Friday, 1 March 2013

What is Dua? ......

Feb 28, '13 12:21 PM
for everyone
What is Dua? 
Literally the word Dua means “to call upon.” In Islam Dua or supplication means to address Allah (SWT) with praise, thanksgiving, hope, and to mention one’s needs. In English it is also referred to as “Prayer.”

Importance of making Dua. 
In Islam Dua has a very special place. Allah (SWT) has commanded in Quran that we make Dua to Him. Those who are too proud to make Dua, Allah (SWT) says will be punished. It has been related from the sources of the Imams that Dua can change fate. One should not say “this can not happen.” Nothing is beyond the reach and the power of Allah (SWT). He is most generous and full of mercy.
Types of Dua: 
Dua in one’s own words, depending upon need or situation. It may be very spontaneous or may be well thought over. It may be based upon verses of Qur’an. Quran has many Duas. Some Dua formulas are from Allah (SWT) to mankind addressed directly, and others are the Duas taught to the prophets of the old. It may have come to us from the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) & his progeny or from the Imams.
Psychological and spiritual benefits of making Dua.
There are several consequences:
a) It increases the faith of the supplicant, who acknowledges the fact that Allah (SWT) is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and is the ultimate recourse.
b) It gives hope and the strength to the distressed soul, and saves from despair.
c) It brings the supplicant closer to the Creator, strengthening the bond between them.
d) It increases humility, which in turn increases piety.
e) It curbs ego and vanity.

Etiquette for making Dua. 
Just like when we speak to a dignitary, or head of a state, we use certain language; follow the protocol to get proper attention and response. Similarly there are formulas and language taught by the Quran, the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his progeny, and the Imams to make Dua.
Guidance from the Qur’an: 
Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an:
“Thee alone we worship and Thee alone we ask for help.” S.1
“And your Lord says: Call on Me; I will answer your (prayer). But those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell-in humiliation.” S 40: 60
“Say; O My servants who have transgressed against their souls; despair not of the Mercy of Allah: For Allah forgives all sins; for He is oft Forgiving, most Merciful.” S39: 53
Say: “Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: By whatever name you call upon Him, (it is well): For to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. S.17: 110
“And when My servants ask Thee (O’ Prophet) about Me, then verily I am near, I answer the prayer (Dua) of the supplicant when he beseeches unto Me. So let them hear My call, and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright.” S. 2: 186
Call on your Lord with humility and in private; for Allah loves not those who trespass beyond bounds
“And those whom you call upon other than Him are not able to help you, nor can they help themselves.”
S 7:197
Say: “Call on those, besides Him, whom you fancy. They have neither the power to remove your troubles nor to change them. Those whom they call upon (besides Allah) desire (themselves) means of access to their Lord; Even those who are nearest: ….” S 17: 56, 57
“Call you not (any one) besides Allah, that neither profits you nor harms you…” S 10: 106
“For Him (alone) is prayer in truth: Any others that they call upon besides Him hear them no more than if they were to stretch forth their hands for water to reach their mouths, but it reaches them not: ….” S. 13: 14


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