Friday, 17 August 2012


Houries and Women of Paradise

For deriving physical pleasures in Paradise, Allah has created the 'Hourul Een' for the believers. They have been given this name because 'Hoor'means 'bright colour and 'Een means 'expanse and dark-eyed, for the darkness of their eyes will be quite dark, and their skin pure white. 

"And pure, beautiful ones, the like of hidden pearis". (Surah-al-Waqe'ah: 22, 23) 
"In them shall be those who restrained their eyes, before them neither man nor jinni shall have touched them". (Surah-ar-Rahman: 56) 
"As though they were rubies and corals". (Surah-ar Rahman: 58) 
"And with them shall be those who restrain their eyes, having beautiful eyes. As if they were eggs carefully protected". (Surah-as-Saffat: 48,49) 
It is related that a hourie' will be wearing seventy dresses, even then the whiteness of their calfs will be visible. Their bodies will be glowing like the gentle brightness of rubies. Abdullah ibne Mas'ood says, that he heard the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) as saying, that a light will shine forth in paradise and people will wonder as to what it is. It will be said unto them that the light has emitted from the teeth of a hourie' who is laughing seated in front of her husband. 
"Surely we have made them to grow into a (new) growth, then We have made them virgins, loving, equals in age". (Surah- al-Waqe'ah: 35-37) 
All of these houries' will be aged sixteen years, while the age of the believers (in Paradise) will be thirty three years. The hair of the houries' will be curled, their bodies bright and clean of unwanted hair. 
"And they shall have Pure mates in them, and in them they shall abide (forever)" (Surah -al-Baqarah: 25) 
These houries' will be free from pride and arrogance and will not envy each other. 
It is related that on the right side of the hourie' it will be written:"praise be to Allah who has fulfilled what He promised", and on the left side : "praise be to Allah who has relieved us of grief. 
In a lengthy tradition the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) says, that when Allah created the hourie', on her right hand was written "Mohammadun Rasoolullah", and on her left hand "Aliyyun Waliyullah". On her forehead was written "Al Hasan" and on her chin "Al Husain", and on both of her lips "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, Merciful". Ibne Mas'ood asked, O' Prophet ! who will have this blessing"? The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) replied, "The one who recites "In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, Merciful" with due respect". 
Those Women who die in faith, their beauty in paradise will be more than that of the houries' 
"In them are goodly things, beautiful ones". (Surah-ar- Rahman: 70) 
The women referred to here are the faithful ones who will enter paradise. In reference to the above verse, Allamah Majlisi quotes Imam Ja'far-as-sadiq (A.S.) as saying, that the "goodly things" referred to in the verse are those women who are believers, the Shi'ahs, and the Wise ones. They will enter paradise and will be given in wed-lock to the believing men .

It is related that those women who did not marry in this world, or those women whose husbands had not entered paradise, will be given the freedom to choose the believer whom she desires, and they shall be married to them. But if a women's husband is present in paradise, she will be permitted to marry him with her consent. If in the world she married more than once, the man who has the greatest status (in paradise) and has committed more good deeds will be chosen for her.



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