May God shower (His) mercy upon a people, who had been lamps and illumination (for guiding others)
for everyone |
Hadith No. 21
Supplication of Imam Sadiq (A.S.)
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) prayed:
May God shower (His) mercy upon a people, who had been lamps and illumination (for guiding others); they used to invite people towards us by means of their deeds!
Tuhaf al-U'qool, pg. 301; Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 78, pg. 280.
Hadith No. 22
The Essence of Tabligh
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said:
Invite towards your Lord! Make people enter into Islam and do not pull them out of it.
Al-Usul al-Sittah A'shar, pg. 69.
Hadith No. 23
Pulpits of Light
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
Should I not inform you of a peoole, who are neither Prophets nor martyrs but, on the Day of Judgment, seated on pulpits of light they would be in possession of such a status before God, that (even) the Prophets and martyrs would be desirous of their rank?
He was asked: Who are these, O' Prophet of God?
He replied: They are those, who cause the people to become the beloved of God and cause Him to become the beloved of the people.
Mustadrak al-Wasaail, vol. 12, pg. 182.
Hadith No. 24
Reward Without Deeds!
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has declared:
One who guides towards (an act of) goodness is like one who has (actually) peformed it.
Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 27; Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 71, pg. 16.
Hadith No. 25
Simple but Weighty
At the onset of the propagation of Islam, Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) gathered his near and close relatives, and inviting them to Islam, said:
O' Children of A'bdul Muttalib! God has sent me (as a Prophet) to entire mankind and has sent me to you in particular, as He has said: "And warn your nearest relations". And (so), I invite you to two sentences, simple upon the tongue (but) weighty in the Scales.
By means of them you shall come to prevail over the Arabs and non-Arabs, and by means of them nations shall submit before you, and by means of them you shall enter the Paradise, and by means of them you shall deliver yourself from the fire (of Hell); and that 'I am the Messenger of Allah'.
Al-Irshaad, vol. 1, pg. 49; A'alaam al-Waraa, vol. 1, pg, 322.
Hadith No. 26
Recollecting the Bounties of God
God, the Mighty and the Glorious, revealed to Prophet Dawood (A.S.): Love Me and make Me beloved in the eyes of My creation!
He inquired: O' My Lord! I love you, but how do I make you beloved in the eyes of your creation?
God revealed: Inform them and get them to recollect My bounties that are with them, for if you do so, they would (begin to) love Me.
Qisas al-Anbiyaa, pg. 205; Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 14, pg. 37.
Hadith No. 27
No Fear in Tabligh
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said to his companions:
Do not allow the fear of people to prevent any of you from speaking out the truth when you witness it, for speaking out neither hastens death nor decreases the livelihood.
Kanz al-U'mmaal, vol. 3, pg.75, tr. 5567; Musnad Ibn Hanbal, vol. 4, pg. 102, tr. 11474.
Hadith No. 28
Let the Deeds Speak
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:
Do not call people (towards guidance and goodness) by means of your tongues! (Rather), call them by means of your (good) deeds.
Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 5, pg. 198.
Hadith No. 29
Rein of Fire for Concealing Knowledge
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has said:
One who withholds and conceals beneficial knowledge, Allah, on the Day of Judgment, shall bridle him by means of a rein made of fire.
Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 2, pg. 78; Kanz al-U'mmaal, vol. 10, pg. 196, tr. 29031.
Hadith No. 30
A Listener and a Scholar
Imam Musa Al Kazim (A.S.) said to Hisham bin Al Hakam:
O Hisham! Life is worthless except for two (kinds of) people: A willing listener and a scholar who imparts (knowledge).
Tohaf al-Uqool pg. 397.
Hadith No. 31
Better than a Million Worshippers
Imam Musa Al-Kazim (A.S.) said:
A learned scholar who rescues one of our orphans - those who are deprived of us and of seeing us - by teaching him something useful is, to Iblis, graver than a thousand worshippers because a worshipper's concern is only his self whereas this (learned) person is concerned not only for himself, but also for others worshipping Allah - he wishes to save them from the clutches of Iblis and his soldiers. He is therefore better than a million male worshippers and a million female worshippers.
Bihaar al-Anwaar vol 3, pg 5 Hadith 10
Hadith No. 32
Accounting for Surplus Knowledge and Wealth
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: Allah will enquire about the surplus of a person's knowledge just as He will ask about his surplus wealth.
Kanzul Ummal vol 10, pg 188 Hadith 28983
Hadith No. 33
Covenant from the Learned
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
Allah took the covenant from people to learn only after He had taken the covenant from the learned to teach.
Alaam ud-Din, pg 80
Hadith No. 34
Ask Those who Know
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
Neither the learned should remain quiet with his knowledge nor the ignorant about his ignorance. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an:
"Ask those who know if you know not" (An-Nahl 43)
Kanzul Ummal vol 10, pg 238 Hadith 29264
Hadith No. 35
Teachers are the Best
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
Teachers are the best! Every time truth is forgotten, they are the ones who revive it. Give them (gifts) and do not hire them as it may embarrass them. A teacher who successfully teaches a child the words "Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim" gets salvation from the fire of Hell just as the child and his parents do.
Al Firdaws, vol 4, pg 193 Hadith 6597
Hadith No. 36
Save Yourselves from Fire
Abu Basir asked Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.) on the verse: "Save yourselves and your family from the fire, the fuel of which is human beings and stones".
Abu Basir said, "I can try and save myself, but my family as well?"
Imam (A.S.) replied: "Direct them to what Allah has directed and prohibit them from what Allah has prohibited. If they obey you, you have saved them and if they choose to ignore you, you have fulfilled your duty".
Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol 100, pg 74 Hadith 12
Hadith No. 37
Four Types of People
Some Masumin (A.S.) have said:
People are of four types:
1. One who is learned and knows that he is learned.
This type is the learned - follow them.
2. One who is learned but is unaware that he is learned.
This type is in a slumber. Wake him up.
3. One who does not know and is aware that he knows not . This type is an ignorant - teach him.
4. One who does not know and thinks he knows. This type is lost - guide him.
'Awali Al-Lu'ali, vol 4, pg 79 Hadith 74
Hadith No. 38
Spreading Knowledge
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
A man who acquires knowledge and then does not disclose for fear of people is not from me.
Kanzul Ummal, vol 10, pg 217 Hadith 29152
Hadith No. 39
Teach and Discipline Yourself First
Imam Ali (A.S.) has said:
One who proclaims himself to lead others should start by teaching himself before he teaches others. He should teach through his character before using his tongue to teach. One who is able to teach and discipline oneself is more worthy of esteem then one who teaches and disciplines others.
Nahjul Balaqhah: Sayinq 73
Hadith No. 40
Advice of Imam Sadiq (A.S.) for his Shias
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) told Mufazzal:
O Mufazzal, tell our Shias to call towards us by refraining from what God has prohibited and avoiding committing sins and pursuing what pleases God. If they were to be like that, people would rush towards us (and our message).
Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol 2, pg 309 Hadith 73
Supplication of Imam Sadiq (A.S.)
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) prayed:
May God shower (His) mercy upon a people, who had been lamps and illumination (for guiding others); they used to invite people towards us by means of their deeds!
Tuhaf al-U'qool, pg. 301; Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 78, pg. 280.
Hadith No. 22
The Essence of Tabligh
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) has said:
Invite towards your Lord! Make people enter into Islam and do not pull them out of it.
Al-Usul al-Sittah A'shar, pg. 69.
Hadith No. 23
Pulpits of Light
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
Should I not inform you of a peoole, who are neither Prophets nor martyrs but, on the Day of Judgment, seated on pulpits of light they would be in possession of such a status before God, that (even) the Prophets and martyrs would be desirous of their rank?
He was asked: Who are these, O' Prophet of God?
He replied: They are those, who cause the people to become the beloved of God and cause Him to become the beloved of the people.
Mustadrak al-Wasaail, vol. 12, pg. 182.
Hadith No. 24
Reward Without Deeds!
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has declared:
One who guides towards (an act of) goodness is like one who has (actually) peformed it.
Al-Kafi, vol. 4, pg. 27; Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 71, pg. 16.
Hadith No. 25
Simple but Weighty
At the onset of the propagation of Islam, Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) gathered his near and close relatives, and inviting them to Islam, said:
O' Children of A'bdul Muttalib! God has sent me (as a Prophet) to entire mankind and has sent me to you in particular, as He has said: "And warn your nearest relations". And (so), I invite you to two sentences, simple upon the tongue (but) weighty in the Scales.
By means of them you shall come to prevail over the Arabs and non-Arabs, and by means of them nations shall submit before you, and by means of them you shall enter the Paradise, and by means of them you shall deliver yourself from the fire (of Hell); and that 'I am the Messenger of Allah'.
Al-Irshaad, vol. 1, pg. 49; A'alaam al-Waraa, vol. 1, pg, 322.
Hadith No. 26
Recollecting the Bounties of God
God, the Mighty and the Glorious, revealed to Prophet Dawood (A.S.): Love Me and make Me beloved in the eyes of My creation!
He inquired: O' My Lord! I love you, but how do I make you beloved in the eyes of your creation?
God revealed: Inform them and get them to recollect My bounties that are with them, for if you do so, they would (begin to) love Me.
Qisas al-Anbiyaa, pg. 205; Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 14, pg. 37.
Hadith No. 27
No Fear in Tabligh
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said to his companions:
Do not allow the fear of people to prevent any of you from speaking out the truth when you witness it, for speaking out neither hastens death nor decreases the livelihood.
Kanz al-U'mmaal, vol. 3, pg.75, tr. 5567; Musnad Ibn Hanbal, vol. 4, pg. 102, tr. 11474.
Hadith No. 28
Let the Deeds Speak
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said:
Do not call people (towards guidance and goodness) by means of your tongues! (Rather), call them by means of your (good) deeds.
Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 5, pg. 198.
Hadith No. 29
Rein of Fire for Concealing Knowledge
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has said:
One who withholds and conceals beneficial knowledge, Allah, on the Day of Judgment, shall bridle him by means of a rein made of fire.
Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 2, pg. 78; Kanz al-U'mmaal, vol. 10, pg. 196, tr. 29031.
Hadith No. 30
A Listener and a Scholar
Imam Musa Al Kazim (A.S.) said to Hisham bin Al Hakam:
O Hisham! Life is worthless except for two (kinds of) people: A willing listener and a scholar who imparts (knowledge).
Tohaf al-Uqool pg. 397.
Hadith No. 31
Better than a Million Worshippers
Imam Musa Al-Kazim (A.S.) said:
A learned scholar who rescues one of our orphans - those who are deprived of us and of seeing us - by teaching him something useful is, to Iblis, graver than a thousand worshippers because a worshipper's concern is only his self whereas this (learned) person is concerned not only for himself, but also for others worshipping Allah - he wishes to save them from the clutches of Iblis and his soldiers. He is therefore better than a million male worshippers and a million female worshippers.
Bihaar al-Anwaar vol 3, pg 5 Hadith 10
Hadith No. 32
Accounting for Surplus Knowledge and Wealth
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: Allah will enquire about the surplus of a person's knowledge just as He will ask about his surplus wealth.
Kanzul Ummal vol 10, pg 188 Hadith 28983
Hadith No. 33
Covenant from the Learned
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
Allah took the covenant from people to learn only after He had taken the covenant from the learned to teach.
Alaam ud-Din, pg 80
Hadith No. 34
Ask Those who Know
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
Neither the learned should remain quiet with his knowledge nor the ignorant about his ignorance. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an:
"Ask those who know if you know not" (An-Nahl 43)
Kanzul Ummal vol 10, pg 238 Hadith 29264
Hadith No. 35
Teachers are the Best
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
Teachers are the best! Every time truth is forgotten, they are the ones who revive it. Give them (gifts) and do not hire them as it may embarrass them. A teacher who successfully teaches a child the words "Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim" gets salvation from the fire of Hell just as the child and his parents do.
Al Firdaws, vol 4, pg 193 Hadith 6597
Hadith No. 36
Save Yourselves from Fire
Abu Basir asked Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.) on the verse: "Save yourselves and your family from the fire, the fuel of which is human beings and stones".
Abu Basir said, "I can try and save myself, but my family as well?"
Imam (A.S.) replied: "Direct them to what Allah has directed and prohibit them from what Allah has prohibited. If they obey you, you have saved them and if they choose to ignore you, you have fulfilled your duty".
Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol 100, pg 74 Hadith 12
Hadith No. 37
Four Types of People
Some Masumin (A.S.) have said:
People are of four types:
1. One who is learned and knows that he is learned.
This type is the learned - follow them.
2. One who is learned but is unaware that he is learned.
This type is in a slumber. Wake him up.
3. One who does not know and is aware that he knows not . This type is an ignorant - teach him.
4. One who does not know and thinks he knows. This type is lost - guide him.
'Awali Al-Lu'ali, vol 4, pg 79 Hadith 74
Hadith No. 38
Spreading Knowledge
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
A man who acquires knowledge and then does not disclose for fear of people is not from me.
Kanzul Ummal, vol 10, pg 217 Hadith 29152
Hadith No. 39
Teach and Discipline Yourself First
Imam Ali (A.S.) has said:
One who proclaims himself to lead others should start by teaching himself before he teaches others. He should teach through his character before using his tongue to teach. One who is able to teach and discipline oneself is more worthy of esteem then one who teaches and disciplines others.
Nahjul Balaqhah: Sayinq 73
Hadith No. 40
Advice of Imam Sadiq (A.S.) for his Shias
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) told Mufazzal:
O Mufazzal, tell our Shias to call towards us by refraining from what God has prohibited and avoiding committing sins and pursuing what pleases God. If they were to be like that, people would rush towards us (and our message).
Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol 2, pg 309 Hadith 73
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