Immam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) narrates:
Then the infallible personalities (a.s.) mount the pulpits.
Then Angels, the Prophets (a.s.) and believers gather near the pulpits.
The doors of the skies are thrown open.
After this the angels and the Prophets (a.s.) will likewise supplicate to Allah. Then the infallibles- Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) Hazrat Ali (a.s.), Janabe Zahra (s.a.), Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.) will go down in prostration and supplicate: “Allah manifest your Wrath for yor Honours has been viloated’ Your chosen servants have been killed, Your servants have been humilated.! The Allah will do as He pleases.
This is the ‘Known Day” (Yaumul Maloom)
(Ghaibat-e-Nomani, pg 272, trad. 56)
The path towards the love of Immam (a.t.f.s.) is strewn with thorns. It is an examination for those who claim to tread the path of his love. It is a path with many temptations and distractions. It is slippery and beguiling. It has dangerous twists and turns. However, Immam (a.t.f.s.) has not deserted his lovers. His help and guidance always helps them negotiate the perils of this path. A small ray of light is sufficient to ease the murkiness and gloom of this path. The strong bond of love can help the lovers overcome every hurdle on the path.
Immam Ja’far-as-Sadiq (a.s.) said to his famous companion, Dawood bin Sarhan:
“O Dawood give my salutations to my Shias and convey my message to them that When two persons meet and discuss our traditions then Allah’s mercy is on both of them. The third between them is an Angel who seeks forgivness for them. No two persons meet and discuss about us but Allah prides Himself on this fact among His Angels. (I order you) whenever you meet keep yourself busy in our rememberance. This rememberance enlivens our affairs. The best people after us are those who narrate our traditions and invited people towards them.”
(Beharul Anwar vol 1. pg.200)
Immam Ja’far-as-Sadiq (a.s.) said: One who recites Dua-e-Ahad for forty mornings, then inshallah, he will be included among the companions and helpers of Immam (a.t.f.s.) at the time of his (a.t.f.s.) re-apperance; he (a.t.f.s.) will rise from his grave.
Every Friday morning to organise an assembly for Dua-e-Nudba in the house and/or in the locality.
Nudba means intense wailing. In this Dua, the lovers of Immam Hussain (a.s.) in the condition of waiting ask:
“Where is the one who will take the revenge of the blood of the martyrs of
“I wish I had know where you are living”
“May my life be sacrificied for you, you are the desire of every believing man and woman who has remembered you and sympathised with you.
It is commanded in the last verse of Surah Ale-e-Imran “And be in contact”. Imam Jaf’ar as-sadiq (a.s.) says:
“Be in contact - with your Immam, the Awaited One. Day and night whenever you get the time be in contact with your Immam (a.t.f.s.)
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