40 HADEETHS ON THE HOLY QURAN | for everyone |
1. A believer should not die before learning the Qur’an, or trying to learn it.
2. Those who recite the Qur’an and those who listen to it, deserve equal virtuous reward.
3. The virtuous men amongst my followers are the bearers of the Qur’an and are responsible for establishing the prayers in the early hours of the morning
4. Allah will not punish such heart that contains the Qur’an
5. Such persons amongst you are virtuous who themselves learn the Qur’an and teach it to others
6. Whoever memorizes Qur’an follows it, is a virtuous envoy and companion of Angels.
7. Whoever memorizes the Qur’an and inspite of his bad memory; works hard to learn it, is entitled to double reward
8. Learn Qur’anic education, for it is the best discourse. Carefully think over it, for it is alluring to the heart. Get a cure from its light, for it has a healing power for the heart and recite it carefully for its stories are most advantageous
9. Undoubtedly the people of the Qur’an, with the exception of the apostles and the Prophets, are holding most elevated ranks- so do not look down upon the people of Qur’an in paying them their due shares and rest assured that they are entitled to a dignified place in the kingdom of Allah
10 The Qur’an is an agreement between Allah and His creatures so it is incumbent upon the Muslims to keep a strict eye on it and recite at least 50 verses a day
11.The verses of the Qur’an are a collection of treasures and one of these treasures opens every time- therefore you should see as to what is therein
10. The stages of paradise are in consonance with those of the Qur’an. People will be directed to keep on reading and go on ascending. He who keeps on reading is traversing step by step
11. What has happened to your artisans and traders, for when they return from their places of work must recite one verse of Qur’an before going to bed, so that they may be rewarded 10 virtues as against one verse and 10 vices may be eliminated from their record
12. When the dwellers of earth became disobedient and are involved in sinfulness, then Allah intends to punish each one of them. But when He observes that other people go to pray and younger ones are busy in learning Qur’an, then Allah’s Divine favor prevails and the punishment is postponed.
13. One who deserves to be called humble and meek, inside as well as outside, is the bearer of Qur’an, and one who regularly offers prayer and fasts, visible, secretly, deserves to be called and as acquaintance of Qur’an
14. Everything in the world prays for the salvation of the teacher of the Qur’an, even the fishes in the sea
15. The punishment becomes mild on the parents of those who read Qur’an by sight even if both of them may be infidels
16. Almighty Allah will bestow reward equal to prayers of one full night upon those who recite 100 verses of Qur’an during the prayers in any one night. If anybody recites 200 verses, apart form the ‘night of prayers’ (Namaz-e-Shab), reward equal to one qintar (one qintar equal to 1200 ooqiqa and one ooqiqa is more than the mountain of Uhad) will be written in his reward of deeds
17. If anybody recites one verse of the Qur’an while standing during the prayers he will get the reward of 100 virtues for each word, if he recites this apart from the prayers, then 10 virtues will be written in his record. If anyone listens to the Qur’an, he will be entitled to one virtue for each word, if a man completes the recitation of the Qur’an during the night, then the Angels send their salutations to him until dawn. If the reading is completed during the day, the Angels send their salutations till the sunset, there is one recognized benediction and the completion of Qur’an in superior to all the existing things between the earth and sky
18. Six things are the symbol of bravery and kindness, out of which 3 belongs to sojourn and 3 to travel. The 3 relating to sojourn are to recite the Holy book of Allah populate the mosque, and make friends just for the sake of Allah. The other 3 things which relate to travel are to share with others one’s own provisions for a journey, to be polite and courteous and play jokes and be humorous but refrain from any such act which may be tantamount to disobedience to Allah
19. Keep the way of the Qur’an clean and tidy. Someone asked the messenger of Allah as to what is the way of Qur’an? He explained “your mouth.” Asked, as to how to keep it clean? He replied,” Through miswaak. (keeping one’s teeth clean)”
20. When the waves of revolt surround you like the dark nights then it is incumbent upon you to follow only the Qur’an because the Qur’an is the intercessor and its intercession is acceptable to Allah. If the Qur’an complains, its complaint is accepted. Whoever treats Qur’an as his spiritual guide, then its guidance leads him to paradise and who leaves behind the Qur’an, he is driven to hell. The Qur’an is the best guide which leads one to the chosen path
21. Undoubtedly Almighty Allah has explained everything in detail in the Holy Qur’an, so much so that nothing has been left out which is needed by a human being. By Allah there is not a single man who may have wished that this would have been in the Qur’an, that is to say that Qur’an contains everything.
22. Undoubtedly there are 3 such venerable things related to Allah (s.t.) which has no parallel:
a) His book which is light and wisdom
b) His house – the Holy Ka’ba, in which direction Muslims offer their prayers, besides that no other direction is acceptable
c) The progeny of the Holy Prophet
25 Whoever reads the Qur’an becomes carefree. Poverty never stays after reading the Qur’an. In other case nobody will become care free
23. Whoever fondles his child due to affection and reading the Qur’an, will be bestow prosperity on him on the Day of Judgment, his parents will be summoned and will be gifted with two garments of paradise. The faces of the dwellers of paradise will be illuminated with the light of theses two persons.
24. The house in which the Qur’an is recited and the name of Allah is invoked is bestowed upon with Allah’s blessings, angels come down and Satan escapes. This house looks glittering to the inhabitants of heaven, the way stars are seen by the people of earth. The house when the Qur’an is not recited and the name of Allah is not invoked, loses its good fortune, Angels abscond and Satan makes it resting place
25. Prayers are accepted the most:
1. During the recitation of Qur’an
2. While the call for prayer is given (azan)
3. At the time when it is raining
4. During a war between the armies of righteousness and falsehood
5. During the prayer of an oppressed person, since there happens to be no hindrance between him and the empyrean
26. The Qur’an should not be recited in haste It should be recited in a clear and peaceful manner. When there is a refereance of paradise in a verse, supplication should be made for the bestowal of such distinctions or eminence, and one should pause when there is a mention of hell prayers may be made to Allah to get rid of that
27. While making his will to Imam Hussein (as.), Imam Al (a.s.) said: “For sake of Allah be careful about the Qur’an and ensure that no one else surpasses you in following the Qur’an
28. There is a bloom of everything and Ramzan is the bloom of the Qur’an
29. If someone, due to his carelessness forgets any chapter of the Qur’an then on the Day of Judgment that chapter will appear in beautiful shape and will occupy a dignified place. When that man will see it he will enquire “who are you; you are so charming that I wish you would have been mine!” in reply the chapter of the Qur’an will tell him that “You did not recognize me, I am the same chapter of the Qur’an which you had forgotten. Had you not lost the remembrance of me, I would have elevated you to the same status
30. The Qur’an with the passage of time there happens to be no addition in the publication and teaching of Qur’an except some freshness. It is because of Almighty Allah has not revealed it for any particular period, bit it is for the guidance of all generations up to the day of Judgment. That is why it contains a peculiar type of freshness, suitable to various races in different ages
31. Do not deviate from the Holy Qur’an and do not seek guidance from anything except the Qur’an, otherwise you will be misled
32. Grace the Qur’an with a sweet voice as the sweet voice augments the gracefulness of Qur’an
33. Whoever recites one verse of the Qur’an in the month of Ramazan will get reward equal to that of reciting the full Qur’an in other months
34. As said by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) “I am leaving two things amongst you, till such time, you stick fast to them you never be misled. Those two things are the book of Allah (Qur’an) and my progeny (members of the Holy Prophet’s family)
Almighty Allah who is well informed and rarified has promised that these two will not be separated from each other (he exhibited the forefingers of both the hands by bringing it together). He commanded that “I do not say that these are different in size. So stick to both, and see that you do not stagger otherwise you will misguided. Be careful that you do not go also beyond that, otherwise you will be misled
35. Almighty Allah has kept us immaculate and clean, apparently as well as latently, and has save us from all sorts of guilt and slips. He has made us witness on his creatures and his emblem on earth, and has made us the companions of the Qur’an and the Qur’an is our associate. Neither are we going to leave it, nor will be separated from us
36. Undoubtedly the Shias of Ali (A.S.) are weak, lean, pale and their lips are parched, as the result of more prayers, and recitations of the Qur’an. Most often other people are prosperous and they are grief-stricken
37. Our Lord! All the praises and admirations are meant for You. O my God count me amongst those who accept such things, which have religious, sanction and discard those things which are forbidden. I who have faith in substantive and allegorical verses and make that my companion in my grave and treat that as my associate on the Day of Judgment (Imam Ja’far as- Sadiq (a.s.)
(source Ja'fary Observer)
FOR YOUR PROTECTION | for everyone |
HEALTH CARE | for everyone |
MONKEY WITH A DEATH WISH??? | for everyone |
THOUGHTS FROM MAN'S HEART | for everyone |
Thought 1
When we are born, our mothers get the compliments and the flowers.
When we are married, our brides get the presents and the publicity.
When we die, our widows get the life insurance.
What do women want to be liberated from?
Thought 2
The average man's life consists of:
Twenty years of having his mother ask him where he is going,
Forty years of having his wife ask the same question;
and at the end, the mourners wondering too where he is going.
Thought 3
Everyone in the wedding ceremony was watching the radiant bride as her father escorted her down the aisle to give away to the groom. They reached the altar and the waiting groom; the bride kissed her father and placed something in his hand. Everyone in the room was wondering what was given to the father by the bride.
The father could feel the suspense in the air and all eyes were on him to divulge the secret and say something. So he announced :
'Ladies and Gentlemen. Today is the luckiest day of my life ...' Then he raised his hands with what his daughter gave him and continued, 'My daughter finally, finally returned my Credit Card to me.'
The whole audience including the priest started laughing . . . . . But not the poor Groom ! ! !
And now the Best for the Last . . . . .
Thought 4
A Man was walking down a street when he heard a voice from behind, 'If you take one more step, a brick will fall down on your head and kill you.'
The man stopped and a big brick fell right in front of him. The man was astonished. He went on, and after a while he was going to cross the road. Once again the voice shouted, 'Stop ! Stand still ! If you take one more step a car will run over you, and you will die.'
The man did as he was instructed, just as a car came careening around the corner, barely missing him. The man asked. 'Who are you?'
'I am your guardian angel,' the voice answered.
'Oh, yeah?' the man said
"'And where the hell were you when
I was getting married?"'
THE HOLY QURAN | for everyone |
The Holy Quran
How many Sura are in Holy Quran ?
How many Verses are in Holy Quran ?
How many dots are in Holy Quran ?
How many over bar (zaber) are in Holy Quran ?
How many under bar ( Zaer ) are in Holy Quran ?
How many R u que are in Holy Quran ?
How many stop ( Waqf ) are in Holy Quran ?
How many Thashdeed are in Holy Quran ?
How many letters are in Holy Quran ?
How many p e sh are in Holy Quran ?
How many Madd are in Holy Quran ?
How many words are in Holy Quran ?
How many parts of Holy Quran ?
How many time Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem is repeated ?
How many Sura start with Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem ?
How many time the word 'Quran' is repeated in Holy Quran ?
Which is the longest Sura of Holy Quran ?
Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy Quran ?
The best eatable thing mentioned inHoly Quran is ?
Which is the shortest Sura of Holy Quran ?
The longest verse of Holy Quran is in which Sura?
Al-Baqarah No.282
The most disliked thing by the God though Halal is ?
Which letter is used for the most time in Holy Quran.?
Which letter is used for the lest time in Holy Quran ?
Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Quran ?
Night of Qadar.
Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Quran ?
Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Quran ?
Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Quran ?
How many words are in the longest Sura of Holy Quran ?
How many words are in the smallest Sura of Holy Quran ?
Which Sura of Holy Quran is called the mother of Quran ?
Sura Hamd
How many Sura start with Al-Hamdullelah ?
Five: Hamd, Inaam, Kahf, Saba & Fatr.
Which Sura has the same number of verses as the number of Sura of Holy Quran ?
Taqveer, 114 verses.
How many Sura's name is only one letter ?
Three: Qaf, Sad & Noon .
How many Sura start with word " Inna " ?
Four sura - Fatha, Nuh,Qadr, Qausar.
Which Sura has the number of its verses equal to the number of Masumeen ?
Saf, 14 verses.
Which sura are called Musabbahat ?
Esra, Hadeed, Hsar, Juma, Taghabun & Aala.
How many sura are Makkahi and how many are Madni ?
Macci 86, Madni 28.
Which sura is on the name of tribe of Holy Prophet ?
Which sura is called the heart of Holy Quran ?
In which sura the name of Allah is repeated five time ?
Sura al-Haj.
Which sura are named Azaiam ?
Sajdah, Fusselat, Najum & Alaq.
Which sura is on the name of one Holy war ?
Sura Ahzaab.
Which sura is on the name of one metal ?
Sura Hadeed
Which sura does not starts with Bismellah ?
Sura Tauba.
Which sura is called ' Aroos-ul-Quran ?
Sura Rehman.
Which sura is considered as 1/3 of holy Quran ?
Sura Tauheed.
The name of how many sura are with out dot ?
Hamd, Raad, Toor, Room, Masad.
In which sura Besmillah came twice ?
Sura Naml.
How many sura start with the Initials ( Mukette'at )?
29 Sura.
Which Sura was revealed twice ?
Sura Hamd.
In which Sura the back biter are condemned ?
Sura Humzah.
In which Sura the name of Allah is repeated in every verse ?
Sura Mujadala.
In which Sura the letter 'Fa' did not come ?
Which Sura are called Muzetain ?
Falk & Nas.
Which are those Sura if their name are reversed remain the same ?
Lael & Tabbat.
Which is that Sura if its first letter is remove becomes the name of one of the city of Saudi Arab ?
Which Sura start with word ' Tabara Kallazi' ?
Mulk & Furkan
Macci Sura were revealed in how many years ?
13 years
Madani Sura were revealed in how many years ?
10 years.
Which sura start with word Kad ?
Mujadala & Momenoon.
Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali ?
Sura Adiat.
How many Sura are in 30th. Chapter ?
Which sura every verse ends with letter 'Dal ' ?
Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahllelbayet ?
Sura Dahr.
Which sura every verse ends with letter ' Ra '?
In which sura the creation of human being is mentioned ?
Sura Hijr V-26.
In which sura the regulations for prisoner of war is mentioned ?
Sura Nesa
Which sura is having the laws about marriage ?
Sura Nesa.
Which sura if its name is reversed becomes the name of one bird ?
Sura Room.
In which sura the story of the worship of cow of Bani Esra'iel is mentioned ?
Sura Taha.
In which sura the law of inheritance is mentioned?
Sura Nesa.
In which sura the Hegira of Holy Prophet is mentioned ?
Sura Infall.
In which Sura the 27 Attributes of God are mentioned ?
Sura Hadeed
The Sin Which Makes You Sad And Repentant is More Liked by Allah (God) Then The Good Deed which Makes You Arrogant.
Imam ALi (a.s.)
STRANGE CALCULATION | for everyone |
BREATH TAKING VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | for everyone |

THE BEAUTY OF MATHS | for everyone |
The Beauty of Math
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn't it?
And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=123456789 87654321
Now, take a look at this...
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:
What Equals 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations where someone wants you to GIVE OVER 100%.
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help answer these questions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.*
H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K
8+1+18+4+23+ 15+18+11 = 98%
K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E
11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%
A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E
1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
It's up to you if you share this with your friends & loved ones just the way I did.
The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions!
Smile in pleasure, smile in pain; Smile when trouble pours like rain; Smile when someone hurts U, Smile coz someone cares 4 U. Keep Smiling:)
Words from the master to guide us... | for everyone |
The Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) describes the Qur’an as follows: “Then Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) revealed to him (the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny)) the Book.
• It is a light whose radiance shall not be extinguished;
• A lamp whose flame shall not die;
• An ocean whose depth shall not be fathomed;
• A path which shall not lead astray;
• A blaze whose brilliance shall not be darkened;
• A criterion whose evidence shall not be suppressed;
• An elucidation whose cornerstones shall not be demolished;
• A cure with which there is no fear of ailments;
• A power whose supporters cannot be defeated;
• A truth whose helpers will not be forsaken.
• Thus, it is the source of faith and its prosperity;
• It is the fountain-head of knowledge and its vastness;
• The meadow of justice and its flowing streams;
• The support of Islam and its foundation;
• The valleys of the truth and its fields;
• An ocean that shall not be drained by those who draw upon it;
• A spring that shall not be exhausted by those who draw from it;
• A watering place that shall not be depleted by those who come to it;
• A station whose road the travelers do not miss;
• A signpost which the wayfarers will always see;
• The hilltops that cannot be bypassed by those who seek them.
• Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) has made it the quencher of the thirst of scholars,
• A vernal season for the hearts of the jurists,
• A destination for the path of the righteous,
• A cure after which there is no malady,
• A light which does not alternate with darkness,
• A rope whose knots are firm,
• A stronghold whose peak is impregnable.
• It is power for whoever cultivates it,
• Peace for whoever dwells on it,
• A guidance for whoever follows it,
• A laudable act for whoever embraces it,
• An argument for whoever speaks for it,
• A witness for whoever fights for it,
• A sharp instrument for whoever bases his arguments on it,
• A support for whoever supports it,
• A means of deliverance for whoever employs it,
• A sign for the discriminating, a shelter for whoever seeks healing,
• A source of knowledge for whoever has sense,
• And the best narrative for its transmitters,
• And a means for the one who sits in judgment.”
7 Habits of Highly Successful Muslim Youth | for everyone |
You cannot escape it. The discussion about
habits is all around you: Mom and Dad are constantly
telling you to break your bad habits; your teachers
are telling you to develop good habits; your friends
are pressuring you to adopt their habits; and the
television and media are influencing you to explore
new and supposedly cool habits.
"You will never be successful," the constant
refrain goes, "unless you drop your bad habits and
develop some good habits." In the end, it's all up
to you. You have to decide what your habits are
going to be. Have you given this matter some
If you are alive and breathing, you should
constantly be engaged in an inner struggle to
develop habits which draw you closer to Allah Most
High. Success in this world is directly related to
the strength of your relationship with Allah. The
farther one is from Allah and the teachings of the
Prophet Muhammad (saww), the less likely one is to
achieve success in this world and, for sure, even
less likely to achieve success in the hereafter. Is
it not time for us to reflect upon Islamic teachings
to discern the necessary habits of highly successful
Muslim youth?
Here are at least seven habits indispensable
for highly successful Muslim youth, derived entirely
from the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet
Muhammad (saww).
1- Be Truthful
Being truthful is not always easy, especially
when we make a mistake. We fret over whether or not
to disclose exactly what happened. We sweat, we are
afraid, we feel nervous and anxious. We are often
afraid that if we tell the truth about what we have
done or said, we will be in trouble with our parents
or friends. What we forget is that whether we tell
he truth or not, Allah Most High knows exactly what
took place, even those things that were never
manifest or visible to people around us.
Despite how burdensome telling the truth might
seem, all of us are aware of the feeling of relief
we experience when we tell the truth, even if the
consequence of telling the truth is punishment.
Casting the telling of truth and the fate of the
truthful in terms of profit and loss, Allah Most
High tells us in the Qur'an:
[This is a day on which the truthful will
profit from their truth: theirs are gardens, with
rivers flowing beneath - their eternal Home: Allah
well-pleased with them, and they with Allah. That is
the great salvation, (the fulfillment of all
desires).] (Al-Ma'idah 5:119)
So much is to be gained from being truthful as
opposed to escaping punishment or blame because of
not being truthful. Not being truthful, in fact,
leads us down a slippery slope, guaranteeing that
with one lie, more lies must be told. Being truthful
is not an option for Muslims, but rather an
obligation, because our goal in being truthful isParadise . The beloved of Allah, Prophet Muhammad
(saww), said, as narrated by `Abdullah (may Allah be
pleased with him):
"Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and
righteousness leads toParadise . And a man keeps on
telling the truth until he becomes a truthful
person. Falsehood leads to al-fujur [wickedness,
evil-doing], and al-fujur leads to the (Hell) Fire,
and a man may keep on telling lies till he iswitten
before Allah, a liar."
habits is all around you: Mom and Dad are constantly
telling you to break your bad habits; your teachers
are telling you to develop good habits; your friends
are pressuring you to adopt their habits; and the
television and media are influencing you to explore
new and supposedly cool habits.
"You will never be successful," the constant
refrain goes, "unless you drop your bad habits and
develop some good habits." In the end, it's all up
to you. You have to decide what your habits are
going to be. Have you given this matter some
If you are alive and breathing, you should
constantly be engaged in an inner struggle to
develop habits which draw you closer to Allah Most
High. Success in this world is directly related to
the strength of your relationship with Allah. The
farther one is from Allah and the teachings of the
Prophet Muhammad (saww), the less likely one is to
achieve success in this world and, for sure, even
less likely to achieve success in the hereafter. Is
it not time for us to reflect upon Islamic teachings
to discern the necessary habits of highly successful
Muslim youth?
Here are at least seven habits indispensable
for highly successful Muslim youth, derived entirely
from the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet
Muhammad (saww).
1- Be Truthful
Being truthful is not always easy, especially
when we make a mistake. We fret over whether or not
to disclose exactly what happened. We sweat, we are
afraid, we feel nervous and anxious. We are often
afraid that if we tell the truth about what we have
done or said, we will be in trouble with our parents
or friends. What we forget is that whether we tell
he truth or not, Allah Most High knows exactly what
took place, even those things that were never
manifest or visible to people around us.
Despite how burdensome telling the truth might
seem, all of us are aware of the feeling of relief
we experience when we tell the truth, even if the
consequence of telling the truth is punishment.
Casting the telling of truth and the fate of the
truthful in terms of profit and loss, Allah Most
High tells us in the Qur'an:
[This is a day on which the truthful will
profit from their truth: theirs are gardens, with
rivers flowing beneath - their eternal Home: Allah
well-pleased with them, and they with Allah. That is
the great salvation, (the fulfillment of all
desires).] (Al-Ma'idah 5:119)
So much is to be gained from being truthful as
opposed to escaping punishment or blame because of
not being truthful. Not being truthful, in fact,
leads us down a slippery slope, guaranteeing that
with one lie, more lies must be told. Being truthful
is not an option for Muslims, but rather an
obligation, because our goal in being truthful is
(saww), said, as narrated by `Abdullah (may Allah be
pleased with him):
"Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and
righteousness leads to
telling the truth until he becomes a truthful
person. Falsehood leads to al-fujur [wickedness,
evil-doing], and al-fujur leads to the (Hell) Fire,
and a man may keep on telling lies till he is
before Allah, a liar."
Ultimate success is therefore achieved by
living one's entire life - the youthful years, the
adult years, and the elderly years - being truthful. 2- Be Trustworthy
living one's entire life - the youthful years, the
adult years, and the elderly years - being truthful. 2- Be Trustworthy
Who do you rely on? Of course, Allah. He is
indeed the Most Trustworthy. But among humans, who
do you rely on? Who can you trust to come through
for you all the time? Do people rely on you? Are you
considered trustworthy? Moving ahead in life,
achieving ultimate success, requires that people
consider you trustworthy and reliable. Being
trustworthy should not be an arbitrary activity but
rather a habit so that you can be relied upon in all
instances, big or small, convenient or inconvenient,
easy or difficult.
In colloquial terms, we often hear "I've got
your back," implying, in the most literal sense,
that people cannot see what is behind them so they
need to rely on their friends to cover that angle,
just in case a threat occurs from the back. Just
imagine what it would be like if a friend were
climbing a tree and was heading out onto a very thin
branch to get a kite that got stuck there. She asks
you if you "have her back." In this instance, she is
relying on you entirely to hold on to her in case
the branch breaks.
There is no room for joking around or for
being distracted: your friend is trusting you with
her life. When we say Allah is the Most Trustworthy,
we are coming to terms with the fact that Allah Most
High will never let us down, will never leave our
ide. He, Most High, says about someone who
willingly accepts Islam:
[Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth
stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil
and believes in Allah hath grasped the most
trustworthy hand-hold, which never breaks. And Allah
Heareth and Knoweth all things.] (Al-Baqarah 2:256)
Indeed, the prophets of Allah were all
trustworthy people and Allah attested to the
trustworthiness of those who were doubted by their
communities. Prophet Hud, appealing to his
community, declared to them:
[I but fulfill towards you the duties of my
Lord's mission: I am to you a sincere and
trustworthy adviser.] (Al-A`raf 7:68)
Practice daily developing the habit of being
trustworthy. Accept responsibility and then fulfill
it. When others trust you, do not betray their
You can read in the beautiful biography of our
Prophet Muhammad (saww) how people used to entrust
him with their valuables, knowing that upon their
return they would find their valuables safe and
unharmed. His personal and business practices were
commendable to the degree that he was known for it
in his community, even before he became aware that
he was the Prophet of Allah, literally one who is
most truthful and trustworthy.
your back," implying, in the most literal sense,
that people cannot see what is behind them so they
need to rely on their friends to cover that angle,
just in case a threat occurs from the back. Just
imagine what it would be like if a friend were
climbing a tree and was heading out onto a very thin
branch to get a kite that got stuck there. She asks
you if you "have her back." In this instance, she is
relying on you entirely to hold on to her in case
the branch breaks.
There is no room for joking around or for
being distracted: your friend is trusting you with
her life. When we say Allah is the Most Trustworthy,
we are coming to terms with the fact that Allah Most
High will never let us down, will never leave our
ide. He, Most High, says about someone who
willingly accepts Islam:
[Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth
stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil
and believes in Allah hath grasped the most
trustworthy hand-hold, which never breaks. And Allah
Heareth and Knoweth all things.] (Al-Baqarah 2:256)
Indeed, the prophets of Allah were all
trustworthy people and Allah attested to the
trustworthiness of those who were doubted by their
communities. Prophet Hud, appealing to his
community, declared to them:
[I but fulfill towards you the duties of my
Lord's mission: I am to you a sincere and
trustworthy adviser.] (Al-A`raf 7:68)
Practice daily developing the habit of being
trustworthy. Accept responsibility and then fulfill
it. When others trust you, do not betray their
You can read in the beautiful biography of our
Prophet Muhammad (saww) how people used to entrust
him with their valuables, knowing that upon their
return they would find their valuables safe and
unharmed. His personal and business practices were
commendable to the degree that he was known for it
in his community, even before he became aware that
he was the Prophet of Allah, literally one who is
most truthful and trustworthy.
3- Have Self-Restraint and Be God-Conscious Perhaps the most difficult challenge while
navigating adolescence is to restrain oneself from
falling victim to one's desires - especially one's
lower desires.
Our success in life depends to a great extent
on how well we are able to restrain ourselves and to
be moderate in what is permissible, as well as how
capable we are of distancing ourselves from what is
Why is self-restraint so critical? Satan's
goal is to make you a slave of your desires to the
extent that you eat until you are actually
uncomfortable; that you consume without restraint
beverages made of caffeine, sugar, and artificial
flavors; that you find yourself longing for sleep
more than prayer; and that you yearn to satisfy your
sexual desires. Developing self-restraint as a habit
entails making self-restraint your second nature -
something which is done almost without thought,
without too much effort. We are reminded by Allah
Most High:
[And no one will be granted such goodness
except those who exercise patience and
self-restraint, - none but persons of the greatest
good fortune.] (Fussilat 41:5)
In seeking to be highly successful Muslim
youth, that is, youth deserving of the greatest
fortune, it is imperative that you develop
An interesting parallel is that, throughout
his Qur'an translation, the late Abdullah Yusuf Ali
translates taqwa as self-restraint. While taqwa is
most commonly translated as "God-consciousness, "
one realizes without much effort that the height of
self-restraint is full and complete understanding
that one is indeed conscious of one's duty to one's
Lord. How awesome will it be if you can look back at
your life and say to yourself, all praise is due to
Allah that I did not succumb to my lower desires and
instead exercised self-restraint consistently!
4- Be Thorough Look around your room. How many unfinished
projects do you have? When you work on homework, are
you likely to rush through the assignment just so
you can be done with it or are you more likely to
take your time, to check your work, and most
importantly, to be thorough?
Often teachers will grade a report based on
how well and to what extent the student covered the
topic at hand. Being thorough is not a habit that is
developed overnight. The opposite of being thorough
is being incomplete, being rushed, and working in
haste without any regard for accuracy or quality.
The most perfect is Allah Most High, Who perfected
creation, Who perfected our religion, and Who guided
His Prophet Muhammad (saww) to be the most perfect
among humans in behavior and in character.
The Messenger of Allah (saww) said, 'I was
sent to perfect good character'.
To be thorough stems from a desire to be
perfect to the extent that this is humanly possible.
Seeking perfection in our actions and speech from an
early age helps us to develop a keen eye, not only
for thoroughness in our own life, but also for
thoroughness in the lives of those around us. Being
thorough in prayer, for example, teaches us to be
patient and to concentrate upon the words we are
reciting and the different positions of the prayer.
5- Be FocusedOne thousand ideas going through your head the
moment you stand up for prayer. Is that you? Really?
What do you make of those ideas? Do you process
them? What about when you are sitting in class? Do
you find your mind wandering, daydreaming, and
unable to focus on the lecture at hand? Are you
likely to use any excuse whatsoever to leave what
you are doing?
Developing the habit of being focused ensures
that you are awake, alert, and totally motivated to
work on and complete the task at hand, whatever it
may be. Being distracted early on in childhood by
video games, fast-paced imagery, and constantly
changing scenes on television shows contributes to
an inability to concentrate, to focus. Among the
best ways to develop focus is to practice praying
with deep concentration to the extent that you are
almost unaware of your surroundings. Allah Most High
tells us in the Qur'an that the believers are:
[... Those who humble themselves in their
prayers] (Al-Mu'minun 23:2)
The humility referred to here results from
total focus and concentration on the fact that one
is in the presence of Allah, standing before Him,
Most High. Do your best to develop focus, no matter
what activity you are engaged in - whether in
prayer, in academics, in athletics, or some other
6- Be PunctualStop saying over and over again that you are
late because of "Muslim standard time," or the
"standard time" of your particular ethnicity. The
last thing we should attribute to Islam is the
notion that its teachings somehow make us late,
slow, slugging, and anything but punctual. What a
sad state of affairs, indeed, that we attribute our
own weaknesses to our religion or ethnicity!
Highly successful individuals, be they Muslim
or not, understand and appreciate the value of not
only their time but the time of everyone else with
whom they interact. Keeping people waiting for hours
on end is neither something to be proud of nor a
habit that has a place in the mindset of a person
who tries to be successful.
One of the central pillars of Islam is prayer,
and Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (saww) have given
us clear reminders that we are to establish prayers
at their due times.
When `Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him)
asked "which deed is the dearest to Allah?" the
Prophet Muhammad (saww) replied, "To offer the
prayers at their early stated fixed times".
If indeed your day is to be considered
successful, you must have prayed all the obligatory
prayers at their established times and as many
voluntary prayers as possible. If your day is
planned around the times of prayer, you should not
pray exactly at the time when you are to pray but
then come late to all other appointments. Being
punctual is a habit which, when perfected,
demonstrates to others the tremendous value that
Islam places on time - not only ours but that of
everyone else with whom we interact.
7- Be Consistent
Apart from all the habits listed above,
perhaps the one that is sure to help you become a
highly successful Muslim youth is that of being
consistent. One cannot be truthful one day and a
liar the next; one cannot be trustworthy in one
instance and totally unreliable in the next; and so
on for each of the other habits. A Muslim
understands from an early age that it is easier to
do something once or whenever we feel like it but
much harder to do something regularly and
It is narrated that "the most beloved action
to Allah's Apostle was that which is done
continuously and regularly".
Regular and consist actions show that a person
has thought about it, has intended to do it, has
planned to do it, and therefore does it.
We urge you to be as consistent as possible,
especially in those areas of your life which need
constant improvement, such as your prayers, your
fasting, your manners, your studying habits, etc. Do
not say, I am going to pray all day every day, or
fast voluntarily all of the days of every month, or
study all night every night, because such actions
cannot be humanly sustained over a long period of
time. Say on the other hand, I am going to be sure
to read at least one part of the Qur'an every day,
or I will strive to help my parents with at least
one household chore every day, or I will try to
study at least one new item every week so that I can
be ahead of the lesson plan.
Finally, Muslims aspire to develop all of
these habits because, in doing so, we draw nearer to
Allah Most High. If you are intent on being a highly
successful Muslim youth, then you owe it to yourself
to reflect upon your own life and see how many of
these habits are already a part of who you are and
how many you need to further develop or acquire.
We end with a reminder that developing these
habits will help you to emulate the life of our
beloved Prophet Muhammad (saww). His message and his
life are summarized well in a narration of `Abdullah
ibn `Abbas:
Abu Sufyan told me that Heraclius said to him,
"When I enquired of you what he (Muhammad) ordered
you, you replied that he ordered you to establish
the prayer, to speak the truth, to be chaste, to
keep promises, and to pay back trusts." Then
Heraclius added, "These are really the qualities of
a prophet."
you, you replied that he ordered you to establish
the prayer, to speak the truth, to be chaste, to
keep promises, and to pay back trusts." Then
Heraclius added, "These are really the qualities of
a prophet."
Strive to develop the seven habits listed
above and many others from the Islamic teachings so
that you will be among the highly successful Muslim
youth, Insha Allah.
By: Altaf Hussain
Abbas, the Olympic Torch-Bearer | for everyone |
Abbas carries the torch through Bovaird Street.
Early on a cold December morning, family, friends, and strangers bundled up in their winter gear to line the snowy streets of Brampton , Ontario , as Abbas Syed, an Olympic torch bearer, carried the bright flame for three-hundred meters down Bovaird Street .
Seventeen-year-old Abbas got the opportunity to represent a wide range of communities when he marched down the street that day, with a tall torch in hand. Not only did he shine as a representative of his religious community, his cultural community, his school, and his family – but he was also a representative for individuals who live with Down syndrome (DS).
DS occurs in 1 in every 800 children, and it can have varying degrees of severity. It is caused by an extra chromosome – which can be from either parent – and that results in differences in body structure and learning efficiency. The cause of DS is still unknown, yet it can be detected during pregnancy, which gives parents the time to learn how to bring up their child to the best of their abilities.
Abbas was diagnosed with DS at birth, and has come a long way despite the challenges he faces. As busy as grade 12 students tend to be, he still manages to participate in extra-curricular activities and volunteer work. While some of us can only do so much in a week's time, Abbas responsibly manages a very full schedule: he helps out with various jobs at the masjid, attends the Sunday school, keeps up with his religious obligations, goes to high school, plays sports, is part of an acting school, and still manages to fit in more activities into his week!
Besides playing basketball and baseball, Abbas also loves to swim. He has been a part of the Special Olympics Swim Team for approximately nine years, and it was Abbas' teacher who submitted his name for the torch bearer selection.
When asked about the moment he found out that he would be a torch bearer, with a reminiscent smile Abbas recalls that he was "shocked, but then happy and excited."
The Olympic flame is lighted and then travels from country to country with great ceremony. Special measures are taken to keep it lighted at all times, even when being transported. Just as the flame constantly burns bright, the Syeds attribute the ever-bright flame of inspiration in their lives to Abbas. "Abbas is inspiration to us, and Abbas is courage for us. I don't think it's a challenge having a challenged kid like Abbas."
The positive mindset of the family of four is apparent from first meeting. With a smile, Abbas' mother Sukaina Syed said, "There's always a reason behind everything. Never take life in a negative manner. Always take it positively, and you'll see positive outcomes. But if you take anything in a negative form, you will see negativity."
While there was the obvious happiness of being a part of the Olympic torch relay, Abbas' mother also spoke of the surprise of the torch number. Each torch bearer is given a number and it was on the day of the relay that the Syeds realized with pleasant surprise which one Abbas held: the religiously significant number 14!
Having lived in Canada for the past twenty years, the Syeds feel that they have been at an advantage with the many opportunities that the system provides. "To tell you the truth, I think we've been very blessed living in the west," commented Mrs. Syed, her husband adding, "Canada is the land of opportunities. It's one of the best things which Canada is known for. Here, whether they are challenged kids or 'normal' kids, they can do what they want to do."
Rashid Syed, Abbas' father, stressed on the importance of the parents' role in their children's life. "I believe that parents should also help [their children] in many ways – to help them realize their dream, that's what's most important. Parents should participate in their son's or daughter's up-bringing – don't just leave it to the children – guide them through, and make sure you spend time with them…that's the most important thing."
Mr. Syed went on to say that despite the effects of DS, Abbas still does what "normal" kids do.
"The young kids go out with him, he feels normal," he said. "He loves going to the mosque, he loves going and serving people there. He loves going over there just to be with his friends, he loves to do parking out there."
A well-rounded individual with a cheerful nature, it is not surprising that Abbas makes friends wherever he goes. Even his piece of advice to other youth reflects his social personality and active lifestyle.
"If you have time, go outside and get fit, get working, and do more stuff!" he said.
"Sometimes he's standing outside with his friends and talking, and I'll have to coax him to come inside!" laughs Mr. Syed. "Also, the teachers have been very helpful with giving him special attention—they allow him to do adhan, and he's learned a lot of things from them. As such, our community really, really encouraged him and helped him to achieve what he has achieved."
Throughout the interview, they repeatedly thanked the Almighty for blessing them with such a strong religious community. Mrs. Syed praised the Muslim community, saying "The Masumeen Centre is just like family: it's small and everybody cares for each other. Everyone has been so cooperative, and I have to say that I've never had any issue in which I had to explain why my son is like this. I've never had that kind of incident – everybody has been so kind and they all love Abbas."
"We would be remiss if we don't say that our whole community at large really help Abbas," continued Mr. Syed. "They really embrace him with whatever challenges he had. Alhamdulillah our community really, really encouraged him and helped to achieve what he has achieved. They really take care of Abbas – Abbas is part and parcel of them."
Abbas is a role model for those who seek to overcome the obstacles in life. Against the odds of DS, he has persevered and excelled in whatever he has put his mind to. Described by Mrs. Syed as "confident, courageous, charming," Abbas has strived to live up to his name. "[His name] stands on its own," Mr. Syed says. "It has helped a lot," agrees his wife.
While Abbas ibn Ali (peace be upon him) held the flag high in Karbala as a message of the undying existence of the true Islam, Abbas Syed held the flame high while also conveying a message of faith in the All-Merciful Sustainer. What was that message? As Mrs. Syed aptly put it: "You shouldn't stop for anything – whatever you want to go for, just go for it. No challenge is a challenge – if you have faith in Allah, then Allah Himself opens the way for all of us."
(sent by sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Salaamon ‘Alaikum,
As many of you may or may not know, I am personally involved in sponsoring orphans in Iraq . The organization I belong is called Najaf Campaign and I have attached a flyer for you to see.
I have personally visited these orphans on several occasions and it is really heart breaking to see the plight of these children.
We are in desperate need of covering this year’s orphans and I appeal to you to do whatever you can.
I personally guarantee that ALL funds will be used directly for the orphans. The money collected will be taken personally by me and all groceries, food, clothing, etc. will be purchased by myself or one of our members. Distribution of goods is also done personally by us.
Tax receipts are also available through IHS.
Please email me whatever amount you plan on donating and how you plan on doing so, via mailing in payment, donating online, or through IHS.
Your help is desperately needed!!!!
You would be amazed to see how little these children have. Most live in tents with no running water, heat, blankets, nothing. Please don’t another child go hungry!!!!!!!
Your reward is with Imam Hujjah (atfs)
Please be sure to email either anar@dif.ca or nushy@dif.ca or me @ mhabib@hajj.org
Mahmud & Zehra Habib
Nushy Habib
Prime Time Messenger Inc.
50 Valleywood Drive, Unit 2
Markham, Ontario L3R 6E9
url: www.dif.ca
Tel: 416-332-4900, ext. 555
Fax: 416-987-9292
Cell: 416-712-5699
PIN: 2173AF68
(thru sis Mariam R.Jiwa)
GOD'S WINGS | for everyone |
God's Wings -
A little something to put things in perspective...
After a forest fire in Yellowstone National Park , forest rangers
began their trek up a mountain to assess the inferno's damage.
began their trek up a mountain to assess the inferno's damage.
One ranger found a bird literally petrified in ashes, perched
statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree. Somewhat
sickened by the eerie sight, he knocked over the bird with a stick.
When he gently struck it, three tiny chicks scurried from under
their dead mother's wings. The loving mother, keenly aware of
impending disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of the
tree and had gathered them under her wings, instinctively knowing
that the toxic smoke would rise.
statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree. Somewhat
sickened by the eerie sight, he knocked over the bird with a stick.
When he gently struck it, three tiny chicks scurried from under
their dead mother's wings. The loving mother, keenly aware of
impending disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of the
tree and had gathered them under her wings, instinctively knowing
that the toxic smoke would rise.
She could have flown to safety but had refused to abandon her
babies. Then the blaze had arrived and the heat had scorched her
small body, the mother had remained steadfast ...because she had
been willing to die, so those under the cover of her wings would live.
babies. Then the blaze had arrived and the heat had scorched her
small body, the mother had remained steadfast ...because she had
been willing to die, so those under the cover of her wings would live.
(sent by Sis Mariam R. Jiwa)
Dear Respected Colleges and friends,
Asalamoalikum Wa Rahmatullah.
An Australian News Channel by the name of National Nine News(www.naltionalninenews.com.au) is going to telecast a cartoon about our Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) so this news channel is going to hold a survey whether to telecast this cartoon or not. Could you please kindly visit the voting web page of this news channel onhttp://news.ninemsn.com.au/vote-archive.aspx?qid=2109 and click on yes to ban the telecast of that cartoon. About 300,000 yes votes are needed to stop the telecast of that cartoon because near 90% viewer of this news channel have already voted that that cartoon has to be telecasted so please forward this e-mail to your relatives and friends to vote and to ban the telecast that cartoon.
I would like to thank you in advance for your attention and cooperation.
With Best Regards ,
(sent by bro Imran Rasool-WIN TV)
(sent by bro Imran Rasool-WIN TV)
SOME BEAUTIFUL SAYINGS...... | for you |
1. The love of this world and the next cannot come together in the heart of a believer, like water and fire in a single vessel." - Jesus (Bihar al-anwar, xiv, 327)
2. Children of Israel! Do not grieve over what you lose of this world, just as the people of this world do not grieve over what they lose of their religion, when they gain this world of theirs.' " (Bihar al-anwar, xiv, 304; al-Kafi. ii, 127) - Jesus
3. Work like the man who imagines that he will never die; and be cautious like him who knows he is going to die tomorrow. - Holy Prophet (saws)
4. Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company. Imam Ali (as) (Nahjulbalagha)
5. To render relief to the distressed and to help the oppressed make amends for great sins.Imam Ali (as) (Nahjulbalagha)
6. I wonder at the arrogance of a haughty and vain person. Yesterday he was only a drop of semen and tomorrow he will turn into a corpse. Imam Ali (as) (Nahjulbalagha)
7. A person not trapped in chains of wish & desire & contented with what Allah has bestowed on him, is wealthy in true sense. - Imam Hussain (as)
8. To me , death is nothing but happiness, and living under tyrants nothing but living in a hell. - Imam Hussain(as) (Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 245)
9. If you don't believe in any religion and don't fear the Resurrection Day, at least be free in this world. Imam Hussain(as) (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 45, P. 51)
10. Wisdom will not be complete except by following the truth. Imam Hussain(as) (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 127)
11. Should poverty , illness , and death not exist , man would not bow to anything. Imam Hussain(as) (Nozhatol Nadher wa Tanbeehel Al - Khatir , P. 80)
12. The most merciful person is the one who forgives when he is able to revenge. Imam Hussain(as) (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 121)
13. Best of wealth is that with which one protects his fame and dignity. Imam Hussain(as) (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 44 , P. 195)
14. Death with dignity is better than life with humility Imam Hussain(as) - (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 44 , P. 192)
15. Endure difficulties when you walk on a divine path , and resist the temptation of worldly pleasures. Imam Hussain(as) - (Nozhatol - Nadher wa Tanbihol - Khater , P. 85)
(sent by bro Karim Daya)
Allah the Most High said: “Woe to the defrauders who, when they take measure (of their dues) from men, take it fully, but when they measure out to others or weigh out for them, they are deficient. Do not they think that they shall be raised again on a Mighty Day?”
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: “He who deceives, harms, or betrays a Muslim cannot be counted as a Muslim.”
“He who deceives a Muslim in buying or selling, he is not of us; and on the Day of Judgement he will be among Jews; because they are the most deceitful group to Muslims.”
Anyone who passes a night intending a deception on his Muslim brother, he passes that night and the day after it in the anger of Allah until he repents; and if he dies, his death is with a religion other than Islam.”
“Trickery, cheating and dishonesty cause the fire (of hell).”
Imam Ali (a.s.) said “O! Businessmen, First religious jurisprudence, then business! I swear by Allah that usury in the Islamic community is more hidden than the trial of the ants on granite. Have your oaths accompanied with truthfulness. Businessmen are sinful, and the sinful are in the fire; except those who take what is lawful and give what is lawful.”
“O! Businessmen, be careful of your duty to Allah… Refrain from oaths, abstain from telling lies, avoid oppressing others, be just to the oppressed, do not draw near to usury as its mentioned in the Holy Qur’an “ Give full measure and weight fairly, and defraud not men their property, and do not act corruptly in the land, making mischief.: (The Holy Qur’an 11:85)
Imam Jaf’ar as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: “Keep on being truthful in your speech, do not hide any deficiency in your goods, do not cheat any one who trusts you, because the action is forbidden, do not want for people any thing which you do not want for yourself, give what is lawful and take what is lawful and do not wrong anyone. Businessmen are sinful, and the sinful are in the fire, except those who take what is lawful and give what is lawful.”
Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) said: “Selling in the shadows is a kind of fraud and fraud is not lawful.
“Cursed be any one who defrauds, cheats or tricks a Muslim.”
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