Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Nov 3, '12 12:16 PM
for everyone


Nov 3, '12 11:36 AM
for everyone

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وعَجِّلْ فَرَجَهُمْ

Nov 3, '12 11:35 AM
for everyone
Photo: Eid Mubarak..jpg
Nov 2, '12 1:07 PM
for everyone

It’s that time of the year when you want to stay in and sip cups of latte under a blanket. What better way to spend winter, right? But it is also the season of colds and flus. Here are other foods that will not just keep you warm, but will keep you fit through winter too
Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are highly nutritious roots. “Roots are excellent foods for winter as they provide you with warmth,” says Mumbai-based consultant dietician Dr Sunita Dube. They are also a good source of dietary fibre and carbohydrates. They are also a good source of Vitamins A and C and a good source of minerals like manganese and copper. So have them, boiled, baked or even in a soup!

Another root to have this season is potato. These are a good healthy source of carbs and dietary fibre and are rich in Vitamin A. So have ‘em baked, roasted, grilled or even in a potato-leek soup.
 “Greens are good for you during winter too as they are rich in antioxidants,” says dietician Maithili Pashtekar. Antioxidants perk you up and keep winter blues at bay. Spinach is also a good source of iron and calcium. So, whip up those soups and juices to start your day with!
Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds will keep you warm too. “Sesame or til chikkis are best eaten during winter as they produce heat in our body and are a good source of calcium too,” says Maithili. It is best had after a meal as it aides digestion. It is a good source of minerals like magnesium, iron, manganese and copper. These seeds helps your skin to retain moisture too!
“Peanuts are rich in antioxidants,” says Dr Sunita. These nuts also provide warmth to our system. Peanuts are a good source of vitamin E and B3. What’s more, because it is a good source of monounsaturated fats, it is a heart-friendly food too .
Bajra and Jowar
Millets like bajra and jowar also make for great meals during winter. “They are rich in calcium,” says Dr Sunita. Winter is the time we fortify our body and these millets help in absorption of calcium and build muscle tissue, she goes on to say. So make a meal of bhakris with jowar or bajra flour and spicy garlic chutney!
Oily Fish
Oily fish are a good source of vitamin D. “Vitmain D levels could go down during winter,” says Maithili. Moreover, they are a good source of omega 3 fats that will help prevent mood swings by elevating the serotonin levels in your body.
“Pomegranates are a good source of polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant,” says Dr Sunita. It is also a good source of minerals like calcium and phosphorus. “This combination works well in boosting our immunity,” says Dr Sunita.

Here are a Few More Tips from Dr Sunita for a Healthy, Happy Winter
  • Include a lot of berries like strawberries and blueberries in your diet as these are rich in antioxidants and will perk you up in no time.
  • Don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated even during winter. It is essential not only to keep your system functioning smoothly, but beautiful skin too.
  • Avoid rich foods, eg. deep fried foods and cheese. These are unhealthy at all times. And you won’t notice the extra pounds you have put on until summer!
  • Choose to drink herbal teas like green tea, jasmine and chamomile over tea and coffee to prevent ODing on caffeine.

Rasool Allah (saww) said: 

He is orphan who is unable to receive his parents’ care and is therefore not brought up by them. However, he is not that miserable as compared with the one who is unable to reach Imam (asws) of his time and is unable to receive and comprehend his Imam (asws)’s blessings and guidance. He does not know what are his Imam (asws)’s verdicts on those religious affairs faced by him. He is the Orphan of Alay-Mohammed (asws). Be aware! He should be looked after by those who have knowledge about our traditions. Whoever would teach him our (asws) attributes, our (asws) Marafat (recognition) and our (asws) traditions will be with us in the hereafter. (Ahtijab, pp. 2 (Haqaiq-ul-wasiat, pp. 32))
Nov 2, '12 1:02 PM
for everyone

Health Benefits of Watermelons

Think back to when you were a child and when during the summer months, the pinnacle of cook outs and family gatherings was always the cold juicy watermelon that was for desert. When you were young, eating watermelon was about taste. Now that you're older, it's more than just taste that should inspire you to eat lots of watermelon each year when the season arises. It's because watermelons have tremendous health benefits that anyone who lives a healthy lifestyle should be determined to take advantage of every year. Let's take a closer look at some of these health benefits this fruit has to offer. 

Health Benefit of Watermelons #1 Lycopene

Lycopene is an antioxidant found in most red colored fruits, with the exception of a few things such as strawberries. Scientific studies have shown that Lycopene reduces the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease in people. People who eat a diet high in lycopene are much less likely to suffer a heart attack then men who don't. 

Health Benefit of Watermelons #2 Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is an important attribute to have in a healthy diet because it promotes chemicals in the brain that help people to cope with anxiety and panic. These are two psychological disorders that are on the rise in America today. 

Health Benefit of Watermelons #3 Vitamin C

If you thought oranges were the only fruit that could provide you with Vitamin C, think again. Vitamin C is important to not only being healthy, but remaining attractive all your life. Vitamin C boosts the immune system so that you get sick less often and it also slows down aging and medical conditions such as cataract. 

Health Benefit of Watermelons #4 Vitamin A

Vitamin A works much like Vitamin C, in that it helps boost immunity, but it also help your body fight off infection. It also prevents blindness. 

As you can see, eating watermelon is almost tantamount to taking a multivitamin every morning, but with a much better taste. Watermelons are seasonal, which means that they are not available all year long. It means that when they are in season you should make sure and take advantage. 

When you go to the store to purchase one you want to try and find one that is ripe and ready to eat. The best way to do this is to knock on the outside of the rind. If you hear a hollow sound then melon is ready to eat, but if you hear solid thud put it back. The fruit is over ripe and you won't be getting very good flavor from it. Buy you water melon and eat it within the first few days of getting it home. Everything about it is healthy, and in addition, it won't leave you feeling over stuffed if you eat too much. 

So in a few weeks, the weather gets warmer and summer is approaching. Don't forget about watermelons. Eat up and get the extra boost they will add to your healthy lifestyle.
Nov 2, '12 1:00 PM
for everyone

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint, surrounded by large muscles. The ball, the round head of the femur (thigh bone), is set deeply in the acetabulum, a deep socket or cavity in the pelvis. The joint is very stable. The majority of long-term hip problems are associated with aging, disease (such as arthritis) and fractures. But pain in the hip and thigh also can be caused by injury to muscles, tendons or bursas, usually from a fall, a blow or overuse.

Hip pain in athletes involves a wide differential diagnosis. Adolescents and young adults are at particular risk for various apophyseal and epiphyseal injuries due to lack of ossification of these cartilaginous growth plates. Older athletes are more likely to present with tendinitis in these areas because their growth plates have closed. Several bursae in the hip area are prone to inflammation. The trochanteric bursa is the most commonly injured, and the lesion is easily identified by palpation of the area.

Quadricep, hamstring, and Iliotibial band injuries can be quite painful. However, there are several ways to help stablize muscular pulls. Compression braces can help provide stabilization to the torn muscle fibers and improve the ability to walk or help protect from futher injury. Ice packs and cold wraps help reduce pain and inflammation, and pain relief gels can provide temporary relief of painful symptoms. Many athletes use magnetic products to stimulate blood flow and reduce pain.

One of the biggest causes of hip and back pain is the psoas muscle. These problems include but are not limited to lower back pain, sciatica, disc problems, knee pain, pelvic tilting, digestive problems, infertility, and menstruation pain. You could also experience scoliosis, a difference in the length of your legs, kyphosis, sacroiliac pain and accentuated lumbar lordosis.

Bursitis in the hip usually involves the hip socket and causes tenderness, pain, and swelling on the outer part of the hip where some of the large buttock muscles attach. Bursitis in the hip can cause pain that spreads to the buttocks and down as far as the knee. Bursitis in the hip can be caused by activities such as speed-walking, aerobic dance, or carrying a baby on your hip. It also can be caused by conditions that alter the normal tilt of the pelvis, such as having one leg shorter than the other.

As the pain improves, gradually begin to exercise. It is best to work with a physical therapist to learn proper exercises and how to advance your activity. Swimming may be a good option because it stretches the muscles and builds good muscle tone without straining your hip joint. However, swimming does not build bone mass. When you are ready (a physical therapist can help determine that), slowly and carefully resume walking or another activity against the resistance of gravity.

A hip fracture can change the quality of your life significantly. Fewer than 50% of those with a hip fracture return to their former level of activity. In addition, while recovering from a hip fracture, several possible complications can be life-threatening. These include pneumonia  and a blood clot in the leg, which can dislodge and travel to cause a clot in the lungs. Both are due to immobility following a hip fracture and hip surgery.

A groin pull can be caused by a quick change in direction while you’re moving—often occurring in sports such as hockey, tennis, and basketball. A groin pull can result in pain, tenderness, and stiffness deep in the groin, making activity difficult.

Nov 2, '12 12:59 PM
for everyone

It's time again for FLU and cold season, but did you know cold weather is also an exceptionally poor time for people who suffer from allergies? Pollen isn't at fault this time of year, but instead dry air inside your home can wreak havoc with your allergies.

Gas furnaces, wood pellet stoves and fireplaces can reduce the humidity of the air in our houses. Really low humidity allows dust and pet dander to float around in the air. This low humidity also causes our lips and skin to dry out and sometimes

crack. Lotions or lip balm can benefit your lips and skin, but they don't do anything to remove the dander and dust that are still floating in the air all throughout your home .

It's popular for men and women to make use of a humidifier in their homes to counter the drying effects of their furnace or fireplace . A humidifier can assist to keep your home more comfortable and protect skin, lips and also furniture from excessive dryness . Regrettably, the humidifier all alone doesn't do much to alleviate the issues of common colds , winter flu and your allergies .What you really need is an air purifier or purifier humidifier combination . Air purifiers capture or even obliterate the tiniest allergens in the air like dust and dust mites, smoke and pet dander, even bacteria. To overcome allergies and illness, you'll want a great air purifier that eliminates the tiniest debris from the atmosphere .

Keep in mind, to combat flu and colds, you still will need to wash your hands often and it is most effective to use a bacterial soap, but you can significantly lessen the threat and fight allergy problems with a great air humidifier purifier. 

You can get a great online deal on an air humidifier purifier and free shipping, too.

1 - Abul Hasan Ahmad b. `Isa b. Ahmad b. [`Ali b. Husayn b.] `Ali b. Husayn b. `Ali b. Abi Talib [a] narrated to us, he said: Abu `Abdillah Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Asbat narrated to us, he said: Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Ziyad al-Qataan narrated to us, he said: Abul Teeb b. Muhammad b. `Abdullah narrated to us, he said: `Isa b. Ja`far b. Muhammad b. `Abdullah b. Muhammad b. `Umar b. `Ali b. Abi Talib [a] narrated to us from his father, from `Umar b. `Ali, from his father `Ali b. Abi Talib [a], who said: 
The Prophet [s] said: Tawhid is (to know that) His (Allah's) apparentness is in His hiddenness, and His hiddenness in His aparentness. His apparentness are qualities that cannot be seen, and His hiddenness exists without being concealed. He is sought in all places, and no place is vacant from Him for (even) the blinking of an eye. He is present without being limited, and concealed without being absent.
2 - Abul Hasan Muhammad b. Sa`id b. `Aziz al-Samarqandi, the faqih from Balkh, narrated to us, he said: Abu Ahmad al-Zahid al-Samarqandi narrated to us from his chain that rises to (Imam Ja`far) al-Sadiq [a] that a man asked him, and he [a] replied to him:
Indeed the foundation of religion is Tawhid and `Adl and an abundance of knowledge regarding them. And there is no excuse for a man of intellect from it (gaining knowledge of Tawhid and `Adl). So attain from it what is easy for you to understand well and are able to memorize.
He [a] then said: As for Tawhid, indeed it is that you do not conceive about your Lord what is conceivable about you. And as for `Adl, it is that you do not attribute to your Creator what is blameworthy for you (to do so).
Nov 2, '12 12:56 PM
for everyone

One of the most uncomfortable and unwanted sufferings one has to go through has to be contracting yeast infections.  No matter where they are, yeast infections are, at the very least, uncomfortable.  Given their nature, admitting you have one is notably unflattering to your image of personal hygiene as yeast infections thrive in moist, dark areas of the body.  Read on and you will see the different yeast infection cures available today.

With modern medicine, you can resort to yeast infection medication to rid these pesky growths.  If the outbursts are not too severe, using homemade remedies to cure yeast infections is fairly common and safe.  The former is often used in more serious and expansive infections to prevent them from recurring permanently.  Home remedies are great if you are too embarrassed to own up to having some kind of yeast infection in your system and work just as well, sometimes even better as they usually do not leave any scars.

Of all the home remedies, one in particular stands out – garlic.  In any form – digested or rubbed on – garlic is proven to be one of the most effective, if not the most effective, yeast infection cures.  Yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in any one area and if there is one thing that they hate, it is garlic!  This is good news for you because garlic is both cheap and easily accessible.  On top of that, it can be applied, swallowed in pill form or drunk.  This means no one has to know you are trying to cure yeast infections unless you decide to tell them!

Here are some ways garlic has been used as a home remedy:
  1. As garlic tabs or pills, garlic works well for those hard to reach places like those in the genitals.  Those suffering from vaginal yeast infections or thrush, especially, will find this particular type of cure very convenient and painless.  The best part is that you can feel its effects almost instantly – what a relief!
  2. If you are not averse to strong smells, press or smash a clove of garlic and dunk into water and drink up.  This is an indirect method of ridding yeast infections from within your system.  If you are the kind of have frequent recurrence, this is the best way you can reduce the frequency – much like taking vitamin supplements.
  3. Less common is a garlic rub-on.  Try on less sensitive areas like below the breasts and abdomen.  Some people with more sensitive skin may find these a little warm to the touch so it is best to use these homemade creams on "open" spots.
Yogurt works just as well as garlic, albeit a little yuckier.  For more "inconvenient" areas like the vagina and anus, soak a tampon into yogurt and insert into the affected body part.  Otherwise, rub yogurt onto your skin.  A point to note here is that the yogurt used must be unsweetened and unflavored.  Otherwise, you would only aggravate the situation with an even more conducive environment for the yeast infection.
Another popular way to cure yeast infections is with vinegar.  Much like garlic, vinegar is another big no-no for the irritating fungi.  The only downside to using this above garlic is that it is a lot stronger which means there will be some kind of burning sensation.  Depending on your pain threshold, some people may describe it as a mild burning sensation while others will swear it is even worse than the yeast infection itself.
Water also works wonders for clearing yeast infection.  It helps flush out toxins in the system and dilutes body chemicals to restore them to their appropriate levels naturally.  This means flushing out excess sugars within your body which the yeast feeds on, thus reducing their food source and containing their growth.  The old folks who used to tell us to drink six to eight glasses of water a day definitely knew what they were
 talking about!

For more severe outbreaks, yeast infection medication may have to be resorted to.  Stronger versions will have to be prescribed while milder ones can usually be bought over the shelf.  Like all medicines, unless you know for sure it is a yeast infection and not any other skin ailment, it still is better to consult a doctor beforehand so you can rule out common allergies.

Nov 2, '12 12:53 PM
for everyone

IMAM E-mail Logo
In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As-Salamu Alaykum
     As believers in God, the Merciful Creator, we should always seek refuge in him, especially during times of hardship.
     The northeast United States is currently facing the devastation of hurricane Sandy. Americans of all religious and ethnic backgrounds are united to endure this natural calamity.
     On behalf of the Muslim-Shia community in the United States, Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (IMAM) expresses its solidarity and support to all Americans affected by hurricane Sandy. We also ask all Muslim believers to remember the victims of this storm in their prayers.
     During such times, we encourage all Americans, especially Muslim-Americans, to provide what aid they can muster to support relief efforts, and to abide by the instructions and regulations of emergency response teams and local authorities.
     May Allah's Mercy embrace us all with his mercy.
Sincerely yours,
The Community Outreach Department

This email was sent to abbasalamdar@yahoo.com by info@imam-us.org |  
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | (313) 562-IMAM (4626) | 835 Mason St. | Dearborn | MI | 48124
Nov 2, '12 12:44 PM
for everyone

 - Muhammad b. al-Hasan b. Ahmad b. al-Waleed - Allah be pleased with him - narrated to us, he said: Muhammad b. Yahya al-`Ataar narrated to us from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. `Isa, from his father, from Marouk b. `Ubayd, from Jamee` b. `Umayr, who said:
Abu `Abdillah (al-Sadiq) [a] asked me: Allah is greater than what thing?
He replied: Allah is greater than every thing.
He [a] said: Was there another thing (existing) besides (Allah) that He would be greater than it?
He (narrator) said: So what is it? (i.e., What is the correct meaning of Allahu'Akbar?)
He [a] replied: Allah is greater than can be described. (i.e., Allah is beyond description.)
2 - Muhammad b. Musa b. Mutawakkil narrated to us, he said: Muhammad b. Yahya al-`Ataar narrated to me, from Sahl b. Ziyad, from ibn Mahboub, from who narrated to him, from Abi `Abdillah (al-Sadiq) [a]. He (narrator) said:
Once a man said Allahu'Akbar (Allah is great) next to him (Imam Sadiq).
He [a] said: Allah is greater than what thing?
He replied: Than all things.
So Abu `Abdillah [a] said: You have limited Him!
So the man said: So how should I say it?
He [a] replied: Allah is greater than can be described.
Nov 2, '12 12:43 PM
for everyone

The Hijri date is the Islamic calendar. It started in the moon year in which prophet Muhammad  immigrated from Makkah to Madinah. To learn more about the Hijri date read the following introduction 
Date Conversion
 Gregorian to Hijri  Hijri to Gregorian 
Day:  Month: Year: 

Nov 2, '12 12:38 PM
for everyone

Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

 Imām Ja'far ibn Muhammad  al-Sādiq (A.S.) said:

"Fasting on the Day of Ghadir is equivalent to fasting the time span of the (existence of the) entire world – meaning that if a person were to live a life of the entire existence of the world and were to fast this whole time, the reward for this fasting would be equivalent to fasting (this one day of Ghadir).”
 [Reference: Wasa’il ash-Shi’a, Volume 7, Page 324, Hadith 4]

Request for Prayers

A Muslim brother (Rafique Khan), is seriously ill  in a Mumbai hospital and doctors have given up their hope. 
A request to all brothers and sisters to please recite Amman Yujeebul Mudhtarra Idhaa Da'aahu Wa Yakshifus-Sooa' ' five times, for his quick recovery by the Sadqah of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s) and His Holy Progeny (a.s.),

A humble request
Please do pray for restoration of Jannat al-Baqi & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs) .

Iltemase Dua

A woman is a flower vase of beauty and fragrance. So smell her gently, do not wrestle with her! - Imam Ali (as)
Women are like flowers. Do not put on them responsibilities they can not bear! - Imam Ali (as)
According to Islam, being a human, woman is even superior to angels and all other living organisms. If she performs any good task or deed, she will be equally blessed as much as a man will for his good deeds.
She is the benefactor and patron of Islam, as lady Khadija (Wife of Holy Prophet [saw]).
She is a partner of prophethood, as lady Fatima (Daughter of Holy Prophet [saw]).
She is one of the greatest leaders, as lady Zainab (Daughter of Imam Ali [as])
She superior to man, as a mother.
She's respectable like a saint.
She is precious like an expensive pearl.
She is honorable like a delicate rose.
Islam emphasizes the equality of all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or social status. Islam has prescribed different roles and responsibilities for men and women, with each gender complementing the other. Centuries before the modern world recognized women's rights, Islam acknowledged the equality of the two genders, and abolished the barbaric ritual of burying infant daughters alive, an outrageous crime practiced by the Arabs before the time of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
Islam made women aware of their rights and gave them an identity, a personality, freedom, and independence. These rights, among others, include the right to inherit, to own property, to obtain a divorce, to collect a dowry, and to gain child custody. Regarding the equality of the genders, the Holy Qur'an states:
"Surely the men who submit and the women who submit, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obeying men and the obeying women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women and the humble men and the humble women, and the almsgiving men and the almsgiving women, and the fasting men and the fasting women, and the men who guard their private parts and the women who guard, and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember-Allah has prepared, for them forgiveness and a mighty reward." (33:35)
Nov 1, '12 12:56 PM
for everyone

Name: ZainabTitle: Siddiqa-e-Sughra
Father: Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi TalibMother: Fatima Bint-e-Mohummad
Born: 5 Jumada 1/1 Shabaan (5 AH)Died:11/21 Jumada 2/24 Safar 62 A/16th Zil Haj
Kunyat: Umm-ul-MassaibBuried: Damascus / Medina / Cairo
Lived: 55 years
Sayyeda Zainab Miracles:
Zainab (s.a.) is represented by responding to invocations, in a miraculous way, such as healing the sick and the crippled. Sources have detailed many such miracles. Here are some examples:
A  miracle that took place in the late sixties and that was reported in the Lebanese newspapers. An old Lady called Haja Fawzia was so sick that she could not stand, walk or even see.
At the beginning of Muharram people were organizing themselves in-groups to visit the Holy Shrine. Haja Fawziah wanted to go with them. She told her brother, Subhi, that she could hire two women to carry her and help her. But he refused the idea saying that the blessed Lady could hear her and help her wherever she was. Haja Fawzia spent the night crying and listening to the story of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (a.s.). Then she prayed to Allah the almighty invoking the prestigious position of Zainab (s.a.) to heal her.
At dawn, she was getting ready to pray when she felt a women taking her hand and telling her: "Stand up on your feet. I am Zainab bint Ali bin Abi Talib. Your brother has told you that Zainab can heal you if she so wishes while you are in your house. I do not heal anybody unless Allah, the Most Exalted, wants him to be cured... Allah's hand is above mine".
Haja Fawzia replied in astonishment: "But I can't stand". But Zainab (s.a.) insisted saying: "Get Up". The Haja stood up crying: "Allah is great"... She was completely healed... And the story is well known in Lebanon.
There are also some other famous miracles as that of the healing of the only child of the Pakistani merchant, Muhammad Ali Habib:
The son had polio, and all the efforts of the medical doctors were useless. The father, upon a visit to the Holy Shrine prayed to Allah to cure his child.
At the same night, as some sources say, the child who was asleep in his room in Pakistan woke up to find himself able to walk. Following this incident the Pakistani merchant donated the silver cage that still protects the grave.
Nov 1, '12 12:55 PM
for everyone

Sayings of Bibi Zainab (SA):
"O Yazid, You can never reach the level of our lofty position, nor can you destroy our remembrances, nor can you wipe out the ignominy you have earned for yourself by your abominable and vile performance. Your decisions are poor and your days are numbered. Your party will disperse the day when the Announcer will announce - Allah'S CURSE BE ON TYRANTS AND TRANSGRESSORS." Bibi Zainab binte Ali (a.s)

"O you the son of freed slaves! Is this your justice that the ladies of your house remain veiled and we the Prophet's daughters should be paraded from place to place?" Bibi Zainab binte Ali (a.s)

"O Yazid! Your misdeed has proved your rebellion against Allah... And this action of yours comes as no surprise from a person whose ancestors chewed the liver of such saintly martyrs. The descendants of such enemies of Allah should naturally be the most deadly!" Bibi Zainab binte Ali (a.s)

"O Yazid! You did what you wished, but remember that you have cut your own skin, In the near future you will be taken in the presence of the Holy Prophet. On that occasion you will be burdened with the sins of the misdeed committed by you shedding the blood of his progeny and dishonouring the sanctity of his family." Bibi Zainab binte Ali (a.s)

"O Yazid! Practice any trick you can and do anything that you think would vanish Islam, but you should know that you can not eradicate our message, path and memory. You should know that our memory will never die." Bibi Zainab binte Ali (a.s)
Nov 1, '12 12:53 PM
for everyone

Bismillah Hir Rahaman Nir Raheem

Bibi Zainab, Ya Zainab,
Pillar of strength and devotion,
Persevering through the greatest commotion
Standing courageously tall, affliction after affliction,
None could ever destroy your brave conviction!

One by one members of your family were taken away,
But your faith in Allah strengthened you everyday.
Your love for Hussain was immensely great,
But your love for Allah dictated your fate!

You selflessly sent your two sons in to battle to die,
If women were permitted to fight, you would have too without a sigh.
On that devastating day.
Our Imam Hussain was martyred and taken away.
Enduring the pain of loneliness and separation,
You still remained strong for the women and children.
Like the moon lights the path in the dark of the night,
You led the ummah with strength and might.

Bibi Zainab, Ya Zainab,
Pillar of strength and devotion,
Persevering through the greatest commotion
Standing courageously tall, affliction after affliction,
None could ever destroy your brave conviction!

Ruthless enemies of Islam took off your hijab,
How could they treat you, the daughter of Fatima, so cruelly, oh Zainab?
But your love for Allah, only grew stronger,
As you continued in your struggle without your brother!

Preserved was your honor and dignity,
Even with their ruthless attempt of afflicting humility.
Standing up to the repulsive Yazid (lanatAllah alay),
Your words sliced through the air, clear and evident
Shattering his pride into utter abasement.

Bibi Zainab, Ya Zainab,
Pillar of strength and devotion,
Persevering through the greatest commotion
Standing courageously tall, affliction after affliction,
None could ever destroy your brave conviction!

Muslim women around the world face continuous adversity,
We turn to you for strength, Bibi Zainab, to remove our constant difficulty.
In France, Muslim women are being forced to take off their hijab!
Who knows better how that feels than you, oh Bibi Zainab?
After 9/11, sisters took off their hijab,
How could they forget your struggles, our dear Zainab?
No adversity we face today can even compare,
To the pain and tragedy that you and your family had to endure and bare.

Bibi Zainab we request your dua,
To strengthen our faith and love for Allah.
To remember the struggles of you and your family,
And enjoin in actions that will please Allah, this will truly make us happy.

Bibi Zainab, Ya Zainab,
Pillar of strength and devotion,
Persevering through the greatest commotion
Standing courageously tall, affliction after affliction,
None could ever destroy your brave conviction!

Asalaamualaikum Zainab!

Nov 1, '12 12:52 PM
for everyone
Billions of salutes to Bibi Zainab The great lady Bibi Zainab To 14 Masooms billions salutes Till day of judgment billions salutes

The light of eyes of light of Allah She came to world through light of Allah Grand father Prophet of Allah And father was friend of Allah
Billions of salutes to Bibi Zainab To fourteen Masooms and Zainab Mother Zahra,Lght of Allah Hasan, Husain, Light of Allah Panjetan five Lights of Allah For world were mercy of Allah
Billions of salutes to Bibi Zainab To fourteen Masooms and Zainab
Around her were five great lights Manifestors of Allah's might She was born and saw five great lights Deep in her heart went five great lights
Billions of salutes to Bibi Zainab To fourteen Masooms and Zainab
She opened eyes and saw five lights Deep in her heart went five great lights Her heart was light and they were lights Surroundings were bright and bright
Billions of salutes to Bibi Zainab To fourteen Masooms and Zainab
Allah Sent Angels With Greetings
Soon after birth came thousands angels Saluted Prophet thousands angels Gave Allah's message baby is great Is 'Savior of Islam' baby is great
Billions of salutes to Bibi Zainab To fourteen Masooms and Zainab
Jibreel gave him Allah's greetings Congratulations and greetings And said that Allah gave her name It is a very special name
Billions of salutes to Bibi Zainab To fourteen Masooms and Zainab
Allah Named Her Zainab
She is pride of father Ali And adornment of father Ali Allah gave her the name Zainab On Loah-e-Mahfooz, her name's Zainab
Billions of salutes to Bibi Zainab To fourteen Masooms and Zainab
Jibrael gave news of tragedy Baby is Queen of Tragedy From childhood she will be mourner In Karb-o-Bala, great mourner
Billions of salutes to Bibi Zainab To fourteen Masooms and Zainab
With crying heart and crying eyes Prophet saw her with tearful eyes He hugged Zainab against his chest With mourning heart against his chest
Billions of salutes to Bibi Zainab To fourteen Masooms and Zainab
Kissing her cheeks he said Zainab You are 'Savior of Deen', Zainab Kissing her upper arm he cried Said "They'll be tied in rope" he cried
Billions of salutes to Bibi Zainab To fourteen Masooms and Zainab


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