Sunday, 25 November 2012

May 12, '10 11:34 AM
for everyone
Houries and Women of Paradise.
For deriving physical pleasures in Paradise, Allah has created the 'Hourul Een' for the believers. They have been given this name because 'Hoor'means 'bright colour and 'Een means 'expanse and dark-eyed, for the darkness of their eyes will be quite dark, and their skin pure white. 
"And pure, beautiful ones, the like of hidden pearis". (Surah-al-Waqe'ah: 22, 23)
"In them shall be those who restrained their eyes, before them neither man nor jinni shall have touched them". (Surah-ar-Rahman: 56)
"As though they were rubies and corals". (Surah-ar Rahman: 58)
"And with them shall be those who restrain their eyes, having beautiful eyes. As if they were eggs carefully protected". (Surah-as-Saffat: 48,49)
It is related that a hourie' will be wearing seventy dresses, even then the whiteness of their calfs will be visible. Their bodies will be glowing like the gentle brightness of rubies. Abdullah ibne Mas'ood says, that he heard the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) as saying, that a light will shine forth in paradise and people will wonder as to what it is. It will be said unto them that the light has emitted from the teeth of a hourie' who is laughing seated in front of her husband.
"Surely we have made them to grow into a (new) growth, then We have made them virgins, loving, equals in age". (Surah- al-Waqe'ah: 35-37)
All of these houries' will be aged sixteen years, while the age of the believers (in Paradise) will be thirty three years. The hair of the houries' will be curled, their bodies bright and clean of unwanted hair.
"And they shall have Pure mates in them, and in them they shall abide (forever)" (Surah -al-Baqarah: 25)
These houries' will be free from pride and arrogance and will not envy each other.
It is related that on the right side of the hourie' it will be written:"praise be to Allah who has fulfilled what He promised", and on the left side : "praise be to Allah who has relieved us of grief.
In a lengthy tradition the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) says, that when Allah created the hourie', on her right hand was written "Mohammadun Rasoolullah", and on her left hand "Aliyyun Waliyullah". On her forehead was written "Al Hasan" and on her chin "Al Husain", and on both of her lips "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, Merciful". Ibne Mas'ood asked, O' Prophet ! who will have this blessing"? The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) replied, "The one who recites "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, Merciful" with due respect".
Those Women who die in faith, their beauty in paradise will be more than that of the houries'
"In them are goodly things, beautiful ones". (Surah-ar- Rahman: 70)
The women referred to here are the faithful ones who will enter paradise. In reference to the above verse, Allamah Majlisi quotes Imam Ja'far-as-sadiq (A.S.) as saying, that the "goodly things" referred to in the verse are those women who are believers, the Shi'ahs, and the Wise ones. They will enter paradise and will be given in wed-lock to the believing men .

It is related that those women who did not marry in this world, or those women whose husbands had not entered paradise, will be given the freedom to choose the believer whom she desires, and they shall be married to them. But if a women's husband is present in paradise, she will be permitted to marry him with her consent. If in the world she married more than once, the man who has the greatest status (in paradise) and has committed more good deeds will be chosen for her.
May 12, '10 11:05 AM
for everyone
According To Grand Ayatullah Seestani 
It is haraam for man to look at the body or hair of the Non-Mahram women, regardless of whether it is with the intention of pleasure or not, and whether there is a fear of falling into sinful act or not. It is also haraam to look at the faces and the arms, upto the wrists, of such women with the intention of pleasure, or if there is fear of falling into sinful act, and the recommended precaution is that one should not look at their faces or arms even without such an intention.
Similarly, it is haraam for a woman to look at the body of Non-Mahram man, except places which are customarily not covered, like, his face, hands, head, neck and feet. She can look at these parts of a man without the intention of deriving any pleasure, or if there is no fear of being entrapped in any sinful act. 

To look at the body of a woman who would not care for Hijab, even if she were advised, is not haraam, provided that it does not lead to sinful act or sexual pleasure, and excitement, nor is it with that intention; and in this rule, there is no distinction between a Muslim and a non-Muslim woman; and also between those parts, like their faces, their hands which they normally do not cover, and other parts of their bodies. 
Woman should conceal her body and hair from a man who is non-Mahram, and as an obligatory precaution, she should conceal herself even from a Na-baligh boy who is able to discern between good and evil, and could probably be sexually excited. But she can leave her face and hands upto wrists uncovered in the presence of Na-Mahram, as long as it does not lead him to casting a sinful, evil glance or her to doing something forbidden; for in both these cases, she must cover them.

It is haraam to look at the private parts of a baligh Muslim, even if it is seen behind the glass or reflected in the mirror, or clean water etc. As an obligatory precaution, it is also haraam to look at the genitals of a non-Muslim, and of a discerning Na-baligh child. However, wife and her husband can look at the entire body of each other. 

If a man and woman who are Mahram of each other, do not have the intention of sexual pleasure, they can see the entire body of each other excepting the private parts. 
A man should not look at the body of another man with the intention of sexual excitement, and also, it is haraam for a woman to look at the body of another woman with the intention of sexual excitement. 
A man who is acquainted with a Na-Mahram woman, should not, as a precaution, look at her photograph etc., provided that the woman is not a heedless, commonplace person
May 12, '10 10:53 AM
for everyone
Barzakh: The Period from Death to Resurrection

That which does not die is Allah. We, human beings, will one day eventually leave this world. The setting of the sun each day is a poetical metaphor for our passing away. The sunset is inevitable; similarly, death is a reality which, like it or not, must happen.

So we have no control over our death; but what we must think about is the following: What will happen to us after death? Will we become nothing? Will we merely “end” by death? Or will we “remain”, and if so, what will our “remaining” be like?

Those who do not believe in God consider death as the end of human beings, and life is just limited to one or two days. But those who believe in God say that human beings are immortal and that death is just a ladder which will take us through the world purgatory to Resurrection and the everlasting abode in the hereafter.

1. Purgatory (Barzakh)
According to the Qur'ân and many ahadith from the Prophet and the Imams, death is not our end. The human spirit, after death, remains and experiences blessings or torment up to the time of the turmoil of Resurrection.

This period from death to Resurrection is called barzakh. Allah says, “Count not those who were slain in the way of Allah as dead, but rather they are living with their Lord, being sustained and are rejoicing in the bounty which Allah has given them.” (3:169-170)
It is clear that if the life after death was not real, the phrase “living with their Lord, being sustained” would be meaningless.
2. The Questioning in the Grave
It can be seen from many ahadith that the spirit has a very special relation with the body in the grave, although the nature of this relationship is not clear. The sixth Imam, Ja`far as-Sadiq (a.s.), said, “Those who deny the questioning of the grave are not from our party (Shi‘ah).”

When the dead person is laid in the grave, the angels of the questioning present themselves and ask him about his faith, beliefs and deeds. If the person has faith and has done good, he joins the believers; if not, he joins the unbelievers and evil-doers. And everyone will pass the period of Barzakh until the Resurrection with their respective group.

Shaykh Saduq writes in his Risalah al-I`tiqadat: “In our opinion, the questioning in the grave is a truth, and he who answers rightly will benefit in the grave from comfort and blessings, and the next world from the Garden. He who cannot answer rightly will see torment in the grave, and in the Resurrection he will go to the Fire.”

3. The Torment of the Grave

Man's placing in Barzakh is intimately connected with his deeds in this world. For those who are virtuous, Barzakh will be a sample of Heaven, and they will see the result of their good deeds. Imam Hasan al-`Askari (a.s.) said, “When a believer dies, six beautiful youths will hurry with him to his grave, one of them more fragrant and more beautiful than all the others. They will come and stand on his right, on his left, above him and below him and in front of him and behind him. Then the most beautiful of them will ask, `Who are you all.' The one standing in the front will say: `I am prayer'; the one on the left: `I am zakat'. The one standing in front will say: `I am fasting'; the one behind: `I am hajj and `umrah.' The one at his feet will say: `I am the goodness which he did to his brothers.'

Then they all will ask the most beautiful one: `You, yourself, who are you and who is more perfect?' He will answer, `I am the wilayat and love of the Ahlu 'l-bayt of Muhammad (peace be upon him).'

“However, those who committed indecent acts and created chaos on the earth, when they enter the grave, they only face constraint and darkness; and the angels of torment will inflict chastisement on them.”

The questioning of the grave and its torments are not necessarily to be perceived by the physical eyes. That power by which the prophets, the Imams, the pure and righteous servants of God spoke is enough and must be accepted.

4. The Paradise & Hell in the Qur’ân

A few verses from the Qur'ân describing the Paradise: Surely the God-fearing shall be in the gardens and fountains [of Paradise]. `Enter them in peace and security!' We shall strip away all rancour that is in their hearts; they shall be upon couches sitting face to face as brothers; no fatigue there shall suite them, neither shall they be driven forth from there. (15:47-48)

Those who rank first [among the good-doers], they will be brought near the Throne, in the gardens of delight...they will be reclining upon close-wrought couches, sitting face to face while immortal youths going round about them with goblets, ewers, and a cup from a spring..., such fruits as they choose, such flesh of fowl as they desire, and wide-eyed houris as the likeness of hidden pearls, a recompense for what they had done. (56:11-24)

A few verses of the Qur'ân describing the Hell: Surely those who disbelieved in Our signs — We shall certainly roast them at a Fire; as soon as their skins are wholly burned, We shall give them in exchange other skins, so that they may taste the chastisement [repeatedly] . Surely Allah is All-mighty, All-wise. (4:56)

As for the unbelievers, garments of fire shall be cut for them, and boiling water shall be poured over their heads whereby whatsoever is in their bellies and their skins shall be melted; hooked iron rods await them; as often as they desire in their anguish to come forth from it, they shall be restored into it, and `Taste the chastisement of the burning!' (22:19-23)

Behold, the Jahannam has become an ambush, for the insolent a resort, there to tarry for ages, tasting therein neither coolness nor drink save boiling water and pus for a suitable recompense. (78:21-23)

Amiru ’l-Mu’minin, ‘Ali bin Abi Tâlib (a.s.) said: “Know that the delicate skin of your body cannot tolerate or bear the fire of Hell. So pity yourselves. You who have experienced the discomforts of this world, and who know your own incapability, and who have seen how when a thorn enters your foot and makes it septic, the warm stones of the ground burn it, you take the pain. So how will it be when you are between two walls of fire, when you lie on stones and your companion is Satan.

“O those who are slaves of Allah; remember Allah, remember Allah, remember Allah while you are well before you become ill; while you have the opportunity before you become constrained; strive to be free of the fire of Hell before the way of salvation becomes impossible for you. Give yourself to the way of Allah with eyes clear of sleep, and your stomach empty (i.e., fasting). Walk in His path; give away your possessions in His path; use your body to the benefit of your spirit, being sparing.”
May 11, '10 12:30 PM
for everyone
The marriage season of the year has dawned upon us and so I thought it appropriate to remind those who are planning engagement and marriage of a few pointers.


Engagement is the time between acceptance of the marriage proposal (khitba) and the marriage ceremony (‘aqd). Once the proposal is accepted,
the man and the woman are known as “engaged to be married” or simply “engaged”. Engagement has no recognition in Islamic laws. It is simply an
agreement to marry but it is not a binding agreement, it can be broken off with or without a reason.
Who Proposes?
Traditionally in all cultures, it is the man who proposes to the woman; and it is done either directly by the man himself or on his behalf by his family. In the
West, even now the man is expected to get down on his one-knee to propose to the woman he wants to marry. In words of ‘Allama Murtaza Mutahhari,
“From time immemorial man has approached woman with his proposal…
Nature has imbued woman with the disposition of a flower and made the man the nightingale, woman the lamp and man the moth.”

“This is not the case with human beings only. Other animals also behave like this. It is always the function of the male to present himself impatiently and
earnestly before the female...” (The Rights of Women in Islam, p. 15-16) Even the Qur’ãn asks the men to seek women for marriage. (See 4:3) And
so, in the proposal, it is the man who initiates and the woman who accepts. In the actual marriage ceremony, however, it is the woman who initiates the
marriage and the man who accepts it.

When & To Whom?

Other than the mahram ladies whom he cannot marry, a man may propose marriage to any single woman. (For list of the mahram ladies, see the Qur’an
However, in the following four cases, proposal is not appropriate.(Remember that the contemporary mujtahids have not expressed their
opinions on three of the four cases; but scholars of the early centuries of the ghaybat have expressed their opinions.)arriage 2006

1. A divorcee who is in her three months’ waiting period (‘iddah) of the revocable divorce (talaq, a divorce initiated by the
It is forbidden (harãm) to propose to her directly or indirectly before the expiry of her ‘iddah. The divorced couple, in this
case, may decide to revoke their divorce during the grace period.
2. A divorcee who is in her three months’ waiting period (‘iddah) ofthe irrevocable divorce (khula‘, a divorce initiated by the wife.)
It is forbidden (harãm) to propose to her directly but one is allowed to propose to her indirectly.
3. A widow who is in her four months’ waiting period (‘iddah) after her husband’s death.
It is forbidden (harãm) to propose to her directly but he is allowed to propose to her indirectly. (See the Qur’an 2:235)
4. An engaged woman: Is it permissible for man to propose a lady who is already engaged? Among the past scholars, there are
two views on this issue: from makruh (irreprehensible) to harãm (forbidden). However, if a woman who has just received a
proposal but has not yet responded to it positively, it is permissible to propose her. In this case, if a man proposes to
an engaged woman and eventually marries her, then according to those who consider that proposal to be haram, although the
act of proposing is sinful but the actual marriage between the two would still be valid.

Engagement Ceremony

There is no such thing as an engagement ceremony in Islam. “Engagement” is just a nonbinding agreement to marry. However, Muslims have adopted
certain traditions from other cultures or made their own customs. Technically, if traditions don’t violate the shari‘ah laws, then there is no problem. For
example , among the Shi‘as of north India, the man’s family go with an “Imam zãmin” to the girl’s family and tie it on her arm as a well-wish gesture for the
girl – this is done by the women of the man’s family.
These days, many Muslim cultures have adopted the Western tradition of giving or exchanging engagement rings. Apparently, this was first done by
Maximilian I, the Holy Roman Emperor , in 1477 when he gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy. However, there is a problem in this tradition: since
the engagement does not make the man and the woman mahram to one another, they cannot touch one another even for giving the engagement ring,
they still have to observe the rules of hijab. The only solution is to recite the temporary nikah for the purpose of becoming mahram only. For more details,
see my Marriage & Morals in Islam.rriage 2006
Problems & Conflicts
These days the so-called “engagement ceremony” is becoming more like a mini marriage ceremony! I am not saying that don’t do your engagement
ceremony – if you do it within the bounds of shari‘ah, then there is no problem, BUT don’t over do it! Don’t rob the actual marriage of its mystique!
Even the tradition of giving gifts –the man’s family gives to the engaged woman– is overdone in some cultures. I am told that at every occasion on
our religious calendar, the boy’s family is expected to send clothes and jewellery to the girl. This is okay; but it becomes a big problem when the
engagement is broken off.
1. If the engagement is broken off by one party, then the other cannot claim for damages for breaking the agreement since it was of a nonbinding nature. One cannot claim for damages for ‘loss of reputation’ or ‘depression’ or ‘air fare for our trips to visit you,’ or ‘the deposit paid for the hall rental’ and etc. Remember you cannot unwind your life; unpleasant things happen and you have to move on and carry on with your life.
2. Of course, both parties have the right to ask back for the gifts given to one another:
(a) If the gifts were of perishable nature (e.g., sweets), then there is no basis for asking it back or its value.
(b) If the gifts were non-perishable (e.g., cash or jewellery),then there is two possibilities:
i. If it still exists, then it should be given back.
ii. If it perished or doesn’t exist any more, then:
1. if it perished out of negligence, then pay its value.
2. if it perished without anyone’s fault, then there is nothing.
So keeping the engagement relationship simple helps in dealing with potential problems later on. But if you still want to indulge in extravagance during the engagement period, then those who give should be prepared to forget everything in case the engagement is broken off and those who receive should be
prepared to consider the gifts as ‘trust’ and be prepared to give them back.
3. However, according to Islamic laws, the gifts given to a person related to you by blood cannot be asked back. (Blood relationship means biological relationship as opposed to relationship through marriage.) So, for example, if the engagement is between cousins and then it is broken off, the parties cannot ask back for the gifts that they had given to one another.


May 10, '10 10:44 AM
for everyone
Two men, one American and an Indian were sitting in a bar drinking shot after shot. The Indian man said to the American, 'You know my parents are forcing me to get married to this so called homely girl  from a village whom I haven't even met once.' We call this arranged marriage. I don't want to marry a woman whom I  don't love... I told them that openly and now have a hell lot of family problems.'

The American said, talking about love marriages... I'll tell you my story.  'I married a widow whom I deeply loved and dated for 3 years.  After a couple of years, my father fell in love with my  step-daughter and married her, so my  father became my son-in-law and I became my father's father-in-law.
Legally now my daughter is my mother and my wife my grandmother.  More problems occurred  when I had a son.  My son is  my father's brother and so he is my uncle. Situations turned worse when my father had a son. Now my father's son, my brother is my grandson. Ultimately, I have  become my own grandfather and I am my own grandson.  And you say you have family problems.'
May 10, '10 10:32 AM
for everyone
Announcing the American Leadership Initiative for Muslims Convention 2010
The Islamic Information Center is proud to announce its second annual convention, the American Leadership Initiative for Muslims, to take place on July 23 - 25. We are seeking the best and brightest from each community, professionals, students, community activists, and anyone who wants to make a difference to attend this action-oriented convention. This convention is different than any other type of Muslim convention in a few ways:
  • This is an action oriented convention, dedicated to creating new and realistic solutions - nothing at this convention is "hypothetical"
  • All attendees participate in discussions on the future of our community in this country
  • This event features organizations that have succeeded in different ways in helping Muslims and other innocents around the world, including Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, and more!
  • The convention will also feature various government agencies and elected officials responsible for policies that affect us all, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)Departments of State, Treasury, and Education; and several current US Congressmen and Congresswomen!
  • Attendees will have the opportunity to tour various government facilities, and see where the US decision making process happens.
  •  The American Leadership Initiative for Muslims will take place at the Capital Hilton, less than THREE BLOCKS from the White House.
  • This is not a "large scale" convention with innumerable attendees, but a convention that seeks to involve community members who want to make a difference.
You can register RIGHT NOW by using your credit card or other electronic methods by clicking here!
May 8, '10 12:06 PM
for everyone
It is wrong that the husband treats his wife according to the principle of reciprocity, so that he does not treat her well until she does first. Whereas the principle {We desire no recompense from you, no thankfulness}, applies here. There is a difference between acting with complaisance for the sake of Allah-fulfilling high values-and doing it to acquire possessions of this world..

It is necessary -to achieve a happy life with the wife-that we have the divine and the transparent regard to women. For she too was created to attain her perfection. Therefore, we must regard her as a creature marching towards of Allah. Hence, we must not discourage her in her endeavour to attain perfection.
If the husband is not the kind of person who cares for the hereafter, then he must work for the benefit of his life in this world. And that is by not transferring the woman into a nervous being who expresses her feelings inside the marital establishment on one side, affecting the children’s upbringing on the other. It is known that the wife is a life partner, which makes her a good investment for he who wants to improve her capabilities so that, both the couple, their children and the society benefit.
The man’s refraining from taking the responsibility inside the house is one of the causes of the dismantling of a marriage. He starts the relationship by showing a great deal of love and affection, only to change afterwards to someone who does not regard the house a friendly atmosphere and does not take any responsibility even regarding the obligatory adequate support. Especially so if the wife is financially independent, then he will try to take away her possessions which will leave him with a mere nominal role inside the house.”
It is wrong to sanctify-during an argument-the notion of partiality of each of the couple for his or her relatives, forgetting the principle of precedence by piety. For there is nothing as the (husband’s relatives) in opposition to the (wife’s relatives) in the exact Islamic concept, because all believers are like one body, and disputes in the family should not be transferred to the bigger family, the society.
The Prophet (P.U.H.H) said: “ Fear Allah in regard the two weak subjects” meaning (the woman and the orphan). It is known that suppressing someone who has no helper but Allah; is one of the causes of speeding-up of the divine Vengeance. That is why we think that he oppressor of his wife cannot advance in the way of perfection, for how could we seek nearness to Allah when He is displeased with us
The resorting of the husband to unlawful practices, starting with looking at forbidden pictures in addition to committing forbidden deeds, will destroy the marital establishment in many ways. Because he who derives pleasure from a variety of forbidden practices, will not be satisfied by what is allowed for him, especially when he compares the available and variable forbidden to the stable allowed. On the other hand, he will drop in his wife’s estimation-who resents marital infidelity by her nature. How shall he expect respect from her after that? Moreover, Allah-who casts love in obedient people’s hearts-takes away that love from disobedient people’s hearts. This is the secret of people’s dislike to the sinful even without knowledge of their sinning.
Some regard sexual intercourse as a pure bestial action. Consequently, they might not fulfill their obligation if they-wrongly-think that it hinders them from attaining certain spiritual ranks. Whereas the matter includes an emotional as well as an instinctive undertaking, which is one of the requirements of the fortification of the marital life, in addition to making the partner happy and satisfied, provided that excess and neglect are avoided.
>Showing romantic feelings and gestures in dealing with the wife is required by the Sharia. Because it is related that the Prophet (P.U.H.H) had said: “The man’s saying to his wife, I love you, never goes away from her heart”. This attitude should not be restricted to the early years of the marriage; rather it is necessary to constantly refresh the marital life with it.
The man must not seek comfort outside the house on the wife’s expense, because Allah commanded us to guard ourselves first and our families second against the Fire {Guard yourselves and your families against a Fire}. Hence, the man’s leaving of his woman to live in loneliness and isolation, especially during he night, is a kind of unintended tormenting.
Resorting to beating and the use of improper words in marital life, form the peak of the spiritual decline, which takes the glamour away from the marital life and causes a crack which doe snot close even after harmony returns.
May 8, '10 5:27 AM
for everyone
Dua Before Studying 
“Oh Allah! Make useful for me what you have taught me and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me. Oh Allah! I ask you for the understanding of the prophets and the memory of the messengers, and those nearest to you. Oh Allah! Make my tongue full of your remembrance and my heart with consciousness of you. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, and you are my availer and protector and best of aid.”
 Dua After Studying 
“Oh Allah! I entrust you with what I have read and I have studied. Oh Allah! Bring it back to me when I am in need of it. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, you are my availer and protector and the best of aid.”

 Dua While Studying Something
“Oh Allah! Nothing is easy except what you have made easy. If you wish, you can make the difficult easy.”
 Dua For Concentration 

Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: ‘Walking through a group of sitting people is foolish; the believer must sit wherever he finds a place.” [Reference: al-Bihar, Vol. 72]
قال أبو عبد الله (ع) : لاينبغي للمؤمن أن يجلس إلاّ حيث ينتهي به الجلوس ، فإنّ تخطي أعناق الرجال سخافة . {البحار ج72}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “The Prophet used to sit mainly facing the Qiblah (Kiblah) (in the direction of Holy Mecca).” [Reference: Al-Wasa’il,
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “It is not permissible for a man to sit facing Qiblah with his legs drawn up and wrapped in his garment.” [Reference: al-Kafee, Vol.2]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : لايجوز للرّجل أن يحتبي مقابل الكعبة .
[ الإحتباء : هو أن يضّم الانسان ساقيه الى بطنه بثوب يجمعهما به مع ظهره .]
{الكافي ج2}
The Prophet prohibited that a man is told to give up his seat for another. About that he-s.a.w- said, “But rather, make room and sit comfortably.” It is also reported that the prophet had cursed someone who sits in the middle of a circle (of people) and prohibited that a man sits in between two people, except with their permission.
نهى النبي (ص) عن أن يقام الرجل عن مجلسه ويجلس فيه آخر . قال صلّى الله عليه وآله : ولكن تفسّحوا وتوسعّوا وروي أنّ النبي (ص) لعن من جلس وسط الحلقة ، ونهى أن يجلس الرجل بين الرجلين إلاّ بإذنهما . {البحار ج72}
It was reported that the Prophet used to sit in one of three positions: Squatting, kneeling and bending one leg and stretching the other over it. He was never seen sitting cross-legged.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
روي أن النبي (ص) كان يجلس ثلاثا” : القرفصاء وهو أن يقيم ساقيه ويستقبلها بيديه ويشدّ يده في ذراعه ، وكان يجثو على ركبتيه ، وكان يثني رجلا” واحدة ويبسط عليها الأخرى ، ولم يرَ (ص) متربعا” قط . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “Three people don’t have to start the greeting: Someone who is walking with a funeral procession, someone on his way to the mosque to perform Friday Prayer, and in the bathroom.”
عن الصادق (ع) قال : ثلاثة لايسلّمون : الماشي مع جنازة ، والماشي الى الجمعة ، وفي بيت حمام . {البحار ج73 }
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “When any of you enters his house, let him say a greeting; this way he is causing the blessings and the angels to go down to it.” [Reference: al-Bihar, Vol. 73]
قال رسول الله (ص) : إذا دخل أحدكم بيته فليسلّم فإنّه ينزله البركة ، وتؤنسه الملائكة . {البحار ج73}
Al-Sabaty asked Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) about the way women are supposed to salute people when they visit them. He (a.s) said: “The woman should say; ‘With you is peace’, and the men should say; ‘Peace be with you’.” [Reference: al-Bihar, Vol. 73]
سأل الساباطيّ أبا عبد الله (ع) عن النساء كيف يسلّمن إذا دخلن على القوم ؟.. قال المرأة تقول ” عليكم السلام ” ، والرجل يقول ” السلام عليكم ” {البحار ج73}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “The young shall greet the old, the passer-by shall greet the seated and the small group shall greet the large group.” [Reference: al-Kafee, Vol.2]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : يسلّم الصغير على الكبير ، والمارّ على القاعد ، والقليل على الكثير . {الكافي ج2}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “The riding shall greet the walking; and if one person from the group returns the greeting, the rest don’t have to.” [Reference: al-Bihar, Vol. 73]
عن رسول الله (ص) قال : ليسلّم الراكب على الماشي .. وإذا سلّم من القوم واحد أجزأ عنهم . {البحار ج73}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “Asking permission to enter is to be repeated three times. The first is to let them hear, the second is for them to take caution and the third is for them to permit entry if they wish; if they don’t, then the visitor must go back.” [Reference: al-Bihar, Vol. 73]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : الإستئذان ثلاثة .. أولّهنّ يسمعون ، والثانية يحذرون ، والثالثة إن شاؤوا أذنوا ، وإن شاؤوا لم يفعلوا فيرجع المستأذن . {البحار ج73}
Imam al-Baqir (a.s) said: “When two believers hiding from each other because of a quarrel meet, they should shake hands.” [Reference: al-Bihar, Vol. 73]
عن أبي جعفر ( ع) قال : ينبغي للمؤمنين إذا توارى أحدهما عن صاحبه بشجرة ثمّ التقيا .. أن يتصافحا . {البحار ج73}
Imam al-Baqir (a.s) said: “When two people shake hands, the reward of the one who holds on to the hand shake is greater than that of the one who let go.” [Reference: al-Kafee, Vol.2]
عن الباقر (ع) قال : إذا صافح الرجل صاحبه .. فالذي يلزم التصافح أعظم أجرا” من الذي يدع . {الكافي ج2}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “Shake each other’s hands for it eliminates ill will.” [Reference: al-Bihar, Vol. 73]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : تصافحوا فإنها تذهب بالسخيمة .
[ السخيمة : الضغينة ، والحقد والموجدة في النفس ] {البحار ج73}

Imam Áli (a.s) said: “Shake hands with, and smile and show joy to your fellow Moslems when you meet them; this way your sins will be abolished before you disperse.”
قال أمير المؤمنين (ع) : إذا لقيتم إخوانكم فتصافحوا وأظهروا لهم البشاشة والبشر ، تتفرقوا وما عليكم من الأوزار قد ذهب .
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “No man’s head or hand should be kissed save that of the Messenger of Allah-s.a.w- or someone who represent him.” [Reference: al-Bihar, Vol. 73]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : لايقبل رأس أحد ولايده .. إلاّ رسول الله (ص) أو من أريد به رسول الله (ص) . {البحار ج73}
Imam Áli (a.s) said: “ It is acceptable to kiss the kinsman. The brother (or the fellow Moslem) is kissed on the cheek and the
Imam is kissed between his eyes.” [Reference: al-Bihar, Vol. 73]
عن أبي الحسن (ع) قال : من قبّل للرحم ذا قرابة فليس عليه شيء ، وقبلة الأخ على الخد ، وقبلة الإمام بين عينيه . {البحار ج73}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “No one must be kissed in the mouth save the wife and the young child.”
[Reference: al-Bihar, Vol. 73]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : ليس القبلة على الفم ، إلاّ للزوجة والولد الصغير . {البحار ج73}
According to Ahmad binMohammad binAbi-Baseer: “I heard Imam al-Rida -a.s- say: “Yawning is attributed to Satan and sneezing is attributed to Almighty Allah.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن أحمد بن محمد بن أبي نصر قال : سمعت الرضا (ع) يقول : التثاؤب من الشيطان ، والعطسة من الله عز وجل .{الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
According to Salih binAbi-Hammad: “I asked Imam al-Rida -a.s- about the reason behind thanking Allah for the sneeze. He said: “ Sometimes man forgets Allah’s blessings regarding his health and the soundness of his body parts. So, Allah would command the breeze to pass through his body and get out from his nose. Then, man would thank Allah and that would be a compensation for his forgetfulness.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن صالح بن أبي حمّاد قال : سألت العالم (ع) عن العطسة وماالعلّة في حمد الله عليها ؟.. فقال : إن لله نعماء على عبده في صحة بدنه وسلامة جوارحه ، وأن العبد ينسى ذكر الله عز وجل على ذلك ، وإذا نسى أمرالله الريح فتجاز في بدنه ثمّ يخرجها من أنفه ، فيحمد الله على ذلك فيكون حمده على ذلك شكراً لما نسي .{الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “Thank Allah in secret if you sneeze in the toilet; and the one who sneezes is safe from dying for seven days.” [Al-Bihar, Vol.73: p.53]
عن الصادق (ع) قال : إذا عطس في الخلاء أحدكم .. فليحمد الله في نفسه ، وصاحب العطسة يأمن الموت سبعة أيام . {البحار ج 73 : ص 53}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “When someone is saying something and somebody sneezes, this means that he is saying the truth.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
قال رسول الله (ص) : إذا كان الرجل يتحدث بحديث فعطس عاطس فهو شاهد حق .
الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “When someone sneezes more than three times (in a row), you must say to him, ‘may Allah cure you’ for he is ill.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
قال : وفي حديث آخر.. إذا زاد العاطس على ثلاثة قيل له : ” شفاك الله لأن ذلك من علّة “. {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “Do not raise your heads towards the sky when you belch or spit; and belching is a blessing so praise Allah when you belch.” [Al-Bihar, Vol.73: p.53]
قال رسول الله (ص) : إذا تجشّأ أحدكم فلا يرفع جشاءه الى السماء ولا إذا بزق ، والجشاء نعمة من الله عّز وجلّ فإذا تجشأ أحدكم فليحمد الله . {البحار ج73}
Imam Áli (a.s) said: “A believer should not spit in the direction of Qibla. And if he forgetfully does that, let him ask Allah for forgiveness.” [Al-Bihar, Vol.73]
قال أمير المؤمنين (ع) : لايتفل المؤمن في القبلة ، فإن فعل ذلك ناسياً ، فليستغفر الله عزّ وجلّ منه . {البحار ج73 }
Imam Jafer al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “If you sneeze during meditating, say ‘ِِِِِAl-hamdu-lillah’ (praise be to God).” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of prayer interruption]
عن الصادق (ع) قال : إذا عطس أحدكم في الصلاة .. فليقل “الحمد لله” . {الوسائل من أبواب قواطع الصلاة}
Isaac bi0Othman asked imam al-Sadiq (a.s) saying; “What do you say about rising in honour of someone?”
He (a.s) said: “It is reprehensible except to a scholar.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن إسحاق بن عثمان قال : قلت لأبي عبد الله (ع) : من قام من مجلسه تعظيما” لرجل ؟ .. قال : مكروه إلا لرجل في الدين . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “The visitor is entitled to walking with him for a little while when he comes in and when he goes out.” [Reference: al-Kafee, Vol.2]
قال رسول الله (ص) : إنّ من حقّ الداخل على أهل البيت أن يمشوا معه هنيئة .. إذا دخل وإذا خرج . {الكافي ج2}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “Do not refuse a hospitable reception if you are offered one, for this is what the donkey does.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
قال رسول الله (ص) : إذا عرض على أحدكم الكرامة فلا يردها ، فإنما يردّ الكرامة الحمار . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
According to Abdullah bin-al-Qidah, Imam Jafer al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “Two men visited Imam Ali -a.s- and he gave each one of them a cushion to sit on. One of them did, the other refused. So, Imam Áli-a.s- said: “ Sit on it for only a donkey refuses a hospitable reception!” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن عبد الله بن القداح ، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قـال : دخل رجـلان على أمير المؤمنين (ع) .. فألقى لكل واحد منهما وسادة فقعد عليها أحدهما وأبى الآخر ، فقال أمير المؤمنين (ع) : إقعد عليها فإنه لايأبى الكرامة إلا الحمار .{الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “Three actions ensure a wholehearted love among fellow Moslems: Meeting one another with joy, offering a comfortable place when sitting together and calling each other by the favorite name (nickname)” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
قال رسول الله (ص) : ثلاث يصفين ودّ المرء لأخيه المسلم : يلقاه بالبشر إذا لقيه ، ويوسعّ له في المجلس إذا جلس إليه ، ويدعوه بأحب الأسماء إليه .{الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Among the recommendations by the Prophet (s.a.w) to a man who asked him for advice is this: “Meet your fellow men with a happy face.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
أتى رسول الله (ص) رجل فقال : يا رسول الله أوصني ، فكان فيما أوصاه أن قال : إلق أخاك بوجه منبسط . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Among the things that were forbidden by the Prophet (s.a.w) is that a man says to another: ‘No! By your life and by so-and-so’s life’. [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
في مناهي النبي (ص) أنه نهى أن يقول الرجل للرجل : لا وحياتك وحياة فلان . {البحار ج 72 :ص13}
According to Isaac bin-Ammar, Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “O Isaac! Blandish the hypocrite with your tongue, and sincerely love the believer; and if a Jew sits in your company, keep him good company.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن إسحاق بن عمار قال : قال الصادق (ع) : يا إسحاق .. صانع المنافق بلسانك واخلص ودّك للمؤمن ، فإن جالسك يهودي فأحسن مجالسته . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
The Prophet (s.a.w) prohibited flattery and said: “Hush the flatterer up!” [Reference: Makarim al-Akhlaq]
نهى النبي (ص) عن المدح ، وقال : احثوا في أفواه المداحين التراب . {مكارم الاخلاق }
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “Three are among the noble deeds of this world and the hereafter: To forgive the one who wronged you, to maintain a close relation with someone who broke with you and to be gentle to someone who behaved foolishly towards you.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
قال أبو عبد الله (ع) ثلاث من مكارم الدنيا والآخرة : تعفو عمّن ظلمك ، وتصل من قطعك ، وتحلم إذا جهل عليك .{الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Baqir (a.s) said to one of his companions: “O, Salih! Follow the one who makes you cry but is a sincere advisor and do not follow the one who makes you laugh but is a deceiver; and you will be returned unto Allah and you will know.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
قال الإمام الباقر (ع) لأحد أصحابه : ياصالح إتبع من يبكيك وهو لك ناصح ، ولاتتبع من يضحكك وهو لك غاش ، وستردون على الله جميعا فتعلمون . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
According to ibn-Abbas, The Prophet (s.a.w) was asked who the best companion was. He said: “The one whose sight reminds you of Allah, whose speech increases your knowledge and whose actions interest you in the hereafter.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن ابن عباس قال : قيل يا رسول الله أي الجلساء خير ؟.. قال : من تذكّركم الله برؤيته ، ويزيد في علمكم منطقه ، ويرغبكم في الآخرة عمله . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ My most preferable friend is the one who reminds me (makes me aware of) of my shortcomings.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
قال الصادق (ع) : أحبّ إخواني إليّ من أهدى إليّ عيوبي .{الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “Keeping these people company hardens the heart: The lowly, women and the rich.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
وقال رسول الله (ص) : ثلاثة مجالستهم تميت القلب : الجلوس مع الأنذال ، والحديث مع النساء ، والجلوس مع الأغنياء .{الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Sajjad (a.s) used to say this to his sons: “ Sit in the company of the faithful, and the knowledgeable. If you couldn’t, then loneliness is more delightful and safer; and if you insist on sitting in people’s company, then sit in the company of the honourable, for they do not behave in an obscene manner in their gatherings.” [Reference: Al-Bihar, Vol.71, pp.196]
عن علي بن الحسين (ع) أنه كان يقول لبنيه : جالسوا أهل الدين والمعرفة ، فإن لم تقدروا عليهم فالوحدة آنس وأسلم ، فإن أبيتم إلا مجالسة الناس فجالسوا أهل المروّات ، فإنهم لايرفثون في مجالسهم . {البحار ج71 :ص196}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ When two people are together, let not two of them converse together without their companion, for that would sadden and hurt him.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن أبي عبدالله (ع) قال : إذا كان القوم ثلاثة .. فلا يتناجى منهم إثنان دون صاحبهما، فإن في ذلك ما يحزنه ويؤذيه . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
The Prophet (s.a.w0 said: “He who interrupts a fellow Moslem while he is talking as if scratched his face.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
قال رسول الله (ص) : من عرض لأخيه المسلم المتكلم في حديثه فكأنمّا خدش وجهه . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “No believer but has a sense of humour”. “What is it?” I said. He said: “Joking.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن أبي عبدالله (ع) قال : مامن مؤمن إلا وفيه دعابة ، قلت : وما الدعابة ؟ .. قال : المزاح . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة }
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ A believer’s laughter is smiling.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : ضحك المؤمن تبسّم .{الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ If you like somebody, don’t joke or argue with him.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن أبي عبد الله ( ع) قال : إذا أحببت رجلا .. فلا تمازحه ولا تماره . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ Too much laughing hardens the heart.” He also said: “ Frequent laughing dissolves the faith the same way water dissolves salt.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : كثرة الضحك تميت القلب ، وقال : كثرة الضحك تميث الدين كما يميث الماء الملح . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ Too much laughing is indecent.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
قال الصادق (ع) : كثرة الضحك تذهب بماء الوجه . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ Boisterous laughing is devilish.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : القهقهة من الشيطان . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam Áli (a.s) said: “ Beware of (inappropriate) joking for it brings down hatred and causes resentment.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
قال أمير المؤمنين : إياك والمزاح فإنه يجرّ السُخيمة ويورث الضغينة ، وهو السب الأصغر . {الوسائل من احكام العشرة}
Imam al-Baqir (a.s) said: “ If you have a boisterous laugh, say this when you finish: don’t detest me O, Allah!” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن أبي جعفر (ع) قال : إذا قهقهت فقل حين تفرغ :”اللهم لاتمقتني “. {الوسائل من أبواب العشرة}
Through his father, Imam Jafer al-Sadiq (a.s) related that David (a.s) said to Solomon (a.s): “ O, my son! Beware of excessive laughing for it impoverishes (takes away the good deeds) man on doomsday.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن جعفر بن محمد ، عن أبيه أن داود (ع) قال لسليمان (ع) : يا بني إياك وكثرة الضحك .. فإن كثرة الضحك تترك الرجل فقيرا يوم القيامة . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ In the things that concern you, choose to consult with those who are God-fearing.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
قال أبو عبد الله (ع) : إستشر في أمرك الذين يخشون ربهم . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
According to Imam Áli (a.s), the Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Do not seek a coward for advice for he makes things look harder for you; and do not ask a stingy for advice for he will fail you; and do not ask a greedy for advice for he will deck out fair the evil said. And let it be known to you that cowardice, stinginess and greediness are traits that have mistrust (in Allah) in common.” [Reference: Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of companionship]
عن علي (ع) قال : قال رسول الله (ص) : يا علي .. لاتشاورنّ جباناً فإنه يضيق عليك المخرج ، ولاتشاورنّ بخيلاً فإنه يقصر بك عن غايتك ، ولاتشاورن حريصا فإنه يزّين لك شرّها ، وأعلم أن الجبن والبخل والحرص غريزة يجمعها سوء الظن .{الوسائل من أبواب أحكام العشرة}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “A man with a spacious house is a happy man.” [Reference: Al-Bihar Vol.73, p.152]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : من سعادة الرجل سعة منزله . {البحار ج73:ص152}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) quoted the Prophet (s.a.w) as saying: “ Among the things that make a man happy is a son who looks-or is- like him, a pretty and pious wife, a comfortable vehicle and a roomy house.” [Reference: Al-Bihar Vol.73, p.149]
عن الصادق (ع) قال : قال رسول الله (ص) : إن من سعادة المرء أن يشبهه ولده ، والمرأة الجملاء ذات دين ، والمركب الهني ، والمسكن الواسع . {البحار ج73 : ص149}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Four and four: The good wife, the spacious house, the good neighbour and the graceful vehicle, fall under ‘happiness’. And the bad neighbour, the bad wife, the small house and the bad vehicle, fall under ‘hardship’.”
قال رسول الله (ص) : أربع من السعادة وأربع من الشقاوة ، فالأربع التي من السعادة : المرأة الصالحة ، والمسكن الواسع، والجار الصالح ، والمركب البهي ، والأربع التي من الشقاوة : الجار السوء ، والمرأة السوء ، والمسكن الضيق ، والمركب السوء .
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “Imam Áli -a.s-used to meditate in a house of his in which there was nothing but a bed, a sword and copy of the Koran.” [Reference: Al-Bihar Vol.76, p.161]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : كان لعلي (ع) بيت ليس فيه شيء إلا فراش وسيف ومصحف وكان يصلي فيه . {البحار ج76 :ص161 }
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ Áli-a.s- built a moderate size room within his house for his meditation; and when it was night time, he would take along a boy to spend the night with him and they would meditate in it.” [Reference: Al-Bihar Vol.76, p.61]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : كان علي (ع) قد جعل بيتا في داره ليس بالصغير ولا بالكبير لصلاته ، وكان إذا كان الليل ذهب معه بصبي ليبيت معه ، فيصلي فيه . {البحارج76:ص161 }
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Fill your houses with light by reciting Koran; and do not make graves out of out of them as did the Jews and the Christians; they prayed in churches and synagogues and neglected their houses. For indeed, frequent reciting of Koran in a house would increase its blessings, enrich the household and make the house shine to the inhabitants of the highest heaven as the stars do to the inhabitants of earth.” [Reference: Al-Kafee, Vol.2, p. 610]
قال النبي (ص) نوروا بيوتكم بتلاوة القرآن ، ولاتتخذوها قبورا .. كمافعلت اليهود والنصارى ، صلّوا في الكنائس والبيع وعطّلوا بيوتهم ، فإن البيت إذا كثر فيه تلاوة القرآن كثر خيره ، وأتسع أهله ، وأضاء لأهل السماء كما تضيء نجوم السماء لأهل الدنيا . {الكافي ج2 : ص610 }
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “A house inside of which is a Moslem reciting Koran would appear to the inhabitants of the highest heaven as the glittering star would to the inhabitants of earth.” [Reference: Al-Kafee, Vol.2, p. 610]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) أنه قال : إن البيت إذا كان فيه المرء المسلم يتلو القرآن يتراءاه أهل السماء كما يتراءى أهل الدنيا الكوكب الدري في السماء . {الكافي ج2 : ص610 }
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “It is reprehensible (not recommendable) for a Moslem to keep a dog in his house.” [Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of treating animals]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) : يكره أن يكون في دار الرجل المسلم .. الكلب . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام الدواب }
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ No one acquires a dog but (the reward of) his work will decrease by a carat a day.” [Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of treating animals]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : ما من أحد يتخذ كلبا إلا نقص في كل يوم من عمل صاحبه قيراط . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام الدواب }
Imam Áli (a.s) said: “There is no good in dogs, except hunting dogs and cattle dogs.” [Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of treating animals]
عن أمير المؤمنين (ع) لاخير في الكلاب .. إلا كلب صيد ، أو كلب ماشية . {الوسائل من أبواب احكام الدواب }
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ Do not retain a hunting dog inside the house unless there is a door separating it from you.” [Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of treating animals]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : لاتمسك كلب الصيد في الدار إلا أن يكون بينك وبينه باب . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام الدواب }
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “Dogs are weak demons. So, when you are eating and a dog is present, you could either feed it or drive it a way because dogs have evil spirits.” [Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of treating animals]
قال رسول الله (ص) : الكلاب من ضعفة الجن ، فإذا أكل أحدكم الطعام وشيء منها بين يديه فليطعمه أو ليطرده فإن لها أنفس سوء.{الوسائل من أبواب أحكام الدواب }
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ When you hear dogs barking or donkeys braying, then seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan (it s a bad omen) for they see what you can’t. Do what you are commanded to do!” [Al-Bihar, Vol.62. P.64]
قال رسول الله (ص) : إذا سمعتم نباح الكلاب ، ونهيق الحمير .. فتعوذوا بالله من الشيطان الرجيم ، فإنهم يرون ولاترون فافعلوا ما تؤمرون . {البحار ج62 ص64 }
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ (archangel) Gabriel came to me and said: ‘We, the company of Angels, do not go into a house that has in it a dog, a statue or a urinal.” [Al-Bihar, Vol.73, p.159]
قال رسول الله (ص) : إن جبرائيل أتاني فقال : إنا معشر الملائكة لاندخل بيتاً فيه كلب ، ولاتمثال جسد ، ولاإناء يبال فيه .{البحار ج73 :ص159 }
According to abu-Baseer: “I asked Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) about (the permissibility of having cushions and rugs with sculptured images on them? He said: “ There is no objection to having them in the house.” “Sculptured images!” I repeated. He said: “As long as they are walked over.” [Reference: Al-Kafee Vol.6, p.527]
عن أبي بصير ، عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : سألته عن الوسادة والبساط يكون فيه التماثيل فقال : لابأس به ، يكون في البيت ، قلت : التماثيل ؟ .. فقال : كل شيء يوطأ فلا بأس به . {الكافي ج6 :ص527 }
According to Áli bin-Jafer: “I asked Imam Áli (a.s) if it is permissible to meditate in a house or a room that has a statue in it? He said: “Do not meditate in it if the statues are facing you. If there is no other way, you can cut their heads off. Otherwise, do not meditate in it.” [Reference: Al-Kafee Vol.6, p.527]
عن علي بن جعفر ، عن أبي الحسن (ع) قال : سألته عن الدار والحجرة فيها التماثيل أيصلّى فيها ؟ .. فقال : لاتصلّ فيها وفيها شيء يستقبلك إلا أن لاتجد بداً فتقطع رؤوسها وإلا فلا تصلّ فيها . {الكافي ج6 : ص527 }
According to Mohammed bin-Moslem: “I asked Imam al-Sadiq -a.s- about (whether it is permissible to keep) the statues of trees, the sun and the moon.
He said: “ There is no objection to it; as long as there is no (statues of) animals within them.” [Reference: Al-Bihar, Vol.73, p.160]
عن محمد بن مسلم قال : سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن تماثيل الشجر والشمس والقمر قال : لابأس مالم يكن فيه شيء من الحيوان. {البحار ج73 :ص160}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Take on poultry in your houses: they distract Satan from your young ones.” [Reference: Al-Bihar, Vol.73, p.163]
قال رسول الله (ص) : إتخذوا في بيوتكم الدواجن يتشاغل بها الشيطان عن صبيانكم .{البحار ج73 : ص163 }
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ Doves are among the prophets’ birds.” [Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of treating animals]
عن الصادق (ع) قال : الحمام في طيور الأنبياء .{الوسائل من أبواب أحكام الدواب}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ The origin of the Kabah’s Holy Mosque doves is a remainder of the doves that belonged to Ishmael son of Abraham (a.s, both) which he took on for amusement.” [Al-Wasaíl, from the book of guidelines of treating animals]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : إن أهل حمام الحرم بقية حمام كانت لاسماعيل بن إبراهيم (ع) اتخذها كان يأنس بها . {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام الدواب}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ Indeed! The presence of doves in a house protects inhabitants against maladies caused by demons: the foolish demons that live in the house would play with the doves and leave people alone.” [Reference Al-Wasaíl, Vol.8, p.377]
عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : ليس من بيت فيه حمام إلا لم يصب أهل ذلك البيت آفة من الجن .. إن سفهاء الجن يعيشون في البيت فيعبثون بالحمام ويدعون الإنسان .{الوسائل ج8 : ص377}
I (anonymous) mentioned doves at Imam al-Sadiq’s (a.s). His comment was: “Take them on in your houses for they are lovable; Prophet Noah’s -a.s- prayer affected them. Moreover, they are the most amusing things in a house.” [Reference Al-Wasaíl, Vol.8, p.378]
ذكرت الحمام عند أبي عبد الله (ع) فقال : اتخذوها في منازلكم .. فإنها محبوبة لحقتها دعوة نوح (ع) .. وهي آنس شيء في البيوت . {الوسائل ج8 : ص378}
Imam Áli (a.s) said: “ The rooster has five qualities which it shares with prophets: Liberality, contentment, knowledge of prayer hours, frequent intimate association and jealousy (of honour).” [Reference Al-Wasaíl, Vol.8, p.383]
عن أبي الحسن (ع) قال : في الديك خمس خصال من خصال الأنبياء : السخاء ، والقناعة ، والمعرفة بأوقات الصلاة ، وكثرة الطروقة ، والغيرة . {الوسائل ج8 : ص383 }
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Do not curse the rooster: His crying is for waking up people for prayer.” [Reference: guidelines of prayer hours]
عن رسول الله (ص) قال : لاتسبوا الديك لأن صياحه إنما هو لأجل إيقاظ الناس للصلاة. {الوسائل من أبواب أحكام المواقيت }
May 8, '10 4:24 AM
for everyone

Islamic Ethics of Trading

According to Imam al-Baqir (a.s): “ It is not recommendable to buy what was not seen.” [Reference: Tahtheeb al-Ahkam Ch.1]
عن أبي جعفر (ع) : انه يكره شراء مالم ير. {تهذيب الاحكام ج1 }
The Prophet (s.a.w) prohibited bargaining between daybreak and sunrise.” [Tahtheeb al-Ahkam Ch.7]
عن رسول الله (ص) : انه نهى عن السوم ما بين طلوع الفجر الى طلوع الشمس .
{تهذيب الاحكام ج7 }
On the reprehensibility of deceiving a believer, Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ deceiving a believer is forbidden.” [Tahtheeb al-Ahkam Ch.7]
في كراهة غبن المؤمن عن أبي عبدالله (ع) : غبن المؤمن حرام .{تهذيب الاحكام ج 7 }
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ The trader must be mindful of (cautious of) five qualities, otherwise he should not buy or sell: Usury, swearing by God, withholding the defect, commending (the commodity) when he is selling and belittling (it) when he is buying.” [Tahtheeb al-Ahkam Ch.7]
عن رسول الله (ص) : من باع واشترى فليحفظ خمس خصال والا فلا يشتر ولايبيع ، الربا ، والحلف ، وكتمان العيب ، والحمد اذا باع ، والذم اذا اشترى .{تهذيب الاحكام ج7 }
On the undesirability of borrowing from an upstart:
A steward of Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) borrowed food from a man. The man insisted on demanding payment. So, Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said to the steward: “ Haven’t I forbidden you from asking for a loan someone who had known wealth recently.” [Tahtheeb al-Ahkam Ch.7]
كراهة الاستقراض من محدث النعمة ..
استقرض قهرمان لأبي عبدالله (ع) من رجل طعاما ، فألح في التقاضي فقال له أبو عبدالله (ع) : ألم أنهك أن تستقرض من لم يكن له فكان .{تهذيب الاحكام ج 7 }
On the reprehensibility of swearing by God during selling, Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ Beware of swearing, for it erases the blessing and exhausts the commodity.” [Tahtheeb al-Ahkam Ch.7]
كراهة الحلف عند البيع … عن أبي عبد الله (ع) : أياكم والحلف فانه يمحق البركة وينفق السلعة. {تهذيب الاحكام ج7 }
On the desirability of keeping up a profession, Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ If you profit from doing something, keep doing it.” [Tahtheeb al-Ahkam Ch.7]
في استحباب البقاء على المهنة …عن أبي عبد الله (ع) : قال اذا رزقت من شيء فالزمه . {تهذيب الاحكام ج7 }
The Prophet (s.a.w) prohibited that an employee is hired until he knows his wages.” [Reference: Makrim al-Akhlaq]
نهى النبي (ص) أن يستعمل أجير ، حتى يعلم ما أجرته . {مكارم الأخلاق
May 7, '10 2:27 PM
for everyone


Imam Sadiq (as) said, “Your teacher has the right over you that you should honor him and pay him respect in different assemblies. You should be very attentive to his words. you should not raise your voice above his. if anybody asks him a question, you should not give its reply. You should not converse with others in his presence and you should allow the people to benefit from his knowledge. You should not speak ill of anyone before him. If anybody speaks ill of him in your presence, you should defend him. You should conceal his shortcomings and bring his virtues to light. You should not associate with his enemies and should not dispute with his friends. If you act on these lines the angels of Allah will testify that you have paid attention to him and have acquired knowledge for the sake of Allah and not to attract the attention of the people. And the right of your pupils on you is that you should realize that in granting you knowledge and opening its path to you, Allah has appointed you to be their guardian. In case, therefore, you teach them properly and do not frighten them and are not furious with them, Allah will, through His kindness, increase your knowledge. But if you drive the people away from knowledge and, as and when they approach you for it, you frighten them and get annoyed with them, it will only be appropriate that the Almighty Allah may take away the light of knowledge from you and may degrade you in the eyes of the people.” The Messenger of God said:”A loving glance at the face of a learned [`alim] is an act of worship [ibada].” He also said: “Sitting with the people of learning is an honor in this life and the hereafter.” On the authority of Abu ‘Abd Allah, it is reported that the Messenger of God said: “A man will come on the day of resurrection. To his credit will be so many good deeds that they will be heaps, or towering mountains. He will ask: ‘O my Lord! All this for me-and what have I done for them?’ God will say: ‘This is the knowledge you taught to people, and they kept on acting on it after you.” Abu Ja’far said,”Whoever taught the path to guidance will have as much reward as those who acted upon it, without in any way decreasing the reward of the latter. Whoever taught the path to wrongdoing will have as much punishment as those who acted upon such teachings without in any way decreasing the punishment of the latter.”
The HOLY PROPHET of Islam peace be upon him said :“Be alert surely Allah loves those who seek knowledge.”(Behar ul Anvar v : 1; p : 172, Alkafi v : 1)
“Any thing even fish in sea ask pardon for those who obtain knowledge.”Behar ul anvar v : 1 ; p : 171
“One of the best alms is learning knowledge then teaching to his brother.”Mohajjat ul baiza v : 1 ; p : 22
“Whoever goes out of his house to learn a branch of knowledge for doing then for teaching, ALLAH rewards him for each his step ALLAH’S reward of thousand year fasts and saying prayers.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 ; P : 166
“I swear by Allah that any one to and from to learn knowledge, Allah rewards him for any his step reward of worship on one year and makes a city to him in paradise.”Behar ul Anvar V : 1 ; P : 184
“ Keep knowledge with writing.”Behar ul anvar V : 77,61 ; P : 141,124
“ Whoever obtains knowledge is like who fasts everyday and says prayer night long.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 ; P : 184
“Angels love to become friend with them (knowledge seekers) and cares them with their wings.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 ; P : 166
“One step will be between whoever dies obtaining knowledge to revive Islam and prophets in paradise.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 ; P : 184
“O ABAZAR whoever goes out of his house to obtain a branch of knowledge, God gives him a city in paradise for listening or writing each letter.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 178
“Allah, Angels and prophets love those who search knowledge and any one except lucky doesn’t like knowledge, then good for knowledge seeker on doomsday.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 178
“Whoever loves to look at delivered man from hell by ALLAH, should look at those who search knowledge.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 184, Mohajjat ul baiza V : 1 P : 18
“If knowledge is suspended from pleiad, surely some of Iranians get it.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 195
IMAM ALI peace be upon him said:“Virtuous men in it (world) are people of virtue and they listen carefully to useful knowledge.”Nahj ul Balagha, sermon: 193
“O’ people! Know certainly accomplishment of religion is obtaining knowledge and doing accordingly.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 175
“Whoever travels to obtain knowledge is like who strive hard in ALLAH’S way.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 179
“O young nation; keep your honour by being polite and your religion by knowledge.”“Knowledge is more than what you can learn all of that, then learn the best one.”Ghorar ul Hekam
“Whoever doesn’t listen to Wiseman, his wisdom will die.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 53
“The best one to be learned by teenagers is what they will need when become old.”Nahjol Balagha of ibne abal hadid V : 20 P : 333 “817 word”
“Obtaining knowledge on young hood is like to engrave on stone.”Safynat ul behar P : 680
“Student should be polite about gaining knowledge and should be tireless on learning and never imagine that his knowledge is much.”Ghurar ul Hekam.
“O believer surely this knowledge and courtesy are your price the try to learn them.If your knowledge and courtesy become much, your price will be high. Then you are led to your lord by knowledge and you can serve your lord with courtesy very well.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 ; P : 180
“Whoever doesn’t obtain knowledge on childhood will not be vanguard on old hood.”Ghorar ul hekam P:697
“More studying and thinking about knowledge, opens wisdom.”Behar ul anvar V:1 ; P:52
IMAM HASSAN MOJTABA peace be upon him invited his children and brothers then said :“Surely you are child now and soon will be old then seek knowledge, and whoever can not memorize it, should write and keep it in his house.”Mounyat ul moried P : 196
IMAM SAJJAD peace be upon him said:“If people know what is in knowledge, certainly will obtain it though with bloodshed and going to deep sea.”Behar ul anvar V:1 ; P:185
IMAM SAJJAD peace be upon him about teacher’s right said:“Students should:
1) Respect his/her teacher and his/her session. 2) Be eager to meet him/her. 3) Listen to him/her carefully. 4) Speak to him/her politely. 5) Not answer questions unless he/she is asked to. 6) Not talk and backbite any one before him.7) Conceal his/her faults.8) Express his/her goodness. 9) Not meet with who are against him/her.10) Behave well with his/her friends.If student observes the above statements, angels will certify that he/she learns his/her knowledge for sake of ALLAH not people.” Vasael ashiah V:11 P: 134, Behar ul anvar V:2 P: 42, Tohaf ul Uqool.
IMAM SADIQ peace be upon him said:“Keep your books well since you need them soon.”Behar ul anvar V:2 P:152
“Write knowledge since you can’t memorize unless with writing. Heart confides to written.”Alkafi V: 1, Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 202
“Whoever obtains knowledge and acts accordingly then teaches for sake of ALLAH, is called in heavens in to the skies honorably.”Alkafi V: 1 P: 35, Behar ul anvar V: 2 P: 27
IMAM MOSA ALKAZEM peace be upon him said:“Conversation with learned men on dunghill is better then conversation with ignorant leaning on pillow on carpet.”Alkafi V; 1 P: 39
IMAM REZA peace be upon him said:“Knowledge is treasure and it’s keys are question.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 198
IMAM MAHDI peace be upon him prayed for students:“O GOD please do students a favour and grace them to study with pleasure and effort.”
The HOLY PROPHET of Islam peace be upon him said:“Sleeping with knowledge is better than saying prayer with ignorance.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 185
“Those who gain knowledge among ignorant men are who live among dead men.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 181
“Those who obtain knowledge won’t die even enjoy his/her effort as much as they try.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 177
“Obtaining knowledge is obligatory for any muslem.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 177
“Bravo to those who seek knowledge; surely angels embrace them with their wings.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 185
IMAM SADIQ peace be upon him said:“Behave humbly with your teacher.”Alkafi V: 1 P: 36
IMAM ALI peace be upon him said:“More thinking about what is learned make it constant and make man learn new theme.”Ghorar ul hekam V: 2 P: 695
May 7, '10 2:22 PM
for everyone
The Prophet (S.A.W.), says: “Learned discussions enliven the dead hearts provided they lead to Allah and His commands”.
(Usulul Kafi, p.20)

The Prophet (S.A.W.), says: “It is obligatory for every Muslim to acquire knowledge. Allah likes those who seek knowledge”.
(Usulul Kafi, p.15)

The Holy Qur’an says: “Whoever is given wisdom and knowledge is blessed with bounties in good abundance”.
(Surah al-Baqarah, 2:272)

Imam Sajjad, (A.S.), says: “If people had known the advantages of acquiring knowledge they would have acquired it even if it had necessitated the shedding of their hearts’ blood or of their going down into the deep seas”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol. 1, p.59)

The Prophet (S.A.W.), says: “Allah opens the path of Paradise to one who takes a step on the path of acquisition of knowledge”.
(Muniatul Murid, p.11)

The Prophet (S.A.W.), says: “The best monuments and legacies which a man leaves behind himself are a dutiful son, useful buildings, knowledge and wisdom which are benefited by the people after him”.
(Muniatul Murid, p.11)

The Prophet (S.A.W.), says: “One who wishes to see those who are safe from the Fire of Hell should look at the seekers of knowledge”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol. 1, p.58) 

The Prophet (S.A.W.), says: “Acquire knowledge even if it be in China”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol. 1, p.57) 

Imam Ali, (A.S.), says: “Do not feel shy of learning what you do not know”.
(Nahjul Balaghah, p.1113)

Imam Ali, (A.S.), says: “O people! Remember that the excellence of your faith lies in acquiring knowledge and acting upon it. It is more essential for you to crave for knowledge than for riches”.
(Usulul Kafi, p.15)

Imam Ja’far Sadiq, (A.S.), says: “Knowledge and action are associated with each other because whoever possesses knowledge acts upon it and the knowledge and wisdom of the one who puts them into practice remains unimpaired. Knowledge is a Divine voice which invites its bearer to act upon it. If he accepts its invitation and acts his knowledge lasts but if he does not give a positive response it forsakes him”.
(Usulul Kafi, p.22)

Imam Ja’far Sadiq, (A.S.), says: “A person who learns a tradition for worldly gains does not benefit from it in the Hereafter,and if he learns it for his betterment in the next world, Allah blesses him in this world as well as in the Hereafter”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol. 1, p.111)

Imam Ja’far Sadiq, (A.S.), says: “Your teacher enjoys the right over you that you should honour him and pay him respect in different assemblies. You should be very attentive to his words. You should not raise your voice above his. If anybody asks him a question you should not give a reply thereto. You should not converse with others in his presence and you should allow the people to benefit from his knowledge. You should not speak ill of anyone before him. If anybody speaks ill of him in your presence you should defend him. You should conceal his shortcomings and bring his virtues to light. You should not associate with his enemies and should not dispute with his friends. If you act on these lines the angels of Allah will testify that you have paid attention to him and have acquired knowledge for the sake of Allah and not to attract the attention of the people. And the right of your pupils on you is that you should realise that in granting you knowledge and opening its path for you, Allah has appointed you to be their guardian. In case, therefore you teach them properly and do not frighten them and are not furious with them Allah will, through His kindness, increase your knowledge. But if you drive the people away from knowledge and as and when they approach you for it you frighten them and get annoyed with them it will be only appropriate that Almighty Allah may take away the light of knowledge from you and may degrade you in the eyes of the people”.
(Makarimul Akhlaq, p.484)

The Holy Qu’ran says: “Allah elevates to high positions those from amongst you who are faithful and those who have acquired knowledge”.
(Surah al-Mujadilah, 58:11) 

Imam Ali, (A.S.), says: “The learned men and scholars will continue to exist till the world lasts. Although their bodies may be hidden from the eyes their impressions will for ever remain imprinted in the hearts of the people”.
(Nahjul Balaghah, p.1146) 

The Prophet (S.A.W.), says: “Sleep of a scholar is superior to one thousand rak’ats of prayers offered by a devout person”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.76) 

“A scholar is like a person who always observes fast and offers prayers and he is like a mujahid who sacrifices his life in the cause of Allah. As and when a scholar dies a breach takes place in Islam which cannot be filled till the Day of Judgement”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.82) 

Imam Ali, (A.S.), says: “Two rak’ats of prayers offered by a scholar are better than seventy rak’ats of prayers offered by an ignorant person”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.65) 

The Prophet (S.A.W.), says: “Having the company of learned scholars is (Allah’s) worship”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.64) 

“Looking at their faces is (also) worship”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.61) 

Imam Ja’far Sadiq, (A.S.), says: “On the Day of Judgement Allah will be pleased with a person who honours and respects a Muslim scholar; and He will be annoyed with one who insults a Muslim scholar”.
(Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.82)
Knowledge is better than wealth because it protects you while you have to guard wealth. it decreases if you keep on spending it but the more you make use of knowledge ,the more it increases . what you get through wealth disappears as soon as wealth disappears but what you achieve through knowledge will remain even after you.” Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib (A.S)
May 7, '10 2:16 PM
for you


May 7, '10 1:24 PM
for everyone


Imam Sadiq (as) said, “Your teacher has the right over you that you should honor him and pay him respect in different assemblies. You should be very attentive to his words. you should not raise your voice above his. if anybody asks him a question, you should not give its reply. You should not converse with others in his presence and you should allow the people to benefit from his knowledge. You should not speak ill of anyone before him. If anybody speaks ill of him in your presence, you should defend him. You should conceal his shortcomings and bring his virtues to light. You should not associate with his enemies and should not dispute with his friends. If you act on these lines the angels of Allah will testify that you have paid attention to him and have acquired knowledge for the sake of Allah and not to attract the attention of the people. And the right of your pupils on you is that you should realize that in granting you knowledge and opening its path to you, Allah has appointed you to be their guardian. In case, therefore, you teach them properly and do not frighten them and are not furious with them, Allah will, through His kindness, increase your knowledge. But if you drive the people away from knowledge and, as and when they approach you for it, you frighten them and get annoyed with them, it will only be appropriate that the Almighty Allah may take away the light of knowledge from you and may degrade you in the eyes of the people.” The Messenger of God said:”A loving glance at the face of a learned [`alim] is an act of worship [ibada].” He also said: “Sitting with the people of learning is an honor in this life and the hereafter.” On the authority of Abu ‘Abd Allah, it is reported that the Messenger of God said: “A man will come on the day of resurrection. To his credit will be so many good deeds that they will be heaps, or towering mountains. He will ask: ‘O my Lord! All this for me-and what have I done for them?’ God will say: ‘This is the knowledge you taught to people, and they kept on acting on it after you.” Abu Ja’far said,”Whoever taught the path to guidance will have as much reward as those who acted upon it, without in any way decreasing the reward of the latter. Whoever taught the path to wrongdoing will have as much punishment as those who acted upon such teachings without in any way decreasing the punishment of the latter.”
The HOLY PROPHET of Islam peace be upon him said :“Be alert surely Allah loves those who seek knowledge.”(Behar ul Anvar v : 1; p : 172, Alkafi v : 1)
“Any thing even fish in sea ask pardon for those who obtain knowledge.”Behar ul anvar v : 1 ; p : 171
“One of the best alms is learning knowledge then teaching to his brother.”Mohajjat ul baiza v : 1 ; p : 22
“Whoever goes out of his house to learn a branch of knowledge for doing then for teaching, ALLAH rewards him for each his step ALLAH’S reward of thousand year fasts and saying prayers.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 ; P : 166
“I swear by Allah that any one to and from to learn knowledge, Allah rewards him for any his step reward of worship on one year and makes a city to him in paradise.”Behar ul Anvar V : 1 ; P : 184
“ Keep knowledge with writing.”Behar ul anvar V : 77,61 ; P : 141,124
“ Whoever obtains knowledge is like who fasts everyday and says prayer night long.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 ; P : 184
“Angels love to become friend with them (knowledge seekers) and cares them with their wings.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 ; P : 166
“One step will be between whoever dies obtaining knowledge to revive Islam and prophets in paradise.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 ; P : 184
“O ABAZAR whoever goes out of his house to obtain a branch of knowledge, God gives him a city in paradise for listening or writing each letter.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 178
“Allah, Angels and prophets love those who search knowledge and any one except lucky doesn’t like knowledge, then good for knowledge seeker on doomsday.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 178
“Whoever loves to look at delivered man from hell by ALLAH, should look at those who search knowledge.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 184, Mohajjat ul baiza V : 1 P : 18
“If knowledge is suspended from pleiad, surely some of Iranians get it.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 195
IMAM ALI peace be upon him said:“Virtuous men in it (world) are people of virtue and they listen carefully to useful knowledge.”Nahj ul Balagha, sermon: 193
“O’ people! Know certainly accomplishment of religion is obtaining knowledge and doing accordingly.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 175
“Whoever travels to obtain knowledge is like who strive hard in ALLAH’S way.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 179
“O young nation; keep your honour by being polite and your religion by knowledge.”“Knowledge is more than what you can learn all of that, then learn the best one.”Ghorar ul Hekam
“Whoever doesn’t listen to Wiseman, his wisdom will die.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 P : 53
“The best one to be learned by teenagers is what they will need when become old.”Nahjol Balagha of ibne abal hadid V : 20 P : 333 “817 word”
“Obtaining knowledge on young hood is like to engrave on stone.”Safynat ul behar P : 680
“Student should be polite about gaining knowledge and should be tireless on learning and never imagine that his knowledge is much.”Ghurar ul Hekam.
“O believer surely this knowledge and courtesy are your price the try to learn them.If your knowledge and courtesy become much, your price will be high. Then you are led to your lord by knowledge and you can serve your lord with courtesy very well.”Behar ul anvar V : 1 ; P : 180
“Whoever doesn’t obtain knowledge on childhood will not be vanguard on old hood.”Ghorar ul hekam P:697
“More studying and thinking about knowledge, opens wisdom.”Behar ul anvar V:1 ; P:52
IMAM HASSAN MOJTABA peace be upon him invited his children and brothers then said :“Surely you are child now and soon will be old then seek knowledge, and whoever can not memorize it, should write and keep it in his house.”Mounyat ul moried P : 196
IMAM SAJJAD peace be upon him said:“If people know what is in knowledge, certainly will obtain it though with bloodshed and going to deep sea.”Behar ul anvar V:1 ; P:185
IMAM SAJJAD peace be upon him about teacher’s right said:“Students should:
1) Respect his/her teacher and his/her session. 2) Be eager to meet him/her. 3) Listen to him/her carefully. 4) Speak to him/her politely. 5) Not answer questions unless he/she is asked to. 6) Not talk and backbite any one before him.7) Conceal his/her faults.8) Express his/her goodness. 9) Not meet with who are against him/her.10) Behave well with his/her friends.If student observes the above statements, angels will certify that he/she learns his/her knowledge for sake of ALLAH not people.” Vasael ashiah V:11 P: 134, Behar ul anvar V:2 P: 42, Tohaf ul Uqool.
IMAM SADIQ peace be upon him said:“Keep your books well since you need them soon.”Behar ul anvar V:2 P:152
“Write knowledge since you can’t memorize unless with writing. Heart confides to written.”Alkafi V: 1, Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 202
“Whoever obtains knowledge and acts accordingly then teaches for sake of ALLAH, is called in heavens in to the skies honorably.”Alkafi V: 1 P: 35, Behar ul anvar V: 2 P: 27
IMAM MOSA ALKAZEM peace be upon him said:“Conversation with learned men on dunghill is better then conversation with ignorant leaning on pillow on carpet.”Alkafi V; 1 P: 39
IMAM REZA peace be upon him said:“Knowledge is treasure and it’s keys are question.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 198
IMAM MAHDI peace be upon him prayed for students:“O GOD please do students a favour and grace them to study with pleasure and effort.”
The HOLY PROPHET of Islam peace be upon him said:“Sleeping with knowledge is better than saying prayer with ignorance.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 185
“Those who gain knowledge among ignorant men are who live among dead men.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 181
“Those who obtain knowledge won’t die even enjoy his/her effort as much as they try.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 177
“Obtaining knowledge is obligatory for any muslem.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 177
“Bravo to those who seek knowledge; surely angels embrace them with their wings.”Behar ul anvar V: 1 P: 185
IMAM SADIQ peace be upon him said:“Behave humbly with your teacher.”Alkafi V: 1 P: 36
IMAM ALI peace be upon him said:“More thinking about what is learned make it constant and make man learn new theme.”Ghorar ul hekam V: 2 P: 695
May 7, '10 12:49 PM
for everyone
After finishing the meal
Imam al-Ridha (al-Riza) (a.s) said: “ After you finish eating, lay on your back and put your right leg on the left one.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
Imam `Ali (a.s) said: “ Eat what falls off the table for it is, by God’s leave, a remedy for every malady to whoso wants to use it (as a remedy).” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
Al-Hasan Bin Mo`awiya reported on the authority of his father: “ We had a meal at Imam al-Sadiq’s (a.s) place. When the table was lifted, he picked up what fell off it and ate it and said, ‘It keeps away poverty and increases offsprings’. (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Eating a piece of bread after coming across it is counted as a single righteous deed; and washing a piece of bread and lifting it from dirt, is counted as seventy righteous deeds.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
Imam al-Ridha (a.s) said: “ He who eats something inside of his house and some of it falls off, let him pick it up; and he who eats something in the desert or outdoors, let him leave it for the birds and the wild animals.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ He who traces what falls off his table and eats it, will have poverty deport him, his offsprings and the offsprings of his offsprings until the seventh (generation).” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ What falls off the table is the wide-eyed houris’ dowries.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “Indeed; the guest has a right to be treated hospitably and for toothpicks to be prepared for him.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
On the authority of Imam al-Sadiq (a.s): “ As for what is in the gum, eat it and swallow it; and as for what is in between the teeth, throw it away.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
The companions of Imam1Ali (a.s) reported that:“ Ameer al-Momineen (a nickname of his) used to command us when we cleaned in between the teeth, not to drink water until we had rinsed our mouths thrice.” (Reference: Makarim al-Akhlaq)
Valuing bread
On the authority of Imam al-Sadiq (a.s): “ Treat bread with dignity, for Almighty Allah sent it down from the blessings of heaven.” Someone asked: “ How is that done?” Imam al-Sadiq replied: “ By starting eating as soon as it is put on the table. Were it not for bread, we would not (be able to) pray nor fast nor perform the duties imposed by Allah.”
The Messenger (s.a.w) said: “ Be careful not to smell bread as predators do, because bread is blessed; Allah poured out rain from the sky in abundance for its sake; He made pasturage grow for its sake; and by it you prayed, fasted and made the pilgrimage to your Lord’s house (Kaaba). (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
The Messenger (s.a.w) said: “ When you are offered bread and meat, start with the bread and ally the hunger, then eat the meat.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
Imam al-Ridha (a.s) said: “ Do not cut bread with the (steal) knife, but rather break it with the hand, be different from the Non-Arabs.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
The Messenger (s.a.w) said: “ Make your loaves small, because with every loaf there comes a blessing.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)

Preferring some foods over others
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ Noah complained to his Lord of being distressed, so Allah inspired him to; eat grapes for it takes away distress.
Another narration cites ‘black grapes’ instead. (Reference: Al-Jawahir al-Assaniyya Fi al-Ahadith al-Qodsiyya)
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Those who eat the bone marrow are the evil ones of my (Muslim) community.” (Reference: Tib al-Nabiy)
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ (eating) Meat make the flesh grow; and he who omits eating it for forty days will have his body condition deteriorate.” (Tib al-Nabiy)
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Whosoever eats fruit one by one, won’t be harmed by it.” {Eating fruit one by one does not bring harm}. (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Whosoever wants to memorize things well, let him eat honey.” {Eating honey helps the memory}.
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Do have fruit at the beginning of their season, because they make the body sound and put away sadness; and discard them at the end of their season, for they make the body ill.”
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Do have pomegranate and eat its pulp, for it tans the stomach; and no seed falls into the belly of anyone of you but it enlightens his heart and keeps him away from the Devil and the wicked thoughts for forty days.”
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Eat grapes seed by seed, because it is more beneficial (healthful).”
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Whosoever eats a pomegranate until he finishes it, will have Allah enlighten his heart for forty days.” (Tib al-Nabiy)

Pronouncing Allah’s name before, and thanking Him after the meal
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ When the messengers (angels) came to Abraham (a.s), he brought them the (roasted) calf and said: ‘Go ahead and eat’. They said: ‘We won’t eat until you tell us what is its price!’ He said: ‘When you start eating say; In Allah’s name (Arabic, Bismillah), and when you finish say; Praise be to Allah (Arabic, Alhamdo lillah)’. (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
According to Imam al-Sadiq (a.s), about pronouncing Allah’s name upon eating, I (anonymous) said: “ What if I forgot to pronounce Allah’s name?” He (Imam al-Sadiq) said: “ You say; In the name of Allah (Bismillah) upon its beginning and its end.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ When the table is set and one of you pronounces Allah’s name (before starting to eat), it would serve instead of all of them doing it.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
I complained to Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) about the pain I am having when I eat. He said: “ Do you pronounce Allah’s name upon eating? I said: “ I surely do, and it still hurts. He said: “ When you interrupt pronouncing Allah’s name by speaking, do you do it upon resuming eating? I said: “ No.” He said: “ This is why; had you pronounced Allah’s name upon resuming eating, it wouldn’t have hurt you.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)

May 7, '10 12:27 PM
for everyone
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ When anyone of you drink water and say Bismillah (English, In the name of Gad), then he interrupts drinking and says, Alhamdo lillah (English, Praise be to Allah), and repeats the process three time, water will praise the Lord on his behalf (as long as it stays in his stomach) until it leaves his body.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of foods and drinks)
•عن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال : اذا شرب أحدكم الماء فقال : بسم الله .. ثم قطعه فقال : الحمد لله ، ثم شرب فقال : بسم الله .. ثم قطعه فقال : الحمد لله ، ثم شرب فقال : بسم الله .. ثم قطعه فقال : الحمد لله ، سبح ذلك الماء له مادام في بطنه الى أن يخرج . {الوسائل من ابواب الاشربة والاطعمة}
According to abu-Dawood al-Raqy. “ I was in Imam al-Sadiq’s (a.s) place when he asked for a drink. When he started drinking, he began shedding tears and his eyes were bathed with it. He then said to me: ‘ O, Dawood! May Allah’s curse be upon the one who murdered al-Husayn (a.s); I have never drank cold water but remembered al-Husayn (a.s); no man drinks water and remembers al-Husayn (a.s) and his household and curses his murderers but a hundred thousand righteous deeds are reckoned to his credit and a hundred thousand bad deeds are dropped from his credit; and his rank will be raised by a hundred thousand and he is given the credit of freeing a hundred thousand men, and Allah will gather him delighted with al-Husayn (a.s).” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)
•عن داود الرقي قال : كنت عند أبي عبد الله (ع) اذ استسقى الماء ، فلما شربه رأيته قد استعبر واغرورقت عيناه بدموعه ثم قال لي : ياداود .. لعن الله قاتل الحسين (ع) اني ماشربت ماءً بارداً الا ذكرت الحسين (ع) ، ومامن عبد شرب الماء فذكر الحسين (ع) وأهل بيته ولعن قاتله .. الاكتب الله عز وجل له مائة ألف حسنة وحط عنه مائة ألف سيئة ورفع له مائة ألف درجة ، وكأنما أعتق مائة ألف نسمة ، وحشره الله يوم القيامة معه ثلج الفؤاد .{الوسائل من أبواب الاشربة المباحة}
According to Solayman Bin Khalid: “ I asked for abu-Abdullah’s (Imam al-Sadiq a.s) opinion on the uninterrupted gulping of beverages, he replied: ‘ It is reprehensible (not commendable) and that is (what the Koran calls) al-Heem’s (thirsty camels’) way of drinking. I said: ‘What are they?’ He replied: ‘Camels’. (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)
•عن سليمان بن خالد قال : سألت أبا عبد الله (ع) عن الرجل يشرب بالنفس الواحد قال : يكره ذلك وذاك شرب الهيم .. قلت : وماالهيم ؟ .. قال : الابل . {الوسائل من أبواب الاشربة المباحة}
According to Jarrah al-Mada`iny: “ Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) did not like it when a man eats with his left hand, drinks with it or receives with it.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)
•عن جراح المدايني قال : كره أبو عبدالله (ع) أن يأكل الرجل بشماله ، أو يشرب بها ، أو يتناول بها .{الوسائل من أبواب الأشربة المباحة}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “ If you want to drink water at night, stir the vessel and say: O, water (twice), Zamzam (the well in Holy Mecca, close to Kaaba) and theEuphrates (river) extend their greetings to you.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)
•قال أبو عبدالله (ع) : اذا أردت أن تشرب الماء بالليل فحرك الاناء ، وقل : يا ماء ، ماء زمزم والفرات .. يقرآنك السلام . {الوسائل من أبواب الأشربة المباحة}
Imam Ali (a.s) said: “ Water is the superior beverage in this world and in the hereafter.” (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)
قال أمير المؤمنين (ع) : الماء سيد الشراب في الدنيا والآخرة . {الوسائل من أبواب الأشربة المباحة}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Offering water is the best kind of donations.” (Tib al-Nabiy)
قال النبي(ص) : أفضل الصدقة الماء .{طب النبي(ص)}
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ Sip water and do not gulp it down.” (Tib al-Nabiy)
قال النبي (ص) : إذا اشتهيتم الماء فاشربوه مصاً ، ولا تشربوه عباً.{طب النبي (ص)}
Imam al-Sadiq (a.s) said: “Had they drank less water, their bodies would have been sounder. When the Prophet (s.a.w) ate fatty food, he used to drink less water. When he was asked about it, he said: ‘It makes food more palatable.”
قال الصادق (ع) : لو أنهم أقلوا من شرب الماء لاستقامت أبدانهم .. قال : وكان النبي ص إذا أكل دسما أقل من شرب الماء .. فقيل له : يا رسول الله .. إنك لتقل من شرب الماء ، فقال : إنه أمرأ للطعام .
Imam al-Baqir (a.s): “ It is tastier and healthier to drink water from the standing position.”
قال الباقر (ع) : شرب الماء من قيام أمرأ و أصح.
The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “ The water of (the well of) Zamzam is a remedy.” {Drinking Zamzam’s water remedies the illness}. (Reference: Al-Wasa`il, from the book of permissible beverages)
قال رسول الله (ص) : ماء زمزم دواء مما شرب له .{الوسائل من أبواب الأشربة المباحة}

May 6, '10 11:19 AM
for everyone

107. * An infidel i.e. a person who does not believe in Allah and His Oneness, is najis. Similarly, Ghulat who believe in any of the holy twelve Imams as God, or that they are incarnations of God, and Khawarij and Nawasib who express enmity towards th e holy Imams, are also najis. And similar is the case of those who deny Prophethood, or any of the necessary laws of Islam, like, namaz and fasting, which are believed by the Muslims as a part of Islam, and which they also know as such.

As regards the people of the Book (i.e. the Jews and the Christians) who do not accept the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah (Peace be upon him and his progeny), they are commonly considered najis, but it is not improbable that they are Pak. Ho wever, it is better to avoid them.
108. The entire body of a Kafir, including his hair and nails, and all liquid substances of his body, are najis.
109. * If the parents, paternal grandmother and paternal grandfather of a minor child are all kafir, that child is najis, except when he is intelligent enough, and professes Islam. When, even one person from his parents or grandparents is a Muslim, the child is Pak (The details will be explained in rule 217).
110. * A person about whom it is not known whether he is a Muslim or not, and if no signs exist to establish him as a Muslim, he will be considered Pak. But he will not have the privileges of a Muslim, like, he cannot marry a Muslim woman, nor can he be buried in a Muslim cemetery.
111. Any person who abuses any of the twelve holy Imams on account of enmity, is najis.
(courtesy SHAZINMAD)
May 6, '10 11:11 AM
for everyone

1100. Certain things are Mustahab in Sajdah:

  • It is Mustahab to say Takbir before going to Sajdah. A person who prays standing, will do so after having stood up from Ruku, and a person who prays sitting will do so after having sat properly.
  • While going into Sajdah, a man should first place his hands on the ground, and woman should first place her knees on the ground.
  • The person offering prayers should place his nose on a mohr, or on any other thing on which Sajdah is allowed.
  • While performing Sajdah, fingers should be kept close to each other, parallel to the ears, with their tips towards Qibla.
  • While in Sajdah one should pray to Allah, and express his wishes, and should recite this supplication: Ya Khayral Mas'ulin wa Ya Khayral Mu'tin, Urzuqni warzuq 'Ayali Min Fazlika Fa Innaka Zulfazlil 'Azim - O You Who are the best from whom people seek their needs, and O You, Who are the best bestower of gifts! Give me and the members of my family sustenance with Your grace. Undoubtedly You possess the greatest grace).
  • After performing Sajdah, one should sit on his left thigh, placing the instep of the right foot on the sole of the left foot.
  • After every Sajdah, when a person has sat down and his body is composed, one should say takbir.
  • When his body is steady after the first Sajdah, he should say:"Astaghfirullaha Rabbi wa Atubu Ilayhi".
  • He should say Allahu Akbar for going into second Sajdah, when his body is steady.
  • It is Mustahab to prolong the Sajdah, and when sitting after the Sajdah, to place one's hands on the thighs.
  • He should recite Salawat while in prostrations.
  • At the time of rising, he should raise his hands from the ground, after raising his knees.
  • Men should not make their elbows and stomach touch the ground; they should keep their arms separated from their sides. And women should place their elbows and stomachs on the ground, and should join their limbs with one another.
  • Other Mustahab acts of Sajdah have been mentioned in detailed books.
1101. * It is Makrooh to recite the holy Qur'an in Sajdah. It is also Makrooh to blow off the dust from the place of Sajdah, and if, by so doing, one utters anything intentionally, the prayers will be, as a precaution, void. Besides these, there are other Makrooh acts, which are given in detailed books.
May 6, '10 11:03 AM
for everyone


1109. * In the second unit of all obligatory prayers, and in the third unit of Maghrib prayers and in the fourth unit of Zuhr, Asr and Isha prayers, one should sit after the second prostration with a tranquil body, and recite tashahhud thus: "Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lahu wahdahu la sharika lah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan 'Abduhu wa Rasuluh, Alla humma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa Ali Muhammad". And it will be sufficient if one recited the tashahhud this way: Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lahu was ash hadu anna Muhammadan Sallal lahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Abduhu Wa rasuluh.
It is also necessary to recite tashahhud while offering Witr (in Namaz-e-Shab) prayers.
1110. The words of tashahhud should be recited in correct Arabic, and in usual succession.
1111. * If a person forgets tashahhud, and rises and remembers before Ruku, he should sit down to recite it, and then stand up again. He will then continue with his prayers. After the prayers, it is a recommended precaution that he should perform two Sajda-e-Sahv for the additional standing. But if he remembers this in Ruku or thereafter, he should complete the prayers and after the salam of prayers, should, as a recommended precaution, perform the qadha of tashahhud. He should perform two sajdatus sahv for the forgotten tashahhud.
1112. It is Mustahab to sit on the left thigh during tashahhud, and to place the upper part of the right foot on the sole of the left foot and to say: 'Al-hamdu lillah' or 'Bismillahi wa billahi wal-hamdu lillahi wa khayrul asma'i lillah' before reciting tashahhud.
It is also Mustahab to place one's hands on one's thighs, with joined fingers, and to look at one's laps, and to say this after tashahhud and salawat: Wa taqabbal shafa'atahu warfa' darajatahu.
1113. It is Mustahab for women to keep their thighs close to each other when reciting tashahhud.

Salam in the Prayers

1114. While a person sits after reciting tashahhud in the last Rak'at, and his body is tranquil, it is Mustahab to say: Assalamu 'alayka ayyuhan Nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Then he should say: Assalamu Alaykum and as a recommended precaution add to it Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. Alternatively, he can say: Assalamu Alayna Wa Ala Ibadi llahis Salihin. But if he recites this Salam, then as per obligatory precaution, he must follow it up with saying: Assalamu Alaykum.
1115. If a person forgets the salam of prayers, and remembers when the form of namaz has not be disrupted, nor has he performed any act, which if done intentionally or forgetfully, invalidates the prayers (e.g. turning away from Qibla), he should recite the salam and his prayers will be valid.
1116. * If a person forgets the salam of prayers, and remembers after the form of prayers has been disrupted, or after he has performed an act which if done intentionally or forgetfully, invalidates the prayers (e.g. turning away from Qibla), his prayers are in order.

Tartib (Sequence)

1117. If a person intentionally changes the sequence of the prayers, for example, if he recites the other surah before reciting Surah al-Hamd, or performs the two Sajdah before Ruku, his prayers are void.
1118. * If a person forgets a rukn (elemental part) of the prayers, and performs the next rukn, like, before performing Ruku if he performs the two Sajdah, his prayers would become void, as a measure of precaution.
1119. If a person forgets a rukn, and performs an act after it which is not a rukn, like, if he recites tashahhud without performing the two Sajdah, he should perform the rukn and should recite again the part which he performed erroneously, earlier than the rukn.
1120. If a person forgets a thing which is not a rukn, and performs a rukn which comes after it, like, if he forgets Surah al-Hamd and begins performing Ruku, his prayers is in order.
1121. If a person forgets an act which is not a rukn, and performs the next act which too, is not a rukn, like, if he forgets Surah al-Hamd and recites the other Surah, he should perform what he has forgotten, and then recite again the thing which he mistakenly recited earlier.
1122. If a person performs the first Sajdah thinking that it is the second one, or performs the second one under the impression that it is the first Sajdah, his prayer is in order; his first Sajdah will be treated as the first one, and his second Sajdah will be treated as the second one.

Muwalat (Maintenance of Succession)

1123. A person should maintain continuity during prayers, that is he should perform various acts of prayers, like, Ruku, two Sajdah and tashahhud, in continuous succession, and he should recite the Zikr etc. also in usual succession. If he allows an undue interval between different acts, till it becomes difficult to visualise that he is praying, his prayers will be void.
1124. If a person in namaz forgetfully allows a gap between letters, or words, and if the gap is not big enough so that the form of the prayers is disrupted, he should repeat those letters or words in the usual manner, provided that he has not proceeded to the ensuing rukn. And he will repeat those lines which were read in continuation. But if he has already got into the ensuing rukn, then his prayers are in order.
1125. * Prolonging Ruku and Sajdah, or reciting long Surahs, does not break Muwalat.


1126. It is Mustahab that qunut be recited in all obligatory and Mustahab prayers before the Ruku of the second Rak'at, and it is also Mustahab that qunut be recited in the Witr (Namaz-e-Shab) prayers before Ruku, (although that prayer is of one Rak'at only).
In Friday Prayers there is one qunut in every Rak'at. In Namaz-e-Ayaat, there are five qunut, and in Eid Prayers there are five qunut in the first Rak'at, and four in the second Rak'at. In the prayers of Shafa' ,which is a part of Namaz-e-Shab, qunut is to be performed with the niyyat of Raja'.
1127. It is also Mustahab that while reciting qunut, a person keeps his hands in front of his face, turning the palms facing the sky, and keeping both, the hands and the fingers, close together. It is Mustahab to look at the palms in qunut.
1128. Any Zikr in qunut is sufficient, even if he says, 'Subhanallah' only once. It is, however, better to make the following supplication: La ilaha illallahul Halimul Karim, La ilaha illallahul 'Aliyyul 'Azim, Subhanallahi Rabbis samawatis sab', wa Rabbil 'arazinas sab', wama fi hinna wama bayna hunna, wa Rabbil 'arshil 'azim, wal hamdu lillahi Rabbil'alamin.
1129. It is Mustahab that qunut is recited loudly. However, if a person is offering prayers in congregation, and if the Imam can hear his voice, it will not be Mustahab for him to recite qunut loudly.
1130. If a person does not recite qunut intentionally, there is no qadha for it. And if he forgets it, and remembers before reaching Ruku, it is Mustahab that he should stand up and recite it. And if he remembers while performing Ruku, it is Mustahab that he should perform its qadha after Ruku. And if he remembers it while performing Sajdah, it is Mustahab that he should perform its qadha after Salam.
May 6, '10 10:58 AM
for everyone

1102. Upon reciting or hearing any of the following verses of the holy Qur'an, the performance of Sajdah becomes obligatory:

  • Surah as-Sajdah, 32:15
  • Surah Ha Mim Sajdah, 41:38
  • Surah an-Najm, 53:62
  • Surah al-'Alaq, 96:19
Whenever a person recites the verse or hears it when recited by someone else, he should perform Sajdah immediately when the verse ends, and if he forgets to perform it, he should do it as and when he remembers. If one hears the verse without any expectation, in an involuntary situation, the Sajdah is not obligatory, though it is better to perform it.
1103. * If a person hears the Sajdah verse, and recites it himself also, he should perform two Sajdahs.
1104. If a person hears a verse of Sajdah, while he is in Sajdah other than that of namaz, or recites it himself, he should raise his head from that Sajdah, and perform another one.
1105. * If a person hears the verse of obligatory Sajdah from a person who is asleep, or one who is insane, or from a child who knows nothing of the Qur'an, it will be obligatory upon him to perform Sajdah. But if he hears from a gramophone or a tape recorder, Sajdah will not be obligatory. Similarly, the Sajdah will not be Wajib if he listens to a taped recitation from radio. But if there is a person reciting from the radio station, and he recites the verse of Sajdah, it will be obligatory to perform Sajdah.
1106. * As an obligatory precaution, the place where a person performs an obligatory Sajdah upon hearing the verse, should not be a usurped one, and, as a recommended precaution, the place where he places his forehead, should not be higher or lower than a span of four joined fingers than the place where his knees and tips of the toes rest. However, it is not necessary to be in Wudhu or Ghusl, or to face Qibla, nor is it necessary to conceal one's private parts or to ensure that the body and the place where he has to place his forehead are Pak. Moreover, the conditions for dress in namaz do not apply to the performance of these obligatory Sajdah.
1107. * The obligatory precaution is that in the obligatory Sajdah caused by the Qur'anic verse, a person should place his forehead on a mohr, or any other thing on which Sajdah is allowed, and also one should keep other parts of one's body on the ground, as required in a Sajdah of prayers.
1108. When a person performs the obligatory Sajdah upon hearing the relevant verse, it will be sufficient even if he does not recite any Zikr. However, it is Mustahab to recite Zikr, preferably the following: La ilaha illal lahu haqqan haqqa; La ilaha illal lahu imanan wa tasdiqa; la ilaha illal lahu 'ubudiyyatan wa riqqa; Sajadtu laka ya Rabbi ta'abbudan wa riqqa la mustankifan wa la mustak biran bal ana 'abdun zalilun za'ifun kha'ifun mustajir.



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