Sunday, 17 March 2013

"Their evil deeds will become apparent before them, and that which they mocked will befall them" (45:33).

Mar 17, '13 10:41 AM
for everyone

The pain and torment that the sinner suffers after resurrection are themselves properties of the deed, properties which have a natural continuation and therefore pursue the sinner in the hereafter. The Qur'an indicates this in the following verses:

"Their evil deeds will become apparent before them, and that which they mocked will befall them" (45:33).

"They will find that which they did present before them, and God shall not wrong anyone" (18:49).

"On the day of resurrection, men shall come forth separately from their graves to confront their deeds; all who have done an atom's weight of good shall see it, and all who have done an atom's weight of evil shall see it" (99:6-8).

"Whoever has done a good deed will find it before him on the day of resurrection, and likewise whatever ugly and sinful act he may have committed" (3:30).

Imam al-Sadiq, upon whom be peace, said:

"Gabriel came to meet the Most Noble Messenger and said to him, `O Muhammad, lead your life as you wish but ultimately you will be brought face to face with death. Love whomever you wish, but ultimately the day will come when you must bid him farewell and be parted from him. Do whatever you wish while in this world, but on the day of resurrection you shall find your deeds before you again." (al-Kafi, Vol. III, p. 255)


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