Everyone is thirsty for friendship and kindness; They all like to be loved by others. The heart of a human being thrives on it. A person who is not loved by anyone regards himself as alone and deserted. Dear lady! Your husband is not any different. He is also in need of love and affection. Before his marriage the love and affection of his parents fulfilled this need, but now, he expects you to fulfill it. The man looks towards his spouse to find friendship and love, which is a requirement of all human beings. He struggles hard to earn a living and to comfort you. He shares with you all the hardships of life and as your true partner cares for your happiness even more than your parents. Therefore, express your appreciation to him and love him, he will love you. Love is a two-way relationship which unites the hearts. A twenty-year old boy who had come to If love is mutual, the marital foundation becomes strong and the dangers of separation are averted. Do not proudly think that your husband fell in love with you at first sight, because such love is not lasting. A lasting love is through kindness and permanent affection in the form of a very close friendship. If you love your husband and have a good friendship he will be happy and willing to strive and sacrifice himself for your well-being. A man who enjoys the love of his wife, rarely suffers from poor health or has emotional problems. If a man is deprived of a warm and friendly relationship with his spouse, he may become disheartened and may avoid his home. He may end up spending a great deal of time out of his home in search of friends and attention. He may say to himself: "Why should I work and support the people who do not like me. I might as well enjoy myself and try to find genuine friends." A woman may sincerely love her husband, but does not show it or express it very often. It is not enough to establish the ties of friendship and take it for granted. Occasional expressions of statements such a "I love you," "I missed you," "I am happy to see you," help enormously in promoting a good relationship. When the husband is on a trip, the woman should write letters expressing that she missed him. If there is a telephone at the man's office, the wife should phone him occasionally, but not in excess. She should praise him among friends and relatives when he is absent, and defend him if anyone is talking against him. The Almighty Allah refers to this bond of love and affection of a husband and wife in the Qur'an: "And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect (30:21)." "Imam Rida (AS) stated: 'Some women are blessings for their husbands who express their love and affection'."[15] "The Holy Prophet (SA) stated: 'The best of you among women are those who possess love and affection'."[16] "Imam Sadiq (AS) stated: 'When you love someone, let the person know'."[17] REFERENCES [14] Ittela'at, 20th Esfand, 1348 Solar Hijri*, no. 13140. [15] Mustadrak, vol 2, p 532. [16] [17]Ibid, vol 74, p 181. *By Solar Hijri is meant Solar Calendar based on Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad (SA). Difference between the Gregorian Calendar and Solar Hijri is 621 years. T
The task of a wife is to maintain and take care of a husband. It is not an easy undertaking. Those women, who are unaware of this feature of their role, may find difficulty in fulfilling the task. It is a job for the woman who is aware that the job requires a degree of sagacity, style, and ingenuity. For a woman to be a successful wife, she should win over her husband's heart and be a source of comfort to him. She should encourage him to do good deeds while dissuading him from bad ones. She should also provide adequate measures to maintain his health and well-being. The results of her efforts are directed towards making the man into a kind and respected husband who would be a proper guardian for his family, and a good father from whom the children would seek guidance and respect. Allah, the All-Knowing has endowed woman with extraordinary power. The prosperity and happiness as well as the misery of the family are in her hands. A woman can turn the home into a lofty paradise or a burning hell. She can lead her husband to the peak of success or the dregs of misfortune. The woman with the qualities bestowed on her by Allah, who is aware of her role as a spouse, can elevate her husband to a respected man even if he had been the lowest of all men. "One learned scholar wrote: 'Women possess a strange power in that they are able to acquire whatever they desire'. "[l0] In Islam, taking care of one's husband has an important position. It has been equated to the role of Jihad (holy war in the path of Allah). "Imam Ali (AS) stated: 'The Jihad of a woman is to take care of her husband well'."[11] Considering that Jihad is the struggle and holy war in the path of Allah including the struggle for advancement and honour of Islam, defending the Islamic territories and execution of social justice, it is one of the highest acts of worship. The value of fulfilling the duties of a proper spouse is also reflected upon when considering Jihad. "The Prophet (SA) of Islam stated: ' Any woman who dies while her husband is pleased with her, enters The Holy Prophet also stated: "If a woman does not perform her duty as a spouse, she has not done her duty to Allah."[13] REFERENCES [10] Dar Aghushe Khushakhfi, p 142. [11]
Marriage is a natural necessity for every human being. It bears many good outcomes of which the most important ones are:
(1) The formation of a family through which one can find security and peace of mind. A person who is not married resembles a bird without a nest. Marriage serves as a shelter for anyone who feels lost in the wilderness of life; one can find a partner in life who would share one's joy and sorrow. (2) The natural sexual desire is both strong and significant. Everyone should have a partner for satisfying their sexual needs in a secure and serene environment. Everyone should enjoy sexual satisfaction in a correct and proper manner. Those who abstain from marriage often suffer from both physical and psychological disorders. Such disorders and certain social problems are a direct consequence of the abstinence of youth from marriage. (3) Reproduction: Through marriage the procreation of mankind is continued. Children are the result of marriage and are important factors in stabilizing the family foundations as well as a source of real joy to their parents. A great deal of emphasis has been given in the Holy Qur'an and the Traditions to both marriage and having children. The Almighty Allah states in the Holy Qur'an: "And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves,..." (30:21). The Prophet (SA) stated: 'There is no better structure founded in Islam other than marriage'."[1] "Imam Ali (AS) stated: 'Engage in marriage; because this is the tradition of the Prophet (SA) of Allah."[2] "The Prophet (SA) of Allah stated: 'Whoever chooses to follow my tradition must get married and produce offspring through marriage (and increase the population of Muslims) so that on the day of resurrection I shall confront other Ummah (nations) with the (great) numbers of my Ummah'"[3] "Imam Rida (AS) stated: 'The greatest gain for a man is a faithful woman who, when she sees him, becomes happy and protects his property and her own honour in his absence'."[4] What has been dealt with so far in this chapter has been only the worldly and animalistic side of marriage which the animals also share: the Benefits of companionship and reproduction. As such the true purpose of marriage for the human race is of a different kind. Mankind is not meant to have entered this world solely in order to eat, drink, sleep, seek pleasure or act lustfully, and then to die and be destroyed. The status of man is higher than such deeds. Human beings are meant to train themselves and their souls by gaining knowledge, committing good deeds, and behaving with good manners. Man is meant to take steps along the straight path to achieve nearness to Almighty Allah. Mankind is a creation that is able to cleanse his soul and by avoiding evil deeds and exercising good behaviour reach a level of such high status that even the angels are not able to attain. Man is a creature that is eternal. He has come to this world so that by the guidance of the prophets and the implementation of the programs set by the religion (of Islam), to secure his happiness in this world and the Hereafter; so that he could live a peaceful life in the next world eternally. Therefore, the purpose of marriage should be searched for in this spiritual context. The aim of marriage for a religious person should be a means of avoiding evil deeds and purging one's soul of sins. It should be a means of acquiring nearness to the Almighty Allah. It is in this context that a suitable and good partner assumes an important role. When two believers, through marriage, form a family, their sexual relationship would benefit them in strengthening their mutual love and kindness, for such a couple, there would not exist any dangerous threats of sexual perversion, dangerous addictions or unlawful deeds. The Prophet (SA) of Islam and all of the Imams (AS) have laid great emphasis on the institution of marriage. "The Prophet (SA) stated: 'Whoever gets married, has safeguarded half of his religion'."[5] "Imam Sadiq (AS) stated: 'Two Rak'ats (units) of a married person's Salat (prayer) are better than seventy Rak'ats offered by a bachelor'."[6] A faithful, pious, and harmonious partner plays a crucial role in having a respectable and honest life. Indeed having such a partner is an important factor when wanting to avoid evil deeds and enables the commitment of oneself in performing the obligatory acts of worship. A pious couple, not only would not meet with any obstacle in achieving religious goals, but would be a source of encouragement to each other . Is it really possible for a faithful man of Allah to gloriously fight in His way, without the approval of his wife? Is it possible for any pious person to earn his living lawfully, observing all religious aspects, paying statutary religious alms to avoid extravagance, and to spend on charitable deeds without the consent of his wife? A pious person would always invite his partner to goodness, just as a corrupt person would tempt his partner towards corruption. It is then reasonable that, in Islam men and women, who want to get married, are advised to regard the piety and good manners of their future partners, as essential conditions. "The Prophet (SA) stated: 'If I were to bestow all the good of both worlds upon a Muslim person, I would endow him with a humble heart, a tongue which continuously utters his praises, a body patient enough to withstand all calamities; and I would give him a pious spouse who, when she sees him, becomes happy ,and protects his property and her own honour in his absence'."[7] "One person went to the Prophet (SA) and said: 'I have a wife who always welcomes me when I come home, and escorts me to the door when I leave. When she finds me sad and unhappy, she then, by consoling me says: 'If you are thinking of sustenance, then do not despair, because Allah provides sustenance; and if you are thinking about the next life, then may Allah increase your intellect and efforts. Then the Prophet (SA) stated: ' Allah surely has functionaries and agents in this world and your wife is one of those. Such a woman would be rewarded half as much as a martyr'."[8] "Imam Ali (AS) was thinking the same when he spoke of Hadrat Zahra (AS). He stated that she was the best help for worshipping the Almighty Allah. History tells us that the Prophet (SA), one day after the wedding of Imam Ali (AS) and Hadrat Zahra (AS), went to congratulate them in their house and know about their welfare. He asked Imam Ali (AS): 'How do you find your spouse?' The Imam replied: 'I found Zahra as the best help in worshipping the Almighty Allah.' The Prophet (SA) then asked the same of Zahra (AS), and she replied: 'He is the best husband'."[9] Imam Ali (AS), in one sentence, introduced the best woman in Islam and expressed the main purpose of marriage. REFERENCES [1] Wasa 'il al Shiah, vol 14, p 3. [2] Ibid. [3] Ibid. [4] Ibid, p 23. [5] Ibid, p 5. [6] Ibid, p 6. [7] Ibid, p 23. [8] Ibid, p 17. [9]
The actual meaning of the word ‘Jinn’ is the ethereal, invisible beings, i.e., the spirit of evil like the angels who are the spirit of goodness. The existence of such beings is an accepted fact but the word ‘Jinn’ need not mean one and the same everywhere, as it is also used figuratively for the leaders of evil or the notorious persons among the infidels, as the word ‘Shayateen’ meaning devils, is used for the fellow-disbeliever’s. According to Ibne Abbas, ‘Jinn’ in this verse means the infidels. The word ‘Jinn’ is derived from the root word ‘Janna’, i.e., meaning he covered or concealed or he protected. Since the leaders of the infidels, out of their pride kept themselves covered from the commoners and they also remained protected by their worldly positions, the word could be used for them in a figurative reference or address to the wicked beings. This clearly asserts the existence of unseen beings and agencies of responsible character like man, who have inter-relation in some way or the other with mankind and do influence the weak-minded ones among the human beings to divert them from the right path. "O assembly of jinn and men! Did not come unto you apostles from among you, relating to you My signs and warning you of the meeting of this day (of requital) of yours?" They shall say, "We bear witness against Ourselves;" And this world’s life deceived them, and they shall bear witness against their (own) selves that they were disbelievers." 6:131 The address in this verse both to the ‘Jinn’ as well as men, indicated that apostles among the ‘Jinn’ also must have come, though their names have not been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. And the verse ‘We have sent a guide to every people’ indicates that the people of the ‘Jinn’ must also have had guides for their guidance. Regarding ‘from among you’, relating to ‘Jinn’s’, the commentators differ as to whether ‘Jinn’s’ had prophets of their own or that the prophets who came for men were also for the ‘Jinn’s’. When the existence of the ‘Jinn’s’ as a separate people, is a community, they also must have had prophets of their own and their prophets might have been subordinate to the human prophets, as it is proved from Qur’an that man is superior to all other creatures. It is an accepted fact that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) was for both men and the ‘Jinn’s’ alike. This is the reason ‘Jinn’s’ are frequently mentioned and addressed in the Holy Qur’an and in no other scripture. "And gathered together unto Solomon his hosts of jinn and men and birds, then they were arrayed in ranks." 27:17 The hosts at the disposal of Prophet Solomon (a.s.) consisted of all varieties of God’s creation. For example, birds, animals, beasts, men, and the spiritual beings like jinn. It is said that the hosts occupied a very extensive space on earth. "Said (Solomon): "O’ ye chiefs! Which of you can bring unto me her throne, ere they come unto me submitting?" 27:38 "Said an audacious one among the jinn; "I will bring it unto thee ere thou risest up from they place; for verily I am strong (enough to do it) and I am (also thy) trusted one." 27:39 The task which Prophet Solomon (a.s.) wanted to achieve was something which ordinarily seemed to be impossible, i.e., the bringing of the Queen single-handed arresting her and presenting her with her throne itself. The offer to do it was from a jinn who said he would do it before Prophet Solomon (a.s.) rises from his seat i.e., Prophet Solomon (a.s.) disperses his court and gets up but even with that, Prophet Solomon (a.s.) was not satisfied. The Ahmadi Commentator just to establish his own peculiar interpretation of the word of Jinn that was an Amalekite who was of a large stature. It will be ridiculous to imagine that however huge a man may be, it could never be possible for him to go to the distant land of Sheba within the few moments and to single-handed arrest the Queen and bring her with her throne unless the jinn be a spirit and the one with some extraordinary spiritual strength and power to do it. This proves that Prophet Solomon (a.s.) was not inclined to use the spiritual powers in all his affairs than use of any temporal one. "And for Solomon (We made subservient) the wind which traveled in the morning a month’s journey and a month’s journey in the evening; And We caused for him to flow a fountain of molten brass and of the jinn there were those who worked before him by the command of his Lord; and whatever among them turned away from Our Command, We will make him taste the chastisement of the flaming fire." 34:12 "They made for him whatever he willeth of fortresses and statues, and basins (large as) reservoirs, and (huge) cooking cauldrons immovable from their places; "Act ye gratefully, O’ family of David! And very few of My servants are grateful!" 34:13 "And when We decreed death for him (Solomon), nothing did show them his death, but a worm of the earth which gnawed away his staff; an when it fell down, then came to know the jinn that they would have tarried not in the humiliating torment (of their toil)." 34:14 Prophet Solomon (a.s.) had the jinn’s serving under his hands. The jinn’s must naturally be some uncontrollable rebellious beings for the words ‘by the command’ indicates that some special control of God, needed to make them work duly and the punishment which is mentioned to be ready for the rebellious or disobedient among the jinn’s indicates that the jinn’s were by nature liable to revolt or disobey the authority of the men under Prophet Solomon’s (a.s.) rule. It may be remembered that the first one who disobeyed God to prostrate before Prophet Adam (a.s.), while all the angels immediately did it, was a jinn, i.e., being neither an angel nor any human being. He was against the very first man, who was then yet in its creation. And it is also said that the jinn was made of fire and not of clay. Against such clear statements, the Ahmadi commentator interprets the meaning of the word ‘Jinn’ as the strangers quoting wherein chapter 2:12-18, it mentions the strangers among the workers of Prophet Solomon (a.s.). The interpretation is against the clear evidence of the Holy Qur’an that jinn’s are the beings made of fire other than human beings. The Ahmadi commentator is opposed to any belief in any kind of supernatural powers having been at the disposal of any of the apostles of God just to please to materialists of the West. Hence, the Ahmadi commentator interprets every miracle of the apostles of God in his own peculiar way. This is a denial of the special powers granted by God to His apostles. Of the structure erected by men and the jinn’s, is the Big Mosque at Jerusalem. It is said that God revealed to Prophet David (a.s.), "I had convened with thy father (ancestor) Abraham (a.s.) that I would bless his seed and multiply it and make it a great nation for he (Abraham) had offered the sacrifice of his son at Our Command and I too have fulfilled my promise to him but his seed has turned ungrateful to My Grace and Bounties. I shall send a chastisement on them." They were visited by plague and by Prophet David’s (a.s.) prayer were relieved of it. The Lord said, "O’ David! Tell My servants to offer their gratitude and the prayer I heard, let there be a Mosque so that thy progeny and the others of the future generations might offer their prayers in it." The construction of the Mosque was started and the righteous ones among the Israelites and Prophet David himself labored for it carrying heavy stones and mud on their heads. When the walls of the Mosque rose to a man’s height, Prophet David was commanded by God that his share in the building of the Mosque was complete, the work was then left to be completed by his son Prophet Solomon (a.s.). The Eighth Holy Imam Ali ibne Musa Ar-Redha (a.s.) said that once Prophet Solomon (a.s.) told his courtier’s that, "Though God has blessed me with the greatest kingdom which none ever had and has favored me with unique gifts of control over men, jinn, animals, and birds, even the knowledge of the language of the birds. I am not even for a moment happy over all these. I want to get on the top of my palace and have a full view of God’s Kingdom around me, let none enter the place." Prophet Solomon (a.s.) with is staff in his hands got upon the step and while he was viewing the kingdom around him, a young man beautifully dressed appeared from a corner of the palace. Prophet Solomon (a.s.) asked him, "Who art thou? I had ordered that none should be allowed to enter the palace. Who permitted thee to enter this palace?" The visitor replied, "The Owner of this!" Prophet Solomon (a.s.) said, "I am the owner!" The stranger said, "God is the Owner of the Universe! And I am the Angel of Death and I have been set to take thy life out of thy body." Prophet Solomon (a.s.) said, "Then get thou busy in thy duty to discharge which the Lord hath sent thee!" While Prophet Solomon (a.s.) stood leaning on his staff, his soul left his body and the body was caused by God to stay as it was for a year and the people from below the palace could see Prophet Solomon (a.s.) standing and thought him to be alive. When some considerable time had passed, some thought Prophet Solomon (a.s.) to be God and said that they must worship him and some said that he was a magician controlling their perception to see him standing there. God caused the white ants to eat away the staff, and it gave way and the body of Prophet Solomon (a.s.) fell on the ground. It was then the people came to know that Prophet Solomon (a.s.) was dead and until then every one thought him to be alive and went on with the work entrusted to them by Prophet Solomon (a.s.). "And assign they between him and the jinn a kinship, and indeed the jinn to know that they shall surely be brought up (to account on the Day of Judgment)." 37:158 Some of he infidels believed that the angels are the issues of God, through His alliance with the selected women of the Jinn’s. And the fire-worshippers thought that God and Satan are two brothers, one works goodness and creates light and the other works evil and causes darkness. And when turned We unto thee a party of jinn who (quietly) listened to the Qur’an when came they unto it, said they: "Be ye silent! (and listen)?" Then when was finished ( the recital), returned they unto their people warning (them against the wrath of God)." 46:29 Said (the Jinn’s): "O’ ye our people! Verily, have we listened unto a Book sent down (from God) after Moses, verifying what is before it, guiding unto the truth and unto a path straight aright." 46:30 The jinn’s are exceptionally some spiritual beings. One of such beings is referred here. After the death of Abu-Talib, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) had become totally helpless and was exposed to open attacks from the people. When he went to Taif to the tribe of Saqeef, he first met three chiefs of the people there: Abdul-Lail, Mas’ood, and Habib who only ridiculed him (s.a.w.) and treated him (s.a.w.) with derision and laughter. They set the mischievous one and the lads of the place, began to make noises and make a fool of him (s.a.w.) in the streets of the towns. They even pelted stones on him (s.a.w.). He was wounded in his legs and at last he (s.a.w.) went and stood under the shade of a wall and then sat down under a date-palm. There were Utba and Shaiba, the two sons of Rabiah and they turned him away from the place. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) raised his hands and prayed to God about his (s.a.w.) helplessness. Seeing him praying, the two men sent some grapes through their Christian slave named Adas who was from Nainawah. When the slave heard the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) reciting, ‘Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim’ (In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful), before he ate the fruits, a clause which the slave had never heard before from anyone in the town, asked the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) as to what place he belonged. The reply was Mecca, and when the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) asked the slave about his nativity, the slave said that he belonged to Nainawah. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said, ‘It was the native place of a righteous man of God, named Younus bin Mata (Jones, son of Matthew)! The slave in surprise, asked the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), ‘How dost thou know about Younus bin Mata?’ In reply the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), "He was my brother, an apostle of God like myself." Saying this he related some details about Younus bin Mata. The slave who was a good Christian, understood the actual position of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and bowing to him and kissing his hands and feet, embraced Islam. When the slave returned to the two men Utba and Shaiba and on their inquiry about his conduct with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), he said that "Muhammad is the awaited apostle of God and I have embraced his faith Islam." The two men warned the slave against his deserting his original faith saying that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) was an enchanter. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) left the place and staying in the night in a garden for his midnight prayers, he returned to Mecca. While he was reciting the Holy Qur’an, a group of the jinn’s passed the place and that one of the jinn’s conveyed to his tribe, is referred to in this verse (46:29). Ibne Abbas says once the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that he was commanded by God to recite the Holy Qur’an to the jinn’s and to warn them. He asked his companions as to who would like to accompany him to the recital. None uttered a word save ibne Mas’ood. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) asked thrice but every time there was silence and none replied. Ibne Mas’ood says that he was taken to the cave called Sheb-e-Haihoon which is on the top of a mountain near Mecca. Arriving at the place, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) drew a circle round ibne-Mas’ood and commanded him never under any circumstances to step out of the circle, until he (the Holy Prophet ‘s.a.w.’) returns to him and going forward stood there and started reciting the Holy Qur’an and it was night. Ibne Mas’ood says that he saw huge birds and huge serpents that began to gather and started making peculiar noises and he got frightened and became anxious for the safety of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). In the sky, he saw a black patch of a cloud like smoke and at dawn everything parted away and the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) returned to Ibne-Mas’ood. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) asked Ibne-Mas’ood as to what he saw and Ibne-Mas’ood related his experience. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said it was a gathering of about 12,000 jinn’s to whom Chapter 113 of the Holy Qur’an was recited. "And whosoever respondeth not unto the Summoner unto God, yet he can frustrate not God’s will in the earth, and there shall not be for him, other than Him, any guardians; these are in manifest error." 46:32 Qummi says that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) once went to the market place, Akkaza, along with Zaid bin Haritha to preach the message of Islam. On his (s.a.w.) way back to Mecca he stayed in the valley of Najbah for the night and when he recited the Holy Qur’an, there also assembled some jinn’s, one of the groups carried the message of Islam to his kind. It is said that among the jinn’s there are believers and disbeliever, good and wicked. It is a proof positive that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) was a Warner to the jinn’s as well as to mankind. Say, "It hast been revealed unto me that a party of the jinn hath heard (the Qur’an) and said: "Verily, we have heard a Recital (Qur’an) (which is) Wonderful. (72:1) Guideth it unto the Right (Way), wherefore believe we in it; and never will be associate any one with our Lord!" 72:2 "And that He, exalted is the Majesty of our Lord! Hath taken not a wife nor a son." 72:3 "And that want to speak the foolish ones amongst us, against God, atrocious things." 72:4 "And that thought we that never utter the humans and jinn any falsehood against God." 72:5 "And that individuals from among the humans used to seek protection of the individuals from among the jinn’s so they increased them (only) in rebellion (against God)." 72:6 "And that they (too) thought, as ye think, never would God raise (from the dead) any one!" 72:7 "And that we sought the heaven but we found it filled with strong guards and flaming darts." 72:8 "And that sat we on some of the seats (there) to (steal) a hearing; but any who would (try now to) listen, findeth a flaming dart in wait for him." 72:9 "And that we understood not (by this) whether evil be meant for them that are on the earth, or whether willeth their Lord to guide them aright." 72:10 "And that some amongst us are good ones, and the others of us are other than that; we are sects following different ways." 72:11 "And that knew we that never can we defeat (the will of) God in the earth, and never can we defeat Him (in His will) by flight." 72:12 "And that, when heard we the guidance, believed we in it; and whosoever believeth in his Lord, he thereafter feareth neither loss nor oppression." 72:13 "And that, of us some are Muslims and of us are the others who are the deviator’s (from the right path), and whoever submit these pursue the right guidance." 72:14 "And as for the deviator’s, they shall be for the hell, a fuel. . ." 72:15 ‘Jinn’, i.e., the ethereal beings are quite different from the angels. Angels are pure energies created for fixed duties allotted by God and ‘Jinn’s’ are similar beings created of the element of fire generally functioning as the agencies of evil while the angels are the actors of good. But the jinn’s are capable of getting their evil corrected and amending their activities for good. Though jinn’s are generally wicked or evil beings but there are good and the righteous ones also among them. With the birth of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), the ways or the means for the jinn’s to rise into the higher spheres were stopped and hence they were disabled from stealing any news from the heavens above and hence could no more inspire their victims with the information about the future to mislead mankind, by attracting their attention and faith in them against God and godliness. The jinn’s were spread all over the atmosphere in quest of any particular event having occurred on earth to have created this effect detrimental to their activities. A party of the jinn’s passed the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) while he was in prayers reciting the Holy Qur’an. They listened to it and wondered about the contents the recitation conveyed, i.e., about the Unity of God and the purity of faith and conduct which ideas were unknown to the people for centuries together and any thing like that was never heard by them ever before. This party of the jinn’s returned to their people and this Sura (chapter 72 ‘Al-Jinn’) contains what they reported to their kind about what they heard and about their embracing Islam. However, Qur’an and Islamic traditions assert the existence of intelligent beings with eternal bodies other than angels capable of being charged with responsibilities. And due to the fineness of the structure of their bodies, they are capable of doing things beyond the ordinary human power. Jinn’s glorify the Unity of God against the belief in, God having a wife and a son for Him for the Christian belief in a begotten son of God, necessitates also the partnership of a wife for the issue to be born of her. People believed in the protection of the Jinn and used to seek it. Whenever they happened to be in the wilderness or in any dreadful forest, they used to invoke the protection of their own imaginary jinn as the chief of the jinn’s of the place saying, "O’ Chief of this wilderness, I seek refuge in thee, against the mischief of any of thy wicked subjects." By saying so, the people thought that they were safe. Such false praises had infatuated the jinn’s and made them proud to foolishly think that they could be believed as the real guardians of mankind, having authority over their destiny. This source of information was taken from: 1. Ali Ahmed, Mir. The Holy Qur’an. Published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur’an Inc. New York, 1988.
I urgently needed a few days off work, but, I knew the Boss would not allow me to take leave. I thought that maybe if I acted 'Crazy' then he would tell me to take a few days off. So I hung upside-down on the ceiling and made funny noises. My co-worker (who's blonde) asked me what I was doing. I told her that I was pretending to be a light bulb so that the Boss might think I was 'Crazy' and give me a few days off. A few minutes later the Boss came into the office and asked, 'What in the name of good GOD are you doing?' I told him I was a light bulb. He said, 'You are clearly stressed out.' Go home and recuperate for a couple of days.' I jumped down and walked out of the office... When my co-worker (the blonde) followed me, the Boss asked her, '..And where do you think you're going?!' (You're going to love this....) She said, 'I'm going home, too. I can't work in the dark.'
My son Syed Murtaza Moosavi 5 years old have undergone an major operation day before yesterday night due to solid peace of mirror is fell down on his right hand. Due to that his three veins and three bones has been broken and the whole skin comes out from elbow to fingers. Therefore, I kindly request all of you (momineen) to pray for his small Azadar-e-Hussain (Slave of Ali Asger AS) to get recover soon…humble request
Duniya ....Amir al-Mu'minin Imām ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (A.S) ne farmaya: "Duniya itifaq se mil jati hai aur aakherat sirf haqdaar ko milti hai. Tum aakherat ki fiqr karo duniya khud-ba-khud zalil hokar aa jayegi."
Imām Alī ibn Mūsā al-Riḍā (S.A.W.W) :regarding the reason for ablution, said, "So that the servant is pure when he stands before the Mighty One when engaged in supplication to Him, being obedient to Him through what He has commanded him, purified of filths and impurities, and also because it does away with lazi...ness and repels drowsiness, and purifies the heart for standing before the Mighty One."
..Saying of the Infallible (A.S.):When Sa'd Ansari responded to the Holy Prophet [pbuh & hp] that his hands were calloused because he used to work with a rope and a shovel to earn money to spend for his wife and children, He [pbuh & hp] kissed his hand (as an honour) and said: "This is a hand which the Fire (of He...ll) will never touch."(Usd-ul-Ghabah, vol. 2, p. 269).
(sent by sis Shenaz Karim)
Nature has so arranged that man and woman are attracted to each other. This natural attraction binds them together and they lead a common life and form a family. This natural tendency, the instinct of sex, should be guided to the right direction so that it may be utilized in the service of humanity. Though the common life of a husband and wife originates from thesexual instinct, it gradually develops into a deep, spiritual, sentimental, social and economic relationship. That is what Islam calls matrimony.
Islam has attached great importance to the question of marriage in its social system. In the Holy Qur'an and the sayings of the Holy Prophet we fmd that marriage has been greatly encouraged. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said; "No institution of Islam is liked by Allah more than that of marriage." The basic objectives of marriage in Islam are, first, securing a comfortable atmosphere for a husband and wife and, second, producing a new generation of healthy, faithful and virtuous children. With regard to the first objective, the Holy Qur'an says: "One of His signs is that He created for you spouses of your own species, so that you might find comfort with them. And He put mutual love and affection in your hearts. Surely in this there are lessons for the the thinking people" (30:21) A Muslim husband and wife who follow the teachings of the Holy Qur'an should always be a source of comfort for each other, Their relationhup should reach far above that of mere sexual enjoyment and should reach the stage of cordial friendship accompanied by mutual benevolence. With regard to the second objective, the Holy Qur'an says: "He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has given you partners from among yourselves and, similarly, made the cattle also males and females. That is how he multiplies you. Nothing can be compared to Him, He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing." (43:11) One of the most critical questions connected to marriage and the formation of the family is that of choosing a spouse. Freedom in choosing a husband or wife is a principle to which Islam pays much attention. Compatibility between two parties can exist only if they choose each other out of their own free will after careful study and without coercion. According to Islamic law, the first condition of the validity of a marriage contract is that it should be proposed by the woman and accepted by the man and both of them should act freely in this matter. No impositions are allowed in this respect. A young man once complained to an Imam that his parents were compelling him to marry a girl whom he did not like, whereas he was interested in another girl. The Imam said to him: "Marry that girl whom you like," Still, consultation with the parents of both parties is strongly advised, since marriage establishes a social contract between two families. Such consultation shows respect for the parents and is conducive to better understanding between relatives of both sides. Choosing a suitable spouse is the first step in establishing a sound family. The Holy Prophet said: "Marry your equals; choose your partner in life from among them and select the best mothers for your offspring." At first glance, this saying from the Holy Prophet may seem racist or prejudiced. Source: Mahjubah
By: Shaikh Ibrahim Al-Amini
Marriage is a natural necessity for every human being. It bears many good outcomes of which the most important ones are: (1) The formation of a family through which one can find security and peace of mind. A person who is not married resembles a bird without a nest. Marriage serves as a shelter for anyone who feels lost in the wilderness of life; one can find a partner in life who would share one's joy and sorrow. (2) The natural sexual desire is both strong and significant. Everyone should have a partner for satisfying their sexual needs in a secure and serene environment. Everyone should enjoy sexual satisfaction in a correct and proper manner. Those who abstain from marriage often suffer from both physical and psychological disorders. Such disorders and certain social problems are a direct consequence of the abstinence of youth from marriage. (3) Reproduction: Through marriage the procreation of mankind is continued. Children are the result of marriage and are important factors in stabilizing the family foundations as well as a source of real joy to their parents. A great deal of emphasis has been given in the Holy Qur'an and the Traditions to both marriage and having children. The Almighty Allah states in the Holy Qur'an: "And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves,..." (30:21). The Prophet (SA) stated: 'There is no better structure founded in Islam other than marriage'."[1] "Imam Ali (AS) stated: 'Engage in marriage; because this is the tradition of the Prophet (SA) of Allah."[2] "The Prophet (SA) of Allah stated: 'Whoever chooses to follow my tradition must get married and produce offspring through marriage (and increase the population of Muslims) so that on the day of resurrection I shall confront other Ummah (nations) with the (great) numbers of my Ummah'"[3] "Imam Rida (AS) stated: 'The greatest gain for a man is a faithful woman who, when she sees him, becomes happy and protects his property and her own honour in his absence'."[4] What has been dealt with so far in this chapter has been only the worldly and animalistic side of marriage which the animals also share: the Benefits of companionship and reproduction. As such the true purpose of marriage for the human race is of a different kind. Mankind is not meant to have entered this world solely in order to eat, drink, sleep, seek pleasure or act lustfully, and then to die and be destroyed. The status of man is higher than such deeds. Human beings are meant to train themselves and their souls by gaining knowledge, committing good deeds, and behaving with good manners. Man is meant to take steps along the straight path to achieve nearness to Almighty Allah. Mankind is a creation that is able to cleanse his soul and by avoiding evil deeds and exercising good behaviour reach a level of such high status that even the angels are not able to attain. Man is a creature that is eternal. He has come to this world so that by the guidance of the prophets and the implementation of the programs set by the religion (of Islam), to secure his happiness in this world and the Hereafter; so that he could live a peaceful life in the next world eternally. Therefore, the purpose of marriage should be searched for in this spiritual context. The aim of marriage for a religious person should be a means of avoiding evil deeds and purging one's soul of sins. It should be a means of acquiring nearness to the Almighty Allah. It is in this context that a suitable and good partner assumes an important role. When two believers, through marriage, form a family, their sexual relationship would benefit them in strengthening their mutual love and kindness, for such a couple, there would not exist any dangerous threats of sexual perversion, dangerous addictions or unlawful deeds. The Prophet (SA) of Islam and all of the Imams (AS) have laid great emphasis on the institution of marriage. "The Prophet (SA) stated: 'Whoever gets married, has safeguarded half of his religion'."[5] "Imam Sadiq (AS) stated: 'Two Rak'ats (units) of a married person's Salat (prayer) are better than seventy Rak'ats offered by a bachelor'."[6] A faithful, pious, and harmonious partner plays a crucial role in having a respectable and honest life. Indeed having such a partner is an important factor when wanting to avoid evil deeds and enables the commitment of oneself in performing the obligatory acts of worship. A pious couple, not only would not meet with any obstacle in achieving religious goals, but would be a source of encouragement to each other . Is it really possible for a faithful man of Allah to gloriously fight in His way, without the approval of his wife? Is it possible for any pious person to earn his living lawfully, observing all religious aspects, paying statutary religious alms to avoid extravagance, and to spend on charitable deeds without the consent of his wife? A pious person would always invite his partner to goodness, just as a corrupt person would tempt his partner towards corruption. It is then reasonable that, in Islam men and women, who want to get married, are advised to regard the piety and good manners of their future partners, as essential conditions. "The Prophet (SA) stated: 'If I were to bestow all the good of both worlds upon a Muslim person, I would endow him with a humble heart, a tongue which continuously utters his praises, a body patient enough to withstand all calamities; and I would give him a pious spouse who, when she sees him, becomes happy ,and protects his property and her own honour in his absence'."[7] "One person went to the Prophet (SA) and said: 'I have a wife who always welcomes me when I come home, and escorts me to the door when I leave. When she finds me sad and unhappy, she then, by consoling me says: 'If you are thinking of sustenance, then do not despair, because Allah provides sustenance; and if you are thinking about the next life, then may Allah increase your intellect and efforts. Then the Prophet (SA) stated: ' Allah surely has functionaries and agents in this world and your wife is one of those. Such a woman would be rewarded half as much as a martyr'."[8] "Imam Ali (AS) was thinking the same when he spoke of Hadrat Zahra (AS). He stated that she was the best help for worshipping the Almighty Allah. History tells us that the Prophet (SA), one day after the wedding of Imam Ali (AS) and Hadrat Zahra (AS), went to congratulate them in their house and know about their welfare. He asked Imam Ali (AS): 'How do you find your spouse?' The Imam replied: 'I found Zahra as the best help in worshipping the Almighty Allah.' The Prophet (SA) then asked the same of Zahra (AS), and she replied: 'He is the best husband'."[9] Imam Ali (AS), in one sentence, introduced the best woman in Islam and expressed the main purpose of marriage. REFERENCES [1] Wasa 'il al Shiah, vol 14, p 3. [2] Ibid. [3] Ibid. [4] Ibid, p 23. [5] Ibid, p 5. [6] Ibid, p 6. [7] Ibid, p 23. [8] Ibid, p 17. [9] Bihar al-Anwar, vol 43, p 117. Living with Husband -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The task of a wife is to maintain and take care of a husband. It is not an easy undertaking. Those women who are unaware of this feature of their role, may find difficulty in fulfilling the task. It is a job for the woman who is aware that the job requires a degree of sagacity, style, and ingenuity. For a woman to be a successful wife, she should win over her husband's heart and be a source of comfort to him. She should encourage him to do good deeds while dissuading him from bad ones. She should also provide adequate measures to maintain his health and well-being. The results of her efforts are directed towards making the man into a kind and respected husband who would be a proper guardian for his family, and a good father from whom the children would seek guidance and respect. Allah, the All-Knowing has endowed woman with extraordinary power. The prosperity and happiness as well as the misery of the family are in her hands. A woman can turn the home into a lofty paradise or a burning hell. She can lead her husband to the peak of success or the dregs of misfortune. The woman with the qualities bestowed on her by Allah, who is aware of her role as a spouse, can elevate her husband to a respected man even if he had been the lowest of all men. "One learned scholar wrote: 'Women possess a strange power in that they are able to acquire whatever they desire'. "[l0] In Islam, taking care of one's husband has an important position. It has been equated to the role of Jihad (holy war in the path of Allah). "Imam Ali (AS) stated: 'The Jihad of a woman is to take care of her husband well'."[11] Considering that Jihad is the struggle and holy war in the path of Allah including the struggle for advancement and honour of Islam, defending the Islamic territories and execution of social justice, it is one of the highest acts of worship. The value of fulfilling the duties of a proper spouse is also reflected upon when considering Jihad. "The Prophet (SA) of Islam stated: ' Any woman who dies while her husband is pleased with her, enters Paradise'."[12] The Holy Prophet also stated: "If a woman does not perform her duty as a spouse, she has not done her duty to Allah."[13] REFERENCES [10] Dar Aghushe Khushakhfi, p 142. [11] Bihar al-Anwar, vol 103, p 254. [12] Mahajjat al-Bayda, vol 2, p 70. [13] Mustadrak, vol 2, p 552. Kindness
Ayah: "And your Lord says: Call on me; I will answer (your prayer). But those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell in humiliation.
Ayah: "When my servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every supplicant when he calls on Me. . ." [Baqarah:186] Hadith: "Dua is (a form) of worship; your Lord said, "Call on Me; I will answer you (your prayer). Hadith: "Verily, your Lord (Blessed is He and Almighty) is alive, generous and if His servant raises his hands towards Him, He feels reluctant not to return anything to him." Hadith: "Any Muslim who supplicates Allah with a supplication that does not contain any sin or cutting off of family relations, Allah will give him one of three things for it: 1. Either He will speedily answer his dua 2. or He will save it for him until the Hereafter 3. or He will avert something bad from him equal to the value of his dua. (Explanation: a dua has a certain relative value determined by Allah, so if a person says a particular dua, say 15 times in a day, then Allah protects him from something bad that is equal to the valued amount of his dua.) Part II Customs and Manners of Making duas and the Causes for their Being Answered: 1. Faithfulness to Allah 2. To start with thanking Allah and praising Him and then giving salat on the Prophet (SAW) and ending the dua with the same. 3. To be serious in dua and certain that it will be answered 4. Persistence in the dua and not rushing it (Hadith says don't rush or be impatient. Don't say "I prayed for such and such a thing and Allah didn't answer my prayer. Allah dislikes that.) 5. To put your heart into the dua -- make it from your heart (even if you are reading the words, i.e., mean what you say) 6. Say dua in times of crises as well as times that are good -- don't just say dua in times of need only. 7. Ask Allah alone -- and no one else. 8. Do not make dua on someone's family or money or child or life -- that is, don't say I wish that that person's family be destroyed, or I pray that she loses all her money, or I wish his oldest son would fail or I wish that he would die. 9. Make dua in a moderately low voice -- not silent yet not completely out loud. 10. Know your sins (faults) and seek forgiveness for them and know and acknowledge the benefits and blessings you have been given and thank Allah for them. 11. The oppressor should make amends for what he has done and repent. 12. Turn to Allah with humility, desire and fear of Him. 13. Do not use rhymed prose when making dua. 14. The supplication is (said) three (times). [Hadith that states that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) when making dua, repeated it 3 times.] 15. Face the Qiblah when making dua. 16. Raise the hands during dua [sunnah, not wajib] 17. Make wudu before making dua when possible. 18. Don't pray for injurious or harmful things to happen to people (like praying someone has an unfortunate mishap, or falls down, or chokes or breaks his leg, etc.) Also remember, that the Angels say "Ameen" and the same for you," after your dua. 19. The person making dua should start with himself if he is going to pray for someone else. 20. To make intercession to Allah by use of His beautiful Names and superior Attributes, or by some good deed that the supplicator performed or by the dua of a good man living, who is in his presence (e.g., asking someone who is a good Muslim to make dua for you) 21. That the food and drink and clothing is halal and of a halal source 22. Do not make dua for a sin or cutting off of family ties. 23. To order that which is good and forbid that which is forbidden 24. Distancing one's self from all types of sin. PART III THE PREFERRED TIMES, CONDITIONS AND PLACES SUPPLICATIONS
ARE ANSWERED: (bearing in mind that one can make dua at any time and in any place; however, the following are the most preferable times, conditions and places.)
1. Lailatul Qadr 2. Deep in the last third of the night 3. Immediately after the mandatory prayers 4. Between the adhan and iqamah 5. An hour during every night -- [hadith states that Allah comes down to the sky of the earth during the last 3rd of the night and hears the duas of the believers] 6. At the time of the call to the mandatory prayers 7. At the time of rain 8. During jihad when the ranks of fighters (mujahidoun) advance in the path of Allah 9. An hour every Friday -- the soundest opinion regarding this hour is the last hour between the hours of Asr on the day of Juma, and it could be the hour of the khutba and salat. 10. At the time of drinking Zamzam water with true intentions 11. During sajda 12. At the time of waking up at night and there are hadith regarding what the Prophet r said in these duas 13. If you sleep after having made wudu then wake up at night and then make supplication 14. After you say dua Yunus, make your personal dua or one from Qur'an or sunnah and it is La illah ila Allah subhannaka inni kuntu min al thaalimeen. 15. Dua of people after the death of a person (e.g. the dua of a person who is praying for someone who has just died) 16. Dua after praising Allah and giving salat on the Prophet (SAW) in the tashah-hud at the end of salat. Make your dua before the 2 tasleems. 17. At the time of dua, call upon Allah by the greatest of His names that, if called by them, He answers, and if asked by them, He gives (e.g. Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Thal Jalaali wal Ikraam, Ya Al Ahad As Samad, lam yalid wa lam yulad wa lam yakum kuf wan ahad) 18. The dua of a Muslim for his brother or sister Muslim stemming from the heart. 19. Dua on the Day of Arafat 20. Dua during the month of Ramadan 21. Dua at the time of a Muslim gathering for the purpose of remembering Allah. 22. Dua at the time of a crisis by saying Inna lilahi wa inna ilaihi raje'oon, Allahuma ajurni fi museebati, wa akhlif li khairun minha. Verily, we belong to Allah, and verily, to Him is our return. O Allah, Bless me in my problem and replace it for me with something better than it. 23. Dua when the heart reaches out to Allah and is ready to be totally sincere 24. Dua of the oppressed against the one who is oppressing him 25. Dua of the father or mother for or against the son 26. Dua of the traveler 27. Dua of the one fasting until he breaks his fast. 28. Dua of the one fasting at the time of breaking fast 29. Dua of a desperate person 30. Dua of a just Imam 31. Dua of a son or daughter obedient to his or her parents 32. Dua immediately after wudu saying what has been mentioned in the hadith that is directly related to it (ablution) 33. Dua after stoning the small Shaitan (jamrat sugra) during Hajj 34. Dua after stoning the middle Shaitan (jamrat wusta) during Hajj. 35. Dua made inside the Ka'aba and the dua of one who prays inside the hijr as it is part of the house (bait Allah). [This is the semicircle to the right of the Ka'aba if you face the door.] 36. Dua on the mount of Safa during Umrah or Hajj 37. Dua on the mount of Marwa during Umrah or Hajj 38. Dua at any of the holy sites. Note: The believer can call to his Lord at any time, wherever he is but these times and conditions and places are special and more care should be taken. Note: All of these circumstances are substantiated by hadith.
Eat the right food - instead of fried foods, have baked or steamed. Include salads and fruits in your diet.
Water - drink lots, clean and boiled. Walk - try to walk every morning, or anywhere else you can. Yoga and meditation - yoga is one of the best ways to keep fit and healthy and meditation calms and relaxes the mind. Clean habits - try not to drink alcohol or smoke. Eyes are one of the most wonderful gifts given to us. Here are some tips to take care of them. Have a good night sleep and give them enough rest. Massage your eyes with almond oil using your ring finger without giving too much pressure. Refresh your eyes by splashing cold water on them. Buy good quality cosmetics. Never lend or use other people's eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, mascara or eyeshadow. Wear sunglasses while going out in the sun. Have a good diet consisting of fruit and vegetables. Red, orange, yellow and dark green vegetables, fruit and greens are very good for the eyes. Make lifestyle changes like giving up alcohol, smoking, avoiding fatty and refined food. Cover your hair with a scarf or shawl during travel to prevent tangles and to protect your hair from dust. Always dilute shampoo in a little water and use it. Do not use it directly. Wet your hair first and then apply this diluted shampoo. Never skip meals as you tend to eat more at the next meal. Do not skip breakfast in particular. Include a lot of fibre in your diet as it gives a feeling of fullness, thereby preventing you from gorging on fatty foods. Aerobic exercise like jogging, swimming, cycling and running accelerates weight loss. Consult a physician before starting any weight loss program. Aerobic exercise combined with healthy eating will certainly help in weight reduction. Use a wide toothed comb to remove tangles and do not comb wet hair. Avoid using a hair dryer to dry your hair. Do not tie your hair tightly. Always use coated rubber bands or soft hair ties. Mayonnaise is an excellent conditioner for dry hair. Massage your scalp with mayonnaise and leave it for half an hour. Then shampoo as usual. Always rinse your hair well so that no traces of shampoo are left behind.
Never take your skin for granted. Everyone of us should take care of atleast basic needs of skin. Skin should be kept clean & protected from sunlight. Since, the skin of the face needs even more care than the rest of the body,
it is important to give extra attention to it. Believe it or not, giving only 5 to 15 minutes a day to your face can help enhance your overall personality! The face has more oil glands, especially the central forehead, adjacent to eye areas, nose & chin. For a flawless & glowing facial skin, One should perform a brief morning regimen & a longer regimen before going to bed. Follow following morning & evening facial care regimen for better results: Morning Facial Care Step 1 - Clean your face with luke-warm water, every morning. Avoid bar soap. Instead use a creamy cleanser or purifying gel wash. Step 2 - Blot gently with a towel to dry the skin. Do not rub. Step 3 - To restore the natural pH level of the skin, you should tone the skin on the face. Toning makes your skin clean, clear & ready to be hydrated. Remember, toning also helps remove any residual cleanser or make-up that may have been left behind. Step 4 - Apply a moisturizer which suits to your skin type. A moisturizer helps smooth away fine lines & dryness leaving your skin feeling softer & smoother. Now, you can apply a sunscreen on top of the moisturizer. Step 5 - You are now ready to wear your makeup. Match foundation with your skin tone & ensure it looks natural. Evening Facial Care Step 1 - Similar to the morning regimen, start your evening regimen, too, by cleaning your face with luke-warm water with a creamy cleanser or purifying gel wash. Washing your face with these skin cleansers will remove your make-up. Step 2 - Next, apply toner using a cotton pad. Exfoliate before face dry. Exfoliating helps in removing dead skin cells. It also brightens the skin & give healthy glow to your face. Massage gently & rinse well. Step 3 - Finally, apply a moisturizer to your face, which is specified for your skin type. A firming eye cream should also be used around the eye area. Important: Since, skin needs to breathe over night,never go to bed with your make-up on. Make-up that is left on overnight clogs the pores & prevents the skin cells from shedding, which may cause blemishes &/or blackheads. More Tips for Facial Care - Drink lots of water. - Wash your face at least twice a day. - Don't smoke. - Consume alcoholic beverages in moderation. - Do facial exercises & get facials. - Eat plenty of fruits & vegetables. - Steam yourself. It's not only good for the skin but also reduces stress. - Never scrub your skin. Gently massage it. - Take adequate sleep. - Exercise.
The biggest misconception about creativity is that it involves a moment of magical creation when the incredible appears out of thin air. The truth is less romantic. Everything comes from somewhere. All ideas have been thought before and all artists, especially the most brilliant, have their sources of inspiration. I’m going to break Einstein’s famous rule by revealing some of my sources and explaining how I use the genius of others to further my own ambitions.
Everyone starts somewhere so I might as well come clean from the beginning. Before I started this website my creative credentials were nonexistent. I had no tangible experience as a writer, designer, marketer, or entrepreneur. Aside from this site I still don’t. All I can say for myself is that I read voraciously and draw fairly well. You’d think a chump like me wouldn’t stand a chance in the hyper competitive online world.
So how did I end up with this fine looking site, a readership that’s growing every day, and over 100 original articles, several of which have been featured on the likes of Lifehacker.com, Problogger.net, lifehack.org and all the major social sites?
By observing how others became creatively successful and combining their genius with my own.
A seed was planted the day I read Steve Pavlina’s, 10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job. Through that article I found How to Make Money From Your Blog and ever since I’ve been obsessed with creating a profitable website based on my own original writing. It wasn’t Steve’s monetary success that inspired me, it was his literary style. The wit, the humor, the brutal honesty, and the fact that people were eating it up and begging for more made me believe that I could do it too; that I could build a business around my passion.
From Steve I learned the value of lengthy original articles, serving the reader, writing from personal experience, and choosing topics that apply to everyone. More than through his words, I’ve learned from observation; from the locations of his ads, the frequency of his posts, and a thousand other details the casual reader would never notice.
Sure, I could have ignored everything that worked for Steve, but what would be the point of that? Too many people try to reinvent the wheel when a Ferrari’s roaring past. During the Renaissance apprentice artists learned by replicating the works of the masters. The secret to being creative is recognizing the genius of others and re-purposing it for your own ends.
If you want be more creative, you have to learn from people who are smarter than you are. Unless you can find a mentor this means learning from observation. When you see a piece of work you admire, dissect it scientifically and discover exactly what makes it great.Is it the tone of an article? the subject matter? the author’s personality? its usefulness? The same concept applies to design. What creates that feeling of visual pleasure? What made you click that ad? What made you subscribe? The clues to creativity are everywhere. You need to gather them and apply that understanding to your own creative work.
It’s also important to find models that fit your profile. If you’re a nobody like me, don’t try to build the next TechCrunch. It won’t work because you don’t have Mike Arrington’s insider connections. Think of yourself as an engine in need of a body. You can find one that fits by investigating people with a background and style similar to yours.
It’s important to note that collecting inspiration is distinctly different than plagiarism. Although Steve’s work has influenced mine I haven’t stolen any of his content. I’ve taken the model and adjusted it to my own needs, the same way Steve probably followed the examples of other successful people when building his site.
In truth, he’s only one of many influences. If I had to list them all this post would be 100,000 words. Some of the more prominent dead ones include Bertrand Russell, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Henry David Thoreau, and George Orwell. Some living ones you may know include Jason Kottke, Merlin Mann, Brian Clark, Robert Scoble, Darren Rowse, Seth Godin, Hugh MacLeod, J.D. Roth, and Tim Ferriss. But only naming a select few neglects countless others. I draw inspiration from everything I read and everyone I come in contact with.
I need to give an extra special thanks to Chris Pearson for designing theCutline Theme. When I started this site I didn’t know any CSS or HTML. Like any beginner I downloaded the best free theme I could find. Over time I’ve continuously built on it, doing at least 3 major overhauls and making small changes on a daily basis. The key to making a good design if you have no experience is looking at other sites, finding what works, and blending it into a unique creation.
All art is imitation. The most creative people imitate rarer, more brilliant sources and cover their tracks. That’s why reading nothing but blogs makes you write dull generic posts. If you absorb a mediocre style, your output will be mediocre. If you scour the classics for the most intelligent, passionate writing in existence your own inspiration will follow. Pay close attention and you’ll even notice the passing of ideas through history. No one could read this essay by Oscar Wilde and Plato’s Symposium without noting a remarkable similarity.
There’s a reason great artists are always clustered together, both geographically and chronologically. Interacting with creative individuals makes you more creative. Rival artists exchange techniques and competition increases effort. The present is the ideal age for creative people. The internet has connected everything, allowing us to draw inspiration from classic works of art and our finest contemporaries without leaving the couch.
It’s also important to draw from a wide array of sources. Your best option is to play the statistics. Creativity isn’t a spark it’s a boiling pot. Sample an enormous amount of creative work and you’ll produce an inspirational concoction. The most important creative asset is curiosity.
Genuine creativity doesn’t exist, particularly in a cosmic sense. Living beings don’t create life, they re-purpose existing matter into offspring. Nothing has been created since the Big Bang. All we can do is rearrange the stuff we find around us. If you want to be more creative, stop waiting for inspiration and start experimenting. Creativity isn’t creation at all,it’s reorganization.
Release perfectionism
Perfectionism is the biggest killer of creativity. Notice when you are approaching a task and have ‘am I doing it right’ or ‘will it be good enough’ thoughts and do it anyway! Start practicing doing things even when you don’t know if you can do them perfectly or how they will turn out.
Have fun
In our society we are often taught that we should have a goal or an aim and an outcome to an activity in order for it to be successful. Creativity isn’t linear. Start doing purely things for the enjoyment factor.
Practice being creative often! You don’t necessarily have to show others your creations, but the act of making creativity a ritual will help your brain get used to being creative and keep the flow going.
Be present
Being present and living in the moment helps us to get in touch with our creative side. We need time and space to let our creativity pour forth. Try and be aware of how present you are being every day.
Creativity thrives in a relaxed mind. The more stressed or contracted we are, the less creativity can come forward. Find ways to relax and wind down. A massage, long walk or watching a good movie are great ways to do this. Find what works for you and do that.
The lost art of day dreaming is a powerful tool for evoking creativity. Take time out to day dream and let your mind wander. You can even say that it is in the name of creativity!
Find what works for you
We all have different ways and times that we get inspired. Start noticing yours. Are you a morning creative or a night owl? We are all different. Find your way. Take notes oif necessary to track your most creative times.
Catch the wave
When inspiration hits, catch the wave! We all have ebbs and flows in creativity. When I am inspired I feel like I am on fire! Nothing can stop me. Use these times to your advantage and go with the creative flow.
Catch your ideas
Sometimes inspiration hits when we just can’t follow the flow immediately, for example when we are about to go into an important meeting or when we are driving! Carry a notebook or Dictaphone to catch your ideas and come back to them as soon as you can.
Brainstorm often! Whatever your creative ‘niche’ is get in the habit of brainstorming and letting your ideas and visions flow forward without censoring them. Let your imagination soar and don’t hold back!
Be in nature
Being in nature has the power to help us be present, unleash our creativity and get us in touch with a different aspect of ourselves. When you are stuck go for a walk in a park or by the sea … whatever is available to you. Take in your surroundings and let nature work its magic on you – it is after all, the supreme source of all things creative.
Feed the well
We need to ‘feed the well’ of inspiration. Make sure you are spending time regularly ‘feeding’ your inspiration. Start keeping track of what inspires you and taking time regularly to participate in this. You should even set a time aside each week to do this.
For repetitive formatting tasks, remember the F4 key. Whenever you press that key, you repeat your most recent action, whether it was adding borders, applying bold formatting to a selected word, or inserting a file or picture. Format Painter is better for applying complex formatting, but if you just need to repeat a single action, then F4 is the key to use Editor's Note: This tip works in the following programs: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint®, Microsoft Visio®, and Microsoft Word.
You can use keyboard shortcuts to access the Font box and the Font Size box on the Formatting toolbar and then quickly change the font or size of selected text. Here's how you do it: 1. Select the text you want to change. 2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+F to access the Font box or CTRL+SHIFT+P to access the Font Size box. 3. Press UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW to select the font name or size you want. 4. Press ENTER to accept the font name or size. Editor's Note: This tip works in the following Office 2000 programs: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft FrontPage®, PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, and Word. |
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