Examining Imam Ali A.S final Will (Wasiya) | for everyone |
Ali Ka Dushman Wahan Bhe Zaleel HOta hAi..! | for everyone |
Sehrish Kazmi |
Ali ke mannay wala Aqeel hota hAi
Haqooq e Bint e Nabi Ka Wakeel hota hai
Zameen say Ouncha Asmanoo main Chala Jaye Mager
Ali Ka Dushman Wahan Bhe Zaleel HOta hAi..!
Dushmana-e-Ahlaybait A.S py lanat beshuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr.
Haqooq e Bint e Nabi Ka Wakeel hota hai
Zameen say Ouncha Asmanoo main Chala Jaye Mager
Ali Ka Dushman Wahan Bhe Zaleel HOta hAi..!
Dushmana-e-Ahlaybait A.S py lanat beshuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr.
Haider Ke Janaaze Ko Hasnain Uthaate Hai......... | for everyone |
Kaise Ye Musalmaa Hai Bus Inko Khuda Jaane,
Masjid Me Namazi Ko Jo Tegh Lagaate Hai. Jibreel-e-Amee Aa Kar Sahabbir Ko Shabbar Ko, Paighaam Yateemi Ka Ro Ro Ke Sunaate Hai...... Haider Ke Janaaze Ko Hasnain Uthaate Hai......... |
Lailat-e-Qadr | for everyone |
Jaffery Sms posted in United Shias.
Short Dua for 20th Day of Mahe Ramzān | for everyone |
As-salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh,
Imām Muhammad ibn ‘Alī al-Baqir (S.A.W.W) was asked:
“What is the meaning of verse:
(Surah Qadr: 3)لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ
‘The grand" night is better than a thousand months’?”
Imām (a.s.) replied, “The reward of good deeds performed in this night is better than that of doing the same for a thousand months without the night of Qadr. If the Almighty Allāh wouldn't have multiplied the reward for a believer they wouldn’t have got it but He multiplies the reward for them.”"
[Reference: Sawaabul A’amaal, page. 102]
Dua for Twentieth Day of Mahe Ramzan
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Allahummaf-Tah’ Lee Feehi Abwaabal Jinaan Wa Aghliq A’nee Feehi Abwaaban Neeraan Wa Waffiqnee Feehi Li-Tilaawatil Qur-Aan Yaa Munzilas Sakeenati Fee Quloobil Moo-Mineen
O Allah, on this day, open for me the doors of the heavens, and lock the doors of Hell from me, help me to recite the Qur'an, O the One who sends down tranquility into the hearts of believers
Please Click on below links:
Urdu lecture on Shabe Qadr
Speaker : Syed Abid Hussain Zaidi ; Madrasa-tul-Qaaim [a.s]
Topic : Shab-e-Qadar me Mahroom Koun.?
Topic : Shab-e-Qadar me krny walay Aamal
(Pls Check Attachments)
Recommended Salat for 21st night of Maahe Ramzan
Recite 8 Rak-a’t Namaaz (2x4)
In every Rak-a’t,
Soorah Al Faatih’ah - 1Time
Any other Soorah - 1 Time
Please Visit
Ramzān al-Mubarak Quiz : http://www.seratonline.com/quiz/
A humble request
Imam Ali (a.s.) said: The prayer of a fasting person at the time of Iftar is never rejected.
Please do pray for early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs) at the time of Iftar.
Iltemase Dua
20 Similarties between Imam Ali (a.s.) and Prophet Issa (a.s.) | for everyone |
Tribute MAM ALI (pbuh) Shahadat | for everyone |
IMAM ALI (pbuh) Shahadat
"Tomorrow you will look back to my time and my innermost thoughts will be revealed to you. Then you will recognize me after I have left my position and another has taken my place". Imam Ali (pbuh)
After the battle of Nahrwaan, some of the remaining enemies, the Kharijees had gone to find safety in Makka.
Who are the Kharijees?
They are those who believed that all believers are of equal standing and none can exercise authority over another. They made their creed with "Laa Hukm Illa Allah" (No judgement but Allah's alone). They believed there should be no leader (Imam or Khalifa) and no allegiance should be given to a human being. They were formed after the battle of Siffeen where they blamed Imam Ali a.s for succumbing to human judgement and giving the enemy (Muawiya) a chance to recover.
Imam Ali (pbuh) pointed out to them that the sin lay with them for it was they who refused to continue fighting against Muawiya when they saw the Qur'an on spears and he had no choice but to call back Malike Ashtar who was on the verge of gaining complete victory. Furthermore it was they, who had compelled Imam to accept an arbitrator. To this they admitted guilt and said they had repented and he should do the same. Imam said that he had committed no sin on his part.
The Kharijees who had fled to Makka, wanted to avenge their dead who had fallen at Nahrwaan and planned to assassinate Imam Ali (pbuh), Muawiya and Amr bin A'as.
The boldest three from them volunteered:-
1. Abdur Rahmaan bin Muljim, to kill Imam Ali (pbuh)
2. Burk bin Abdullah, to kill Muawiya.
3. Amr bin Bakr, to kill Amr bin A'as.
They chose Friday the 19th of Ramadhan 40 A.H.
for their killings, swearing that they would
accomplish their mission or perish.
Burk bin Abdullah, on reaching Damascus on the appointed day managed to stab Muawiya but his sword slipped and Muawiya was only injured. Burk was caught, tortured and killed.
Amr bin Bakr in Egypt went to kill Amr bin A'as but on that day Amr did not come to the Mosque and had sent his deputy to lead the prayers. The deputy was killed and so was Amr bin Bakr. Abdur Rahmaan bin Muljim arrived in Kufa as planned. Here, he fell in love with a woman called Qutuam who hated Imam Ali (pbuh) (Her father and brother had been killed by Imam). She was very beautiful and agreed to marry Abdur Rahmaan on 3 conditions:-
1. 3000 Dirhams
2. A male & female slave
3. The head of Imam Ali (pbuh)
Although Abdur Rahmaan had come to Kufa to kill
Imam Ali (pbuh) this boosted his determination.
Qutuam, to help him asked two men from her
tribe to assist Abdur Rahmaan.
19th Ramadhan 40 A.H.
Imam Ali (pbuh) had prophesied his death several days beforehand. The Prophet too had prophesied it and had said:
"O Ali! I see before my eyes your beard covered
with blood from your forehead".
When Imam was leaving home on the morning of the 19th, the household birds began to make a great noise. When the servant came to quieten them, Imam said "Leave them alone for their cries are only lamenting over my coming death".
As he came to the Mosque of Kufa for his morning prayers he awoke those who were sleeping including, Abdur Rahmaan bin Muljim who was sleeping on his stomach, hiding the poisoned sword under him. Imam told him that it was unhealthy to sleep on his front and also that he had a sword under his clothing which he was going to use for evil intentions.
Imam then gave Adhaan and proceeded to lead prayers. In the first rakaat as he was arising from sajda he was struck on the head with the poisoned sword by ibn Muljim, which caused a deep wound. In the confusion ibn Muljim started running. Imam finished his second Sujud and requested Imam Hasan to complete the prayers.
He uttered the words "Fuztu Birabbil Ka'aba" (I have been successful with the lord of the Ka'ba). The murderer was caught and brought before Imam Ali (pbuh) When Imam saw the ropes that ibn Muljim was tied in, Imam ordered them to be loosened and told the Muslims to treat him humanely. Ibn Muljim, on hearing this, started crying and Imam told him "It is too late to repent now. Was I a bad Imam or an unjust ruler?"
He ordered that ibn Muljim should not be tortured.
Imam was then carried to his house and when he saw the bright day he said: "O day! You can bear testimony to the fact that during the lifetime of Ali you never once dawned and found me sleeping".
He died two days later from his wounds on the 21st Ramadhan 40 A.H.
21st Ramadhan 40 A.H.
He was buried in Najaf by Imam Hasan (pbuh) and Imam Husayn (pbuh)
As the two brothers were returning after burying their father; they heard someone calling out
“O you who used to feed me and dress my wounds; where are you?” The brothers proceeded towards the voice to find a leper crying for help. On talking to him they relaised that it was their father, Ali pbuh) who had tended to his wounds and looked after him everyday. The leper said that when ever he asked Imam who he was – The Imam used to say “One needy person sits with another needy person) The brothers told him they had just returned from burying their father. The leper asked to be taken to Imam’s grave. Their he fell weeping and breathed his last.
(Made shortly before his death after he was fatally wounded by Ibn Muljim)
Yesterday I was your companion, today I am a lesson for you, whilst tomorrow I shall have left you. I am just like a night traveler who reaches the spring (in the morning) or like the seeker who secures his aim.
Fear Allah, to your affairs in order, and maintain good relations amongst yourselves for I have heard the Prophet say "Improvement of mutual differences is better than general praying and fasting".
Fear Allah and keep Allah in mind when dealing with orphans.
Do not let them starve and they should not be ruined in your presence.
Fear Allah and keep Allah in mind in the matter of your neighbors because they were the subject of the Prophet's advice. He went on advising in their favor till we thought he would allow them a share in inheritance.
Fear Allah and keep Allah in mind in the matter of prayers, because it is the pillar of religion.
Fear Allah and keep Allah in mind in the matter of your Lord's house - Ka'ba.
Do not forsake it as long as you live.
Fear Allah and keep Allah in mind in the matter of jihad with the help of your property, lives and tongues.
MOULA UTHO KE MASJIDE KUFA UDAAS HAI......... | for everyone |
Nalain Zahra and Hur Hyderabadi Liaqath Razvi
Various other Aa’mal for the benefit of the Spirit | for everyone |
1. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (A.S.) says, “Perform good deeds on behalf of the deceased, for Allah doubles the reward, and this proves useful for them.”
2. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (A.S.) says, “Perform Prayers (Namaz/Salath), Fasting (Roza/Saum), Pilgrimage (Haj), give alms (Sadqa), and do other good deeds on behalf of the dead, for these enter the grave and are also written in their scroll of deeds (Naam-e-Aa‟mal).”
3. It is highly recommended to recite the following from the Holy Quran:
1) Surah al-Yaseen 2) Surah al-Mulk 3) Surah an-Nisa 4) Surah az Zukhruf
5) Surah Mohammed 6) Surah al-Qaariya 7) Ayaat al-Kursi
8) In fact it is better to recite as much from the Holy Qur'an as possible.
4. Fateha for the Spirit: As per several traditions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.), Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib (A.S.) and the A‟imma-e-Thahereen, it is highly recommended to visit the grave, place your right hand on the grave and recite Salawat (Durood) three times, Surah Al-Fateha once and Surah Al-Ikhlas three times; this provides the benefit of reciting the whole Holy Quran for the dead person. In addition, these can be recited anytime anywhere for the dead.
5. Aa’mal to be Performed Especially by Children, Heirs and Relatives of the Dead:
i) Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) used to recite two units (Rak'at) Namaz (Salath) during the night for his children and two units (Rak'at) Namaz (Salath) during the day for his parents. In the first Rak'at after
Surah al-Hamd he recited once Surah al-Qadr, and in the second Rak'at after Surah al-Hamd he recited once Surah al-Kausar.
ii) Imam Mohammed Baqir (A.S.) has narrated that: Children, especially the eldest son, should offer the following 2 rakats of Namaz (Salath) for their parents on Friday nights between Maghrib and Isha
prayers as follows:
In first rakath, after Surah Al Hamd, recite the following Ayath ten times:
َرَّبَنا ا ْغ ِف ِر ِل ًِ َول ِـ َىاِل َد َّي َوِل ْل ُم ِؤ ِمِنِي َن َي ِى َم َي ُق ِى ُم اْل ِح َسا ُب
O our Lord! grant me protection and my parents and the believers on the day when the
reckoning shall come to pass! The Holy Quran 14:41
In second rakath, after Surah Al Hamd, recite the following Ayath ten times:
َّر ِّب ا ْغ ِف ِرِل ًِ َوِلـ َىاِل َد َّي َوِل َم ِن َد َخ َل َبِيِت ًَ ُم ِؤ ِمّنا َّوِل ْل ُم ِؤ ِمِنِي َن َواْل ُم ِؤ ِمٰنتِؕ
My Lord! forgive me and my parents and him who enters my house believing, and the believing men and the believing women; The Holy Quran 71:28
Perform all other parts of the namaz (Salath) as usual and after finishing, recite the following
Ayath ten times as a supplication:
َّر ِّب ا ِر َح ِم ُه َما َك َما َرَّبٰيِن ًِ َصِغِي ّراؕ Rev. 31 Mar 2010
O my Lord! have compassion on them (parents), as they brought me up (when I was) little
The Holy Quran 17:24
iii) Supplications from Sahifa e-Kamila by Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.): Read the Supplication (Dua)
number 24 for the benefit of parents.
iv) Allamah Majlisi says, “Do not forget your dead, for they have no power to perform good deeds, and
they totally rely on their children, brothers and relatives. They eagerly await favours such as:
a) Supplication (recitation of Duas) for them in the Midnight Prayers (Namaz-e-Shab), and after every Obligatory Prayer (Wajib Namaz).
b) Praying for your parents more than anyone else whenever you visit the sacred places
(Makkah, Madina, Najaf, Karbala, tombs of the A‟imma-e-Thahereen, etc.)
c) Performing good deeds on their behalf. Children who were disowned by their parents during their lifetime have later been forgiven because they performed good deeds on their behalf after their death. The best deeds to be performed on behalf of one's parents or relatives are:
● Huququn Naas:
to pay their debts, return usurped property/items (ghasb), return trusts (amanaths) of others, etc.
● Radde Mazalim: Atonement of rights (correcting and compensating for violation of other‟s rights).
● Huququllah:to perform acts of worship: Namaz (Salath), Roza (Saum), Quran
Recitation, etc. on their behalf. If the heirs are themselves unable to perform these, they should ascertain the payment amount for the performance of elapsed Namaz and Roza by a qualified Aalim and make the necessary arrangement through him to offer the elapsed Namaz (Salath) and Roza (Saum) on behalf of the deceased. Similar arrangements can be
also be made for Quran recitation.
● One should also perform the Pilgrimage (Haj) for the dead which they could/did not perform in their lifetime. If the heirs are themselves unable to perform the Haj, they should appoint a deserving Momin to perform the Pilgrimage (Haj) on behalf of the deceased
● Payment of their due Zakath and Khums.”Rev. 31 Mar 2010
v) The following acts are also highly recommended on behalf of the dead parents and relatives (financial situation permitting) :
Conducting Majalis-e-Aza for the sawab (benefit) of the dead.
Donations to Momin orphans, widows, poor and genuine charities
Feeding the orphans, widows, deserving Momins
Distribution of copies of the Holy Quran, religious books and literature
Construction of Shiah Masajid & Hussainiyas (and giving donations)
Aa'mal of the Living for the Benefit of the Spirits in Barzakh | for everyone |
The following traditions have established beyond doubt the benefits of the Aa‟mal (Acts of Prayers, Duas, Good Deeds, Charity, etc.) of the living (children, relatives & others) for the dead:
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) has said, “On every Friday the spirits (Rooh) of the dead come to their homes and call out: O people of my house! May Allah bless you, have mercy on us.
Whatever we have done in this world, we are facing it's consequences now, while the fruits of our toil are being enjoyed by others. Favour us by giving on our behalf a dirham, or a bread, or clothes, so that Allah may bless you and reward you with a heavenly attire.”
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (A.S.) has said, “If a Rooh is facing trouble and difficulty, Allah grants it peace and prosperity because a living Momin has recited Namaz (Salath), or good deeds were performed on it‟s behalf.”
The sixth Holy Imam has also said, “Two dead persons can be included in the same Namaz
(Salath) or Duas or Quran recitation, and the Roohs becomes happy when this benefit reaches them.”
The World of Barzakh | for everyone |
After the events of the grave, one of the dreaded stages of the Hereafter is „Barzakh‟. It lasts until Qayamat.
1. The two valleys of Barzakh: It is related in traditions that whenever a believer (Mo'min) dies anywhere in the east or the west, the spirit (Rooh) is taken to the Valley of Peace (Wadi-us-Salaam) in Najaf near the grave of the Imam Ali ibn Abu Taleb (A.S.).
The Valley of Punishment (Wadi-e-Barhoot) is situated in the barren lands of a deserted valley in Yemen, which is devoid of food or water. This is the dwelling place of the dis-believers‟ spirits and evil spirits which are made to stay there during Barzakh and taste severe chastisement.
2. The spirit and the body: The spirit receives reward or punishment (as the case may be) in the grave. But due to it's long relationship with the body, the spirit keeps contact with the body. The body also feels the pain of punishment and is affected.
3. Visiting graves: Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (A.S.) has said, “Verily the spirit of the believer is in Wadi-usSalaam, but it surely keeps an eye on what is happening in the grave. It also looks at the people who have come to visit it‟s grave.”
Sending Gifts (Sadqa) for the Rooh (Spirit) | for everyone |
1. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) has said, “Send gifts to your dead.” When asked about what gifts we could send to the people who are dead, he replied, “It is to give alms (sadqa) on their behalf or pray for their forgiveness.” (Rules of Sadqa to be followed).
2. It has also been narrated from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.), “Whatever alms (Sadqa) is given on behalf of the deceased person, the blessed Angels adorn it on an illuminated tray (whose light spreads across the seven heavens) and take it to the head of the grave and say, “Peace be on you, O inhabitant of the grave! This gift has been sent to you by so-and-so. The deceased person takes the tray into his/hergrave; as a result of which the entire grave gets illuminated and the grave expands in size.”
3. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) also said, “Those who favour their departed relatives by giving alms on their behalf, it‟s reward is as big as the mountain of Ohad in the sight of Allah. On the day of Qayamat, Allah will give the person shelter under His Throne (Arsh) when there will be no other shelter except this. Hence this sadqa proves useful for the giver as well as the dead.”
4. When someone gives alms (Sadqa) on behalf of the dead, Allah commands Jibra'eel a.s. to take seventy thousand Angels along with him to the grave of the person. Each one of the Angels carries a tray full of blessings from Allah, and they call out, “O friend of Allah! Your so-and-so relative/friend has sent this gift for you.” The grave then becomes illuminated, and Allah grants the dead person one thousand cities in Paradise, gifts one thousand attires, fulfills one thousand wishes and weds the man in Paradise with one thousand Houries (and the woman with the best of believing men of her choice).
Those Aa’mal which Help in Passing the Pull-e-Serat (Bridge) Easily | for everyone |
To enable the dead to safely cross the seven passes of the Bridge of Serat, the following acts by their children/heirs on their behalf will be very beneficial:
1. All the Trusts (Amanah) they owe are settled
2. All their due and lapsed Namaz (Salath) have been offered. Also if their children offer their own wajib Namaz (Salat) regularly on time, their parents too get a share in their rewards at this juncture.
3. All their due Zakat and Khums have been paid.
4. All the due and lapsed fasts (Saum) have been fulfilled
5. The pilgrimage (Haj) which was not performed by them has been performed on their behalf after their death. As per Hadees, a person who dies without performing the Haj dies the death of a Jew or a Christian and he/she is not associated with Islam.
6. Atonement of rights (Mazalim): Correcting and compensating for violation of other‟s rights is performed. If a person has usurped (ghasb) someone‟s wealth or property, he/she will be imprisoned for forty years on the Bridge and then he/she shall be thrown into the fire of hell. In traditions it is narrated that in exchange for every (usurped) dirham, seven thousand (accepted) prayers of the usurper will be given to the person whose dirham he/she acquired sinfully.
The Benefits of Reciting Salawat for the Benefit of the Dead at the Meezan | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S) says,
“On the day of Qayamat when the deeds shall be weighed on the scales (Meezan), I will be present there. If a person‟s bad deeds will be weighing more than his/he are good ones, I will bring along the Salawat which he/she sent upon me and my Ahle Bayt, and add it to the good deeds, thereby increasing its weight in his/her favor.”
Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (A.S.) and Imam Mohammad al-Baqir (A.S.) have also narrated this hadees.
Laanat Ka Mustahiq Hy Woh Muljim Tera Pisar............ | for everyone |
Ya Ali a.s .... Aap ke qatil pr lanat.. Beshumaar. | for everyone |
Masjid Nabawai | for everyone |
Fast is a shield against the fire.-The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) | for everyone |
Imam e Sajjad a.s
It is the right of the fast (sawm) that you should recognize it as a curtain which God has put on your tongue, ears, eyes, private parts and stomach to protect you from the Fire (of Hell), and it has been mentioned in hadith (of the Prophet s.a.w.) that: "Fast is a shield against the fire." Therefore, if you keep your organs calm and quite inside this curtain, you may expect them to remain shielded; and if you allow them to remain disturbed behind the curtain trying to raise the corners of this cover, so they may perceive what is not lawful to them with a glance which causes a desire and a power which is beyond the limits of fear of God - then you cannot be sure that it will not tear the curtain and go out. And there is no power but with Allah. Risalatul huquq |
Nagah Jibrael a.s pukare gazab hua Masjid me qatl aaj Ameer-e-Arab a.s hua. | for everyone |
Last Will (Wasiaat) Of Moula Ali (A.S) | for everyone |
Very good film with live characters, made in the light of Wasiat nama (Will) of Imam Ali (a.s). Please watch and show it to kids as well
Please visit face book Abbas Alam
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