To know about whom the Quran says "he who is the best in knowledge and wisdom
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To know about whom the Quran says "he who is the best in knowledge and wisdom", the divinely guided guide, read the following verses:
These verses guide the seeker of truth to find out the essential qualities a religious leader or a spiritual guide must possess, and then to select his leader, without fear or favour, because,
"there is no compulsion in religion" (BAQARAH: 256).
Freedom of choice has been given to man as a test and a trial, after revealing the truth which teaches to distinguish between good and evil. The Quran does not mention names but only describes qualities in order to give the seeker of truth an open opportunity to exercise his freedom of choice.
He to whom wisdom is given, he truly has received abundant good. (BAQARAH: 269)
Besides, "I and Ali are of the 'one and the same' light", and "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate", there are several traditions (see "Essentials for the readers of the Holy Quran" from page 1 to 7) which clearly make known the unique position of Ali in Islam. Through these traditions Muhammad and Ali have been proved to be the same in physical and spiritual purity. The meaning of this verse, in the light of other verses, is that to be guided aright, one should, in the absence of the Holy Prophet, follow Ali, and the divinely chosen genuine guides among his progeny, because while departing from this world the Holy Prophet gave his last and final guidance to all his followers, for all times:
I will soon be called back, so I will have to go away from you, but I leave behind, among you, the thaqalayn (two weighty indispensable influential authorities), the book of Allah and my Ahl ul Bayt. Should you be attached to these two, never, never shall you go astray, after me, for verily these two will never be separated from each other; and, joined together, they shall meet me atkawthar.
The Holy Prophet and the Holy Imams are the models. Their personal purity, according to verse 33 of al Ahzab, from the moment of their arrival in this physical world to their departure, had been the unquestionable manifestation of the glory of the divine purity. Through verse 177 of al Baqarah, man is directed to follow the path of those whose piety has been described therein. They are the Ahl ul Bayt.
"My Ahl ul Bayt are like the ark of Nuh. Who so gets into it is saved; and who so stays away is drowned and lost," said the Holy Prophet.
The privilege of receiving direction by means of wahi, or revelation, a special medium of communicating the divine will, through the agency of an angel-messenger (Jibra-il) to the prophets and messengers of Allah, who had to convey the divine message in verbatim, was brought to an end after the Holy Prophet, the last of Allah's messengers. No angel did ever come to any one after the last prophet, Muhammad, with any message whatsoever from Allah.
Wahi, through the messenger-angel, had been sent only to a messenger of Allah, endowed with a thorough purity, which alone could sustain, carry and convey it. No human being, who does not possess the essential cleanliness, is in a condition to bear the divine revelation conveyed through angelic agency, unless Allah Himself purifies him with a thorough purification. Only that substance which is inherently pure in its innate genesis and particularly moulded, with a purpose in view, can hold up the energy and reproduce it in the same tone. All the prophets were the true messengers of Allah but each had a different receiving capacity, therefore, the Holy Prophet was not only the last of the prophets of Allah but also stood high and distinguished amongst the divinely chosen messengers, because in purity, strength and wisdom he was the ultimate model designed by Allah.
These messengers, We have exalted some of them above some others; of them are some unto whom Allah has spoken, and some He raised many degrees, (BAQARAH: 253)
Now, a new school of thought, in an attempt to make up an excuse for the continuation of prophethood, puts forward several untenable arguments based upon conjectures. It is said that the divine favours of guiding a human soul, through wahi, can be bestowed on any one upto the day of judgement. No one can deny that the divine guidance through revelation may continue as long as Allah wills. The word wahi literally means a mental awakening to an idea. Also any one may conceive any idea but this wahi cannot be said to have been revealed to him from Allah.
And verily satans do inspire (yuwhuna) their friends to dispute with you. (AN-AM: 122)
So Shaytan also, through his own methods, "inspires" his friends, but the confused simpletons are led to believe that the wahi is from Allah.
The wahi from Allah, known as ilham, through inspiration, guides those whom He chooses. The chosen being may be a man, or even a bee.
And your Lord inspired (awha) the bee: Choose habitations in the hills and in the trees and in that which they thatch; (NAHL: 69)
It cannot be a sensible argument to say that by receiving wahi from Allah, a bee becomes the messenger of Allah.
Only when a meaningful message is conveyed through the agency of the messenger-angel, Jibra-il, a person can claim to be the messenger of Allah. This method of divine communication had been terminated after the Holy Prophet, Muhammad, therefore, he is the last messenger of Allah.
This day I have perfected for you, your religion, and have completed My favour on you, and chosen for you Islam (to be) the religion; (MA-IDAH: 33)
When Allah, the Quran, as the source of the law and practice of the faith, the procedure of prayers, and the qiblah are the same, and Allah has perfected the religion, completed the favour and finally named the religion, why should any one feel the necessity of a new messenger, and for what purpose Allah would summon the messenger-angel to go to any person if there is no new message to be added to His already perfected, completed and final book? Although many impostors have come and gone with false claims to prophethood, but, in truth, as explained above, there is no necessity of a messenger after the Holy Prophet, Muhammad, nor any messenger will come, in future, till eternity
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