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Hadith of the day | for everyone |
REPENTANCE AS ALLAH (S.T.) LIKES | for everyone |
Someone came to Ali, peace be upon him, claiming strongly his intention to repent. The Imam realized that he was not serious and asked him, "Do you know what repentance is? It is an act worthy of exalted being; it is a holy state of mind which makes you feel that God has bestowed His grace on you and that you are surrounded by angels. You lose your egoism and feel you are purified."
In repentance there is no need to go to a clergyman or to another human being. Repent to your God as it is said in the Quran,
Say, " Oh my people who have been prodigal against yourselves, do not despair of God's Mercy," surely God forgives sins altogether." (Quran 39:53)
The following sentence has been quoted in a Sacred Tradition,
The groan (of repentance) of sinners is dearer to Me than the glorified glorifications (of Me) so you should sigh and groan in these precious nights. Be your own judge and censor, confess all your sins and be sure that God will forgive you and purify your soul. Then you taste the sweetness of worship and sin and the pleasure obtained from them will seem to you so trifling that you will never feel inclined to commit them any more nor to lie or slander or accuse others.
Ali, peace be upon him, has considered six conditions necessary for repentance: Two form its basis, two are the requisites for its acceptance and two for its completion. These six points will be explained in my next discourse.
The greatest joy of chaste people has always been to admit to God their shortcomings, their faults, their needs and their poverty, saying that they show nothing but negligence, while God grants nothing but favor and grace. The following prayer is quoted from Imam Husain, peace be upon him,
My Master, when I glance at my sins I am overcome by fear but when I glance at Your Grace I am filled with hope.
Let me say a few words about the tragedy of Karbala. On the 9th of Muharram, the day before the martyrdom of Imam Husain, peace be upon him, the army of Umar Ibn Sa'd launched their assault on the orders of Ubidullah Ibn Ziad intending to give battle at night. Imam Husain, peace be upon him, asked through his brother, Abu'l Fadl al-Abbas for a respite of one night. To remove suspicion that he intended to delay the fight, he said,
Dear brother, God Himself knows that I love to offer my ritual prayers to Him and tonight which is the last night of my life, I am more eager to do so and to offer my repentance and beg His Forgiveness.
It was a wonderful night of joy for them, full of hopes of martyrdom. They made themselves neat and tidy and even cut their hair. They set aside one of the tents especially for this. One person would be inside and two men were standing outside when one of them began joking. The other one told him that it was no occasion for mirth and joy. He answered that as a rule he did not joke but he felt that night to be a night for mirth.
When others (the enemy) approached the tents, they heard sounds like the buzzing of bees and asked what it was. They were told that the Imam, his household and companions were busy praying and invoking God's Name. The Imam spent that night in devotion and worship. He saw to the affairs of his family and it was then that he delivered his last, eloquent sermon to his followers.
Let me mention a penitent of Karbala that night, a real penitent whose repentance was accepted: Hurr ibn Yazid Riyahi. He was a brave warrior of Kufa. When Ibn Ziad wanted to send a thousand men for the first time against Imam Husain, peace be upon him, Hurr was the man chosen. In doing so he oppressed and mistreated the Prophet's household. It is said that Hurr was seen to be trembling like a leaf. The same narrator was surprised and, approaching him, asked him the reason and whether he was afraid. Hurr told him,
No. I have no fear of fighting but I see myself at a cross roads between heaven and hell and I am wondering which route to take.
At last he chose the right route. Slowly, slowly he turned his horse away in such a way that no one knew what he intended to do. When he reached a certain point, he spurred his horse on until he reached the Imam's tent with his shield turned backward as a sign of coming in peace.
On seeing the Imam, he cried out, "Is my repentance acceptable?" The the Imam said, "Yes." His chivalry was such that he did not put one word of blame upon him for his past conduct. Hurr begged the Imam to let him go and fight.
Say, " Oh my people who have been prodigal against yourselves, do not despair of God's Mercy," surely God forgives sins altogether." (Quran 39:53)
The following sentence has been quoted in a Sacred Tradition,
The groan (of repentance) of sinners is dearer to Me than the glorified glorifications (of Me) so you should sigh and groan in these precious nights. Be your own judge and censor, confess all your sins and be sure that God will forgive you and purify your soul. Then you taste the sweetness of worship and sin and the pleasure obtained from them will seem to you so trifling that you will never feel inclined to commit them any more nor to lie or slander or accuse others.
Ali, peace be upon him, has considered six conditions necessary for repentance: Two form its basis, two are the requisites for its acceptance and two for its completion. These six points will be explained in my next discourse.
The greatest joy of chaste people has always been to admit to God their shortcomings, their faults, their needs and their poverty, saying that they show nothing but negligence, while God grants nothing but favor and grace. The following prayer is quoted from Imam Husain, peace be upon him,
My Master, when I glance at my sins I am overcome by fear but when I glance at Your Grace I am filled with hope.
Let me say a few words about the tragedy of Karbala. On the 9th of Muharram, the day before the martyrdom of Imam Husain, peace be upon him, the army of Umar Ibn Sa'd launched their assault on the orders of Ubidullah Ibn Ziad intending to give battle at night. Imam Husain, peace be upon him, asked through his brother, Abu'l Fadl al-Abbas for a respite of one night. To remove suspicion that he intended to delay the fight, he said,
Dear brother, God Himself knows that I love to offer my ritual prayers to Him and tonight which is the last night of my life, I am more eager to do so and to offer my repentance and beg His Forgiveness.
It was a wonderful night of joy for them, full of hopes of martyrdom. They made themselves neat and tidy and even cut their hair. They set aside one of the tents especially for this. One person would be inside and two men were standing outside when one of them began joking. The other one told him that it was no occasion for mirth and joy. He answered that as a rule he did not joke but he felt that night to be a night for mirth.
When others (the enemy) approached the tents, they heard sounds like the buzzing of bees and asked what it was. They were told that the Imam, his household and companions were busy praying and invoking God's Name. The Imam spent that night in devotion and worship. He saw to the affairs of his family and it was then that he delivered his last, eloquent sermon to his followers.
Let me mention a penitent of Karbala that night, a real penitent whose repentance was accepted: Hurr ibn Yazid Riyahi. He was a brave warrior of Kufa. When Ibn Ziad wanted to send a thousand men for the first time against Imam Husain, peace be upon him, Hurr was the man chosen. In doing so he oppressed and mistreated the Prophet's household. It is said that Hurr was seen to be trembling like a leaf. The same narrator was surprised and, approaching him, asked him the reason and whether he was afraid. Hurr told him,
No. I have no fear of fighting but I see myself at a cross roads between heaven and hell and I am wondering which route to take.
At last he chose the right route. Slowly, slowly he turned his horse away in such a way that no one knew what he intended to do. When he reached a certain point, he spurred his horse on until he reached the Imam's tent with his shield turned backward as a sign of coming in peace.
On seeing the Imam, he cried out, "Is my repentance acceptable?" The the Imam said, "Yes." His chivalry was such that he did not put one word of blame upon him for his past conduct. Hurr begged the Imam to let him go and fight.
The Imam said, "You are our guest. Get down off your horse and stay with us a while." But he felt shy, whispering to himself with shame for his past, for having sinned against the family of the Prophet. That is why he again requested that Imam Husain let him go and fight the attacking foes lest one of the children look at him and cause him to die of shame
At the end of the book Irshaad al-Qulub it is narrated that God asked his Messenger on the night of the spiritual ascent (mi‘iraaj):
O Ahmad, do you know what kind of joy is the best? And [do you know] what kind of life the most lasting?
The Messenger of Allah said: O God, I do not know.
God said: The best kind of joy is when a human being is always in the state of dhikr (remembering Allah) and does not get tired of it, he does not forget My blessings, knows Me, and throughout the night and day is after attracting My pleasure.
And the most lasting kind of life is when he is ever-vigilant of himself, until the world becomes insignificant and valueless, and the Hereafter great and valuable for him. He prefers My desire over his and is after My pleasure; and he reckons Me great the way I am. He always is cognizant of My knowledge and awareness about Him.
And at every moment of the night and day he is vigilant of My presence, when he is faced with evil and sin, and he removes from his heart whatever I do not like, and opposes Satan and his insinuations, and does not give Satan any place in his heart.
When he does the aforesaid actions, I quench his heart with a cup of My love, so that he does not give a place to anyone in his heart, and his remembrance, thought, aspiration, and speech is about those blessings that I have given to My beloved servants.
I open the eye and ear of his heart, so that he can listen through his heart and gaze at My Majesty and Greatness in amazement.
I would make the world to be narrow and small for him and the pleasures of the world insignificant and base, so that he despises them; and I would caution him against the world and what it contains in the manner that a shepherd protects his sheep from dangerous grazing areas.
This is when he escapes from the people and journeys from the transient world to the eternal universe, and hurriedly moves from the house of Satan to the dwelling pace of the All-Beneficent.; and I would beautify him with effulgence and greatness.
This is the best kind of joy and the very everlasting life; and this exalted station is for those are pleased with the desire of God.
Therefore one who takes a step towards My pleasure, I give him the privilege of three characteristics:
1-I direct him to express gratitude in such a way, that it is not admixed with any kind of ignorance
2- I beautify him with such dhikr (remembrance of Allah) that does not have any kind of forgetfulness.
3-I would make him taste such love, that he does not prefer the love of any of My servants over My love. Then when he loves Me, I likewise would love him, and I would open his eye and heart towards My Majesty. Thereafter, he would recognize My special servants, and thenceforth I would whisper to him in the darknesses of the night and day, until his conversation with others and his sittings with them is severed.
I will make him hear My speech and the speech of My angels, and I will unravel for himthe secret that I have hidden from the creation.
I will make him wear the beautiful apparel of shame and chastity, such that all My servants are ashamed of themselves, and He would move on the earth in a state of having been forgiven from all the sins.
I will fill his heart with knowledge, gnosis and insight, such that nothing from Paradise or Hell-Fire is hidden from him, and will show him the states and fearful moments of the people of the Judgment Day.
I will show him how the affluent, the poor, the ignorant, and the knowledgeable would be taken into account, and I will illuminate his grave.
Nakir and Munkir in the grave would ask him with such softness and care, that they would not witness the grief of death, the darkness of the grave and the difficulty of the journey to the Hereafter. Then I will establish the scales to weigh his deeds (mizan) and open his scroll of deeds.
I will hand him his book of deeds in his right hand so that he may read the same. Therefore I would not place any medium between Me and him, and these are the characteristics of the lovers of God.
O Ahmad, do you know what kind of joy is the best? And [do you know] what kind of life the most lasting?
The Messenger of Allah said: O God, I do not know.
God said: The best kind of joy is when a human being is always in the state of dhikr (remembering Allah) and does not get tired of it, he does not forget My blessings, knows Me, and throughout the night and day is after attracting My pleasure.
And the most lasting kind of life is when he is ever-vigilant of himself, until the world becomes insignificant and valueless, and the Hereafter great and valuable for him. He prefers My desire over his and is after My pleasure; and he reckons Me great the way I am. He always is cognizant of My knowledge and awareness about Him.
And at every moment of the night and day he is vigilant of My presence, when he is faced with evil and sin, and he removes from his heart whatever I do not like, and opposes Satan and his insinuations, and does not give Satan any place in his heart.
When he does the aforesaid actions, I quench his heart with a cup of My love, so that he does not give a place to anyone in his heart, and his remembrance, thought, aspiration, and speech is about those blessings that I have given to My beloved servants.
I open the eye and ear of his heart, so that he can listen through his heart and gaze at My Majesty and Greatness in amazement.
I would make the world to be narrow and small for him and the pleasures of the world insignificant and base, so that he despises them; and I would caution him against the world and what it contains in the manner that a shepherd protects his sheep from dangerous grazing areas.
This is when he escapes from the people and journeys from the transient world to the eternal universe, and hurriedly moves from the house of Satan to the dwelling pace of the All-Beneficent.; and I would beautify him with effulgence and greatness.
This is the best kind of joy and the very everlasting life; and this exalted station is for those are pleased with the desire of God.
Therefore one who takes a step towards My pleasure, I give him the privilege of three characteristics:
1-I direct him to express gratitude in such a way, that it is not admixed with any kind of ignorance
2- I beautify him with such dhikr (remembrance of Allah) that does not have any kind of forgetfulness.
3-I would make him taste such love, that he does not prefer the love of any of My servants over My love. Then when he loves Me, I likewise would love him, and I would open his eye and heart towards My Majesty. Thereafter, he would recognize My special servants, and thenceforth I would whisper to him in the darknesses of the night and day, until his conversation with others and his sittings with them is severed.
I will make him hear My speech and the speech of My angels, and I will unravel for himthe secret that I have hidden from the creation.
I will make him wear the beautiful apparel of shame and chastity, such that all My servants are ashamed of themselves, and He would move on the earth in a state of having been forgiven from all the sins.
I will fill his heart with knowledge, gnosis and insight, such that nothing from Paradise or Hell-Fire is hidden from him, and will show him the states and fearful moments of the people of the Judgment Day.
I will show him how the affluent, the poor, the ignorant, and the knowledgeable would be taken into account, and I will illuminate his grave.
Nakir and Munkir in the grave would ask him with such softness and care, that they would not witness the grief of death, the darkness of the grave and the difficulty of the journey to the Hereafter. Then I will establish the scales to weigh his deeds (mizan) and open his scroll of deeds.
I will hand him his book of deeds in his right hand so that he may read the same. Therefore I would not place any medium between Me and him, and these are the characteristics of the lovers of God.
O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ، فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
"When Allah takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing
"When Allah takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing
you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better."
The Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (MGB) said:
“The Blessed the Sublime God told Moses (MGB): ‘O Moses! Follow my advice to you regarding four issues:
- First, try not to find faults with others as long as you do not know whether or not your own sins are forgiven;
- Second, do not worry about your share of daily bread as long as you know that my treasures are not finished.
- Third, do not place hope in other’s help as long as you know My Kingdom is lasting.
- Fourth, do not feel secure from the plans of Satan for as long as Satan exists.’”
Al-Khisal(Sheikh Sadooq)
There are some ways in the Holy Quran and the Prophetic traditions to increase one's daily bread, which will also improve people's morality and affection in the family and the society.
The Commander of the Faithful (Pbuh) said: Good temper is the treasure of daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.77, p.389]
To be too strict spoils your temper, and to go easy on others increases your daily bread. [Mizan AI-Hikmah, v.4, p.117]
Co-operation and helping your Muslim brothers increases your daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.74, p.395]
Being trustworthy increases one's daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.75, p.172]
Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) said: One who treats his wife and children kindly will get an increase in his daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.69, p.407]
Good deeds increase one's daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.74, p.81]
Good temper increase one's daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.71, p.396]
Imam Ali (Pbuh) said: Attract your daily bread to yourself through charity to others. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.78, p.60]
Imam Baqir (Pbuh) said: Pray for your brothers and this act will bring in your daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.76, p.60]
The Fifth Imam (Pbuh) said: Giving alms will increase your daily bread. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.66, p.15]
The Commander of the Faithful (Pbuh) said: The daily bread of one with good intentions will be increased. [Bihar al-Anwar, v.103, p.21]
HAZRAT ALI (A.S.) ON SELF-RESTRAINT | for everyone |
One of the great wisdom hidden behind the recommended Islamic Veil (hijab) is related to same matter. Since Islam requires an ideal social environment where self-refinement and abstinence from sins could be made possible. Otherwise, controlling imperious-self shall become impossible, because, the corrupt environment naturally pushes human beings towards corruption, even thinking about sin invites a man to commit that sin ultimately.
The Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (a) said:
"When eye sees an erotic scene the heart becomes blind from seeing its ultimate consequences."
-Gharar al-Hukm, p-315.
And said:
"Simply thinking about sinful carnal deeds encourages you to commit them eventually."
-Gharar al-Hukm, p-518.
The Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (a) said:
"When eye sees an erotic scene the heart becomes blind from seeing its ultimate consequences."
-Gharar al-Hukm, p-315.
And said:
"Simply thinking about sinful carnal deeds encourages you to commit them eventually."
-Gharar al-Hukm, p-518.
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Islamic Information Center | National Press Club | 529 14th St. Suite 1292 | Washington | DC | 20045
Dua of the day | for everyone |
HADEES | for everyone |
Imam Baqir(AS) in defending his right to the Imamat before the caliph Hisham quoted this verse,”This day have I perfected your religion unto you and fulfilled my mercy upon you and accepted Islam to be your Deen.” (Qur’an,S.5 V5)
Imam Muhammad el Baqir was said to have been high esteemed for his learning and eloquence as well as on account of his noble birth. According to Ibn Khalikan, the Imam received the title of Baqir (Splitter of knowledge) due to his ample knowledge of Deen and his enthusiasm to teach to other people. Many historians like Yakubi asserts that the Imam split open knowledge, that is scrutinized it and examined the depths of it so that it can be spread to all people truly and correctly.
May God bless you in all your endeavors, and be a Guide for you towards truth. May He enable people to stand up to government who claim to be spreading democracy and are in actually destroying people lives, peace, and eating up human rights with no care of consideration for others.
40 Ahadith on the HOLY QURAN and Qunoot DUA’-AS FROM THE HOLY QURAN | for everyone |
40 Ahadith on the HOLY QURAN
1- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) Quran is the panacea of every disease and pain.
(Behar, vol. 92, p. 176)
2- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) The greatest prayer is the recitation of the Quran.
(Vasael, vol. 4, P 843)
3- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) The best among you, is he, who learns the Quran and teaches others.
(Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 233)
4- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.) While a pious young man recites the Quran, it will mingle with all his entity, his flesh and blood.
(Vasael, vol. 4, p. 833)
5- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) Learn the Quran with the same Arabic language.
(Vasael, vol. 4, p. 865)
6- The Reverent Amir (A. S.) Learn the Quran to the best extent. Quran makes happy the hearts and the best word and discourses.(Nahjol-Balaghe, Khotbah 109)
7- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) There is no other pain higher to the devil, than reading the Quran (Sentence by Sentence).
(Vasael, vol. 4, p. 853)
8- Imam Sajjad (A. S.) If all the people of the word die, so long as the Quran is my companion and confidant, I will never admit fear from loneliness.
(Vasael, vol. 3, P 582)
9- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.) The one who reads the Quran, page by page, will increase his vision and reduce his parents punishment, whatever it may be, even if they are unbelievers.
(Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 4, p. 417)
10- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) Recital of the Quran at home, causes blessings, prosperity, happiness and providence for those who resides in it.
(Vasael, vol. 4. p. 850)
11- The Reverent Amir (A. S.) Reciter and listener of the Quran are alike in prize and reward.
(Mostadrak. vol. 4, p. 26l)
12- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) All living creatures, even fish of the seas, look for forgiveness and salvation to the teacher and student of the Quran.
(Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 235)
13- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.) The Prayer who recites Quran, recieves hundred "Good Acts" while standing and fifty while is sitting, the rewards of reciting Quran with purity and cleanliness, in states other than Praying, will be equivalent to twenty-five "Good Acts" and ten without purity and cleanliness.
(Oddatol Daee, p. 269)
14- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) The lower-most houses, is the one, where no verses of the "word of God" are found.(Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 266)
15- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A.S.) The person who is ending the Quran in honoured Mecca, before death will see the Prophet of lslam(P.B.U.H.), and will take his place in Paradise.
(Behar, vol. 92, p. 205)
16- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) Supereminence of the Quran, over all sayings and words is like supremacy of God to all his creatures.
(Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 237)
17- Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) The one who listens to the Quran will be protected from all disasters in this world, and the one who recites the Quran will be immune from the sufferings of eternity.
(Vasael, vol. 4, p. 831)
18- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) The person who teaches a verse of God's book, as long as recitation of the verse takes place will, be given a reward.
(Mosthdrak, vol. 4, p. 235)
19- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.) In the commencement of the recitation of the Quran close the doors to sinfulness by saying (Aoozo Bellahe Men-ashaitane-rrajim) "curse upon devil" and by saying (Besme-Llahe-Rrahmane-Rrahim) open the doors of obedience to yourself.
(Behar, vol. 92, p. 216)
20- The Reverent Amir (A. S.) Recitation of the Quran without contemplation and thought is futile.
(Behar, vol. 92, p. 211)
21- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.) There has come the stories of predecessors, and prediction of future generation. The Quran will judge between you and we are completely aware of all of it.
(Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 79)
22- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) You should be brightening your homes with the recitation of the Quran.
(Vasael, vol. 4, p. 850)
23- Imam Hossein (A.S) Quran has amazing appearance and has end-less depth.
(Jameol-Akkbar, p. 4)
24- The Reverent Amir (A. S.) You are allowed to guard the Quran and don't let others overtake you in action.
(Nahjol-Balaghe-Faiz, p. 978)
25- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) The one who counts the unauthorized words of the Quran authorized has no reliance on God's help!
(Mostadrak, vol. 4, p 250)
26- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.) The ranks in paradise relate to verses of the Quran and in the resurrection day, the reciter of Quran will be told, read it to promote yourself to a higher rank, and as he reads a verse of Quran he will promote himself to a higher rank. (Vasael, vol. 4, p. 842)
27- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A.S.) The one who recites Quran, is touring the heavens, with the difference that there is no heavenly being with him.
(Vasael, vol. 4, p. 844)
28- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) If a person interperts tha Quran on his own veiws, he will prepare his lodging in hell. (Ashshehab-Fel-Hekame-Val-Adab, p. 44)
29- The Endeared Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) There are people who recite the Quran, but are cursed by Quran, while reciting (because they do not act on what they read).
(Behar, vol. 92, p. 184)
30- The Reverent Amir (A. S.) The one from among the Moslems who recites the Quran but in the end finds his way to hell is considerd to he among those that have taken the word of God in jest.
(Behar, vol. 92, p. 182)
31- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) The one who adds anything to the Book of God is undeserving of God. (Ashshehab fel-Hekame-Val-Adab, p.41)
32- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A. S.) Everything has a spring and the spring of the Quran is the pleasant month of Ramadhan. (Savabol-Amal, p. 232)
33- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.) The one who interprets the Quran on his own will, if his idea has conformity with reality, would never get any reward and if he went wrong, it is a sin for him.
(Behar, vol 92, p. 110)
34- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) If you received on behalf of me a hadith (narration), compare it to the book of God, if had similarity, accept, otherwise discard.
(Ashshehab fel-Hekame-Val-Adab, p. 13)
35- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.) It is advisable for a religious man before his end comes near to learn the Quran, or to be on the way of learning it.
(Oddatod-Daee, p. 269)
36- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) Quran is the wealth that makes man without any need (gives a man all he needs) and there is no other wealth higher than that to be considered.
(Shehabol-Akhbar, p. 91)
37- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A.S.) Shiahs (Followers) of Ali(A.S.) are those that pray much and recite the book of God.
(Vasael, vol. 4, p. 843)
38- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) The one who considers the Quran as supreme and bows to it, in fact has bowed to God. ((Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 236)
39- The Reverent Amir (A. S.) Understanding the knowledge and wisdom of the Quran is by far higher than memorizing.
(Osoo1e-Kafi, vol. 4, p. 418)
40- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.) Salman! recite the Quran. That the recitation of the Quran cleans the sins. (Mostadrak, vol. 4, p. 257)
(1) No matter how much wisdom you have, beseech Allah to guide you on the right path, whatever the field of enquiry or activity you are taking after. Seek Allah’s help to keep you very close to the ways and means of the righteous and the pious servants of Allah (the Holy Prophet and his Ahl ul Bayt), the surest road to success, in this and the next world, and to keep you away from the dishonest methods and hypocritical attitude of the astray devils (the followers of the accursed shaytan), although they may appear profitable for a little while, but finally bring ruin and destruction in the end.
Keep us (O Lord) on the right path, the path of those upon whom You have bestowed Your bounties, not (the path) of those, inflicted with Your wrath, nor (of those) gone astray.
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(2) Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Isma-il while building up the house of Allah, the holy ka’bah, prayed to Allah for the successful completion of their project.Putting in the best efforts does not make your labour fruitful, because there are many unknown and uncontrollable forces working in the universe that can bring disappointment if Allah, who not only knows but has total control over all things and events, does not help you. So always invoke Allah by reciting this verse in the traditions of His prophets, whenever you take up a job, which has not been prohibited.
Also recite this verse at the end of any good deed-after praying and wajib or sunnah salat, or when you have read whole or part of the holy Quran, in a single sitting, or after attending a majlis (a religious gathering for mentioning the merits of the Holy prophet and his Ahl ul Bayt). Recitation of this verse is also recommended for seeking fulfillment of any legitimate desire.
O our Lord, accept (this service) from us. Verily You and You (alone) are the hearer, the knower.
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(3) This verse tells us not to turn to anyone but Allah to ask for fulfillment of all our wants and needs, and also makes it clear that there is no other way to get satisfaction of our desires except to invoke Allah, who answers whenever called by a supplicant. It brings you near Allah and keeps you on the right path. Allah answers to the cry for help because the love of Allah for His servants is much greater than the love of a mother for her children. This dua’a may be recited before and other dua’a as it helps to get nearness of Allah and to have complete faith in Him alone; and because Allah says He will answer whenever He is called. This verse makes the recitation of dua’as necessary and obligatory for all Muslims. (Please see Imam’s saying at the beginning).
To multiply livelihood and to obtain fulfillment of legitimate desires recite this verse 700 times after performing wudu and before praying any wajib salat. It can be reduced to 70 times or 7 times according to your convenience.
And when my servants ask you about Me, then (say to them that) verily I am very near; I answer the prayers of the supplicant when he beseeches Me. So they should hear My call, and believe in Me, so that They may be led aright.
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(4) According to this verse, short and temporary life in this world is as important as the eternal life in hereafter.
Although good in the permanent life of hereafter is the aim of all Muslims, but good in this world is also necessary because man has been asked by his creator Lord to take part in all activities of this world without breaking the rules and regulations, made by Him. So beseech Him for the good in both the worlds.This verse is generally recited as qunoot in all prayers.It can be recited at the time of walking around (tawaf) the holy ka’-bah.
Our Lord, give us good in this world, and good in the hereafter, and save us from the torment of fire.
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(5) This verse teaches us to pray for grant of patience and perseverance in the face of trials and tribulations of this world so that we remain faithful to the true religion of Allah, even if deprived of the comforts of life, as these two aspects of our character makes us fight our enemies and the enemies of Allah.
If we read the life account of Holy prophet, Imam Ali and their infallible descendants, we find that their lives were the true exposition of this verse. Recite this dua’a in the times of trial, and to undo and put an end to the intrigues of your enemies.
O OUR lord, pour patience down on us, and make our foothold firm, and help us against the disbelieving people.
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(6) The right path (what to do and what not to do) has been clearly shown to man by Allah. These commandments are very easy to follow, not beyond our capacity, as the Holy prophet once said: :”I have brought for you a very easy religion.”
Now man is responsible for what he does. If we make mistakes, by breaking laws of Allah, we must admit our mistakes and humbly and sincerely seek forgiveness of our merciful Lord, who not only forgives faults but helps us to overcome our enemies and the enemies of Allah; and in this way, keeps away from us hardships and sorrows that they (enemies) might bring if Allah does not stop them, in answer to our supplications.
Through this prayer we pray for the triumph of truth over falsehood and the suppression of satanic tendencies by godliness, and ask Allah not to inflict on us situations under which we may not be able to avoid wrongdoing. After acknowledging our limitations we undertake to work at our maximum capacity, hoping that through His mercy HE will wipe clean all traces of errors and mistakes.
O our Lord, do not hold us responsible if we forget or make a mistake. O our Lord, do not lay on us a burden such as You laid on those before us. O our Lord, do not impose upon us that which we have not the strength (to bear). Pardon us, and forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our Lord-master, so help us against the unbelieving people.
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(7) It is better to be careful and recite this dua’a in advance so that we may not change our heart and mind (follow another religion) after accepting the true religion of Allah, Islam, the only right path. This prayer is a precaution to avoid possible perversion of the mind and the heart after accepting divine guidance. The purpose of our lives in this temporary and transient world is to make preparation for the eternal life of the hereafter. To strengthen you faith recite this dua’a in every wajib as well as Sunnah salat.
O our Lord, do not suffer our hearts to go astray after You have (rightly) guided us, grant us mercy from You, for verily You and You (alone) are the ever bestower.
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(8) Sovereignty belongs to Allah. He is the sole and ultimate authority in the domains of creation and legislation. Every thing is created by Him, so total submission to His will is Islam, which has been described in these verses in the form of a prayer. The Holy Prophet and his Ahl ul Bayt have rightly advised the believers to recite this prayer ay all occasions, so that the conviction in the omnipotence of the almighty Lord permeates their hearts and minds to guide them in all their mental and physical activities. A complete resignation to Allah’s will is possible only when man believes that it is Allah who alone can do and undo things, conceivable and inconceivable, easy and difficult. Then the grace of the Lord abounds, because in His hand is all good. There should be no complaint, nor grudge, nor frustration. With total resignation to His will, man must pray and invoke His mercy to obtain fulfillment of his or her legitimate wants and needs.
He (Allah) and He alone, and no one else, bestows upon whomsoever He chooses, the power to exercise authority, in this world, or in the hereafter. To some he gives power in this world though many of them do not follow his commandments. We must not get confused. It is not our lookout because knowledge of things, persons and events is hopelessly very little. He knows why He has done so. Abdullah Ibni Abbas said that this verse may contain the great name of Allah, ismi azam. If this dua’a is recited with realization of its meaning, the realization of His absolute sovereignty and His exclusive right and option, Allah will fulfill the legitimate desires of the reciter of this dua’a.
Not to be proud and arrogant after achieving success, in this world, recite this dua’a regularly.
According to the Holy prophet whoso recited these verses daily after the Fajr salat, gets sufficient means of livelihood. Also the reciter gets enough funds to repay loans. To discard nervousness in big public gatherings, or if there is fear of a person or a group of persons recite this dua’a.
O Allah, master of the kingdom. You give kingdom to whomsoever You like and take away the kingdom from whosoever You like. You exalt whomsoever you like and abases whomsoever You like; in Your hand is the good; verily You have the power over all things. You cause the night to pass into the day, and You cause the day to pass into the night; You bring forth the living from the dead, and You bring forth the dead from the living, and You give sustenance to whom You like, without measure.
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(9) When Zakariyya saw Maryam receiving her sustenance direct from Allah, he was so much convinced of His extraordinary benevolence and its miraculous nature that he beseeched Him to give him a tayyab (virtuous, blessed and good) son, he could not normally have since his wife was barren.Recitation of this dua’a 7 times after every wajib salat will make your children pious and obedient.
O lord, bestow on me a goodly offspring from You; verily, You are the hearer of prayer.
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(10) The holy Quran says that all the prophets of Allah who had fought in the way of Allah, never giving in to the enemies of Allah, used to recite this dua’a.
By reason of their steadfastness and their asking for protection and seeking refuge with Allah, Allah granted them victory against infidels, glorified their mission and enhanced their reputation.As human beings we may commit mistakes and not follow the instructions given by Allah, so we must seek His forgiveness with firm determination that we will not commit such sins any more. We must also recite this dua’a to remain firm in our faith no matter what the temptations are, so that we may defeat our enemies and the enemies of Allah.
This dua’a can also be recited to remove hardships and difficulties put in your way by our enemies so as to induce us to give up the right way of doing things as Allah has asked us to do.
O our Lord, forgive us our sins and our excuses in our affairs, and set our foothold firm, and help us against the disbelieving people.
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(11) The holy Quran says that those who remember Allah and try to understand the nature of His creation recite this dua’a, because in the creation of heavens and the earth and in the difference of night and day are signs of His omnipotence for the men of understanding.
Recite this dua’a in the qunoot of tahajjud (night prayer).
O our lord, You have not created (all) this in vain. Glory be to You. Save us then from the torment of fire.
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(12) This is the continuation of dua’a 11. The wise men hear the message of Allah, and, as they have already understood the meaning of the nature of divine creation, readily accept the true faith, the belief in the one and only Allah, seeking His forgiveness for the sins they have committed in the days of ignorance; and not forgetting that Allah (alone0 can keep them on the right path till the last day of their lives in this world, invoke Him to make them die as true believers.
Make a habit of reciting this dua’a because there is nothing worth keeping with yourself except the true faith to the last breath of your life, in order to obtain permanent bliss in the next world. This world is a place of test and trial for you. Even after a whole life time of true faith if a person for a single insignificant moment, does not believe in the one and only almighty Allah in the last breath of his life, he is forever condemned to the fire of hell.
O our Lord, we have indeed heard the voice of crier (messenger) calling (us) to faith: “Believe in your Lord.” So we believed. Our Lord, forgive us then our sins, and remove from us our evil deeds, and make us die with the virtuous.
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(13) Through this dua’a the faithful servants of Allah, who have accepted the true religion, revealed by Allah through His messengers, invoke Allah to keep them safe from the same shame and disgrace, the evil-doers will face on the day of judgment, because rewards and favours have been promised only for those who believe in Allah and do good deeds in this world.
Every faithful should recite this dua’a to receive favours of Allah on the day of judgment.
O our Lord, give us what You have promised us through Your messengers, and do not disgrace us on the day of resurrection. Verily, You do not break your promise.
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(14) This dua’a should be recited to obtain protection of Allah when calamities surround you, having total faith in His power, with firm determination that you will always thank your Lord for saving you from the calamities.
If He (our Lord) delivers from this, certainly we shall be of the thankful.
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(15) Every true believer must seek Allah’s help to avoid the company of unjust people who not only do not believe in Allah but have gone astray by not following the rules and regulations made by Allah to direct their behaviour in this world.
O our Lord, put us not together with the unjust people.
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(16) If hardship, poverty and discomfort come into your life, you as a faithful servant of Allah must recite this dua’a to have patience and self-control to remain firm on the right path and face misfortunes boldly, without ever showing any weakness, or taking any action that has been prohibited, so that you may leave this world as a true muslim, submitting to the will of Allah.
A group of master magicians, on the invitation of Pharaoh, came to show their superiority over Moosa because Pharaoh wrongly thought that Moosa was also a magician. The magicians threw a few ropes on the floor and they took the shape of snakes. Moosa put the staff, he was holding in his hand on the ground. The staff changed into a python and swallowed up the snakes. Pharaoh got angry and threatened to kill them. When the magicians came to know that Moosa was not a magician but a prophet of Allah, and what they saw was a miracle of Allah, they laughed at Pharaoh and recited this dua’a.
O our Lord, pour out on us patience, and make us die as those who have submitted (to You).
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(17) A true faithful must always recite this dua’a to seek mercy of the merciful Lord, particularly when he is in the middle of unmanageable difficulties.
To receive the Tawrat Moosa climbed the mountain of Toor and observed fast for 30 days, as directed by Allah. Moosa noticed that on account of fasting his mouth was stinking, so he thought it improper to pronounce the glory of Allah with a stinking mouth, and brushed his teeth. It was considered as an act of disobedience and he was required to observe fast for 10 more days. After 40 days, Moosa came back to his people with Tawrat, but he found his people worshipping the false god of the magician, Saamiree. Seeing this Moosa became angry and criticized his brother Haroon who was acting as lieutenant, in his 40 days absence. Haroon explained that he tried his best to keep them on the right path and warned them against the tricks of magician but they paid no attention to his advice, so his brother (Moosa) should not have included him in the group of unjust followers. Moosa on hearing the explanation of Haroon recited this dua’a.
It is highly recommended to read this dua’a as qunoot in all prayers.
O Allah, forgive me and my brother and admit us to Your mercy, You are the most merciful of the merciful.
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(18) Recite this dua’a again and again to take stock of your mistakes and faults as to avoid them in future, and to seek Allah’s protection and forgiveness with firm determination that you will live an honest and pious life to deserve His mercy.
According to holy Quran, Moosa chose his people 70 men, who insisted upon seeing Allah with their own eyes, for an appointed tyrst on the mountain. As soon as they reached there, a trembling came on them. All the 70 men were destroyed. Then Moosa recited this dua’a to beseech Allah to have mercy on him and the pious among his followers.
(O Lord) You are our guardian, so forgive us and have mercy on us and You are the best of the forgivers.
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(19) This dua’a was also recited by Moosa immediately after the above noted dua’a to invoke Allah to give him and his followers all that which is good in this world and the next world, because it is Allah (alone) who can give whatever His obedient servants ask for. Allah’s mercy enfolds all those wrong-doers who turn repentant unto Him as said in verse 153 of al Araf. Islam assures the sinners that the doors of Allah’s mercy remain open for those who sincerely turn repentant to Allah.
(O Lord) ordain for us good in this world and in the hereafter. Verily we turn to You alone.
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(20) Whenever Allah revealed the verses of the holy Quran to His last prophet the hypocritic men used to ask each other how could these verses of Allah be of any use to them?
In this verse Allah says that His messenger was very kind to his followers and was anxious not to overburden them, he was full of pity and mercy. When they turned away, Allah asked the Holy Prophet to recite this verse.
This dua’a was recited by the Holy Prophet. We, his followers, must also recite it to put our trust in Allah (alone) and to ask for the fulfillment of all our desires. If recited 66 times daily, it brings honour and respect.
Suffices me Allah. There is no god save Him. On Him do I rely, and He is the Lord of the great ‘ARSH’ (the glorious throne of the mighty power.)
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(21) When Moosa observed that none from among his people, save a few, trusted him, because they were in fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs, he advised them to put trust in Allah if they had indeed surrendered unto Him, then they recited this dua’a.
We must also recite this dua’a daily to remain firm in our faith and to seek protection of Allah from the harm of our enemies.
O our Lord, make us not a trial for the unjust people. And deliver us by Your mercy from the disbelieving people.
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(22) When Nooh came to know that Allah was going to destroy all that had been created, by drowning the whole world, except those who came on the ark built by him, he advised one of his dons to do the same. His son refused and told his father that he would climb the mountain and will be safe
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
I.M.A.M. | The Birth of The Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) | for everyone |
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 835 Mason St. | Dearborn | MI | 48124
The right of your brother | for everyone |
The right of your brother is that you know that he is your hand, your might, and your strength. Take him not as a weapon with which to disobey God, nor as equipment with which to wrong God's creatures. Do not neglect to help him against his enemy or to give him good counsel. If he obeys God, well and good, but if not, you should honour God more than him. And there is no strength save in God.
The right of your child | for everyone |
The right of your child is that you should know that he is from you and will be ascribed to you, through both his good and his evil, in the immediate affairs of this world. You are responsible for what has been entrusted to you, such as educating him in good conduct (husn al-adab), pointing him in the direction of his Lord, and helping him to obey Him. So act toward him with the action of one who knows that he will be rewarded for good doing toward him and punished for evildoing.
The right of your father | for everyone |
The right of your father is that you know that he is your root. Without him, you would not be. Whenever you see anything in yourself which pleases you, know that your father is the root of its blessing upon you. So praise God and thank Him in that measure. And there is no strength save in God.
The right of your mother | for everyone |
The right of your mother is that you know that she carried you where no one carries anyone, she gave to you of the fruit of her heart that which no one gives to anyone, and she protected you with all her organs. She did not care if she went hungry as long as you ate, if she was thirsty as long as you drank, if she was naked as long as you were clothed, if she was in the sun as long as you were in the shade. She gave up sleep for your sake, she protected you from heat and cold, all in order that you might belong to her. You will not be able to show her gratitude, unless through God's help and giving success.
The right of your slave (mamluk) | for everyone |
The right of your slave (mamluk) is that you should know that he is the creature of your Lord, the son of your father and mother, and your flesh and blood. You own him, but you did- not make him; God made him. You did not create any one of his limbs, nor do you provide him with his sustenance; on the contrary, God gives you the sufficiency for that. Then He subjugated him to you, entrusted him to you, and deposited him with you so that you may be safeguarded by the good you give to him. So act well toward him, just as God has acted well toward you. If you dislike him, replace him, but do not torment a creature of God. And there is no strength save in God.
Your sickness is within you, though you do not realize | for everyone |
Your sickness is within you, though you do not realize
And your cure is within, yet you do not see
You claim that you are nothing but a tiny entity
Yet wrapped up inside of you is the greatest universe
You are the clear book, through whose letters
All that is secret is revealed and made known.
So you have no need for anything outside of you
Your consciousness is within you, though you do not know
"I wonder at the man who sees people dying around him and yet he has forgotten his end"
(Imam Ali (as))
"Learn from Ali how to fight
without your ego participating.
God's lion did nothing
that didn't originate
from his deep center.
I am God's Lion, not the lion of passion....
I have no longing
except for the One.
When a wind of personal reaction comes,
I do not go along with it.
There are many winds full of anger,
and lust and greed. They move the rubbish around,
but the solid mountain of our true nature stays where it's always been."
(Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi)
And your cure is within, yet you do not see
You claim that you are nothing but a tiny entity
Yet wrapped up inside of you is the greatest universe
You are the clear book, through whose letters
All that is secret is revealed and made known.
So you have no need for anything outside of you
Your consciousness is within you, though you do not know
"I wonder at the man who sees people dying around him and yet he has forgotten his end"
(Imam Ali (as))
"Learn from Ali how to fight
without your ego participating.
God's lion did nothing
that didn't originate
from his deep center.
I am God's Lion, not the lion of passion....
I have no longing
except for the One.
When a wind of personal reaction comes,
I do not go along with it.
There are many winds full of anger,
and lust and greed. They move the rubbish around,
but the solid mountain of our true nature stays where it's always been."
(Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi)
The right of your wife (zawja) | for everyone |
The right of your wife (zawja) is that you know that God has made her a repose and a comfort for you; you should know that she is God's favour toward you, so you should honour her and treat her gently. Though her right toward you is more incumbent, you must treat her with compassion, since she is your prisoner (asir) whom you feed and clothe. If she is ignorant, you should pardon her.
What do we therefore have to remind ourselves about Laylatul Qadr?Ask for your safety (here and in the hereafter) | for everyone |
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