Monday, 11 March 2013

Various other Aa’mal for the benefit of the Spirit

Mar 8, '13 11:21 AM
for everyone

1. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (A.S.) says,  “Perform good deeds on behalf of the deceased, for Allah doubles the reward, and this proves useful for them.”

2. Imam Ja'far  as-Sadiq (A.S.) says, “Perform Prayers (Namaz/Salath), Fasting (Roza/Saum), Pilgrimage (Haj), give alms (Sadqa), and do other good deeds on behalf of the dead, for these enter the grave and are also written in their scroll of deeds (Naam-e-Aa‟mal).”

3. It is highly recommended to recite the following from the Holy Quran:
       1)  Surah al-Yaseen      2) Surah al-Mulk          3) Surah an-Nisa        4)   Surah az Zukhruf     
       5)  Surah Mohammed   6) Surah al-Qaariya      7) Ayaat al-Kursi 
       8)  In fact it is better to recite as much from the Holy Qur'an as possible. 

4. Fateha for the Spirit: As per several traditions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.), Imam Ali Ibn Abu Talib (A.S.) and the A‟imma-e-Thahereen,  it is highly recommended to visit the grave, place your right hand on the grave and recite Salawat (Durood) three times, Surah Al-Fateha once and Surah Al-Ikhlas three times; this provides the benefit of reciting the whole Holy Quran for the dead person. In addition, these can be recited anytime anywhere for the dead.

5.  Aa’mal to be Performed Especially by Children, Heirs and Relatives of the Dead:

i) Imam Ja'far-as-Sadiq (A.S.) used to recite two units (Rak'at) Namaz (Salath) during the night for his children and two units (Rak'at) Namaz (Salath) during the day for his parents. In the first Rak'at after 
Surah al-Hamd he recited once Surah al-Qadr, and in the second Rak'at after Surah al-Hamd he recited once Surah al-Kausar.
ii) Imam Mohammed Baqir (A.S.) has narrated that:  Children, especially the eldest son, should offer the following 2 rakats of Namaz (Salath) for their parents on Friday nights between Maghrib and Isha 
prayers as follows:

 In first rakath, after Surah Al Hamd, recite the following Ayath ten times:
َرَّبَنا ا ْغ ِف ِر ِل ًِ َول ِـ َىاِل َد َّي َوِل ْل ُم ِؤ ِمِنِي َن َي ِى َم َي ُق ِى ُم اْل ِح َسا ُب
O our Lord! grant me protection and my parents and the believers on the day when the 
reckoning shall come to pass!         The Holy Quran 14:41

 In second rakath, after Surah Al Hamd, recite the following Ayath ten times:
َّر ِّب ا ْغ ِف ِرِل ًِ َوِلـ َىاِل َد َّي َوِل َم ِن َد َخ َل َبِيِت ًَ ُم ِؤ ِمّنا َّوِل ْل ُم ِؤ ِمِنِي َن َواْل ُم ِؤ ِمٰنتِؕ       
       My Lord! forgive me and my parents and him who enters my house believing, and the believing  men and the believing women;        The Holy Quran 71:28

 Perform all other parts of the namaz (Salath) as usual and after finishing, recite the following 

Ayath ten times as a supplication:
َّر ِّب ا ِر َح ِم ُه َما َك َما َرَّبٰيِن ًِ َصِغِي ّراؕ Rev. 31 Mar 2010                                                                         

    O my Lord! have compassion on them (parents), as they brought me up (when I was) little
    The   Holy Quran 17:24
iii) Supplications from Sahifa e-Kamila by Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.): Read the Supplication (Dua) 
number 24 for the benefit of parents.
iv) Allamah Majlisi says, “Do not forget your dead, for they have no power to perform good deeds, and 
they totally rely on their children, brothers and relatives. They eagerly await favours such as:

a) Supplication (recitation of Duas) for them in the Midnight Prayers (Namaz-e-Shab), and after every Obligatory Prayer (Wajib Namaz). 

b) Praying for your parents more than anyone else whenever you visit the sacred places
(Makkah, Madina, Najaf, Karbala, tombs of the A‟imma-e-Thahereen, etc.)

c) Performing good deeds on their behalf.  Children who were disowned by their parents during their lifetime have later been forgiven because they performed good deeds on their behalf after their death. The best deeds to be performed on behalf of one's parents or relatives are:

 Huququn Naas:

to pay their debts, return usurped property/items (ghasb), return trusts (amanaths) of others, etc.

● Radde Mazalim: Atonement of rights (correcting and compensating for violation of other‟s rights).

● Huququllah:to perform acts of worship: Namaz (Salath), Roza (Saum), Quran 

Recitation, etc. on their behalf.  If the heirs are themselves unable to perform these, they should ascertain the payment amount for the performance of elapsed Namaz and Roza by a qualified Aalim and make the necessary arrangement through him to offer the elapsed Namaz (Salath) and Roza (Saum) on behalf of the deceased. Similar arrangements can be 
also be made for Quran recitation.

● One should also perform the Pilgrimage (Haj) for the dead which they could/did not perform in their lifetime. If the heirs are themselves unable to perform the Haj, they should appoint a deserving Momin to perform the Pilgrimage (Haj) on behalf of the deceased
● Payment of their due Zakath and Khums.”Rev. 31 Mar 2010                                                                        

v) The following  acts  are also highly recommended on behalf of the dead parents and relatives (financial situation permitting) :

 Conducting Majalis-e-Aza for the sawab (benefit) of the dead.
 Donations to Momin orphans, widows, poor and genuine charities
 Feeding the orphans, widows, deserving Momins
 Distribution of copies of the Holy Quran, religious books and literature
 Construction of Shiah Masajid & Hussainiyas (and giving donations)


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