HISTORY REPEATS..................... | for everyone |
If we closely analyze the current events in the political arena with the latest uprisings taking place in the Middle East, we will notice quite a few striking resemblances with historical events and incidences which beg us to reflect on these similarities and to extract wisdom from it.
Just recently, the government of Bahrain decided to uproot and destroy the statue of "Pearl" which stands in the Pearl Roundabout, in order to destroy this icon so that protestors abandon this square which has become a symbol of resistance to oppression. Actually, this very act was practiced before in history, in the form of the illustrious incident of chopping down the tree of Bay'at al-Ridwan (the Pledge of Ridwan) took place. It is well-known that when the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) was at Hudaibiyyah, his companions gave him their oaths of allegiance under a special tree to fight the Quraysh 'til the end; this incident came to be known as Bay'at al-Ridwan. This took place when the Prophet traveled with 1,400 of his companions aiming to visit the Ka'bain Mecca for worship. The tree became famous when Allah mentioned it in the Holy Qur'an (48:18) saying: "Verily, Allah is pleased with those believers who gave Bay'ah to you under the Tree". In the time of the Second Caliph, people were going to this historical tree and praying there to receive the blessings of Prophet Muhammad, which proves the permissibility of sanctifying an object that is associated with the saints of Allah. Upon knowing this, the Second Caliph went there and chopped down the tree of Hudaibiyyah! In this case, the tree was a sign which represented the Prophet and the allegiance given to him which was destroyed. Destroying such symbols as the holy tree or Pearl icon will not prevent the Haqq from being manifested or the people from continuing their resistance!
Just recently, the Saudi government sent military support to attack the protestors in Bahrain, which was yet a second example that demonstrated their true position of deceit and hypocrisy after they had accepted to provide safe haven to the ousted Tunisian ruler. As Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah said in a recent speech, dated 3/19/11: "Here there is strange irony: the Arab League and the Arab peoples, faced with the situation in Libya, did not say a word and did not send any army to defend the people. Yet in Bahrain they sent armies to defend a regime that was not threatened with collapse!" This daring move by the Saudis not only manifested their disloyalty towards their neighboring countries and their readiness to take extreme measures by sending their troops abroad, but it also exposed their animosity towards the oppressed brethren. Surely, their evil step was supported by the US and its allies, but little did the US realize the extent of mass murder that the Saudis were going to commit. Thereafter, the US General Secretary vindicated itself from their acts and condemned it, but it was way too late.
Time and time again, we observe the same phenomenon occurring in which the Shaytan influences and supports its allies to commit evil, and when evil is committed and shame has engulfed the criminals, Shaytan dissociates himself from the evil-doers. Even Yazid, the killer of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), tried to distance himself from the shame of spilling the blood of the grandson of the Prophet by shifting the blame onto his cronies. But the facts are clear and the actions manifest the true intentions of being.
The position which the Saudis have taken today raises the question: the Saudis and Bahrainis are Muslims, so where is the brotherhood of Islam in this case?
Furthermore, as the degree of aggression increases by the Shimr-like tyrant, Gaddafi, who – without hesitation – has eradicated human lives, even European countries and UN allies have promised to take action to bring this massacre to a halt. As a result of the abandonment of the Arab leaders – or of the majority of them – the door has been opened to foreign intervention in Libya and in every Arab country. They have taken this initiative due to moral responsibility and humanitarian conscience which dictates that when oppression has exceeded all boundaries and reached the state of transgression (Tughyaan), then action must be taken by all those who witness this injustice. That is why Allah ordered Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) to go to the Pharaoh and stand up against his injustice which had become unbearable: "Go to Fir'awn, surely he has exceeded all limits." (Holy Qur'an, 20:24)
Now compare the response taken by some countries to declare a no-fly zone in Libya and prevent the government army from killing the innocent people there, even if they are from another religion. Now contrast it with the behavior of Saudis who, with all their audacity, intervened to cause more oppression and bloodshed with those of similar religion and culture! They have followed the Shimr-like way of thinking and disregarded the humanitarian aspect and sympathy for the victims abroad, just like Shimr abandoned his human aspect and dressed himself with shame by his atrocious and inhumane treatment of Imam Hussain and his family in Karbala!
The irony is that the Muslim government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabic who has committed this horrifying act is also the guardians of the two holy sanctuaries: the Holy Ka'ba in Mecca and the Prophet's Masjid in Medina! The Holy Ka'ba is supposed to be a safe haven and refuge for even the nonbeliever. Yet we can observe that this very same country has stepped over its boundaries to kill innocent believers in a distant land, disregarding the honor of the role which they have assumed in serving the pilgrims and safeguarding the holy sanctuaries! One can only imagine how a Bahraini Muslim would feel if he had made the intention to go for Hajj next year and visit the sacred places in mecca and Medina, whose officials and guardians turned out to be the first to attack and kill the people in his country of Bahrain! This is such a self-contradicting and hypocritical situation that it begs everyone to question the legitimacy of the Saudis to assume the great and honorable role of "Guardianship of the Holy Places" in Hijaz. Surely, the least of their punishment in this world would be to fire them from this honorable position!
Reflecting upon the overall events of the region, it is interesting to note this subtle observation that when the Egyptian protestors were voicing their opposition to the government, one of the slogans they chanted was "Hay-haat minna zilla!" (which some translate to mean "disgrace is far from us!"). This rings a bell in our ears and reminds us of the famous vow which Imam Hussain declared before the tragedy of Karbala occurred. These few words which Imam Hussain uttered summarized the goal behind his mission and the policy which future generations 'til the end of time must adopt. Sure enough, almost 1,400 years later, a group of civilians who are not even familiar with the story of Imam Hussain have spontaneously repeated the same slogan! Most definitely, the message of Imam Hussain is universal and teaches a multitude of lessons for all of mankind!
Fatemeh Zahra (SA) Quranic Center Opens in Jordan | for everyone |
Fatemeh Zahra (SA) Quranic Center Opens in Jordan

It has been established by the Jordanian “Society for Defending the Quran”.
Nizal Al-Ibadi, a member of the society’s administrati council, and Uma As-Saeed, head of the society’s branch in Al-Aqaba province were present at the inauguration ceremony.
As-Saeed in a speech enumerated the society’s achievements and said it has founded 800 Quranic centers across Jordan.
He noted that some 8000 students have graduated from the Quran centers and 25,000 are currently studying at the centers.
“The Society for Defending the Quran also publishes the Furqan journal in 7000 copies as well as an interpretation of the Noble Quran,” As-Saeed went on to say.
At the end of the ceremony, a documentary film featuring the society’s activities was screened.
End ite/ 129
To Ward Off FEARS, WORRIES & ANXIETIES | for everyone |
Every morning recite the following Dua to ward off
and keep away 70 types of problems:
“Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen,
Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Hamdan Katheeran
Tayyiban Mubaarakan Fihi.”
(Praise is for Allaah Who is the Lord of the worlds, Praise is for Allaah, many many Praises, pure and virtuous.)
O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ، فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
“Whenever you recite “Dua”, have this
impression that what you want is at the door.”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said: "God grants seven hours to repent to any believer
who commits a sin. If he repents in that period, nothing will be recorded
in his letter of deeds, but if he does not, then the sin will be recorded."
Shaikh Sadooq narrates from Imam Ali-ar-Reza (AS) that if a person does
not have the means to lessen the stock of his bad deeds, he should send
Salawaat and Salaam on Mohammad (SAWW) and His Progeny (AS)bundantly,
doing so will decrease (the weight of ) his sins.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
One Smart Indian- Humor | for everyone |
Bahrain King Threatened to Rape Prominent Bahraini Human Rights Activist | for everyone |
URGENT Appeal: Bahrain King Threatened to Rape Prominent Bahraini Human Rights Activist

After refusing to apologize on camera to the King:
Prominent Human Rights Activist Threatened with Rape
Prominent Human Rights Activist Threatened with Rape
Joint Statement of the BCHR and BYSHR
Today at the 3rd hearing of the 21 defendants standing trial for charges including attempting to topple the government, former MENA Coordinator of Frontline Defenders and Former President of the Bahrain Centre of Human Rights, Mr. Abdulhadi Alkhawaja was removed from court. This happened immediately after he spoke at the beginning of the trial saying that he was threatened with rape after he refused to apologize to the King on Camera. He also told the judge that he had complained to the court in the previous session that he had been threatened and that the court had not done anything to secure his safety. The court judge refused to listen to these statements and Mr. Alkhawaja was ordered out of the court room even though he said that was all he wanted to say.
After the meeting Mr. Alkhawaja was allowed ten minutes with members of his family and his lawyer in the presence of one of the soldiers in the courtroom. He told them that last Friday he was escorted by 4 individuals in a white Sedan to an unknown location in a room where there was a video camera; a man there told him that he was a representative of the King and he began to question him. After the questioning, he was asked if he would like to apologize to the King, Mr.Alkhawaja responded, that as he had said in the Military prosecution he will only apologize if it turns out that what he has said is based on anything but the truth. Mr. Alkhawaja added (speaking to his family) that he feared that his words would be edited to seem like an apology. He was then asked again if he would like to apologize and he refused. Then he was taken to another room where the 4 men started to use foul language and threatened him with rape and that they would catch his daughter, BCHR activist Maryam Alkhawaja (who had recently participated in a congressional hearing on Bahrain), and rape her too. At this point the men started undressing and showing their private parts after which they started touching Mr. Alkhawaja inappropriately. When they tried to take off his pants, he threw himself down and started hitting his head on the ground continuously until he almost passed out. Seeing this they returned him to his prison cell. The doctor that examined Mr.Alkhawaja is afraid that this incident might cause complications with his head injuries that he sustained when he was arrested and has therefore scheduled an x-ray for today.

It is important to note that this is the third time Mr. Alkhawaja has spoken in court about abuse that he and other prisoners are being subjected to. In the first trial date 8 May 2011 he said to the judge that the court needs to give them guarantees that the continuous torture will end. In the second trial he stated that he was threatened of being killed if he spoke out in court. In all three attempts, the military judge not only silenced Mr. Alkhawaja but also refused to address any of the claims of torture, threats and abuse. This last time the court judge ordered that Mr. Alkhawaja statements be stricken from the court record. Another defendant, Mr. Mohammed Hassan, also spoke out in court today, stating that he has been subjected to torture, and that his body still bore the marks. He raised his pant legs to show evidence of torture.
After all these allegations and threats the BYSHR and BCHR fear for the safety and security of the defendants in general and in particular those that choose to speak out about their conditions and treatment in prison, especially considering the 4 deaths of individuals in custody.
The BYSHR and the BCHR call for:
1. The immediate and unconditional release of Mr. Alkhawaja and the other 20 detainees
2. An immediate investigation into the allegations of torture and mistreatment of the defendants
3. The international community to pressure the Bahraini authorities to provide guarantees for the safety and well being of human rights defenders in general and Mr. Alkhawaja in particular
2. An immediate investigation into the allegations of torture and mistreatment of the defendants
3. The international community to pressure the Bahraini authorities to provide guarantees for the safety and well being of human rights defenders in general and Mr. Alkhawaja in particular
End item/ 129
DUA FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN.......... | for everyone |
Duas for the safety of our children.
(1) To keep children safe from calamities recite AR-RABBO many times.
(2) Recitation of AR-RAQEEBO many times also safeguards the children.
(3) If one recites AL-BARRO 202 times his/her children shall be lucky and successful in their lawful dealings.
(4) To make the children faithful and obedient to parents recite this Duaa 7 times after every Waajib Namaaz:
Rabbee Hablee Min Ladunka Dhurriyyatan Tayyibatan Innaka Sameeud-Duaa.
Rabbee Hablee Min Ladunka Dhurriyyatan Tayyibatan Innaka Sameeud-Duaa.
سُوۡرَةُ آل عِمرَان
رَبِّ هَبۡ لِى مِن لَّدُنكَ ذُرِّيَّةً۬ طَيِّبَةًۖ إِنَّكَ سَمِيعُ ٱلدُّعَآءِ (٣٨)
(5) When a child shows signs of disobedience one should recite 7 times SURAH ASH-SHOORA or once SURAH AL-AHZAAB and pray for the cure of it.
(6) To keep the child safe from misfortune, accidents, or mischief write SURAH AL- WAAQIAH with saffron and tie it as a Ta’veez.
(7) Ta’veez of SURAH AL -BALAD keeps the child safe from the evil of genie and an evil eye.
(8) Recite SURAL AL-QADR (Innaa Anzalnaa…) and blow the breath on the child while taking him/her outdoors, this will be a safety guard from evil eyes.
O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ، فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
“Whenever you recite “Dua”, have this
impression that what you want is at the door.”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said: "God grants seven hours to repent to any believer
who commits a sin. If he repents in that period, nothing will be recorded
in his letter of deeds, but if he does not, then the sin will be recorded."
Shaikh Sadooq narrates from Imam Ali-ar-Reza (AS) that if a person does not have the means to lessen the stock of his bad deeds, he should send Salawaat and Salaam on Mohammad (SAWW) and His Progeny (AS)bundantly, doing so will decrease (the weight of ) his sins.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Shaykh Abbase Qummi A.R. says that any one wishing to increase memory should:
- not miss brushing the teeth with Miswak,
- should observe fasts,
- should recite Holy Qur’an, especially Aayatul Qursee,
- should consume 21 pcs of red raisins in breakfast,
- should consume honey, masoor-lentils, and meat which is taken from near the neck.
These things help increase memory. Similarly one should:
- abstain from eating sour apples, Cilantro (kothmir),
- should not urinate in water,
- should not read name-plates on the graves,
- should not walk between two women,
- should not leave lice escape away,
- should not cut nails with teeth,
- should not abstain from siesta,
- should not engage in sins,
- and should not worry and overwork for the worldly gains.
O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be.
الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ، فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
“Whenever you recite “Dua”, have this
impression that what you want is at the door.”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said: "God grants seven hours to repent to any believer
who commits a sin. If he repents in that period, nothing will be recorded
in his letter of deeds, but if he does not, then the sin will be recorded."
Shaikh Sadooq narrates from Imam Ali-ar-Reza (AS) that if a person does not have the means to lessen the stock of his bad deeds, he should send Salawaat and Salaam on Mohammad (SAWW) and His Progeny (AS)bundantly, doing so will decrease (the weight of ) his sins.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
A tradition from Imaam Muhammad Baqir A.S says that to remain safe and protected during the whole day one should look at the Aqeeq in their hand first thing when they get up in the morning, one should turn the Aqeeq towards the palm and recite Surah INNAA AZALNA, and then recite this Duaa:
Aamantu Billaahi Wahdahu Laa Shareeka Lahu
Wakafartu Bil Jibti Wat-Taaghuti
Wa Aamantu Bi Sirri Aal-e-Muhammadin
Wa Alaa niyyatihim Wa Dhaahirihim
Wa Baatinihim Wa Aakhirihim.
O my Allah, the honour of being Your servant is sufficient.
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
I am proud of the fact that You are my Lord.
You are just as I want, so make me just as You like me to be. الهي كفى بي عزّا أن أكون لك عبدا ، وكفى بي فخرا أن تكون لي ربّا
... أنت كما أُحبُّ ، فاجعلني كما تحبُّ
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج يا الله
“Whenever you recite “Dua”, have this
impression that what you want is at the door.”
Imam Sadiq (AS) said: "God grants seven hours to repent to any believer
who commits a sin. If he repents in that period, nothing will be recorded
in his letter of deeds, but if he does not, then the sin will be recorded."
Shaikh Sadooq narrates from Imam Ali-ar-Reza (AS) that if a person does
not have the means to lessen the stock of his bad deeds, he should send
Salawaat and Salaam on Mohammad (SAWW) and His Progeny (AS)bundantly,
doing so will decrease (the weight of ) his sins.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Allah ever watches over you | for everyone |
Quran 004.001
O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you.
025.054 Quran
It is He Who has created man from water: then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power (over all things).
033.006 Quran
The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers. Blood-relations among each other have closer personal ties, in the Decree of Allah. Than (the Brotherhood of) Believers and Muhajirs: nevertheless do ye what is just to your closest friends: such is the writing in the Decree (of Allah).
O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you.
025.054 Quran
It is He Who has created man from water: then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power (over all things).
033.006 Quran
The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers. Blood-relations among each other have closer personal ties, in the Decree of Allah. Than (the Brotherhood of) Believers and Muhajirs: nevertheless do ye what is just to your closest friends: such is the writing in the Decree (of Allah).
Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | for everyone |
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 835 Mason St. | Dearborn | MI | 48124

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اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكِ يَا زَوْجَةَ وَلِىِّ اللهِ اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكِ يَا زَوْجَةَ اَمِيْرِ الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكِ يَا اُمَّ الْبَنِيْنَ اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكِ يَا اُمَّ الْعَبَّاسِ ابْنِ اَمِيْرِ الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ عَلِىِّ بْنِ اَبِىْ طَالِبٍ رَضِىَ اللهُ تَعَالٰى عَنْكِ وَ جَعَلَ الْجَنَّةَ مَنْزِلَكِ وَ مَاْوٰيكِ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُهٗ
Hazrat Abbas(A.S.) was the son of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(A.S.).His mother's name was Fatima Binte Hazam bin Khalid Ibn-e-Rabi'e Ibn-e-Amer Kalbi. She was also known as 'Ummul Baneen'. She belonged to the clan of Banu Kilah, which was one the noblest families amongst the Hashimites and famous for the bravery and valour of its warriors.
According to historical accounts Hadrat Ummul Baneen was born in the year 5 A.H.
Some years after the martyrdom of Fatima Zahra (A.S.), Imam Ali (A.S.) asked his brother Aqil ibn Abi Talib(A.S.) to offer the marriage proposal to a woman from a brave progeny. Being so knowledgeable in this regard, Aqil wooed Fatima Binte Hazam (Ummul Baneen) for Imam(A.S.) and they got married.
One of the bravest of the Holy Prophet's followers Ja'far Tayyar, the brother of Hazrat Ali(A.S.).In the battle of Muta, Ja'far Tayyar carried the Banner of Islam and in that battle he was out-numbered by the enemies and killed.
When the news reached the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) he cried and prayed for Ja'far's soul and the angel Gabriel came down and consoled (the Prophet), saying "Ja'far was a brave and loyal soldier. God has given him everlasting life, and in place of two arms which were cut off in the battle, the Lord has given him a pair of wings".
Hazrat Ali(A.S.), who was sitting near the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) at that time, said, "Please pray to God that I should die fighting for the cause of Islam and become a martyr."
But the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) said, "0 Ali(A.S.), your death has already been decreed. You shall die in the mosque during your prayers, but the Almighty will give you a son who will die in the battle on Ashura day".
From that time Imam Ali(A.S.) eagerly awaited the birth of that son. (This prophecy was made in the year 8 A.H. when Imam Hasan(A.S.) was 5 years old and Imam Husain(A.S.) was 4.)
Imam Ali(A.S.) weds Hadrat Ummul Baneen
The world around the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) witnessed and history has vouched the fact that the gap in the domestic life and the happiness of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.), created by the demise of Hadrat Khadija(A.S.) doubtlessly proved as irreparable for no other woman fittingly filled it up to give the Apostle of God the happiness at home or the harmony in his domestic life, and it is only about the good Hadrat Umme Salamah that the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) said: Ante ala! Khair,' i.e., Thou art on goodness, which the good Lady proved true by not leaving the house of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) even after his departure from this world, and remaining as attached to his Ahlul Bayt(A.S.) as she was during his lifetime.
The same was the case with Hadrat Ali(A.S.) the First Imam, the Vicegerent of God on earth, succeeding the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.). After the martyrdom of the Holy Hadrat Fatima Zahra(A.S.), there was none in the world to take her holy place in the house of Imam Ali(A.S.) and the good Lady Ummul-Baneen served Hadrat Ali(A.S.) after Holy Hadrat Fatima Zahra(A.S.) as did Umme Salamah to the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) after the demise of Hadrat Khadija(A.S.).
The Alliance for a Holy Cause
The prophecy from the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) about the impending Zibhe Azeem' or the Great Martyrdom of Husain(A.S.), had gained so much currency and had become a matter of such a conviction and concern to the Ahlul Bayt(A.S.) that after the martyrdom of Holy Hadrat Fatima Zahra(A.S.), Imam A1i(A.S.) called his brother Aqeel who was known for his knowledge about the tribal genealogies and told him to find out a respectable lady of a noble family, known for its bravery, for him to wed for he wanted to have a brave son from her to be his own representative there at Karbala to serve Husain(A.S.) the son of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) and help him in the calamitous situation against his enemies and lay his life defending Husain(A.S.) on his own behalf, for Hasan(A.S.) and Husain(A.S.) were hailed as the sons of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) and each one was addressed as Ibne Rasoolullah' (son of the Holy Prophet).
All expressly and particularly stressed when he told Aqeel for the selection of a lady, that he wanted the determined issue from the lady to be the bravest one in the world, to serve Husain(A.S.) at Karbala on his own behalf. Aqeel said: "Marry thou, Ummul-Baneen-e-Kalbi, the daughter of Hazm bin Khalid-e-Kalbi, for braver than her father, there was none in the tribes.
Fatima Binte Hazam was an accomplished and cultured lady, and bore Hazrat Ali's four sons, Abbas, Abdulla, Ja'far and Usman. The meaning of 'Ummul Baneen' is 'Mother of Sons'. All of her sons were martyred along with Imam Husain. After their martyrdom, she requested people not to call her 'Ummul Baneen' ever again.
The day she entered the household of Hazrat Ali, she made it very plain to Imam Hasan(A.S.) and Imam Husain(A.S.) that she considered herself their slave, and she hoped and prayed that they would accept her as one. Her respect and affection for there was soon reciprocated by the two brothers, and even after her children were born, Imam Hasan(A.S.) and Imam Husain(A.S.) occupied a foremost place in her heart.
When Imam Husain(A.S.) was leaving Madinah for Iraq Hadrat Ummul Baneen asked her four sons, Hadrat Abbas(A.S.), Abdulla, Ja'far and Usman to sacrifice their lives in the sacred cause of Imam Husain(A.S.).
On 10th Muharram 61A.H.,the day of martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.) and his 72 faithful companions at the battlefield of Karbala when Hadrat Umme Salamah witnessed that the earth in the bottle given to him by the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) has turned into blood she raised the cry of "Ya Husain" Ya Husain" and declared that according Imam Husain(A.S.) has been martyred according to the prophecy foretold to her by the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) about the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.).
Then Ummul Baneen gathered women of Madinah in her house and all cried for the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.).This was the first ever Majlis conducted after the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.).
Ummul Baneen had such sincerity toward the Holy Prophet's progeny that she loved Imam Hussain (A.S.) more than her own children. A feeling which was from the bottom of her heart. It was to the extent that when she received the news stating the martyrdom of her four children, she said: "Tell me about Hussain (A.S.)" and when she received the news of Imam Hussain (A.S.)'s martyrdom she said: "All of the arteries of my heart are torn. May all of my children and what ever that exists under this azure heaven be sacrificed for the sake of Imam Hussain (A.S.).
The first Noheh(lamentation poetry) Reciter for the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.)
After the arrival of Imam Sajjad(A.S.) and Hadrat Zainab(A.S.) in Madinah Hadrat Ummul Baneen used to gather women in her house and used to narrate them how Imam Husain(A.S.) and his companions were martyred by Yazidi forces.
Hadrat Ummul Baneen was a great poet and she is considered as the first Noheh(lamentation poetry) Reciter for the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.).She used to visit regularly the famous Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in Madinah and recite her Noheh in a very sad and pathetic voice that everybody present there used to weep bitterly.
She transformed the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in Madinah as "the Centre of Azadari of Imam Husain(A.S.)". The Noheh recited by Hadrat Ummul Baneen for the martyrdom of Imam Husian(A.S.) is recorded in history and is considered as masterpiece in Arabic literature.
It is recorded in historical accounts that Hadrat Ummul Baneen died on 13th Jamadi al-Thani 64 A.H. and was buried in the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in the holy city of Madinah.
According to historical accounts Hadrat Ummul Baneen was born in the year 5 A.H.
Some years after the martyrdom of Fatima Zahra (A.S.), Imam Ali (A.S.) asked his brother Aqil ibn Abi Talib(A.S.) to offer the marriage proposal to a woman from a brave progeny. Being so knowledgeable in this regard, Aqil wooed Fatima Binte Hazam (Ummul Baneen) for Imam(A.S.) and they got married.
One of the bravest of the Holy Prophet's followers Ja'far Tayyar, the brother of Hazrat Ali(A.S.).In the battle of Muta, Ja'far Tayyar carried the Banner of Islam and in that battle he was out-numbered by the enemies and killed.
When the news reached the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) he cried and prayed for Ja'far's soul and the angel Gabriel came down and consoled (the Prophet), saying "Ja'far was a brave and loyal soldier. God has given him everlasting life, and in place of two arms which were cut off in the battle, the Lord has given him a pair of wings".
Hazrat Ali(A.S.), who was sitting near the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) at that time, said, "Please pray to God that I should die fighting for the cause of Islam and become a martyr."
But the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) said, "0 Ali(A.S.), your death has already been decreed. You shall die in the mosque during your prayers, but the Almighty will give you a son who will die in the battle on Ashura day".
From that time Imam Ali(A.S.) eagerly awaited the birth of that son. (This prophecy was made in the year 8 A.H. when Imam Hasan(A.S.) was 5 years old and Imam Husain(A.S.) was 4.)
Imam Ali(A.S.) weds Hadrat Ummul Baneen
The world around the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) witnessed and history has vouched the fact that the gap in the domestic life and the happiness of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.), created by the demise of Hadrat Khadija(A.S.) doubtlessly proved as irreparable for no other woman fittingly filled it up to give the Apostle of God the happiness at home or the harmony in his domestic life, and it is only about the good Hadrat Umme Salamah that the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) said: Ante ala! Khair,' i.e., Thou art on goodness, which the good Lady proved true by not leaving the house of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) even after his departure from this world, and remaining as attached to his Ahlul Bayt(A.S.) as she was during his lifetime.
The same was the case with Hadrat Ali(A.S.) the First Imam, the Vicegerent of God on earth, succeeding the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.). After the martyrdom of the Holy Hadrat Fatima Zahra(A.S.), there was none in the world to take her holy place in the house of Imam Ali(A.S.) and the good Lady Ummul-Baneen served Hadrat Ali(A.S.) after Holy Hadrat Fatima Zahra(A.S.) as did Umme Salamah to the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) after the demise of Hadrat Khadija(A.S.).
The Alliance for a Holy Cause
The prophecy from the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) about the impending Zibhe Azeem' or the Great Martyrdom of Husain(A.S.), had gained so much currency and had become a matter of such a conviction and concern to the Ahlul Bayt(A.S.) that after the martyrdom of Holy Hadrat Fatima Zahra(A.S.), Imam A1i(A.S.) called his brother Aqeel who was known for his knowledge about the tribal genealogies and told him to find out a respectable lady of a noble family, known for its bravery, for him to wed for he wanted to have a brave son from her to be his own representative there at Karbala to serve Husain(A.S.) the son of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) and help him in the calamitous situation against his enemies and lay his life defending Husain(A.S.) on his own behalf, for Hasan(A.S.) and Husain(A.S.) were hailed as the sons of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) and each one was addressed as Ibne Rasoolullah' (son of the Holy Prophet).
All expressly and particularly stressed when he told Aqeel for the selection of a lady, that he wanted the determined issue from the lady to be the bravest one in the world, to serve Husain(A.S.) at Karbala on his own behalf. Aqeel said: "Marry thou, Ummul-Baneen-e-Kalbi, the daughter of Hazm bin Khalid-e-Kalbi, for braver than her father, there was none in the tribes.
Fatima Binte Hazam was an accomplished and cultured lady, and bore Hazrat Ali's four sons, Abbas, Abdulla, Ja'far and Usman. The meaning of 'Ummul Baneen' is 'Mother of Sons'. All of her sons were martyred along with Imam Husain. After their martyrdom, she requested people not to call her 'Ummul Baneen' ever again.
The day she entered the household of Hazrat Ali, she made it very plain to Imam Hasan(A.S.) and Imam Husain(A.S.) that she considered herself their slave, and she hoped and prayed that they would accept her as one. Her respect and affection for there was soon reciprocated by the two brothers, and even after her children were born, Imam Hasan(A.S.) and Imam Husain(A.S.) occupied a foremost place in her heart.
When Imam Husain(A.S.) was leaving Madinah for Iraq Hadrat Ummul Baneen asked her four sons, Hadrat Abbas(A.S.), Abdulla, Ja'far and Usman to sacrifice their lives in the sacred cause of Imam Husain(A.S.).
On 10th Muharram 61A.H.,the day of martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.) and his 72 faithful companions at the battlefield of Karbala when Hadrat Umme Salamah witnessed that the earth in the bottle given to him by the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) has turned into blood she raised the cry of "Ya Husain" Ya Husain" and declared that according Imam Husain(A.S.) has been martyred according to the prophecy foretold to her by the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) about the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.).
Then Ummul Baneen gathered women of Madinah in her house and all cried for the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.).This was the first ever Majlis conducted after the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.).
Ummul Baneen had such sincerity toward the Holy Prophet's progeny that she loved Imam Hussain (A.S.) more than her own children. A feeling which was from the bottom of her heart. It was to the extent that when she received the news stating the martyrdom of her four children, she said: "Tell me about Hussain (A.S.)" and when she received the news of Imam Hussain (A.S.)'s martyrdom she said: "All of the arteries of my heart are torn. May all of my children and what ever that exists under this azure heaven be sacrificed for the sake of Imam Hussain (A.S.).
The first Noheh(lamentation poetry) Reciter for the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.)
After the arrival of Imam Sajjad(A.S.) and Hadrat Zainab(A.S.) in Madinah Hadrat Ummul Baneen used to gather women in her house and used to narrate them how Imam Husain(A.S.) and his companions were martyred by Yazidi forces.
Hadrat Ummul Baneen was a great poet and she is considered as the first Noheh(lamentation poetry) Reciter for the martyrdom of Imam Husain(A.S.).She used to visit regularly the famous Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in Madinah and recite her Noheh in a very sad and pathetic voice that everybody present there used to weep bitterly.
She transformed the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in Madinah as "the Centre of Azadari of Imam Husain(A.S.)". The Noheh recited by Hadrat Ummul Baneen for the martyrdom of Imam Husian(A.S.) is recorded in history and is considered as masterpiece in Arabic literature.
It is recorded in historical accounts that Hadrat Ummul Baneen died on 13th Jamadi al-Thani 64 A.H. and was buried in the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in the holy city of Madinah.
Compiled by Dr Hyder Reza Zabeth
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says:
"One who likes the oppressors to continue (to live) likes the disobedience to Allah (to continue) on this earth."
(Wasaelush Shia)
While explaining the Quranic verse,
"... and do not incline to those who are unjust, lest the fire may touch you."
(Surah Hud 11:113)
Imam (a.s.) says,
"If a person comes to a ruler and wishes for him to live if only for as long as it would take for him to put his hand inside his money bag and give some amount."
Wishing for the life of an oppressor even for a moment is the same as being inclined towards him.
Helping an oppressive person who is not an habitual oppressor
To help a person, who is not always oppressive, but occasionally happens to commit oppression, is also absolutely Haraam. If one knowingly helps a person in a situation where he oppressing another, one commits a Haraam action and a Greater Sin and will be punished as promised in Quran:
"Surely We have prepared for the iniquitous a fire, the curtains of which shall encompass them about; and if they cry for water, they shall be given water like molten brass which will scald their faces, evil the drink and ill the resting place."
(Surah Kahf 18:29)
Oppressing and helping someone in oppression is one and the same.
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has remarked:
"The oppressor, the one who helps an oppressor and the one who is satisfied with it, are all partners in oppression."
(Wasaelush Shia)
It means all three of them are equally responsible.
A similar tradition has been narrated from Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) who says that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
"One who breaks allegiance to the Imam, or raises a standard of misguidance or conceals a piece of knowledge which is obligatory to be imparted or usurps some property or helps an oppressor knowingly; then he has deserted the religion of Islam."
(Mustadrakul Wasael)
On the night of ascension (Meraj) the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) saw the following inscription on the door of Hell:
"Allah degrades the one who insults Islam, the one who insults the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) and the one who helps an oppressor in oppression."
In this way the Quranic verses and traditions prove the seriousness of oppression and helping an oppressor as a Greater sin. Moreover, one who helps an oppressor has also acted against the Divine commandments of forbidding evil. He is actually a hypocrite because he has in fact encouraged an evil and this is one of the characteristics of a hypocrite. As the Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran:
"The hypocritical men and the hypocritical women are all alike; they enjoin evil and forbid good..."
(Surah Tauba 9:67)
Preventing oppression is necessary
If a Muslim sees an oppressor trying to oppress someone and if he is in a position to prevent him it is obligatory on him to do so.
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) says:
"Help your Muslim brother whether he is an oppressor or the oppressed one."
People asked, "O Messenger of Allah! We shall help the oppressed ones but how is it possible to help the oppressor?" He replied,
"Hold both the hands of the oppressor so that he cannot oppress. If you do it, it is as if you have helped him and such an action is a help to your brother (in faith)."
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says:
"When Qiyamat occurs an announcer will call: Where are the unjust, the helpers of Unjust and those like the Unjust? So much so that even if one has procured merely pen and ink for the oppressor to write the order of oppression; all these people would be bundled up in a cage of iron and thrown into Hell.
The Messenger of Islam (s.a.w.s.) says:
"If a person even hangs up a cane for the tyrant king so that he can beat the oppressed one, Allah will change that cane into a snake, seventy thousand yards long and place it in the Hell fire (to torment him)."
(Wasaelush Shia)
"Those who take the affairs of oppressors in their hands and help him in oppression will, at the time of death, be conveyed the Divine curse and news of Hell fire by the angel of death. And Hell is an evil resort. One who guides the oppressor will be considered at par with Hamaan (the minister of Firon). And the punishment of those who help the unjust and the oppressors themselves will be more grievous than other punishments of the inmates of Hell. And if a person backbites about his believing brother to the ruler, and even though the Muslim may not have to suffer any injury from it, the backbiter will have all his good deeds nullified. However, if the Muslim had to suffer oppression at the hands of the ruler, the back-biter will be kept by Allah in that section of Hell where Hamaan will be confined."
WEALTH ACCUMULATION.............. | for everyone |
Imam Reza(A.S): Wealth does not (excessively) accumulate but by having five traits: extreme miserliness, high expectations, overwhelming greed, breaking off ties with one's kindred, and preferring this world to the next.(Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 73, p. 138)
Imam Reza (A.S) On the Resurrection Day: three groups of people are closest to Allah until the end of the Reckoning:
Those who quench their anger and do not oppress others when they have power, those mediate between two people and do not favor either side in the least amount, and those who tell the truth whether it be in their favor or not. (Mishkat-ul-Anwar, Section Eight, Chp. 1)
DO NOT MARRY A WOMAN ONLY FOR HER BEAUTY................. | for everyone |
"Do not marry a woman only for her beauty since her beauty may cause her impiety; nor for her wealth because her wealth may cause her disobedience; but marry a religious woman for her Faith."
We always hear and talk about our concentration during Salat (prayer), and how difficult it is to praise Allah and thank Him with complete devotion. In conversations with friends of other faiths, we are asked why it is necessary to pray five times a day, and told that it is the internal prayer of the heart and soul which brings a person closer to God. What our friends are not aware of is the beauty of our prayer, which embodies not only the physical movements but the purification of the soul and heart as well.
As Muslims, it is not enough that we learn to recite Salat; we must understand and be able to explain to our friends its purpose and meaning.
Satan is constantly hard at work. When we offer our Salat, we are so preoccupied with the tasks we need to plan for the remaining part of the day, urgent emails we need to send right after the Salat and our personal problems with friends or family.
We then ask for all the worldly things from Allah, believing ourselves to be most deserving of them. Yet during Salat, when did we remember to thank Allah for His bounties or ask Him for forgiveness?
To overcome Satan's lures and be able to properly concentrate, we should understand the meaning of what we recite during Salat. Not only will we remain more focused, but we will find ourselves able to directly connect with the essence of the Almighty and thus elevate our spiritual state. Let us cleanse our soul by learning the beautiful meaning of our daily Salat and how it affects us.
Our Imams have also emphasized the importance of concentration during Salat.
Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) narrates, "It is written in the Torah: 'O son of Man, if you empty yourself (i.e. disengage yourself from all other preoccupations to make yourself available) for My worship, I will fill your heart with richness and I will not abandon you to what you seek and long for. And it will be upon Me to close the door of poverty upon you and to fill your heart with awe for Me. And if you don't empty yourself for My worship, I will fill your heart with preoccupation with the world and I will not close upon you the door of poverty and will abandon you to what you seek." (Usul al-Kafi)
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) has said, "None of you should ever stand for Salat in a lazy or drowsy state, nor should you let (random) thoughts pass through your mind (in the state of Salat). For in that state, you stand before your Glorious and Almighty Lord. Verily, the reward a devotee derives from prayer is equal to the extent of it that he offers with an attentive heart." (Al-Khisal)
It is therefore obligatory upon us to remain humble and remember Allah during each and every act we perform in the Salat. We should indoctrinate the meaning of Salat in our heart such that our concentration can never be hindered by Satan, helping us to achieve higher spiritual levels. Our body is essentially a simple servant of our heart and soul, performing what has been instilled within. By learning the meaning of Salat, this greatest act of worship will certainly change from being a mere routine to the best salvation!
A man heard the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) say that for each time a person recites Subhan'Allah, Allah plants for him a tree in paradise. The man stood up and said if this were the case, then there must be many trees for us in paradise. Upon which the Prophet replied, "Yes, but you must be careful that you do not set fire from here and burn them all down." (Iddat ad-Dai)
Through His unlimited grace and mercy, Allah has promised us rewards for even the smallest of deeds. Ours is a religion that rewards us for the mere intention to do good. Yet how unfortunate it would be if, without even realizing, we ourselves were the cause for these good deeds to be rejected.
Alhumdulillah, we say our prayers, give charity, strive to help those in need, perform Hajj and Ziyarat, do whatever we can to spread Islam, serve the community and what not. As honorable and fulfilling as such deeds most certainly are, it is important to bear in mind that their acceptance is not a given, and we must ensure they do not fade away and disperse like "scattered, floating dust" (Qur'an 25:23).
Having chosen Islam as the perfect way of life, we understand this means complete and absolute submission to Allah's will. We also understand that such submission means adhering to His laws 100 percent.
Does it make sense therefore for one to take part in mourning for Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) whilst neglecting Hijab? Or to give charity while failing to pay Khums? Or to gather a vast degree of knowledge yet simultaneously be swamped in pride and arrogance?
Our Holy Prophet has said that even if we were to stand for prayers like a peg planted on the ground and keep fasting until we resemble a dried stick and stoop like a bow, Allah will not accept any of our deeds until and unless we have the piety to guard against the evil deeds. (Iddat ad-Dai)
It is therefore clear that in order for our deeds to actually be accepted, we must have the piety to refrain from all sins.
The Holy Prophet said, "On the Day of Judgment, there would be people whose good deeds will be as heavy as the mountains of Tahama. In spite of this it would be ordered that they be tossed into the fire of Hell."
Upon this, someone asked, "O Prophet of Allah, were these people performing Salat (prayers)?"
"Yes, they used to pray, and fast, and also spend a part of the night in worship. But whenever they chanced upon something which gave them pleasure, they used to rush to it without thinking whether it was right or wrong."
As a reminder to ourselves before anyone else, below are a few of the many barriers to the acceptance of deeds along with the relevant narrations that will, God-willing, help to prevent our good deeds from being rendered null and void:
Disobedience to Parents
Transgressing the Rights of Others
VERILY I AM LEAVING BEHIND TWO WEIGHTY THINGS................... | for everyone |
During his speech after Hajj, the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) put the official stamp on the Guardianship of Ali ibn Abu Talib and named him the successor after him.
The Prophet also mentioned the words which became known as Hadith al-Thaqalayn: "Verily, I am leaving behind two weighty things (Thaqalayn) among you: the Book of God (Kitabullahi) and my kindred (Itrati), my household (Ahlul Bayt), for indeed, the two will never separate until they come back to me by the Pond (of alKawthar on the Day of Judgment)." We should all do our best to make both the Qur'an and the Ahlul Bayt essential parts of our daily lives, never losing sight of the fact that we need both in order to reach Allah.
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