Wednesday, 15 August 2012


Some useful supplications (dua's)for the benefit of the believers. (1) Shaikh Mufeed in his book " Muqni'ah" relates from Ali bin Mahziyar who quotes Imam Mohammed At-Taqi (A.S.) as saying that, in the blessed month of Ramazan, the recitation of this dua' every day and night is highly recommended:

يا ذا الذي قبل كل شيء يا ذا الذي ليس كمثله شيء و يا ذا الذي ليس في السموات العلى ولا في الارضين السفلى ولا فوقهن ولا تحتهن ولابينهن اله يعبد غيره لك الحمد الا يقوى على احصائه الا انت فصل على محمد صلاة لا يقوى على احصائها الا انت

(2) Shaikh Kulaini and other scholars narrate that Imam Ja'far -as-Sadiq (A.S.) had recommended the following dua' to Zurara bin A'yan. He (A.S.) said that this dua' is useful to be recited by His Shi'ahs during the days of concealment (ghaibat) to be saved from troubles and anxieties:

اللهم عرفني نفسك فانك ان لم تعرفني نفسك لم اعرف نبيك اللهم عرفني رسولك رسولك فانك ان لم تعرفني رسولك لم اعرف حجتك اللهم عرفني حجتك فانك ان لم تعرفني حجتك فانك ان لم تعرفني حجتك ضللت عن ديني

(3) It is narrated by many great scholars that to remain safe from troubles during the days of concealment, the Shia'ah should recite supplications of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and offer sadaqs on His behalf. One of the dua's is as follows: First praise Allah and send blessings upon Mohammad and His Progeny, then recite:

اللهم كن لوليك الحجة بن الحسن صلواتك عليه وعلى آبائه في هذه الساعة وفي كل ساعة ولياً وحافظاً وقائداً وناصراً ودليلاً وعيناً حتى تسكنه ارضك طوعاً وتمتعه فيها طويلا

(Lastly, may Allah illuminate the grave of the author of this useful and creative work, Shaikh Abbas Qummi, and offer him refuge under His Throne in Qayamat and forgive his sins, and also exalt his position in Paradise among the Shi'ahs and faithful slaves of Ahlulbait - translator). 



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