HYGIENE IN FAMILY LIFE | for everyone |
Once the marriage takes place and the young couple starts their mutual life with love and affection, they must attend to basic issues in life, and seriously avoid any indifference or sluggishness in this regard. One of the basic issues is cleanliness and hygiene in all respects of life.
We must pay close attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of our body, hair, mouth and teeth, clothing, the floor covering, living accommodations especially kitchen appliances and dishes and whatever is related to everyday life. Some young couples are only satisfied in eating, drinking, and apparent leisure and ignore cleanliness and hygiene in their mutual life. There is no sign of orderliness, discipline or cleanliness in their life. Not only is this ignorance not acceptable to our healthy nature, our mind or divine religion, but it is also seriously despised. This may also become dominant in life through the passage of time, and may threaten the health of the family, both physically and mentally. It may also have grave consequences on the children, and turn them into indifferent, dumb, ill, weak, oppressive and burdensome individuals.
Allah (s.w.t.) the Benevolent has announced His love and affection for those who attend to hygiene and cleanliness and keep their bodies and souls free of all impurities.
“For Allah loveth those who turn to Him constantly and He loves who keep themselves pure and clean: (The Holy Qur’an 2.222)
Islam is manifested through the Holy Qur’an, the sayings of the noble Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and the Immaculate Imams (a.s.) Nearly fifteen agents have been introduced as cleansing agents in Islam.
In several important traditions, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has stressed the value of purity and cleanliness in such a way that it seems to be one of the surprising Islamic issues to any intellectual.
“Cleanliness is half of faith”
“The first thing that is considered in the Hereafter is cleanliness.”
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) was extremely sensitive to the issue of oral and dental hygiene, cleaning hair, and face, clothes and furniture, lanes and streets and even the dead.
He was also superior to all in following hygienic rules and cleanliness. He ordered the dead to be washed with lotus and camphor water.
Also he ordered camphor to be placed on the forehead where we prostrate to worship Allah (s.w.t). Also he ordered the grave to be dug deeper and to be careful in placing a stone above the head and a little bit distant from it, and to throw dust over the dead body in an orderly fashion. Thus the body, the camphor and the dust will disintegrate and combine together in such a way as to maintain the health of citizens. These decrees are amazing ones and show the greatness of that noble Prophet’s knowledge and wisdom.
Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “Follow the example of your Prophet who is the cleanest and purest creature in existence. In fact, he is a model for anyone who wishes to follow him in all issues related to living: (Naj ul-Balaghah, Sermon 160)
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “In fact God is pure. He likes the pure; He is clean, He likes the clean.”
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) said: “Wash yourselves free of any bad, disturbing odors with water, and be responsible for yourself. If fact, Allah the Almighty is angry with those who are so filthy that others do not like their company.”
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “Clean your body, Allah will clean you and in fact there is no one who spends the night clean, and is not accompanied by an Angel. And no hour of the night is passed without the Angel saying: O’ God, please forgive your servant since he spent the night while being clean.” “The human body is filthy and Filthy people perish.”
Jabir ibn Abdullah Ansari has been narrated as saying:
“The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) saw a man with badly disheveled hair. He asked him, “Did he not find anything to comb his hair with? He saw another person with filthy clothes. He shouted: Did he not find any water to wash his clothes?”
The Fifth Imam Mohammed ibn Ali al-Baqir (a.s.) said: “Sweeping your houses will eliminate poverty.”
The Sixth Imam Ja’far ibn Mohammed al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: “Washing the dishes and sweeping your courtyards will increase your daily bread.”
Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “Do not allow trash to collect outside your hours since it is a source of evil.”
It is wonderful the Holy Prophets (s.a.w.a.) and the Imams (a.s.) informed the people about the dangers from microbes centuries before their discovery.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “Do not leave the unusable food leftovers at home overnight and take them out of the house in broad daylight. In fact these unusable leftovers are a source of evil.”
“Attend to cleaning with all your strength, since Allah (swt) has established Islam on cleanliness. No one shall enter Heaven, but the clean.”
The Eight Imam Ali ibn Musa ar-Reza (a.s.) said: “Cleanliness is one of the attributes of divine Prophets.”
As the Holy Qur’an has recommended mutual co-operation based on kindness and piety, the man should help his wife in cleaning. Women are morally bound to clean the house, the furniture and clothes to please their husbands and Allah. This will also guarantee the family’s health and will defeat pain, illness, distress and suffering.
Housewives should remember that working at home to provide for the family’s comfort is a form of worship and it certainly has divine reward.
LOVE IS ABOVE ALL | for everyone |
A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."
"Is the man of the house home?",
they asked. "No", she replied. "He's out." "Then we cannot come in", they replied.
In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened. "Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"
The woman went out and invited the men in"
In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened. "Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"
The woman went out and invited the men in"
"We do not go into a House together," they replied Why is that she asked ?
One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home."
The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!!", he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!"
His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite Success?" Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!"
"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife.
"Go out and invite Love to be our guest."
The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.
"Go out and invite Love to be our guest."
The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.
Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: "I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?"
The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him.
Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!!!!!!"
-Where there is pain, I wish you peace and mercy.
-Where there is self-doubting, I wish you a renewed confidence in your ability to work through it.
-Where there is tiredness, or exhaustion, I wish you understanding, patience, and renewed strength.
-Where there is fear, I wish you love, and courage.
-Where there is self-doubting, I wish you a renewed confidence in your ability to work through it.
-Where there is tiredness, or exhaustion, I wish you understanding, patience, and renewed strength.
-Where there is fear, I wish you love, and courage.
According to Imam Mohamed Al-Baqir (a.s.), satan dispatches a special task force in the morning to beguile people. Hence we have been advised to remember Allah (swt) much and to take refuge in Him. Perhaps, for the same reason, Islam has considered sleeping between dawn and sunrise as undesirable.
Rassulullah (s.a.w.a.) said: “One who recites Surah Qul-Huwallaahu-Ahad 10 times every day, whatsoever attempts Satan may make so that a sin is written in the person’s account will not succeed.”
“Sawaabul Aamaal” quotes from reliable authorities that one who recites:
“ALLAAHUMMA-SALLE-ALAA-MUHAMMED-WA-AALE MUHAMMED” 100 times after the morning prayers will not be punished by hell-fire.
Barbara Walters, of 20/20, did a story on gender roles in Kabul,
Afghanistan, several years before the Afghan conflict.
She noted that women customarily walked five paces behind their husbands.
She recently returned to Kabul and observed that women still walk behind
Their husbands. Despite the overthrow of the oppressive Taliban
regime, the women now seem happy to maintain the old custom.
Ms Walters approached one of the Afghani women and asked, 'Why do you now
Seem happy with an old custom that you once tried so desperately to change?'
The woman looked Ms.Walters straight in the eyes, and without hesitation
Said, 'Land Mines.'
Moral of the story is (no matter what language you speak or where you go):
NAMAZ-E- WAHSAT- on the day of burial | for everyone |
It is Mustahab that on the day of the burial on this night between Maghrib and Isha one should recite two rakats prayer. This is known as Namaz-e-Wahshat because for the dead person the most horrifying and difficult is the first night.
In the first rakat after Surah Hamd recite Ayatul Kursi and in the second rakat after Surah Hamd recite Suarah Qadr 10 times and after the prayer say:
Allaahumma sale a’laa Muhammadinw wa aale Muhammadinw wab a’tha thawaabaha ilaa qabre dhaalikal mayyite falaan bin falaan. Instead of falaan bin falaan mention the name of the dead person.
Another Prayer
Sayyid Ibne Tawus has narrated from the Messenger of Allah (saw) that the most difficult for the dead person is the first night in the grave, so have pity on your dead ones and give Sadaqah on their behalf so that their difficulty is reduced and if there is nothing to give in Sadaqah you must pray two rakats prayer.
In the first rakat after Surah Hamd recite Surah Tawheed twice and in the second rakat after Surah Hamd recite Surah Takathur 10 times and after the Salaam say:
Allaahumma sale A’laa Muhammadinw wa aale muhammadin wab atha thawaabaha ilaa qabre dhaalikal mayyite falaan ibne falaan
Allaahumma sale A’laa Muhammadinw wa aale muhammadin wab atha thawaabaha ilaa qabre dhaalikal mayyite falaan ibne falaan
Thus the Almighty this very moment would send thousands of angels to the grave with heavenly garments and they turn the narrowness of the grave into vastness till the time the bugle would be blown and would make the good deeds of the worshipper shine like the sun and elevate him 40 grades.
Fazilat of Namaz-e-Wahshat
Fazilat of Namaz-e-Wahshat
Shaykh Thiqatul Islam Noori has narrated directly from Fath Ali Sultanabadi that he says he had the habit that whenever he heard of the death of a family member or a friend he would pray two rakats prayer of the night of burial and gift the Sawab. "No one knew about this practice of mine. One day I met a friend. He said: Last night I had a dream in which I saw a person who had died that day. I asked him about his well being and inquired about the conditions after death. He said that after my death I was in a terrible difficulty because my deeds were very bad. Till the time this person recited two rakat prayer. And he mentioned your name. This two rakat Namaz saved me from the punishment. May Allah have mercy on the parents of this person who did this favour to me.
Marhum Haaj Mulla said: At this time the person asked me what that prayer was? I explained to him the method of this prayer and those things that are beneficial to the dead ones.
They are as follows:
1. In order to be safe from the Wahshat-e-Qabr (terror of the grave) one should perform the ruku properly. Thus it is related from Imam Baqir (as) that one who performs the ruku properly does not have terror in the grave.
2. Recite "Laa ilaaha illallaahul Malikul haqqul Mubeen" a hundred times daily. One who recites this is safe from poverty and terror of the grave and affluence pulls him towards itself and the doors of Paradise open up for him.
3. Recite Surah Yasin before going to bed.
4. Recite Namaz-e-Lailatul Raghaib which is mentioned in the A’maal of Rajab on the eve of the first Friday of the month of Rajab.
It is narrated from Imam Sadiq (as) that whenever there is narrowness and severity on the dead body the Almighty widens his grave and removes the narrowness and says that this widening is because you had recited Namaz-e-Wahshat for such and such believer brother.
(source Islamicdigest.net
Freedom of Speech? Whitehouse To Ban “Anti-US” Channels | for everyone |
In His Name, the Most High
Press TV News Analysis Special, with Dr Franklin Lamb, Dr Mohammad Marandi, and Dr William Beeson on the new law that the Whitehouse along with AIPAC seek to pass that will attempt to ban channels perceived by the US Administration as "Anti-US" from broadcasting.
The bill has been brought into play by AIPAC and according to many analysts is considered unimplementable; and also detrimental to freedom of speech in America.
Also; this bill according to many exposes the hypocrisy of the US Administration since it fund and supports a number of channels that spew violent hatred into Iran including actual incitement against Islam and racism towards Arabs. These channels, broadcast out of America are funded heavily by both America and Britain.
Does this expose a true double standard of the US Administration? Does it expose the extent of influence that AIPAC the Zionist Lobby in the US has over the US Administration? Listen to this excellent and informative discussion. Recorded from a live broadcast on Press TV on January 25, 2010 at 1830GMT.
For more on this pls visit site Islamicdigest.et
Zekr - Open Source Quran Study Platform Project | for everyone |
Shabbir R Hassanally

, Co-Editor
Zekr - Open Source Quran Study Platform Project
Posted by admin under Islamic Software , Tafsir (Exegesis) , Quranic Commentary , Spirituality , Islamic Revolution
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is, to put it simply, an Open Platform Quran Study Tool - meaning that it works on almost alloperating systems
, from Linux
, to Windows
, toMacOS
- and since the source code is available
, if required it can be ported to other less well known operating systems.

· Ari R. Fikri (Indonesian language pack)
· Younes Moumen (Basic French and Arabic language packs)
· Riyad Preukschas (German language pack)
· Michael Kalinin (Russian language pack + Russian translations)
· Omar sm (Critical typo reports)
· Aydin Tarık Zengin (Turkish language pack + Turkish translation)
· H N Jafar (Malay language pack)
· Erik van Luxzenburg (Initial Dutch language pack)
· Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi (Arabic language pack)
· Dangiislam.org (Kurdish language pack)
· Mohsin Shafeeque Hijazee (Urdu language pack)
· Nedim Hadžić (Bosnian language pack)
· Alma Aganović (Help on Bosnian language pack + Korkut translation)
· Johan Laenen (Dutch language pack)
· Zabeehkhan (Pashto language pack)
· Fareed A. Bashirov (Tatar language pack + Tatar translation)
· Mohammad Mehdi Saboorian (useful feedbacks)
The software has been released under the GNU GPL License
, and more information can be found on the software’s release notes
. The Zekr Project
can also be found atsourceforge

The most current (stable) version of Zekr that is available is Zekr 0.6.6 (Released on October 6, 2007)
, and it’s release notes can be found here
. There was however, a special Ramadhan Version
, which can be downloaded from here
. The Ramadhan Version focused more on Quranic Recitation, and as a result it includes lightweight Flash MP3 play to Quranic recitation files (online or offline) according to the note on the website. The release notes for the Ramadhan Version - which is really Zekr 0.6.5 - can be found here

You can find a comprehensive series of screenshots
, which effectively give you a walkthrough the application on the Zekr Website

The complete software development map
for Zekr
can be found here

This is an awesome application, very stable, and it just works - just like Ehsan

In my opinion it is fast and works very smoothly. There are a bunch of translations to download (even Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi’s(HA) Farsi translation!) and best of all the search option works like a charm.
Completely spot on.
I would recommend this project to anyone, and incidentally, I wonder if it would be possible to add other books to the Zekr Engine, books such as Mafatih al-Jinan
, Sahifa as-Sajjadiyyah
, and others? You could even incorporate various tafaseer (Exegeses) of the Quran
, and even have books like Nahj ul-Balagha
incorporated into it. How awesome is that!! In theory, all it would require is the actual content of the books, in the appropriate format, hmm, this could be one to have a serious think about.

This really is an awesome project, and I ask that everyone spread the word about Zekr

With Salaams and Dua’s
Shabbir R Hassanally

, Co-Editor
Shabbir R Hassanally

Pls visit this site to download
zekr.cvs.sourceforge.net/zekr/ siahe.com/zekr/screenshot/index.html

Saudi Wahhabi extremists force Shia worshippers to pray on the street

Several worshippers informed that a long bearded and short thobes, a typical look of wahhabi extremist, came from outside the neighborhood and prevented them from performing their prayers in a Sunni mosque.
Saudi authorities gave their permission to Saudi Shia to perform their prayers in this Sunni mosques.
The wahhabi extremists came along with the mosque custodian and started a heated dispute that was about to reach to a clash.
The wahhabi extremists insulted the Shia Imam, Sayed Mohammad Al-Nasser, which he took it calmly and ordered the worshippers to leave the mosques to defuse the situation.
Alsayed Mohammad Al-Nasser performed the prayers on the street next to the mosque they were forced to leave.
Sources informed that a Shia delegation is planning to meet the officials in Eastern Province Governance (EMARA) to bring to their attention what happened.
End Item/ 129
Dialogue Between a Traveler and the Holy Prophet S.A.A.W): | for everyone |
Dialogue Between a Traveler and the Holy Prophet S.A.A.W):
A traveler once came to the mosque to see the Prophet (S.A.A.W). After greeting the prophet (S.A.A.W) he was asked where he was from. The traveler replied that he came from very far just to get a few questions answered. Following is the dialogue between the traveler and the prophet.
Traveler: I do not want azaab to be written in my account.Prophet: Behave well with your parents.
Traveler: I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person.Prophet: Fear Allah always.
Traveler: I want to be counted amongst Allah's favorites.
Prophet: Recite Quran every morning and evening.
Traveler: I want my heart to always be enlightened.
Prophet: Never forget death.
Traveler: I never want to be away from Allah's blessings.
Prophet: Always treat fellow creatures well.
Traveler: I never want to be harmed by my enemies.Prophet: Always have faith in only Allah (SWT).
Traveler: I never want to be humiliated.
Prophet: Be careful of your actions.
Traveler: I wish to live long.Prophet: Always do Sila’ Rahmi. (Goodness towards blood relations)
Traveler: I want my sustenance to increase.Prophet: Always be in Wudhoo.
Traveler: I wish to stay free of Azaab in the grave.Prophet: Always wear pure (Paak) clothes.
Traveler: I never want to burn in hell.Prophet: Control your eyes and tongue.
Traveler: How do I get my sins forgiven?Prophet: Always ask forgiveness from Allah with a lot of humility.
Traveler: I want people to respect me always.Prophet: Never extend your hands of need at people.
Traveler: I want to always be honored...
Prophet: Never humiliate or put down anyone.
Traveler: I don't want to be squeezed by Fishare Qabr (squeezing in the grave).Prophet: Recite sura’e Mulk often.
Traveler: I want my wealth to increase.Prophet: Recite Sura’e Waqia every night.
Traveler: I want to be safe and at peace on the Day of Judgment.Prophet: Do Zikr of Allah from dusk to night.
Traveler: I want to be in full attention and concentration during Namaaz.
Prophet: Always do Wudhoo with concentration and attention.
A traveler once came to the mosque to see the Prophet (S.A.A.W). After greeting the prophet (S.A.A.W) he was asked where he was from. The traveler replied that he came from very far just to get a few questions answered. Following is the dialogue between the traveler and the prophet.
Traveler: I do not want azaab to be written in my account.Prophet: Behave well with your parents.
Traveler: I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person.Prophet: Fear Allah always.
Traveler: I want to be counted amongst Allah's favorites.
Prophet: Recite Quran every morning and evening.
Traveler: I want my heart to always be enlightened.
Prophet: Never forget death.
Traveler: I never want to be away from Allah's blessings.
Prophet: Always treat fellow creatures well.
Traveler: I never want to be harmed by my enemies.Prophet: Always have faith in only Allah (SWT).
Traveler: I never want to be humiliated.
Prophet: Be careful of your actions.
Traveler: I wish to live long.Prophet: Always do Sila’ Rahmi. (Goodness towards blood relations)
Traveler: I want my sustenance to increase.Prophet: Always be in Wudhoo.
Traveler: I wish to stay free of Azaab in the grave.Prophet: Always wear pure (Paak) clothes.
Traveler: I never want to burn in hell.Prophet: Control your eyes and tongue.
Traveler: How do I get my sins forgiven?Prophet: Always ask forgiveness from Allah with a lot of humility.
Traveler: I want people to respect me always.Prophet: Never extend your hands of need at people.
Traveler: I want to always be honored...
Prophet: Never humiliate or put down anyone.
Traveler: I don't want to be squeezed by Fishare Qabr (squeezing in the grave).Prophet: Recite sura’e Mulk often.
Traveler: I want my wealth to increase.Prophet: Recite Sura’e Waqia every night.
Traveler: I want to be safe and at peace on the Day of Judgment.Prophet: Do Zikr of Allah from dusk to night.
Traveler: I want to be in full attention and concentration during Namaaz.
Prophet: Always do Wudhoo with concentration and attention.
SELF ACCOUNTING | for everyone |
Accounting is a characteristic found in human nature, irrespective of his country, ancestry, community or religion. Man is always preoccupied about things that shall befit or harm him; he is always worried about his future, his wealth, property and about other things. His mind is always analyzing his strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Accounting is of various kinds. Generally, man takes an account of those things that are related to this temporary world. At such times, he forgets that there is someone else too, who is taking (his) account and whose rewards are everlasting. He is so absorbed in the accounting of this colorful and attractive world, that he has forgotten the terrifying accounting that shall take place in the grave or the impartial accounting of the Day of Mahshar (Day of Gathering on the Last Judgment). Man is busy in finding faults in others. He forgets to take account of himself and see how much he is immersed in sins and how many flaws lie within his own self.
Rather, man should make his own self so strong and powerful, that it becomes his advisor. The ‘self’ of man should exhort him towards all obligatory acts and stop him from committing all prohibited acts. Today, so much time is being wasted in backbiting, accusing others, watching television and committing others sins. Man must realize that everything will be accounted for. The way you trained your children, the way you spent your money, whether you have usurped any one’s right, even if it is a material right to the extent that even if you have done good or evil of the size of a mustard seed, it will be accounted for. The Day of Judgment is also referred to as ‘The Day of Lamenting’. As Allah (s.t.) mention in Noble Qur’an: Whether you show what is in your mind or conceal it, Allah is well aware of that and will call you to, account therefore. (2:284)
It is for this very reason that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has narrated:
“Take account (of your deeds) yourself before you are taken account of (by Allah s.w.t.) (Bihar al-Anwar)
In the Wasiyyah (will) of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) to his companion Abu Dharr al-Ghifari (R.A.), the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says:
Oh! Abu Dharr! Take account of yourself before you’re taken account of so your accounting will be easier tomorrow. And weigh yourself before you are weighed and prepare for the great staging; the day you will be presented, not the least of a hidden thing of you will be hidden from Allah (s.t.)
And to another companion Abdullah Bin Mas’ud (R.A.) the Holy Prophet (s.aw.s.) said:
“A man shall be asked concerning five things on the day of resurrection; concerning his life, how he spent it; concerning his youth; how he grew old; concerning his wealth, whence he acquired it, and in what way he spent it; and what was it that he did with knowledge that he had (Trimidhi 5197)
Take account of yourself before the weighing scale is established. And be prepared for a great accounting. Just as man carries a watch in order to keep track of him, in the same manner he should assign a watch for himself that will keep a trace of his daily activates. He should check everyday the actions that are beneficial to him and the actions that harm him. Every night when we lie down on the bed we should analyze our entire day and scrutinize each and every of our actions. ‘What did we eat?’ ‘Wheat did we earn?’ ‘Did we commit any sin?’ At the same time we should also remember about the Day of Qiyamat (day of resurrection). If we find that we have performed good actions, then we should praise Allah (s.t.) and if we find that we have performed bad actions, the we should seek forgiveness from Him and resolve not to repeat them;
It was asked from Imam Ali (a.s.): How should a person take account of himself?
Imam Ali (a.s.) replied:
When a person ends his day then he should turn towards himself and say ‘O self! This day that has passed will not return. Allah (s.t.) will ask you about how wasted your day. He will ask you about the actions you performed, whether you remembered Him and praised Him? Whether you fulfilled a right of your fellow believer? Did you remove a difficulty that befell upon a believer? Did you protect his children in his absence? Did you safeguard his rights after his death? Did you – on account of your position- prevent anyone from backbiting about your believing brother? Did you help any Muslim throughout the day?
Thus every man should ponder over his actions that he has performed during the day. If he finds that he has done good actions, then he should praise Allah (s.t.) for giving him opportunity (Tawfeeq). But if he finds that he has committed sins then he should seek forgiveness from Allah (s.t.) and make a firm intention that he shall not repeat that act again’
Then let us be strict with ourselves every time we account for ourselves, just as a master is strict with his slave or as a partner takes account of another partner. So account of yourself before you account is taken which will be so severe that there shall be no scope fro rectification.
(extract Jaf'ari Observer)
SELF ACCOUNTING | for everyone |
Accounting is a characteristic found in human nature, irrespective of his country, ancestry, community or religion. Man is always preoccupied about things that shall befit or harm him; he is always worried about his future, his wealth, property and about other things. His mind is always analyzing his strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Accounting is of various kinds. Generally, man takes an account of those things that are related to this temporary world. At such times, he forgets that there is someone else too, who is taking (his) account and whose rewards are everlasting. He is so absorbed in the accounting of this colorful and attractive world, that he has forgotten the terrifying accounting that shall take place in the grave or the impartial accounting of the Day of Mahshar (Day of Gathering on the Last Judgment). Man is busy in finding faults in others. He forgets to take account of himself and see how much he is immersed in sins and how many flaws lie within his own self.
Rather, man should make his own self so strong and powerful, that it becomes his advisor. The ‘self’ of man should exhort him towards all obligatory acts and stop him from committing all prohibited acts. Today, so much time is being wasted in backbiting, accusing others, watching television and committing others sins. Man must realize that everything will be accounted for. The way you trained your children, the way you spent your money, whether you have usurped any one’s right, even if it is a material right to the extent that even if you have done good or evil of the size of a mustard seed, it will be accounted for. The Day of Judgment is also referred to as ‘The Day of Lamenting’. As Allah (s.t.) mention in Noble Qur’an: Whether you show what is in your mind or conceal it, Allah is well aware of that and will call you to, account therefore. (2:284)
It is for this very reason that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has narrated:
“Take account (of your deeds) yourself before you are taken account of (by Allah s.w.t.) (Bihar al-Anwar)
In the Wasiyyah (will) of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) to his companion Abu Dharr al-Ghifari (R.A.), the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says:
Oh! Abu Dharr! Take account of yourself before you’re taken account of so your accounting will be easier tomorrow. And weigh yourself before you are weighed and prepare for the great staging; the day you will be presented, not the least of a hidden thing of you will be hidden from Allah (s.t.)
And to another companion Abdullah Bin Mas’ud (R.A.) the Holy Prophet (s.aw.s.) said:
“A man shall be asked concerning five things on the day of resurrection; concerning his life, how he spent it; concerning his youth; how he grew old; concerning his wealth, whence he acquired it, and in what way he spent it; and what was it that he did with knowledge that he had (Trimidhi 5197)
Take account of yourself before the weighing scale is established. And be prepared for a great accounting. Just as man carries a watch in order to keep track of him, in the same manner he should assign a watch for himself that will keep a trace of his daily activates. He should check everyday the actions that are beneficial to him and the actions that harm him. Every night when we lie down on the bed we should analyze our entire day and scrutinize each and every of our actions. ‘What did we eat?’ ‘Wheat did we earn?’ ‘Did we commit any sin?’ At the same time we should also remember about the Day of Qiyamat (day of resurrection). If we find that we have performed good actions, then we should praise Allah (s.t.) and if we find that we have performed bad actions, the we should seek forgiveness from Him and resolve not to repeat them;
It was asked from Imam Ali (a.s.): How should a person take account of himself?
Imam Ali (a.s.) replied:
When a person ends his day then he should turn towards himself and say ‘O self! This day that has passed will not return. Allah (s.t.) will ask you about how wasted your day. He will ask you about the actions you performed, whether you remembered Him and praised Him? Whether you fulfilled a right of your fellow believer? Did you remove a difficulty that befell upon a believer? Did you protect his children in his absence? Did you safeguard his rights after his death? Did you – on account of your position- prevent anyone from backbiting about your believing brother? Did you help any Muslim throughout the day?
Thus every man should ponder over his actions that he has performed during the day. If he finds that he has done good actions, then he should praise Allah (s.t.) for giving him opportunity (Tawfeeq). But if he finds that he has committed sins then he should seek forgiveness from Allah (s.t.) and make a firm intention that he shall not repeat that act again’
Then let us be strict with ourselves every time we account for ourselves, just as a master is strict with his slave or as a partner takes account of another partner. So account of yourself before you account is taken which will be so severe that there shall be no scope fro rectification.
(extract Jaf'ari Observer)
Farq Sirf Itna Sa Tha......... | for everyone |
Farq Sirf Itna Sa Tha
The difference between a wedding and a funeral!!
Teri doli uthi,
Meri mayyat uthi,
Phool tujh par bhi barse,
Phool mujh par bhi barse,
Tu saj gayi,
Mujhe sajaya gaya .
Tu bhi ghar ko chali,
Main bhi ghar ko chala,
Tu uth ke gayi,
Mujhe uthaya gaya .
Mehfil wahan bhi thi,
Log yahan bhi the,
Unka hasna wahan,
Inka rona yahan.
Qazi udhar bhi tha, Molvi idhar bhi tha,
Do bol tere pade, Do bol mere pade,
Tera nikah pada, Mera janaaza pada,
Tujhe apnaya gaya ,
Mujhe dafnaya gaya.
The difference between a wedding and a funeral!!
Teri doli uthi,
Meri mayyat uthi,
Phool tujh par bhi barse,
Phool mujh par bhi barse,
Tu saj gayi,
Mujhe sajaya gaya .
Tu bhi ghar ko chali,
Main bhi ghar ko chala,
Tu uth ke gayi,
Mujhe uthaya gaya .
Mehfil wahan bhi thi,
Log yahan bhi the,
Unka hasna wahan,
Inka rona yahan.
Qazi udhar bhi tha, Molvi idhar bhi tha,
Do bol tere pade, Do bol mere pade,
Tera nikah pada, Mera janaaza pada,
Tujhe apnaya gaya ,
Mujhe dafnaya gaya.
WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD | for everyone |
BIBI SAKINA (S.A.) - A TRIBUTE | for everyone |
Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim
Allah bless Muhammed and the progeny of Muhammed
A poem for Bibi Sakina/Rukaya (AS)
I saw my father beheaded lying on the ground
I saw my brother Akber in his own blood he was drowned
I saw my brother Akber in his own blood he was drowned
Where is Asghar,I can’t hear him cry, nothing not a sound
I saw my uncle Abbas his head with arrows was crowned
I saw my uncle Abbas his head with arrows was crowned
I saw my Cousin Qassim his body blood did surround
Then the enemies stole my earrings and chased me round and round
Then the enemies stole my earrings and chased me round and round
I am Sakina I am only four, water from me for three days they did keep away
Now I am in this jail a dungeon so very deep
Now I am in this jail a dungeon so very deep
I have no tears, I am drained I can not even sleep
I remember the events in Taf and then I start to weep
I remember the events in Taf and then I start to weep
My aunt Zainab is tired and my brother is sick and frail
I want to see my sister Sughra and I want back my veil
I want to see my sister Sughra and I want back my veil
Instead they bring my fathers head I scream and in my heart I start to wail
Oh Shia don’t forget my troubles I am Sakina I was only a child and I died in this very jail
Oh Shia don’t forget my troubles I am Sakina I was only a child and I died in this very jail
Oh Sakina your grief is too heavy for my heart
Lanat on you yazid Ya Hussein zindabad
Lanat on you yazid Ya Hussein zindabad
(poetry by Abu Shahbaaz Londoni
In a lengthy narration from Ali ibn Ibrahim in his tafsir of the Holy Qur’an narrating from Abu J’afar (Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S.) it has been stated that:
“In regards to the verse, ‘And they do not display their beauties..,’ the Imam said that the apparent beauties include the woman’s clothes, Surmah (a type of powder applied on the inner eye-lid- usually in the Middle Eastern countries), rings, and bracelets. He then said that beauties are of three types: one of them is related, to all people which is the one that we just mentioned, the second being the beauties of one’s Maharim and these include the neck and all above that part, the waist and that below it (this can be kept open while in the presence of one’s Maharim); and the third beauty which is related to one’s spouse which includes the entire body of the woman.
(Mustadark al-Wasi’il ver 2 pg 555 Beahrul Anwar vol 67 pg 101)
In another hadith from Imam Ja’far as Sadiq (A.S.) it has been mentioned that a person once asked him what parts of the body were permitted for a man to look at of woman who is his non-Mahram. The Imam (A.S.) replied the face; the two palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet.
(Usul a-Kafi, vol 5 pg 521)
That which has been made an exception is the palms of the hand and face, as long as they are looked at without a sexual intention. Rather, in the books of the Fuqaha it has been mentioned that it is Haram to look at the face and hands of a woman with a sexual intention. In fact according to Ihityat Wajib even if one does not have sexual intention; he still must not look at these parts. The feet too according to the Maraja must be covered. Also a woman is only permitted to look at those parts of the body of man that are commonly exposed by them.
Asma’ (the daughter of Abu Bakr, and the sister of Ayesha) once came to the house of our Prophet while she was wearing thin see-thru clothing that was showing her body. The Prophet of Islam (s.a.w...s) turned his face away from her (so as to not look at her) and told her;
‘O Asma’! Verily when a woman reaches to the age of maturity, it is not appropriate that one sees her body except for this and this of her (he said this by pointed with his own hands) and he pointed to the palms of his hands and the face. (Sunan Abid Dawud, vol 4 pg 62)
In another tradition from Fuzail ibn Yasar, he mentions that once he asked Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a.s.) if the elbow up to the wrist of the woman would be classified as a beauty (so as to be covered in the presence of non-Mahram men); since Allah had mentioned in the Holy Qur’an that the women must not display their beauties except to their close relatives. The Imam (a.s.) replied
‘Yes that this was considered as a beauty and that which was under the scarf (hair and neck) and from their bracelet and above must all be covered. (Usul al-Kafi, Vol 5, pg 521)
The Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) addressing Hawla’, the wife of Atarah said,
‘Hawla’ Do not display your beauties to anyone other than your husband! O Halwa’! it is not permitted for a woman to show her arm and her feet to non-Mahram men and if she continues to do this, Allah (s.t.) will continue to curse her; she will fall victim to the anger and wrath of Allah (s.t.) and the Angels of Allah will also curse her; and a very frightful punishment will await her on the Day of Judgment.!”
(Mustadarak al-Wasa’il vol 2 pg 549 ol 14 pg 242 new print)
Continuing his speech to Hawla’, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said:
‘O Hawla! Whichever woman amongst you has a firm belief in Allah and the Last Day will not permit her beauties to be seen by any other than her husband, and she will not allow her hair of her head and her arms to be shown. Any woman who allows these to be seen to any other than her husband has undoubtedly corrupted her religion (her faith) and has made her Lord upset with her (ibid)
In the final hadith on this topic Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that:
‘It is not permitted for Muslim woman to wear scarf (to cover her hair) or a shirt and leave the rest of her body open (uncovered)
(Wasa’il ash-Shia, vol 3 pg 28)
From the verses of eh Holy Qur’an and the Hadith we has presented, one general rule can be deduced that a Muslim woman must cover her entire body and hair from the view of non-Mahram men, not only this but through her acts, speech, clothing and her general demeanor she must not do anything to draw the attention of non-Mahram men.
From the narration of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) regarding this tafsir of the verse (the first verse mentioned), we can deduce that a woman’s Mahram which includes her brother, father, etc do not have the right to look at every part of her body and the woman too must not keep that which is below her neck and that which is above the waist area, her private parts to be left open. It is not permitted for a woman that just because she is amongst her Mahrim, to wear in any way she pleases.
(extract from Jaf'ari Observer)
(This is only part of extracts on Hijab – One must also read details on topics of Hijab which to be observed from other Islamic books to have complete knowledge on same)
(sent by Sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
A SMILE FOR MY FRIENDS..... | for everyone |
(sent by Sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
MUSLIM FAMILY ETHICS | for everyone |
From the Qur’an and Hadith of the Ahl al-Bait (a.s.), we can deduce that the house in which there is love and cooperation, the Salat is performed, the fasts are maintained, Allah (s.t.) is frequently remembered, the Qur’an is read, supplications are recited and all the family members sincerely call upon Allah (s.t.) - such a home is loved by Allah (s.t.) and this is the type of home that He likes to see. Such a house is full of blessings and spiritual aura that it is illuminated with light for those who are in the heavens, just as the stars in the sky glow for thus on Earth!
On the other hand, a house in which Allah (s.t.) is not remembered or in which enmity and hatred exists, Qur’an and supplications are not recited, Salat is not performed, nor are the fasts kept- is a house of sin covered in layers of darkness and devoid of any blessings. This is a house which the Shaytan (Devil) frequents and the curse of the Angels falls.
In the Qur’an in Surah al-Nur, verse 36 :
“In houses which Allah (s.t.) has permitted to be exalted and that His name may be remembered in them.”
Allah (s.t.) says that there in one type of house that He intends greatness for: it is that house in which Allah (s.t.) is mentioned and praised. The people of such a house are those who remember Allah (s.t.), perform the Salat willingly, happily pay the Zakat and other Islamic ‘taxes’, and in short, it is one in which the commands of Allah (s.t.) are followed and sins are refrained from.
Just as a Masjid or Madresah, this house too is considered as sacred- but why? Its’ sanctity or holiness lies in the fact that pious people live there who are constantly remembering Allah (s.t.), They perform all obligatory things and they refrain from sins, fighting, the mental and physical abuse of one another. This is the apparent meaning of this verse of the Qur’an.
In another famous hadith from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s), it is stated that:
“The Angels do not enter into the house in which there is a dog.”
This hadith has three meanings. The first apparent meaning is just as the translation states that the Angels do not frequent the house in which there is a dog – this is ‘simple interpretation.’
It should be mentioned that this is the house in which a dog is kept for pleasure or as a pet, not for protection hunting or other necessities. Thos people who keep dogs simply to play with as is widespread in the Western world and those Muslims who have become Westoxicated will be raised upon on the Day of Judgment with Yazid and the likes of him since he also used to keep dogs as pets to play with.
The heart which is polluted is not blessed with the Divine inspiration.
What are the pollutants of the heart? They are sins such as jealousy, self-conceit, pride, anger etc..
This is one of the mystical meanings of the hadith. Thus the light (nur) of Allah (s.t.) has no place in such a heart.
The final meaning of the hadith is that the Muslim household which is full of anger, fighting and disputes in which the wife is always at war with the husband; the husband is always arguing with his wife and one in which the spouse and children are physically or mentally abused is not a house which the Angels visit. All of these acts are evil and filthy according to not only Islam but even other religions, and the Angels do not enter into a house where such evil acts are perpetrated.
How bad is the state of the husband and wife who live in such a house; and even worse than this, how bad is the state of the innocent, sinless children who have put up with living in such an evil house! Truly the upbringing and spiritual training of a child in such an environment is difficult if not impossible!
The Quran tells us that the husband is supposed to be a means of relaxation and comfort for the wife; and the wife too is supposed to be a comfort and support for the husband. Allah (st.) mentions the following:
“And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion ...”(30:21)
However, a house in which arguments and fighting take place every day is far from a place of comfort or relaxation- it is literally hell on Earth. In relation to this, the Qur’an says:
“Is he, therefore, better who lays his foundation on fear of Allah (s.t.) and (His) good pleasure, or he who lays his foundation on the edge of a cracking hollowed bank so it broke down with him in to the fire of hell; and Allah (s.t.) does not guide the unjust people.
Thus, if we build our personal life, family structure and Muslim Community on the firmest of foundations- Taqwa or ‘Good Consciousness’ and use the highest quality of building materials – love, cooperation, respect for one another, recitation of Qur’an and supplications performance of the Salat and Sawm, Zakat and Khums, enjoining others to good and forbidding others from evil, and relying solely upon Allah (s.t.), then without a doubt – our houses, our marriages, our children, our families and our entire society would be just like houses built on firm foundations!
If we want our spouse, children, family and surroundings to achieve happiness both in this world and the next, we must remove all sins and evils from our homes and lay the first foundation for this immovable building- the performance of Salat on time.
In Islam, it has been highly emphasized that the recommended Salat be performed at home, however the five daily obligatory Salat be performed in Jama’at and in the Masjid. it has been mentioned in the hadith that we must be careful not to fall into the same error as the Jews and Christians have by selecting a specific place for prayer and worship. Rather, our house must be place of prayer and remembering Allah (s.t.) in which the Qur’an, Dua, recommended (nawafil) Salat are performed; and the Masjid must also be kept alive through the obligatory Salat if we are to achieve success in the world and in the next.
The best type of worship in Islam is where the wife helps the husband and the husband too helps his wife in the household affairs. This is known as co-operation in the household duties and chores.
As we know, the greatest station that one can reach to Islam is that of Shaeed or one who dies in the way of Allah (s.t.). However, in the narrations from the Holy Prophet and his Ahl al-Bait (a.s.) it has been mentioned that a wife who is in the constant service of her husband meaning she cooks food for the family, washes the dishes, sets the table, cleans up after eating etc.. is given the same divine reward as the person who is martyred in the way of Allah (s.t.)
In the Islamic traditions it has also been mentioned that if the husband helps his wife in the daily activities around the house such that his wife is put through less troubles and difficulties, or if he goes out to work so that he is able to provide the daily needs for his wife and children, then he too will be given the same reward as one of who has died in the way of Allah (s.t.) – a Shaeed.
“The one who exerts extreme toil and labor for his family is as the Mujahid (fighter) in the way of Allah.”
If we want the divine blessings of Allah (est.) to permeate into our houses, amongst our families and we want the mercy and grace of Allah (s.t.) to be upon the inhabitants and we want our house to be a place where the Angels frequent, and even greater than all of these, if we really want to bring up our children and youth in such a way that they can be an asset and benefit to the society at large in the future, and we want our own personal life and that of the members of our family to be full of divine blessings- then we must be careful how we act with our family members and we must strengthen our bonds with Allah (s.t.) through the acts we perform in our own houses.
The first and most important thing to do to reach this level is to make sure that the bonds of love and harmony between the husband and wife and strong.
Without doubt, successful is that woman who has made her husband happy with her and without doubt, successful is that man who has made his wife happy with him through their interactions with one another.
When the husband and wife are happy and pleased with one another, the Allah (st.) is also pleased with both of them. However, if there is a family in which the husband does not earn his wife’s pleasure; or the wife does not earn his wife’s pleasure, then surely they have not earned the pleasure of Allah (s.t.) and their house and family will be devoid of His Divine blessings and grace.
A series of Lectures by Ayatollah al ‘Ulzma Haji Shaikh Husain Mazaheri from the book ‘Family Etiquette within the House’-Part I
Summarized and Translated by Saleem Bhimji- jaf’ari observer
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