HADEES | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) has said:
"These hearts, just like iron, become rusted and the way to remove this
(clean this rust from the hearts) is by the recitation of the Quran."
Irshaade Quloob; page 78
(clean this rust from the hearts) is by the recitation of the Quran."
Irshaade Quloob; page 78
Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivers televised speech on Arab revolutions | for everyone |
Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivers televised speech on Arab revolutions

-Our gathering today is to voice our support for our Arab people and their revolutions and sacrifices, especially in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Libya and Yemen.
-The value of this solidarity is moral, political, and ethical, and its effects are also moral. The origin of what is going on – which could decide the fate of an uprising here, a confrontation there, or a resistance there – the origin is the steadfastness of peoples, linked to their faith and high spirituality.
-You remember that during the July [2006] war, every word and statement in any state and anywhere in the world had its impact on the resistance, the people and the displaced.
-The same is the case with the Arab revolts. We tell them that we support them, that we stand by your side and we are ready to help you toward your interest and ours, with your and our capabilities.
-We have to stress that these revolutions are the will of the people themselves. Any accusation that the US manufactured and launched these revolutions is unjust speech toward these peoples, especially that we are talking about regimes which are allied with the USA, serve the American project and pose no threat to Israel.
- Is it reasonable that America would come to obedient and submissive regimes and launch popular uprisings in their face? This would make no sense.
-These popular revolutions are real. They came from the people and the political parties followed. They express awareness, enthusiasm and willingness to sacrifice. This should not be forgotten by the regimes that are facing these peoples.
-We saw people baring their chests and saying “open fire”. This means that killing, threats and massacres could not take the people out of the squares and the arenas of confrontation.
-It is a divine law that when a people comes with this level of will, sacrifice and patience, it cannot be met with defeat – not by America, Israel, or any tyrannical regime anywhere in the world.
-Our call, from the Resistance in Lebanon that liberated in 2000 and was victorious in 2006, is that the only choice is to stand firm, be patient and trust in God’s victory and help to you, if you stay in the squares of confrontation and jihad.
-What was the reaction of these regimes to rightful popular demands? Instead of starting an honest dialogue and making true reforms, and instead of entering honest dialogue with the representatives of the revolutions, they resorted to repression, murder, and humiliation.
-They [the revolutionaries] were insulted and described as rats and sectarian, [accused of] taking hallucinating pills and being American agents. This complicated the issue and disabled any possibility of dialogue. It raised the level of the demands and expectations of these peoples.
-A great victory was achieved in Egypt and Tunisia. Libya entered civil war, and in Bahrain and Yemen the regimes put their own peoples on the brink of civil war.
-We should contemplate the US and Western performance. We can understand the US policy toward the revolutions via multiple scenarios. [At first maybe] it is possible to preserve the puppet regime by making some superficial reforms or giving the regime a chance to abolish the revolution. When it starts to cost the US, its administration asks the puppet rulers to go into exile and send the people to their homes without realizing their demands.
-In all this, the US administration is trying to look like it supports the Arab revolts, but this will not be believed by our peoples who are aware enough of the US policies. They know that their regimes are made in the US and have enjoyed US protection for decades. The US administration is complicit in the crimes of these regimes and everything they did against their own peoples.
-As long as US policy towards Palestine and its people remains as it is, then any US comments about defending the peoples of Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain or Yemen will have bad intentions. The background is not that [US President Barack] Obama’s administration is a different administration and wants to support the rights of the peoples. The Arab peoples should keep their eyes on Palestine. We can review our stance on the US administration if the administration itself changes its policy toward the Palestinian cause.
-In Tunisia and Egypt a great victory was achieved thanks to many circumstances, of which the most important are: First, the steadfastness of the Tunisian and Egyptian people and their great sacrifices. Second, the neutrality of the army, despite the circumstances of this neutrality. Third, popular hostility to the regime, since no regime in Tunisia or Tunisia found anyone to defend it.
The US and the West gave the Libyan regime time to smash the revolt, but the people stood firm. If this people collapsed, then the world would have sat down with Qaddafi and negotiated with him. Qaddafi’s money would have gone into the pockets of figures in the EU and elsewhere. The rebels in Libya had no choice but to fight.
-In my experience, I have found that in all the faces of the Libyan rebels I saw, there was determination and will. The Libyan situation became complicated because of the international intervention that has begun, which could take this country into the game of nations. From the resisting Lebanon, I salute the rebels in all the cities of Libya.
-The greatest crime against Lebanon, Jerusalem and Palestine is the Qaddafi’s kidnapping of Imam Moussa Sadr. This remains subject to condemnation. Qaddafi’s last speech, in which he praised Sadr and said that Sadr visited Libya and was martyred by the verdicts of the Libyan judiciary, is all lies. We are looking forward to the day when Sadr can be liberated from this dictatorial tyrant.
-In Yemen there are many complications, but no doubt that we absolutely cannot be silent about the murder and crimes that are occurring. We salute the resistance of the Yemeni people and their commitment the peacefulness of their movement. The Yemeni people is armed, yet they show awareness by staying calm, keeping the movements peaceful, and not going to civil war.
-Concerning Bahrain, we all saw what happened in Bahrain. There is a special unjustice. As you know Bahrain is a small island and its people are fewer than one million. The people came out asking for rights in a peaceful way.
-It was possible to absorb this without reacting against the youth. The regime could have taken steps to rebuild lost trust with the opposition, but unfortunately it responded against the humble youth movement by inviting to dialogue under [cover of] murder. The people affirmed national unity and replied with flowers, and affirmed that there is no sectarian division. The [regime] sought help from armies against them and killed, wounded, and detained.
-Here there is strange irony: the Arab League and the Arab peoples, faced with the situation in Libya, did not say a word and did not send any army to defend the people. Yet in Bahrain they sent armies to defend a regime that was not threatened with collapse.
-The regime in Bahrain was not threatened and the resistance was peaceful, yet the army was used against it. This is a first. We heard that some arrested opposition leaders had their houses demolished. This is Israeli style, by the way. They demolished Pearl Square the same way. All this we could remain quiet about, since violence is the nature of tyrants and sacrifice is the nature of the holy warrior.
-The biggest injustice was to blockade these people and wound them under the banner of sectarianism. Here I salute all the Sunni movements, and I should salute the expressive stance of [Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyep Erdogan]. I ask some in the Arab and Islamic world who are remaining silent about the injustice that our brothers in Bahrain are facing: Why stay silent about these peaceful protests or condemn their movements? Is it because they are Shia? If someone in a country belonged to a certain sect, should he be relieved of his human rights? Is it because the majority of the Bahraini opposition belong to the Shia sect that they are relieved of their rights and fatwas are issued against them? Where is the justice in this?
-We stood as Shia and Sunnis with the Palestinian people. No one asked about the religion or sect of the Palestinian, Egyptian, Tunisian or Libyan people.
We all stood with them, and this is our duty. The [Iranian Supreme Guide] Imam [Ali] Khamenei stood with the Tunisian, Egyptian and Libyan peoples, not to mention his historic stand with the Palestinian people. Does this stance have a sectarian background, or a humanitarian one?
-With all courage I want to ask – and it was not meant that someday I would stand and speak about an Arab regime here and an Arab regime there – what is the difference between the Khalifah family in Bahrain, the Mubarak family in Egypt, and Qaddafi’s regime in Libya?
-What is happening in Bahrain is not a sectarian movement, and these useless arms will not stop the free rebels. Our brothers and sisters should not be affected by the sectarian rhetoric because many people in the Arab world are standing with you.
-I tell these brothers to resist in defending your rights, and I tell them that they have a wise and courage leadership that you have to listen to. Your blood and wounds will defeat the tyrants. What you are doing today is worth the sacrifice. To the leaders of Libya, Bahrain and Yemen: how can you remain on your thrones after all these crimes?
-As a result of the abandonment of the Arab leaders, or the majority of them, the door has been opened to foreign intervention in Libya and in every Arab country. This brings us back to the era of direct colonialism. In this fateful phase, every able side should intervene to find a solution. Where is Arab mediation and where is the mediation of the Organization of the Islamic Conference? There are trusted frameworks in the Arab world that could seriously mediate. There is still a chance for this. Instead of sending armies, the Arab countries should send their foreign ministers.
-Over the last two months, after the collapse of the cabinet and the appointment of a new figure, we witnessed an organized campaign under the slogan of “the removal of non-state arms.” Everything that could be said was said, and all media means were used, even cartoons like ‘Mufasa and Simba’.
-The fact that they were able to say all these things without any clashes occurring proves that they are lying. It is proof that no one has a gun to their head. Moreover, the Amal Movement and Hezbollah were partners with the LAF day and night to protect whoever attacks the Resistance. We found nothing to debate or discuss in the content.
-The issue of the Resistance cannot be addressed through incitement. We always used to say that we are not afraid of dialogue and we do not mind having dialogue, since our approach to national defense is being studied in the most important military academies in the world. All this noise will not affect the Resistance’s performance. It is continuing to train and arm to improve its level and to cooperate in the “People, Army, and Resistance” formula. The most recent result was the dismantling of an espionage device. This will not decrease the faith of the Resistance’s supporters – rather, it will increase it.
-We should deal with everything being said in a calm way, and there is no need for worry. The arms of the Resistance are fine and are pointed at the enemy. Our eyes are looking toward to the enemy, and there is no need for worry.
-WikiLeaks show the hopes hung on the [Israeli] attack [of July 2006] and show the size of March 14’s disappointment in the [Resistance’s] victory. We will wait until the documents finish. The first section of WikiLeaks is where [former US Ambassador to Lebanon Jeffrey] Feltman transmits the wishes and hopes of some figures and we have no problem with this. Let them analyze as they please. In this section, if any figure is denying that [the leaks] are true, we will accept it.
-However, the second section is not analysis, but requests. Someone asked the US ambassador to ask Israel to invade Bint Jbeil and to not stop the war unless these conditions were fulfilled: the deployment of UNIFIL. This is a call for the enemy to kill and destroy Lebanon and a part of its people, Resistance and army. These are not emotions.
-In this section, there are people who reviewed their stances, changed their political path, and stood with the resistance; and there are others who are still saying the same things and doing what they did during the July 2006 war: calling for the destruction of Lebanon for political purposes.
-In fact we are preparing a judicial file in a civilized way, especially when one of them comes and says “bomb them [the Resistance]” after July 15. The blood of all those who were martyred after that date is on his neck.
-I stood in the victory ceremony and said let us rebuild Lebanon together with those who plotted against us and participated in killing our women and children. We all knew then what had happened and who plotted against us, but today everything is in the newspapers and the Internet. We will deal with this in a modern way: we will prepare a judicial file and prosecute the people who participated in killing us.
-The majority should be counted after the Bristol conference and March 14’s refusal to participate in the cabinet. Of course there are many questions. There are pressures on the cabinet formation and its ministerial statement. The issue is not internal – [although] there are legitimate internal requests – but rather the issue is that March 14 is asking for a cabinet of technocrats. Did you accept a centrist premier in order to form a cabinet of technocrats? The PM-designate is under much pressure, and if someday we have to tell details, we will say them. Hopefully the new majority will work to form a cabinet headed by PM-designate Najib Mikati and this is a political challenge which we will withstand.
(sent by sis Mariam r. Jiwa)
I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave. | Dearborn | MI | 48126

I.M.A.M. | Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya | 13357 Michigan Ave. | Dearborn | MI | 48126
THE EVIL OF DEPRESSION | for everyone |
The state of the heart is the key to the balance of the essence of man and so it is no wonder that the traps of Satan are those which urge the physical desires on to acts that will tamper with and destroy the spirit.
However, Allah (swt), the Almighty tells us that the plans of Satan are weak! What joyous news this is for those who have been held in its dark clutches. For Satan works with illusion, while Allah (swt) is reality. Whatever we fear, cannot harm us for we know that only Allah (swt) is to be feared - for nothing occurs without His guiding hand and He guides to all that is good. He is the One who can turn evil into good.
The evil touch, the memory of betrayal can so easily be replaced with the remembrance that Allah (swt), His light and guidance can lift us far and away - beyond time and space - to a place of peace, where the dismal memories that cloud the mind are dispelled in a puff. The heart finds lightness, grace and wispy breezes of comfort in the words of Allah (swt) - the final message to man, that contains all the knowledge essential for our growth and overcoming of the evil within ourselves and in the world around us.
The victims of the world, have a greater potential for growth than any others. The spirit once touched, is open to light and guidance, softer and more compassionate to the pain of others and inner troubles of the mind stir the individual to walk the steep paths of life and thereby, through their sincerity and efforts find the vast richness of the Mercy of Allah (swt), which extends to the oppressed who with sincerity seek His ever present help.
May Allah (swt) bind the hearts of the victims to Him, that they will never give up in this journey of life. For every single person in this world carries some form of burden, some fear, some care, some disappointment, some loss - but nothing can harm the spirit, which is the essence of man which belongs to Allah (swt) and will return to Him, in the form in which it was molded in this world.
The decision belongs to us. We sink or swim. We strive or give up. But before we choose we must remember that Allah (swt) promises not to give us more than we can bear if we sincerely strive to follow His way, trusting in Him. Alone we will surely destroy ourselves, but with His ever Merciful help, nothing - absolutely nothing is impossible!
Allah (swt) burdens not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned. Above all, prayer and remembrance of Allah (swt) brings peace to the troubled mind and contains the only sure cure for the heart that cannot find peace.
"Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us Forgiveness. Have mercy on us."
WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN | for everyone |
With the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan which has devastated that country, taken an astonishing amount of victims, and left many, many lives in ruin, many people ask the questions: why does God make us suffer so much? Why are there pain, natural disasters, illness, disease and so many hardships in the world? The presence of difficulties has even led some to question the very existence of God. They say that if there was a God, then why does He allow suffering to take place? And if there is a God, then He must be a cruel one.
To question the existence of hardships in the world in order to understand their causes is one thing, but to use that as a cover-up for one's ignorance of God and as an excuse to overlook our own faults is not excusable. Nevertheless, these questions are asked and Islam answers them very convincingly:
Relative Judgment and Limited Understanding
As a general rule, when making a judgment and selecting particularities of a situation, most of us take into consideration the relationship that those matters have with us. For example, if it rains somewhere, we are not worried about its effects over the entire environment. We are only concerned with our living area. If it has a positive effect in relation to us, we say it is a divine blessing, and if it has a negative effect in relation to us, we call it a calamity, even if the entire community receives its positive effects.
At a glance and in a usual judgment, we count the sting of a snake as a problem and evil thing without being aware of the fact that its sting and poison is a means of defense for this animal. We are unaware of the fact that from this very poison, life-giving antidotes can be made which save thousands of lives. Therefore, if we do not want to be caught by mistakes, we should not look to our limited understanding and make judgments based on a matter's relationship with us, but we should take all its dimensions into consideration and make judgments based on all its sides. Placing a finger on a small part of the big picture and making a definite judgment is illogical and far from intellect. What Islam rejects is the creation of pure evil; however, if a thing is good from several aspects and bad from one aspect, and its good aspects outweigh its bad, then there is no objection.
Humans Progress with the Help of Difficulties
Difficult and unpleasant events strengthen our will and increase our power. Just as steel is strengthened in furnaces, we become stronger in the furnaces of unpleasant events.
For instance, war is a bad thing, but at times a long and difficult war blossoms the potentials of a nation, turns division into unity, and makes up for all the nation's slacking. Many sociologists and historians say that all modernization that has taken place in a part of the world throughout history has been after a country was attacked by a great foreign power which awoke and immobilized its hidden powers.
Certainly, every individual and every society does not react in the same way before life's unpleasant events. Some are overtaken by despair, weakness, and bad-sightedness. As a result, they achieve a negative outcome. But those with favorable characteristics jump into action in the face of these motivating events and quickly correct their weaknesses. However, because most people in such circumstances make quick judgments, they only see the difficulties and do not see the positive and constructive effects. The Holy Qur'an states: "It happens often that you dislike something (and deem it to be unpleasant), but God has placed in it a great deal of good." (4:19)
Hardships Can Help Us Turn Back to God
As a result of disobeying God, the human must face discomforts in life so that (s)he becomes aware of the evil results of his/her actions and turns back to God. It is here that we realize a portion of sufferings and unpleasant events are in reality blessings from God. The Qur'an says: "Corruption has appeared in the land and sea because of that which mankind has done, so that they may taste the results of some of their actions, and so they may turn back to God." (30:41)
Unpleasant Events Serve as Warnings
We have all seen people who are surrounded by bounties become captured by arrogance and selfishness, and in such a state they forget many of the important responsibilities as human beings. Also, we have seen ease and perfect comfort in life brings a form of negligence, and carelessness takes over. If this state continues, it leads to a person's destruction. Undoubtedly a portion of life's undesirable events are for getting rid of arrogance and neglect.
Professional and well-experienced drivers complain about roads that are clear, smooth, and without bumps, twists and turns, and ups and downs. They describe such roads as dangerous, because constant driving on these roads makes one sleepy, and this is when the danger begins. That is why bumps and artificial warnings are built on highways in order to decrease the chances of danger.
The path of man's life is also like this in principle. If life was without twists, turns, and bumps, and if at times bad and undesirable events did not take place, the definite results would be neglect, unawareness of God, and an end to human responsibilities.
The Qur'an states: "We have placed them in difficult, painful, and worrying circumstances so that they turn back towards God." (6:42)
Self-Made Sufferings
We bring many hardships upon ourselves. When analyzing the reasons and factors behind unpleasant events, we frequently make the error of confusing the oppression and injustice that is carried out by oppressive people as God's injustice. We also assume the chaos and disorder of humanity as nature's.
For example, at times we object: why do earthquakes inflict little damage to certain countries and place a large number of people under rubble in other places? What kind of justice is this? If afflictions are destined to be in people's lives, then why aren't they spread equally? Why must the sharp edge of harmful occurrences always point towards the weak?
Such comments are negligent of the fact that none of these are linked to the phenomenon of creation or to God's justice. These are all the results of the injustice, exploitation, and abuse of humans by each other.
If certain countries were not deprived and suffered from poverty and a lack of infrastructure because of the injustice and exploitation of other countries, why should natural disasters take so many sacrifices from them and very little from others? However, when their houses are built with nothing more than a handful of mud or rocks and wood, at times simply placed on top of each other without the use of any nails, adhesive or cement, where one strong gust of wind or tremor can bring them tumbling down, then one must not expect anything better than what we are seeing in Japan right now. What relation does this have with God's work?
One must make such criticism about the unbalanced and ill-organized state of society. One must rise and bring an end to these social injustices. One must fight against poverty and deprivation and give the weak their rights so that such incidents do not come about. The Qur'an states: "God does not do the slightest bit of injustice to mankind, but it is mankind who is unjust to themselves." (10:44)
These were just some reasons why hardships and unpleasant events exist in this world. Certainly there are many more reasons for them. However, never are they without a reason and wisdom.
(Sayyid Baqir Imrani)
Rights of the Brother in Faith | for everyone |
Rights of the Brother in Faith
There are numerous traditions in connection with the rights of the believers and brothers-in-faith. A few of such traditions are quoted below :Mualla Bin-Khanees asked Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.):
"What are the rights of the believing brother ?"
Imam (a.s.) replied, "Seven rights of the believers are Wajib - If one fails to fulfill even one of these rights, he is externed from Allah's obedience. He shall not receive any reward from the Almighty."
"What are those seven rights?", enquired Mualla.
Imam (a.s.) said, " I fear that you may fail to act upon them."
Mualla said, "La Quwwata Illa Billah" (It won't be so).
Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.) said, "The foremost right is that you wish for the believing brothers whatever you wish for yourself."
Imam (a.s.) then related the other six rights,
"The second right is that you must refrain from angering him and try to seek his pleasure and obey him.
The third right is that you help him with you life, your wealth, your tongue, and your hands.
The fourth right is that you guide him and teach him that which is beneficial for him.
The fifth, is that do not eat till satiation when your believing brother is hungry, and do not drink to satiation if he is thirsty, and do not dress nicely if he is deprived of good clothes.
The sixth right is that if you have a servant you should send him to do his work.
The seventh right is that if the believing brother says something on oath you should believe him, if he invites, you accept his invitation, if he is sick, visit him, if he dies, accompany his bier, if you come to know any of his needs fulfill it before he asks.
AL-LIWAAT - SODOMY | for everyone |
One who commits sodomy shall not die without being punished in the same manner as the people of Prophet Lut (as) were punished.
According to the Holy Quran, three kinds punishements were meted out to the people of Lut (as):
- Terrible scream and shriek
- Shower of stones that rained upon them
- The earth turned upside down
After the third calamity, Quran says: “Marked (for punishment) with your Lord and it is not far off from the unjust”. (11:83)
This verse indicates that similar punishments may also be inflicted upon those who commit sodomy.
Abu Baseer once asked Imam Ja’ffar as-Sadiq (as) about the verse:
“So when Our decree came to pass, We turned them upside down and rained down upon them stones, of what has been decreed, one after another”. (11:82)
Imam (as) explained: “There is no one who leaves this world while considering sodomy permissible, but that Allah hits him with one of the stones that had fallen on the people of Lut (as)”. (Tafseere Qummi)
After death, a homosexual will be joined with the people of Sodom who were destroyed and counted among them.
In the days of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph, a slave killed his master. When he confessed the crime , ‘Umar ordered him to be put to death. Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (as) questioned this slave: “Why did you kill your master?” The slave replied: “he had forcibly committed sodomy with me”. Imam (as) asked the heirs of the deceased, “Have you burried him?” To which they replied, “Yes, we have just come after burrying him”. Imam (as) advised ‘Umar to hold the slave in custody for three days and told the heirs of the deceased to come back after three days.
Three days passed, then Imam Ali (as), ‘Umar and some of the heirs of the murdered man went to the grave. Upon reaching there, Imam (as) asked: “Is this the grave of your man?” They answered, “Yes”. Ali (as) ordered the grave to be dug out. Amazingly the dead body had disappeared from it. Imam Ali (as) said: “Allahu Akbar! I have heard the Holy Prophet (saw) saying that: Whoever from my nation commits the act of the nation of Lut (as) and dies before repenting for it shall not remain in the grave for more than three days. The earth will suck him inside and he shall reach the place of the dead of Lut (as) where destiny annihilated them. Then that person will also be counted among them”. (Gunahaane Kabeera)
To be continued……………….
(courtesy Mulla Mujaheedali Sheriff)
Rights of Sadaat | for everyone |
Rights of Sadaat
Allama Hilli in his book `Qawaidul Ahkam' counsels his son Fakhrul Muhaqqiqin in the following words :"You should practise Sileh Rahmi with the pure descendants of the Sadaat also. The Almighty Allah has emphasized upon this duty so much that he has made the love of relatives of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) as a compensation of the Prophetic mission."
"...Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives...." (Shuara 42:23)
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
"I shall intercede for four types of people even if they carry the sins of all humanity."
- A person who has helped my descendants and progeny.
- A person who has spent his wealth upon my descendants when they were in need.
- A person who has loved my Progeny with his tongue and his heart.
- A person who has considered the wants of my descendants when they were surrounded by enemies and were homeless."
Imam Sadeq (AS) has said:
“Surely Prophet Ibrahim (AS) called on God to give him a daughter to weep after his death.”
“Surely Prophet Ibrahim (AS) called on God to give him a daughter to weep after his death.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:
“What good offspring are the girls! For they are kind, obedient, sympathetic and having blessing with them.”
“What good offspring are the girls! For they are kind, obedient, sympathetic and having blessing with them.”
“Whoever curses his child, God will afflict him with poverty.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) has also said:
“Girls are as benefaction but boys are as riches. On the Day of Judgment, there will be reward for the benefaction but riches will be questioned of.”
“Girls are as benefaction but boys are as riches. On the Day of Judgment, there will be reward for the benefaction but riches will be questioned of.”
The holy Prophet (SAW) has said:
“Whoever has three daughters or three sons, paradise is his due.”
“Whoever has three daughters or three sons, paradise is his due.”
It was asked: O Messenger of Allah, how about two? The Holy Prophet (SAW) said:
“The same is true with two.” It was asked: O Messenger of Allah, how about one? The Holy Prophet said:
“The same is true with one.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has also said:
“Whoever has three daughters or sisters and is patient in taking care of them until they get married or die he and me are as these two fingers on paradise - at this time, the Holy Prophet referred to his index and middle fingers.”
It was asked: O Messenger of Allah, what happens if they are two? The Holy Prophet (SAW) said:
“The same is true with two.” It was asked, how about one?
The Holy Prophet said: “The same is true with one.”
A man to whom a baby girl was born and seeing he was angry, Imam Sadeq (AS) said:
“The same is true with two.” It was asked: O Messenger of Allah, how about one? The Holy Prophet said:
“The same is true with one.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has also said:
“Whoever has three daughters or sisters and is patient in taking care of them until they get married or die he and me are as these two fingers on paradise - at this time, the Holy Prophet referred to his index and middle fingers.”
It was asked: O Messenger of Allah, what happens if they are two? The Holy Prophet (SAW) said:
“The same is true with two.” It was asked, how about one?
The Holy Prophet said: “The same is true with one.”
A man to whom a baby girl was born and seeing he was angry, Imam Sadeq (AS) said:
“What will you do if God says to you: Shall I choose. The Imam said:
“Now God has chosen a girl for you.
About the boy whom Khidr killed as mentioned in verse 81 of the Quranic Chapter, the Cave:
“So we desired that their Lord might give them in his place one better than him in purity and nearer to having compassion.”
Imam Sadeq (AS) said instead of that son God gave them a daughter from whose generation, seventy prophets came.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said:
“I recommend ties of kinship to those who are present or absent and every one of my Ummah being in the loins of men and wombs of women till the Day of Judgment even if there is a gap as long as a year between them, for ties of kinship is part of religion.”
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has also said:
“One side of Sarat (bridge which the righteous only can cross on the road to paradise) on the Day of Judgment is trustworthiness and the other is ties of kinsfolk. One who has been trustworthy and has observed ties of kinsfolk, crosses the bridge and goes to paradise, however, one who breaches the trust and is heedless of relatives can not cross the bridge, for his other deeds will not avail him and Sarat will throw him.
MAKHRUH CONDUCTS IN ISLAM - | for everyone |
Some of them, according to Shari’ah, are prohibited.
- To seek revenge.
- To boast about oneself.
- To be very optimistic about oneself.
- To consider one's own good deeds as great.
- To belittle other's good deeds.
- To consider other's bad deeds as great.
- To belittle one's own bad deeds.
- Not to care about one's own bad conduct and ignore other's protests against it.
- To look down up on people.
- To cause inconvenience to others.
- Hurting others even though an act causing it may not be unlawful, such as building one's house such that it blocks light or air from reaching the neighbour's.
- Insulting others even if not in unlawful ways.
- Frightening people even if not to the unlawful degrees.
- Hostility even if less than the unlawful limits.
- The use of bad words even if not unlawful.
- Jealousy.
- Wanting.
- To be rancorous and vindictive.
- To be stingy.
- To be malevolent.
- To be greedy.
- To be hasty.
- To cause commotion.
- To be hardhearted.
- To be awkward and not to get on with others.
- To be bad mannered.
- To be arrogant.
- To show off even in non-worship matters.
- To suspect people.
- To be afraid of people.
- Going back on one's promise.
- To be excessive in sexual lust.
- To have no self-respect.
- To have a low self-esteem and enthusiasm.
- To have no sense of honour.
- To have eager and fervour unnecessarily.
- Publicising matters that would have been better to be kept private.
- Lying when joking.
- To accuse someone of something in a joke.
- To make fun of others.
- To joke a lot.
- Too much laughing.
- To rely on others.
- To burden others.
- Doing useless things.
- Talking about things that are not one's concern.
- Spying on things that are not one's business.
- Taking good deeds lightly.
- Neglecting desirable acts.
- Persisting on detestable matters.
- To be curious about indecent things.
- Involving one self in undesirable matters, even if they are not unlawful.
- To confine oneself with material issues, e.g. clothing and housing, etc. in a similar way to those who lead an extravagant life.
- To express grief in hardship.
- To complain about life.
- To grief about worldly things.
- To have long worldly hopes.
- To be unhappy about one's possession in life.
- To be unconcerned about issues of the hereafter.
- Love of being praised.
- Love of leadership or high position.
- Love of this world.
- Love of wealth.
- To be too busy in earning.
- To be too wealthy that would lead to arrogance.
- To be pessimist about Allah.
- Not to have trust in Allah.
- To ignore Allah's guidance, and warnings, etc.
- Not to care about the rules of Shari’ah.
- Discrimination, fanaticism, and racism.
- To get angry without justifiable reasons.
- To be disrespectful to the elders.
- To be unkind to children.
- To be unfair.
- To be ungrateful.
- To be unthankful.
- To be two-faced.
- To be insolent.
- To neglect the believers.
- To sleep a lot.
- To have no work or skills.
- Not to observe cleanliness.
- Scrupulosity and obsession, even in worldly matters.
- To be either extremist in one’s affairs or indifferent.
- Associating with sinners.
Keeping company of contemptible individuals.
We are discussing the rules of precaution from Zinaa. The four rules discussed previously were:
- Do not even go near to what will lead you to Zinaa. Lower your gazes from forbidden things.
- Do not be alone in the company of a Non-Mahram.
- Muslim women must observe Hijaab.
- When one attains puberty, one should get married.
Those who cannot marry early due to genuine reasons, have two options:
Temporary Abstinence:
“Let those who do not find means to marry abstain (from what is unlawful) until Allah, by His grace, give them means”. (24:33)
A man comes to the Holy Prophet (saw) and says: “I do not have the (financial) ability to marry; therefore, I have come to complain to you about my singleness”. The Holy Prophet (saw) adviced him on how to control his sexual urge by saying: “Leave the hair of your body (to grow) and fast continuously”. (Wasael)
Bodily hair is in reference to pubic, chest etc. Although there is no scientific evidence on this so far, according to this Hadeeth, there certainly appears to be some link between the growth of bodily hair and sexual urge. Imam Ali (as) has also said: “Whenever a person’s hair increases, his sexual desires have also decreased”. (Wasael)
As for fasting, it will strengthen the will power of the person and make it easier for him to restrain the sexual feelings.
Temporary Marriage:
According to the Fiqh of Shia’hs, marriage is of two kinds: Da-im and Munqate’ meaning: Permanent & Temporary. Both marriages have their rules and laws as discussed in the books on Jurisprudence by the Mujtahideen (Shia’h Islamic Jurists).
This type of marriage was practiced from the time of the Holy Prophet (saw) till the early days of the khilafah of ‘Umar ibnul-Khattab –the second caliph of the Muslims. Then ‘Umar banned it and made it Haraam. Needless to say, whether it is ‘Umar or anyone else, no one has any value infront of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah (tradition).
In conclusion, the message of Islam is very clear:
Marry on a permanent basis.
If not possible, adopt the path of temporary abstinence.
If not possible too, then opt for the temporary marriage system
(courtesy Mulla Mujaheedali Sheriff)
Namaz-e-Jama'at | for everyone |
The Holy Prophet of Islam (saw) said: " The rows of my followers in the congregational (Jama'at) prayer on the earth are like the rows of angels in the sky; and a rak'at of prayer in congregation is equivalent with twenty-four rak'ats, and every rak'at with Allah, Almighty and Glorious, is more beloved than forty years of worship. Therefore, on the Day of Judgement, when Allah gathers all human beings from the beginning to the end for Reckoning, there will be no believer who has attended the congregational prayer but for whom Allah will decrease the grievousness of the Day of Reckoning and after that the one will be told to enter Paradise.Biharul Anwaar, vol. 88 page 6.
The Muslim community is blessed with having multiple “new years” throughout the year, in which we have the opportunity to take account of our actions and make a change in our lives. These occasions include the beginning of the Islamic new year – the 1st of Muharram which signals the true Islamic new year (rather than 1st January); the Night of Qadr during the Month of Ramadhan which signifies the spiritual New Year in which the affairs of the entire following year are decreed and the third is Nawrooz – the ‘New Day’ - which signals the beginning of spring and a change in seasons – a time which should also reflect a change and a rebirth within our selves.
What do our scholars say about this day and its importance? Ayatullah al-Uzma Makarim Shirazi, in his recent publication, Mafaatih al-Naveen (an updated version of Mafaatih al-Jinaan of Shaykh Abbas Qummi), writes: “In regards to what Islam has to say about Eid-e-Nowrooz, we must state that amongst the scholars, this Eid is debated. Some of the traditions point to the importance of this day as one in which many nations were saved (from perils).”
He goes on to state that, “The Late Allamah Majlisi writes in Zad al-Ma‘aad that, “From a reliable chain of narrators from Mu‘alla ibne Janis it has been narrated that on the day of Nowrooz, he was blessed to be in the presence of Imam as-Sadiq (AS). The Imam asked, “Do you know the status of this day?” Mu‘alla replied, “May I be sacrificed for your sake! This is the day which the Iranians took as a great day. On this day, they send gifts to one another.” The Imam replied, “The act of holding this day in esteem and greatness is due to certain historical events which took place which I will now explain to you.” The Imam then mentioned the following events: Nowrooz is the day when Allah, the High, took the promise from the souls of all human beings (before their creation) to His oneness, that they would not associate partners with Him and that they would accept and believe in His Prophets and Imams; this is also the day when the flood during the time of Prophet Nuh (AS) subsided and the ark rested on the mountain of Joodi; Nowrooz is also the day when the Messenger of Allah destroyed the idols of the polytheists of the Quraish in the city of Makkah. This was also the day that Prophet Ibrahim destroyed the idols; also the day when the Messenger of Allah ordered his companions to pledge allegiance to Ali as the Commander of the Faithful (this is in reference to the Day of Ghadeer which took place on the Eid-e-Nowrooz); it is also the day when the Qa’im from Aale Muhammad (the 12th Imam) will make his advent…”
However, Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi cautions that, “Since Mu‘alla ibne Janis is an individual whom the scholars question (and thus this tradition as well falls under question), for this reason, it is not possible to rely on this tradition.” None the less, he states that this day has Islamic significance, which we need to ensure is marked in an Islamic fashion. He concludes by stating that the Eid-e-Nowrooz is an Eid of nature in the world of creation; it is the day when winter ends and spring blossoms with its natural life by the command of Allah. It is the time when the leaves of the trees begin to sprout their buds and the flowers begin to bring forth their bulbs in preparation of their blooming; it is a time when a movement towards life takes hold of all of creation and thus we, the believers, should be in harmony with this event of the creation as this is equivalent to being in sync with the tradition (Sunnat) of Allah.
The believers need to ensure that they remove all actions which are ‘cultural’ or ‘traditional’ – even if practiced by Muslims, and to follow the dictates of the Prophet and the Imams.
What do our scholars say about this day and its importance? Ayatullah al-Uzma Makarim Shirazi, in his recent publication, Mafaatih al-Naveen (an updated version of Mafaatih al-Jinaan of Shaykh Abbas Qummi), writes: “In regards to what Islam has to say about Eid-e-Nowrooz, we must state that amongst the scholars, this Eid is debated. Some of the traditions point to the importance of this day as one in which many nations were saved (from perils).”
He goes on to state that, “The Late Allamah Majlisi writes in Zad al-Ma‘aad that, “From a reliable chain of narrators from Mu‘alla ibne Janis it has been narrated that on the day of Nowrooz, he was blessed to be in the presence of Imam as-Sadiq (AS). The Imam asked, “Do you know the status of this day?” Mu‘alla replied, “May I be sacrificed for your sake! This is the day which the Iranians took as a great day. On this day, they send gifts to one another.” The Imam replied, “The act of holding this day in esteem and greatness is due to certain historical events which took place which I will now explain to you.” The Imam then mentioned the following events: Nowrooz is the day when Allah, the High, took the promise from the souls of all human beings (before their creation) to His oneness, that they would not associate partners with Him and that they would accept and believe in His Prophets and Imams; this is also the day when the flood during the time of Prophet Nuh (AS) subsided and the ark rested on the mountain of Joodi; Nowrooz is also the day when the Messenger of Allah destroyed the idols of the polytheists of the Quraish in the city of Makkah. This was also the day that Prophet Ibrahim destroyed the idols; also the day when the Messenger of Allah ordered his companions to pledge allegiance to Ali as the Commander of the Faithful (this is in reference to the Day of Ghadeer which took place on the Eid-e-Nowrooz); it is also the day when the Qa’im from Aale Muhammad (the 12th Imam) will make his advent…”
However, Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi cautions that, “Since Mu‘alla ibne Janis is an individual whom the scholars question (and thus this tradition as well falls under question), for this reason, it is not possible to rely on this tradition.” None the less, he states that this day has Islamic significance, which we need to ensure is marked in an Islamic fashion. He concludes by stating that the Eid-e-Nowrooz is an Eid of nature in the world of creation; it is the day when winter ends and spring blossoms with its natural life by the command of Allah. It is the time when the leaves of the trees begin to sprout their buds and the flowers begin to bring forth their bulbs in preparation of their blooming; it is a time when a movement towards life takes hold of all of creation and thus we, the believers, should be in harmony with this event of the creation as this is equivalent to being in sync with the tradition (Sunnat) of Allah.
The believers need to ensure that they remove all actions which are ‘cultural’ or ‘traditional’ – even if practiced by Muslims, and to follow the dictates of the Prophet and the Imams.
Thus, some of the recommend actions which we should perform on this day include: a ghusl for Eid; wearing clean clothes; applying perfume; fasting, praying the recommended Salat after Salaatul Asr and the various supplications which should be read on this day, some of which are found in Mafaatih al-Jinaan [The Prayer’s Almanac in English by PET] and Mafaatih al-Naveen.
NAVORZ - NEW DAY | for everyone |
This day falls on 21st March and is known as Navroz.
It takes the sun 365 days and nights , 5hrs 28mins and 50seconds to complete the full circuit of the 12 Stations. This entry of the sun is known as Tahweel - e - Shams (Sun's entry) and celebrated as Idd - e - Navroz.
On this day Allah(s.w.t) created the earth, the universe, the cold winds started to blow and the earth became fertile to bear trees, vegetables, fruits and other necessities for mankind.
Kumers, the first King of Iran 3266 yrs before Nabi Issa(a.s) determined the days and seasons in a year and ordered all learned people to pronounce and to proclaim the importance of this day.
100 years later it was Jamshed who called this day NAVROZ and celebrated it as Idd.
Though Navroz is not a common Idd amongst Muslims, the Shias give a lot of importance.
Once our 6th Imam a.s. told Moalla bin Khunais on the importance of this day:
1. The sun attained its brightness
2. The wind started to blow
3 .The Ark of Prophet Nuh a.s. stopped near Mount Judi (near Najaf in Iraq) and saved from drowning
4. Prophet Ibrahim a.s. broke the idols of his community
5. Angel Jibrael brought the first revelation to our Holy Prophet s.a.w.
6. The Holy Prophet s.a.w. lifted Imam Ali a.s. on his shoulders for removing the idols from the Kaa'ba
7. The Holy Prophet s.a.w. announced Imam Ali a.s. as his successor at Ghadir - e - Khum
8. Our 12th Imam will reappear and hang Dajjal in a place known as Kinasa in Kufa.
It was on this day that 3000 people were raised from the dead after 60 years as mentioned in the Holy Quran (2:243). In a place called Raawerdaan, between Kufa and Basra. Plague would strike here every year and the people who had the means would migrate to other villages.
Once as they were fleeing the epidemic, Allah sent two angels, one from the front and one from the rear who shouted "die!" and instantly all the people along with their animals died on the spot.
After some sixty years, when the bones had deteriorated, Ezikel ibne Yuza, the second vicegerent of Prophet Musa a.s. happened to pass this way and started to wonder how could it be possible for Allah to raise them again. A voice was heard which told him to sprinkle water over the bones. Ezekial did as instructed and was astounded to see the bones join together in the shape of human beings and thus were they raised from the dead. It was the day of Navroz.
It has been related from Imam Jaffar Sadiq a.s. that on this day one should:
1. Try to keep a fast , have a bath , put on good clothes and use scent
2. Afte zohr prayers, pray 4 rakaats, in two's as follows:-
1st rakaat after sura al Hamd, 10 times sura al Qadr
2nd rakaat after sura al Hamd, 10 times sura al Kafiroon
1st rakaat after sura al Hamd, 10 times Qul Huwwal Lah
2nd rakaat after sura al Hamd, 10 times sura an Naas and 10 times sura al Falaq
3. Recite "Ya zal jalali wal ikram" at least 365 times
4. At the dawn of this day, recite "Ya Wahab" - "Oh Bestower" 14 times
and "Ya Wadudu"-"Oh Governor" 22 times
5. After this pray for the fullfilment of your desires.
Aamal at the Tahwel e Shams: Recite
This dua should be recited 366 times..........
and many other aamals and duas from Shia Dua books.
The rain water of this month is very useful in curing many ailments.
5 Ways to Help the People of Bahrain [please read, act upon & distribute widely | for everyone |
5 Ways to Help the People of Bahrain [please read, act upon & distribute widely]
Iran lawmakers support Bahrain protests | for everyone |
Iran lawmakers support Bahrain protests

Iranian Parliament (Majlis)
The National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) has issued a statement in support of the Bahraini people.
“The oppressed people of Bahrain are a part of the Islamic world and the Islamic Republic of Iran feels obligated to support them,” Fars News Agency quoted the statement as saying on Saturday.
The US is definitely responsible for the murder of Bahrainis by ordering its “regional mercenaries” to invade the country and repress peaceful protesters, the statement added, calling on Saudi Arabia and the UAE to leave Bahrain's soil immediately.
The statement also called on the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to take serious action on regional developments.
Earlier on Friday, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, in a letter to Edward Ssekandi, Chairman of the Parliamentary Union of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Member States, called on the organization to hold an emergency meeting to help come up with a peaceful solution to the critical situation in Bahrain, Libya and Yemen.
More than 12 people have been killed and about 1,000 others have been injured during anti-government protests which started in Bahrain on February 14.
Bahraini protesters have been demanding the ouster of the Al Khalifa monarchy and constitutional reforms.
To help the Bahraini regime crush the anti-government protests, Saudi Arabia has deployed more than 1,000 troops to the country at the request of Manama.
In a similar move, the UAE has dispatched around 500 police forces to the oil-rich Persian Gulf monarchy.
MASHAALLAH -Iran launches fighter jet squadron | for everyone |
Iran launches fighter jet squadron
An Iranian commander says the Islamic Republic of Iran's Air Force (IRIAF) has launched a squadron of domestically-built Saeqheh fighter jets.Saeqeh fighter jet
“The production of this kind of aircraft has been developing at high speed … and a fighter squadron of these fighter jets has been launched at one of the bases and is now flying,” IRNA quoted IRIAF Deputy Commander for Operations General Mohammad Alavi as saying on Saturday.
He further pointed out that the experts have managed to mass-produce the fighter jets, adding that IRIAF, outfitted with revamped equipment, was well prepared to defend the skies of the country.
General Alavi also explained that Iran has also managed to produce strategic weapons, which are smart and capable of pinpointing the location of objects.
He added that the Islamic Republic has also produced ultra-heavy bombs with huge tonnage and high destructive capabilities. These bombs are also capable of pinpointing objects, according to the Iranian commander.
He added that the Iranian Army has successfully ended the first stage of the mass-production of the bombs and it was now working to upgrade their efficiency.
According to General Alavi, in addition to the production of guided missiles similar to cruise missiles, Iran has also managed to revamp ground-based missiles that can be mounted on bombers.
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