Tuesday 4 December 2012


Dua Etesam  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Dua Hujub  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Dua Salman Al-Farsi  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Dua Sabah  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Dua Sahar  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Dua Samaat  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Ziyarat of Ashura  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Dua Kumail  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Dua Faraj  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Dua Amaan  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Dua Hazeen  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Dua Ihtijab  Abather Al-Halawaji Download
Nov 24, '12 8:34 AM
for everyone
Nov 24, '12 8:24 AM
for everyone
Nov 24, '12 8:19 AM
for everyone
Nov 24, '12 8:14 AM
for everyone

Nov 24, '12 8:10 AM
for everyone
Nov 24, '12 8:03 AM
for everyone
Nov 24, '12 8:01 AM
for everyone
Nov 23, '12 2:35 PM
for everyone

Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

Imām al-Sādiq (A.S.) said to Musme' Kardeen : Do you remember the troubles which were inflicted on Imām Husayn (a.s.)” and  Musme' replied in the affirmative. Imām again asked, “Are you then disturbed by it”?

I replied, “Verily yes, by Allāh! And this grief effects me such that the people of my family see this (it's effects) upon my face, and I even leave my meals while this sorrow becomes apparent on my cheeks

Imām Ja'far ibn Muhammad  al-Sādiq (A.S.) said:

"May Allāh have mercy upon your tears! Verily you are of those people who are afflicted by our grief, those who rejoice at our prosperity and lament over our sorrows, and who are attached to us in our time of dread and peace. In fact when you die, you will find our Blessed Forefathers close to you and they will counsel the Angel of death regarding you, and glad tidings shall be given to you which will illuminate your eyes. Then he shall be more compassionate and merciful towards you than a mother is to her son."

 [Reference: Nafasul Mahmum, Section 2 , Tradition 4]

(السلام عليک يا ابا عبد الله الحسين (ع

A humble request
Please do pray for earliest restoration of Jannat al-Baqi; protection of Mausoleum of Sayyidah Zaynab bint ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (a.s.) and Sayyidah Ruqayyah/Sakina bint Hussain (a.s.)  & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs)
Iltemase Dua www.jaffery.co.in Allah humma salli ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad wa ajjel farajahom To get Hadees by e-mail please register  at  jafferysms@gmail.com For those who wish to get hadees on BlackBerry Messenger, please add PIN : 26B956D2 To get Hadees by SMS (India, Kuwait, Singapore, Malayasia) please send numbers to +9223312786
Nov 23, '12 2:29 PM
for everyone

Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem

Imām Alī ibn Mūsā al-Rezā (a.s.) said:

“Whoever avoids attending to his worldly affairs on the tenth of Muharram, Allāh will fulfill all the wishes and desires of this world as well as the hereafter. Whoever considers this day to be a day of mourning, sorrow and weeping for himself, Allāh the Glorified will make the day of Qiyāmah to be a day of rejoicing for him and his eyes will be cooled in Paradise on account of us. And whoever considers the tenth of Muharram to be a day of prosperity and buys something for his house (considering it a good omen), then Allāh will not give him affluence in that thing. And on the day of Qiyāmah he will be made to arise along with Yazid, Ubaydullāh bin Ziyād and Umar ibn Sa'ad (may Allāh's curse be on all of them) and will be thrown into the lowest abyss of hell..”

[Reference: Nafasul Mahmum, Section 2,  Hadith 16]

A humble request
Please do pray for earliest restoration of Jannat al-Baqi; protection of Mausoleum of Sayyidah Zaynab bint ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (a.s.) and Sayyidah Ruqayyah/Sakina bint Hussain (a.s.)  & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs)

Iltemase Dua
Nov 23, '12 1:56 PM
for everyone
Nov 23, '12 1:54 PM
for everyone
Nov 23, '12 1:52 PM
for everyone
Nov 23, '12 1:51 PM
for everyone
Nov 23, '12 1:50 PM
for everyone


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