Anas ibn Malik says: The Angel of Rain asked Allah's permission to go to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.). The Angel was given the permission. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) ordered Umm Salama: "Stay outside so that nobody could come in". Anas says: Al-Husayn (A.S.) came in and wanted to enter the room, but Umm Salama prevented him. Husayn (A.S.) rushed inside the room and jumped on the Holy Prophet's back and neck. The Angel asked the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) do you love him. He replied: Yes. The Angel said: Know that your Ummah will kill him, and if you wish I will show you the place where he will be martyred. The Angel struck out with hand and brought a handful of red clay. Umm Salama took it and kept it in the corner ofher kerchief. Thabit who is a transmitter of this hadith says: We heard that land was Karbala.
Umm Salama says: One day the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) was sitting in my room and said that no one should come inside. I waited outside. At this time al-Husayn (A.S.) entered the room. I heard that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) was sobbing bitterly. I looked inside and saw that al-Husayn (A.S.) was in the bosom of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) and he was caressing al-Husayn's (A.S.) forehead and shedding tears. I said I swear by Allah I did not notice his entering.
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) said: Gabriel was with us in the room and asked: Do you love him? I replied: Ay, of all in the world [I only love him]. Gabriel said: Know that your ummah will kill him in a land called Karbala. Then Gabriel took a small amount of that earth and showed it to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.). Later on when al-Husain (A.S.) was besieged and was going to be killed, he asked what this land is called. They replied: Karbala then he said Allah and his Messenger have told the truth. This is the land of "karb" [which means sorrow,] and Bala, [meaning calamity].
Abd Allah ibn Nojji quoting his father: When Ali (A.S.) was on his way to "Siffin" my father was Imam's retainer in that journey when we reached Nainawa he called: Wait Abu 'Abd Allah, wait at the Euphrates! Wait here. I asked: what has happened? He replied: One day I was at the Messenger of Allah's (S.A.W.) presence and saw that his eyes were full of tears. I said: O Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.)! Has someone bothered you? Why are your eyes tearful? He replied: No, a moment ago Gabriel left me. He told me that al-Husayn will be killed near the Euphrates. Gabriel had asked the Messenger of Allah: Do you wish to smell the earth of his martyrdom place? I said: yes then he took a handful of the earth and gave it to me that made me crying.
Muhammadi Rayshahri
Imam Husain (a.s.) gathered his companions at night. Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (a.s.) says that: I went closer to them so as to hear what they said, and at that time I was unwell. I heard Imam telling his companions that, "I glorify Allah with the best glorification, and praise him in times of prosperity as well as misfortunes. O Allah! I praise You that You have likened Prophethood to be bestowed in our family, You taught us the Qur'an thus making us intellectuals in Religion, and conferred upon us the faculty of hearing and foresight and an enlightened heart. Thus enter us among the fold of your grateful servants. Now then! I have not known any companion who are more faithful and devout than you, nor have I known any family who is more considerate, affectionate, favourable, and amiable than my family. Thus may Allah reward you well on my behalf. And I presume that the enemy will not spare even a single day, and I permit all of you to go away freely while I validate this for you. I lift up from you the responsibility of the allegiance and oath (which you have sweared at my hands). The darkness of the night has enveloped you, thus free yourself from the whirlpool (hiding) in the waves of darkness. Then each of you may catch hold of the hand of each of my family members and disperse into the villages and cities, until Allah bestows relief upon you. For these people desire me only, and after having laid their hands upon me, they shall not pursue anyone else."
Hearing this his brothers, sons, nephews and the sons of Abdullah bin Ja'far said, "We shall never do this so as to remain alive after you. May Allah never cause this to happen." Hazrat Abbas bin Ali (a.s.) preceded in the declaration and others followed suit.
Then Imam turned towards the sons of Aqeel bin Abi Talib and said,
"The sacrifice of Muslim is sufficient for you, hence I permit you to go away."
They replied, "Glory be to Allah! What will the people say? They will say that we have forsaken our chief, master and a cousin who was a best cousin. And that we did not shoot arrows alongside him, thrust spears and did not strike our swords besides him, and we would not know what to do (regarding this accusation). By Allah! We shall never ever do this. In fact we shall sacrifice our lives, wealth and our family for you. We shall fight alongside you until we reach the fate besides you. May life be ugly after you (if we remain alive)."
Then Muslim bin Ausaja arose and said, "Shall we forsake you? Then when we go to the presence of the Almighty, what excuse shall we present to Him regarding the fulfilment of your rights? No, By Allah! I shall pierce this lance of mine in the hearts of the enemies, and shall strike them with my sword until it's hilt remains in my hands, and if no weapon remains with me to fight with them, I shall attack them with stones. By Allah! We shall not lift our hands off you, until it is proved to Allah that we have honoured the regard of the Prophet in respect of you. By Allah! Even if I know that I shall be killed and then made to rise again and then killed and burnt and my ashes be scattered around, and this shall happen seventy times, even then I shall not forsake you until I am killed in your obedience. Then how should I forsake this when I know that death is to come only once, after which a great blessing awaits me."
Then Zuhayr bin Qayn arose and said, "By Allah! I hold dear that I should be killed then made to arise and again killed, and this should happen to me a thousand times, and thus Allah, the Mighty, the Sublime, may defend you and your family from being killed."
Then all the other companions unanimously repeated the same. (Tabari) They said, "By Allah! We shall not abandon you, infact our lives shall be sacrificed for your life. We shall defend you with our necks, faces and hands. Then we all shall die while having performed our duty."
The following couplet best suits their discourses: "O my Master! Even if the throne of my greatness reaches the empyrean, I shall remain your servant and a beggar at your door, if I lift my heart and it's love from you, then whom should I love and where should I take my heart"? May Allah reward them favourably with respect to Imam Husain (a.s.) Then Imam Husain (a.s.) returned back to his tent.
"May Allah reward the youth who bore patiently, they being unique any where in the world. They were embodiment of excellent character and not bowls of milk blended with water, which can later turn into urine."
Sayyed Ibne Tawoos relates, that it was said to Mohammad bin Bashar Hazramee that, "Your son has been arrested at the border of Ray." He replied, "I leave him to Allah's accountability. By my life! I do not like being alive after his arrest." Imam Husain (a.s.) heard his words and said,
"May your Allah have mercy upon you! I lift up the pledge of allegiance from you, you may go and attempt the release of your son."
He replied, "If I seperate from you, I will fall prey to the beasts", to which the Imam replied,
"Then send these Yemeni garments with your other son, so that he may release him in lieu of these."
And he handed over five garments costing a thousand gold dinars (An Islamic gold currency varying in weight, equivalent to approximately 20 dollars) to Mohammad bin Bashar.
Husayn bin Hamadan Hazeeni has related through his chain of authorities from Abu Hamza Sumali, while Sayyed Bahrani has related without quoting his chain of authorities from him, that he says that I heard from Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (a.s.) that he said:
On the night preceding his Martyrdom, my father gathered his family and companions and said, "O people of my family and my Shi'ah! Consider this night, which has come to you as a mounting Camel and save yourselves, for these people do not desire anyone else except me. Then after having killed me, they shall not pursue you. May Allah have mercy upon you! Save yourselves. Verily I lift the responsibility of the allegiance and pledge which you have taken at my hands." Hearing this his brothers, relatives and companions unanimously said, "By Allah O our Master! O Aba Abdillah! We shall never betray you, so that people may say that we had abadoned our Imam, our chief and master until he was martyred. Then we would seek excuses between ourselves and Allah. And we shall not leave you until we ransom ourselves upon you." Imam said, "Verily I shall be killed tomorrow and everyone from among yourselves too shall be killed with me, and none among you shall be spared." To which they replied, "Praise be to Allah, that He has bestowed grace upon us to assist you, and has offered distinction to us to get martyred alongwith you. Then do we not like that we should be alongwith you in your elevated station (in Paradise) O son of the Prophet of Allah"? Imam replied, "May Allah reward you favourably" then he prayed for them. When it dawned all of them were martyred.
Then Qasim bin Hasan (a.s.) asked, "Am I too included in the list of the martyrs"? Hearing this Imam was moved and said,
"O my dear son! How do you consider death (martyrdom in the way of Allah) to be near you"?
Qasim replied, "It is sweeter than honey." Imam said,
"Verily, by Allah! May your uncle be your ransom! You are one of them, who shall be martyred alongwith me after having fallen prey to a severity, and my (infant) son Abdullah (Ali Asghar) shall be martyred too."
Hearing this Qasim asked, "O dear uncle! Then will the enemies reach the womenfolk so as to kill the suckling child Abdullah"? Husain replied,
"Abdullah will be killed at that time when I, absorbed in intense thirst, will come back to the tent and ask for water or honey and nothing will be available. Then I will request my child to be brought to me so that I may kiss his lips (and thereby find relief). The child will be brought and placed in my hands, and a lewd man (from among the enemies) will shoot an arrow upon his neck and the child shall raise a cry. Then his blood will get filled in my palms and I shall raise my hands to the heavens and say: O Allah! I forebear and leave the accountability to You. The lances of the enemies will then be hurriedly thrown at me, while the fire in the trench dug behind the tents shall be roaring. Then I will attack them, the moment being the most bitter of my life. Then whatever Allah wills shall come forth."
Saying this Imam started weeping and we too could not control our tears, the voice of lamenting arose from the tents of the Progeny of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.).
Qutubuddin Rawandi relates from Abu Hamza Sumali that Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (a.s.) said that I was alongwith my father (Imam Husain) on the night preceding his martyrdom. Then he addressed his companions thus,
"Consider this night to be an armour for yourselves, for these people desire me and after having killed me they will not turn towards you, while you are pardoned and are capable."
They replied, "By Allah! This shall never ever happen." Imam said,
"All of you will be killed tomorrow and no one will be spared."
They replied, "Praise be to Allah who has bestowed grace upon us to be martyred alongwith you." Then Imam prayed for them and told them to lift up their heads. They did so and saw their status in Paradise, and Imam showed them one after the other their places therein. Thus every one was forwarding his face and chest facing the swords, so as to enter the status in Paradise.
It is related in the Amali of Shaikh Sadooq from Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (a.s.), who says that after the discourse of the Imam with his companions, he ordered a trench to be dug around his army. The trench was dug and filled with firewood. Then Imam ordered his son Ali Akbar (a.s.) to fetch water, accompanied by thirty horsemen and twenty-foot soldiers, while they were in the state of severe fright and Imam was reciting the following couplet:
"Time, shame on you as a friend, at the day's dawning and the sun's setting, how many a companion or seeker will be a corpse, time will not be satisfied with any substitute, the matter will rest with the Mighty One, and every living creature will have to journey along my path."
Then he commanded his companions,
"Drink the water which is your last sustenance in this world, and perform your ablutions and take a bath. Wash your clothes, for these shall be your shrouds."[52]
(Irshad) Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (a.s.) says that on the night preceding the martyrdom of my father, I was awake while my aunt Hazrat Zaynab (a.s.) was attending to me. My father was alone in his tent, while Jaun, the retainer of Abu Zarr Ghifari, was with him and was preparing his sword and putting it right. My father was reciting the following couplets:
"Time, shame on you as a friend, at the day's dawning and the sun's setting, how many a companion or seeker will be a corpse, time will not be satisfied with any substitute, the matter will rest with the Mighty One, and every living creature will have to journey along my path."
He repeated it twice or thrice and I understood what he meant and sorrow befell me but I bore it silently and realised that a calamity had befallen us. My aunt Zaynab (a.s.) heard it too, sensitiveness and anxiety being the qualities of women, she could not control herself and tearing her clothes ran bareheaded towards my father and said, "Woe unto this tragedy! I wish death overtakes me. Today my mother Fatemah (a.s.), my father Ali (a.s.) and my brother Hasan (a.s.) have departed from me. O successor of the departed ones! O source of hope for the alive ones!"
Imam turned towards his sister and said,
"O dear sister! Do not let shaitan take away your forebearence."
His eyes became full of tears and then he said,
"If a sandgrouse (a type of a bird) is freed at night, it will sleep in peace."
Then she said, "Woe! Then will you be violently and helplessly killed? While this hurts my heart and is severe upon my life." Then she started beating her face and tore off her collar and fell unconscious. Then Imam arose and sprinkled water [refer Note No. 50] over her face and said,
"O dear sister! Control yourself and desire consolation from Allah alone. And know that everyone upon the earth shall die, while the dwellers of the heavens too shall perish, except the Face (Self) of Allah. Allah who has created with His power, and will make them alive again, and they shall all return to Him, while Allah is Unique. My grandfather was better than me, my father was better than me, and my mother was better than me. It is obligatory upon me and all Muslims to follow the example of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.)."
Then he consoled her with similar words and said,
"O dear sister! I request you on oath that when I am martyred, do not tear off your collar, nor beat your face or lament upon me."
Then he brought Hazrat Zaynab (a.s.) and made her sit near me and then went to his companions. Then he commanded them to fasten their tents closer to one another and tie the tent-pegs together so as form a circle around them, and block the enemies entrance from three sides so that they could not confront them except from the front." Then Imam returned back to his tent and spent the entire night in prayers, supplications and repentance in Allah's Audience, and his companions followed his example too and started supplicating.
And turning to Hazrat Abbas, he had said: "Abbas, my child, I know your unbounded love for Hussain. Though you are too young to be told about it, when that day dawns, consider no sacrifice too great for Hussain and his children". This was in 657 A.D. The occasion for the supreme sacrifice came on the battlefield of Kerbala in 680 A.D. when Hussain was poised against Yezid's forces. It was a battle of good against evil and right against wrong. And in the history of Islam, the battle of Kerbala has become an important landmark of supreme sacrifice, great courage and dedication to a just cause. In the battle of Kerbala, Hazrat Abbas was Imam Hussain's commander-in-chief. He fought the evil forces of Yezid gallantly, remembering his father's last words. The story of the sacrifice of his life in trying to procure water for Imam Hussain's children on the battlefield is the most touching and significant in Islamic history. The Life of Hazrat Abbas is an example of unflinching loyalty and love for a brother. It is also the story of a warrior who sacrificed his life for the cause of Islam, which, according to Hazrat Abbas, was a just cause. He stayed beside Imam Hussain ever since they left Medina and was loved by all the members of the Imam's family. He was so devoted to Imam Hussain, that when Shimr lbne Ziljoshan, the second-in-command of Yezid's army came towards Imam Hussain's camp and called out: "Where are my nephews, Abbas, Abdullah Jafar and Usman ?" Hazrat Abbas refused to reply. It was only after Imam Hussain told him "Answer him, because, despite the fact that he is corrupt he is also one of your relatives" that Hazrat Abbas asked Shimr what he wanted. Shimr replied: "0, my nephews, I have specially asked Obaidullah Ibne Ziad for the safety of you all. So why do you wish to kill yourselves with Hussain? Why do you not join the forces of the mighty Yezid?" Hazrat Abbas looked at him with contempt and retorted, "May God's wrath fall upon you and upon your proposition, 0, enemy of God! How dare you counsel us to desert our master, Imam Hussain and tie ourselves up with the corrupt and misguided Yezid?" Shimr turned round and went away angrily. Another attempt was also made to get Hazrat Abbas away to the camp of Yezid, for in their heart of hearts, they were mortally afraid of his valour and bravery. Jareer bin Abdullah was a courtier of Ibne-Ziad, the Governor of Kufa, and had much influence on him. Ummul Baneen, the mother of Abbas, was a cousin of Jareer, who was fully convinced that Hussain and his companions would be slaughtered in cold blood. He also did not like the idea of his four nephews (Abbas, Abdulla, Ja'far and Usman) being massacred along with Hussain. He appealed to Ibne-Ziad, to spare the lives of his nephews. Ibne-Ziad granted this request and Jareer immediately wrote to Abbas asking him and his brothers to give up the company of Hussain and come over to lbne-Ziad and to save their lives as the time was very critical. He sent this letter through a person named Irfan. The messenger handed over this confidential letter to Abbas, who having read it was hardly able to control his fury. He tore the letter to shreds, and informed Irfan, "Go away at once and tell my uncle, Jareer bin Abdullah, that we will never desert Hussain and we will never seek protection from Ibne-Ziad. We seek help from God Almighty, and we are ready to sacrifice our lives for our beloved Hussain and Islam." When Irfan gave this message to Jareer, he was very much disappointed and sad. He had been over-confident that Abbas would accept his invitation; apparently he had forgotten that Abbas was the son of the 'Lion of God' who cared more for Islam and Hussain than his own life. On the eve of Ashoora as Hazrat Abbas sat sharpening his sword in his tent, his sister, Umme Kulsum came to him and with tears in her eyes said to him: "I cannot make any sacrifice for my dear brother Imam Hussain. who is surrounded by enemies. Zainab has two sons whom she will sacrifice for Hussain; Qasim will represent his father Imam Hasan; Umme Lailah will send her son Ali Akber into the battle-field; even Rabab is going to sacrifice her infant son, Ali Ashgar; but I have no children, and being a woman I am not permitted to fight. People will remember all these brave ladies, and sing their praises. But I have no one whom I can offer on my behalf." At this Hazrat Abbas consoled her and said, "Do not worry, dear sister. You have brought me up since childhood and you have loved me as a mother. I will sacrifice myself on your behalf. In the morning Umme Kulsum took her brother Abbas to Imam Hussain and said, "Let my brother Abbas fight for you on my behalf and he is my sacrifice for you and Islam." When at last after great persuasion, Imam Hussain gave him permission to fetch water for the thirsty children, Hazrat Abbas set out with a leather bag and the Standard. He tossed on the burning sand with excruciating pain. He felt that life was fast ebbing out but his wish to see his Master had remained unfulfilled. With one last effort, he shouted: "0 my Master, do come to me before I die." As if in answer to his prayers, he felt footsteps near him. Yes, his instinct told him that it was his Master. He felt his Master kneeling down besides him, lifting his head and taking it into his lap. Not a word was said for a few seconds, because both were shaken with emotion. At last he heard Hussain's voice, a half-sob, half-muffled cry: "Abbas my brother, what have they done to you?" Abbas now felt the loving touch of his Master's hand. With great effort he muttered "You have come at last, my Master. I thought I was not destined to have a last look at you but, thank God, you are here." Hussain burst into a flood of tears. The sight of his brother, whose name was to became a byword for devotion and unflinching faithfulness, laying down his precious life in his arms, was heart-rending. Abbas was heard to whisper softly: "My Master, I have some last wishes to express. When I was born, I had first looked at your face and it is my last desire that when I die, my gaze may be on your face. My one eye is pierced by an arrow and the other is filled with blood. If you will clear the eye I will be able to see you and fulfil my last dying desire. My second wish is that when I die, you should not carry my body to the camp. I had promised to bring water to Sakina and since I have failed in my attempts to bring her water, I cannot face her even in death. Besides, I know that the blows that you have received since morning have all but crushed you and carrying my body to the camp will be back-breaking work for you. And my third wish is that Sakina may not be brought here to see my plight. I know with what love and affection she is devoted to me. The sight of my dead body lying here will kill her." My Brother! My Brother! Hussain sobbingly promised him that he would carry out his last wishes and added "Abbas, I too have a wish to be fulfilled. Since childhood you have always called me Master. For once at least call me brother with your dying breath." The blood was cleared from the eye, one brother looked at the other with a long lingering look. Abbas was heard to whisper: "My brother, my brother!" and with these words he surrendered his soul to his Maker. Hussain fell unconscious on the dead body of Abbas with a cry. The flow of the Euphrates became dark as winter and a murmur arose from the flowing waters as if to protest against the killing of a thirsty water-bearer on its banks, the beloved "Moon of the Hashimites." Alas, the beloved Hazrat Abbas (A.S.) was martyred in the prime of his youth at the age of 35, on the 10th Moharram, in the year 61 A.H. (680 A.D.).
Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.)
Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) was sitting on his special mat when he ordered the wind to fly him. On receiving the order, the wind carried the mat on her shoulders and started flying. On reaching the plains of Karbala, the wind brought the mat slowly on the earth. Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) reprimanded the wind for this sudden landing. Explaining her action, she said, “This is the place where Hazrat Husain (a.s.) will be martyred. Hence, I am unable to move”. Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) enquired, “Who is Husain?” The wind replied “Grandson of Ahmad-e-Mukhtar and son of Hyder-e-Karraar. His killer will be Yazid.” At this Hazrat Sulaiman along with all men and jinn cursed Yazid. With its (curse) blessings, the wind started blowing and the mat of Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) recommenced it’s flight. (Ibid)
Hazrat Nuh (a.s.)
Divine retribution befell the people of Nuh (a.s.). The Great Deluge drowned the whole world. Barring a few, who were eighty-two in number and had boarded the Ark. When it reached Karbala after deflecting the force of the stormy waves, gigantic waves tossed it vehemently and it seemed to be meeting its end. Hazrat Nuh (a.s.) prayed to the Almighty, “O my Allah, I have cruised the whole world in my ark but the fear, sorrow and grief felt at this spot is unparalleled.”
On which Hazrat Jibraeel (a.s.) descended and said, “O Nuh ! This is the place where the grandson of My beloved Mohammad Mustafa (s.a.w.a.) and the son of the best of My vicegerents [Ali (a.s.)] will be martyred.”
“Who will be his killer?” enquired Nuh (a.s.). Hazrat Jibraeel (a.s.) rejoined, “His killer will be Yazid who is cursed upon by the residents of the earth as well as the sky.”
Hence, Nuh (a.s.) began to repeatedly invoke curse upon Yazid and the ark was saved from the deadly storm.
As Salanmo alaika aiyyo-hul Abdus-Saleh, Al-mootee-oo lillahey wa ley Rasooley-hee, Ash hadau anneka qad jaa-hadta Wa ne-sah-ta, Wa sabarta hatta a-taa kal yaqeen La a-nalla-hooz zaaleymeena lakoom minal, Awwaleena wal aakheyreen, Wal haqahoom bey dar kil jaheem. Salutations be unto thee, O son of Commander of the Faithful; Salutations be unto thee, O virtuous servant, obedient to God and His Messenger; I bear witness that thou didst truly fight the Holy War, And thou didst help the cause of Faith; And thou didst patiently endure Until the certainty (of death) came upon thee. May God deprive those who wronged thee of His Mercy. Whether they may have been of the first or the last (i.e., all of them); And may He consign them to the nethermost regions of Hell; Salutations and the Mercy and Blessings of God be upon thee, (O beloved Moon of the Hashimites). “As Salaamo ala ya Abul Fazl Abbas ibne Aliyin Amiril Momeneen wa Rahmatullahey wa Barakaatuh.” “Peace be upon thee O Abul Fazl Abbas, son of Hazrat Ali, Commander of the Faithful, and the Mercy of Allah and His Bounties.” Hazrat Abbas Description: Name: Abbas Title: Qamar-e-Bani Hashim Designation: Alamdar/Flag Bearer Kunyat: Abul Fazl Father: Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib Mother: Fatima Bint-e-Hazam Born: 7 Rajab/4 Shabaan (645 AD) Died: 10 Moharram 61 AH (680 AD) Martyred by: Sword on Ashura Buried: Karbala, Iraq Lived: 34 years
Hadhrat Qasim was the youngest son of Imaam Hassan (A.). Qasim was born in 47 AH, three years before his father was martyred. When Imam Hussain prepared to leave Madina in the month of Rajab 60 AH. Qasim's mother Umme-e-Farwa asked Imaam Hussain to take her and Qasim with him. Imam Hussain agreed. Hazrat Qasim, although only 13 years old, had, like his cousins Aun and Muhammad, learnt fencing from Hadhrat Abbas and Hadhrat Ali Akber. Hazrat Abbas was very fond of Hadhrat Qasim.
On the night before Ashura when Imam Hussain was passing by Umm-e-Farwa's tent he heard Qasim say to his mother, "Mother, tomorrow Uncle Abbas, Ali Akber and I will defend Imaam Hussain. Mother, if I get killed please do not weep for me." Umm-e-Farwa replied, "My son although I dearly love you, I shall not weep for you. Nothing will make me prouder than to see my son give his life for Islam". When Imaam Hussain heard this conversation he prayed to Allah to bless Hazrat Qasim and Umm-e-Farwa.
On Ashura day after Aun and Muhammad had fallen in the battlefield, Hadhrat Qasim came to Imam Hussain and begged for permission to go and fight. Twice Imaam Hussain refused saying "Qasim you are young and your mother's only son". Hazrat Qasim was very disappointed. He went to his mother. When she saw her son so disappointed she remembered that just before he died, Imaam Hassan had written a letter, given it to Umm-e-Farwa saying ,"If ever you find Qasim in difficulty, give him this letter." She gave Hazrat Qasim the letter. In the letter it was written, "My son Qasim, a day will come when my brother Hussain will be facing an enemy army of tens of thousands. That will be the day when Islam will need to be saved by sacrifice. You must represent me on that day."
Hadhrat Qasim read the letter. He smiled. He rushed to Imaam and gave him the letter. After reading the letter Imam Hussain said, "O my brother's son, how can I stop you from doing what your father wanted you to do. Bismillah, go. Allah be with you".
Imam Hussain tied Imaam Hassan's turban on the head of Hadhrat Qasim and helped him mount his horse. As Qasim was riding out, Imam Hussain said "Inna Lilla-hi Wa Inna Ilai-hi Raji'oon". Hadhrat Qasim said "O my uncle - Do not be upset. I do not fear death. Death for Islam will be sweeter for me than honey". Hadhrat Qasim came to the battle field. He was a very handsome boy. When the enemy saw him, they began to murmur, "How can we kill someone whose face is shining like moon?"
In a loud and a clear voice Hadhrat Qasim introduced himself and cried out a challenge for single combat. He killed several famous warriors who came forward.
Every time he felled an enemy Hadhrat Qasim would stand on his stirrups, look behind and wave to Hadhrat Abbas, just as a pupil would seek approval of his teacher on any assignment, Hadhrat Abbas would proudly wave back. When the enemy saw his bravery and realized that they could not possibly over power him in single combats, they came from behind and one of them hit Hadhrat Qasim on the head with a sword.
Hadhrat Qasim tried to go on fighting but alas he was so young and he was so very thirsty! He fell from his horse crying out, "YA AMMAHO, ACCEPT MY LAST SALAAMS." Imam Hussain and Hadhrat Abbas rode out. The soldiers tried to stop them, when finally they came to where Hadhrat Qasim had fallen they saw a dreadful sight!! Hadhrat Qasim's body had been trampled by the horses of the soldiers who had tried to stop Imam Hussain and Hadhrat Abbas. Hadhrat Abbas was so angry when he saw this that he began to shake with fury. He took out his sword and wanted to attack the enemy. Imam Hussain restrained him saying "Abbas, have patience, dear brother. Do not give them an excuse for saying that we attacked them first".
Was Qasim body carried to the camp to his mother? This is not very clear. It is reported, however, that Imam Hussain took off his abaa, spread it on to the ground, gathered the pieces from the ground as one gathers flowers from a garden!
Janabe Aun and Muhammad:
Aun and Muhammad were the sons of Bibi Zainab, and they were quite young, aged ten (10) and nine (9) years respectively. They had learnt the art of fencing from their uncle, Abbas the brave.When devotee after devotee fought and fell, in defense of the Holy Family, Aun and Muhammad felt that it was now their turn to go to the battlefield. They went to their mother Zainab (pbuh), to ask for her blessings. Aun and Muhammad assured their mother that they would fight with such bravery that whenever she thought of them, she would remember how brave they were. Zainab (pbuh) went to her brother to request him, and said: "Hussain, at the Battle of Siffin, Abbas was only ten (10) years old. When he saw someone trying to attack you, he rushed into the battle field and killed the man. Do you remember how proud our father Ali was? Today I too want to be proud of my sons. I want to see them go out there and defend Islam. Will you not allow me that privilege?" Imam Hussain (pbuh) stood there in silence. He looked at his sister. He saw the disappointment on her face, and saw tears forming around her eyes. Then said: "My beloved sister you have never asked me for anything before, how can I say no to you now." He turned to Aun and Muhammad and said "Go my sons, be brave, I shall join you soon on your journey to the heavens." Bibi Zainab held them close and kissed them goodbye. The boys raised their hands and said "Fi Amaani-llah, mother!" Bibi Zainab replied, "Bismillah my sons. God be with you!" The two boys rode out into the battlefield. They fought bravely. At one point 'Umar son of Saad' asked, "Who are these two youngsters? They fight like I have seen Ali son of Abu Talib fight." When he was told who they were he ordered his soldiers to give up single combats and surround and kill the boys. Aun and Muhammad were attacked from all sides. Imam Hussain, Abbas and Qasim, stood by Zainab as she watched her sons fighting. Hardly a few minutes had passed when Aun fell from his horse and shouted for Imam Hussain. Just at that moment another cry was heard, this time from Muhammad. Abbas left Qasim with Zainab while he ran to the battlefield. Imam Hussain carried the body of Aun while Abbas carried Muhammad. Imam Hussain (pbuh) walked to Zainab's tent. He found her in Sajdah praying, "Oh my God, I thank you for accepting my sacrifice. My heart is filled with pride because my two sons have given their lives for your religion." Bibi Zainab came to the two bodies of her sons and addressing them said: "My dear children! Now I am pleased with you that, you have proved your worth and laid down your lives for Truth and pleased God and His Holy Prophet (pbuh)."
Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem
Imām Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sādiq (A.S.) said:
"O Abu Ammārah! A person who recites couplets for Imām Husayn (a.s.) and makes fifty people weep, his reward is Paradise. And a person who recites couplets for Imām Husayn (a.s.) and makes thirty people weep, his reward is Paradise. And a person who recites couplets and makes twenty people weep, his reward is Paradise. And a person who recites couplets for Imām Husayn (a.s.) and makes ten people weep, his reward is Paradise. While a person who recites couplets for Imām Husayn (a.s.) and makes one person weep, his reward is Paradise. While a person who recites couplets for Imām Husayn (a.s.), and himself weeps, his reward is Paradise. And whoever recites a couplet for Imām and himself is aggrieved, his reward is Paradise.”
[Reference: Nafasul Mahmum, Section 2, Hadith 13]
(السلام عليک يا ابا عبد الله الحسين (ع
A humble request
Please do pray for earliest restoration of Jannat al-Baqi; protection of Mausoleum of Sayyidah Zaynab bint ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (a.s.) and Sayyidah Ruqayyah/Sakina bint Hussain (a.s.) & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs)