitude, and desire for (pleasing) You, turning (to You for repentance), and success, for all that You have granted Muhammad and his family, peace be on him and on them.
Surat al-Qadr, The Sura of Destiny
In the Name of God the Compassionate the Caring
We sent him/it down on the night of destiny And what could tell you of the night of destiny The night of qadr is better than a thousand months The angels come down—the spirit upon her— by permission of their lord from every order Peace she is until the rise of dawn bi smi llahi r-rahmani r-rahim In the name of God the Compassionate the Caring Inna anzalna hu fi laylati l-qadr indeed we sent down him/it on the night of qadr wa ma adraka ma laylatu l-qadr and what can tell you what is the night of qadr laylatu l-qadri khayrun min alfi shahr the night of destiny is better than a thousand months tanazzalu l-mala'ikatu wa r-ruhu fiha come down the angels and the spirit in her/it bi idhni rabbihim min kulli amr by permission of their lord from every order salamun hiya hatta matla'i l-fajr peace she until the break of dawn |
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: " Allah has favored Friday all over other days, the month of Ramadan over all other months, and the Night of Destiny (Lailatul-Qadr) over all other nights, and Allah has favored the Holy Quran over all other Books which he revealed."
Ibrahim, one of the companions of Immam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) asked the Immam (a.s.) about how the Holy Quran was revealed during Lailatul-Qadr, knowing that it took more than twenty years to reveal. The Immam (a.s.) answered by saying : " The Holy Quran was revealed as a whole during the month of Ramadan at the Ancient House (the Ka'ba), and then from there it was revealed along the span of (more than) twenty years." Then he cited the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) saying: " The Books of Ibrahim (a.s.) were revealed on the first night of the month of Ramadan; the Torah was revealed on the sixth of the month of Ramadan; the Gospel (Injil, i.e. the Bible) was revealed on the thirteenth of the month of Ramadan; the Psalms (Zabur) was revealed on the eighteenth of the month of the Ramadan, and the Holy Quaran was revealed on the twenty-fourth of the month of Ramadan."(This tradition is recorded in Bihar al-Anwar pg 25 vol 94 and also on pg 80 vol 1, of al-'Ayyashi's Tafsir.)
The name was used for Lailatul-Qadr because Allah, the Almighty determines in it for everyone all what will happen the entire next year. The "Qadar" in this sense means destiny. According to al-Qummi's Tafsir, as explained on pg.432 vol.2, such destiny includes life and death, sustenance, abundance of crops or famine and everything good or bad. This means that Allah the Glorified and Exalted determines in this night each and every event to occur during the next year to any all of His creation.
Al-Majlisi quotes his father who quoted Immam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) saying : " During Lailatu-Qadr, the angels, the spirit, and the trusted scribes all descend to the lower heavens and write down whatever Allah decrees that year, and if Allah wishes to advance something or postpone it or add thereto, He orders the angel to erase it and replace it with whatever He decrees."
One of the companion of Immam Al-Rida (a.s.) asked why the chapter of Qadr was revealed ?
The Immam (a.s.) said: "Lailatul-Qadr is the night when Allah, the most Exalted, the most Great, decrees what will take place from one year to another of life or death, good or evil, or regarding sustenance, and whatever He then decrees is sure destiny".
Immam Ali (a.s.) said: " Once the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) asked me once " O Ali ! Do you know the implication of Lailut-Qadr ? " Allah, the Praised One, the Most Glorified, decreed in it what will take place till the Day of Judgment, and among what He, the most Exalted, the Most Great, decreed was your own Imamate and Wilayat and the Imamate and Wilayat of your offspring till the Day of Resurrection."
" When the Chapter of Qadr was mentioned in the presence of Abu Abdullah Immam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.), he was asked about its merits over the other chapters, and he said " It was revealed with reference to the Wilayat of the Commander of the Faithful (Immam Ali) (a.s.), and it is the night in which the heavens and the earth were determined,and the Wilayat of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) was decreed. "
Lailatul-Qadr it was so named because a Book of Allah, which enjoys greatness of status, was revealed to Prophet who also enjoys a great honour and prestige. The Almighty Allah has addressed His servant and Messenger, our master, Mohammed Mustafa (s.a.w.s.) saying :
" And what will make you comprehend what Lailatul-Qadr is ? Lailatul-Qadr is better than a thousand months, " i.e." How would you know the the greatness, significance, and sanctity of this night which I decreed to be better than a thousand months ?"
There are indications that the Holy Quran was revealed as a whole to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.). In the Holy Quran, we read : " Haa, Meem, By the Book that makes (the truth) manifest, surely We revealed it on a blessed night " (H.Q.44:1-3). "Surely We revealed it on Lailatul-Qadr (H.Q. 98-1)
Ibe-Abbas is quoted saying : " The Holy Quran was revealed as a whole from the Safeguard Scroll from the heavens to the lower earth on Lailatul-Qadr, then Gabriel (a.s.) used to reveal it unto Mohammed (s.a.w.s) gradually. It is well known that the Holy Quran was revealed unto the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s) in installments during a period of twenty-three years. The first chapter revealed unto the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s) at the Cave of Hira was the Chapter of al'Alaq when Garbriel said to him :
" (O Muhammad) Read in the Name of your Lord who created..." (H.Q.96:1), up to the end of the chapter. The last verse of the Glorious Book of Allah revealed unto the Messenger (s.a.w.s) was : " Today have I completed for you your religion, perfected My blessing unto you, and accepted Islam as your religion (H.Q. 5:3). Thus, suffices this blessed night the honour and dignity of being particularly chosed by the Glorified and Exalted One for the revelation of His Glorious Quran which is the shining and guiding light of the religion of Islam and the constitution of its adherents."
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: " Whoever remains awake during Lailatul-Qadr and spends it in adoration will have his penalty postponed till the next year."
Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) once addressed the Almighty saying, " Lord I desire to be near to you."
The Almighty Allah (s.t.) said : " Whoever desires nearness to Me is one who remains awake during Lailatul-Qadr (worshipping Me)". He said , " Lord I wish to earn your Mercy ". The Almighty said : " My mercy is granted to anyone who is merciful to the indigent during Lailatul-Qadr." He said, "Lord ! I wish to pass on the right path. " He said, " This is granted to to anyone who spends alms during Lailatul-Qadr. ".He said " Lord ! I wish to enjoy the trees and fruits of Paradise ". The Almighty said: This is granted to anyone who praises Me during Lailatul-Qadr. " He said: "Lord I wish to achieve salvation from the fire ! " He said : " This is granted to anyone who seeks forgiveness during Lailatul-Qadr." He said: " Lord I wish to achieve Your Pleasure " ! The Almighty said : " I shall be pleased with anyone who prays two (optional) rak-ats during Lailatul-Qadr ".
On Lailatul-Qadr did the night journey (Israa) to heavens take place, and the Almighty Allah raised Isa (a.s.) son of Bibi Maryam (a.s.) to Him. On it, His servant and Prophet Moosa (a.s.) died, and so did Joshua son of Noon (a.s.), the wasi of Moosa (a.s.). Also on it was the Commander of the Faithful Immam Ali (a.s.) was martyred.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) has been asked once about the Night of Destiny (Lailatul-Qadr). So he ascended the pulpit, and, having praised the Almighty (s.t.) the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
" You have asked me about the Night of Destiny. I have not concealed the knowledge of it from you out of ignorance thereof. Be informed, O people, that whoever during the month of Ramadan is healthy, and he fasts during its days and performs prayers during a portion of its nights and is punctual regarding the obligatory prayers, and makes an effort to attend congregational prayers on Fridays during it and attends the Eid prayers as well, he will then have honored the Night of Destiny duty, and he will receive his reward from the Creator."
Immam Jaf'ar as-Sadiq (a.s.) said : " That whoever recites Surah al-Ankabut (The spider) and al-Rum (the Romans) and (in other tradition also) Surah al- Dukhan (Smoke/Mist) during the nights of Lailatul-Qadr will secure admission into Paradise without any exception. Surely these Chapters enjoy a great status with Allah."
Surat al-Qadr, The Sura of Destiny
In the Name of God the Compassionate the Caring
We sent him/it down on the night of destiny And what could tell you of the night of destiny The night of qadr is better than a thousand months The angels come down—the spirit upon her— by permission of their lord from every order Peace she is until the rise of dawn bi smi llahi r-rahmani r-rahim In the name of God the Compassionate the Caring Inna anzalna hu fi laylati l-qadr indeed we sent down him/it on the night of qadr wa ma adraka ma laylatu l-qadr and what can tell you what is the night of qadr laylatu l-qadri khayrun min alfi shahr the night of destiny is better than a thousand months tanazzalu l-mala'ikatu wa r-ruhu fiha come down the angels and the spirit in her/it bi idhni rabbihim min kulli amr by permission of their lord from every order salamun hiya hatta matla'i l-fajr peace she until the break of dawn |
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has been quoted to have said: " The gates of heaven will be opened during Lailatul-Qadr, every devotee who performs prayers during it will receive a tree in Paradise for each prostration he makes, a tree under whose shade a rider may keep riding for a hundred years without leaving its shade. And he will receive for each ra'kaat a mansion in Paradise of pearls, sapphires, chrysolites and diamonds. For each verse he recites he will receive one of the crowns of Paradise ." The tradition is lengthy and it contains quite a generous reward indeed. ('al-Iqbal' Kansul
Yawaqeet by Abul-Fahdi ibn Mohammed al Harwi)
Al- Dooryasti in 'Kitab al-Husna, relying on the authority of Abu Ja'fer al-Jawad who quotes his forefathers quoting Immam al Baqr (a.s.), The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) is quoted saying
"that whoever spends Lailatul-Qadr adoring his Lord will have all his sins forgiven even if they had numbered as many as the stars in the heavens, the weight of the mountains, or the measures of the seas." Al-Harwi reported a similar tradition, which is recorded in 'Kanz al Yawaqeet'
Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him and his fathers, is quoted on pg 5351 of Al-Sahih al Jami' citing the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) saying : " Lailatul-Qadr is easy, airy, neither hot or very cold; the sun rises on its morning colored pale red." “At the morning of Lailatul-Qadr, the sun rises without rays, looking like a washbowl, till it is high." This tradition is reported by Muslim and al-Tirmithi. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) is also reported saying: "Lailatul-Qadr is a serene night, neither hot nor cold, and no comet is hurled during it. One of the signs of its advent is that the sun rises without a ray."
Zad al-Ma'ad quotes a few scholars who believe in its perpetuity, indicating that some of them say that it is at the conclusion of the year; therefore, it has to be observed during all nights of the year so that one of them will be it.
Others say that it is the beginning of the month of Ramadan, while others say it is the middle of it; yet others say it is the seventeenth. Still others say it is the twenty-ninth of it, while others say it is the last night of it, and most Sunnis of our time are of the view that is the twenty-seventh. This proves that the reason why it was not determined exactly is due to the purpose of observing entire month.
Do you need any more clues regarding the greatness of Lailatul-Qadr ? It is narrated by the authors of 'Thewab al-A'mal and Bihar al-Anwar have cited the son of Al-Mutwakkil quoting Muhammad al-Attar quoting al-Ash ari quoting Muhammed ibn Hassan quoting ibn Mahran quoting al-Bataini quoting his father quoting Abu Busayr quoting Immam Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq (a.s), the men whose truthfulness is not doubted even by the most skeptic scholar, saying that whoever recites al-Ankabut (The Spider and Surah a-Rum (Romans) will secure admission into Paradise without any exception. On pg.29 vol 94,Bihar al-Anwar, the Immam (a.s.) is quoted adding, “I do not fear lest Allah should record that I have committed a sin for having said this; surely these two Chapters enjoy a great status with Allah".
Is it the 17th or the 19th? Immam Abu Ja'far Muhammed ibn Ali al-Baqir (a.s.) is quoted in Bihar al-Anwar and Da'aim al-Islam as having said: "The 17th Night of the month of Ramadan is when the two parties met, and 19th is when the lists of the Pilgrims is written down, and the 21st is when successors to the Prophets passed away and Jesus Christ (a.s.) was raised to Heaven and Moses (a.s.) passed away, whereas the 23rd is hoped to be
Lailatul-Qadr." Both al'Ayyahsi's Tafsir and al-Majilisi's Bihar al-anwar quote "Amr ibn Sa'eed saying: " A man from Medina disagreed with me regarding the night (Lailatu-Qadr) when the two hosts met, saying that it was the night of the 17th of the month of Ramadan, so I went to see Abu Abdullah (a.s.) and told him about our disagreement, whereupon the Immam
(a.s.) said:
"The man from Medina did not say the truth; I know that you mean it is the 19th when the Commander of the Faithful (Immam Ali a.s.) was wounded, and it is the same night when Jesus son of Mary (a.s.) was raised to Heavens." Both references quote Humran quoting Abu Abdullah Immam Jafar -as Sadiq (a.s.) saying, "The destiny referred to as Lailatul-Qadr is the same destiny referred to in another verse (of Surah al-A'raf) wherein the most Exalted One says: “When their doom is come, they shall not remain behind in the least, nor they will go before."
Or is it the 21st or the 23rd? Al-Hussain ibn 'Ubaydullah according to Majalis al-Shaykt, as quoted on pg. 2, vol.94, of Bihar al-Anwar, quotes Ahmed ibn Muhammed ibn Yayha who in turn quote his father saying " I was in the company of Abu Abdullah (a.s.) when Abu Busayr asked him, ' Which night
is the one when one is to plead to his Lord whatever he wishes to plead?
The Immam (a.s.) answered him by saying, " Either the twenty-first or the twenty-third." He then asked the Immam (a.s.) “What if I have no strength to observe both of them? The Immam (a.s.) said, “How easy it is to observe them when compared to your pleas " ! Abu Abdullah (a.s.) is also quoted in the same volume of Bihar al-Anwar saying, " The twenty-third night of the month of Ramadan is the one when every weighty matter is decided, when trials, tribulations, deaths, and means of sustenance and other matters are determined, and so will whatever Allah decrees to take place for the entire next year; so, congratulations to any one who remains awake during it bowing, prostrating, contemplating upon his sins, weeping on their account, for if you do all of that, God will, you will never be disappointed ". Then he added, "Allah will order an angel to call out during each and every day of the month of Ramadan conveying Allah's message to them thus " Good news, O My servants, I have forgiven your past sins and permitted some of you to intercede on behalf of the rest on Lailatul-Qadr except those who break their fast with an intoxicant or those who bear grudge against another Muslim brother" !
Yawaqeet by Abul-Fahdi ibn Mohammed al Harwi)
Al- Dooryasti in 'Kitab al-Husna, relying on the authority of Abu Ja'fer al-Jawad who quotes his forefathers quoting Immam al Baqr (a.s.), The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) is quoted saying
"that whoever spends Lailatul-Qadr adoring his Lord will have all his sins forgiven even if they had numbered as many as the stars in the heavens, the weight of the mountains, or the measures of the seas." Al-Harwi reported a similar tradition, which is recorded in 'Kanz al Yawaqeet'
Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him and his fathers, is quoted on pg 5351 of Al-Sahih al Jami' citing the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) saying : " Lailatul-Qadr is easy, airy, neither hot or very cold; the sun rises on its morning colored pale red." “At the morning of Lailatul-Qadr, the sun rises without rays, looking like a washbowl, till it is high." This tradition is reported by Muslim and al-Tirmithi. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) is also reported saying: "Lailatul-Qadr is a serene night, neither hot nor cold, and no comet is hurled during it. One of the signs of its advent is that the sun rises without a ray."
Zad al-Ma'ad quotes a few scholars who believe in its perpetuity, indicating that some of them say that it is at the conclusion of the year; therefore, it has to be observed during all nights of the year so that one of them will be it.
Others say that it is the beginning of the month of Ramadan, while others say it is the middle of it; yet others say it is the seventeenth. Still others say it is the twenty-ninth of it, while others say it is the last night of it, and most Sunnis of our time are of the view that is the twenty-seventh. This proves that the reason why it was not determined exactly is due to the purpose of observing entire month.
Do you need any more clues regarding the greatness of Lailatul-Qadr ? It is narrated by the authors of 'Thewab al-A'mal and Bihar al-Anwar have cited the son of Al-Mutwakkil quoting Muhammad al-Attar quoting al-Ash ari quoting Muhammed ibn Hassan quoting ibn Mahran quoting al-Bataini quoting his father quoting Abu Busayr quoting Immam Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq (a.s), the men whose truthfulness is not doubted even by the most skeptic scholar, saying that whoever recites al-Ankabut (The Spider and Surah a-Rum (Romans) will secure admission into Paradise without any exception. On pg.29 vol 94,
Is it the 17th or the 19th? Immam Abu Ja'far Muhammed ibn Ali al-Baqir (a.s.) is quoted in Bihar al-Anwar and Da'aim al-Islam as having said: "The 17th Night of the month of Ramadan is when the two parties met, and 19th is when the lists of the Pilgrims is written down, and the 21st is when successors to the Prophets passed away and Jesus Christ (a.s.) was raised to Heaven and Moses (a.s.) passed away, whereas the 23rd is hoped to be
Lailatul-Qadr." Both al'Ayyahsi's Tafsir and al-Majilisi's Bihar al-anwar quote "Amr ibn Sa'eed saying: " A man from Medina disagreed with me regarding the night (Lailatu-Qadr) when the two hosts met, saying that it was the night of the 17th of the month of Ramadan, so I went to see Abu Abdullah (a.s.) and told him about our disagreement, whereupon the Immam
(a.s.) said:
"The man from Medina did not say the truth; I know that you mean it is the 19th when the Commander of the Faithful (Immam Ali a.s.) was wounded, and it is the same night when Jesus son of Mary (a.s.) was raised to Heavens." Both references quote Humran quoting Abu Abdullah Immam Jafar -as Sadiq (a.s.) saying, "The destiny referred to as Lailatul-Qadr is the same destiny referred to in another verse (of Surah al-A'raf) wherein the most Exalted One says: “When their doom is come, they shall not remain behind in the least, nor they will go before."
Or is it the 21st or the 23rd? Al-Hussain ibn 'Ubaydullah according to Majalis al-Shaykt, as quoted on pg. 2, vol.94, of Bihar al-Anwar, quotes Ahmed ibn Muhammed ibn Yayha who in turn quote his father saying " I was in the company of Abu Abdullah (a.s.) when Abu Busayr asked him, ' Which night
is the one when one is to plead to his Lord whatever he wishes to plead?
The Immam (a.s.) answered him by saying, " Either the twenty-first or the twenty-third." He then asked the Immam (a.s.) “What if I have no strength to observe both of them? The Immam (a.s.) said, “How easy it is to observe them when compared to your pleas " ! Abu Abdullah (a.s.) is also quoted in the same volume of Bihar al-Anwar saying, " The twenty-third night of the month of Ramadan is the one when every weighty matter is decided, when trials, tribulations, deaths, and means of sustenance and other matters are determined, and so will whatever Allah decrees to take place for the entire next year; so, congratulations to any one who remains awake during it bowing, prostrating, contemplating upon his sins, weeping on their account, for if you do all of that, God will, you will never be disappointed ". Then he added, "Allah will order an angel to call out during each and every day of the month of Ramadan conveying Allah's message to them thus " Good news, O My servants, I have forgiven your past sins and permitted some of you to intercede on behalf of the rest on Lailatul-Qadr except those who break their fast with an intoxicant or those who bear grudge against another Muslim brother" !
It's narrated that Allah Suhbanahu wa Ta'ala wards off evil and sins and all types of trials on the from all His servants who fast and grants them light in their hearing and vision; Paradise is decorated during Lalilatul-Qadar's day and night. The great Sunni scholar ibn Abu-Hadid, in his commentary on Nahjul-Balagha, cites ibn al-Muhallabi quoted ibn al-Kalbi quoting Shaddad ibn Ibrahim quoting 'Ubaydullah ibn al Hassan aal-Fahri quoting ibn 'Aradaah saying: "The Commander of Faithful (a.s.) was once as about Lailatul-Qaadr, and he said, " It is not all improbable that I know which night it is and deliberately hide such knowledge, and I do not at all doubt that Allah hid such knowledge from you only out of His love for you, for if you knew which night it is, you would have honored it and left the others, and I hope you will not err in its regard."
Life is a gift... Live it, Enjoy it, Celebrate it, And fulfill it! | for everyone |
Ho aap par Lailatul Qadr ki hazaro barkate nazil,
Na rahe dil ek pal bhi ibadat se gafil, Aap ki har dua ho qubul, or un duao mai ek hum bhi ho shamil. |
23rd Night of Laylatul Qadr........... | for everyone |
ISLAMIC INFORMATION CENTER-ALIM Convention: Schedule and Registration Information | for everyone |
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On the Day of Judgment, a pulpit will be placed for me on the right side of the Throne... -Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) | for everyone |
‘On the Day of Judgment, a pulpit will be placed for me on the right side of the Throne. Then another pulpit will be placed for Ibrahim (peace be upon him) adjacent to mine on the right side of the Throne. Then a bright high and dominating Chair will be brought known as the Chair of Honor. It will be placed for Ali between my pulpit and the pulpit of Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Then my eyes will have never seen a better friend between two bosom friends.
‘I was sitting after I finished from the burial of my uncle Hamzeh (after the Battle of Ohod), that Gabriel descended and said: O Mohammad! Allah sends you al-Salam and says for you: “Indeed I made Salaat compulsory, but I excused the menstruating women, the insane and the children. I made fasting compulsory; yet I exempt a traveler from it. I made Hajj compulsory, but I excused an ill person. I made Zakat compulsory; yet exempt the poor from it. But I made the love for Ali ibn Abi-Talib compulsory on the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, and did not give any excuse to anyone.”
‘God did not create anything unless He made a master in it. The eagle is the master of the birds. The bull is the master of beasts. The lion is the master of wild animals. Friday is the master of the days of the week. Ramadan is the master of the months. Israfil is the master of the angels. Adam is the master of the humans. I am the master of the Prophets and Ali is the master of successors.
The love of Ali ibn Abi-Talib is a tree whose root is in Paradise and its branches are in this world. Whoever from my community clings into any of its branches, it will reach them to Paradise. The hatred of Ali ibn Abi-Talib is a tree that its root is in hell and its branches are in this world. Whoever clings into any of its branches will enter into hell.
O A’Rabi! The love for Ali ibn Abi-Talib is true, then you shall love him. Indeed Allah will love those who love him and he is with me on the Day of Judgment. Ali and I are in the same part (of Paradise).’
It is the right of Almighty Allah that you should worship Him ... | for everyone |
Imam e Sajjad a.s
It is the right of Almighty Allah that you should worship Him without associating any partner to him. And if you fulfill this duty with sincerity, Allah has undertaken to suffice you in the matter of this world and the hereafter, and to preserve for you whatever you like of it. |
On the first gate, three words are written:
Whoever seeks Allah’s pleasure will find happiness and whoever fears Allah will find peace while the one who is conceited and at loss is he who implores and fears other than Allah.
On the second gate:
Let him who does not wish to be unclothed on the Last Day, clothe the bare skins in this world. Let him who does not wish to be thirsty on the Last Day, give water to the thirsty ones in this world, and let him who does not wish to be hungry on the Last Day, feed the hungry bellies of this world.
On the third gate it is written:
Allah’s curse is on those who do not speak the truth. Allah’s curse is on the greedy ones. Allah’s curse in on the oppressors.
On the fourth gate three words are written:
Allah humiliates whoever insults Islam. Allah humiliates whoever belittles The Prophet’s Household. Allah humiliates whoever assists the tyrants in their oppression of people.
On the fifth gate three words are written:
Do not follow (your) desires for desires are contrary to belief, do not speak about what concerns you not, for you may lose Allah’s mercy and never rally to be among the supporter of tyrants.
On the sixth gate it is written:
I have been made unlawful on those who are diligent (in their worship), I have been made unlawful on those who are charitable and I have been made unlawful on those who performed fasting.
On the seventh gate three words are written:
Bring yourself to account before you are brought to account. Reprimand your own selves before you will be reprimanded and invoke Allah now before you are brought before Him where you are then unable to invoke Him.
Paradise has 8 gates. On each gate there are 4 words.............. | for everyone |
The Apostle of Allah said (s):
“When I was led in ascension into heaven, Gabriel (A) said to me: Paradise and Hell have been commanded to come before you. He (the Prophet (S)) said: I saw Paradise and what it contains from blessings and I saw Hell and what it consists from torment.
Gabriel (A) said to me: O Muhammad read what is written on the gates, I thus read.
As for the gates of Paradise, it is written on the first of its gates:
There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Ali is the friend of Allah. For everything there is a trick, and life’s trick consists of four qualities: To have contentment, to sacrifice for the truth, to refrain from malice and to be in the company of virtuous people.
On the second gate, it is written:
There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Ali is the friend of Allah. For everything there is a trick, and the trick for happiness consists of four qualities: To wipe over the head of orphans, to show affection towards the widows, to strive in fulfilling the needs of believers, and to check on the poor and the needy.
On the third gate it is written:
There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Ali is the friend of Allah. For everything there is a trick, and the trick for good health in this world consists of four qualities: to speak little, sleep little, walk little and eat little.
On the fourth gate it is written:
There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Ali is the friend of Allah. Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be hospitable towards his guest. Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day, be generous towards his neighbor. Let him who believes in Allah and the last Day, be kind towards his parents. Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day, either speak good or remain silent.
On the fifth gate it is written:
There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Ali is the friend of Allah. Let him who does not want to be oppressed, not oppress others. Let him who does not wish to be slandered, not slander others. Let him who does not want to be humiliated, not humiliate others and let him who wishes to hold fast to the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks, in this world and the Hereafter, say: There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Ali is the friend of Allah.
On the sixth gate it is written:
There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Ali is the friend of Allah. Let him who wishes to have his grave wide and broad, build mosques. Let him who does not wish to be eaten by earth worms attend the mosques. Let him who wants his body to remain soft, tender and never be decomposed, sweep the (floors) of the mosques and let him who wants to witness his place in Paradise, cover the (floors) of mosques with rugs.
On the seventh gate it is written:
There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Ali is the friend of Allah. The purity of the heart is found in four qualities: In visiting the sick, participating in funerals, in purchasing shrouds and repaying loans.
On the eighth gate it is written:
There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Ali is the friend of Allah: Let him who wishes to enter from these gates, hold fast to four qualities: generosity, good manners, charity and abstention from harming the servants of Allah.
Reciting the Holy Qur’an | for everyone |
Many Muslims like to complete the recitation of the entire Qur’an in this blessed month. If that is not possible, at least a portion of the holy Book should be read during this month. The reward for it is much greater than in other months.
Recitation of the Holy Qur’an has many benefits. The following Hadith illustrate some of these benefits:
• Illuminate your homes by reciting the Holy Qur’an for if the Holy Qur’an is recited frequently in a house, it brings blessings for the family, and the house will give light to those in Heaven as the stars of Heaven give light to those on the earth. Holy Prophet (PBUH).
• The heart gathers rust like iron. Remove this rust by the recitation of the Qur’an. Holy Prophet (PBUH).
• Whoever derives pleasure from the recitation of Qur’an, will not be depressed by the departure of friends. Imam Ali (A.S).
How to recite the Qur’an
1. Do wudhu before reciting. It is forbidden to touch the writings of Qur’an without wudhu. Even when not touching the writings, it is recommended to do wudhu before reciting the Qur’an.
2. Seek protection of Allah from the Shaytan.
3. Recite with a beautiful voice. The Holy Qur’an should be read slowly, with a beautiful voice and consideration for the rules of recitation. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) says: Give beauty to the Qur’an with your voices. And when he was asked as to who had the best voice for recitation, he said: The person who, when you listen to him, you realize that he fears Allah. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has also said: Everything has a decoration, and the decoration for the Qur’an is a beautiful voice.
4. Interact with the Qur’an. Another important point to remember is to interact with the Qur’an when reciting it. When reading verses which promise blessings and reward for the believers, one should be excited and hopeful. But on reading descriptions of punishments meted out to those who disbelieved and displeased Allah, a believer is fearful and seeks refuge in Allah.
Understanding the Holy Qur’an
It is important that believers try to understand what Allah has revealed in the Holy Qur’an. It is a book of guidance, and to derive and act upon this guidance, we need to read and understand its verses. The fourth Imam (A.S) says:
• The Qur’anic verses are treasures of Knowledge and whenever a treasure is opened, you have to see what lies therein.
• Ponder over the verses of the Qur’an, and learn from them, for they are the best of lessons.
Understanding the Qur’an could be done through reading the translation, thinking about the words used in the verse, the causes of revelation, and reading and discussing the commentary provided by knowledgeable scholars.
Many Muslims believe that understanding the Qur’an is the duty of scholars, and they are content to just recite the verses without giving them much thought.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) will complain about such Muslims on the Day of Judgment. The Qur’an says he will say: O my Lord! My people took the Qur’an very lightly. By studying and pondering over the verses of the Qur’an, we will not be among the group the Prophet (PBUH) will complain about on the Day of Judgment.
Prayers are the most comprehensive forms of worshipping. | for everyone |
The Prophet (SAW)said: "On the night of Ascension I saw 70,000 cities like those of yours wherein angels had been worshipping God saying: `May God, the Almighty send His blessings unto those who attend the Friday prayers."
Prayers are the most comprehensive forms of worshipping.
Imam Mahdi (AS) said to Zuhri twice: "Those who delay the performance of morning prayers until the setting of stars and of the evening prayers until the appearance of stars -- are out of Allah's blessings."
The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) says that there are secrets about paying Zakat (poor-rate) which also exist in prayers:
a) Zakat is a financial gift to the poor and in prayers one pray for the poor as well as the Muslim Ummah.
b) By paying Zakat, one's wealth becomes pure and by worshipping God, one's heart is cleansed of sins.
c) Zakat means thanking Allah and by the performance of prayers one thanks Him in his heart for his mental and physical health.
d) Zakat is the destroyer of financial meanness and prayer is the destroyer of one's arrogance.
e) Zakat protects one's wealth and worship protects one's deeds against evil-doings. Zakat is a stock for the poor and prayers are a stock for the pious.
f) He who pays Zakat wishes abundance in his wealth and he who worships wishes to be rewarded.
As long as one is praying, angels pray for him saying, "O Lord! Send your blessings unto him."
Anas Ibn Malik said that the Prophet (SAW) never allowed his prayers to be delayed, even when he was traveling.
One dayAbdullah Ibn Masoudattended the congregation prayer led by the Holy Prophet (SAW), but he was late. He freed a slave to compensate for having lost the virtue of attending the congregation in time.
He asked the Prophet (SAW) if Allah had forgiven him.The Prophet (SAW)said that if he would spent all his wealth, he will never be given back the spiritual reward he had missed.
The Prayers of the followings are not accepted:
1- Those who are indifferent to others.
Imam Sadiq (AS) says: "The prayers of those who are indifferent to the destitute and the homeless will not be accepted."
2- Usurers
The Prophet (SAW) says: "The prayers of usurers are like building a house on sandy ground."
3- Irresponsible People
The Prophet (SAW) says: "The prayers of those women who benefit from their husbands' income, but do not show a sense of responsibility to do their duties - are not accepted by God."
4- Those who evade paying Zakat
The Qur'an places great emphasis on the observance of prayers as well as paying Zakat. God does not accept the prayers of those who do not pay Zakat.
Namaz ki qazaa ho skti hai lekin Azaadari ki nai! | for everyone |
Hasan Sangji posted in AzAaDaR -E- AhleBaIt (a.s).
لّھمّ العن قتلۃ الامیرالمومنین الامام عـــــلي ابن ابیطالب علیہ السّلام | for everyone |
للّھمّ العن قتلۃ الامیرالمومنین الامام عـــــلي ابن ابیطالب علیہ السّلام
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