Twenty-seventh Ramzan al-Mubarak : Quds Day - The last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan
Quds Day is a day muslims from all around the world show their support for the oppressed muslims of Palestine. Rallies in support of palestine are held in every capital of the world.
"I invite Muslims all over the globe to consecrate the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as 'Quds Day' and to proclaim the international solidarity of Muslims in support of the legitimate rights of the Muslim people of Palestine." - Imam Khomeini (R.A.), Ramadan 1399AH ( August 1979)
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(Allah , Mohammad s.a.w., Ali a.s., Fatema s.a., Hasan a.s.,Husain a.s.)
Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim.
Allah humma kun le wali yekal hujjattibnil Hasan, Salawatuka alaihe wa'ala abaeh Fi hazehis saate wa fi kulle s'aat. Waaliyan wa hafezan wa qaedan wa nasera, wa dalilan aina hatta tuskenaho arzaka tau an watomatte ahu fi ha tawila.
O Allah! Be now and at all times for your deputy Hazrat Hujjat Ibnil Hasan (May your blessings be upon him and his ancestors). Master, Protector, Guide, Helper, Proof and Guard, until He resides peacefully on your earth and let him enjoy (your bounties) for a long time (To come).
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posted by ABBAS ALAM @ 17:12
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