Pomegranate fights breast cancer | for everyone |
Pomegranate fights breast cancer
Enzyme-blocking chemicals in pomegranate may protect individuals against breast cancer, a new study finds.
Previous studies had reported various health benefits for pomegranate. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, the fruit can help prevent cancer, heart problems and Alzehemir disease.
According to the study published in Cancer Prevention Research, a group of phytochemicals known as ellagitannins, found in abundance in pomegranate, can block aromatase, inhibiting the growth of estrogen-responsive breast cancers.
Phytochemicals suppress estrogen production that prevents the proliferation of breast cancer cells and the growth of estrogen-responsive tumors, said lead researcher Shiuan Chen.
Aromatase, an enzyme that converts androgen to estrogen, is the main target in the majority of drugs used to fight estrogen-fueled breast cancers.
We do not recommend people start taking this as a replacement for the aromatase inhibitors, said Chen, stressing that the compounds found in pomegranate are not as potent as the actual drugs.
The Almighty Allah (S.w.T.) imposes difficulties and sends calamities to the sinful people among the followers ofAhl ul-Bayt (a.s..... | for everyone |
The Almighty Allah (S.w.T.) imposes difficulties and sends calamities to the sinful people among the followers ofAhl ul-Bayt (a.s.) This is because He wishes to cleanse them of their sins so that they are not liable to any punishment after death. If the sins are more, then he gets a difficult death and if the sins are still in excess then he is punished in Barzakh (grave) upto the Day of Judgement.
It is also stated in the traditions that if there is a sinner whose sins are so much that even after all the punishment they are not expiated; then that person will be interned in the Hell-fire till he has recompensed for the remaining sins.
The devotee of Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.) shall not remain in the fire forever. The everlasting punishment is only for the unbelievers and the enemies of Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.)
The righteous servants in the last age shall he the companions of Māhdī (AT.F.S) | for everyone |
Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Hasan enquired from Imām Muhammad al-Baqir (A.S.) the meaning of the following verse :
"And certainly We wrote in the Book after the reminder that (as for) the land. My righteous servants shall inherit it." (Anbiya : 105)
Imām Muhammad ibn ‘Alī al-Baqir (A.S.) said,
"The righteous servants in the last age shall he the companions of Māhdī (AT.F.S)"
[Reference: Taaweelul Ayaatiz Zahira]
The above Quranic verse indicates that the glad tidings of the universal government of helpers and the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.) has been mentioned in the Torah and the Zaboor.
~Allahumma Ajjile Waliekal Faraj~
Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good ....... | for everyone |
Abu Basir asked Imām Ja'far al-Sādiq (A.S.), the meaning of the following verse :
"Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth as He made rulers those before them and that He will most certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them and that He will most certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange, (as) they serve Me (and) do not associate
aught with Me..." [Nur : 55]
Imām Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sādiq (a.s.) replied,
"This verse is revealed in connection with al'Qaem (A.S.) and his companions".
[Reference: Al-Ghaybah, p. 126]
The above Quranic verse about the reappearance and uprising of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) - the belief common to Ahle-Sunnat too - mentions four characteristics and aims of the universal rule of Hazrat Mahdi (A.S.)
1 The establishment of a Universal Government.
2 Absolute Power to the religion of Islam.
3 The atmosphere of complete security and peace.
4 The annihilation of polytheism (Shirk).
~Allahumma Ajjile Waliekal Faraj~
“O Commander of Faithful, what are the things Allah has kept in store this day for the obedient?” he narrated to them the episode of the army the Holy Messenger (saaw) had sent to fight the infidels. It was a dark night and when the infidels planned a night attach, the Muslims were all asleep except for Zaid bin Harith, Abdullah bin Rawaha, Qatadah bin No’man and Qays bin Asim Munqari. Each of them was engrossed in prayers and in recitation of the Holy Qur’an. The enemies shot arrows aimed at the Muslims. As it was pitch dark, the enemies could not see the Muslims to be frightened of its size and got so close to them that they were soon to destroy the Muslims. Suddenly such light beamed from the faces of these few individuals that the whole Muslim army became illuminated. This inspired the Muslims who unsheathed their swords and attacked the infidels killing them or wounding them and taking them prisoners. When they turned to the Holy Messenger (saaw) and narrated their encounter to him, he said that the prayers of the their brothers on the first eve of Sha’baan was the cause of the light which illuminated from their faces.
Iblis spreads out his army round the earth urging them to make special efforts to attract the creatures of Allah towards them as Allah spreads His angels on this day round the world commanding them to look after His creatures well and urge them towards virtue and stating that because of them, the creatures will turn to virtue except for the disobedient and rebellious who would have united with the army of Iblis. On the first of Sha’baan Allah surely orders the Gates of Heaven to open up and the “Tree of Tooba” to bring its branches closer to earth and at that time there is an announcement from Allah, “O creature of Allah, these are the branches of the “Tree of Tooba”, cling to them as they will lift you to Heaven and these are the branches of the “Tree of Zaqoom”, beware of them lest they lead you to Hell”. The Holy Messenger (saaw) said, “By the one who has appointed me to the Prophet hood, whoever adopts any virtue on this day will have clung to a branch of the branches of the “Tree of Tooba” which will take him to heaven and whoever adopts evil on this day will surely have clung to a branch of the branches of the “Tree of Zaqoom” which will take him to fire.
So, my Lord! I look earnestly towards Thee and towards Thee, my Lord! I have stretched forth my hands therefore, by Thy honour, respond to my supplication and let me attain my wishes and, by Thy bounty, frustrate not my hopes and protect me from the evils of my enemies, from among the jinns and mankind o' Thou! Who readily pleased, forgive one who owns nothing but supplication for Thou doest what Thou willest o' Thou!
Whose Name is the remedy (for all ills) and Whose remembrance is a sure cure for all ailments and obedience to Whom makes one self sufficient; have mercy on one whose only asset is hope and whose only armour is lamentation O' Thou! Who perfecteth all bounties and Who wardeth off all misfortunes!
O' Light! Who illuminateth those who are in bewilderment! O' Omniscient! Who knoweth without (acquisition of) learning! Bless Mohammed and the Descendants of Mohammed and do unto me in accordance with that which befitteth Thee,
and deal with me not in accordance to my worth May the blessings of Allah be bestowed upon His Apostle and the Rightful Imams from his Descendants and His peace be upon them plentifully
O Allah! Accept my apology and have pity on my intense sufferings.. Dua-e-Komail | for everyone |
But now I have turned Thee, my Lord, after being guilty of omissions and transgressions against my soul, apologetically, repentantly, broken heartedly, entreating earnestly for forgiveness, yieldingly confessing (to my guilt) as I can find no escape from that which was done by me and having no refuge to which I could turn except seeking Thy acceptance of my excuse and admitting me into the realm of Thy capacious mercy
O Allah! Accept my apology and have pity on my intense sufferings and set me free from my heavy fetters (of evil deeds) My Nourisher! Have mercy on the infirmity of my body, the delicacy of my skin and the brittleness of my bones O' Thou!
Who originated my creation and (accorded me) my individuality, and (ensured) my upbringing and welfare (and provided) my sustenance (I beg Thee) to restore Thy favours and blessings upon me as Thou didst in the beginning of my life
O' my God! My master! My Lord! And my Nourisher! What! Wilt Thou see me punished with the fire kindled by Thee despite my belief in Thy unity?
And despite the fact that my heart has been filled with (pure) knowledge of Thee and when my tongue has repeatedly praised Thee and my conscience has acknowledged Thy love and despite my sincere confessions (of my sins) and my humble entreaties submissively made to Thy divinity?
Nay, Thou art far too kind and generous to destroy one whom thyself nourished and supported, or to drive away from Thyself one whom Thou has kept under Thy protection, or to scare away one whom Thy self hast given shelter, or to abandon in affliction one Thou hast maintained and to whom Thou hast been merciful.
extract from Dua-e-Komail
In the eyes of Allah, the foundation of matrimonial alliance in Islam is the most likeable. | for everyone |
In this universe, from small particles to the Milky Way,all the things are in their places because of the gravitational pull. If this pull is removed for one moment, the entire solar system will go haywire! Similarly, if there is no love in a home, it will scatter into small nondescript entities. We can say that a house where love doesn’t exist is like a grave, whose dweller is being punished. A house devoid of love is like an abode of the living dead! Without love, life is akin to a slow death accompanied by troubles and tribulations. But it is Allah’s kindness that when a family is formed, He bestows the natural instinct of love to its members.
The Holy Quran says:
وَ مِنْ ءَايَتِهِ أَنْ خَلَقَ لَكمُ مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَجًا لِّتَسْكُنُواْ إِلَيْهَا وَ جَعَلَ بَيْنَكُم مَّوَدَّةً وَ رَحْمَة
And of His signs is this: He created for you helpmates from yourselves that ye might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy…… (Sura ar-Rum, 30: 21)
The Holy Quran says that among the signs of Allah in this world, one of the signs is that He has created woman for man, so that they can join together to establish a family. They also provide comfort to each other. To help the formation and growth of the family Allah has endowed the instinct of love and affection to human beings. As you know, for every foundation there will be the Need of cement and concrete. No building can be constructed only with stone and steel. With stone and steel the correct quantities of sand and cement have to be used to provide the right binding quality to the structure. The matrimonial foundation too has similar requirements.
The Holy Prophet (s)in which he has said:
“In the eyes of Allah, the foundation of matrimonial alliance in Islam is the most likeable." (Wasailus Shia, Vol 14, page 43)
The sand and cement to bind this foundation are the instincts of love and affection between man and wife. If there is no concrete in the foundation of a building it will be weak, similarly if there is no love among the inhabitants of a house it will be desolate. Two things require our consideration in this connection. The first is to find out what is the thing that is harmful to the formation and growth of the family. The second thing is the consideration of the factors that promote love and affection in marital lives of peopl
And they followed what the shaitans chanted of sorcery in the reign of Sulaiman, and Suleiman was not an unbeliever | for everyone |
After the demise of H.Suleiman (A.S.) many people started claiming that he used to indulge in magic to achieve such a huge kingdom. Hence, the Jews in particular claimed that magic is a good action and is not prohibited. The basic motive was to cleanse their own hands and to make their own magic business successful. The following verse of the Holy Quran vouches for this fact and furthermore informs us about some aspects of magic:
“And they followed what the shaitans chanted of sorcery in the reign of Sulaiman, and Suleiman was not an unbeliever, but the shaitans disbelieved, they taught men sorcery and that was sent down to the two angels at Babel, Harut and Marut, yet these two taught no man until they had said, “surely we are only a trial, therefore do not be a disbeliever.” Even then men learned from these two, magic by which they might cause a separation between a man and his wife; and they cannot hurt with it any one except with Allah’s permission, and they learned what harmed them and did not profit them, and certainly they know that he who bought it should have no share of good in the hereafter and evil was the price for which they sold their souls; had they but known this.” Al-Baqarah 2: 102
The Jews were adamant in propagating the thought that H.Suleiman (A.S.) indulged in magic. Hence, the Holy Quran had to clarify distinctly that H.Suleiman (A.S.) was a Prophet of Allah (S.W.T.) he did not commit magic. Here the verse uses the words ‘Unbeliever’ and ‘disbelieved’ for magic! This verily denotes the intensity of this crime.
A person becomes a disbeliever in the realm of action once he indulges in magic!
"For the person who recites ‘Subhanallah’, Allah plants a tree in Paradise.” | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet (S) said:
“For the person who recites ‘Subhanallah’, Allah plants a tree in Paradise.”
On hearing this a man from Quraish stood up and said, “If it is this way, then there must be many trees for us in the Paradise?” The Holy Prophet (S) replied,
“Yes, but you must beware that you don’t set fire from here to burn them all down.”
(Iddat’ud-Dai page 235)
“For the person who recites ‘Subhanallah’, Allah plants a tree in Paradise.”
On hearing this a man from Quraish stood up and said, “If it is this way, then there must be many trees for us in the Paradise?” The Holy Prophet (S) replied,
“Yes, but you must beware that you don’t set fire from here to burn them all down.”
(Iddat’ud-Dai page 235)
“Jealousy devours belief, like fire devours wood.”
(Usūl al-Kāfi)
(Usūl al-Kāfi)
"and they cannot hurt with it any one except with Allah’s permission” 2:102“…..and whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him….”65:3
Reliance on Allah (S.W.T.) is definitely a perfect and absolute solution to any kind of problems including magic.
It is related from Abu Abdillah ( Imam Sadiqe – A.S.).
He said: Allah Tabarak Wa Ta’ala revealed to Dawood (A.S.): "Whoever, grasps me withdrawing from My creation – I know this from his intentions – then the skies and the earth and those in them conspire against him; but I deliver him from this state of affairs. A servant from my servants does not grasps someone from my creation except that I slash his means from the heavens that is already in his hands and makes this world a difficult place to stay. I do not care where exactly he is ruined.” – Mishkat-ul-Anwar Chapter 4 number 36.
2. Whenever there is a serious need for anything then Allah (S.W.T.) immediately fulfills that need. Even if a kafir has a genuine need then there is a voice raised from the very depth of his heart – “O Allah”. This kind of a voice is always answered even if it comes from a kafirs heart. Being momins such a voice from the depth of the heart coupled with the genuine need will be always answered. If someone faces some problem then he should know that there is some good hidden in it. Accept whatever comes from your Lord and do not be panicky. Your need in itself is a strong dua that will InshaAllah be soon answered.
It is reported from Abi Ja’fer (Imam Baqer A.S.):
“The most commendable of the creation of Allah (S.W.T.) is the one who submits to whatever Allah (S.W.T.) has determined for him. A person who recognized Allah (S.W.T.) and is satisfied with the verdict will be rewarded when the verdict overwhelms him. But a person who feels grudge over the verdict will be overwhelmed with the verdict albeit Allah (S.W.T.) will quash the reward.” Mishkat-ul-Anwar Chapter 4: 42
-Special dua for protection (to be written on deerskin & kept )
A person came to Amirul Momineen Ali (a.s.) and complained that a spell has been cast on him. Ali (a.s.) told him to write the following dua on the skin of deer and keep it with him so that the spell may not affect him:
In the Name of Allah and by Allah. (S Yunus 81) In the Name of Allah and as Allah willed. In the Name of Allah. There is no power or might except by Allah. Musa (a.s.) said Allah shall soon falsify the magic of those who have come with magic. Indeed Allah does not improve the affairs of transgressors.(S Araf 118) Then the truth became manifested and falsified what they had done. The truth triumphed and they were disgraced.
Another important dua: He also advised reciting the following dua (verse 35 of Sura al Qasas )seven times to safeguard against magic.It is better to recite it seven times after Namaz-e-Shab and before the morning prayers. It will protect one from the evils of magic
… In the Name of Allah and by the help of Allah. Soon We shall strengthen your hand by your brother. And appoint for you a force. By which their mischief would not harm you. Move ahead with our signs. You and your followers shall triumph.
Also Dua e Shabsab can be used to protect oneself from magic and all other evils.
We need to rely on powerful methods at our disposal to change our future for the better instead of such ways Sadqa & observing ties of kinship(selah reham) result in long lives. Dua’a especially with the medium of Ahlulbayt(as) changes fortunes & destiny
Quranic Invocation: Du'a for mercy & disposing affair aright (Urdu/Eng)
Quran 004.001
O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you.
025.054 Quran
It is He Who has created man from water: then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power (over all things).
033.006 Quran
The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers. Blood-relations among each other have closer personal ties, in the Decree of Allah. Than (the Brotherhood of) Believers and Muhajirs: nevertheless do ye what is just to your closest friends: such is the writing in the Decree (of Allah).
Many jurists are of the opinion that countering one magic spell by another is permitted. If an imposter claims prophethood by performing magical tricks; magic can be used to expose his falsehood. Or if a sorcerer casts a spell on someone or binds him, it is permitted to break this spell and unbind the victim with the help of magic.
It is related that Isa bin Shaqfi came to Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) and said,
“May my life be sacrificed for you, I am a magician and magic is my occupation. With the earnings of magic I have even performed the Hajj and now the Almighty has honoured me by your meeting but now I am regretful of my deeds; is there any way I can achieve salvation?
Imam (a.s.) said, “Untie and do not tie.”
The apparent meaning of Imam’s remark is that he can use his powers to counteract the magical spells of others magicians but he must not himself initiate sorcery. Initially invocations and amulets must be tried to nullify magical spells.
Let us look at a couple of such incidents in the book Bihār al-Anwār.
A person came to Amir ul-Mu’minīn ‘Ali (a.s.) and complained that a spell has been cast on him. ‘Ali (a.s.) told him to write the following Du’a on the skin of deer and keep it with him so that the spell may not affect him:
A person came to Amir ul-Mu’minīn ‘Ali (a.s.) and complained that a spell has been cast on him. ‘Ali (a.s.) told him to write the following Du’a on the skin of deer and keep it with him so that the spell may not affect him:
بِسْمِ اللهِ ِبسْمِ الله وَما شَاءَ اَللهُ ِبسْمِ اللهِ لاَحَوْلَ ولاَقُوَّةَ اِلاَّ بِااللهِ قًََالَ مُوْس
ماَ جئْتُمْ بِه السَّحْرَ اِنَّ اللهَ سَيُبْطِلُة اِنَّ اللهَ لاَ يُصْلحُ عَمَلَ الْمُفْسِدِيْنَ فَوَقََعَ الْحَقُّ وَ بَطَلَ ماَ كَانُوْأ
يَعْمَلُوْنَ فَغُلِبُوْا هُنَالِكَ وَ انْقَلَبُوْا صَاغِرِيْنَ .
In the Name of Allah and by Allah. In the Name of Allah and as Allah willed. In the Name of Allah. There is no power or might except by Allah. Musa (a.s.) said Allah shall soon falsify the magic of those who have come with magic. Indeed Allah does not improve the affairs of transgressors. Then the truth became manifested and falsified what they had done. The truth triumphed and they were disgraced.
Moreover he advised reciting the following Du’a seven times to safeguard against magic and the tyranny of the ruler. The same Du’a can be recited seven times after Salāt al-Shab and before the morning prayers. It will protect one from the evils of magic:
بِسْمِ اللهِ سَنَشُدُّ عَضُدَكَ بِاَخِيْكَ وَ نَجْعَلُ لَكُمَا سُلُطَانًا فَلاَ يَصِلُوْنَ بِآيَاتِناَ اَنْتُماَ وَ مَنِ اتَّبعَكُمَا الْغَالِبُوْنَ
In the Name of Allah and by the help of Allah. Soon We shall strengthen your hand by your brother. And appoint for you a force. By which their mischief would not harm you. Move ahead with our signs. You and your followers shall triumph.
In the book Qasasul Ulama there is an anecdote of the period of Abbas the Safawid. A Christian king sent a messenger to Abbas with the message that he may be given a chance to debate with Muslim scholars and if he defeats the Muslim scholars they must all accept Christianity. Now the person sent by the Christian king had some powers by which he was able to guess accurately what others held in their fists. The scholars were invited to debate with him and they included Mulla Mohsin Faiz. When the debate began Mulla Mohsin remarked that the Christian king has sent an ordinary man instead of a religious scholar for debate. The envoy brushed the remark aside and told him to hide something in his fist so that he can prove his miraculous powers.
Mulla Mohsin kept the tasbih made of dust from Imam Husain (a.s.)’s grave in his fist and challenged him to guess. The man thought for sometime but kept quiet. When Mulla urged him to speak up he said, “According to my knowledge there is a piece of Paradise soil in your hand but I am astonished as to where it was and how it came into your hands.”
Mulla Mohsin said, “You are correct! It is the dust from the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) who was the grandson of our Prophet (S). Your statement itself proves that the Imam of Muslims was on the right. Hence, you must accept Islam.”
Mulla Mohsin said, “You are correct! It is the dust from the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) who was the grandson of our Prophet (S). Your statement itself proves that the Imam of Muslims was on the right. Hence, you must accept Islam.”
The Christian followed his conscience and became a Muslim. A very suitable method was employed by the late Mulla Faiz to guide the Christian towards salvation. But it must be kept in mind that even under circumstances like the one described, where the person proved superior to the Christians who had extraordinary powers, it is necessary that the person has the Three necessary qualifications described earlier, otherwise he is nothing but a sorcerer.
‘Ali (a.s.) says about Qabīl.... | for everyone |
“Do not be like him who feigned superiority over the son of his mother without any distinction given to him by Allah. It was only the feeling of enmity which created a feeling of greatness in him and the fire of anger that vanity kindled in his heart. Satan blew into him his own vanity, after which Allah made him responsible for the sins of all killers upto the Day of Judgement since he had initiated the crime of killing.”
Thus Qabīl was doomed to eternal perdition due to pride that caused him to murder his righteous brother.
‘Ali (a.s.) continues:
“Take instruction from how the (Shaitan) brought Allah’s wrath, calamities, chastisement and punishment on those who were vain among the past people. Take admonition from their lying on their cheeks and falling on their sides, and seek Allah’s protection from the dangers of vanity, as you seek His protection from calamities.”
(Nahjul Balagha)
Attack on innocent Malala: | for everyone |
“Sanity cannot negotiate with insanity” We are with her.. Aik Bachhi ko chhup k Goli maar ker tum ne sabit ker dia aye taliban tum wahi Siffeen k bhagore ho.. —

Hope in Allāh (s.w.t.) | for everyone |
Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem
Imām Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al-'Abidin (A.S.) said:
“MY God! By Your Glory, even if You put a chain round my neck, deprive me of Your pardon, disclose my disgrace before people, give order to put me into Fire, and make a separation between the righteous and me I will never lose my hope in You, nor will I expel from my heart the desire of seeking Your pardon and forgiveness, or expel from my heart Your Love. I will never forget Your kindness and Your concealing of my defects.”
[Reference: Oddatol Daee (The Asset of Supplicant),Chapter 1, Hadees 39]
A humble request
Please do pray for restoration of Jannat al-Baqi & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs)