Physical & Social Hijab for both genders PT3 - Sheikh Mohammad Hilli & Zahra Al-Alawi | for everyone |
Physical & Social Hijab for both genders PT2 - Sheikh Mohammad Hilli & Zahra Al-Alawi | for everyone |
Physical & Social Hijab for both genders PT1 - Sheikh Mohammad Hilli & Zahra Al-Alawi | for everyone |
Following Ali (asws) is Wajib... | for everyone |

“One who has listened to too many songs will not be able to hear the Ruhānis(melodious singers of Heaven) on the Day of Qiyāma.”..... | for everyone |
Beautiful songs in Heaven
The following tradition of Allah’s Messenger (S) is recorded in the book Tafsīr Majmaul Bayan,
“One who has listened to too many songs will not be able to hear the Ruhānis on the Day of Qiyāma.”
“Who are the Ruhānis, O Prophet of Allah (S)?” someone asked.
The Prophet (S) replied,
“They are the melodious singers of Heaven.”
A similar tradition from Hazrat ‘Ali (a.s.) is found in Nahjul Balagha,
“Hazrat Dawūd (a.s.) will be the chief of the singers of Paradise.”
(Nahjul Balagha)
“One who has listened to too many songs will not be able to hear the Ruhānis on the Day of Qiyāma.”
“Who are the Ruhānis, O Prophet of Allah (S)?” someone asked.
The Prophet (S) replied,
“They are the melodious singers of Heaven.”
A similar tradition from Hazrat ‘Ali (a.s.) is found in Nahjul Balagha,
“Hazrat Dawūd (a.s.) will be the chief of the singers of Paradise.”
(Nahjul Balagha)
The people will listen to such melodious songs from Hazrat Dawūd (a.s.) in Heaven, the like of which have never been heard by anyone. However only those who have refrained from listening to songs in this world would be able to hear them.
A similar tradition from Hazrat ‘Ali (a.s.) is found in Nahjul Balagha,
“Hazrat Dawūd (a.s.) will be the chief of the singers of Paradise.”
(Nahjul Balagha)
“Hazrat Dawūd (a.s.) will be the chief of the singers of Paradise.”
(Nahjul Balagha)
The people will listen to such melodious songs from Hazrat Dawūd (a.s.) in Heaven, the like of which have never been heard by anyone. However only those who have refrained from listening to songs in this world would be able to hear them.
Singing is a Greater Sin
When Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) said,
“Singing is that Sin which has been promised the penalty of fire (Hell) by Allah” he (a.s.) had also recited the following verse of the Holy Qur’an:
“Singing is that Sin which has been promised the penalty of fire (Hell) by Allah” he (a.s.) had also recited the following verse of the Holy Qur’an:
“And of men is he who takes instead frivolous discourse to lead astray from Allah’s path without knowledge and to take it for a mockery; these shall have an abasing chastisement.”
(Surah Luqmān 31:6)
(Surah Luqmān 31:6)
Singing and hypocrisy
The sixth Holy Imam, Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said,
“Listening to music, songs and useless words cultivate hypocrisy in the heart, in the same way as algae grows in water.”
The same book, al-Kāfi mentions a tradition of Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) that,
“Singing and music is a nest for the bird called hypocrisy.”
“Listening to music, songs and useless words cultivate hypocrisy in the heart, in the same way as algae grows in water.”
The same book, al-Kāfi mentions a tradition of Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) that,
“Singing and music is a nest for the bird called hypocrisy.”
Singing programme
The venue of a singing programme is a place where descends divine retribution. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says:
“Do not even enter houses, the inhabitants of which are deprived of divine mercy.”
“Do not even enter houses, the inhabitants of which are deprived of divine mercy.”
He (a.s.) is reported to have also said,
“The house where music is played is not safe from sudden disasters. Supplications at such a place are not answered. Angels do not enter this place.”
(al-Kāfi and Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il)
“The house where music is played is not safe from sudden disasters. Supplications at such a place are not answered. Angels do not enter this place.”
(al-Kāfi and Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il)
It has been established in the preceding chapter that when the divine punishment descends, it does not discriminate. The excuse,
“Though we go to places where there is music and song, but we dislike it in our hearts”, seems unlikely to be acceptable. Dislike needs to be expressed by ones action, also. Songs and music should be discouraged.
Singing causes poverty
Amir ul-Mu’minīn ‘Ali (a.s.) says,
“Singing creates hypocrisy and causes poverty.”
(Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il, chapter 78)
“Singing creates hypocrisy and causes poverty.”
(Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il, chapter 78)
Punishment for Singing
The Holy Prophet (S) has explicitly stated,
“When the singer shall rise from his grave on the Day of Judgement, he will be blind, deaf and dumb.”
“When the singer shall rise from his grave on the Day of Judgement, he will be blind, deaf and dumb.”
The traditions also state that the singer will be recognised by these very signs, i.e., blindness, deafness etc.
In another tradition Holy Prophet (S) is quoted to have said:
“Molten lead shall be poured into the ears of one who listens to songs, intently.”
(Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il)
“Molten lead shall be poured into the ears of one who listens to songs, intently.”
(Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il)
Deprived of Divine Mercy
Qutub al-Rawandi has recorded from the Holy Prophet (S),
“The singer is from that group of people, who would not be looked upon with mercy by Allah on the Day of judgement.”
“The singer is from that group of people, who would not be looked upon with mercy by Allah on the Day of judgement.”
A fan of a singer
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says:
“One who respects a speaker, becomes his slave. If the speaker calls towards Allah the listener worships Allah, but if he calls towards shaitan, the listener has worshipped shaitan.”
(Furu al-Kāfi)
“One who respects a speaker, becomes his slave. If the speaker calls towards Allah the listener worships Allah, but if he calls towards shaitan, the listener has worshipped shaitan.”
(Furu al-Kāfi)
It is also narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that he said,
“Whenever a person begins singing, two satans mount on his shoulders and continue to hit their heels upon his chest, till the time he sings the song.”
“Whenever a person begins singing, two satans mount on his shoulders and continue to hit their heels upon his chest, till the time he sings the song.”
Is the one kicked by the satans to be loved and admired?
Melodious sounds of Paradise
Hazrat Imam ‘Ali Ibn Musa ar-Riďa (a.s.) said,
“One who avoids songs shall be provided by Allah, a tree, which will produce such a melodious sound as has never been heard by anyone. But the one who has not kept himself aloof from songs will not be able to hear this sound.”
“One who avoids songs shall be provided by Allah, a tree, which will produce such a melodious sound as has never been heard by anyone. But the one who has not kept himself aloof from songs will not be able to hear this sound.”
Strict prohibition
The Holy Prophet (S) says:
“Calamities will befall my Umma as sinking of the earth and rain of stones.”
The people asked, “When would it happen?”
“When the instruments of music become common, singing girls are in great number and the use of intoxicants is widespread. By Allah, many people of my Umma will be such that they shall spend the night in merry-making and sensuality and in the daytime become like monkeys and pigs. It will be the consequence of considering the prohibited things permissible, they will be occupied with singing girls, frequently take intoxicants, devour interest and shall dress in clothes made of silk.”
“Calamities will befall my Umma as sinking of the earth and rain of stones.”
The people asked, “When would it happen?”
“When the instruments of music become common, singing girls are in great number and the use of intoxicants is widespread. By Allah, many people of my Umma will be such that they shall spend the night in merry-making and sensuality and in the daytime become like monkeys and pigs. It will be the consequence of considering the prohibited things permissible, they will be occupied with singing girls, frequently take intoxicants, devour interest and shall dress in clothes made of silk.”
Singing and fornication
Singing instigates one to commit fornication. The Holy Prophet (S) said:
“Singing is the stepping stone to fornication.”
(Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il)
“Singing is the stepping stone to fornication.”
(Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il)
Songs are responsible for awakening the latent sensual desires of man, which are soon manifested. It is the same whether one sings a song or merely listens to it. He forgets Allah (S.w.T.) and is prepared to commit any kind of indecency.
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says,
“And all those wasteful pastimes are Harām which make one forgetful of Allah; like songs and playing musical instruments.”
Yes! Music makes one shameless and lacking in self-respect. It also destroys the feeling of love, compassion and mercy, reducing society to a nightmare.
“And all those wasteful pastimes are Harām which make one forgetful of Allah; like songs and playing musical instruments.”
Yes! Music makes one shameless and lacking in self-respect. It also destroys the feeling of love, compassion and mercy, reducing society to a nightmare.
Prohibition regarding songs and singing
There is no difference of opinion among the Shia jurists about the illegality of singing. It can be said that there is ‘ijma’ (unanimity) upon this point. The writer of the book, titled Mustanad says, “To consider singing and music ‘Harām’ is one of the necessities of faith. That is, if a Muslim says that singing is not Harām then he becomes a kafir.” According to the author of Izah, “the traditions that state that music and singing is Harām, are mutawatir (very numerous).”
However a slight difference of opinion exists, as to the meaning and connotation of the word ‘song’. The majority of the Mujtahids believe that any kind of sound, capable of creating a desire for joyful mirth and sensual feelings is a song; and it is Harām.
However a slight difference of opinion exists, as to the meaning and connotation of the word ‘song’. The majority of the Mujtahids believe that any kind of sound, capable of creating a desire for joyful mirth and sensual feelings is a song; and it is Harām.
Reciting Qur’an in tune of songs
It is Harām to recite Qur’an in the characteristics of songs. Similarly it is also Harāmto recite Nauhas, Marsiya or Azān in this way; it is immaterial whether it is poetry or prose that is being recited. Rather, rendering of the sacred compositions into songs carries double punishments. One for the sin of singing songs and the other for causing disrespect to a sacred text.
Reciting Qur’an in a melodious voice
Every melodious sound is not a song. If Qur’an or Nauha is recited in a pleasant voice without unduly turning it in the throat, it is not Harām, rather it is desirable to do so. The Messenger of Allah (S) is reported to have said,
“Recite the Qur’an in a pleasant voice, in the style of Arabs. You are ordered to avoid the transgressors and doers of greater sins. Certainly, such people will appear in the world who will recite the Qur’an in a singing manner to make the listeners emotional. It is not allowed to go near these people or to call them near you. The hearts of these people have deviated and those who are influenced by them shall also have their hearts deviated.”
(Wasa’il ul-Shia)
(Wasa’il ul-Shia)
Pleasant voice and singing
While describing the signs of the arrival of the Day of Judgement, the Prophet of Allah (S) said:
“Such kind of people will appear in the world that they would learn the Qur’an for worldly benefits and will recite it in a singing tune.”
However there are many traditions to the effect that reciting the Qur’an in a pleasant voice is Mustahab(recommended). However we must ensure that its tone is not that of singing.
“Such kind of people will appear in the world that they would learn the Qur’an for worldly benefits and will recite it in a singing tune.”
However there are many traditions to the effect that reciting the Qur’an in a pleasant voice is Mustahab(recommended). However we must ensure that its tone is not that of singing.
Singing and music during weddings
Subject to the following Three conditions some of the Mujtahids have allowed women to sing on the occasion of marriages.
The first condition is that no grown-up men should be able to hear the singing. Not even those who are mahram (under the prohibited degree).
Secondly, the songs must not be loud and also must not be based on false statements.
And lastly, the singing must not be accompanied with any kind of music.
A few scholars have permitted playing of the small tambourine (tambourine is a drum with skin on only one of its sides). Shahīd al-Thani and Muhaqqiq al-Thani say that tambourine could be played in a wedding if it does not have tinkles around it.
To play with articles used in gambling even without betting is Harām. | for everyone |
To sit and watch the game is also Harām. The practice of Nahy anil Munkar makes it obligatory on us to leave the place where people are gambling. It is recommended (mustahab) that if perchance our eyes fall upon an article of gambling, we should remember Imam Husain (a.s.) and curse Yazid (l.a.).
Fazl Ibn Shazān reports from Imam ‘Ali ar-Riďa (a.s.), “At the time the blessed head of Husain Ibn ‘Ali (a.s.) was carried into Shām, Yazid (l.a.) started to dine and drink barley wine (similar to modern day ‘beer’) with his associates. After the meal, Yazid (l.a.) ordered the blessed head to be kept in a salver and placed at the foot of his throne. A chessboard was spread out and the accursed Yazid sat down to play chess. During the game, he ridiculed Imam Husain (a.s.), his father (a.s.) and grandfather (S). Whenever he won a game, he used to take hold of the barley wine and drink Three goblets. Then he used to pour the remaining wine in the salver upon the head of Imam Husain (a.s.).”
Hazrat Imam ‘Ali ar-Riďa (a.s.) then continues, “Whoever is our Shia must abstain from barley wine and chess. One who sees barley wine or chess must remember Imam Husain (a.s.) and invoke curse upon Yazid and the progeny of Yazid. If a Shia does this, Allah the Almighty will forgive all his sins even if they are more numerous than the stars.”
(Uyūn al-Akhbār ar-Riďa)
(Uyūn al-Akhbār ar-Riďa)
The prayers of chess-players are not valid till they wash their hands after the game..... | for everyone |
There is a universal agreement among the Mujtahids that articles normally used in gambling should not be played with, even if one is not gambling. The tradition mentioned previously which states that one who touches chess is like one who smears his hand in pork; continues,
“The prayers of chess-players are not valid till they wash their hands after the game.
(Wasa’il ul-Shia. Chapter of Business Transactions)
(Wasa’il ul-Shia. Chapter of Business Transactions)
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) on being inquired concerning chess replied:
“Leave the preoccupations of the fire-worshippers to them.”
That is, Muslims should not even go near chess.
In another tradition, Imam (a.s.) says:
“Do not even approach chess.”
“Leave the preoccupations of the fire-worshippers to them.”
That is, Muslims should not even go near chess.
In another tradition, Imam (a.s.) says:
“Do not even approach chess.”
The tradition from the book, Tohafful Uqūl distinctly states that the articles employed in gambling cannot be used for any purpose whatsoever and it is Harām to do so.
“All the tools and actions of gambling are Harām.”
“All the tools and actions of gambling are Harām.”
Hazrat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) has said:
“All kinds of games of betting are gambling and the sale, the purchase and the use of all the tools of gambling are Harām. It is only an act that Shaitan instigates you to do.”
(Tafsir al-Qummi)
Chess and cards should not be indulged in even when played only for intellectual stimulation games with no intent to gamble. These games have an inherent power to obsess the player till he becomes oblivious of his responsibilities towards his family and even his livelihood. Such all-consuming activities lead to the disruption of an otherwise happy family life.
Shaitan also will not lose the opportunity to incite the players to play for stakes. Very soon, the game started as an intellectual exercise will slip into a game for making money. The only effective way to eradicate gambling from society is to stay clear of such games as commanded by our Imam (a.s.).
Hence, Islam has declared that to manufacture the tools of gambling is Harām; to buy or sell them isHarām and to spend from the profits of these transactions is Harām. It is Harām even to have the tools of gambling in ones possession. It is obligatory to destroy them.
Ishaq Ibn Ammar asked Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that children play with eggs and cashew nuts in the same way as gambling? Imam (a.s.) told him:
“Do not even eat these things!”
“Do not even eat these things!”
The following verse of the Divine Book ordains the income of gambling to be Harām and makes it obligatory upon the person who wins to restore the amount back to the person who lost it.
“O you who believe! Do not devour your property among yourselves falsely...?”
(Surah an-Nisā’ 4:29)
(Surah an-Nisā’ 4:29)
Our Lord! In You we have placed our trust, and to You do we turn in repentance, for unto You is the end of all journeys. (60:4) Quote | for everyone |

Our Lord! In You we have placed our trust, and to You do we turn in repentance, for unto You is the end of all journeys. (60:4)
Cancer treatment - Shocking news......PLEASE PASS IT ON IT MAY HELP SOMEONE ..NO HARM IN TRYING | for everyone |
Cancer treatment - Shocking news......
IF IT WORKS WHY NOT, WORTH SAVING A LIFE, RIGHT?Dear All,One of my cousin got lung cancer few months back. That was really shocking to all his family members. Cancer diagnosed was of stage three. Immediately> treatment was started from Pakistan most of the art hospital for cancer i.e Shoukat Khanum Hospital in Lahore. But there was little chances to reverse the disease as its already reached to stage 3.Than one day somebody told us about a person in Distt Nowshera who is treating cancer by herbs. We went there and he gave us some herbal medicines for ten days. It was really amazing when we saw an improvement in the condition of my cousin in just three days after taking the medicine. Now with grace of Allah his reports are received from Shukat khanum Hospital and there is no such thing as cancer in his report. The doctors are really amazed and they talked to the person on phone.(Person who gave us medicine).The doctors are now planning to visit that person on coming Monday. I'm posting this add because if even a single human life is saved because of me will be a great honor for me.The name of that person is Mushtaq. Living in Risalpur, Distt Nowshera. His Mob#0344-9728499,0300-9176901.He is not charging a single penny from his patients. I will request everyone to send this message to your contact and if we are able to save some one life it's like we saved whole humanity. I know this is not a proper forum for such things but I just want to save some one life.Ishrat Rizvi, Toronto Canadalet the doctors find out more about this medicine and open treatment gates to all. NIZAR
-- Abdul Bhimani
The Greater Sins are those, the performers of which have been promised (Hell) fire.. | for everyone |
The respected Imam Riďa (a.s.) said:
“The Greater Sins are those, the performers of which have been promised (Hell) fire. If any believer abstains from these or repents for the same Allah will forgive these sins. There are seven such sins, which have been promised (Divine) punishment.
To kill one whose murder is prohibited.
To disobey parents.
To accept usury.
To return to ignorance after migration (Hijrat).
To accuse a chaste woman of adultery.
To consume wrongfully the property of orphans.
To flee from the battlefield.
(Wasa’il ul-Shia).
To disobey parents.
To accept usury.
To return to ignorance after migration (Hijrat).
To accuse a chaste woman of adultery.
To consume wrongfully the property of orphans.
To flee from the battlefield.
(Wasa’il ul-Shia).
“And the (spreading of) mischief is Greater than murder.” (Surah al-Baqarah 2:191)... | for everyone |
The tradition from Ibn Mahbūb clearly states that the killing of a ‘soul’ is a Greater sin. The Qur’an has promised Divine punishment for murder. Then if any other sin is proved to be more than the killing of a person, by the verses of Qur’an or authentic reports then this sin will also be considered as a Greater sin. For example the Holy Qur’an says that to spread corruption in the world is worse than murder:
“And the (spreading of) mischief is Greater than murder.”
(Surah al-Baqarah 2:191)
(Surah al-Baqarah 2:191)
Hence we can conclude that the spreading of disturbance must also be counted among the Greater Sins.
They left the light of Islam and entered into the darkness of disbelief (Kufr).... | for everyone |
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) was explaining the following verse of the Holy Qur’an:
“Allah is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the light.”
(Surah al-Baqarah 2:257)
(Surah al-Baqarah 2:257)
He said,
“It means Allah takes them away from the darkness of the sins to the light of repentance. Because they were having ‘Wilāyat’ of all the just Imams (all twelve of whom are appointed by Allah). The next portion of the same verse is, “and (as to) those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of the light into the darkness.”
“It means Allah takes them away from the darkness of the sins to the light of repentance. Because they were having ‘Wilāyat’ of all the just Imams (all twelve of whom are appointed by Allah). The next portion of the same verse is, “and (as to) those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of the light into the darkness.”
The Imam further explained,
“It only means those who followed the light of Islam initially but later started following each an every usurper (leader) not authorised by Allah. They left the light of Islam and entered into the darkness of disbelief (Kufr). Thus Allah ordained upon the disbelievers the fire of Hell.
If you wish that your life and the hereafter be accomplished with the best of the deeds and that your soul be captured (death occurs) in this condition..... | for everyone |
Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) wrote a letter to certain friends of his:
If you wish that your life and the hereafter be accomplished with the best of the deeds and that your soul be captured (death occurs) in this condition, then acknowledge the supremacy of Allah.
If you wish that your life and the hereafter be accomplished with the best of the deeds and that your soul be captured (death occurs) in this condition, then acknowledge the supremacy of Allah.
Do not misuse the bounties and gifts granted to you by Allah in committing acts that are forbidden by Him and become disobedient to Him. Respect all those who remember us, Ahl ul-Bayt, and claim to love us. It is immaterial (for you) whether he is truthful or not. For you will be rewarded according to your intention and they (the liars) will be punished for their sins.
(Bihār al-Anwār)
(Bihār al-Anwār)
The Almighty Allah (S.w.T.) imposes difficulties and sends calamities to the sinful people among the followers ofAhl ul-Bayt (a.s..... | for everyone |
The Almighty Allah (S.w.T.) imposes difficulties and sends calamities to the sinful people among the followers ofAhl ul-Bayt (a.s.) This is because He wishes to cleanse them of their sins so that they are not liable to any punishment after death. If the sins are more, then he gets a difficult death and if the sins are still in excess then he is punished in Barzakh (grave) upto the Day of Judgement.
It is also stated in the traditions that if there is a sinner whose sins are so much that even after all the punishment they are not expiated; then that person will be interned in the Hell-fire till he has recompensed for the remaining sins.
The devotee of Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.) shall not remain in the fire forever. The everlasting punishment is only for the unbelievers and the enemies of Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.)
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Home remedies and natural cures: Benefits of health care at home | for everyone |
Home remedies and natural cures: Benefits of health care at home
Home remedies and natural cures or medicines made at home from natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, herbs are catching a lot of attention due to its very nature of cure: simple, no side effects, no chemicals, inexpensive, plus the pleasure of being able to cure yourself!. Read on for how all this is useful and how people are using these home made methods in their day to day lives to stay fit and healthy.
Natural Remedies Encyclopedia Simple, Home Remedies | for everyone |
Death Anniversary of 'Yazīd ibn Mu‘āwiya ibn Abī Sufyān (L.A) -LANAT BESHUMAR | for everyone |
Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem
As-salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh,
14th -Rabi' al-awwal
Our heartiest greetings and felicitations to Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.w.), Hazrat Fātimah(s.a.), Ahl-e-Bait (a.s.), Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.) & all lovers of Ahl-e-Bait (a.s.) on this auspicious occasion of Death Anniversary of 'Yazīd ibn Mu‘āwiya ibn Abī Sufyān (L.A)
Qadhi Thanaullah Paani Patti (d. 1225) a Sunni scholar of the twelfth century wrote:
"Yazeed and his associates did Kufr with the bounties of Allah. They deemed it their aim to have a grudge against the progeny of the Prophet (s) and murdered Hussain (ra) with oppression and Yazeed did Kufr with the religion of Prophet (s) to the extent that Yazeed recited the following couplets over the murder of Hussain (ra)
'Where are my ancestors, they should come and see that I have take revenge from the progeny of the Prophet and Bani Hashim'.
And the last prose is: 'I would not be from the progeny of Jandab had I not taken revenge from the progeny of Ahmad for whatever they had done.'
[Reference: Tafseer Mazhari [Arabic], Volume 5 page 271, commentary of 14:29]
Allamah Taftazani (Ahle Sunnah scholar) said Yazeed was worthy of more than just cursing
"The harms that were inflicted on the Ahl'ul bayt after the Sahaba are acts that cannot be covered up. These acts were so heinous that they cannot be hidden - all including animals testify to their suffering. Their pain was such that the earth and skies shed tears and beat themselves when their suffering is retold - and retelling this shall continue until the Day of Judgement. May Allah's curse be upon those that perpetuated injustices, and those that helped them (to carry out these acts). The curse on these individuals shall be even greater in the next world. If some Ulema are opposed to cursing, then it should be known that Yazeed deserves more than just cursing".
[Reference: Sharh Muqassad]
Testimony of Prominent Ahle Sunnah Mujtahid, Qadhi Saleh bin Mahdi al-Maqbali
Prominent Mujtahid of era namely Allamah Qadhi Saleh bin Mahdi al-Maqbali (d. 1108) who is much liked by Ahle Hadith/Salafies writes :
“And even more strange is a person who praises Yazeed who reverted from Islam, the one who insulted the honorable people of this Ummah, dishonoring the sanctity of Madina of Messenger (Sale Allah Aleh Wa Aalihi Wasalam), killed Hussain the son of the Prophet and his Ahlulbayt and humiliated them and he treated them in such a manner that even if the enemies of Islam, the Christians were to do the same acts, they might have been more reasonable.”
[Reference: Al-Ilm Al-Shamikh Fi Ethaar Al-Haq Ala Alaba wal Mashaikh, page 367 ]
Iltemase dua
A humble request:
Please pray for restoration of Jannat al-Baqi & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs).
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