Saturday 16 March 2013

There are seventeen things which lead to wealth or make one well-off:

Mar 16, '13 12:08 PM
for everyone

a)      Offering Asr prayers immediately after Zohr prayers
b)      Offering Maghrib and Isha prayers together
c)      Reciting further prayers and Doas after the Morning and Asr prayers
d)      Being kind and generous to one's relatives
e)      Going early in the morning to earn one's living
f)       Sweeping the house
g)      Reciting Istighfar (i.e. ‘Astaghfirullah-a-Waatubo Ilaihe’) often
h)      Refraining from misappropriation of other's property
i)        Speaking correctly
j)        Reciting the words of the muezzin proclaiming the Azaan
k)      Keeping silent in the toilet
l)        Not being greedy for the material things
m)     Thanking for the blessings being received
n)      Washing the hands before taking food
o)      Eating the remnants of a meal left on the table-cloth
p)      Saying ‘Subhan Allah’ thirty times every day
q)      A person who will repeatedly say ‘Subhan Allah’ will be kept safe from 70 types of curses by God; one of which is poverty


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