Short Dua for 28th Day of Mahe Ramzān al-Mubarak 1433 A.H.
Imām Muhammad ibn ‘Alī al-Baqir (S.A.W.W) said:
“Surely, the excellence of the Fridays of the month of Ramzān over ordinary Fridays is like the excellence of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) over other prophets. Similar is the excellence of the month of Ramzān over all months.”
[Reference: Sawaabul A’amaal, page. 70]
Dua for Twenty-eighth Ramzan al-Mubarak
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Allaahumma Waffir H’az’z’ee Feehi Minan Nawaafil Wa Akrimnee Feehi Bi-Ih’z”Aaril Masaaa-Il Wa Qarrib Feehi Waseelatee Ilayka Min Baynil Wasaaaa-Eel Yaa Man Laa Yashghaluhi Ilh’aah’ul Mulh’h’een
O Allah increase my enjoyment and satisfaction, in this month, in the prayers I pray out of my own free will, kindly make haste in quick disposal of my affairs in my interest, let me be near to the “Means of Approach” (Muhammad and Aali Muhammad) who are the select best medium to gain Thy favours, O He who does not get confused on account of the ceaseless demands of the countless beseechers, but attend to each and every supplication.
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