Thursday, 16 August 2012


Salaat/Namaaz ' Baraye Kaffaara-e-Namaaz-e-Qazaa': This Namaaz is a Kaffaara (atonement) for Qazaa Namaaz. (NOT a substitute for Qaza)

Amal of Juma tul wida

(not a substitute for Qaza Sala)
Ref. Manhaj Da’waat

(Please also see below a question answered by Sayyid M. Rizvi about this Salah.)

Someone said to Imam 'Ali [a] "Master, uncountable prayers have been missed by me, which I have not the power to make up. What should I do? Imam 'Ali [a] said: "He who has missed many prayers and can't make them up, should on the last Friday of the Holy Month of Ramadan (known as Jumatul Wida) pray 4 rakats with one salam (i.e. as one prayer) to have the sins of lapsed prayers forgiven, Insha-Allah.

Please note that the lapsed salat must be recited, since this salat will just absolve us of the sin. This salat is a 4 rakat salat (just like Salatul Dhuhr), to be recited as follows:

In each rakat: Surah al Fatiha Once 
Surah al-Ikhlas 25 times 
Ayatul Kursi (2:255-257) Once
Surah al-Kawther 15 times

After reciting salaam, recite one salawat on the Prophet [s], the recite Shahadatain. as given below and then the dua below:

“Allahuma Yaa Saabiqal Fawti,
Yaa Saami’as-Sawti
Yaa Muhyi-al Idhwaami Ba’adal Mawti
Swalli Alaa Muhammadin wa Aali Muhammadin.
Waj’allee Farajan Wa Makhrajan
Mimmaa Anaa Feehi Innaka Ta’alamu Walaa A’alamu
Wa Naqdiru Walaa Aqdiru
Wa Anta Allamal Ghuyoobi
Yaa Waahibal Atwaaya
Wa Yaa Ghaafirall Khatwaaya
Yaa Saatiral Uyoobi
Subboohun Quddoosun
Rabbul Malaaikati War-Roohu
Waghfirlee Warham Yaa Rabbee.”

O Allah! Oh He who advances forward.
O He who hears all sounds.
O He who revives the dead bones.
O Allah! Bless Muhammad and his family,
and grant them peace
and grant me ease from what you know and I know not,
from what You have power over and I do not have power over;
O knower of that which is hidden.
O Granter of blessings.
O Who is Pure and Holy,
Lord of the Angels and Spirit.
My Lord, have mercy on me,
and forgive me and overlook what you know (of my faults),
for surely You are the High, the Mighty.
And bless Muhammad and his family all of them,
through Your Mercy,
O Most Merciful of those who show mercy.

About the prayers; Imam 'Ali said that this salat is a Kafarah (recompense) for 700 years of (missed) prayer. The narrator asked Imam that people live for seventy or eighty years (on average). The Imam replied that it will then be a recompense for his parents, relatives and children (descendents).

Please note the question and answer below regarding the above-noted salah.

I recently was advised that on the last Juma of Ramazan,there is a prayer from Imam Ali(AS) that can be recited in lieu of all the previous qaza prayers. That is that if a person has so many qaza prayers that he doesn't know how many or if it is impossible to make them up then on the last Juma he can recite a four rakat prayer, each rakat consisting of Sura Hamd, 25 times sura Ikhlaas, 1 time Ayatul Kursi, and 15 times sura Kauther. Is this true? Can you give some validity to this?


I myself was unaware of such a tradition until the recent Ramadhan when someone in Dallas, TX, showed to me a pamphlet printed in Pakistan which contained that hadith. First of all, express any opinion about the validity or otherwise of this hadith until I have checked in our main hadith sources. Secondly, even without looking at the sanad of that so-called hadith, I have my doubts about it. Even the printed version shown to me in Dallas did not say that it is in lieu of all the previous qaza prayers -- it sounded more like it is the kaffara for not saying the praying on time. 

Whatever is the outcome of this hadith, the fact remains that one has to perform the qaza prayers even after praying the namaz you have mentioned in your question.

PLEASE NOTE That The Lapsed Salat Must Be Recited- THERE IS NO EXCUSE



At 30 June 2016 at 17:08 , Blogger Unknown said...

thanks brother for nice efforts

At 30 June 2016 at 17:09 , Blogger Unknown said...

thanks brother for nice efforts

At 7 May 2021 at 01:39 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for posting wonderful and useful content, jazak Allah khair


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