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In one of his sermons regarding people, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said: "
…God created some people who are not attracted to this world. He made them abstinent regarding worldly goods. They got attracted to the secure house to which God called them. They were patient, put up with the hardships in life, and were eager to attain the nobility that is near God. They gave their life to please God, and their deeds ended with martyrdom. They visited God while God was pleased with them. They realized that death is inevitable for those who lived in the past and those who will live in the future. Therefore they saved up things different from gold and silver for the Hereafter. They put on rugged clothes, ate little, and preferred nobility. They became friends for God's sake or became enemies for the sake of God. These people are guiding lights in this world, and will be surrounded by blessings in the Hereafter."
Did not our Imams (peace be upon them) live in simple homes and eat simple food? Is it narrated that they spent their times running errands all day or that they spent their time worshiping their Creator and putting into action the simple acts of humanity?
There is a saying by Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) that everyone should think about, especially when we are told to empathize with the poor. Rather, we should look up to how they live and ask ourselves if maybe we are the ones who are in poverty of realizing Allah's blessings.
Imam as-Sadiq said: " just as a brother apologizes to his brother. God says: 'I swear by My Honor that I did not make you poor to humiliate you. Push this curtain aside to see what I have given you instead.' Then the man pushes the curtain aside and looks at what God the Almighty has given to him instead of this world and he will say: 'There was no harm for me due to what You took away from me (in the world) considering what you have given me instead (now in the Hereafter).'"
Allah loves us too much to let us fall behind in good deeds – He has gifted us with an opportunity in the form of Rajab that easily trumps the "busyness" excuse! This blessed month is filled with simple ways to develop a stronger sense of God-consciousness, so why let it slip by unnoticed?
Rajab is a month of many special days, including the birth anniversaries of our first, fifth, and ninth, and tenth Imams, the day when the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) officially proclaimed Islam, and the day when he ascended to the heavens. To top it all off, Almighty Allah has made it an especially honored month for us to seek His forgiveness, to earn rewards, and – above all – to attain nearness to Him through worship.
All the invocations can be recited at any place and anytime (keeping in mind, of course, what it is that we are saying). A small line of forgiveness and acceptance of deeds, for example, should be recited as much as possible during this month:
Astaghfirullaha wa as-aluhu tawba. (I seek forgiveness from Allah, and I pray He accepts my repentance.)
Repeating Laa ilaha illAllah (There is no God but Allah) 1000 times in the entire month of Rajab strengthens our commitment of staying true to His commands. The Holy Prophet said that if we recite it 1000 times, Allah will grant us 1000 rewards and houses in heaven. He promises so much for what takes up so little of our time!
The Prophet also said that we should recite Astaghfirullahal-ladhee laa ilaaha illaa Huw, wahdahu laa shareeka lah, wa atoobu ilayh (I ask forgiveness from Allah Whom there is no God besides He, and He has no partner, and I repent before Him) 400 times. The reward of that will be the same as 100 martyrs would receive!
The days of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are given special importance in Rajab. Fasting on those three days is equal to 900 years of worship! Besides those specific days, fasting on any day of Rajab is more beneficial than in other months. Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him) said, "If one observes the fast on one day in Rajab, hellfire will go away from him a distance of one year walking. One who fasts three days in Rajab is bound to win Heaven."
Even for those who cannot fast, the Almighty has generously given an alternative so that they may still earn His pleasure! A small praise of Allah should be recited 100 times each day that one cannot fast. This serves as a reminder of His constant presence and of our goal to work closer towards Him.
During Rajab, a special invocation as taught by Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) should be recited after each prayer. (It starts with Ya man arjoohu li kulli khayr.) It is not very long and can be recited in place of the usual invocations recited after daily prayers.
Prayer of Salman al-Farsi
Salman (may Allah be pleased with him), a very close companion of the Prophet, learned of this prayer from the Prophet himself. It consists of performing ten rak'ats on the first day, ten on the 15th, and ten on the last day.
The Holy Prophet said: "O Salman, there is no true believing man or true believing woman who performs [this prayer] that Allah does not forgive them their sins and bestows rewards upon them as upon a person who has fasted a whole month. He becomes among those who will be steadfast in their prayers in the year which is to come. For him the deeds of the day are equal to that of the martyr. He will be raised with the Martyrs of the Holy Battle of Badr. For him is written for the fast of each day, one year's worship. His station is raised 1000 times higher. If he fasts the entire month of Rajab and he performs [this prayer], Allah will give him salvation from the hellfire, make obligatory for him His Paradise, and bestow His Nearness upon him. Angel Jibra'eel informed me, 'O Muhammad, this is the sign between you and the polytheists and the hypocrites, because the hypocrites do not perform this prayer.'"
Prayer on the Night of Rewards
The a'mal of Layla-tur-Raghaa'ib, the Night of Wishes or Rewards, takes place on the first Thursday night of Rajab.
According to some traditions, the benefits of the a'mal will come to the rescue on the first night in the grave. Making an appearance in a beautiful form, the reward of the a'mal will greet, "My dear one, glad tidings that you have found salvation from every hardship and horror [of the grave]!" The appearance of the reward will be so pleasing and relieving that the deceased will ask, "Who are you? Indeed, I have never seen a face better than yours; nor have I heard words sweeter than the words from your tongue; nor have I smelled a perfume more refreshing than from you!" The entity will then reply, "I am the reward of the prayer that you offered on Friday night in Rajab in [this year] at [this location]. I am now here so as to settle your right, to entertain you in your loneliness, and to save you from this cheerless situation. When the Trumpet shall be blown, I will cast a shadow over your head in the Court of Resurrection. So be happy for you shall never be deprived of goodness." (Iqbal al-Aa'mal)
Once again, we are given such a generous opportunity by the Most Merciful to return to Him!
After fasting on the first Thursday of Rajab, the a'mal takes place between Maghrib and Isha prayers. 12 rak'ats are to be performed in sets of two. The specific method of what to recite in and after the 12 rak'ats can be found in various book . After those recitations, any personal prayers can be made to the Almighty.
Prophet Muhammad has also said: "It is most important, however, that none of you should neglect the first Thursday night in Rajab, for it is the night that the angels call the Night of Wishes. This is because, by the time the first third of the night has elapsed, there will not be a single angel still at large in the heavens, nor in any region of the earth bar one. They will all be gathered together in the Ka'ba and the area immediately surrounding it. Allah will condescend to notice that they have assembled there, and He will say: 'My angels, ask Me for whatever you wish!' Their response to this will be: 'Our Lord, the request we wish to make is that You grant forgiveness to those who faithfully keep the fast in Rajab,' whereupon Allah will tell them: 'That I have already done!'"
It is apparent that these prayers are highly beneficial when recited on the first Thursday of Rajab; however, yet another example of His mercy is that we can do this exercise on other days as well!
Preparing for What is to Come
The Holy Prophet said: "Verily, the month of Rajab is the Great Month of Allah. No other month can be as sacred and as virtuous as this month…Therefore, if one observes fasting on one day of this month, he will bindingly win the grand pleasure of Almighty Allah and will be taken away from the displeasure of Almighty Allah, and the gates of hellfire will be closed in his face."
Rajab and Sha'ban serve as spiritual preparatory months before Ramadan. Just as we ready ourselves before going to visit someone, we are preparing ourselves for when we will be the guests of Allah during the month of fasting. By spending our time worshiping Him and disassociating ourselves from whatever we have gotten caught up in, we strengthen our focus on Him.
Our intention is crucial when it comes to the acceptance of our deeds. When doing all of these prayers and reciting these invocations, we must remember why we are doing it: not necessarily for the rewards promised to us, but for attaining nearness to our Lord. He has given us Rajab as a most beautiful gift – let's not let it come and go without receiving His blessings in this special month.
Tasbih of Hazrat Fatima (s.a.)should be recited immediately on completion of Namaz.
This entails that as soon as the reciter has finished the Namaz, he should remain seated in the same position of Tashahud without moving his feet and doing any other thing, immediately he should commence the recitation of the Tasbih. The reciting of Tasbih immediately on completion of Namaz has a special excellence, which is not there otherwise.
The above statement can be evidenced by the following tradition of Imam Sadiq (a.s) wherein he states:
“One who recites the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) before even moving his feet, Allah will forgive him.” (At-Tahzeeb of Shaikh Toosi (r.a), Vol 2, Pg. 105)
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) has said: “One who recites the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) after a wajib namaz before he stretches out his legs (i.e. he recites the Tasbih while he is in the posture of Tashahud) , then Jannat (Paradise) becomes wajib upon him” (Falaahus Saael by Ibne Taaoos (r.a.), Pg. 165)
Another tradition from Imam Sadiq (a.s) says:
“One who glorifies Allah after the obligatory prayer through the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a.), and then follows it up by saying ‘Laa elaaha illallaho’, Allah will forgive his sins.” (Al-Kafi, Kitabus Salaat, Pg. 342)
Allahu Akbar - 34 times, Alhamdulillah - 33 times and Subhanallah - 33 times.
This is what we call the Tasbih of Hazrat Fatimah (s.a).
The Tasbih of Hazrat Fatimah (s.a) is from the emphatically recommended acts of worship in the Islamic Shariat. It has immense significance in the eyes of the infallible Imams (a.s) and the Shiite jurists. It is a simple act of worship from the aspect of performance; however, its effect, reward and merit are abundant. This can be gauged from the fact that when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) wished to impart this act of worship to his daughter Hazrat Zahra (s.a), he declared,
‘O Fatimah! I have granted you something that is superior to a maidservant and to the world and everything in it.’ (Aasaar o Asraare Tasbih Zahra (s.a), Pg. 7)
Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) informs, ‘Allah is not worshipped by anything more meritorious than the Tasbih of Fatima Zahra (s.a). Had there been any worship superior to it, most surely the Holy Prophet (PBUH) would have granted it to Hazrat Fatimah (s.a).’ (Wasaaelush Shea, Vol 4 Pg. 1024)
“Reciting Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) everyday after every Namaz is liked by me more than reciting one thousand rakats of (mustahab) namaz”. (Al-Kafi, Kitabus Salaat)
Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (a.s.)says about the dearness of this Tasbih in the eyes of the Imams of the Ahl-ul-bayt (a.s):
Reciting this Tasbih results in forgiveness of sins.
“One, who recites the Tasbih of Hazrat Zahra (s.a) and then seeks forgiveness, will be forgiven”. (Wasaaelush Shia Vol 4, Pg. 1023)
It also results in driving Satan away and in the satisfaction of Allah as tradition from Imam Mohammad Baqir (a.s) says:“(Reciting Tasbih) drives away Satan and makes results in the satisfaction of Allah”. (Wasaaelush Shia Vol 4, Pg. 1023)
Reciting Tasbih regularly delivers the reciter from adversities in this world as well as the hereafter. One of the graceful effects of the regular recitation of the Tasbih of Hazrat Fatima (s.a.) is that it delivers the reciter from adversities and hardships in this world as well as the hereafter. Thus one should not ignore its benefits and effects and should not be careless and lazy in its recitation
In this connection, Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) says to one of his companions:
“You do adhere to it and be regular about its recitation, for surely one who is steadfast upon its recitation will not encounter adversity.” (Al-Kafi, Kitabus Salaat, Pg. 343)
Although a true believer's anger is fi sabeel Allah, we find our anger is not always purely for the sake of Allah, and this is where the selfish ego tends to dominate. It is this type of anger that our Prophets and Imams (peace be upon them) have taught us to be mindful of, because such anger (alongside overblown anger) can lead even the best of believers astray.
As Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) tells us, "Anger destroys faith as vinegar spoils honey." (Al-Kafi) We have all been angry at some point in our lives, but in order for us to determine whether or not it is justified, we must question: is the felt fury ego-inflated?
We can take a lesson from Imam Ali's (peace be upon him) fortitude in the Battle of Khandaq (Trench). When Amr bin Abduwad had fallen to the ground and Imam Ali was just about to kill him, Imam suddenly stood up and walked away. When he was later asked why he acted this way, he replied, "At that moment where I was just about to strike Amr with my sword, he spat on my face. Had I killed him in such a condition, it would be because he had angered me. I therefore waited for my anger to subside so that when I went back to strike him, I knew it would be purely for the sake of Allah." Such was the strength of this sublime personality; he was able to suppress his anger even on the battlefield.
Imam Ali said anger begins with insanity and ends in remorse
Imam Sadiq has said, "Anger destroys the heart of even the wise man; he who cannot control his anger cannot control his mind." (Al-Kafi) Effectively, such a person is no longer thinking straight, and his/her actions subsequently end in guilt and remorse. The scary thing? It is hard to imagine how quickly all this happens within us.
As a result of this unbalanced mind state, believers hurt their fellow believers, but the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) says, "One who aggrieves a believer but later decides to atone for it by offering the whole world, it will not compensate for the hurt he had caused, and he will also not be rewarded for it (the compensation)." (Mustadrak al-Wasael)
Imam as-Sadiq also narrates that Allah says, "One who hurts My believing slave has actually declared war against Me, and one who honors My believing servant remains safe from My anger." (Al-Kafi)
Anger therefore cultivates major sins. It also leads to hatred and malice. In fact, Imam Khomeini states, "There seems to be no limit to such monstrous acts that man may commit at the time of outbreak of this faith-consuming fire [anger] that also destroys many homes. As such, it can be said that this habit is the mother of all spiritual maladies and the key to each and every evil action."
In order to cure or shield ourselves from this spiritual malady, we must learn how to control and restrain it by adhering to the teachings of the Prophets and Imams:
Imam Ali recommended patience as a tool for countering anger, as patience increases one's threshold for tolerance and endurance. He has said, "Anger is a raging fire – he who suppresses it extinguishes the fire, and he who sets it free is the first to burn in it." (Ghurar al-Hikam)
The Holy Prophet also commanded, "if one of you finds some of this [anger] in himself, if he is standing, he should sit, and if he is sitting, he should lie down. If he is still angry, he should perform ablution with cold water or bath, for fire can only be extinguished with water." (Ihya al-Ulum)
And Imam Baqir has further advised, "Whoever gets angry with his kinsman, let him approach him and pat him; for the feeling of consanguinity, when stimulated by touch, induces calmness." (Ibid.)
Dua Amaan / The Supplication of Protection | for everyone |
A person in his dream saw the Holy Prophet of Islam, very sad and the person ask him the reason of sadness and he said: that during Mehraj he saw many believers being led towards hell and the reason was Emaan (faith). His Ummah was very weak in their Emaan and He recommended this Dua for protection of his Ummah and it will help them in the world, after death and also in the Barzak (resurrection). This Dua is recommended by the Prophet.
This Dua is very helpful for a person who recites it daily between Maghrib and Isha Prayers.
This Dua is very helpful for a person who recites it daily between Maghrib and Isha Prayers.
The chief purpose of prayer in Islam is to act as a person's communication with God. By reciting "The Opening" (al-Fatiha), the first chapter of the Qur'an, as required in all prayer, the worshipper can stand before God, thank and praise Him, and to ask for guidance along the Straight Path "Sirat al-Mustaqim".
In addition, the daily prayers remind Muslims to give thanks for Allah's blessings and that Islam takes precedence over all other concerns, thereby revolving their life around Allah and submitting to His will. Prayer also serves as a formal method of remembering Allah, or dhikr.
In the Qur'an, it is written that: "The true believers are those who feel fear in their hearts (of the consequences of violating the commands of God) when God is mentioned. And when His Revelations are recited to them, they find their faith strengthened. They do their best and then put their trust in their Lord." [Qur'an 8:2]
"To those whose hearts, when God is mentioned, are filled with fear, who show patient perseverance over their afflictions, keep up regular prayer, and spend (in charity) out of what We have bestowed upon them." [Qur'an 22:35]
Prayer is also cited as a means of restraining a believer from social wrongs and moral deviancy. [Qur'an 29:45]
HADEES ON WEALTH | for everyone |
"Wealth does not (excessively) accumulate but by having five traits: extreme miserliness, high expectations, overwhelming greed, breaking off ties with one's kindred, and preferring this world to the next."
Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Rida [a]
"He who gives as much as a handful of grains or dates as a dowry (with the acceptance of the partner), surely his marriage is lawful and correct."
The Holy Prophet [s]
ON MOTHER - THE HOLY QURAN SAYS | for everyone |
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Allah says in Surah Luqman:
And We have enjoined man in respect of his parents - his mother bears him with faintings upon faintings, and his weaning takes two years - saying : “Be grateful to Me and to both your parents, to Me is the eternal coming. (31:14) And in Surah Ahqaf He says: And We have enjoined on man doing of good to his parents; with troubles did his mother bear him and with troubles did she bring him forth; and the bearing and the weaning of him was thirty months. (46:15) In both the above verses, although both parents are mentioned, the mother is singled out as she bears a greater responsibility and ultimately a greater reward. Two mothers are mentioned by name in the Qur’an. When Bibi Maryam, the mother of Nabi Isa (a) suffered the pangs of childbirth, she wished she was dead. She was all alone and worried about what was about to happen to her. At that time Allah consoled her and told her not to grieve. She was provided with fresh dates and water. She was also told to fast for three days by abstaining from talk, and Allah made the baby talk to prove that he was a miraculous baby (19:23-26). The mother is shown concern and consideration for her state. Allah does not abandon her, or reprove her by telling her that she is privileged to give birth to a Prophet. Although that was true, motherhood entails great difficulty, a fact recognized by the Qur’an. Another mother mentioned by the Qur’an is the mother of Prophet Musa (a). When she was told to put her baby in the river, she was given an assurance that the baby would be returned to her. Allah knows the love of the mother, and knows it is difficult to give away one’s child. When the baby was picked up by Firawn’s wife, he refused to suck the milk of any foster mother. Prophet Musa’s sister then suggested that they try her mother. Mother and baby unite, and Allah’s promise was fulfilled. (Sura TaHa 37-40, Qasas 7-13) 1. Fortunate is the person whose mother is chaste and virtuous. Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq (a) 2. Each one of you is a guardian (shepherd), and each one of you is responsible for his charges . . . so the man is a guardian over his family, and is responsible for them. A woman is a guardian over the family of her husband and his children, and she is responsible for them. Holy Prophet (s) |
EXCELLENT LECTURE BY SAYEDA UMME FARWA (03/01/2006)-III | for everyone |
EXCELLENT LECTURE BY SAYEDA UMME FARWA (02/01/2006)- II | for everyone |
EXCELLENT LECTURE BY SAYEDA UMME FARWA (01/01/2006) | for everyone |
HADEES | for everyone |
Holy Prophet (saws), Happiness is for the one who will attend the Qaim of my Ahlul Bayt and will follow him before his rise. This person will love his (Qaim's) lovers and hate his enemies, and will accept the leadership of the Imams from before his advent. These ones are my friends, and are the most sincere members of my Ummah whom I honour very much
Behaarul Anwar, vol. 52, p. 129
Behaarul Anwar, vol. 52, p. 129
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s), Make your children to taste the soil of Imam Husain's grave.
Kamiluz Ziaraat pg. 278
Kamiluz Ziaraat pg. 278
Imam Amir ul Mu'mineen Ali (a.s.), When our Qaim rises, the sky will send down its drops, the earth will grow its plants, enmity will come out from the servants' hearts (in order that they live in peace and brotherly love), and savages and beasts will continue to live together peacefully....
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.), The visitor of the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) on the Day of Judgment will intercede on behalf of 100 inhabitants of hell.
Kaamiluz Ziyaraat, Chapter 68, tradition no. 2, pg. 567
Behaarul Anwar, vol. 52, p. 316
Kaamiluz Ziyaraat, Chapter 68, tradition no. 2, pg. 567
Behaarul Anwar, vol. 52, p. 316
Praying For Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) |
Supplication (dua) is a subject that holds a very significant place in Islam. A lot of emphasis has been placed on embracing it. In light of traditions, we find that supplication is referred to as a 'weapon' by which man can repel calamities and difficulties and can combat all kinds of problems and tribulations. This 'weapon' provides him with tremendous strength and power and with its help a believer can pierce through all the curtains in front of him and scale such a lofty status that he becomes the cause of happiness and satisfaction of the Prophets (a.s) and Imams (a.s).
Traditions of Imams (a.s) highlight numerous benefits that one obtains by supplicating. We mention a few of them over here.
Just as special occasions have been mentioned for praying for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s), likewise, particular places have been enumerated for remembering Imam (a.t.f.s.). Some of them are mentioned below:
Conclusion:Finally, we pray to Allah that He should accept our humble efforts. We are well aware that our insignificant efforts are of no value. Yet we are hopeful of His Mercy and Forgiveness and pray to Him '…O King! We and our entire family have been afflicted by distress. And we have brought with us insufficient measure. So give us full measure and be charitable to us. Surely Allah rewards those who are charitable. (Surah Yusuf (12): Verse 88)
Pens have dried up but tears continue to flow the moment the agony of separation from the beloved is felt in the heart. So much so, that a voice echoes in the ears which says 'Be patient, he will surely come'. Yet a thought keeps crossing our minds, 'But when?' As days keep passing by while praying for Imam (a.s), the vision gets more blurred, the back feels more burdened and the hair gets whiter. Death is hastening towards us at relentless pace and soon will grip us in its clutches. In this silent and dark night, a voice emanates from the heart 'When will you see us and we see you while you are seen hoisting the flag of victory.'(Dua-e-Nudbah)
Kafan mein dekhi jo khaak e shifa tou ye bole Malak,
Sawal kya karain ye hai Ghulam ZEHRA(S.U.A) ka
Happy MOTHERS Day to all momineen n mominaat. We(all momineen n mominaat) give our greetings to our AIMA TAHEREEN(A.S.T.W.S). Especially IMAM E ZAMAN(A.S.T.W.S)(AJTF).
Sawal kya karain ye hai Ghulam ZEHRA(S.U.A) ka
Happy MOTHERS Day to all momineen n mominaat. We(all momineen n mominaat) give our greetings to our AIMA TAHEREEN(A.S.T.W.S). Especially IMAM E ZAMAN(A.S.T.W.S)(AJTF).
Kaha Rab Ne Ye Tohfa-e-Payambar Tujh Ko Deta Hu,
Ke Tu Razi Ho Jis Se Aisi Dukhtar Tujh Ko Deta Hu.
Karunga Is Ko Wo Azmat Ata Ae 'AHMED-E-MURSL',
Risalat Jis Se Saj Jae Wo Gohar Tujh Ko Deta Hu.
Teri He Sirat-O-Kirdar Me Hy Asmae Husna,
Aise Kirdar Ke Johar Saja Ker Tujh Ko Deta Hu.
Jo Ho Akhlaq Me, Ausaf Me Quran Ki Surat Me Izzat Maab Wo,
Khatun-E-Mehshar Tujh Ko Deta Hu.
Ke Tu Razi Ho Jis Se Aisi Dukhtar Tujh Ko Deta Hu.
Karunga Is Ko Wo Azmat Ata Ae 'AHMED-E-MURSL',
Risalat Jis Se Saj Jae Wo Gohar Tujh Ko Deta Hu.
Teri He Sirat-O-Kirdar Me Hy Asmae Husna,
Aise Kirdar Ke Johar Saja Ker Tujh Ko Deta Hu.
Jo Ho Akhlaq Me, Ausaf Me Quran Ki Surat Me Izzat Maab Wo,
Khatun-E-Mehshar Tujh Ko Deta Hu.
Happy mother's dayيافاطمةاشفعى لنا فى الجنةيافاطمة اغيثينىولادت با سعادت صديقة الطاھرة ام ابيها فاطمه زهرأ (س)كا يه پرمسرت موقع تمام مسلمانان عالم بالخصوص فاطميون كو بہت بہت مبارک هواور حقيقت ميں يہى روز مادربهى هے
Salam Everyone...
ON THE VERY AUSPICIOUS OCCASION OF BIRTH ANIVERSARY OF SHEHZADI-E-DO JAHAAN JANAB FATEMA ZAHRA(SA) This is One Gift from me to All the Lover's of BIBI FATEMA ZAHRA(SA) keep this with you always so that you can remember me even after my death !
ON THE VERY AUSPICIOUS OCCASION OF BIRTH ANIVERSARY OF SHEHZADI-E-DO JAHAAN JANAB FATEMA ZAHRA(SA) This is One Gift from me to All the Lover's of BIBI FATEMA ZAHRA(SA) keep this with you always so that you can remember me even after my death !
Tasveer taajjub hai har ek dushman-e-haidar[a.s] masruf-e-sukhan daar pe meesam ki zuban hai ud kar falaq-e-azmat-e-zahra pe pahonch jaye jibreel men ye quwwat-e-parwaaz kahan hai takzkira fatiman zahra[s.a] ka zara ho jaye kya haqiqat hai zamane ko bayan ho jaye us se allah-o-nabi ho nahin sakte raazi jis se shahzadi-e-konain khafa ho jaye wiladat of janab-e-fatiman-uz-zahra mubarak 2 aal of u & yor family
Hazrat Bibi Fatima Zehra (SA) - Amir Ali Shaheen | for everyone |

کون فاطمہ عفت کا حجاب فاطمہ ۴ تطہیر کی ملکہ فاطمہ ۴ الله کی عظمت فاطمہ ۴ شریک رسالت فاطمہ ۴ زوجہ علی۴ فاطمہ ۴ مادر حسنین ۴ فاطمہ ۴ عذرا بتول فاطمہ ۴ الحمد کی کرن فاطمہ ۴ طحا کی زینت فاطمہ ۴ سورہ کوثر کی تفسیر فاطمہ ۴ کمال وحدت فاطمہ ۴ دین و ایمان کی روح فاطمہ ۴ ملائکہ جس کے گھر کی چاکری پر فخر محسوس کریں وہ فاطمہ ۴ کون فاطمہ ۴ جو خاتون محشر ہے جو خاتون جنت ہے جو راضیہ ہے جو مرضیہ ہے جو عا لمہ غیر معلمہ ہے کون فاطمہ ۴ بنت نبی(ص)و امے اپیہ ہم شکل نبی (ص) فاطمہ ۴ ہم کردار و گفتار نبی (ص) فاطمہ ۴ کون نبی (ص) وہ نبی جو عشق اول ہے جو تخلیق اول ہے جو خلق اول ہے جو وجہ تخلیق کائنات ہے جو قرآن کی زبان میں کہیں مزمل ہے کہیں مدثر ہے کہیں طحاہے وہ نبی(ص) جس کے احترام کے لئے اپنی مسند چھوڑ کر کھڑا ہو کر اس کے ہا تھہ کو بوسہ دے اس کو زبان شریعت میں فاطمہ ۴ کہتے ہیں ......................بس کرم کی انتہا ہیں فاطمہ ۴ ہم امام زمانہ ۴ کو جگر گوشہ رسول (ص) زوجہ علی ۴ مادر حسن۴ و حسین۴ جناب پی پی سیدہ مطہرہ صدیقہ مرضیہ راضیہ حضرت فاطمہ ۴ زہرا ۴ کی ولادت باسعادت کے موقع پر مبارک باد پیش کرتے ہیں . تمام مومنین کو ولادت باسعادت حضرت فاطمہ ۴ زہرا ۴ پہت پہت مبارک ہو
Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | for everyone |
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave | Dearborn | MI | 48126

Kawthar is manifested in the holy being of Lady Fatima Zahra, the purified daughter of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny). Sure enough, the progeny of the Prophet comes only from Fatima and she is the mother of almost all the Infallible Imams (peace be upon them all). To have something in abundance is not necessarily a thing that is sought for; however, abundance is desired only when the object is nothing but pure "good". If we search all of history across the globe, we will not find a better example of good manifested in any person other than Lady Fatima and her progeny.
This profound Sura which had been gifted to the Holy Prophet ends with the verse, "Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without posterity." (108:3) It is important to realize that the introductory and concluding verses of this Sura are related to each other and that this last verse reveals the identity of al-Kawthar, which has been gifted to the Prophet. Mir Pooya explains in his Qur'anic commentary that when the Holy Prophet's son, born to Khadija al-Kubra (peace be upon her), passed away, Amr ibn Aas and Hakam ibn Aas taunted the Holy Prophet by calling him Abtar(tail-less), one whose progeny has been cut off. This Sura was revealed to give glad tidings to the Holy Prophet that abundance of unbounded grace, of wisdom and knowledge, of mercy and goodness, of spiritual power and insight – in the highest of degrees – and of progeny has been given to him. Mir Pooya also says that this chapter guarantees abundance in every type of growth and profit to the Holy Prophet. The reality of this "abundance" cannot be encompassed or fathomed nor can it be given its most due right. It is a sincere grant from Allah to His beloved and chosen one, Prophet Muhammad. This should not be a surprise to us because, after all, Allah had previously stated in 93:5, "And soon will your Lord give you so that you shall be well pleased."
It is important to make a distinction here between the words of a creation and that of the Almighty Creator. When a creature says that "I will give" it is not the same as when the Creator says "I will give." The divine bestowal is much greater than our minds can encompass! So when Allah announces to His beloved Prophet that He will give him such that he will be pleased, then surely we can expect that divine grant to be something that is not materialistic or temporal or related to the mundane world. It is something that exceeds the boundaries of this life and existence! Upon hearing this verse, we as Muslims should anticipate and follow the pure autobiography of the Prophet to discover what that great grant which Muhammad received from Allah is. We can imagine the Prophet himself waiting anxiously to receive this divine gift which will make him ever pleased with his Lord. The answer to this question is answered in Sura Kawthar when Allah announces to the Prophet in front of everyone that "We have given you Kawthar." (108:1)
In some degree or another, according to the grade of their submission, all the believing men and women receive some portion from the abundance given to the Holy Prophet; therefore, they are commanded to offer Salat regularly and sacrifice whatever they have in the cause of Allah whenever necessary. As indicated in verse 2 of this Sura: "Therefore pray to your Lord and make a sacrifice." If we analyze the two verbs of this verse, we will realize a deeper meaning is implied, one beyond merely praying or giving up the materials of this world. Rather, according to some exegetes, to perform Salat in the context of this verse means to send blessings upon the Prophet and his progeny in the form of Salawaat as an expression of Mowadda (reciprocal devotion) to the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them). And the biggest sacrifice that was offered in gratitude of the grant of abundance was the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) in Karbala, as described in the words "Dhibh 'Adheem" (the Great Slaughter) (37:107). The Holy Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt demonstrated the highest standard of devotion in prayers and in giving everything they had in the cause of Allah.
At the same time, it is implied in the last verse of this Sura that those who go against the Prophet and hurt him or deny the treasure of Kawthar personified in the immaculate character of Fatima, their progeny is cut off and is non-existent in Allah's eyes, even if the progeny exists physically.
It is not possible to value Kawthar without valuing Lady Fatima, and one cannot appreciate Lady Fatima without appreciating her father. Allah has granted Prophet Muhammad many gifts including knowledge, clemency, prophethood, courage, eloquence, and love in the hearts of believers. However, the most significant and valuable of gifts which Allah gave to him is Lady Fatima, the apple of his eyes.
Lady Fatima is the one who preserved the light of prophethood, and she became the extension to the message of Islam via her sons – the Infallible Imams who kept the message on track according to the Sunnah of the Prophet. They sacrificed themselves in this path of truth, justice, and liberty. Lady Fatima left behind a great legacy which is passed on by her sons and grandsons who represent the closest and shortest route towards Divine proximity.
Do you know when Allah presented Lady Fatima to His Prophet? According to Shaikh Muhajir in volume 1 of his book Know that I am Fatima, this divine bestowal was granted in his loins at the highest point of this universe as indicated in this verse: "Near the Lote-tree beyond which none may pass. Near it is the Garden of Abode. When that which covers covered the lote-tree. The eye did not turn aside, nor did it exceed the limit." (53:14-16) It was in that very high position that the sperm-drop was formed by Allah's will. In fact, let us hear the words of the Prophet himself on the event of Ascension, when he describes how Lady Fatima was gifted to him: "When I experienced Ascension to the heavens, Jibra'il took my hands and made me enter Paradise and gave me some dates which I ate. That food converted into a sperm-drop in my loins. So when I descended to earth and united with Khadija, she became pregnant with Fatima. Fatima is a human Hoori; whenever I yearned for the scent of Paradise, I smelled the fragrance of my daughter Fatima."
This extraordinary event urges us to reflect on this unique virtue of Lady Fatima, the only human being whose origin was created from the light of the best of creations – Prophet Muhammad – which was mixed with the clay or fruit of Paradise from the holiest of places where even Archangel Jibra'il is not permitted to cross! Surely the fruit of this unity must yield something or someone truly great in the eyes of Allah, such that according to the Infallible Imams, Lady Fatima is the Hujjah (Proof) over the Imams themselves! Her origins were initiated in the highest abode which clearly implies that her status is also at a very high stage. From here we begin to understand the secret behind the Prophet's extraordinary care towards Lady Fatima. He used to rise from his seat out of respect for her, he would embrace her hands and he would say, "Welcome, Umme Abiha!" addressing her by the loving title of "Mother of Her Father". In light of the fact that she was created from the clay of Paradise, it is no wonder then that the Prophet comments that when he yearned for Paradise, he would smell the fragrance of Lady Fatima! The association of Lady Fatima with Paradise further proves to us that whoever yearns for the pleasure of Paradise should please Lady Fatima, love her and be an obedient servant who follows her path and that of her purified sons! After all, if the Prophet himself yearns for Paradise through his daughter, then surely we should also seek salvation via Fatima – the manifestation of Kawthar!
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