Pray to Allah on every occassion : happy or sad. Quran says: "And when touches a man (an) affliction, he cries to Us, but when we remove from him his affliction, he passes on as though he had not called to us (on account of the affliction which did touch him)".
Allah brings problems so that we may establish contact with Him, but some people even don't do this, even if they are faced by problems.
Dua with Jama'ah: Dua of a congregation (Jama'ah) is better than an individual's dua. The people should get used to praying together. Dua Komail, Dua Nudbah, Dua Tawassul, etc. should be prayed in congregation. The christians have a good habit of praying together when faced with difficulty.
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says: "If 40 people gather together and pray, Allah shall certainly accept at least one man's dua". Some people in the congregation may be good and sincere, and because of them, dua of all the rest shall be accepted.
Understand the meaning of what you recite in Dua : Reciting Duas taught to us by our beloved Prophet and Imams (as) without understanding their meaning, makes it loose most of its significance and benefits. Then it is little surprise we hardly feel its effect on us or its benefit in our life.
Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem
It is narrated that there was a rich man. When he saw the news reached the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), he called that moon of Zilhajj, he observed fast on the next day. When this person and asked, “Why did you observe fast on that day?” He replied, “May my parents be sacrificed on you, these are the days of Mash-a’r and Hajj. I hope Allah includes me also in their prayers.”
Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustafā (S.A.W.W) said:
“You will get the reward of freeing a slave, sacrificing a hundred camels and carrying the load on a hundred horses in the way of Allāh (s.w.t.) for each fast. When Yaum-e-Tarweeya (8th Zilhajj) arrives you will get the reward of freeing a thousand slaves, sacrificing a thousand camels and carrying load in the way of Allāh (s.w.t.) on a thousand horses. You will get the reward of freeing two thousand slaves, sacrificing two thousand camels and carrying load in the way of Allāh (s.w.t.) on two thousand horses for the fast of the day of Arafah. All these are compensation for the sins of sixty years before and after it, in your life.”
[Reference: Sawaabul A’amaal, page 109]
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Please check attachment for A'amal/ Duas for first 10days of Zilhajj
Iltemase dua
Allah humma salli ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad wa ajjel farajahom
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As Salamo alaikum,
On the auspicious day of marriage anniversary of Imam Ali(a.s.) and Hazrat Fatima(s.a.), I am happy to launch a new service on the Ziaraat.Com website.
The "Quran Bookmarks Database" aims to collect references to Ayat in Quran which we all keep hearing regularly in Majalis and Jashn mahafil.
I have already got more than 100 references and I would be happy to receive more references from members and visitors of the
Here is the link to the database:
There are search features both in English and Urdu (Transliteration) where you can search for words in Description or Tags such as "Waseela", "Mubahila", "Wali", "Darood" etc. and you will immediately get Sura and Ayat reference from the Quran where these words are mentioned.
Please share this message with you family and friends so many people could benefit from this. Please do remember me and my family in your sacred prayers.
Syed-Rizwan Rizvi
We are collecting donations to further expand the website and provide more services. If you wish to contribute please do so here:Donation for Ziaraat.Com
Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem
Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustafā (S.A.W.W) said:
"Allāh (S.W.T.) says: Whenever My creature, instead of putting his trust in Me, appeals to other creatures, I will close to him all the earthly and heavenly gates. Then if he asks Me for anything, I will not fulfill his desire and if he calls upon Me, I will not answer him. However, if a man, instead of turning to others, puts his trust in Me, I will guarantee his daily food to be given by the earth and heavens. Should such a person recites Dua, I will fulfill it, should he ask Me for anything. I will give it to him and should he seek forgiveness, I will forgive him.”
[Reference: Oddatol Daee (The Asset of Supplicant),Chapter 3, Hadees 347]
In Majalis Ibn Sheikh Imam Ridha is recorded as quoting his ancestors by saying,
• Satan used to approach the Prophets after Adam till God ordained Hazrat Isa.
• He used to talk to and question them.
• He liked Hazrat Yahya bin Zakaria the most who asked him, O Satan I need you for something.
• Satan replied, Your station is so prominent that you are oblivious of needs.
You may ask whatever you want because I will never oppose your wish.
• Hazrat Yahya said, O Satan you tell me how you trap Adam’s progeny
• Satan answered, Through love and friendship.
• He then promised to return the next day.
• The next day Hazrat Yahya waited for him after securing the doors tightly.
• When Satan arrived his face was like that of a monkey, his body was that of a pig and his eyes were vertical in structure. His teeth and mouth were joined together; he had no chin and no beard. He had four hands two on the chest and two on the shoulders and his fingers were reversed. He was wearing a robe and his loin was tightly girdled with a cloth that was multi colored. He had a large bell in his hands and an egg on his head crowned with a metal dog.
• Hazrat Yahya hesitated but asked him, What is this that is tied to your midriff? Satan replied: This is sorcery that I have beautified for them.
• Hazrat Yahya asked him about the multi colored threads and he said, These are the fashion of women that will always be popularized among them, though ultimately it will put them to trial.
• Hazrat Yahya asked him about the bell and he said, This contains all kinds of musical instruments, which impassion men drink and make merry. I use them. Hearing these sounds, some refrain from dancing while others dance wildly and tear their clothes.
• Hazrat Yahya asked him, What soothes your eyes? He answered, Women are my instruments in trapping men, for they gather in the assemblies of righteous people and I approach them, for they gladden my heart.
• Hazrat Yahya asked him about the egg on his head and he said, I refrain from going to the assemblies of the righteous because of it.
• Hazrat Yahya asked him, Why this iron inside the egg? He answered, I perturb the believers’ hearts through it.
• Hazrat Yahya asked him if he ever was successful against him and Satan answered, No, but you have a virtue, and that is you eat healthily after a day’s fasting and this prevents you from saying your prayer immediately after eating.
1 - Haaris along with his father Mugheerah asked Imam Sadiq (a.s.): What was the admonition will of Luqman to his son? He said: There were wonderful matters in that will and the most astonishing of all was that he told to his son: Fear Allah in such a way that if you bring forth all the good deeds of the human beings and the jinns, yet He will punish you and so also be so much hopeful of Him that even if you bring forth all the evils sins of men and jinns He will be kind to you. Then said: my father said: There is no Faithful salve unless there are two lights in his soul: Light of fear and Light of hope is such proportion that if this one is weight it not be heavier and if that is weighed it too will not be heavier.
2 -Hasan bin Abi Surah says: I heard from Imam Sadiq (a.s.): A faithful really does not become a faithful until he is both fearful and hopeful and he is not fearful and hopeful unless he acts in accordance with that fear and hope.
3 - It has been recorded from Imam Sadiq (a.s.): There is a group of people who commit sin and then say we are hopeful of of Gods Mercy and they entertain the same belief till their death and they do unto repent. Then said: These are liars; they are not hopeful of God and they do not fear His punishment, because, if a man is hopeful of something he seeks it and if one fears something he runs away from it.
In order to prevent shamelessness and turmoil in society Islam has framed laws and rules for the society. Some of them are:
Ali (a.s.) has said: Do not mount women on saddled animals as it provides preliminaries of sin.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has said: Women should not walk in the middle of the roads. Rather they should walk by its sides
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has said: One of the promises obtained by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) from women was that: they would not ravel or settle with men in isolation.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has said: One who has faith in Allah and the Hereafter should not sleep in a place where he can hear the breathing of a female stranger.
Abu Baseer says: I asked Imam Sadiq (a.s.): How if a woman walks on the road and man looks at her from behind? The Hazrat replied: Do you like that someone looks at your wife in this way? I said: No. Then desire for others what you desire for yourself.
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has said: If a man's eye gets injured by an arrow while peeping into the house of others there is no compensation.
Yes, God and His Apostle love self-respecting and zealous person s. Many narrations have been recorded in this matter from the innocent Imams (a.s.). They have given much importance to the problem of Ghairat. Of course, here it must be remembered that Islam has strictly prohibited unnecessary harshness and misplaced suspicion and has taken into consideration only those things that have been prohibited by Islam. It is obvious that suspicion and undue harshness has torn apart sweet relations in many families. That is why Amirul Mo-mineen (a.s.) says to his son Imam Hasan (a.s.):
Beware of misplaced zeal and undue strictness as this attitude drags pious women from the right path to wrong lanes.
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) has said: Paradise has been denied prohibited to a shameless man who has no self-respect.
Imam Sadiq (a.s.) who says: GHAIRAT of woman is Hasad.
Similarly he has said at another place: Verily, Allah has ordained compulsory Jihad for men and also a jihad for women. The jihad of men is to sacrifice his wealth and life in the path of God until finally they attain martyrdom and the jihad of women is to show patience and tolerance in course of life to tolerate trouble misbehaviour of their husbands who act with Ghairat!
Brazil: Parabéns a você! nesta data querida muitas felicidades e muitos anos de vida.
Chinese-Cantonese: Sun Yat Fai Lok!
Chinese-Mandarin: qu ni sheng er kuai le
Croatian: Sretan Rodendan!
Czech: Vsechno nejlepsi k Tvym narozeninam!!
Danish: Tillykke med fodselsdagen!
Dutch: Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! or Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!
Esperanto: Felichan Naskightagon!
Farsi: Tavalodet Mobarak!
Finnish: Hyvaa syntymapaivaa!
French (Canada): Bonne Fete!
French: Joyeux Anniversaire!
German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Greek: Eytyxismena Genethlia! or Chronia Pola!
Hawaiian: Hau`oli la hanau!
Hebrew: Yom Huledet Same'ach!
Hungarian: Boldog szuletesnapot! or Isten eltessen!
Italian: Buon Compleanno!
Japanese: Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu!
Russian: S dniom razhdjenia! or Pazdravliayu s dniom razhdjenia!
Spanish: Feliz Cumpleaños!
Swedish: Grattis på födelsedagen
Taiwanese: San leaz quiet lo!
Thai: Suk San Wan Keut!
Ukrainian: Mnohiya lita! or Z dnem narodjennia!
One of the dangerous habits and bad deeds is spreading of shamelessness or indecency in which, sometimes, some people and sometimes even our pious people get involved.
In this connection, the Holy Quran says: Surely as for those who love that scandal should circulate respecting those who believe, they shall have a grievous chastisement in this world and the hereafter; and Allah knows, while you do not know.
An open offence is greater than a secret sin. Look at this word of Imam Ali bin Moosa Reza in this connection: One who gives circulation to a sin is banished and forsaken and the one who covers a sin will be forgiven by God.
As a matter of fact, A sin is like fire. When there is a fire at one point in the society we should try to cool it down or to contain it. But if we fan the fire and thus carry it from one point to another point it will engulf everything and then nobody will be able to control it.
Apart from this, the greatness of severity of a sin in the eyes of the common man and the apparent protection of the society from pollution, in itself, is a big dam against the flood of corruption. The circulation of scandal and shamelessness and spread of the sin openly breaches this dam, makes the sin light in public eye and makes pollution easy.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has said: a man approached him and said: may I be sacrificed for you; people have narrated a deed allegedly done by a brother-in-faith hearing which I became displeased. When I asked that person, he denied while all reliable persons have narrated this thing from that person himself. The Imam said: Refute your own eye and ear against your believing brother so much so that even if fifty persons say that he had done something but he says he did not then believe him and disbelieve them. Never circulate in society a thing which may defame him and bring his personality down, otherwise you will be the one about whom God has said: those who love that scandal should circulate respecting those who believe, they shall have a grievous chastisement in this world and the hereafter.
And Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: Always think good about a deed of your brother-in-faith until its opposite become clear and do not imagine badly about him as long as you can consider him correct.
In conclusion we must know that one day each and every organ of our body will be asked to account for the deeds done and that it will be a hard questioning.
The Holy Quran says: And follow not that of which you have not the knowledge; surely the hearing and the sight and the heart, all of these, shall be questioned.
Finally Muslims must keep in mind that the hypocrites, some times, through rumour mongering and circulation of allegations, defame and drive away great personalities from the field and they assassinate the character of people so severely that they introduce even the most honest man as the most dishonest. For example, during the last hundred years, just look what they had done with great men like Ayatollah Sheikh Fazlullah Noori and Ayatollah Kaashaani and Shaheed Behishti and others
Imam Javad (A.S): whoever had three things, will never regret: 1. refraining from haste 2. Consulting 3.and depending upon God when decision - making (Mesnad Al_Imam Al_Javad, P.247)
Imam Askari (A.S): The most pious among the people is the one to stop ( action ) in doubts , the most worshiping is the one to perform the obligations , the most austere is the one to leave the unlawful , and the most striving is the one to leave sins.
(Tohaf Al_Okool , P.519)
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Whoever wishes to see Adam in his knowledge, Noah in his piety, Abraham in his forbearance, Moses in his strength, and Jesus in his worship and devotion should look at Ali ibn Abi Talib."
Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said the following about Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.)
He is the first one to believe in Islam; He is the most knowledgeable; He is the most correct one in his DEEN; He is the most certain; He is the most patient; He is the most forgiving and generous; He is the bravest in heart; He is the IMAM and the successor after me.
[1] Smile at another Muslim (not ghair mahrams )
[2] Say Salaam to strangers (not ghair mahrams )
[3] Shake someone's hand and ask about their health(not
ghair mahrams )
[4] Buy tea for someone
[5] Offer to get someone's groceries
[6] Sit with a Hajj group from another country and ask about Islam in their village
[7] Carry someone's bags for them
[8] Guide someone ill to the sick bay/hospital
[9] Shun vain talk
[10] Recite talbiyah loudly, encouraging others
[11] On the days of Eid , walk through the tents reciting
talbiyah loudly reminding others
[12] Gather stones for people who are unable to do so
[13] Offer to throw on behalf of unable Hajjis
[14] Guide people to the Jamarat
[15] Lower your gaze
[16] Remind people of the lives of our Sahaabah
[17] Read Qur'an with the Tafseer
[18] Recite the authentic
Dhikrs of the morning and evening
[19] Make dua during your Sajdah
[20] Stand to the side of a gate and offer people water/tea as they leave
[21] Give major attention to shy people in your group
[22] Remind people of patience, why they came here, and the example of our Ulamaa ' in Hajj
[23] Explain a Hajj Khutbah you may have heard to those around you
[24] Explain the importance of purifying ones actions for the sake of Allah
[25] Try not to complain over everything
[26] Make dua for forgotten friends (and the author of this list)
[27] Don't allow Muslims to fight during Hajj
[28] Help people find a place to sleep
[29] Remember - during the heat - the unending torment of hellfire
[30] Say 'Laa ilaaha illa Allah, wahdahu laa sharika lah, lahul Mulk wa lahul hamd wa Huwa 'ala kulli shay'in Qadeer ' 100x
[31] Say the dua of entering the market place when you go there
[32] Give charity to those who sell meager things (sandals/eggs)
[33] Attend the Halaqahs that are given in Mina
[34] Try to Stay for the 13th of Dhul Hijjah
[35] Remind people to go home as better Muslims
[36] Forgive people that wrong you
[37] Talk to 10 different people from 10 different countries
[38] Compliment someone sincerely
[39] Visit the hospital and thank Allah for all that he has given you
[40] Take young Muslims and invite them to sit with the elders. Make them the center of attention.
[41] Attend the gatherings or lectures of the pious and
[42] Always try and offer good words to others and keep a check on one's anger
[43] Ask about the health of senior people in your group. Make sure they are attended to.
[44] Focus hard on helping those immediately near you
[45] Take people to the slaughter house and help them / Or assist them in purchasing their slaughter coupons
[46] Remember specific blessings Allah has bestowed upon you and say Alhamdulillah
[47] Pray to Allah using his 99 most beautiful names (Al
Asmaa ' al Husna )
[48] Use a Miswak
[49] Fill your pockets with candies/sweets and give to the children that you meet
[50] Always intend reward from Allah for everything you go through during Hajj
In the time of a caliph, a rich man bought a slave whom he treated, from the beginning, like a gentleman, giving him the best of food and clothes, and money exactly like his own child or even more lavishly. But the slave noticed that his master always felt uneasy.
Eventually the rich man made up his mind to set him free and provide him with some capital. One night as they were sitting together, the master said: ‘Do you know why I have treated you so well?’ The slave asked the reason. The master said: ‘I have one request to make which if you fulfill, you would enjoy all I have given and will give you! But if you refuse, I will be discontented with you.’ The slave said: ‘I will obey whatever you ask. You are my benefactor who has given me my life.’ The master said: ‘You must promise me in good faith to do it, for I am afraid you may refuse it.’
The slave said: ‘I promise to do what you want.’ The master said: ‘My proposal is that you must behead me at a specific time and place.’ The slave exclaimed: ‘What? How can I do that?’ The master said: ‘That is what I desire.’ The slave said: ‘That is impossible.’ The master said: ‘I have got your promise. You must do it.’
One midnight, he awakened the slave and gave him a sharp knife and a bag full of money and climbed up a neighbor's roof, and told the slave to behead him there and then go wherever he liked. The slave asked the reason for such an act. The rich man answered: ‘I hate this one man and prefer death to seeing his face. We have been rivals but he, my neighbor has gone ahead of me and excels me in everything, and I am burning with hatred. I desire my neighbor to be jailed for this fake murder and this idea is a relief to me. Everyone knows him to be my rival, and so my neighbor will be condemned to death for this act.’ The slave said: You seem to be a foolish man and deserve this death.’
So he beheaded the rich man and ran away, His rival neighbor was consequently arrested and imprisoned, but no one believed that he would have killed his rival on his own roof. It had become a mystery. At last, the slave felt a prick of conscience, went to the authorities and confessed the truth. When they understood the matter, they freed both the slave and the neighbor.
This is a fact that Hate is a disease of the soul. The Noble Quran says in Chapter ‘The Sun’ (Shams 91:9-10):
In the time of a caliph, a rich man bought a slave whom he treated, from the beginning, like a gentleman, giving him the best of food and clothes, and money exactly like his own child or even more lavishly. But the slave noticed that his master always felt uneasy.
Eventually the rich man made up his mind to set him free and provide him with some capital. One night as they were sitting together, the master said: ‘Do you know why I have treated you so well?’ The slave asked the reason. The master said: ‘I have one request to make which if you fulfill, you would enjoy all I have given and will give you! But if you refuse, I will be discontented with you.’ The slave said: ‘I will obey whatever you ask. You are my benefactor who has given me my life.’ The master said: ‘You must promise me in good faith to do it, for I am afraid you may refuse it.’
The slave said: ‘I promise to do what you want.’ The master said: ‘My proposal is that you must behead me at a specific time and place.’ The slave exclaimed: ‘What? How can I do that?’ The master said: ‘That is what I desire.’ The slave said: ‘That is impossible.’ The master said: ‘I have got your promise. You must do it.’
One midnight, he awakened the slave and gave him a sharp knife and a bag full of money and climbed up a neighbor's roof, and told the slave to behead him there and then go wherever he liked. The slave asked the reason for such an act. The rich man answered: ‘I hate this one man and prefer death to seeing his face. We have been rivals but he, my neighbor has gone ahead of me and excels me in everything, and I am burning with hatred. I desire my neighbor to be jailed for this fake murder and this idea is a relief to me. Everyone knows him to be my rival, and so my neighbor will be condemned to death for this act.’ The slave said: You seem to be a foolish man and deserve this death.’
So he beheaded the rich man and ran away, His rival neighbor was consequently arrested and imprisoned, but no one believed that he would have killed his rival on his own roof. It had become a mystery. At last, the slave felt a prick of conscience, went to the authorities and confessed the truth. When they understood the matter, they freed both the slave and the neighbor.
This is a fact that :
Hate is a disease of the soul. The Noble Quran says in Chapter ‘The Sun’ (Shams 91:9-10):
Things to do to Save Your Marriage: Stop Your Divorce
In the present day, it is somewhat obvious that marriage problems are on the increase. At times even the best of marriages can go through a traumatic phase, with more and more couples splitting up owing to a difficult relationship. However as divorce adversely affects the emotional, personal and social life of both the partners, it’s best to do something positive to get to the bottom of marriage problems before they become too overwhelming. Doing nothing and hoping that things will work out simply won’t cut it. If you or your spouse fall into negative patterns in the way you relate to one another, you are not just in a rut, you are hurting one another and your marriage. You can’t compromise or negotiate these behaviors away. You can’t rationalize the behaviors as this is “just the way I am.” In order to save your marriage, these harmful behaviors must stop. When you exchanged vows, you promised your spouse that you would stay with them “until death do you part.” So what happened to get you to the point that you are considering divorce? If you can remember what made you fall in love in the first place, you can learn how to save your marriage by following these simple tips. First of all Try to Keep Calm: In the sad event it should ever happen to your marriage, even though it’s difficult not to, try not to get too downhearted. Simply sit down and begin to think seriously about how you can save the marriage. Whenever conditions in your marriage seem to be getting worse it’s time to calmly tell yourself you need to take steps to save the marriage, starting right now, not tomorrow, before your marriage goes downhill any further. See a Marriage Counselor: If the situation feels too out of your control. A marriage counselor will provide neutral feedback on your relationship and won’t judge you. A good listener will help you figure out what to do more often than constant advice from people. If you and your partner can commit to seeing a marriage counselor together, you have a better chance of staying together as the message you give is clear- although times are rough, you both value the relationship enough to work through it. Bossy Partner: If an overbearing partner is a major cause of conflict in your marriage that can be a difficult problem to cure without professional help. These types of people have deep-seated emotional issues that are difficult to overcome and counseling of some sort is often the only way for them to change their behavior. Communication is Crucial: Good interaction is an essential feature in an healthy marriage, if you don’t talk to each other then you will gradually drift apart emotionally. You must be able to disclose all your problems and feelings with your partner and in return you must also listen to your partner’s point of view and understand it. Once you have recognized the causes of your marriage problems, you can then look for real solutions. Learn to Forgive: People are far from perfect. Life is short, and holding grudges about the past is pointless. If your partner has wronged you let him or her know, but never make your partner feel bad about it afterward. This will bring up negative emotions that serve no purpose. If you have wronged your partner, apologies and mean it. Show Your Appreciation for Your Partner: Every one likes to know they are appreciated. It’s the little things that count. Saying ‘thank you’, complimenting your partner. Think of the qualities your partner has that you genuinely value and when your partner shows one of these (hopefully many…) qualities, make him or her feel good about it. Other Options: If, despite all your hard work to save the marriage yourself, the problems are ongoing, you can consider other options. You may talk with your family or friends and seek their advice and support. If you feel self conscious discussing your marriage concerns with people that are close to you, you can go for marriage counseling to improve your communication skills. Marriage counselling can provide an outlet where couples can openly discuss their feelings and help to clear up any misconceptions that have built up in the marriage. Don’t Try to Change You Partner: You can’t. You both can compromise and alter your behavior out of consideration for your partner, but you can’t change who your partner is. Will You Succeed? It can be difficult to keep any troubled relationship alive; it needs a lot of effort and a lot of fortitude and tolerance. Realize that saving a troubled marriage is not going to be easy but if you are single minded then why not make an effort before it gets too late? At least you can say you made an effort to save the marriage. Allah states in the Holy Qur’an:“And if you fear a breach between the two, then appoint a judge from his people and a judge from her people; if they both desire agreement, Allah will effect harmony between them; surely Allah is Knowing, Aware (4:35).”Although divorce is a lawful act, it is the most detested and worst of deeds.Imam Sadiq (AS) stated: ‘Get married but, do not divorce, because a divorce would tremble the ‘Arsh (empyrean) of Allah’.”259 “lmäm Sädiq (AS) also stated: ‘Allah likes the house which is inhabited in the wake of marriage and dislikes the house which is abandoned in the wake of divorce. .There is nothing more detestable to Allah than a divorce’
Islam discourages divorce and disliked by Allah (s.t.), the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), and the Holy Imams (a.s.) - so consult an Alim for guidance before such unpleasant steps are taken
The scars from a divorce can take a long time to fade.
In fact a believer always remembers death, since his or her main goal is to reach the Almighty God. Hazrat Qasim (pbuh), the son of Imam Hasan Al-Mujtaba a.s), when asked concerning death at Karbala, answered: "death to me is sweeter than honey." Therefore true believers, those who are sincerely devoted to the Almighty God, anticipate death since to them it signifies the long-awaited meeting with their creator.
During imprisonment, Imam Ali An-Naqi. Al -Hadi (a.s.)had a grave dug up ready by the side of his prayer mat. Some visitors expressed concern or surprise. The Imam explained, "In order to remember my end I keep the grave before my eyes." Before a believer approaches the final moment of his/her life and death overtakes him, it is necessary that he wakes up from the state of negligence and prepares for the final everlasting place. This way he will be able to avoid bewilderment and the fear of the so-called untimely death. At the time of leaving this world, as attested to by the Holy Qur'an, a person will be in one of two states - either he will be of the Companions of the Right, or the Companions of the Left (Refer Holy Qur'an 56:7-56). If he is counted amongst the Companions of the Right, he will be in a good, final state, but if he is one of the Companions of the Left, he will be of those who have suffered a great loss.
According to an old fable, a man made an unusual agreement with Hazrat Izraeel (pbuh) - the angel of death. He told Izraeel (pbuh) that he would be willing to accompany him (as though he had a choice) only if Izraeel (pbuh) would send him a notice well in advance. The agreement was made. Weeks became months and the months into years. One bitterly cold night, as the man sat alone thinking of his success in life, Izraeel (pbuh) tapped on his shoulder. "You are here too soon" the man cried out. "You sent no messenger. I thought we had an agreement!" Izraeel (pbuh) whispered "Notice your hair, once it was full and black, now it has streaks of silver in it! Observe your face in the mirror and see the wrinkles. Yes! I have sent many messages through the years! I have kept my part. I am sorry that you are not ready for me but the order of Almighty God cannot be averted!"
Hence, hair color turning gray from black or wrinkles on the face are also the signs of nearing death, and the Almighty God is the only one who can bring the dead back to life. Surely all men die, and just surely Almighty God give them life with His ability, and judges them on their deeds and actions. We know Almighty God is the Creator and can recreate us, because if one can do something he has the ability to do it again. For instance, if your teacher asks you to draw a picture on the blackboard and color it. Then if after you have drawn it with beautiful colors, the teacher asks you to rub it out and do it again, could you repeat the same drawing again? Of course you would be able to repeat the picture. It is what you created and are capable of doing again. From this example, we can understand Almighty God is able to give life to the dead because it is He Who created us in the beginning. Almighty God can surely give life to the dead. He judges them on their deeds. On Resurrection Day He will re-create the dead for judgment, and then allow the doer of good to enter paradise but cast the evil-doer into hell.
Salãtu ’l-Jum‘a a few reminders
1. Salãtu ’l-Jum‘a: Whether or not it is wãjib?
During the ghaybat (Occultation) of the Present Imam al-Mahdi (a.s.), the Friday Prayer is wãjib
What does “wãjib takhiyri” mean? It means that you have a choice between two obligatory deeds: you must do one of them, you cannot miss both.
In our case, it means that you have the duty of doing either the Noon Prayer or the Friday Prayer.
However, it is preferable to do the Friday Prayer. And when you do the Friday Prayer, then you will do it with the niyyat of wãjib; and after that you do not have to recite the Zuhr Prayer.
2. On Whom is Salãtu ’l-Jum‘a Wãjib?
The Friday Prayer, in its wãjib takhiyri form, is wãjib upon the men who are resident of that city, in good health, and not elderly.
The Friday Prayer is not wãjib upon the women, the traveler, the sick, and the elderly. HOWEVER, this does not mean that they are not allowed to participate in the Friday Prayer; it only means that they are exempted from participating in the Friday Prayer.
Considering the Friday Prayer as the most important weekly religious event in a non-Muslim country, it is preferable for the women, the traveler, and the elderly to participate in the Friday Prayer provided it does not cause any inconvenience to them.
The niyyat for these exempted people will still be the niyyat of wãjib when they participate in the Friday Prayer; and they do not have to say the Zuhr after it.
3. Friday Prayer led by a Sunni Imam.
If there is no Shi‘a centre or mosque near your home or work-place, then you can participate in the Friday Prayer led by a Sunni imam. However, in this case, you will also have to recite the Zuhr Prayer after it. One of the conditions for the imam of jamã‘at, in Shi‘a fiqh, is that the imam must be ‘ãdil (of
upright character) and Shi‘a Ithnã-‘Ashari.
4. What If I Missed the Khutbas before Jum‘a?
The two khutbas (sermons) delivered by the imam of jum‘a are essential parts of the Friday Prayer ceremony. The audience is required to listen to the khutba, and not engage in any other activity, not even doing the nãfila/sunnat prayer.
However, if a person missed the khutbas, he or she can still join the Friday Prayer and it will be considered sufficient.
5. Discipline & Order
Remain silent when the imam is reciting the surahs. Straighten up the rows of jamã‘at. Do not recite the zikr so loud that the imam hears them. Hasten in filling the gaps when the iqamah is being recited.
Do not go into the ruku or sujud before the imam.
(courtesy: Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi)
Imam ‘Ali ar-Riza (a.s.) said:
“On every Friday, present your family with some fruits so that they may be joyous on Fridays.”
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