2573. Any lost property other than an animal, which does not bear any sign by means of which it may be possible to locate its owner, irrespective of whether its value is less than a dirham (12.6 chickpeas of coined silver) or not, can be kept for himself by one who finds it, but the recommended precaution is that he gives it away as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, whoever he may be.
2574. If a person finds a property whose value is less than a dirham, and if its owner is known, and the person who finds it does not know whether or not the owner would be happy about it, he cannot pick it up without his (i.e. the owner's) permission. And if its owner is not known, the person who finds should, as an obligatory precaution, give it away as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, whoever he may be. And when the owner is found, the replacement should be given to him if he does not approve the Sadaqah given on his behalf.
2575. If a person finds something which bears a sign by means of which its owner can be located, and even if he comes to know that its owner is a non-Muslim whose property must be protected, and if the value of that thing reaches one dirham, he should make an announcement about it at the place of gathering of the people for one year from the day on which he finds that thing.
2576. If a person does not wish to make an announcement himself, he can ask another reliable person to make the announcement, on his behalf.
2577. If the person who finds such a thing makes announcement for one year, but the owner of the property does not turn up he should act as follows:
1. If he has found that thing at a place other than the Haram of Makkah, he can retain it on behalf of the owner, so that he may give it to him when he appears, or give it as Sadaqah to the poor on behalf of the owner. As an obligatory precaution, he should not keep it for himself.
2. If he has found that thing in the Haram, the obligatory precaution is that he should give it away as Sadaqah.
2578. If the person makes announcement for one year and the owner of the property does not turn up, and he continues to care for it on behalf of its owner, and in the meantime it is lost, he will not be responsible for the loss if he has not been negligent nor over cautious about it. And if he gave it as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, then the owner will have an option either to approve the Sadaqah or demand its replacement. And the thawab for the Sadaqah will go to him who gave the Sadaqah.
2579. If a person finds a property, and purposely does not make an announcement according to the rules mentioned above, he commits a sin, and at the same time remains wajib on him to make an announcement if he thinks it can be helpful.
2580. If an insane person or a child who is not Baligh finds something which bears a sign and is worth one dirham, his guardian can make an announcement. In fact, it is obligatory upon him to announce if he has taken its possession from the child or the insane person. And if the owner is not found even after having announced for a year, he should act as rule no. 2577.
2581. If during the year in which a person has been making an announcement (about something having been lost and found) he loses all hope of finding the owner, he should give it away as Sadaqah with the permission of the Mujtahid.
2582. If the property is lost during the year in which he has been making an announcement, and he has been negligent in caring for it, or has been over cautious, he will be responsible to the owner for replacement, and should also continue announcing. But if he has not been negligent nor over cautious, it is not obligatory for him to pay anything.
2583. If the property which bears a mark, and has value equal to one dirham, is found at a place where it is known that the owner of the property will not be found by means of announcement, he should give it to the poor persons as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner on the very first day with the permission of the Mujtahid, and he should not wait till the year ends.
2584. If a person finds a thing and possesses it under the impression that it is his own property, but learns later that it is not his property, he should act as outlined in the foregoing rule.
2585. The announcement for the lost article should be made in such a way that the owner, if he hears it, would be drawn to investigate if the thing is his. And this differs in every situation. For example, at times it may be sufficient to declare that an article has been found, and at times, it is important to define it, like, saying that a piece of gold is found. Further still, it may be necessary to say that an earring of gold has been found, and so on. But in all cases, total description should not be given so that it is not identified fully.
2586. If a person finds something and another person claims that it is his, and also mentions certain marks of identification, the former should give that thing to him only if he is satisfied that it belongs to him. It is not necessary for the latter to mention the marks of which mostly even the owners do not take notice.
2587. If the value of a thing which a person finds is equal to one dirham, and he does not make an announcement about it, but leaves it in the mosque or at places of general assembly, and the thing is lost or somebody picks it up, the person who found the thing will be responsible.
2588. If a person finds a thing which is perishable, he should keep it for as long as it does not perish, and as an obligatory precaution, announce about it, and if he does not find the owner, as a precaution, he should fix its value with the permission of the Mujatahid or his Wakil and sell it, keeping the money with him. In the meantime, he should continue with the announcement till one year, and if the owner is not found, he will act as explained in rule no. 2577.
2589. If the thing found by somebody is with him at the time of performing Wudhu and offering prayers, and if he has no intention of returning it to its owner if he is found, his Wudhu and prayers do not become void.
2590. If a pair of shoes of a person is taken away and is replaced by another pair of shoes, and he knows that the pair of shoes which is now with him belongs to a certain person who would not mind if he took his shoes instead of his own, he can take them. Similar rule applies if he knows that he has been unjustly robbed of his shoes; but in this particular case, the value of shoes left behind must not exceed the value of his own shoes, otherwise the difference of the price will be treated as article whose owner is unknown. And in any other situation other than the two mentioned herein, the shoes will be considered as articles of unknown ownership.
2591. If a man has some property of 'unknown ownership' that is, its owner is not known and if it cannot be classified as lost, he is allowed to use it in a manner that would be agreeable to the owner, provided that he is sure that the owner will have no objection in principle. Otherwise, he must try to find the owner, and continue doing so for as long as he thinks it useful.
And when he despairs, he should, with the permission of the Mujtahid, give it away as Sadaqah to the poor. If the owner later on turns up, and if he does not approve the Sadaqah which was given, as a precaution, he must give him a replacement.
2574. If a person finds a property whose value is less than a dirham, and if its owner is known, and the person who finds it does not know whether or not the owner would be happy about it, he cannot pick it up without his (i.e. the owner's) permission. And if its owner is not known, the person who finds should, as an obligatory precaution, give it away as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, whoever he may be. And when the owner is found, the replacement should be given to him if he does not approve the Sadaqah given on his behalf.
2575. If a person finds something which bears a sign by means of which its owner can be located, and even if he comes to know that its owner is a non-Muslim whose property must be protected, and if the value of that thing reaches one dirham, he should make an announcement about it at the place of gathering of the people for one year from the day on which he finds that thing.
2576. If a person does not wish to make an announcement himself, he can ask another reliable person to make the announcement, on his behalf.
2577. If the person who finds such a thing makes announcement for one year, but the owner of the property does not turn up he should act as follows:
1. If he has found that thing at a place other than the Haram of Makkah, he can retain it on behalf of the owner, so that he may give it to him when he appears, or give it as Sadaqah to the poor on behalf of the owner. As an obligatory precaution, he should not keep it for himself.
2. If he has found that thing in the Haram, the obligatory precaution is that he should give it away as Sadaqah.
2578. If the person makes announcement for one year and the owner of the property does not turn up, and he continues to care for it on behalf of its owner, and in the meantime it is lost, he will not be responsible for the loss if he has not been negligent nor over cautious about it. And if he gave it as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, then the owner will have an option either to approve the Sadaqah or demand its replacement. And the thawab for the Sadaqah will go to him who gave the Sadaqah.
2579. If a person finds a property, and purposely does not make an announcement according to the rules mentioned above, he commits a sin, and at the same time remains wajib on him to make an announcement if he thinks it can be helpful.
2580. If an insane person or a child who is not Baligh finds something which bears a sign and is worth one dirham, his guardian can make an announcement. In fact, it is obligatory upon him to announce if he has taken its possession from the child or the insane person. And if the owner is not found even after having announced for a year, he should act as rule no. 2577.
2581. If during the year in which a person has been making an announcement (about something having been lost and found) he loses all hope of finding the owner, he should give it away as Sadaqah with the permission of the Mujtahid.
2582. If the property is lost during the year in which he has been making an announcement, and he has been negligent in caring for it, or has been over cautious, he will be responsible to the owner for replacement, and should also continue announcing. But if he has not been negligent nor over cautious, it is not obligatory for him to pay anything.
2583. If the property which bears a mark, and has value equal to one dirham, is found at a place where it is known that the owner of the property will not be found by means of announcement, he should give it to the poor persons as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner on the very first day with the permission of the Mujtahid, and he should not wait till the year ends.
2584. If a person finds a thing and possesses it under the impression that it is his own property, but learns later that it is not his property, he should act as outlined in the foregoing rule.
2585. The announcement for the lost article should be made in such a way that the owner, if he hears it, would be drawn to investigate if the thing is his. And this differs in every situation. For example, at times it may be sufficient to declare that an article has been found, and at times, it is important to define it, like, saying that a piece of gold is found. Further still, it may be necessary to say that an earring of gold has been found, and so on. But in all cases, total description should not be given so that it is not identified fully.
2586. If a person finds something and another person claims that it is his, and also mentions certain marks of identification, the former should give that thing to him only if he is satisfied that it belongs to him. It is not necessary for the latter to mention the marks of which mostly even the owners do not take notice.
2587. If the value of a thing which a person finds is equal to one dirham, and he does not make an announcement about it, but leaves it in the mosque or at places of general assembly, and the thing is lost or somebody picks it up, the person who found the thing will be responsible.
2588. If a person finds a thing which is perishable, he should keep it for as long as it does not perish, and as an obligatory precaution, announce about it, and if he does not find the owner, as a precaution, he should fix its value with the permission of the Mujatahid or his Wakil and sell it, keeping the money with him. In the meantime, he should continue with the announcement till one year, and if the owner is not found, he will act as explained in rule no. 2577.
2589. If the thing found by somebody is with him at the time of performing Wudhu and offering prayers, and if he has no intention of returning it to its owner if he is found, his Wudhu and prayers do not become void.
2590. If a pair of shoes of a person is taken away and is replaced by another pair of shoes, and he knows that the pair of shoes which is now with him belongs to a certain person who would not mind if he took his shoes instead of his own, he can take them. Similar rule applies if he knows that he has been unjustly robbed of his shoes; but in this particular case, the value of shoes left behind must not exceed the value of his own shoes, otherwise the difference of the price will be treated as article whose owner is unknown. And in any other situation other than the two mentioned herein, the shoes will be considered as articles of unknown ownership.
2591. If a man has some property of 'unknown ownership' that is, its owner is not known and if it cannot be classified as lost, he is allowed to use it in a manner that would be agreeable to the owner, provided that he is sure that the owner will have no objection in principle. Otherwise, he must try to find the owner, and continue doing so for as long as he thinks it useful.
And when he despairs, he should, with the permission of the Mujtahid, give it away as Sadaqah to the poor. If the owner later on turns up, and if he does not approve the Sadaqah which was given, as a precaution, he must give him a replacement.
Bibi Fatima (s.a) will lead them into Paradise. | for everyone |
Imam Baqir (A) said:
"I heard Jabir Ibn Abdullah Ansari say: Allah's Messenger said: "On the Day of Rising, My daughter, Fatima, shall arrive riding a female camel from among the camels of Paradise-to her right shall be seventy thousand angels and to her left shall also be seventy thousand angels; Gabriel will be holding its muzzle and calling with the loudest of voices: `Cast down your eyes so that Fatima Bint Muhammad may pass!"
"Then shall no prophet, messenger, truthful one, or martyr remain without casting their eyes down until Fatima passes... Then a call shall come from the side of Allah, the Exalted:
My beloved one and the daughter of my beloved one; ask Us and you shall be given (whatever you wish), and intercede, your intercedence shall be accepted. By my Honor and Exaltation, the oppression of no oppressor shall pass My (judgement) today. She (Fatima) will then say:
"O Allah, My Master; My progeny, My Shiites (followers), the Shiites of my progeny, those who love me and those who love my progeny."
She will then hear a call from Allah's side, may His Name be exalted:
"Where are Fatima's progeny, her Shiites, those who love her, and those who love her progeny?" They will then come forward, surrounded by angels of mercy, and Fatima will lead them into Paradise."
"I heard Jabir Ibn Abdullah Ansari say: Allah's Messenger said: "On the Day of Rising, My daughter, Fatima, shall arrive riding a female camel from among the camels of Paradise-to her right shall be seventy thousand angels and to her left shall also be seventy thousand angels; Gabriel will be holding its muzzle and calling with the loudest of voices: `Cast down your eyes so that Fatima Bint Muhammad may pass!"
"Then shall no prophet, messenger, truthful one, or martyr remain without casting their eyes down until Fatima passes... Then a call shall come from the side of Allah, the Exalted:
My beloved one and the daughter of my beloved one; ask Us and you shall be given (whatever you wish), and intercede, your intercedence shall be accepted. By my Honor and Exaltation, the oppression of no oppressor shall pass My (judgement) today. She (Fatima) will then say:
"O Allah, My Master; My progeny, My Shiites (followers), the Shiites of my progeny, those who love me and those who love my progeny."
She will then hear a call from Allah's side, may His Name be exalted:
"Where are Fatima's progeny, her Shiites, those who love her, and those who love her progeny?" They will then come forward, surrounded by angels of mercy, and Fatima will lead them into Paradise."
ON THE DAY OF RISING | for everyone |
On the Day when the oppressed shall bite their hands (in fear); when the oppressors shall be gathered in humiliation and lowliness, remembering their disgraceful and shameful deeds:
Then every one of them shall review his file, which is packed with oppression against his chosen worshippers. On that Day shall every human, whatever color, creed, faith, and his deeds may be shall be gathered... no one will be left behind... even the fetus who was the victim of abortion shall come that Day to present his case...
Then the great personality of Lady Zahra (A) shall become manifest to every soul...
Following are several narrations reported by Ahlul-Bayt (A) regarding Fatima (A) on the Last Day: Ali (S) said:
"I heard the Prophet say:
"On the Day of Rising, a caller shall announce from beyond the veil: "O gathered people, lower your eyes so that Fatima, the Daughter of Muhammad, may pass."
Then every one of them shall review his file, which is packed with oppression against his chosen worshippers. On that Day shall every human, whatever color, creed, faith, and his deeds may be shall be gathered... no one will be left behind... even the fetus who was the victim of abortion shall come that Day to present his case...
Then the great personality of Lady Zahra (A) shall become manifest to every soul...
Following are several narrations reported by Ahlul-Bayt (A) regarding Fatima (A) on the Last Day: Ali (S) said:
"I heard the Prophet say:
"On the Day of Rising, a caller shall announce from beyond the veil: "O gathered people, lower your eyes so that Fatima, the Daughter of Muhammad, may pass."
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Is Life Being Unfair On You... | for everyone |
Around two weeks ago I was called to judge a talent contest at one of the city colleges. I noticed all the participants were given slips of paper with topic written on it and told to come up and speak for three minutes.
Lots were drawn as to who would be the first speaker and the next and the next.
The first contestant I noticed looked a little disgruntled as he got onto the podium to address the others.
"My fellow students and respected judges," he said loudly, "this is an unfair contest!"
I, along with my fellow judges looked up surprised. "I have been given this paper," he continued, "to speak on a subject with just a few minutes preparation whereas those after me have more time to work on their speech.
This is unfair!" He then proceeded to leave the stage and stormed out of the hall. Nobody missed him and the contest went on smoothly.
I met him on the landing as I was being escorted out later.
"Who said life is fair?" I asked him with a smile. He looked at me startled and I asked him to walk with me to my car. "Life," I told him, "is fighting the unfair and still winning! Do you read automobile magazines?"
"Yes," he said eagerly, "I do."
"Have you seen statistics shown when a new car is being introduced into the market? They talk about speed and torque and transmission and horse power."
"Yes," he nodded.
"But there is a line they put after all these figures. They say all this data is when there are ideal road conditions!"
"Yes," he said again.
"Show me ideal road conditions?" I asked him and he smiled. "The car that sells well," I continued is the car that will deliver power and speed and durability in the worst of roads, in potholes and mud and slush. That car is a winner!"
We had reached my car and he stood by my side as I heaved myself in.
"Don't look for ideal playing conditions," I said. "Fight the unfair and come out a winner!" I looked back in my rear view mirror as I drove away and saw him smile and wave and knew he would fight the unfair from now on.
The fight never stops. Ask all the successful people in our own country.
They fight regardless whether the battle is fair or unfair. Stop telling the world about the unfair deal you've got out of life; start battling the unfair, come out
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
Win Win Situation | for everyone |
There once lived a great mathematician in a village outside Ujjain . He was often called by the local king to advice on matters related to the economy. His reputation had spread as far as Taxila in the North and Kanchi in the South. So it hurt him very much when the village headman told him, "You may be a great mathematician who advises the king on economic matters but your son does not know the value of gold or silver."
The mathematician called his son and asked, "What is more valuable - gold or silver?" "Gold," said the son. "That is correct. Why is it then that the village headman makes fun of you, claims you do not know the value of gold or silver? He teases me every day. He mocks me before other village elders as a father who neglects his son. This hurts me. I feel everyone in the village is laughing behind my back because you do not know what is more valuable, gold or silver. Explain this to me, son."
So the son of the mathematician told his father the reason why the village headman carried this impression. "Every day on my way to school, the village headman calls me to his house. There, in front of all village elders, he holds out a silver coin in one hand and a gold coin in other. He asks me to pick up the more valuable coin. I pick the silver coin. He laughs, the elders jeer, everyone makes fun of me. And then I go to school. This happens every day. That is why they tell you I do not know the value of gold or silver."
The father was confused. His son knew the value of gold and silver, and yet when asked to choose between a gold coin and silver coin always picked the silver coin. "Why don't you pick up the gold coin?" he asked. In response, the son took the father to his room and showed him a box. In the box were at least a hundred silver coins. Turning to his father, the mathematician' s son said, "The day I pick up the gold coin the game will stop. They will stop having fun and I will stop making money."
The bottom line is...
Sometimes in life, we have to play the fool because our seniors and our peers, and sometimes even our juniors like it. That does not mean we lose in the game of life. It just means allowing others to win in one arena of the game, while we win in the other arena of the game. We have to choose which arena matters to us and which arenas do not...
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
Be Observant | for everyone |
Chuan and Jing joined a wholesale company together just after graduation.
Both worked very hard.
After several years, the boss promoted Jing to sales executive but Chuan remained a sales rep. One day Chuan could not take it anymore, tender resignation to the boss and complained the boss did not value hard working staff, but only promoted those who flattered him.
The boss knew that Chuan worked very hard for the years, but in order to help Chuan realise the difference between him and Jing, the boss asked Chuan to do the following. Go and find out anyone selling water melon in the market? Chuan returned and said yes. The boss asked how much per kg?
Chuan went back to the market to ask and returned to inform boss the $12 per kg.
Boss told Chuan, I will ask Jing the same question? Jing went, returned and said, boss, only one person selling water melon. $12 per kg, $100 for 10 kg, he has inventory of 340 melons. On the table 58 melons, every melon weighs about 15 kg, bought from the South two days ago, they are fresh and red, good quality.
Chuan was very impressed and realised the difference between himself and Jing. He decided not to resign but to learn from Jing.
My dear friends, a more successful person is more observant, thinks more and understands in depth. For the same matter, a more successful person sees several years ahead, while we see only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times.
Think! how far have you seen ahead in your life? How thoughtful in depth are you?
(sent by bro Najmuddin)
There are many traditions narrated by all Islamic schools where the Apostle of Allah (PBUH&HF) has portrayed the events just prior to the uprising of al-Mahdi (AS). The Shi'ite traditions that have been narrated from the Prophet (PBUH&HF) and the Imams of Ahl al-Bait (AS) provide much more details for the events that are supposed to take place before the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (AS). Some of these signs are about the hard condition of people in the world before his reappearance. For instance, Abu Hamza al-Thumali and Abu Basir both narrated: Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (AS) said, "The Qa'im shall not rise until after a great fear from people, the earthquake, afflictions, trials, and the disease have inflicted people, the war between Arabs, great disagreement between people, break ups in their religion, changing their state such that the wishers wish death every morning and night due to the greatness of what is observed, and the eating of people by people. The rising of (al-Qa'im) shall be at the time of despair and hopelessness of people for finding any opening/relief."[2] On the other hand, some signs are about the miraculous events that will happen just prior to the rising of al-Qa'im. For instance, there will be a lunar eclipse at the end of the month of Ramadhan. The eclipse at the end of the month is a supernatural phenomenon that has never happened before. Badr Ibn Khalil al-Azdi narrated: I was sitting with Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (AS) when he (AS) said, "There shall be two signs before the rising of al-Mahdi (AS) that have not occurred since Adam (AS) descended on the earth. The sun shall be eclipsed in the middle of the month of Ramadhan and the moon (shall be eclipsed) in the end of that month." A man in the presence said, "O Son of the Apostle of Allah (PBUH&HF)! The sun shall be eclipsed in the end of the month and the moon in the middle." The Imam replied, "I know what you say. But these are the signs that have never happened since Adam descended."[3] |
SHOWING THE RIGHT WAY | for everyone |
One day, an old man was performing ablution. His ablution was futile and invalid. Imam Hassan (a.s.) ought to make him aware of his fault but how? If he said to him you are wrong possibly his heart might break and he got annoyed and did not accept it. He along with Imam Hussain (a.s.) decided to create a scene and ask the old man to make the judgment. Imam Hassan (a.s.) addressed Imam Hussain (a.s.) and said, "I perform a better ablution as compared to yours."
Imam Hussain (a.s.) said "I perform it better than you do." Both of them approached the old man and said, "You come and see our ablution and decide who performs a better ablution." Both of them got busy with performing ablution and ended it in a correct and nice way. The old man understood what was the secret of their act and became aware that they meant him to find out his fault, in this way. So he said to them "The ablution performed by both of you is correct, I am an old man, who did not know how to perform the ablution correctly. You made me aware about my fault. I am much thankful to you."
Imam Hussain (a.s.) said "I perform it better than you do." Both of them approached the old man and said, "You come and see our ablution and decide who performs a better ablution." Both of them got busy with performing ablution and ended it in a correct and nice way. The old man understood what was the secret of their act and became aware that they meant him to find out his fault, in this way. So he said to them "The ablution performed by both of you is correct, I am an old man, who did not know how to perform the ablution correctly. You made me aware about my fault. I am much thankful to you."
Malik-e-Ashtar was a great soldier and general. He is very well remembered in the history of Islam. He later became the Governor of Egypt. Malik-e-Ashtar served under the great caliph and Imam Ali.
Once at the time when he was commander-in-chief in Kufa, Iraq, he was walking on foot in the streets. His head was shaven. As he was passing on the way a man seeing his shaven head slapped him on head as a joke to make people laugh. He did not know that it was the Commander-in-chief whom he had slapped. The Commander did not even raise his eyes to see who the offender was. He continued to walk as nothing had happened.
People in the street and the shops saw this. They at first were surprised and expected him to get angry. But soon they began to talk of the great general's humbleness.
The loafer came to know of the identity of his victim. He was greatly shaken with fear. He thought the Commander-in-Chief would punish him for the insult.
He immediately went running after Malik-e-Ashtar to beg his forgiveness. He went first to Malik-e-Ashtar's house but could not find him. After some search he found him sitting in Masjid-e-Kufa (the Kufa Mosque) praying. He waited patiently until the General finished his prayers. Then politely he approached the General, bowed his head and humbly begged for the forgiveness.
Malik-e-Ashtar lifted the man and said, "But, my sole purpose to come here was to pray to Allah to forgive you."
There is a lesson to be learnt in this example. Let us keep away from pride and enmity. Let us forget and forgive the wrong done to us. Malik was a follower of Ali.
Imam Ali said:
"Hurry not to punish a man for fault committed."
"Leave room for pardon between the two acts."
"The best deeds of a great man are to forgive and forget."
Once at the time when he was commander-in-chief in Kufa, Iraq, he was walking on foot in the streets. His head was shaven. As he was passing on the way a man seeing his shaven head slapped him on head as a joke to make people laugh. He did not know that it was the Commander-in-chief whom he had slapped. The Commander did not even raise his eyes to see who the offender was. He continued to walk as nothing had happened.
People in the street and the shops saw this. They at first were surprised and expected him to get angry. But soon they began to talk of the great general's humbleness.
The loafer came to know of the identity of his victim. He was greatly shaken with fear. He thought the Commander-in-Chief would punish him for the insult.
He immediately went running after Malik-e-Ashtar to beg his forgiveness. He went first to Malik-e-Ashtar's house but could not find him. After some search he found him sitting in Masjid-e-Kufa (the Kufa Mosque) praying. He waited patiently until the General finished his prayers. Then politely he approached the General, bowed his head and humbly begged for the forgiveness.
Malik-e-Ashtar lifted the man and said, "But, my sole purpose to come here was to pray to Allah to forgive you."
There is a lesson to be learnt in this example. Let us keep away from pride and enmity. Let us forget and forgive the wrong done to us. Malik was a follower of Ali.
Imam Ali said:
"Hurry not to punish a man for fault committed."
"Leave room for pardon between the two acts."
"The best deeds of a great man are to forgive and forget."
“Oh believers! Do not Let your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. If any one acts this way, the loss is his own.”[51]
“Spend something (in charity) out of the substance which We have bestowed upon you, before death should come to any of you and he should say, 'Oh my Lord! Why didn't you give me respite for a little while? Then I would have given (largely) in charity, and I would have been one of the righteous.'”[52]
“But Allah will not grant respite to any soul when its appointed time when has come, and Allah is well acquainted with (all) that you do.”[53]
There is no doubt that worldly wealth and physical abilities can lead to man's success. With these, it is possible for man to gain Allah's pleasure and save himself from undesirable characteristics and evil actions.
A financially stable person is free from the bonds of poverty. He is able to live a healthy life. He is able to protect his freedom and honor because of his independence.
Poverty and neediness are the most common causes of crime and social deviance. For example, the main reason women fall into prostitution is poverty. Of course, some unethical forms of action have causes other than poverty and neediness.
There is, of course, forms of logic behind the Quranic statement that wealth is one of the greatest blessings from Allah. It is mentioned in the Qura-n that sharing wealth is the best form of charity.
The Honorable Prophet (s) said the following to a group of people who thought that being poor is better than having wealth: “Worldly possessions are the best means for obtaining piety (taqwa).”[54]
Rightful possessions are those that lead to success and improve one's environment, those that save people from hopelessness and destitution. It was this sort of property that the Commander of the Faithful described when he saw ?Ala- bin Zi-ya-d's glorious castle: “This castle can be a tool for success, if guests and family members are treated with hospitality inside it.”[55]
Man's essential purpose will remain misunderstood if one lives in a world of passions and carnal desires, a world where only pleasure is important. Were one to live in such a world one would think that life's only goal is love of oneself and worldly possessions. There is, of course, no problem if one approaches this world in a way where possessions and children do not take one away from the remembrance of Allah. Anything else will lead to destruction and loss.
One clear point of the ninth verse of Su-rah Muna-fiqu-n is that the Qura-n does not give the order to stay away from the world. It does not say: “Do not seek profit and livelihood.” Instead it uses the Arabic word 'tulhikum.' What is meant by this is an approach to the world that does not keep one away from the remembrance of Allah and does not keep one unnecessarily busy.[56]
The reason this world leads to loss is because one spends all of one's physical and spiritual strength on something that will not remain after death. A person who seeks only this world will not benefit in the least from the blessings that are reserved for the believers.
The Commander of the Faithful has a succinct and beautiful saying about this world: “One who looks at the world as a means of obtaining success in both worlds can see, and one who thinks of the world as the final goal is blind.”[57]
One who thinks that gold, silver and mansions are the goals of life will not respect any moral principles. Such a person will abandon truth, justice, equity and other ethical virtues.
People whose highest goal in this world will wish to prolong their lives when they are confronted with death and will have the feeling that the wealth they have amassed will not benefit them anymore. During these last moments of life they will desire to spend their money in the way of Allah so that they can secure provisions for the next life.
They are neglectful of one of the divine secrets (sunnat illa-hi-). This secret is that death cannot be delayed. Death arrives once one has exercised all of ones abilities and has lived a full life. In the same way that a ripe fruit must be picked, a soul that has reached its personal perfection must leave the body and enter the next life.
Not only does the person who was in love with this world wish that his death could be delayed, but when he enters the next world and the curtains of ignorance and neglect are lifted from him, he will wish to be sent back to the world. The Qura-n describes this intense regret in powerful terms: “Oh Our Lord, we have seen and we have heard. Send us back (to the world). We will do righteousness because we surely believe now.”[58]
They are neglectful of one of the divine secrets (sunnat illa-hi-). This secret is that death cannot be delayed. Death arrives once one has exercised all of ones abilities and has lived a full life. In the same way that a ripe fruit must be picked, a soul that has reached its personal perfection must leave the body and enter the next life.
Not only does the person who was in love with this world wish that his death could be delayed, but when he enters the next world and the curtains of ignorance and neglect are lifted from him, he will wish to be sent back to the world. The Qura-n describes this intense regret in powerful terms: “Oh Our Lord, we have seen and we have heard. Send us back (to the world). We will do righteousness because we surely believe now.”[58]
PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW | for everyone |
PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW! and Pray for our Brothers and Sisters fighting for FREEDOM!
with Peace and Blessings!
Dear friends,
The UN Security Council will decide in 48 hours whether to impose a no-fly zone on Libya's deadly air force to stop attacks on civilians. United global pressure from people around the world has helped push the Council to a unified position before -- we need it now: |
As Qaddafi's jets drop bombs on the Libyan people, the UN Security Council will decide in 48 hours whether to impose a no-fly zone to keep the government's warplanes on the ground.
Together, we've sent 450,000 emails to the UN Security Council, "overwhelming" the Council President and and helping to win targeted sanctions and a justice process for the Libyan people. Now, to stop the bloodshed, we need a massive outcry for a no-fly zone.
If Qaddafi can't dominate the air, he loses a key weapon in a war in which civilians are paying the heaviest price. But as long as his helicopter gunships and bombers are in the air, the death toll will rise. We have just 48 hours left -- let's hit 1 million messages to stop Qaddafi's deadly attacks before it's too late:
The Libyan opposition has called on the international community to help "protect the Libyan people from the crimes against humanity being committed on them". The UK Foreign Secretary says "there are credible reports of the use of helicopter gunships against civilians by government forces."
The head of NATO, meanwhile, has said that any effort to create a no-fly zone would first require a resolution from the UN. In many crises like this one, one UN country or another has vetoed strong positions -- but with Libya, something different has already begun. The Security Council's sanctions are real. UN Ambassadors say that representatives are "substantially united" that Qaddafi has to go. What's needed now is another push from the world's people.
A resolution wouldn't be a silver bullet -- the enforcement of a no-fly zone would be dangerous and complex. But even the serious threat of one could show Qaddafi that his time is up. Our governments need to know that we stand with the people of Libya, and we won't accept delay. Send them a message and forward this to friends and family:
The non-violent movements for democracy in the Arab world have inspired people everywhere. Qaddafi, however, chose the darkest path -- of violent repression to crush a brave and peaceful uprising. In this moment, we can see two futures for Libya: one path of prolonged violence by a dictator against his population, and one in which determined international measures support the aspirations of the Libyan people.
In these crucial days, we must recognize that our own actions, as citizens around the world, affect the fates of our brothers and sisters in Libya. And we must come together in solidarity -- with those who have been lost, and for those who struggling to survive.
With hope,
Ben, Luis, Graziela, Benjamin, Ricken, Stephanie, Rewan, and the whole Avaaz team
CBS, "Libya rebels beg for no-fly as bombings persist; Bombing hits road taking CBS News to front line, killing 2 children in pickup truck, slashing survivors with shrapnel":
CNN, "Gadhafi launches airstrikes as civil war rages in Libya":
WSJ, "NATO Chief Says a U.N. Resolution Is Needed to Establish No-Fly Zone":
U.S. Seeks Consensus On Libya At U.N.
Error! Filename not specified.
Support the Avaaz community! We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way -- donate here.
Together, we've sent 450,000 emails to the UN Security Council, "overwhelming" the Council President and and helping to win targeted sanctions and a justice process for the Libyan people. Now, to stop the bloodshed, we need a massive outcry for a no-fly zone.
If Qaddafi can't dominate the air, he loses a key weapon in a war in which civilians are paying the heaviest price. But as long as his helicopter gunships and bombers are in the air, the death toll will rise. We have just 48 hours left -- let's hit 1 million messages to stop Qaddafi's deadly attacks before it's too late:
The Libyan opposition has called on the international community to help "protect the Libyan people from the crimes against humanity being committed on them". The UK Foreign Secretary says "there are credible reports of the use of helicopter gunships against civilians by government forces."
The head of NATO, meanwhile, has said that any effort to create a no-fly zone would first require a resolution from the UN. In many crises like this one, one UN country or another has vetoed strong positions -- but with Libya, something different has already begun. The Security Council's sanctions are real. UN Ambassadors say that representatives are "substantially united" that Qaddafi has to go. What's needed now is another push from the world's people.
A resolution wouldn't be a silver bullet -- the enforcement of a no-fly zone would be dangerous and complex. But even the serious threat of one could show Qaddafi that his time is up. Our governments need to know that we stand with the people of Libya, and we won't accept delay. Send them a message and forward this to friends and family:
The non-violent movements for democracy in the Arab world have inspired people everywhere. Qaddafi, however, chose the darkest path -- of violent repression to crush a brave and peaceful uprising. In this moment, we can see two futures for Libya: one path of prolonged violence by a dictator against his population, and one in which determined international measures support the aspirations of the Libyan people.
In these crucial days, we must recognize that our own actions, as citizens around the world, affect the fates of our brothers and sisters in Libya. And we must come together in solidarity -- with those who have been lost, and for those who struggling to survive.
With hope,
Ben, Luis, Graziela, Benjamin, Ricken, Stephanie, Rewan, and the whole Avaaz team
CBS, "Libya rebels beg for no-fly as bombings persist; Bombing hits road taking CBS News to front line, killing 2 children in pickup truck, slashing survivors with shrapnel":
CNN, "Gadhafi launches airstrikes as civil war rages in Libya":
WSJ, "NATO Chief Says a U.N. Resolution Is Needed to Establish No-Fly Zone":
U.S. Seeks Consensus On Libya At U.N.
Error! Filename not specified.
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(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Hypocrites' actions and words are illogical because of the disease of hypocrisy which is inside of them. An example of such illogical thinking occurred when the Messenger of Allah (s) and the believers in his religion made peace with Islam's obstinate enemies in the land of Hudaybi-yah and a group of near-sighted people because angry.
An example of humanity's greatest sympathizer, the Prophet of Islam (s) and his actions at the war of Hudaybi-yah. It will become clear that the exalted leader of Islam (s) displayed the highest level of compassion since his principles were not in danger:
The Muslims were confronted with strong resistance from the polytheistic army of Mecca in the days of Hudaybi-yah. The days of Hudaybi-yah were when the Muslims stopped in a place called Hudaybi-yah in order to make the lesser pilgrimage (?ummrah).
An intense war was about to begin between the two parties. Various representatives of the Quraysh came to the Prophet (s) to discuss the situation. None of them was able to solve the situation diplomatically. Finally Suhayl bin ?Umar was sent to end this situation by making a peace treaty.
The Prophet saw Suhayl and said: “Suhayl has come to make a peace treaty between us and the Quraysh.” Suhayl came and sat down. He spoke as a diplomat and sparked the generosity of the Prophet to perform a few actions.
Suhayl said: “Oh Abu al-Qa-sim! Mecca is our holy ground and a place of honor for us. The Arab world knows that you have fought against us. If you enter Mecca with force and with your great strength, you would make our weakness and helplessness known to the whole Arab world. Tomorrow all of the Arabs will be mocking our land. I swear by the pleasant thoughts that you have towards us, by the respect for Mecca and by your birthplace…”
The Prophet of Islam (s) then interrupted Suhayl and asked: “What are you getting at?”
Suhayl said: “The leaders of the Quraysh want all of you to go back to Medina this year and leave your obligatory pilgrimage for next year. Next year, the Muslims will be able to participate in all of the pilgrimage ceremonies like every other Arab tribe, with the two conditions that they do not stay in Mecca for more than three days and that they cannot have a weapon other than the traveler's sword.”
Suhayl's conversation with the Prophet (s) resulted in a comprehensive peace treaty between the Muslims and the Quraysh. Suhayl was extremely demanding in the specifics and the conditions of the peace treaty. Sometimes the peace treaty was close to being ripped up before it was signed, but because both sides wanted peace they would start over.
The peace treaty, despite Suhayl's inflexibility, was written. It was decided that the peace treaty should be written on two pieces of paper and both documents signed by both parties.
According to most historians, the Prophet (s) ordered ?Ali- (a) to write the peace treaty in the following manner:
The Prophet (s) ordered the Commander of the Faithful to write: 'In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.' ?Ali- (a) wrote it, and Suhayl said: “I am not familiar with this sentence, Do not write the Compassionate, the Merciful. Instead, you should write: 'In your name, Oh God.'
The Prophet of Islam (s) accepted and ?Ali- (a) wrote it the way Suhayl wanted. The Prophet (s) then ordered him to write, 'This peace treaty was written by Muh?ammad, the Messenger of Allah.' Suhayl objected and said: “Your prophethood is not part of our customs. If we accepted your prophethood we would have never come to fight against you. You must write it in your and your father's name alone. The phrase 'the Messenger of Allah' must be erased.”
Some of the Muslims did not agree with the Prophet (s) in surrendering this much to Suhayl's wishes. But the Prophet (s) was thinking about the enormous consequences of this peace treaty and accepted Suhayl's objection. He ordered ?Ali- (a) to erase the phrase 'the Messenger of Allah.'
Here, ?Ali- (a) said with the utmost respect: “I do not have the ability to erase prophethood from your holy name.”
Then the Prophet (s) told ?Ali- (a) to place his finger over the words 'the Messenger of Allah' and he would erase them himself. ?Ali- (a) did this and the prophet erased the phrase.[15]
The flexibility that the honorable leader of Islam (s) showed, while writing the peace treaty, was unprecedented in the world. This is because he was not engrossed by materialism or his own personal feelings. He knew that the truth would not be changed by writing or erasing a word. He agreed with everything that his opponent proposed in order to protect the peace treaty.
The Muslims were confronted with strong resistance from the polytheistic army of Mecca in the days of Hudaybi-yah. The days of Hudaybi-yah were when the Muslims stopped in a place called Hudaybi-yah in order to make the lesser pilgrimage (?ummrah).
An intense war was about to begin between the two parties. Various representatives of the Quraysh came to the Prophet (s) to discuss the situation. None of them was able to solve the situation diplomatically. Finally Suhayl bin ?Umar was sent to end this situation by making a peace treaty.
The Prophet saw Suhayl and said: “Suhayl has come to make a peace treaty between us and the Quraysh.” Suhayl came and sat down. He spoke as a diplomat and sparked the generosity of the Prophet to perform a few actions.
Suhayl said: “Oh Abu al-Qa-sim! Mecca is our holy ground and a place of honor for us. The Arab world knows that you have fought against us. If you enter Mecca with force and with your great strength, you would make our weakness and helplessness known to the whole Arab world. Tomorrow all of the Arabs will be mocking our land. I swear by the pleasant thoughts that you have towards us, by the respect for Mecca and by your birthplace…”
The Prophet of Islam (s) then interrupted Suhayl and asked: “What are you getting at?”
Suhayl said: “The leaders of the Quraysh want all of you to go back to Medina this year and leave your obligatory pilgrimage for next year. Next year, the Muslims will be able to participate in all of the pilgrimage ceremonies like every other Arab tribe, with the two conditions that they do not stay in Mecca for more than three days and that they cannot have a weapon other than the traveler's sword.”
Suhayl's conversation with the Prophet (s) resulted in a comprehensive peace treaty between the Muslims and the Quraysh. Suhayl was extremely demanding in the specifics and the conditions of the peace treaty. Sometimes the peace treaty was close to being ripped up before it was signed, but because both sides wanted peace they would start over.
The peace treaty, despite Suhayl's inflexibility, was written. It was decided that the peace treaty should be written on two pieces of paper and both documents signed by both parties.
According to most historians, the Prophet (s) ordered ?Ali- (a) to write the peace treaty in the following manner:
The Prophet (s) ordered the Commander of the Faithful to write: 'In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.' ?Ali- (a) wrote it, and Suhayl said: “I am not familiar with this sentence, Do not write the Compassionate, the Merciful. Instead, you should write: 'In your name, Oh God.'
The Prophet of Islam (s) accepted and ?Ali- (a) wrote it the way Suhayl wanted. The Prophet (s) then ordered him to write, 'This peace treaty was written by Muh?ammad, the Messenger of Allah.' Suhayl objected and said: “Your prophethood is not part of our customs. If we accepted your prophethood we would have never come to fight against you. You must write it in your and your father's name alone. The phrase 'the Messenger of Allah' must be erased.”
Some of the Muslims did not agree with the Prophet (s) in surrendering this much to Suhayl's wishes. But the Prophet (s) was thinking about the enormous consequences of this peace treaty and accepted Suhayl's objection. He ordered ?Ali- (a) to erase the phrase 'the Messenger of Allah.'
Here, ?Ali- (a) said with the utmost respect: “I do not have the ability to erase prophethood from your holy name.”
Then the Prophet (s) told ?Ali- (a) to place his finger over the words 'the Messenger of Allah' and he would erase them himself. ?Ali- (a) did this and the prophet erased the phrase.[15]
The flexibility that the honorable leader of Islam (s) showed, while writing the peace treaty, was unprecedented in the world. This is because he was not engrossed by materialism or his own personal feelings. He knew that the truth would not be changed by writing or erasing a word. He agreed with everything that his opponent proposed in order to protect the peace treaty.
The Prophet of Islam (s) explained this social reality in one of his speeches: “A believer is like a spike of wheat. When strong wind hits him sometimes he stands up and sometimes he sits down. Disbelievers, who do not bend down with compassion and who do not make peace with people, are like sturdy trees that are destroyed by a strong wind.”[14]
Because of their lack of a good mind and intellect, hypocrites did not listen to these words of the Prophet, even though it would have brought them profit, They were never willing to analyze Islamic principles and laws because their hearts were blind. They were never willing to act on principles that were only to their advantage.
Because of their lack of a good mind and intellect, hypocrites did not listen to these words of the Prophet, even though it would have brought them profit, They were never willing to analyze Islamic principles and laws because their hearts were blind. They were never willing to act on principles that were only to their advantage.
SIGNS OF HYPOCRACY | for everyone |
“When you look at them, their exteriors please you. When they speak, you listen to their words. They are as (worthless as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own). They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies; so beware of them. The curse of Allah be on them! How deluded they are (from the truth)!”[12]
The goal of this verse is to make clear the signs of hypocrisy. One can differentiate a hypocrite from a believer by looking for these signs. These signs are, to a certain degree, general and are present in hypocrites of this day and age. We will now explain these characteristics.
Commentators of the Qura-n say: “The hypocrites were handsome men during the time of revelation. ?Abd Allah bin Ubay was at the head of the hypocrites and his followers were all tall and handsome. They used their good looks for profit.”[13] Because of the historical circumstances surrounding this verse, we cannot take the appealing appearance of the hypocrites as a general principle.
Perhaps the meaning of the sentence: “When you look at them, their exteriors please you,” is that the hypocrites hide their true face in front of the believers. The way that they conduct themselves, with peace and tranquility, would please anyone. Believers think them to be righteous individuals.
This possibility might be closer to the actual meaning of the verse than what other commentators have mentioned. According to this interpretation a general or at least prevailing principle is formed.
The goal of this verse is to make clear the signs of hypocrisy. One can differentiate a hypocrite from a believer by looking for these signs. These signs are, to a certain degree, general and are present in hypocrites of this day and age. We will now explain these characteristics.
Commentators of the Qura-n say: “The hypocrites were handsome men during the time of revelation. ?Abd Allah bin Ubay was at the head of the hypocrites and his followers were all tall and handsome. They used their good looks for profit.”[13] Because of the historical circumstances surrounding this verse, we cannot take the appealing appearance of the hypocrites as a general principle.
Perhaps the meaning of the sentence: “When you look at them, their exteriors please you,” is that the hypocrites hide their true face in front of the believers. The way that they conduct themselves, with peace and tranquility, would please anyone. Believers think them to be righteous individuals.
This possibility might be closer to the actual meaning of the verse than what other commentators have mentioned. According to this interpretation a general or at least prevailing principle is formed.
Hypocrites hide their faces to cover up their hypocrisy and find a place amongst the believers while, in reality, they are predators and hold a deep-rooted animosity. Of course, this peace and tranquility does not prevent them from speaking their minds at necessary times.
The Prophet of Islam (s), in one of his treasured speeches, introduced the hypocrites as Islam's most dangerous enemy. He even said that they were Islam's only enemy. The following is the text of his speech: “I have never been frightened of any nation conquering Islam. I only worry about one group of people: the unbelievers who pretend to be Muslim, the two-faced hypocrites. They are with you in their words, but they would never take a step with you.”[10])
The Prophet of Islam's best student, the Commander of the Faithful (a) said the following regarding the hypocrites: “I warn you about the hypocrites. They are misguided and they misguide as well. They have appeared in society in different colors and with different faces. Their speech is eloquent, profitable and is even a cure for pain. But their actions are like incurable diseases.”[11]
The Islamic world must heed this warning given to us by our master, ?Ali- (a) during the early days of Islam. The Muslims must take this advice and, with the utmost scrutiny, become aware of the hypocrites. Hypocrites must be banished from the community. Their appearances should not fool the Muslims and their vows should not be accepted. The Muslims should know that they cover up their evil actions by taking part in religious ceremonies.
The Prophet of Islam's best student, the Commander of the Faithful (a) said the following regarding the hypocrites: “I warn you about the hypocrites. They are misguided and they misguide as well. They have appeared in society in different colors and with different faces. Their speech is eloquent, profitable and is even a cure for pain. But their actions are like incurable diseases.”[11]
The Islamic world must heed this warning given to us by our master, ?Ali- (a) during the early days of Islam. The Muslims must take this advice and, with the utmost scrutiny, become aware of the hypocrites. Hypocrites must be banished from the community. Their appearances should not fool the Muslims and their vows should not be accepted. The Muslims should know that they cover up their evil actions by taking part in religious ceremonies.
Almighty Allah says:5 | for everyone |
O, son of Adam! don not be like the one; who seeks pardon because of his unlimited desires. Who hopes for heaven, but does not do good deeds; Who speaks like pious person, but acts like hypocrites; Who has been blessed by bounties, but is not content; And if who is given (bounties), is not patient; Who advises others to do good deeds, but he himself indulges in evil ones. Who advises others to stay away from evil deeds, but he himself does not stay away from them; Who hates hypocrites, but is one of them.
O, Son of Adam! the earth always says "You walk on me, but in the end you will be within my bowls. I am a dwelling where you will have to stay all alone. I am a dwelling which is full of ferocious things, such as serpents and scorpions. So, O, Son of Adam, do good deeds and thereafter enter me; only then would you be happy and without hardships."
Almighty Allah says:4 | for everyone |
O, Son of Adam! a person who starts his day with greed for this world, finds no increase (in wealth) from Allah, and he is far from Allah. From this world nothing added to his wealth but struggle, and for the hereafter he has added exertion. Almighty Allah has added grief in his heart that will never end. Almighty Allah will add to his poverty which will never change into wealth, and increase his wishes and leave them unfulfilled.
O, Son of Adam! every day of your life is getting shorter, but still you do not understand? Each day I send down to you My bounties, but you are not thankful to Me for them. You are not content with little nor are you satisfied with much.
O, Son of Adam! not a single day misses but that your provision comes to you from Me; and not a single night passes, but that My angles give Me accounts of your bad deeds. You eat My provision, and you still disobey Me; but still when you call Me, I still answer you. From Me, good bounties descend upon you and from you. And from you, sinful deeds come up to Me.
How good a master I am and how bad a servant you are! I give you what ever you ask Me, but still you go on sinning. I hide these sins, one after another, one evil deed after another. I am ashamed of you, but you are not ashamed of Me? You forget Me, but I remember you. You are afraid of people, and you are careless of Me. You fear enmity of people, but you do not fear My wrath?
Almighty Allah says: 3 | for everyone |
My Essence witnesses My Being that there is no god but Me alone, without any partner and Mohammad (SAW) is My servant and Messenger. A person who is not happy with My orders, not patient with my afflictions, not thankful for My bounties, not content with My gifts, then he should look for another lord other than Me and he should get out of My universe.
A person who does not get what he wants in this world and becomes sad by it, is as if he is angry with Me.
A person who complains to another of calamities which has befallen upon him is as if he has complained about Me.
A person who goes to a rich person and humiliates himself because of his wealth, one-third of his faith is lost.
A person who hits himself in front of a dead body is as if he has taken a sword to fight with Me and he has ruined Ka'ba with his hands.
A person who does not care about what he eats (whether Halal or Haram), I will not care from which door I will make him enter Hell.
A person who is not trying to improve faith (by doing good deeds) is in loss. The one who is loss; death is better for him.
A person who practices according to his knowledge, I will increase his knowledge towards his acts.
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