Every argumnet has a proof, what is the proof of your belief ?-Holy Prophet (saws) | for everyone |
Imam Ja’far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) narrates, that one day after finishing the morning Prayers, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) suddenly looked at Haresa bin Malik whose head was falling down (he was dozing because of remaining awake at night) and his face had turned pale. His body had become thin and his eyes had gone in.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) asked him, “How did you arise this morning? And what is your state”? Haresa replied, “O Prophet of Allah I arsoe with belief”. The Prophet sadi, “Every argumnet has a proof, what is the proof of your belief ? He replied , o prophet ! that very thing is my proof which keeps me unhappy and shameful, which keeps me awake all night and fast throughout the day, and makes me hate the things of this world. And my belief in Allah has reached a state, that I see before my eyes the place of accounting on the day of Qayamat.
All the people are in front of me, and I see the dwellers of paradise sitting on their pleasantly with one another. On the other hand, I also see the dwellers of hell being engulfed by Allah’s wrath and wailing. As if the terrible sound of the blazing fire is echoing in my ears”.
All the people are in front of me, and I see the dwellers of paradise sitting on their pleasantly with one another. On the other hand, I also see the dwellers of hell being engulfed by Allah’s wrath and wailing. As if the terrible sound of the blazing fire is echoing in my ears”.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) turned towards His companions and said, “Look as to how Allah has enlightened his soul with the light of faith”. Then He turned towards Haresa and said, “o Haresa ! Always remain likthat”. Haresa replied, “O Prophet ! pray to Allah to present me with Martyrdom”.
The Prophet fulfilled his request and prayed for him. After some days the Prophet sent him along with Janabe Ja’fare Tayyar (the brother of Ali (a.s.)) for Jehad, where he attained martyrdom alongwith nine other people.
The Prophet fulfilled his request and prayed for him. After some days the Prophet sent him along with Janabe Ja’fare Tayyar (the brother of Ali (a.s.)) for Jehad, where he attained martyrdom alongwith nine other people.
Lessons from Imam Hussein (a.s.) | for everyone |
1. It shows the state of Muslim society during and after Muawiyah's twenty-year rule, a matter which prompts every concerned Muslim to study and investigate how it came to prevail in the not too long a period, a single generation or nearly fifty years, after the demise of the Noble Messenger (S).
2. It shows the state of the common people, especially the society's poor and weak, who lived in complete neglect on the part of the rulers, contrary to the Prophet's practice and his great concern for their welfare and rights.
3. It shows the people's indifference in regard to the Prophet's Ahlul-Bayt(A) and their obviousness to the Prophet's earnest and oft-repeated advice and persuasions ( so repetitive that they fill the hadith corpus, sunni and Shii; [ see the article on Hadith al-Thaqalayn in Al-Tawhid Vol. Viii No.1 ] ) regarding them . It was this general indifference towards the Ahl-ul Bayt ( A) and the common ignorance regarding their sublime station in Islam that emboldened a profligate like Yazid to kill the Prophet's only living grandson in such a barbaric manner and to imprison the women and children of his
noble family. History shows that this indifference had causes that lay in the past.
4. Had it not been for the heroic struggle of al-'Imam al-Hussein (A), nothing would have remained of the genuine teachings of Islam. even Yazid, with the help of hired historians, would have gone into history as a respectable Islamic ruler and as a deserving successor of the Messenger of Allah (S). Of course, some court historians and fuqaha tried to justify even the blackest crimes of Yazid as errors of ijtahad. But such justifications did not succeed in convincing honorable or aware Muslim. All that such historians and fuqaha could succeed in achieving was everlasting ignominy for themselves.
Al-Imam al-Hussein ( A) through his tragic martyrdom revived Islam and preserved its authentic teachings from the hands of tyrants. hence the Islamic world is indebted to this brave son of Fatimah al-Zahra ( A) and shall remain indebted to him to the Day of Resurrection.
Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein-The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said:
"Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein. Allah loves him who loves Hussein. Hussein is the son of the Prophet and father of the Imams".
Anas bin Harth Kahili, and his father who were the companions of the Holy Prophet, says that he heard the Holy Prophet saying: "This very son of mine will be killed at a place in the region of Iraq. Whoever is present at that time and is in a position to assist him should assist him".
Anas bin Harth Kahili, and his father who were the companions of the Holy Prophet, says that he heard the Holy Prophet saying: "This very son of mine will be killed at a place in the region of Iraq. Whoever is present at that time and is in a position to assist him should assist him".
Enjoining Good | for everyone |
Imam (‘a) in his bequest to his brother, Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyah, has explained the aim of his uprising against Yazid. His Eminence said: “…I am not taking up arms in order to make merry, or be ecstatic over what
I possess.
I am not making mischief, nor exercising oppression. But I am ready to fight for the sole goal of seeking reform of the Ummah of my grandfather, the Apostle of Allah (s). I want to enjoin good and forbid evil…”
Imam (‘a) rushed to the fields of Jihad so that he may lay the foundation on which Islamic respectable life may be built up. Pillars of foundation that had been demolished during the period of Umayyad regime. Because in their time the good had become evil and the evil had become good.
Imam (‘a) objected against them on many occasions. The most well-known of these instances is the speech His Eminence delivered before the Ansar and Muhajireen denouncing their attitude of supporting the tyrants, obstructing the truth and preferring a life of comfort and luxury as we have already mentioned in the first part of this book.
Regarding the matter, His Eminence said the following to his companions on the day of Ashura;
“Do you not see that truth is not acted upon and falsehood is not being removed so that a believer creates in himself the love of proximity of his Lord?”
His Eminence preferred death to life because he witnessed that the truth was being destroyed and falsehood was becoming stronger.
15. Uprooting Innovations
Umayyad regime dared to spread innovations among the Muslims and its aim was not but the destruction and defeat of Islam. Imam (‘a) indicated this in his letters to people saying, “The Sunnah is gone and innovation has become alive.”[1]
Imam (‘a) rose up so that the innovations that Umayyads had spread may be destroyed and to enliven the Sunnah of his grandfather that they had destroyed. On the basis of this the ever living aim of His Eminence was uprooting ignorance and hoisting the flag of Islam.
16. Order of the Prophet
The Holy Prophet (s) had been informed through the Unseen about dangers that Islam would face at the hands of Umayyads in future. He also knew that the reformation of message and restoring eternality to its principles was not possible except through the sacrifice of his grandson, Imam Husain (‘a).
Therefore it was incumbent on His Eminence to don the coat of mail and take up arms for the defense of faith. That is why His Eminence had ordered sacrifice. Therefore His Eminence, Husain (‘a) stated this reply to the sincere advisor refraining him from going to Iraq.
Imam Husain (‘a) told him as follows: “I have been commanded and I am going to fulfill the command…”
Historians have said, “The Messenger of Allah (s) prophesied to the people the martyrdom of His Eminence, Husain (‘a) and also informed them about the great calamities that would befall him and he always expressed sorrow at his killing and cursed his killers.”
In the same way Imam Amirul Momineen (‘a) has also spoken about the impending martyrdom of Imam Husain (‘a) as we have discussed in the previous volume and quoted the widely narrations in this regard…
Imam Husain (‘a) had perfect knowledge of what was to befall him because he had heard it all from his grandfather and father and he had become certain of his martyrdom. He had no more hope for living and went on the way of sacrifice and fulfillment of the command of his grandfather; he moved towards death with full determination.
17. Respect and honor
Of the most important factors for which the chief of the nobles undertook an uprising were ‘respect and honor’. Because the Umayyads wanted to force him to humiliation and degradation. But His Eminence did not accept it.
He continued to live in honor under the shade of swords and spears. His Eminence has himself explained this matter on the day of Ashura:
“Know that this man of evil ancestry has given two options. To pull the sword or face humiliation. Never could we accept humiliation. Allah, His Prophet and noble and valiant ones would never accept it for us. That we prefer the obedience of lowly ones to sacrifice in spite of the testimony of these great people…”
His Eminence then said:
“I don’t see death except success and I don’t see life with oppressors except as deceit.”
His Eminence happily laid himself in the lap of death to bestow respect and honor to humanity and sacrificed everything for his independence and honor.
18. Deceit and tyranny of Umayyads
Imam Husain (‘a) was certain that the Umayyads would never leave him alone and would leave no stone unturned to conspire against him and make his life difficult till he gives them the pledge of allegiance.
Imam was the most prominent personality of the Islamic world and Muslims had much regard and devotion to him because His Eminence was the grandson of their Prophet and Chief of the Youths of Paradise. And it is natural that such a thing was unbearable for the Umayyads that someone should, with all his dominance and lofty status be present in all the lands because such a thing posed a great danger to their kingdom.
The Umayyads were sworn enemies of the Prophet because in the Battle of Badr he had eliminated their elders and humiliated them absolutely. Yazid was waiting for an opportunity to take revenge from Ahle Bayt for the Battle of Badr. Narrators say that he said:
“I am not from Khandaf if I do not take revenge from the descendants of Ahmad.”
When he had taken his revenge and satiated his malice by shedding blood he began to cry and said:
“We have killed their elders of elders and taken revenge for Badr; thus our account is leveled.”
Umayyads were well known for their deceit and oath- breaking. Because Imam Hasan (‘a) made a peace treaty with Muawiyah and surrendered the Caliphate seat to him. In spite of this Muawiyah betrayed his trust and had him poisoned. And they had also given guarantee of security to Muslim Ibn Aqil but again they betrayed the trust…We have mentioned many examples of those whom Muawiyah had put to death because he feared danger from them.
Imam Husain (‘a) declared that the Bani Umayyah would not leave him. His Eminence told his brother, Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyah: “Even if I enter into the holes of reptiles they would take me out and kill me.” Also His Eminence told Ja’far Ibn Sulaiman Zai-ee: “By Allah, they would not leave me till they do not take out my heart from inside me.”
Imam (‘a) stood up against them and declared war and died an honorable death that was to shake up the throne of their tyranny and destroy their injustice and rebellion.
These were the factors that compelled the chief of the nobles to revolt against Yazid’s regime.
Protection for the Month of Safar | for everyone |
Protection for the Month of Safar
This month is the month of descent of misfortunes. In a year one Million and Eighty Thousand misfortunes descend, out of which Nine Hundred and Twenty Thousand, descend in the month of Safar. It is therefore mentioned in a Hadith by the Beloved of Allaah, Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that anyone who gives me the good news that he survived Safar, I will give him the good news of that person’s entering Paradise.
Hadrat Adam’s mistake occurred in this month. Hadrat Ibraheem was put into the fire on the 1st of Safar. Hadrat Ayyub got involved in his misfortune in this month. Hadrat Yahya , Hadrat Idrees , Hadrat Yunus and Hadrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alahi Wa Salam the Beloved of Allaah SWT were all involved and put into trials in this month. Hadrat Habeel {Able, son of Adam } was martyred in this month.
Many of the Saliheen state that Allah sends down the trials and tribulations that will occur throughout the year on the last Wednesday of the month of Safar. Those trials and tribulations are spread out accordingly and apportioned to specific people. It has been recommended to make certain duas and perform certain devotional acts seeking Allah’s Mercy and Gentlessness during this time to avoid being apportioned any trial or tribulation.
Amal for the First Night of Safar:
It is essential for all Muslims to perform, on the first night of Safar, 4 Raka’h {Nafl Salah} after Salatul Isha in a manner that in the first Raka’ah after Surah Al Fatihah is recited Surah Al kafiroon 15 times and in the 2ndRaka’h
{after Surah Al Fatihah} is recited Surah Al Ikhlas 15 times and in the 3rdRaka’h
{after Surah Al Fatihah} is recited Surah Al Falaq 15 times and in the 4thRaka’h
{after Surah Al Fatihah} is recited Surah An Naas 15 times. After Salaam recite
and recite Salatunnabi
70 times. Allaah
will protect him from all misfortunes and difficulties and bestow great Thawab {Reward} upon them. {Raahatul Quloob}

What to do on the last Wednesday of Safar:
- Pray 4 rak’ahs (other than an obligatory/fard prayer)
- In each rak’ah recite the Fatiha, then Surat Al-Kawthar (Chapter 108) 17 times, then Surat Al-Ikhlas (Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad – Chapter 112) 5 times, then Surat Al-Falaq (Chapter 113) once, and finally Surat Al-Naas (Chapter 114) once.
- Repeat this in each rak’ah.
After saying the salaam after the 4th rak’ah, this dua should be recited:
Bismillahi Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, wa Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘ala Sayyidna Muhammadin wa ‘ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa sallim. {Allahuma} ya Shadeed al-Quwa, wa ya Shadeed al-Mihaal, ya ‘Azeezu dhallat li ‘izzatika jamee’ khalqik; ikfini min jamee’ khalqik, ya Muhsin, ya Mujammil, ya Mutafaddil, ya Mun’im, ya Mukrim – ya men la illaha illa Anta, bi Rahmatika ya Arham Ar-Rahimeen. {Allahuma} bi sirri Al-Hasan wa Akheeh, wa Jaddihi wa Abeeh, ikfini sharra hadha al-youm wa ma yunzilu feeh, ya Kaafi. {Fasa yakfeekahumu Allahu wa Huwa As-Samee’u Al-’Aleem}. Wa Hasbunal Allahu wa na’am al wakeel, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi Al-’Alee, Al-’Adheem. Wa Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘ala Sayyidna Muhammad wa ‘ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa sallim.
Bismillahi Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, wa Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘ala Sayyidna Muhammadin wa ‘ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa sallim. {Allahuma} ya Shadeed al-Quwa, wa ya Shadeed al-Mihaal, ya ‘Azeezu dhallat li ‘izzatika jamee’ khalqik; ikfini min jamee’ khalqik, ya Muhsin, ya Mujammil, ya Mutafaddil, ya Mun’im, ya Mukrim – ya men la illaha illa Anta, bi Rahmatika ya Arham Ar-Rahimeen. {Allahuma} bi sirri Al-Hasan wa Akheeh, wa Jaddihi wa Abeeh, ikfini sharra hadha al-youm wa ma yunzilu feeh, ya Kaafi. {Fasa yakfeekahumu Allahu wa Huwa As-Samee’u Al-’Aleem}. Wa Hasbunal Allahu wa na’am al wakeel, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi Al-’Alee, Al-’Adheem. Wa Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘ala Sayyidna Muhammad wa ‘ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa sallim.
The Translation:
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. May the peace and mercy of Allah the Exalted be upon our Master Muhammad, and upon his Family and Companions. {O Allah} the One of Intense Power, the One of Intense Perspicacity. O Glorious One, Your entire creation is humbled before your Might – protect me from your entire creation, O Charitable One, O Beautifier, O Gracious One, O Giver of Blessing, O Generous One – there is no god except You, we ask your Mercy, of Most Merciful. {O Allah} by the secret [blessing you have given] Al-Hasan, his brother [Husayn], his grandfather [may the peace and mercy of Allah be upon him!], his father [Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him] – protect us from the evil of this day and from what descends on this day, O Sufficient Protector! {Allah will suffice you against them, He is the All-Seeing, All-Knowing}. Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, and there is no might or power except Allah’s, the Exalted, the Mighty. And may the peace and mercy of Allah be upon our Master Muhammad, his Family, and Companions.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. May the peace and mercy of Allah the Exalted be upon our Master Muhammad, and upon his Family and Companions. {O Allah} the One of Intense Power, the One of Intense Perspicacity. O Glorious One, Your entire creation is humbled before your Might – protect me from your entire creation, O Charitable One, O Beautifier, O Gracious One, O Giver of Blessing, O Generous One – there is no god except You, we ask your Mercy, of Most Merciful. {O Allah} by the secret [blessing you have given] Al-Hasan, his brother [Husayn], his grandfather [may the peace and mercy of Allah be upon him!], his father [Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him] – protect us from the evil of this day and from what descends on this day, O Sufficient Protector! {Allah will suffice you against them, He is the All-Seeing, All-Knowing}. Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs, and there is no might or power except Allah’s, the Exalted, the Mighty. And may the peace and mercy of Allah be upon our Master Muhammad, his Family, and Companions.
Also, it is highly recommended to read Surat Ya-Seen (Chapter 36) on that day, and when reaching the verse:
{Sallamun qawlan min Rabbin Raheem} (Verse 58) to repeat that verse 313 times.
After finishing the Surah, then read this dua:
{Allahuma} Salli ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammadin salaatan tunjeena biha min jamee’ al-ahwaali wa al-afaat, wa taqdi lana biha jamee’ al-hajaat, wa tutahirruna biha min jamee’ al-sayyi’aat, wa tarfa’una biha ‘ala ad-darajaat, wa tubalighuna biha aqsa al-ghayaat, min jamee’ al-khayraat, fi al-hayaati wa ba’ad al mamaat. {Allahuma} isrif ‘anna sharra ma yanzilu min al-samaa, wa ma yakhruju min al-ard, innaka ‘ala kul shayy’in qadeer. Wa Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ‘ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Sallim.
{Allahuma} Salli ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammadin salaatan tunjeena biha min jamee’ al-ahwaali wa al-afaat, wa taqdi lana biha jamee’ al-hajaat, wa tutahirruna biha min jamee’ al-sayyi’aat, wa tarfa’una biha ‘ala ad-darajaat, wa tubalighuna biha aqsa al-ghayaat, min jamee’ al-khayraat, fi al-hayaati wa ba’ad al mamaat. {Allahuma} isrif ‘anna sharra ma yanzilu min al-samaa, wa ma yakhruju min al-ard, innaka ‘ala kul shayy’in qadeer. Wa Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ‘ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Sallim.
O Allah, send mercy upon our Master Muhammad, a [prayer of] mercy with which You save us from all threats and calamaties, and by it [the prayer for mercy] You fulfill all our needs, and You purify us from the entirety of our sins, and You raise us by it to the highest levels, and You allow us to reach our greatest aspirations, in this life and after death. O Allah, avert from us the evil that descends from the heavens, and from [the evil] the comes from the earth – indeed, You are in power over all things. And may Allah send His Mercy upon our Master Muhammad, his Family, and Companions.
O Allah, send mercy upon our Master Muhammad, a [prayer of] mercy with which You save us from all threats and calamaties, and by it [the prayer for mercy] You fulfill all our needs, and You purify us from the entirety of our sins, and You raise us by it to the highest levels, and You allow us to reach our greatest aspirations, in this life and after death. O Allah, avert from us the evil that descends from the heavens, and from [the evil] the comes from the earth – indeed, You are in power over all things. And may Allah send His Mercy upon our Master Muhammad, his Family, and Companions.
Finally, it is recommended to make dua for one’s spiritual needs as well as one’s worldly needs, then ask Allah for protection and good health.
May Allah give us all the success to benefit from each month, each day, and each moment. May Allah continue to bless you all, your families, and the entire Ummah.
Naqshbandi Safar Awrad
It is prescribed to perform the following throughout the month:
Every day in addition to any recitations already being carried out:
1. Ashadu an la ilaha ill’ Allah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluhu (saws) – three times
2. Astaghfirullah (300 times).
3. Give sadaqah (charity) daily for the sake of Allah Almighty with the intention of lifting away afflictions and misfortunes.
4. Surat Al Fil (7 times)
5. Ayat al-Kursi (7 times).
6. On the last Wednesday of Safar it is recommended not to go out.
It is a good practice, and that of Granshaykh Abdullah Daghestani qs, to sacrifice a lamb (qurban) for the sake of Allah Almighty on the 27th of Safar.
The Mokhtar Narrative Series (مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala. | for everyone |

The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
(10) EPISODE 10
(11) EPISODE 11
(12) EPISODE 12
(13) EPISODE 13
(14) EPISODE 14
EPISODE 13 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
EPISODE 12 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
EPISODE 11 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
EPISODE 10 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
EPISODE 9 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
EPISODE 8 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
EPISODE 7 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
EPISODE 6 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
EPISODE 5 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
EPISODE 4 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
EPISODE 3 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
EPISODE 2 - MUKHTAR NAMA | for everyone |
The Mokhtar Narrative Series
(مختار نامه) A series directed by Davud Mirbaqeri narrating Mokhtar Al-Thaqafi's revenge for Karbala.
Please be aware that the subtitles have been implemented by IRIB, and not Shia Source. They are inaccurate translations but sufficient to get an idea what is being said.
For the month of Safar we would like to share with you the practices of Safar from Mafatih al Jinan. You can read all of the practices, duas etc from Mafatih al Jinan online or download PDF:
It is worth mentioning that the month of Safar is known as ominious and unfortunate. To nullify it there is nothing better than giving alms (sadaqah), reciting the du`as and the texts related for seeking refuge to Allah.
As Fayd Kashani - the traditionalist - and others have stated, whoever wants to be secured from the afflictions of this month, he should recite the following ten times every day:
O He who has total, absolute and everlasting power, O He who overcomes the impossible, O Victorious, O Victorious, O Victorious
Dwarfed are all that which have been created by Thee before Thy majesty. Keep me safe from the evil any of the created beings may direct at me O the praiseworthy; O He who is pleasant, O He who gives joy, heart and confidence; O He who treats with love and kindness.
O "There is no god save Thee. Be Thou glorified. Verily I have been a wrongdoer. Then We heard his prayer and saved him from the anguish. Thus We save the momineen (believers) (Sura Anbiya ayah 87-88) ",
send blessings on Muhammad (saw) and on His Pure and Pious Descendants (asws)
Third Day of Safar
Sayyid ibn Tawus has quoted from Shia references that it is recommended to say two rak`ats of prayer on this day. One should recite in the first rak`at the surahs of al-Fatiha and al-Fath and the surahs of al-Fatiha and al-Tawhid (Ikhlaas) in the second rak`at. When he bids salutation of the prayer, he should ask Allah to grant His Blessings upon the Prophet (saw) and his progeny (asws) (salawat) one hundred times; then he should also say the following one hundred times:
O Allah! Curse be upon the family of Abu Sufian (la)
And one should ask Allah for forgiveness one hundred times; then he should ask for his requests.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
It is worth mentioning that the month of Safar is known as ominious and unfortunate. To nullify it there is nothing better than giving alms (sadaqah), reciting the du`as and the texts related for seeking refuge to Allah.
As Fayd Kashani - the traditionalist - and others have stated, whoever wants to be secured from the afflictions of this month, he should recite the following ten times every day:
O He who has total, absolute and everlasting power, O He who overcomes the impossible, O Victorious, O Victorious, O Victorious
Dwarfed are all that which have been created by Thee before Thy majesty. Keep me safe from the evil any of the created beings may direct at me O the praiseworthy; O He who is pleasant, O He who gives joy, heart and confidence; O He who treats with love and kindness.
O "There is no god save Thee. Be Thou glorified. Verily I have been a wrongdoer. Then We heard his prayer and saved him from the anguish. Thus We save the momineen (believers) (Sura Anbiya ayah 87-88) ",
send blessings on Muhammad (saw) and on His Pure and Pious Descendants (asws)
Third Day of Safar
Sayyid ibn Tawus has quoted from Shia references that it is recommended to say two rak`ats of prayer on this day. One should recite in the first rak`at the surahs of al-Fatiha and al-Fath and the surahs of al-Fatiha and al-Tawhid (Ikhlaas) in the second rak`at. When he bids salutation of the prayer, he should ask Allah to grant His Blessings upon the Prophet (saw) and his progeny (asws) (salawat) one hundred times; then he should also say the following one hundred times:
O Allah! Curse be upon the family of Abu Sufian (la)
And one should ask Allah for forgiveness one hundred times; then he should ask for his requests.
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Salaat for the 1st of the month of Safar | for everyone |
Subject: Salaat for the 1st of the month of Safar and the daily dua to be recited 10 times each day...........
Salaat for the 1st of the month of Safar
It is desirable to pray a 2 rakat Salaat for the 1st of every lunar month, within 3 days & earlier the better. Also give sadqa & inshallah you will be safe throughout the month. The salaat ensures safety and keeps aways all misfortunes.
1. Make Niyat
2. In first Rakat recite after Sura Fatiaah recite Sooratul Ikhlass 30 times
3. In the second rakat after Sura Fatiaah recite Sooratul Qadr 30 times
4. After Salaam Recite the following :-

"Allahumma salle ala Muhammadinw wa aale Muhammed"
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
There is not a moving creature in the earth but the sustenance thereof depends on Allah. He knows its habitation and its repository. All is in the clear (manifest) Book. If Allah touch you with affliction, there is none that can relieve therefrom save He; and if He desires good for your, there is none who can repel His favour. He satiates whom He wills of His bondmen. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. Allah will guarantee, after hardship, ease. That which Allah wills (will come to pass)! There is no power save in Allah! Allah is sufficent for us! Most Excellent is He in whom we trust! I confide my cause unto Allah. Verily Allah is Seer of (His) servants. There is no god save Thee. Be Thou glorified. Verily I have been a wrongdoer. My Lord! Whatever good Thou sends down for me, I am needy, My Lord! Leave me not alone (Childless), though Thou art the Best of inheritors.
Daily Dua for the Month of Safar
1. To be recited 10 times daily during this month of Safar to prevent misfortunes.
2. It is also highly recommended to give charity (sadqa) in this month.
O He who has total, absolute and everlasting power, therefore is versatile and at all times gets the better of the impossible, the Almighty, the Dearest beloved. Dwarfed are all that which have been created by Thee before Thy Majesty. Keep me safe from the evil any of the created beings may direct at me O the praiseworthy who vies in beauty and goodness; does everything in a pleasant way, gives joy, heart and confidence; treats with love and kindness. O "There is no god save Thee. Be Thou glorified. Verily I have been a wrongdoer. Then WE heard his prayer and saved him from the anguish. Thus We save believers", Send blessings on Muhammad and on his Pure and Pious descendants
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